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Class : X WORKSHEET(EASY) Marks : 40


Q 1.Multiple choice question: (5)

1.Metal oxides are _________in nature .

b) basic
c) corrosive
d) acidic

2.List of metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity is called

a) chemical equation
b) Decomposition
c) Reactivity series
d) Electrolytic Reduction

3.When electric current is used for Decomposition Reaction , it is called

a)Thermal Decomposition
b)Electrolytic Decomposition
c)Decomposition Reaction
d)Photolytic Decomposition

4.Identify the type of chemical reaction

i) ZnO + C --------- Zn + CO
a) Combination Reaction
b) Double Displacement Reaction
c) Redox Reaction
d) Decomposition Reaction

5.Zinc oxide is an
a) acidic oxide
b) neutral oxide
c)non metallic oxide
d) Amphoteric oxide

Q2.Assertion Reasoning Question: (5)

Read the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative from the following:
(a) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion.
(b) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct explanation
of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) The statement of the Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1.Assertion : Copper displaces Iron from Iron Sulphate solution.
Reason: Copper is more reactive than Iron.

2.Assertion (A) : Anodising is a method to prevent metal from corrosion.

Reason (R) : Anodising is a process of coating iron with a layer of zinc.

3.Assertion (A) : Magnesium chloride is an ionic compound.

Reason (R) : Metals and non-metals react by mutual transfer of electrons.
4.Assertion (A) : Aluminium oxide is amphoteric in nature.
Reason (R): Aluminium oxide reacts with both acids and bases.

5.Assertion (A) : The balancing of chemical equations is based on law of conservation of

Reason (R) : Total mass of reactants is equal to total mass of products.

Q3.Explain Combination Reaction with the help of an example (2)

Q4.What happens when a Calcuim oxide reacts with water.Give an example (2)

with chemical equation .

Q5.Calcuim when reacts with water , floats on water, justify with the help (2)
of a chemical equation.
Q6.a)What is Roasting ? Give example (2)

Q 7.Write the balanced chemical equation for the following: (3)

i) Zn + HCl ---------ZnCl2 + H2
ii) BaCl2+ Na2SO4 ---------BaSO4 + NaCl
iii) Ca(OH)2 + CO2--------CaCO3 +H2O

Q8. 2) a)State any three properties of Ionic Compound (3)

Q9.What happens when : ( Give chemical equations) (3)

1.Magnesium reacts with dil Sulphuric acid

2.SilverChloride is kept in sunlight.

3.Barium Chloride reacts with Potassium Sulphate

Q10. A)1) b)Give the electron dot structure of the equation for the formation (3)

of Sodium Chloride

B)What is Anode mud ?

C)What is meant by Ionic bond

Q11.A) Observe the following figure and answer the following questions :- (5)

(a)Identify and define the type of chemical reaction that will take place .
(b)Write chemical equation of the reaction that takes place.
(c)Name the gases evolved in this reaction.

B) Observe the given chemical reaction and answer the following questions:-

i) PbO + C ------------- Pb + CO

a)Identify and define the type of reaction

b)Name the substance getting oxidized and the substance getting reduced

Q12.A)Explain Electrolytic refining of metal with the help of a diagram (5)

B)What is Thermit Reaction . Give example

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