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Keywords: Ethics teaching, product design

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ICED'09 10-137
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 Question & Reflection:
 Journal:
 2 Research Papers
 2 inute roup presentation
 Project Proposal:
 Final Group Project:

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ICED'09 10-139
 10-139
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ICED'09 10-141
 10-141
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 The Food Atelier
 The Connectivity Club
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ICED'09 10-145
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10-146 ICED'09
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 Designing for Behavioural Change: Reducing the Social Impacts of Product Use
through DesignDepartment of Design and Technology
 Sustainable Use: Changing consumer behaviour through
product designChanging the Change: Design visions, proposals and tools
 Towards an Ethics of Persuasive Technology.
 Introducing ethics using structured
 Ethics and the complexity of technology: a design approach.
 Ethics and technology design.
 Code of Ethics
 InterDisciplinary Ethics Applied Centre for Excellence in Teaching and
 An engineering ethics curriculum map
IDSA web site
Industrial Design
Styling and design: intuition and analysis in industrial design.
Case studies as a biological research process.
Creative for a Cause  A Resource for Visual Communications Educators
The Inclusion of Social Responsibility in the Visual Communications Curriculum: A
Case Study of hio orthern University, Ada, hio, US
The Inclusion of Social Responsibility in the Visual Communications Curriculum: A
Case Study of University f Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Champaign, Illinois, US,
The Inclusion of Social Responsibility in the Visual Communications Curriculum: A
Case Study of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, US
A HE curriculum for teaching and learning ethical issues arising from
persuasive technologiesEngineering Education 2008: International conference on innovation,
good practice and research in engineering education,
Forms of Ethical and Intellectual Development in the College
Years: A Scheme
Email correspondance with Lilley. D discussing 'Design Ethics' elective offered as
part of the MDes Industrial Design programme at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design,
H04. Controversies & Ethical Dilemmas in Science & Technology: Course
3TU. Centre for Ethics and Technology,

ICED'09 10-147
 10-147
Interview with Lofthouse. V.A and Lilley. D about Ethics course Lloyd codeveloped
with van de Poel for Industrial Design Engineers at TU Delft.
Designing Games to Teach EthicsCrossing Design Boundaries,
3rd Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference
Design Delta Design: Seeing/Seeing as DesignThinking Research Symposium
5 (DTRS 5)
Reflecting on being a designerew Perspectives in Design
AGORA: Studying and Teaching Ethics and
Technology Online,
DBA  Ethics in Design: Course Overview
Role Playing in an Engineering Ethics ClassThe Online Ethics Center (OEC)
International Conference on Ethics in Engineering and Computer Science,
Model for teaching about electrical neutrality in electrolyte
Designing Games to Teach'Crossing Design Boundaries'
Engineering practice and engineering ethics.
Sustainable Everyday
DesignOriented Scenarios for EcoInnovation
Overview of Systems Thinking,
Systemic Thinking: A Simple Thinking Technique For Gaining Systemic Focus,
Breakthroughs , inth International Conference on Thinking,
Background Concepts for Teaching Engineering Ethics
Teaching Engineering Ethics: A Workshop for Academics ew to Ethics

10-148 ICED'09
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