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FAISAL ADI PUTRA : 18.40601.008
JEPRI ANTONI : 18.40601.009


Table of Content
Cover .............................................................................................................. ii
Table of Content............................................................................................... viii
Preface.............................................................................................................. v
BAB I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of Study............................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Question ................................................................................. 2
1.3 Tujuan...................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 The Objectif of study .............................................................. 2
1.3.2 Research’s benefit................................................................... 3
BAB II Discussion…................................................................................. 4
2.1 Tinjauan Pustaka .................................................................... 4
2.2 Landasan Teori.......................................................................... 5
BAB III Conclusion…................................................................................. 8
3.1 Research Design........................................................................ 8
3.2 Research setting and Object..................................................... 8
DAFTAR PUSTAKA………………… .................................................................... 18

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT, because of the help of Allah, the writer finished
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL” right in the calculated time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Mrs. Romlah
Ulfaika as a lecturer in English For Young Learner Courses.

In arranging this paper, the writer truly gets lots of challenges and obstructions, but
those obstructions could be passed with the help of many individuals. The writer also realized
there are still many mistakes in the process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. Hopefully, Allah replies with all help and bless you all. The writer
realized that this paper is still imperfect in arrangement and content. Then the writer hopes
the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not
least, Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about English For
Young Learner Courses. 

Tarakan, November 27th, 2021


A.      Background
All countries in the world face the Covid-19 pandemic, except Indonesia (Nur Atiqoh
Bela Dina, 2020). In Indonesia, all activities were stopped, and the government urged people
to stay in their homes, including activities in the field of education (Fahrina et al., 2020). The
policy to dissolve all educational institutions is issued by the central government and the
government in the region (Sari et al., 2020). The policy is carried out to reduce the spread of
the covid-19 virus (Rahman & Lalu, 2020). On March 9, 2020, the Indonesian government,
through the Minister of Education and Culture, issued circulars No. 2 of 2020 and Number 3
of 2020 on online learning to break the coronavirus disease chain 19 (Suyono, 2020).
Online learning is an alternative to distance learning that can disrupt conventional
learning processes during pandemic covid-19 (Rahma & Safarati, 2021). Although schools
have not thoroughly tiered online learning, almost all of Indonesia's online-based learning is
applied because online learning has a requirement that must be met, namely access to
technology. Not all students have the same access (Atsani, 2020).
With the increasing spread of COVID-19, the government took the policy to close
schools and implement online-based distance learning, implementing Learning From Home
(BDR). Various efforts are made to ensure learning activities continue despite the absence of
face-to-face meetings. To be carried out properly, students are given learning tasks to remain
in the learning literature. Therefore, teachers must design learning and tasks for students
while at home.
Communication between teachers and parents/guardians of students must be built so
that online learning is carried out effectively with results that are not much different from
face-to-face learning. Teachers must design learning so that the culture of learning in school
can be carried out at home. With that prepared learning strategy, teachers must be able to
condition students as they learn in school. If online learning is well designed, students who
learn from home are like when they studied in school. It needs communication with the
parents of the students.
Well-conditioned so that the child remains focused on the learning process. Online
learning carried out during the covid-19 pandemic caused comments and responses from
parents of students that can be seen on social media ranging from complaints, frustration to
teachers, even violent protests because they feel the tasks given by teachers online are too
heavy. Not a few parents who protest even ask for the task to be reduced and face-to-face
learning be carried out. Of course, all parties must understand that this condition was forced
to do because of an emergency to prevent a greater danger from the spread of COVID-19
today. However, according to government regulations, students still learn from home with
online learning.
(Thamrin, 2020) revealed that the distance learning system (PJJ) is the best solution
for the world of education in Indonesia when the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening. The
implementation of distance learning is the right policy to break the chain of the spread of
COVID-19. However, due to various limitations and obstacles, online-based distance
learning patterns are generally not considered fun by students or students, teachers, and
This research aims to reveal parents' perception of the implementation of online
learning during the covid-19 pandemic to contribute to the improvement and refinement of
online learning implemented by all schools in Indonesia.
Online learning carried out during the covid-19 pandemic caused comments and
responses from parents of students that can be seen on social media ranging from complaints,
frustration to teachers, even violent protests because they feel the tasks given by teachers
online are too heavy. Not a few parents who protest even ask for the task to be reduced and
face-to-face learning be carried out. Of course, all parties must understand that this condition
was forced to do because of an emergency to prevent a greater danger from the spread of
COVID-19 today. However, according to government regulations, students still learn from
home with online learning.
(Thamrin, 2020) revealed that the distance learning system (PJJ) is the best solution
for the world of education in Indonesia when the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening. The
implementation of distance learning is the right policy to break the chain of the spread of
COVID-19. However, due to various limitations and obstacles, online-based distance
learning patterns are generally not considered fun by students or students, teachers, and
Learning loss refers to a condition of loss of a small or most of the knowledge and
skills in academic development that usually results from the cessation of the learning process
in the world of education—learning loss, according to The Glossary of Education Reform
( is defined as the loss or limitation of knowledge and abilities that
refer to academic progress, generally occurring due to prolonged gaps or discontinuities in
education. The Secretary-General of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers Union (FSGI)
stated that Heru Purnomo worried about learning loss problems. If the curriculum currently
targets 12 chapters for one subject, then in the pandemic, schools can only pursue five
chapters even if the material is understood correctly by students. As a result of catching up, it
is no wonder that some teachers send a lot of online assignments as a provision of
The impact of Learning Loss (Learning Loss) this condition continues, so it is feared
that many students whose knowledge and skills are not as good as before the pandemic
occurred. As an illustration, if the 2nd grader of elementary school who should have been
fluent in reading short texts then becomes less fluent in reading, he sits in the 3rd grade will
have difficulty understanding reading in the next school year. This will make it difficult for
students in the upper classes (Grades 4, 5, and 6) later because other subjects (such as IPA
Science, IPS, PKn, etc.) already require them to understand the readings related to those
subjects. This will certainly affect when students sit in the First Advanced School (Junior
High) and so on to High School, what teachers should do as one of the important actors in
reducing the risk of learning loss.
This research aims to reveal parents' perception of the implementation of online
learning during the covid-19 pandemic to contribute to the improvement and refinement of
online learning implemented by all schools in Indonesia.
B.       Problem Formulation
1. What is learning loss and its causation ?
2. How is the parent’s perception about learning loss to their children?

C.      Purpose
1. Explaining parents' responses to learning loss that occurs to their child
2. Providing knowledge about learning loss to readers

A.      Learning Loss

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced 1.7 billion students into distance learning (PJJ) as
schools are closed. This makes various levels of education try to find the right learning
methods, although until now, PJJ has resulted in a big loss in learning (Donnelly & Patrinos,
2021; Engzell et al., 2021). With the holding of online learning in universities, there is
learning loss in these activities.
Learning loss factors are in below :
There is no interaction between the student and the student, There is no interaction between
students and students,Limited student study time,Students cannot concentrate,Explanations
from lecturers are limited by the duration of time,Lecturers are unable to explain the lecture
material taught fully,The absorption of lecture material is low,Students have difficulty
conducting discussions if there are group tasks from lecturers that must be done in groups,It
decreased student learning motivation, Assessment of student learning outcomes is not
For students, the first difficulty is the change in the learning climate that is usually
carried out directly and communally into learning that is done individually. No social
interaction occurs during the learning process for students who usually interact directly with
teachers and other students. According to research (Puspitorini, 2020), there are many
learning difficulties experienced by students and teachers during the pandemic. For teachers
themselves, the difficulty in carrying out the learning process is in educational facilities. The
internet network is one of the learning facilities that teachers must own during distance
learning (PJJ).
The existence of difficulties in this learning process will result in the emergence of
Learning loss (Donnelly & Patrinos, 2021; Engzell et al., 2021; Kashyap et al., 2021; Li et
al., 2020; Yadav, 2021; Zakharova et al., 2021). Learning loss is one of the concepts defined
as the inaccuracy of the learning process carried out in schools (Kashyap et al., 2021; Li et
al., 2020). Not the full learning process will result in the results of information obtained by
students and student learning outcomes that are also not maximal. Thus, learning loss will
have an impact on the quality of human resources that will be born in the years during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
The Education and Development Forum (2020) means that learning loss is when
learners lose knowledge and skills, either general or specialized, or regress academically,
which occurs due to prolonged gaps or the continuity of the educational process. This is
largely due to the disruption of the formal education process. In this year, 75% of schools
around the world have not even reopened face-to-face learning. Data from various studies,
three main problems are resulting from schools not doing face-to-face: (1) a decrease in the
level of learning desire, (2) increasing inequality, and (3) the possibility of dropping out
(Donnelly & Patrinos, 2021; Engzell et al., 2021).
B.       Parent’s perception about learning loss to their children
Perception is a person's view, response or understanding of a thing. In other cases, the
perception of parents can be interpreted as the views, responses or understanding of parents
towards the world of education. there are several explanations about perception
parents according to some experts, including:
Suwarno, perception is a process of instructions, sensory and relevant past
experiences organized to give us a better picture structured and meaningful in a given
Navis, explained that perception is a process of giving meaning the environment by an
individual. perception is a the process of observing someone who comes from a cognition
continuously and is influenced by new information from environment.
According to Akhadiah, because perception is related to the way Gain special
knowledge about events at a certain time, then perception occurs whenever the stimulus
moves the senses. In this case perception is defined as the process of knowing or recognizing
objective objects and events with the help of the senses.
Walgito, stated that there are two factors that influence the occurrence perception,
namely: the state of the individual as a perceiver, which is a factors from within the
individual itself such as thoughts, feelings, angles perspective, past experience, grasping
power, level of intelligence as well as the expectations and assumptions of the perceiver and
the perceived state of the object, namely the characteristics displayed by the object, whether
psychological, physical or atmosphere.
There are some parent’s perceptions about learning loss to their children :
a. In accompanying their children, parents give what they can help deliver material to
children, parents also take time when children have to study online, because children
cannot be left to study without accompaniment.
b. In online learning, of course, there are many obstacles that felt by parents, then
parents also want face-to-face so that children can understand the material clearly
straight from the teacher.
c. The continuous online learning process will make parents start to worry about their
children, because if it is done online learning it will be less maximize their children's
d. Parents also mean that online learning is learning that is done online through various
media and done at home. By accompanying their children when learning online,
parents begin to understand how and the methods used when their children learn.


A. Conclusion
Based on the results above, it can be concluded that: online learning during the corona
pandemic period is online learning in addition to providing positive benefits for students,
namely learning independence and flexibility in learning also has negative impacts,
including: low interaction between teachers and students, in learning, internet network access
which often become obstacles and decrease concentration in learning, Learning loss in online
learning include: teacher-student interaction, student learning time, and concentration, limited
time duration, unable to fully explain the subject matter being taught, and students' absorption
of the material. low education. Based on these conclusions, the following suggestions can be
put forward: subject teachers must be consistent in determining online school time, there is a
need for assistance to ease the burden on students in purchasing internet quotas, it is
necessary to strengthen the network in schools so that the implementation of online learning
can be done by minimizing interference caused by internet/network access.
Parents' perceptions of online learning have various kinds of advantages and
disadvantages, this is because parents feel that it is still difficult for children to achieve
learning goals and still not maximally learning done online. To be a benchmark in children's
abilities when learning with online learning, according to parents, it is not optimal, because
children cannot understand the material optimally, then when children do assignments and
don't know, parents will help do them. Advantages and disadvantages of online learning As
for the advantages of online learning, children are required to be independent when studying,
time with family become more, parents can supervise all activities carried out by their
children. And a while the lack of online learning according to parents, namely in terms of the
material presented is still unclear and children are difficult to understand, then less effective
learning time when learning online, children will quickly feel bored when only studying
alone with their parents, lack of socialization with friends peers, excessive use of cellphones,
data quotas run out quickly, children's abilities are not maximized when learning online.

B. Suggestion
For parents and guardians of students to be able to guide their children well and always be
ready in any condition to help children in learning and always add insight to current
technological advances and it is necessary to provide debriefing or training to the teachers in
this online learning, so it can be better for in the future.

REFERENCE, diakses tanggal 29
Februari 2016
Shene. H.G-1984. Arti Pendidikan Bagi Masa Depan. Jakarta : Pustekum,   Dikbud :  CV
Purwanto Ngalim, Drs.MP. Ilmu Pendidikan Toerirtis dan Praktis. PT Remaja Rosdakarya
Tirta Rehardja Umar, Lasulo, SL Drs. Pengantar Pendidikan Rineka Cipta Jakarta

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