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A. Indikator Pembelajaran
 Menangkap makna secara konstektual terkait fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahsaan teks
pembahasan ilmiah (discussion) lisan dan tulis,
 Menyusun pembahsan ilmiah (discussion) lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi social.
Struktur teks dan unsur kebahsaan serta
 Membedakan fungsi social,struktur teks dan unsur kebahsaan beberapa teks pembahasan ilmiah
(discussion) lisan dan tulis terkait pembahsan isu kontroversial dan actual dari beberapa (minimal
dua) sudut pandang sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik dengan
model Project Based Learning dengan bantuan media lembar materi dan HVS peserta
didik dapat:
 Memahami text discussion dengan benar,
 Menjelaskan text discussion dengan tepat, dan
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C. Instruksi
Perhatikan contoh text discussion dengan seksama, kemudian jawablah pertanyaan yang
telah disediakan dengan singkat dan jelas!

The Pros and Cons of Offline School in the Midst of a Pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic
affects many aspects of our lives, including school. Schools are held online at students’
respective home. However, there is a discourse that schools will be reopened in July 2020
or January 2021. Many parents are worried their children will have to return to school in
the near future. It is because some local governments have included plans for reopening
schools in the new normal policy. For example, Central Java Education and Culture Office
will enforce the implementation of the new normal in its region starting July 2020. Some
options emerges such as imposing a shifting system, limiting the number of students, and
implementing existing health protocols. On the other hand, epidemiologist dr. Dicky
Budiman advises not to open the school until the situation gets better. He says that schools
reopening is risky, and it probably rises to the second wave of the coronavirus. The
students can go back to schools only if the preparation is done and screening process is
fulfilled. Furthermore, if the screening process is not fulfilled, schools reopening is not
recommended for it is dangerous. In the end, Offline School can only be done if the
situation in our country gets better, or zero case. Since the case is still rising these days,
online school is the best option to avoid the new cluster.
1. What the Pros of offline school in the midst of a Pandemic The Covid 19?

2. What the cons of offline school in the midst of a Pandemic The Covid 19?

3. Mention Statement of issue about PandemicThe Covid 19!

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