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ओम श्री महा गणाधधऩतये नम् శ్రీ మహ గణాధవపతయే నమః

ओम श्री गुरुभ्यो नम् శ్రీ గురయభ్యయ నమః

ओम ् सहनाववतु, सहनौ भुनक्तु, सह वीयं करवावहै

तेजस्ववनावधीत मवतु, मा ववद्ववषावहै ओम शास््त् शास््त् शास््त्

|| తస్్ైమ శ్రీగురవే నమః || हम दोनो शशष्याचायो को ऩरब्रह्म ववद्या रऺा करना चाहहये. ऩरब्रह्म ववद्या ननशमत्त
तस्मैश्रीगरु वे नमः (सीक्ने का) सामर्धयय हमे दोनो शमऱना चाहहये. हम दोनो को इस ववद्या ‘अधय ऻान योग्य’
होकर हमे तेजोव्त करना चाहहये, हम दोनो बीच ववरोध भाव नाही रहने का स्वथनत
चाहहये. कोयी अऩघात से हम दोनो बीच द्वेष आने की सम्भावना ही नही रहना चाहहये.
इस ववश्व मे सभी शा्त रहना चाहहये

ఓం సహనావవతు, సహనౌ భునక్తు, సహవీరయం క్రవ఺వహై

తేజస్఻ినావధీతమసతు మావిద్విష఺వహై ఓం శ఺ంతి శ఺శంతి శ఺శంతి:
శిష఺యచారయయలమగు మా ఆద్ద రిని క్ూడా పరబ్రహమ విద్య రక్షంచతనత గ఺క్ ! మా ఆద్ద రికిని పరబ్రహమ విద్ాయ నిమితు మైన స఺మర్ యము
క్లతగునత గ఺క్! మాచే ఄధ్యయనము చేయబ్డషనద్వ మా ఆద్ద రికిని తేజోవంతమగునత గ఺క్ (ఄర్జా ఞన యోగయమగుగ఺క్) !
శిష఺యచారయయలమన ై మేమిద్ద రమునత విరోధ్ము ప ంద్క్తంద్తము గ఺క్.! మా ఆద్ద రికిని ఏద్ైనా పరమాద్మువలన ద్ేిషము క్లిగెనేని ఄద్వ
లేక్తండ పో వుగ఺క్ !
Knowledge Evolution – Vedic Sciences – Daily life
This presentation is a humble attempt to give an overview of Knowledge
evolution, Vedic Sciences and their inseparable relevance and usefulness to
the daily human life (whether it is in ancient age or modern age).

The efforts made by Rishis (ancient scientists), with their continuous

research to understand the Nature, Earth, Universe etc. and find out
solutions to ensure a comfortable and secured living to all human beings on
Earth should certainly be accepted and acknowledged with utmost

The knowledge gifted by Rishis (without any patent rights) is required to be

preserved and passed on to next generation.

Every teaching of Rishis was, only after thorough research and only for the
use of mankind to make life on Earth “fulfilled” or “accomplished” at all
times. The knowledge in Vedic Sciences is for all human beings living on
Earth of all ages across all the regions/ nations.
J.Somanath Sastry
Hyderabad 23/04/2022
„Science‟ - Meaning
The term science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”.

Definition of Science:
the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical
universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the
formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms.
(note this definition includes only study of material and physical universe)

There are other ways to define science, but all definitions refer in one way or
another to this attempt to discover specific facts and the ability to figure out
patterns in which these facts are connected.

After a period of observation and careful recordkeeping, even some of the events
perceived as random and unpredictable might begin to display a regular pattern
which initially was not immediately obvious. Eclipses are a good example.


The base for any Science is Knowledge and the same comes through
evolution only.
Knowledge Evolution – Living beings
Human beings are one among many „living beings‟ (jeeva rasi) on Earth.
Every living being always “longs” for „security‟ and „comfort‟ from its
surroundings as a natural instinct.
Another natural instinct is “observation” of surroundings. It helps to collect
the “information” about the surroundings (nature) to make out own logic by
the living being (observer). Information and Logic results in to KNOWLEDGE.

Observation – a natural instinct

Hence the Knowledge formula is:
Information + Logic = Knowledge
Thus, the “knowledge” is also “evolved” among all living beings over a period of time which is
„used’ to ensure „living‟ with comfort and security.
In the very beginning, humans were also living individually in isolation and experiencing the
“life” like any other animals.
The concepts of family, relatives, society, country etc have entered the human life during the
evolution only. It is interesting to recall that the concept of family is changing in our life time
Knowledge Evolution: Human beings
Since the „very beginning phase‟ of human evolution, a few „pioneering
humans‟ , whom we can call the ancient scientists (i.e. Rishis), have made
very long, continuous and indepth research on the Nature to ensure security
and comfort from the Nature in their living, and realized the following:
 What we „see‟, „feel‟ or „experience‟ is NATURE around us.
Life on earth is EVOLVED in the NATURE over a period of TIME.
 There are umpteen species of life on earth, in which human beings is just
one among them.
 When one looks back, human beings are found to be the most recently
evolved „living beings‟ on Earth.
The „evolution‟ started when „Creation‟ started.
Rishis, in the process of their research, gathered the knowledge on the NATURE
and reached pinnacle of it. They built up a vast KNOWLEDGE STORE for posterity
which is generally referred as Vedic Sciences.

The core and ultimate knowledge is codified in 4 Vedas.

Vedic Sciences
The word „Vedic‟ implies that which is
contained in or derived from the massive
body of data compiled within the four
Vedas, viz.
Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and
which alongside the Upanishads,
Aranyakas and Brahmanas
form the category of texts called Srutis and
form the
nucleus of all knowledge.

Veda itself springs from the Samskrit word

“Vid”, which means “to know.”
Vedic Sciences are outcome of Knowledge
evolution and continue to be relevant to modern
times because their reference is to human living in
the Nature and not Nature alone.

Vedic sciences explain everything that can be

comprehended in this universe by human mind
and theorised the ways to ensure comfortable
human life synchronising it with what is there in
the Nature/Universe.
The Knowledge „Store‟ – Summary
( i ) Srutis – 4 Vedas:
The Vedas are the oldest stores of knowledge of humans. The truths contained in all
religions are derived from the Vedas and are ultimately traceable to the Vedas.
Six Vedangas:
Siksha is a knowledge of phonetics. Siksha deals with pronunciation and accent. The text
of the Vedas is arranged in various forms or Paathas. The Pada-patha gives each word its
separate form. The Krama-patha connects the word in pairs.
Vyakarana is Sanskrit grammar. Panini's books are most famous. Without knowledge of
Vyakarana, one cannot understand the mantras in Vedas.
Chhandas is metre dealing with prosody. Required to understand the veda mantras.
Nirukta is philology or etymology. (of letters and words used in Vedas)
Jyotisha is astronomy and astrology. It deals with the movements of the heavenly bodies,
planets, etc, and their influence in human affairs which are dealt in Vedas.
Kalpa is the method of ritual. The Srauta Sutras which explain the ritual of sacrifices
belong to Kalpa. Required to apply/use the knowledge of Vedas for comforts in life/living.
Upanishads & Upa Vedas: There are four Upa-Vedas or subsidiary Vedas, viz, the
Ayurveda, the Dhanurveda, the Gandharva Veda and the Arthasastra, forming auxiliaries
to the four Vedas, which mean, respectively, the science of health, the science of war, the
science of music and the science of polity.
( ii ) Smritis ( iii ) 18 Puranas ( iv ) 6 Darsanas ( v ) Agamas ( vi ) Itihasas
The Knowledge source flow chart
Why Vedas are 4 ?!
Sage Vedavyasa, with the support of all the ancient scientists of his time,
seggregated the knowledge acquired by the mankind till that time in to 4
Vedas, 6 Vedangas and 18 Mahapuranas.

He used to conduct international conferences on knowldege assimilation

in Naimisharanya. The coordinators of such conferences were Shounaka,
Soota etc maha munis.

The division of ultimate core knowledge (Vedas) was with a most scientific
approach and with perfect understanding of human living styles and
Nature on Earth. This helped to develop further vedic sciences in an
orderly manner.

Rugveda: Knowledge about Nature (Gyan)

Yajurveda: Activities of Human beings in the Nature (Karma)
Saamaveda: Upasana of Nature
Atharvanaveda: Methods, Procedures for actions (Tantra, Upachara)
„Vedangas‟ are „keys‟ to unlock „Vedas‟
Vedic Sciences – organised Knowledge
Knowledge in daily human life has two domains. One is Intellectual (Aparaa
vidya) and the other is Intuitive (Paraa vidya).
All the Vedic Sciences are part of Aparaa (intellectual) vidya domain.
Modern Sciences are inherent in Vedic Sciences.
Aparaa Vidya is in two divisions – Srutis and Smritis.
Srutis are 4 Vedas (through Brahmanas, Samhithas, Aaranyakas and Uapanishads)
Smritis – are 1) to understand Srutis – through 6 Vedangas and
2) to ensure comfortable daily life, through the following:
i) Upa Vedas (4) –
आयवु ेदो धनवु ेदो गान्धववश्चैव ते त्रयः ।
अथवशास्त्र चतथु न्
व तु ववद्या ह्मष्टादशैव ताः ।। २९ ।। (Vish. Pura. 3.6.29)

1. Ayurveda (Science of Health and Life), associated with the Ṛgveda

2. Dhanurveda (Science of Warfare/ Martial Arts), associated with the Yajurveda
3. Gāndharvaveda (Music, poetry and dance),associated with the Samaveda,
4. Artha veda (Public administration, governance, economy and polity),
associated with the Atharvaveda (
Vedic Sciences – Organised Knowledge
Darshanas and Dharma Shastras
ii) Darshanas (6)
1) Nyaaya : Deals with means of valid knowledge.
2) Vaisheshika: This is also called Padartha Shastra as it deals with
material entities. This is earliest form of modern Physics not well known
to modern scientists.
3) Sankhya: Synthesis of Creation at the physical level
4) Yoga: Synthesis of Creation at the psychological level
5) Meemamsa (Poorva Meemamsa): Analysis of lived life and
6) Vedanta (Uttara Meemamsa): Analysis of Cosmos
iii) Dharma Shastras –for orderly individual and social living. These can be
considered as Civic Sciences of today. (Apastambha Sutra, Gautama
Sutra, Boudharayana Sutra, Vasishtha Sutra, Manu Smriti,
Yagnavalkya Smriti, Narada Smriti, Vishnu Smriti etc) Modern laws
relating to Hindus in India are taken from these Shastras only.
Not very long ago, learning of these śāstras used to be treated as post
graduate level of learning in India.
Reference to Dharma Shastras is made generally even today and their
essence is available for ready reference in compiled books like Dharma
Sindhu, Nirnaya Sindhu, Kaalamrutham etc. also.
Vedic Sciences –
A Record on Universe and human Life on Earth
The ancient scientists‟ quest for knowledge made them to go deep in to and find
out what is apparently seen around them, which must be reason to have
comfortable and secured living in the Nature on Earth.

Their study gave clarity on what is around in the Nature on Earth.

They could also conclude with a logic and reason on all that started from starting,
and called it beginning of the Srushti (Creation).

They revealed the knowledge about Universe, five elements of Energy, their
relevance at any time for human living (in modern age too), the concept of TIME,
the human evolution, the forms of various living beings on Earth etc.

All the above are part of essential knowledge to ensure comfortable living in
Modern Age too.
The universe consists only Energy and what
all we see are different units of energy only


All livings beings, including humans on Earth are also units of energy only
According to Vedic or any other sciences –
„Energy‟ is in 5 forms (elements) and Universe is made of it

Before the Creation After the Creation

UNIVERSE visible
energy and
in pure form Consciousness (Aatma) invisible

Consciousness (Aatma) + Energy (Panchabhoota) =

„Living being‟ on Earth
THE CREATION – srushti, the beginning
ब्रह्माश्रया सत्व रजस ् तमो गण ु ात्त्मका माया अत्स्त
तत: आकाश: संभत ू : | आकाशात ् वाय:ु | वायो: अत्नन: | अनने: आऩ: |
अद््य: ऩथृ थवी | ऩथृ थवयाः ओषधयः |ओषधयो अन्नम ्| अन्नात ऩुरुषः
Akashat Vayuhu, Vayor Agnihi, AgnerApaha, Adbhyah Pruthivi,
Pruthivya Oshadhayaha, Oshadhayo Annam, Annaath Purushaha.
– (Taittriya Upanishad)

•Brahmam (The Paramathma) has determined that he would create the

Universe from himself and then created Space (Akasha).
•From Space(Akasha) came Air.
•From Air (Wind) came the Fire.
•Water (Liquid) came from Fire and
•the Earth (Solid) was created from Water.
•Organisms came from Earth and from Organisms came Living beings
including Human beings.
The five elements in human body are classified as follows:
1. Entire physic emotions in us which are likes, dislikes, modesty,
fear, ignorance are qualities of Akasha Bhuta, the Space element in
the body. (అక఺శ తతిము)
2. Inhaling, exhaling, running, walking, contraction, expansion are
qualities of Vayu Bhuta, the Air Element in the body. (వ఺యు తతిము)
3. Body Heat, hunger, thirst are qualities of Agni Bhuta, the Fire
element in the body. (ఄగిితతిము)
4. Blood, semen, bone-marrow, urine, and saliva are qualities of Aapa
Bhuta, the Water Element in the body. (జల తతిము)
5. Bones, flesh, veins, and arteries are qualities of Prithivi Bhuta, the
Earth Element in the body. (పృధీి తతిము)

These Pancha Maha Bhutas are omnipresent, omnipotent, and

omniscient just like “Absolute” (Consciousness)
All these exceptional characteristics of the Pancha Maha Bhutas are attributed to
Absolute by our ancient seers. The only difference between the Absolute and
Pancha Maha Bhutas is that, one can see, touch or feel the presence of these
Pancha Maha Bhutas but it is near impossible to have the glimpse of the
The panchabhoota and the senses in living beings
The pancha bhoota are associated with a sense which is perceived by
„sense organ‟ in a living being. Below table gives details of associated
sense, sense organ, and other attributes of elements.
Associated Associated
Bhoota Associated Perception Associated
Sense Finger in
(Element) Sense mode consort
Organ humans
Middle Bhumi/
Dyaus Sound Ear Heard
Finger Prithvi
Vayu (Air) Touch Skin Heard, Felt Index Finger Lehari
Sight/ Heard, Felt,
Agni (Fire) Eye Seen
Thumb Swaha
Jal/Varuna Heard, Felt,
Taste Tongue Seen, Tasted
Little Finger Varuni
Heard, Felt, Dyaus/
Smell Nose seen, Tasted, Ring Finger Akasha
mi (Earth) Smelled and Vishnu

Sabda (Sound), Sparsha (Touch), Roopa (sight/color), Rasa (Taste) and

Gandha (Smell) are called pancha tanmatras in Vedic Sciences which are
perceived/experienced through panch karmendriyas by human beings
Concept of „Time‟ and its measurement
We understand everything in our life only through the concept of TIME.

If the TIME was not defined and quantified, nothing could have been
understood or orderly done by human beings on Earth.

The questions on the evolving of concept of “Time”, how and who started to
measure it.... are answered in Vedic Sciences only.

We, in modern age also use the sameTIME concept learned from Vedic
Sciences only.

A topic called „Triprashnadhikara‟ (Dik-Desha-Kaala) is dealt in detail in

Vedic sciences which throws light on genesis of „time‟ concept.

Surya Siddhanta, accepted to be the oldest knowledge source on measuring

the „Time‟, is the base even today to understand and measure the TIME.
„Time‟ and „Time Sense‟
TIME is „felt‟ or „experienced‟ by all living beings on
Earth in the form of – „Sun shining‟ and
„Sun not shining‟, that is: a „DAY‟.
This alone does not mean „time sense‟

Human brain is unique because, only, this CAN

distinguish a „DAY‟ as – yesterday, today and
tomorrow (bhoot, vartaman, bhavishya).
This is Time Sense, which is there only to human beings.
Theory of Evolution – Vedic Sciences
Theory of Evolution is considered to be that of Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
who lived less than 250 years ago, when we talk about „human evolution‟.

Does it mean that human beings were not aware of it before the birth of
Darwin? It can not be so.

Every Purana of the 18 mahapuranas, said to have been written by Sage

Vyasa more than at least 5000 years ago, explains the sequence of Creation,
theory of evolution etc in the form of stories of Dasavataras of Lord Vishnu.

These avataras are of Lord Vishnu only because, according to Vedic

Sciences, the power or energy that causes maintenance of all the energy in
the Universe, is symbolically attributed to Lord Vishnu as STHITI KAARAKA
(while Srushti karaka is Lord Brahma and Laya karaka is Lord Shiva)
Universe Evolution Phase –
Kruta Yuga, longest – 17.28 lakh human years

Matsyavatara -
revealed. It‟s
theme is -
Vedas are

Koormavatara –
Serpant > Elecro magnetic energy, Suras –
Positive Energy, Asuras – Negative Energy;
Birth of Galaxies, Nakshatras Grahas etc
Varahavatara –
Stabilisation of Solar System and Earth
Orbit – Overcoming the powerful negative
energy (Hiranyaksha)
Evolution of life on Earth – Kruta Yuga (continued)

Narasimha avatara – Vamanaavatara –

Evolution of human beings started Human evolution completed, started
facing the negative energies acquring the land on Earth for self
(Hiranyakashyapa) and positive use (cultivation) – balancing
energies (Prahlada) negative energy (Bali, asura)
Human life on Earth –
Treta Yuga (12.96 lakh years, less longer than Kruta Yuga)

Sri Rama avatara – (Purushottama)

Parashurama avatara – The focus is on evolving more organised
The focus is on cutting forests human life style (perfect family/social
for more and more cultivation system – Rama Rajya, respecting father
and systematic living. and his words, love brothers, respect
Mother is given high importance, friends, protect wife from negative
indicating early days of family energies –Asuras, take the help of other
system. powerful non-human living beings).
Human life on Earth – Pinnacle of Knowledge
Dwapara Yuga (8.64 lakh years, less longer than Treta Yuga)

Sri Krishna avatara – (Leelamanusha)

Human beings evolved fully (poornavatara) and attained pinnacle of knowledge.
The agriculture is fully developed and useful domestic animals are recognised.
Loving the nature, all fellow living beings and enjoy the music etc have been
understood and practised. Killing of Asuras was only in childhood part of
Krishna‟s life. His only killing after childhood time was that of Shishupala.
The entire knowledge acquired till that time is seggregated into various
disciplines for use of mankind. The fact and purpose of human life vis-a-vis
nature is understood (Bhagavat Geeta).
This is the only period in which WAR among human beings started.
Human life on Earth – Utilisation of Knowledge
Kali Yuga (4.32 lakh years, half of Dwapara Yuga)
Buddha avatara –
(Enlightenment on purpose
of human life)
The latest on which we have
information on its period. The
great war at the end of Dwapara
caused humans to think about
survival and need of peace.
Due to the aftermath of war, there
was no continuity of using the
knowledge of Vedic Sciences and
mankind is disconnected with it.
With whatever is remembered, Kalki avatara – (Domination of materialism
the daily life continued and re- in human life)
alignment of rulers took place in THE PRESENT AGE
the world. This resulted in Human beings explore and exploit the Nature
division of the One World spirit. more than required with developed knowledge,
The civilisations gradually aiming only material comforts, population of
separated and developed Modern humans increase while other living beings
Sciences of their own. decline, paving the way for advent of Kruta
Yuga again.
Dasavatara – Symbolic of Human Evolution
Kalki Life in Present (Vartamana)

Buddha Life fulfilment need

Krishna Peak human life – Love

Srirama Society Establishment

Parasurama Clearing the forests

Vamana Human conquers the nature

Narasimha Human formation

Varaha Earth Orbit Stabilising

Kurma Universe settling

Matsya Knowledge gathering

Human Evolution – Vedic and Modern Sciences
Questions on the „Life‟ and „Living Beings‟
While gaining the knowledge on universe and life on Earth over thousands of years of their
research, the Rishis always endeavoured to use the knowledge for comfort and security of
human beings.
Their research was on occult matters also, which we never attempt in modern age. (Occult
means - Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary
Ancient Scientists could visualise the relationship of the Universe with the human life on
Earth, both in materialistic and spiritualistic (occult) spheres.
Once the in depth knowledge on minute process of life on Earth is acquired, the
ancient scientists turned to find answers for a few important questions, such as –

How many types of „living beings‟ are actually there on this Earth?

Why living beings are „dying‟ and what is happening after the „death‟ to the „living
being‟, which is dead ?

What is the purpose of life and what should be done to live with comfort and
security in the Nature both during the living and after the death?

The answers to these questions and many more such questions are provided in
Puranas, the major constituent of Vedic Sciences.
Types of Living beings on Earth
The research revealed that there are 84 lakh living being formats in the Nature
on Earth. (Modern sciences do not deal with this so lucidly and comprehensively)
We get information from the Padma Purana that the 84 lakh species of life are
divided into six groups, namely acquatics, trees, insects, birds, animals and
There are 9 lakh types of Acquatics,
20 lakh types of Trees,
11 lakh types of Insects,
10 lakh types of birds,
30 lakh types of animal bodies and
4 lakh types of human bodies. These aggregate to 84 lakhs.
Further, it is also found that , a „living being‟ can take birth as –
„Udbija‟ (sprouted from Earth like grass, plants, trees etc.),
„Swedaja‟ (Krimi, Keeta and Flies – due to humidity, eg worms in stored rice),
„Andaja‟ (Birds, Fish etc. born out of eggs) and
„Jarayuja‟ (Animals, human beings etc. born out of physical bodies).
Vedic Sciences – For All times
The ancient scientists have designed the Vedic Sciences in a very unique
way so that they reach every common man without any complexity and
without a need to learn them with an effort always.

They converted the science principles in to simple rules for living and
made most of them as “customs and traditions” in the Society.
This fact is coming to light in Modern Age on many occasions.

India is hub of Vedic Sciences in the World.

In the areas like Agriculture, Health, Civil Administration, Law and Order
Administration etc., there used to be commonly understandable principles
and practices for a high quality living by the people till recently. Some are
being followed even now. (e.g. Homa farming)

Many Vedic Sciences useful to Society and which can create many jobs
were being taught till as recently as around 1850 in Indian Schools running
under the time tested Indian educational system in vogue, even up to
University level.
Vedic Sciences – Teaching in Indian schools
Before 1858 AD, most Indian schools taught the following subjects regularly
01 Agni Vidya (Metallurgy) Now let's talk about professional and technical
02 Vayu Vidya (Wind) disciplines that were covered!*
03 Jal Vidya (Water) 26 Vyapaar Vidya (Commerce)
04 Antriksh Vidya (Space Science) 27 Krishi Vidya (Agriculture)
05 Prithvi Vidya (Environment) 28 Pashu Paalan Vidya (Animal Husbandry)
06 Surya Vidya (Solar Study) 29 Pakshi Paalan (Bird Keeping)
07 Chandra and Lok Vidya (Lunar Study) 30 Yaan Vidya (Mechanics)
08 Megh Vidya (Weather Forecast) 32 Vehicle Designing
09 Dhaatu Urja Vidya (Battery energy) 33 Ratankar (Gems & Jewellery Designing)
10 Din aur Raat Vidya. 36 Kumhaar vidya (Pottery)
12 Srishti Vidya (Space Research) 37 Laghu (Metallurgy & Blacksmith)
13 Khagol Vigyan (Astronomy) 38 Takkas
14 Bhugol Vidya (Geography) 39 Rang Vidya (Dyeing)
15 Kaal Vidya (Time studies) 40 Khatwakar
16 Bhoogarbh Vidya (Geology & Mining) 41 Rajjukar (Logistics)
17 Gemstones and Metals (Gems & Metals) 42 Vaastukaar Vidya (Architecture)
18 Aakarshan Vidya (Gravity) 43 Khaana Banane ki Vidya (Cooking)
19 Prakash Vidya (Energy) 44 Vaahan Vidya (Driving)
20 Sanchaar Vidya (Communication) 45 Waterways Management
21 Vimaan Vidya (Aeroplane) 46 Indicators (Data Entry)
22 Jalayan Vidya (Water Vessels) 47 Gaushala Manager (Animal Husbandry)
23 Agneya Astra Vidya (Arms & Ammunition) 48 Baagvaani (Horticulture)
24 Jeevavigyaan Vidya (Biology, Zoology, Botany) 49 Vann Vidya (Forestry)
25 Yagna Vidya (Material Sic) 50 Sahyogee (Covering Paramedics)
* This is the talk of scientific education.
The first school in England opened in 1811. At that time India had 7,32,000 schools
Learning of Vedic Sciences
has been „pushed back‟
from daily life in India, only
about 150 years ago with
the domination of rulers of
the day who invaded from
countries on the West of
India (called Western).
These countries were, in
fact, unaware of the
advanced knowledge of
All this is evident in the
World history of
India, used to be the hub of
learning Sciences from all
over the world with a very
methodical educational
system suitable to those
times up to the level of a
India is credited with highly advance knowledge system since ancient
times. Vedas and post Vedic literature composed in Sanskrit has been
the storehouse of various branches of knowledge on science,
spirituality, philosophy, culture, civilization, economy, polity, law and
management, ayurveda, yoga, pharmacy. This knowledge was
documented from time to time and carried forward for future
generations until the mass scale destruction of Sanskrit manuscripts
to plunder and loot and devastation of libraries of Nalanda,
Takshshila, Vikramshila and Ujjain. It is also a fact that intellectual
tradition of India has been subjected to utter neglect and stagnation
and so there is an absence of Indian accounts in academic texts of
India. As such, there is an ardent need to initiate a process to unlock
these systems of knowledge currently atrophied due to centuries of
neglect and stagnation. In view of the above, the present study was
undertaken. This work is a humble attempt to apprise the readers
about the advancement of Engineering and Technology in Ancient
India in various fields. Hope the students and scholars will find this
books equally interesting and useful in their academics pursuits in
Anceint Indian Civilizational Knowledge System.

A compilation of seminar papers by Indian and foreign

experts brings alive ancient Indian developments in science,
technology and medicine. The book presents Vedic quest in
science and metaphysics with a special emphasis on ancient
science and contemporary ideas.
A few internet sources for more information on Vedic Sciences

Indian Knowledge Systems -

Bhishma School of Indic Studies

Ancient Indian Wisdom for Better World Tomorrow...!
Shri Veda Bharathi, Hyderabad -

Jagatguru Shri Devnath Institute of Vedic Science and Research, Nagpur
MIT School of Vedic Sciences -
Hindu University of America -
Venkata Chaganti -

Indian Knowledge Systems – book published by Indian Institute of Advanced Study

Lot of information about Vedic Sciences is available in many other websites like
Wikipedia, Hindupedia, Archives etc.
One should, without prejudice, understand and accept that Vedic
Sciences only dealt with every thing perceived by human beings in an
orderly and scientific manner whether it is Padaarth (material) or
Paraardh (spiritual – occult) matters. Vedic Science continues to be
relevant and useful in modern age.
It is necessary to keep learning about the Nature, use the treasure of
knowledge gifted by our ancient scientists and ensure our actions
(karma), to maintain the balance in the NATURE (Creation), for an
accomplished / fulfilled human life,` individually and socially.

NEED of the HOUR:

The western countries have already started „search‟ to find usefulness
of Vedic Sciences in modern age and many universities have included
them in their curricula. It is the need of the hour in India too, to start
regular learning of Vedic Sciences and decode the secrets in it for use
of humanity for present social conditions.
Om Tat Sat

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