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Name of FS Students: 

Course: BEED  Year: III
Resource Teacher: MRS.JENALYN T. ELLEZO  School: MSES
Date of submission: JUNE14,2022

At the end of this learning Episode, I must be able to:

1. Use concepts and processes of action research.
2. Identify sample models of AR such as Deped 2017 Model, McNiff & Whitehead, 2006; and Nelson,

1. Comparing the Three Models of AR and analyzing the Components of the Chosen Model
2. Writing Action Research Prompts
3. Multiple Choice Test with Discussion 
4. Learning from a full-blown action research.

Task 1: Notice
a. Do the task as presented in page 23

What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four

1.Procedures and steps

2.Elements in the cycle

3.importance of AR in the field of education

4.Recognize the main problems in the school that is needed to solve

Since the  3 models are all action research, what are the common elements of the three?

-they have common elements and characteristics .They have the same cycle like observe, reflect, plan and
act but the deped models are more specific and the information is more emphasized.

Task 2: Analysis
a. Analyze (page 23)Choose AR sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.
 Analyze the components vis-a-Vis only one model out of the 3 presented

If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson,O.2014,here are the components

Title and Author of the Action Research:ACTION RESEARCH IN TEACHER


Key Components Entry from your Sample AR

OBSERVE The Problem

To address the problem in effective teaching through classroom inquiry,reflection and

data driven decision making

REFLECT Reflection

I observed in this study that the author is proving that self-study is a very effective
way in helping teachers closely examine current practice and spearhead changes as a
teacher leader.

PLAN Plan of Action

This study uses qualitative methods in which they use questionnaires, interviews from
teaching graduate school.

ACT Implementation

I am going to observe how the teachers deliver their lesson and how they assume their
roles as the guide of the class to see how effective they are as teachers.

Note: Choose only one model

Task 3: Reflection
a. Reflect (page 25)

As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing? Why?

 Yes, it is worth doing because action research allows teachers to reflect on their practice in order
to improve .It will help to enhance our reflective teaching process.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

 Action Research is useful for every classroom teacher because it can help you understand what is
happening in your classroom and identify changes that improve teaching and learning.It can help
teachers reflect on what they want to improve .Through AR,teacher can enhance classroom
experiences ,teach new skills and get students excited about exploring new academic interests.

Task 4: Writing Action Research Prompts

a. Write Action Research Prompts (page 26)


Remembering my classroom observation in FS 1, noticed that there are many questions that I raised in my
mind.These include:

a.How do they come up with their classroom management skills?

b.What are the competencies that the teacher’s always use?Is it effective even up to this day?

c.How do they manage diverse learners?


Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve the problem or
answer the question,like:

a.they might come up with their own classroom management

b.reflecting on what of the subject that needs to focus more

c.they are observing the differences that they see and how they will handle them.


Now that I am in FS 2, I plan for my solution to a problem( choose from a,b,c ) I chose b because it needs
probable actions especially if no one noticed it before or experienced struggles from it.


My action will come later,given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.

I am hoping that during my internship, I will finish my Action Research  and provide answers or solutions
regarding that problem.

Task 5: Answer “Check for Mastery”

Note: for Questions 1,2,3 and 5, discuss your answers briefly.
1.Action Research requires  a teacher to be observant of what is happening in the classroom,asking
oneself of how  to improve teaching,following the daily routine all the time,finding ways on how children
should learn better.The teacher requires all of this so that it can help you to understand what is happening
and identify changes that will improve teaching

2.There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical process.The process include:
observe, Reflect, Plan, Act..using this cyclic process will enhances responsiveness.they call this cyclic
process because research process is a continuous cycle.Research does not follow  a one way linear
progression ,instead it is a continuous process of checking and rechecking,evaluating and analyzing, and
repeating the entire process over and over again

3.As an action researcher,I will be developing my skill as a person who is systematic,

reflective,rigorous,futuristic,situational because  just like reflective, you need to reflect on things that
have been done or said in order to think calmly or you need to become  conscious and analyze  how these
underlying  cognitive artifacts mold the process of inquiry.

5.action research describes a research methodology used to diagnose and address problems and the
following relates closely to what action research is are

 used to address practical problems in school

 refers only to everyday life of the learners
 allows teachers to study their own classroom and brings theories and practices together

Task 6: Choose a full-blown action research.  Read and analyze. Copy the link. (This will be your
reference for future activities

I will be rated along the following:

I will be rated along the following:
a. Quality of my observations and documentations
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation – based reflections
d. Completeness, organization, and clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio

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