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Carbohydrate Metabolism – Dra. Santos

Fates of Ingested Glucose  Degradation via HMP shunt

 50% – converted to energy (glycolysis)  Enters uronic acid pathway
o First pathway that glucose enters is glycolysis
 30% – 40% - converted to fat Glucose-6-phosphate is also known as a central metabolite because it
 10% – converted to glycogen can enter a lot of pathways

When we talk about blood sugar, we refer to glucose. Why  Found in all cells of the body
is it that we only talk about glucose? What happens to the  Major pathway for glucose utilization
other sugars? They are all converted to glucose when they  Plays a key role in energy metabolism by providing a significant
reach the liver portion of the free energy used by most organisms and by
preparing glucose and other compounds for further oxidative
First Reaction Undergone by Glucose inside the Cell  A unique pathway since it can utilize oxygen if available (aerobic)
or it can function in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic)
o Aerobic glycolysis produces pyruvate
 Needs mitochrondria
o Anaerobic glycolysis produces lactate
 Some of the tissues in the body utilize this because
they lack mitochondria
 Phosphorylation reaction  The pathway used by all cells of the body to extract part of the
 Irreversible reaction – you cannot use the same enzyme for the chemical energy inherent in the glucose molecule
backward reaction  It sets the stage for the complete oxidation of glucose to H2O and
 To reverse the reaction you have to use glucose 6 phosphatase CO2
which is found only in the liver  It also provides the main pathway for the metabolism of fructose
 Why are there two enzyme? Are you going to use them at the and galactose derived from the diet
same time? NO  It is a sequence of reactions that converts glucose to pyruvate and
o First enzyme to use is the hexokinase because it can act lactate with concomitant production of ATP
even if the level of glucose is low  Location: it takes place in the cytosol
o Glucokinase can only act if the level of glucose is high  It is basically an exergonic process
 When the levels of glucose-6-phosphate is high, it will inhibit your o But a part of this pathway is also endergonic
hexokinase (feedback inhibition) o So glycolysis is both exergonic and endergonic
 Glucokinase is not inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate, so even o But exergonic is more than endergonic (produces more ATP
though the hexokinase is already inhibited, glucokinase will still than what it used)
convert glucose to glucose-6-phosphate  All intermediates between glucose and pyruvate are
 ENDERGONIC REACTION phosphorylated
 The word glycolysis is derived from the Greek words “glykos”
Hexokinase meaning “sweet” and “lysis” meaning “splitting” or “loosing”
 Low Km for glucose, so it can convert glucose in the micromolar
range to glucose-6-phosphate in the millimolar range Functions of Glycolysis
 Inhibited by high levels of glucose-6-phosphate (feedback  To produce energy in the form of ATP
inhibition)  Intermediates formed can be converted to other substances like
 Acts on other hexoses such as fructose, mannose, etc amino acids, fatty acids, etc.

Glucokinase Tissues That Depend On Glycolysis as Their Major Mechanism for ATP
 High Km for glucose, so it can function only when the Production:
concentration of glucose is relatively high  RBC, cornea, lens, regions of the retina – lack mitochondria so
 Not inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate they utilize anaerobic glycolysis
 Acts on glucose only o Only use 40g of glucose per day
 Kidney medulla, testis, leukocytes and white muscle fibers - they
Fates of Glucose-6-phosphate are almost totally dependent on glycolysis as source of ATP
 Conversion to glycogen (glycogenesis) because they have relatively few mitochondria.
 Enter glycolysis  Combined, the tissues that are dependent primarily on glycolysis
 Conversion to fatty acids and cholesterol for ATP production consume about 40 grams of glucose per day in
 Conversion to blood glucose the normal human adult.
 Oxidative degradation to CO2 - energy formation  Brain - it has an absolute need for glucose and processes most of
o Continuation of glycolysis it via glycolysis. Approximately 120 grams of glucose is used by
o The product must enter oxidative degeneration the adult human brain each day in order to meet its extraordinary
o Kreb’s cycle need for ATP.

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 The heart muscle, which is adapted for aerobic performance, has
relatively poor glycolytic ability, and poor survival under
conditions of ischemia.
 In fast growing cancer cells, glycolysis proceeds at a much higher
rate than is required by the Kreb’s cycle-- more pyruvate
produced than can be metabolized -- excessive production of
lactate -- lactic acidosis.

Two Phases of Glycolysis

According to Harper:
 Energy investment phase
o Also called priming stage
o Endergonic part
o Glucose Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
 Energy generation phase
o Also called energy recovery phase
o Produces energy
o Splitting stage
 Fructose 1,6- bisphosphate  DHAP + glyceraldehyde  Energy splitting phase begins at reaction #4
–3– PO4  Whatever happens to glyceraldehyde will also happen to
o Oxidoreduction dihydroxyacetone phosphate
 Phosphorylation stage  The amount of energy you produce in glyceraldehyde will be
 Glyceraldehyde – 3 –PO4  Pyruvate or lactate multiplied by two because dihydroxyacetone phosphate will also
 The only one that should be under the energy produce it
generation stage  In reaction #6
o 2.5 ATP is produced per NADH, but since there are 2
Pathway of glycolysis pathways (2.5ATP x 2) there will be 5 ATPs produced when
the NADH enters the malate aspartate shuttle
o 1.5 ATP is produced per NADH. There will be a total of 3
ATPs produced when NADH enters the glycerol phosphate
 Reaction #7
o There is an ATP produced even though it didn’t enter the
ETC  substrate level phosphorylation
o 2 ATPs are produced
 Reaction #8
o An example of phosphoryl shift wherein the location of
phosphate changed from position #3 to #2
 Reaction #9
o Dehydration step
o Catalyzed by enolase
 Inhibited by fluoride
 Reaction #10
o Third irreversible step
 All the irreversible step is a control point o Produces 2 ATP
 Committed step – you are sure that it will go to glycolysis  If the tissue lacks mitochondria, NADH cannot enter the ETC, so it
 Why is the first reaction not the committed step? converted the pyruvate to lactate in the presence of lactate
o Because glucose-6-phosphate can go to other pathways dehydrogenase (anaerobic glycolysis)
besides glycolysis o The only source of ATP production is the substrate level
phosphorylation therefore only 4 ATPs will be produced in
anaerobic glycolysis

ATPs produced in 1 mole of glucose

Gross Net
Aerobic (MAS) 9 7
Aerobic (GPS) 7 5
Anaerobic 4 2

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Enzymatic Control of Glycolysis o Also regulated by dephosphorylation by a phosphatase that
 Phosphofructokinase cause an increase in activity. The kinase is activated by
o Inhibited by: ↑ ATP, citrate, H+ ions, cyclic AMP, increased increases in the ATP/ADP ratio and acetyl CoA/CoA ratio,
ATP/AMP ratio and NADH/NAD+ ratio.
o stimulated by: ↑ATP, ↑AMP, decreased ATP/AMP ratio
 Hexokinase Inhibitors of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
o Inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate  Arsenite and mercuric ions react with the – SH groups of lipoic
 Pyruvate kinase acid and inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase.
o Inhibited by: ATP, alanine, fatty acids, acetyl CoA  Thiamine deficiency – Nutritionally deprived alcoholics are
o Stimulated by: Fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate thiamine-deficient and may develop potentially fatal pyruvic and
lactic acidosis.
Inhibitors of the Glycolytic Pathway
 2-Deoxyglucose Inborn Errors Of Metabolism Associated With Glycolysis:
o Inhibits the reaction catalyzed by hexokinase.  Inhibited Aldolase A deficiency  hemolytic anemia
 Sulfhydryl reagents  Inherited pyruvate kinase deficiency  hemolytic anemia
o Example is iodoacetate  Muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency  exercise capacity of
o They inhibit glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. patients is low, particularly on high carbohydrates diet.
 Fluoride  Inherited pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency – due to defects in
o A potent inhibitor of enolase one or more of the components of the enzyme complex;
o Mg2+ and Pi form an ionic complex with fluoride ion, which manifested by lactic acidosis, particularly after a glucose load.
is responsible for inhibition of enolase by interfering with
binding of its substrate (Mg2+ 2-phospho-glycerate). Fate of lactate in the anaerobic glycolysis
 Pentavalent arsenic or arsenate  Much of the lactate produced in skeletal muscle cells is carried by
o Arsenic poisoning inhibits those enzymes which require the blood to the liver where it is used to synthesize glucose thru
lipoic acid as coenzyme like pyruvate dehydrogenase and gluconeogenesis  Cori cycle or lactic acid cycle
α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase


 Reversible reduction to lactate
 Conversion back to glucose
 Formation of oxaloacetate or malate
 Transamination to form alanine
 Oxidative decarboxylation to Acetyl CoA

Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

 Central metabolite
o Can come from different pathways
 Insulin is needed for acetyl CoA to enter the Kreb’s cycle
o Insulin has a permissive effect on Kreb’s cycle
 Pyruvate should be converted to acetyl CoA in order for it to enter  If acetyl coA cannot enter the Kreb’s more of it will be channeled
the Kreb’s cycle to ketone bodies formation which lead to ketoacidosis
 Important link between glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle o It can also be channeled to cholesterol formation 
 Must occur otherwise energy production is not maximized atherosclerosis
 If pyruvate is not converted to acetyl coA it will proceed to
anaerobic glycolysis  lactic acidosis Fate of Acetyl CoA
 80% must enter the Kreb’s cycle for maximum energy production
Enzymes of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from carbohydrates
 20% is channeled to ketone body production, cholesterol
formation, steroid hormone, prostaglandin and TAG

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Is Regulated By:

 Endproduct inhibition
o Pyruvate dehydrogenase is inhibited by its products, Acetyl
CoA and NADH.
 Covalent modification
o Pyruvate dehydrogenase is regulated by phosphorylation by
a kinase of 3 serine residues on the pyruvate dehydrogenase
component, resulting in decreased activity

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KREB’S CYCLE  6th Reaction: Dehydrogenation of succinate to fumarate
 Citric acid cycle o catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase
 Tricarboxylic acid cycle  7th Reaction: hydration of Fumarate to Malate.
 Final common pathway of metabolism
o Catalyzed by fumarate hydratase, more commonly known as
o Common to all kinds of food you eat
 Amphibolic pathway fumarase
o There is catabolic  8th Reaction: Malate is dehydrogenated to form oxaloacetate
 Breakdown for the generation of ATP o Catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase
o There is anabolic  Products of Kreb’s cycle: 2 water, 2 CO2, 3 NADH, 1 FAD, 1 ATP
 Use of intermediates of the pathway to synthesize  A total of 10 ATP is produced
other substances
Control Points In The Kreb’s Cycle
Function  Acetyl CoA + Oxaloacetate  Citrate
 Major degradative pathway for the generation of ATP o Catalyzed by citrate synthase
 Provides intermediates for biosynthesis (Amphibolic pathway) o Inhibited by ATP
o Alpha-ketoglutarate – precursor of glutamic acid  Isocitrate  Alpha-ketoglutarate
o Oxaloacetate – precursor of aspartic acid o Catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase
o Citrate – precursor of extra mitochondrial acetyl CoA for o ADP is a positive modulator
fatty acid biosynthesis – thru the ATP-citrate lyase reaction  Alpha-ketoglutarate  Succinyl CoA
o Citrate + ATP + CoA  Acetyl CoA + Oxaloacetate + ADP + Pi o Catalyzed by alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
o Succinyl CoA – for the synthesis of heme o Inhibited by succinyl CoA, NADH+ and high energy charge
 Succinate  Fumarate
o Catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase
o Inhibited by oxaloacetate
o Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme
 Irreversible formation of acetyl CoA from pyruvate

High energy charge  decreased activities of citrate synthetase,

isocitrate dehydrogenase, and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase - 
decreased Kreb’s cycle

Regulation Of The Kreb’s Cycle

The rate of the Kreb’s cycle depends upon two factors:
 Energy requirements of the cell.
 Requirement of the cell for carbon precursors.

Vitamins That Play Important Roles In The Kreb’s Cycle

 Vitamin B-2 or Riboflavin – FAD (Flavin adenine dinucleotide)
o Cofactor in the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
o Cofactor of succinate dehydrogenase.
 Niacin or nicotinic acid –NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
 Take note of the enzymes producing the highlighted products o Coenzyme for isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha-
 Shuttle systems are not needed because the Kreb’s cycle is ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase.
already located at the mitochondria  Thiamine or Vitamin B1- thiamine pyrophosphate or TPP
o Coenzyme for decarboxylation in the alpha- ketoglutarate
Reactions in the pathway: dehydrogenase reaction.
 1st Reaction: oxaloacetate condense with Acetyl CoA to form  Pantothenic acid
citrate o As part of coenzyme A, the cofactor attached to “active”
o Catalyzed by citrate synthetase (originally called condensing carboxylic acid residues such as acetyl CoA and succinyl CoA.
o Rate limiting step The Citric Acid Cycle Plays a Key Role in the Following Metabolic
o Major control point Pathways
 2nd Reaction: Conversion of citrate to isocitrate via-aconitate.  Gluconeogenesis
o Catalyzed by aconitase o All major members of the Kreb’s Cycle, from citrate to
oxaloacetate are potentially glucogenic.
 3rd Reaction: Oxidation of Isocitrate to Alpha-ketoglutarate
o Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) – key enzyme
o Catalyzed by isocitrate dehydrogenase that facilitates the net transfer out of the Kreb’s cycle into
 4th Reaction: Oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate to the main pathway of gluconeogenesis.
succinyl CoA  Transamination and deamination
o Catalyzed by alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. o These reactions produce pyruvate from Ala, oxaloacetate
 5th Reaction: Deacylation of succinyl CoA to form succinate from Asp, and alpha-ketoglutarate from glutamic acid.
 Fatty Acid Synthesis
o Catalyzed by succinate thiokinase

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o Acetyl CoA is the major building block for long chain fatty
acid synthesis in nonruminants

Anaphlerotic Reactions or Filling-up Reactions

 Reactions that fill up the Kreb’s cycle if your run out of the

 Formation of malate from pyruvate

 Formation of alpha-ketoglutarate from glutamate

 Enzymatic carboxylation of pyruvate to form oxaloacetate  Reverse of GLYCOLYSIS (cytosol) and KREBS (mitochondria); starts
o Catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase at bottom, end in GLUCOSE
 Major anaphlerotic enzyme  Gluconeogenesis involves both cytosol and mitochondria
o This is the most important anaphlerotic reaction in the liver
and kidneys The 3 irreversible steps in glycolysis must be reversed in
o Requires biotin (vitamin B7) as coenzyme gluconeogenesis:
o Requires acetyl coA as positive modulator/activator  Phosphoenolpyruvate → Pyruvate
o Occurs in two steps: o Pyruvate kinase step
o No SINGLE enzyme that can reverse this step.
o Needs to enter the mitochondria
 Pyruvate → Oxaloacetate → Malate → goes out to
cytosol → Oxaloacetate → Phosphoenolpyruvate →
2-Phosphoglycerate → 3-Phosphoglycerate →
GLUCONEOGENESIS 1-3, Diphosphoglycerate → Glyceraldehyde-3- PO 4 →
 Synthesis of new glucoses Fructose-1,6-bisPO 4 → Fructose-6-PO 4 → Glucose-
 Takes place in the liver and kidneys 6-PO 4 → GLUCOSE
 Reverse of Glycolysis and Krebs o Enzyme used to reverse this reaction includes pyruvate
 HYPERGLYCEMIC PATHWAY: ↑ blood sugar level carboxylase (pyruvate to oxaloacetate) and
 Includes all pathways and mechanisms responsible for converting phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) which
non-carbohydrates to glucose or glycogen. catalyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate to
The major gluconeogenic precursors are:
 Lactate
 Glycerol – from fats  Fructose-6-phosphate → Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate
 Glucogenic amino acids o Catalyzed by fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
 Proprionate – in animals o Enzyme is present in liver and kidney; absent in heart
muscle and smooth muscle
Importance of Gluconeogenesis:  Glucose → Glucose-6-phosphate
 It meets the needs of the body for glucose when sufficient CHO is o Reversed by glucose-6-phosphatase
not available from the diet or glycogen reserves. o Enzyme is present in liver and kidney; absent from muscle
o 1st – glycogen reserves and adipose tissues
 GLYCOGENOLYSIS: breakdown of glycogen to glucose
 Glycogen will maintain blood sugar level for 1 DAY. “BYPASS PATHWAYS”
o 2nd – fats  Bypassing the irreversible steps
 LIPOLYSIS → fatty acids + glycerol  All the enzymes that are used to bypass are CONTROL ENZYMES
 Glycerol becomes Glucose of gluconeogenesis
 Will maintain blood sugar level depending on how  Includes: Glucose-6-phosphatase; Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase;
much fat is available. Pyruvate Carboxylase and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase
 Glucose is also important in maintaining the level of intermediates (PEPCK)
of the Krebs cycle even when fatty acids are the main source of
acetyl CoA in the tissues. Glycerol to glucose
 Gluconeogenesis clears lactate produced by muscle and  Glycerol → Glycerol-3-PO 4 → DHAP
erythrocytes and glycerol produced by adipose tissues.  DHAP is the entry point of glycerol in glycolysis
 DHAP + Glyceraldehyde-3-PO4 → Fructose-1,6-bisPO4
 Fructose-1,6-bisPO 4 → Fructose-6-PO 4 → Glucose-6-PO 4 →

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Lactate to Glucose Two Major Functions:
 First: Lactate → Pyruvate (enzyme: Lactate Dehydrogenase)  Generation of NADPH for reductive synthesis
 Pyruvate → Oxaloacetate → Malate → goes out to cytosol → o Fatty acid and steroid biosynthesis
Oxaloacetate → Phosphoenolpyruvate → 2-Phosphoglycerate → o Reduction of glutathione
3-Phosphoglycerate → 1-3, Diphosphoglycerate →  Production of ribose for nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthesis
Glyceraldehyde-3- PO 4 → Fructose-1,6-bisPO 4 → Fructose-6-PO
4 → Glucose-6-PO 4 → GLUCOSE Other function: Interconversion of sugars

Amino acids to Glucose Hexose Monophosphate Shunt (HMP Shunt)

 Convert amino acid first to ketoacid by doing deamination
o Remove the amino group
 Alanine, serine, cysteine, glycine and threonine
o Converted to pyruvic acid
 Glutamic acid, glutamine, arginine, proline, histidine
o Converted to alpha-ketoglutarate
 Asparagine and aspartic acid
o Converted to oxaloacetate

Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate

 Play a role in the regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in
the liver
 Most potent positive allosteric activator of PFK-1 and inhibitor of
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase in the liver

Generation of High Energy Bonds In The Catabolism Of Glucose

 1st stage: oxidative stage

o Production of 2 NADPH
o Glucose-6-phosphate is converted to the five carbon
compound ribuose-6-phosphae
 2nd stage: non oxidative stage
o 2 enzymes responsible for the interconversion of sugars:
transketolase and transaldolase
 Transketolase – transfers 2 carbons and require TTP
 Transaldolase – transfers 3 carbons and doesn’t
require TTP
o Transketolation reactions is between ribose and xylulose
 Transfer of two carbons of ribose to xylulose
 Ribose will become glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
 Xylulose will become sedoheptulose-7-phosphate
 This is an example of interconversion of sugars
wherein the transfer of carbon atoms will give you
new sugars but the total number of carbons is just the
 Products of transketolation will undergo
o Transaldolation reaction
 Transfer 3 carbons from sedoheptulose to
 Seduloheptulose will become erythose-4-phosphate
 Glyceraldehyde will become fructose-6-phosphate
HEXOSE MONOPHOSPHATE SHUNT o Thiamine deficiency – no transketolation
 Manifestations of thiamine deficiency: severe muscle
Other names: weakness, lactic acidosis, pentosemia and pentosuria
 Pentose phosphate pathway
 Warburg-Dickens Pathway
 Phosphogluconate shunt

Location: located in the cytosol

Rate-Limiting enzyme: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-P-D)

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G6PD Deficiency Glycogenolysis (shades of blue boxes)
 Breakdown of glycogen
 Remove glucose units at the alpha 1,4 linkage
o Phosphorylase – counterpart of glycogen synthase
 Once there are only 4 glucose units left, you transfer 3 units so
that you expose the branching point
o Glucan transferase
 Once the branching point is exposed, you use the debranching
enzyme to remove the glucose
 Removes glucose as glucose-1-phosphate

 Inborn error of metabolism

 Absence of G6PD
 HMP shunt stops because G6PD is the rate limiting step for HMP
 no NADPH production
o NADPH is needed for the reduction of glutathione
o Reduced glutathione is needed to detoxify hydrogen
peroxide and convert it to water
o Accumulation of H2O2  hemolysis of RBC

Wernicke-Koraskoff syndrome
 Occurs in alcoholics
 Develops thiamine deficiency because alcohol prevents
absorption of thiamine Hormones that control the pathway:
 Lack of thiamine in the diet  Glucagon and epinephrine
 Transketolation does not occur o Same effect
 Glucose cannot enter the Kreb’s cycle o Glucagon is produced by the pancreas
 Neuropsychiatric disorder o Epinephrine is produced by the adrenal medulla
o Stimulate cAMP  activate phosphorylase
 Paralysis of eye movement, abnormal gait, markedly deranged
mental function and severely impaired memory o Promotes glycogenolysis
 Insulin
o Inhibits glycogenolysis and activates glycogenesis
Structure of glycogen
 Highly branched molecule Activation and Inactivation of Liver Phosphorylase
 Alpha 1-4 linkage (linkage between two glucose units in the  Phosphorylase exists in two forms
straight chain) and alpha 1-6 linkage (branching parts) o Activated upon addition of phosphate
o Inactivation upon removal of phosphate
Glycogenesis (shades of green boxes)  The initial activity of glucagon and epinephrine is to activate
adenylyl cyclase which converts ATP to cAMP
 Synthesis of glycogen
 Needs a primer o cAMP activates phosphorylase kinase
 Purpose is to add more glucose units and create many branches o Phosphorylase kinase adds phosphate to phosphorylase
 1st step: activation of glucose to become UDP-G thus activating it
o UDP-G is the kind of glucose that you add to the chain o At the same time, upon activating phosphorylase you
 2nd step: addition of glucose units at the a1,4 linkage inactivate glycogen synthase
o Catalyzed by glycogen synthase o When phosphate is removed and phosphorylase become
inactive, glycogen synthase will be activated
 3rd step: forming branches
o When there are already 11 glucose units added to the chain  Insulin on the other hand deactivates phosphorylase by removing
phosphate and activating the glycogen synthase
you can now transfer a minimum of six so that you can form
a new branch o Favors glycogenolysis
o Enzyme that forms branches is called the branching enzyme
 Alternate elongation and branch formation

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Glycogen Storage Diseases

 3 enzymes that will cause galactosemia if absent or deficient

o Galactokinase
o Galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase
o Uridine diposphogalactose 4-epimerase
 Galactosemia manifestations:
o Mental retardation
o Cataract formation
o Hepatomegaly



 Pathway that converts glucose to ascorbic acid
 However this does not occur in man because we lack
gulonolactone oxidase
o That is the enzymes that converts gulonolactone to
o Animals have this enzyme
 Main function of this pathway in humans: produce UDP-G and
glucuronic acid (glucoronate)
o Glucoronic acid is for the conjugation of bilirubin and is a
component of proteoglycans (GAGs)

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 Occurs in three steps: Insulin Antagonists
o Conversion of fructose to fructose 6 phosphate via  Glucagon – Increase blood glucose level by promoting liver
hexokinase glycogenolysis and by increasing gluconeogenesis
o Conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate o Glucagon binds to cell membrane  activates adenylate
via isomerase cyclaseincrease cAMP  promotes glycogenolysis in the
o Conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose via glucose-6- liver
phosphatase o Glucagon has no effect on glycogenolysis in muscles
o Glucagon stimulates PEPCK  increased gluconeogenesis
SOURCES OF GLUCOSE o Glucagon inhibits glycolysis by promoting phosphorylation
 From Carbohydrates in the diet of pyruvate kinase thereby inactivating it
 From various glucogenic compounds that undergo o Primary target of glucagon – LIVER
gluconeogenesis o Major signal for the release of glucagon – decreased blood
o Amino acids sugar level
 If amino acids is used, it is not physiological anymore  Epinephrine – Catecholamines
 Amino acids have greater function than to maintain o Increases blood sugar level by:
glucose: protein synthesis, digestion  Increasing glycogenolysis, decreasing glycogenesis –
o Lactate same mechanism as glucagon
o Glycerol  Increasing gluconeogenesis
 From liver glycogen thru glycogenolysis  Decreasing insulin release
 Increasing glucose uptake in muscles and other organs
 Growth hormone
CONTROL OF BLOOD GLUCOSE CONCENTRATION o Produced by the pituitary gland
 Role of the liver o Increases blood sugar level by:
o Liver glycogenolysis  Increasing liver gluconeogenesis
o Gluconeogenesis  Decreasing peripheral utilization of glucose by
inhibiting glycolysis; inhibits glucose transport
 Cortisol – glucocorticoids (renal cortex)
o Increases blood sugar level by:
 Increasing gluconeogenesis (by increasing protein
 Insulin catabolism in the peripheral tissues
o Only hormone that lowers blood sugar  Decreasing glucose uptake and utilization by
 Insulin antagonists extrahepatic tissues
o Increases blood sugar  Thyroid hormone
o Increases blood sugar level by increasing glucose absorption
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF INSULIN in the small intestines.
Effects on carbohydrate metabolism
 Increases utilization of glucose by the cells
o Effect on membrane transport of glucose – insulin promotes DIABETES MELLITUS
mobilization of glucose transport (mainly in the adipose
tissues) Diagnosis:
 Insulin also facilitates simple diffusion of glucose in  Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
the hepatic cells o Normal Blood Sugar Level: 60-120 mg/dL
o Insulin increases hepatic glycolysis – stimulates glucokinase, o Fasting Blood Sugar taken 3 times for 3 days in a row
PFK and pyruvate kinase (control enzymes of glycolysis) o Fasting for 8-10 hours before the test is needed
 Insulin increases glycogenesis (liver muscles) o Do not over fast to avoid discrepancies – patients can
o Inhibits cyclic AMP thereby activating glycogen synthase manipulate so we don’t usually rely on this test for the
 Insulin inhibits glycogenolysis – inhibits cAMP thereby inactivating diagnosis
phosphorylase o Consistent above normal findings for 3 consecutive reading
 Insulin inhibits gluconeogenesis – decreases amount of hepatic is indicative of Diabetes Mellitus
PEPCK (rate limiting enzyme for gluconeogenesis) o May be performed together with glycosylated hemoglobin

Effects on Lipid metabolism Glycosylated hemoglobin

 Insulin stimulates lipogenesis in adipose tissue o Not affected by fasting
 Insulin inhibits lipolysis in liver and adipose tissue o Gives the patient’s blood sugar for the past 2-3 months
o If it gives a high result, it is indicative of DM even if FBS
Effects on Protein metabolism reading is normal
 Stimulates protein synthesis
o Decreasing amount of amino acids to enter gluconeogenesis
 Stimulates uptake of amino acids into muscles

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 Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)  TYPE 2
o Measure FBS first, then give the prepared glucose syrup o Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
o More reliable than FBS o Maturity Onset
o Blood extraction done 5 times to test for blood glucose o Usually develops 40 y/o and above
testing o Pancreas produces insufficient amount of insulin
o Glucose Tolerance – is the ability to utilize glucose o Treatment: Drugs that helps the pancreas produce more
3 parts of the glucose tolerance test curve (GTT curve)  You don’t give insulin yet unless the patient is not
 Normal Fasting Blood Sugar Level responding to 3 types of drugs
 30 minutes – 1 hour  e.g. Sulfonylureas, Biguanides
o Blood Sugar Level increases and reaches its peak  TYPE 3
o “Temporary State of Hyperglycemia” o Youth Onset Type 2
o Due to the absorption of glucose o Non-insulin dependent but occurs in young age
 2 hours o Insulin is normal, abnormal receptors
o Blood Sugar Level goes down o Also known as insulin resistance
o It may overshoot causing blood sugar level to decrease o Regular exercise stimulates production of receptors
more than the original level  Best exercise: brisk walking 1 hour everyday
o “Temporary State of Hypoglycemia” o Treatment: Drugs to stimulate the formation of more
o Due to action of insulin receptors (more expensive than sulfonyl ureas)
 e.g. Glitazones
 TYPE 4
o Endocrine type of diabetes
o Normal Insulin, normal receptor, normal pancreas, but
blood sugar is extremely high (400-500)
o Present in patients with pituitary tumor
o Increase in production of all trophic hormones that includes:
 Growth hormones
 Adrenocorticotropic hormones - stimulates adrenal
glands to produce glucocorticoids
 Thyroid stimulating hormone -increases thyroid
hormone synthesis
 TYPE 5
o Glucagon resistance diabetes
o Glucagon is normally stimulated when blood sugar goes
down and it stops when blood sugar is normal
o In glucagon resistance, even if blood sugar is already high, it
does not stop its activity making blood sugar level increase
Prolonged GTT curve further
 Present in Diabetes Mellitus o Treatment: Drugs that suppress glucagon effect
 It starts with a high FBS level, the elevation is long, and does not
go down to normal in 2 hours’ time

Flatt GTT Curve

 GTT curve neither increases nor decreases
 Failure to absorb glucose
 Present in cases of malabsorption

Inverted Curve
 A reverse curve
 Blood sugar decreases further upon intake of glucose
 Present in patients with Insulinoma (tumor producong a lot of
insulin) manifested by hyperinsulinemia

Types of DM:
 TYPE 1
o Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
o Youth onset
o Pancreas is totally not producing insulin
o Complications set in at a young age (E.g. Diabetic
o Treatment: Insulin administration

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