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There is no doubt that most adults spend the majority of their day at work.

Thus, it is extremely
important that their job is both rewarding and fulfilling. In this essay, I will examine factors related to
job satisfaction and how realistic these factors are.

First of all, the most important reason that people work is for the money. A recent survey by a leading
HR firm revealed that people working in a high paying job are 80% happier than those who are not.
However, job satisfaction is not only limited to financial reward. The office environment and the long
term prospect of the career path are equally important. For example, people whose efforts are not
being appreciated by their company will not be enjoying what they are doing. On the other hand,
many people may be enjoying their job but the limited money that they earn might make them
unhappy with their profession. For example, many artists find it difficult to make a living even though
they may feel lucky to be doing what they love.

So, in order to have a highly satisfied career, a person needs to be doing a job that they enjoy,
working for a company with great environment, and getting paid for what they deserve. All these
components are essential to achieving job satisfaction. Realistically, it is not easy for someone to
have all that under the same roof.

In conclusion, it is very difficult to get an ideal job that satisfies all the requirements of job satisfaction.
However, everyone can still be happy with reporting to work every day if they are willing to make
some sacrifices.

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