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Activity 1: Product Labels and its Components

The chemistry of chemical products is indicated in some of the product
labels such as toothpaste, soap, detergents and the like. Even basic
ingredients like salt, water and baking soda, they are often identified on a
product label by technical names.

5 product labels activity sheet writing instrument

At the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:
1. Identify the compounds found on the product label
2. Identify the elements in the compounds

1. Identify one compound in the list of ingredients on the product label.
2. Write the chemical formula of the compound.
3. Identify the elements in the compound

Table 1. Some compounds present in a product

Compound in
Chemical Component
Product the List of
Formula Elements

Activity 2. BUILD ME UP!

The periodic table of elements arranges all of the known chemical elements in an
informative array. Such arrangement provides information which are beneficial to
explore and understand both the physical and their chemical properties.


At the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:

1. Create a periodic table based on their set criteria
2. Provide an explanation why such fictitious elements were arranged as
reflected on their own created periodic table

Metacards with fictitious elements

Manila paper, pentel pen, masking tape

1. Build/create your own periodic table using the set metacards with fictitious
elements as reflected below.

2. Post your created periodic table in a manila paper for presentation.

Guide Question
1. What is your basis for building/creating your periodic table? Why?


Worksheet 1: Historical Development of the Periodic Table
Directions: Fill in the information need in the table below

Name of the Scientist Basis for the

developed the periodic development of the Demerits
table his periodic table

Guide Questions

1. What basis did Dobereiner use in developing his periodic table?

Newlands’? Mendeleev’s?
2. What were the demerits in Dobereiner’s periodic table? Newlands’ and
3. According to Mendeleev, what do you call the horizontal rows in the
periodic table? What about the vertical columns?

Activity 3. Count Me in!
Atomic Structure Worksheet

Particles that are smaller than the atom

are called subatomic particles. The three
main subatomic particles that form an atom
are protons, neutrons, and electrons. The
center of the atom is called the nucleus.


Worksheet Writing instrument

Any Chemistry reference book


At the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:

1. Determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom.

2. Using the worksheet below, fill out the needed sub-atomic particles.
Take note that:
Atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons
Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons

Table 1. Atomic Structure Worksheet

Element Symbol Atomic Mass Protons Neutrons Electrons

Number Number
Iron 26 56
Bromine 35 35
Iodine 127 53
Sulfur 16 32
Nitrogen 14 7
Oxygen 16 8
Lead 82 82

Guide Question
1. How do you determine the number of neutrons in a neutral atom?

Activity 4
Trends in the Periodic Table
Periodic trends are specific patterns that are present in the periodic
table that illustrate different aspects of a certain element, including its size
and its electronic properties. Major periodic trends
include: electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic radius,
melting point, and metallic character. Periodic trends, arising from the
arrangement of the periodic table, provide chemists with an invaluable tool to
quickly predict an element's properties. These trends exist because of the
similar atomic structure of the elements within their respective group families
or periods, and because of the periodic nature of the elements.


At the end of the activity, the participants should be able to:

1. Identify the associated concepts related to the trends in the periodic

2. Recognize the pattern of the physical properties of the elements with
relationship to period and column.

• Worksheet
• Periodic Table of the Elements
• Any Chemistry reference book

1. Study the contents of your periodic table and answer the following
questions below.

Complete each statement below by writing the correct word or words in

the space provided. Choose your answer from the pool of words inside
the box below.
Electronegativity Electron affinity Ionization
Bond radius Increases Decreases

1. The amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a specific atom

is called the _______________ energy of the atom.
2. The _______________ is half the distance from center to center of two like
atoms bonded together.
3. _______________ is the energy change that occurs when a neutral atom
gains an electron.
4. _______________ is a numerical value that reflects how much an atom in
a molecule attracts electrons.
5. As the nuclear charge increases across a period, the effective nuclear
charge _______________ pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus and
_______________ the size of the atom.
Complete the table below.

General Trends
From left to right across a period Down a group
Atomic radius
Ionic size
Electron affinity

Guide Questions:
1. How are elements arranged in the periodic table?

2. Why is understanding periodic trends significant?

3. Why are trends in the periodic table important to chemists?


Worksheet 2: Identifying Group Names in the Periodic Table
Directions: Fill in the table presented below regarding groups in the Periodic

Group Number Group Name / Family Example of Element

3 to12

Worksheet 3: React!
• Determine the group number of the elements presented in the table.
• Study the table for trends in reactivity.

Element Symbol Group No.

Potassium K
Sodium Na

Lithium Li
Calcium Ca

Magnesium Mg

Aluminum Al
Zinc Zn
Iron Fe

Tin Sn
Lead Pb
Copper Cu

Silver Ag

Gold Au

Platinum Pt

Guide Questions:
• What is the most reactive metal? Least reactive?
• What is the trend of reactivity of metals across a period?
• What is the trend of reactivity of metals down a group?

Worksheet 4: Trends in the Periodic Table Worksheet
Directions: Fill in the table presented below regarding the various trends in
the Periodic Table.

Across a Period Down a Group

Atomic Radius/ Atomic
Reactivity of metals
Metallic properties

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