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Northwestern University

College of Allied Health Sciences

Department of Nursing

Laoag City

The Eagle Mentality

Position Paper

Alyssa Shane B. Dona


First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023

I. Introduction

Don't be a parrot in life, a parrot talks way too much and can't fly high. But an
eagle is silent and has the will power to touch the sky. If we want to be successful in
life, don't be a parrot who constantly repeats everything they hear. Rather, think, form
own opinions and speak up when needed. Be an eagle that spreads its wings high
above to take on new heights. Never think the same way again. The parrot repeats
what it hears without the ability to assess its validity. People bond with parrots
because they are able to repeat what they hear without having to think for themselves.
An eagle is a force that is admired for its size and strength. Eagles are able to fly
higher than parrots even without flapping their wings which is why they are held in
the highest esteem for their ability to overcome challenges. Life, just like an eagle has
its own challenges. However, it is important to not be a parrot. When faced with
difficult decisions, think for the self and form own opinion. They will be surprised by
how much these little decision changes will assist in accomplishing your goals.

II. Facts
 Eagles fly alone at high altitude.
 Eagles have vision
 Eagles are fearless
 Eagles are tenacious
 Eagles never eat dead things
 Eagles prepare for training
 Eagles possess vitality

III. Analysis

Eagles can fly with other birds, but only if they are in the same level of
evolution.A leader must watch out for those whose below that may want to change the
plan. Eagles want to fly in groups and be at the same level of evolution. If an eagle is
flying with another eagle its a sign that they are both in the same level of evolution.
This can be a good thing if they are both up in the air. But if they are both on the
ground and one is below the other, it means they may not be working together to
achieve their goals.
Developing a clear vision helps someone hold on to priorities and resist the
temptation of taking the easy way out. Look back at where started from, it will
motivate to keep moving forward even when things are not going on way. Achievers
are often successful because they have a strong work ethic that allows them to self
motivate and gives them the ability to adapt. Achievers are very different from
dreamers, who believe that there is something better out there for them even when
they are not working towards it. These achievers have worked hard to get were they
want to be rather than waiting their wishes fall into their lap.
Eagles are resilient creatures because they know what’s coming and they have time
to prepare. They grow stronger through the process of renewal. They don’t give up
easily when they encounter problems or obstacles in their way. They continue to live
even with old or injured feathers, knowing that they can overcome the obstacles. They
will keep on fighting until they succeed in their goal. Even though they are young in
age, they still have a strong will to live and continue their hunting as if they are
young. Eagles may seem weak and injured, but it does not mean that their strength is

IV. Conclusion

Eagles are known for their strength and determination, and many people believe
that this is what keeps them going. No matter how great life is, no matter how many
blessings they have, the eagle sees a future that includes pain and loss. They groom
themselves to be ready for the inevitable change in their life. They never stop
preparing because there may not be much time before it happens. There will always
be those who have to repeat what they heard because they didn't have the courage or
confidence to make their own decisions. No matter how large or small might think the
biggest problems are, there is always a way to solve them. As our lives go on, we
come face to face with many problems. And sometimes we are overwhelmed by the
magnitude of these problems and feel as though we have no control over our life, so
to solve this problem, we have to make a change. We need to control our problem and
win it, like an eagle never give up and always fight for what it needs. As we look back
at our own lives, there is no way that we would have made it through if we did not
have this attitude, if we had faced our problems head on instead of running away from
them. But we believe that we should not look at our past and see all of the negatives
that we have gone through but instead see how these bad experiences make us
stronger. Because out of the ashes of our past we have grown into something new,
better, stronger and more capable.

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