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The Most Important Aspect at Work

Any country in the world needs laborers in order to develop. There are many different
careers that people choose to work in, depending on various aspects. Usually, workers
work for a certain reason—either passion or money. Many people believe that money
is the only thing that brings happiness. However, others believe that people won’t be
able to make money or wealth without feeling satisfied with their jobs, as feeling
satisfied at work makes a person happier, more productive and richer.

Without passion, people won’t have the ability to create and succeed at work, which
makes people unhappy. Working for the sake of money won’t help or aid a person or
a nation to develop, as development requires passion and innovation; however, these
two elements can’t be achieved without enjoying what is done. It might be a hard
question for people to choose between happiness and money, as many believe that
money provides happiness; however, I suggest that a good mental state gives people
the ability to create money, as many rich and successful public figures have succeeded
as a result of feeling happy while working. So, in order to achieve your dream and
create a good future for your country, you’ll have to enjoy the process.

When people are happy at work, they usually produce good and large amounts of
work in a short period of time, as when people are asked to do something they are
passionate about, they do it easily and quickly in a good way. Many people might
think that there is no direct relationship between satisfaction in a job and productivity;
however, that’s not true, as if someone is asked to finish work they don’t like, that
person will take a long time to do the work that might not even be presentable and
correct; moreover, the work would probably not be creative nor innovative.

Usually, when someone chooses to work in a preferred field, he/she makes a lot of
money, as passion is the thing that keeps pushing people forward. On the other hand, a
person who is working in a specific field because it makes a good amount of money
can’t do his/her work efficiently, as that person won’t be able to do his/her best in a
certain field. There are plentiful examples of people who have been working in small
jobs but have succeeded and become rich because of their passion and hard work.
Being passionate is the key that opens the door to money and wealth.

People’s desires for labor vary from one person to another. If societies had focused
more on working in a preferred career rather than working in a career that provides
big salaries or wages, people would feel pleased, active and wealthy. As per the
writer’s opinion, working for money is important; however, it must not be the only
reason in order to excel.

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