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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Program

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written by Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga (A1B217029) and has been corrected and

approved to be tested in front of the examiners.

Jambi, 22 Agustus 2021

First Supervisor

Nely Arif, S. Pd. M. Pd.

NIP. 197904282008012013

Jambi, 23 Agustus 2021 Second


Dr. Nyimas Triyana Safitri, S. Pd., M. Ed,ST.

NIP: 197410022001122001


I, Salimah Tu Sa'diah Sinaga (A1B217029), declare that The Use of YouTube

Media to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning English Online is my work

and has not been submitted in any forms for another degree of diploma at any

university or other institute or tertiary education. Information derived from the

published and unpublished others' work has been acknowledged in the text, and a

list of references is given in the bibliography.

Jambi, 28 September 2021

Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga



"And Allah brought you out of your mother's womb knowing nothing, and He gave you
hearing, sight, and heart, so that you may be grateful."
(Surat an-Nahl 16:78)

"Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make the path to Paradise easy
for him."
(HR. Muslim)

"Learn all of you, and teach all of you, and honor your teachers, and be kind to those
who teach you."
(HR Tabrani)


This thesis is dedicated to my beloved family

My Beloved Parents

Aliasman Sinaga

Tiaun Silaen

My Beloved Sisters and Brother

Desmina Bima Sari Sri Mulyati Sinaga

Misrukiah Siti Khadijah Sinaga

Enova Nur Rizqi Sinaga

Muhammad Arjuna Iskandar Zulkarnain Sinaga


Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga 2021. The Use of YouTube Media to Increase

Students’ Motivation in Learning English Online. Thesis. English Study
Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Jambi.
The first supervisor: Nely Arif, S. Pd. M. Pd. The second supervisor: Dr.
Nyimas Triyana Safitri, S. Pd., M. Ed, ST.
Keywords: YouTube, motivation, learning English online.

This study aimed to know the use of YouTube media to increase students'
motivation to learn English online. This study employed a qualitative method by
using semi-structured interviews to collect the data. Interviews with four English
Teachers were used to obtain data and evidence about using YouTube media to
increase students' motivation to learn English online during covid-19. The results
of data analysis revealed that all of the teachers stated that the use of YouTube as
a learning medium has more benefits than obstacles. The benefits of the use
YouTube as a learning medium are YouTube as learning medium that is easy to
understand, YouTube as an exciting learning medium, YouTube as an inspiring
and motivating learning medium, and YouTube as a suitable learning medium.
Although YouTube has some benefits in supporting the online learning process
during Covid-19, it cannot be denied that there are several obstacles faced by
teachers and students when using YouTube in teaching English online. There are
several obstacles experienced when teaching online learning using YouTube,
including the lack of supporting facilities, the lack of understanding of students in
English, and the difficulty in controlling students.


Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim may praise go to Allah SWT, the Almighty,

for the mercy and strength so that I could finish this thesis. Invocation and peace

go to Muhammad SAW, his family, and his disciples.

I would like to give profound thanks to all of the lecturers and staff at the

English Study Program, especially to my supervisors, Nely Arif, S. Pd. M. Pd. As

my first supervisor and Dr. Nyimas Triyana Safitri, S. Pd., M. Ed, ST. as my

second supervisor for guiding me very patiently from the beginning of preparing

my proposal until the completion of this thesis.

I would say thanks to my academic supervisor Delita Sartika, S.S., M.A.,

Ph. D who always patiently guides, giving pieces of advice, and support me. Next,

I also thank Urip Sulistiyo, S. Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., and Dr. Mukhlash Abrar, SS, M.

Hum., as examiners team in the thesis proposal seminar their additional

suggestions in improving this study.

I want to say thanks to Kak Tatik, who has helped me a lot while I was

studying at Jambi University. She helped so patiently from the start of college to

the present. May Allah reward her kindness and her patience.

Furthermore, my deepest thanks to my beloved family, especially my

mother and father. Thank you for being a fantastic parent. Thank you for the

endless prayers, love, and support. As well as dear brothers and sisters, thanks for

all the support. May Allah reward every good deed with His mercy and His love.

Do not forget to my comrades while studying at Jambi University, friends

from the BBC, Penthouse, and all people who have contributed to this research

and friends from other communities that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you

for being with me from beginning to end, helping me during the lecture, and other

matters. Thanks for everything. May Allah reward your kindness.

Finally, I expect this thesis to improve English teaching and learning and

for the readers. However, I realize that this writing is far from being perfect.

Hence, any criticism, ideas, and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis are

greatly appreciated.

Jambi, 28 September 2021


Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga


Table of Contents


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY......................................................ii


DEDICATION.............................................................................................. iv


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ viii

LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................1

1.1 Background of study................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ........................................................................3
1.3 Purpose of Study......................................................................................3
1.4 Limitations of Study................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of Study...............................................................................4


2.1 Definition of YouTube.............................................................................. 5

2.2 The Function of YouTube..........................................................................6
2.3 YouTube as Teaching Media .....................................................................7
2.4 Definition of Motivation.............................................................................1
2.5 Types of Motivation...................................................................................11
2.6 The Importance of Motivation in Learning................................................12
2.7 Definition of Online Learning....................................................................13
2.8 Types of Online Learning...........................................................................14
2.9 The Use of Online Learning in Education..................................................14
2.10 Previous Research.....................................................................................16

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................ 20

3.1 Design of Study........................................................................................20

3.2 Participant of Study..................................................................................21

3.3 Technique of Data Collection..................................................................22

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis.....................................................................22

3.5 Trustworthiness........................................................................................25

CHAPTER IV FUNDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ..................................28

4.1 Overview of Study...................................................................................28

4.2 Profile of the Participants ........................................................................28

4.3 Research Finding.....................................................................................29

4.4 Research Discussion................................................................................37


5.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................42

5.2 Suggestion................................................................................................43


ATTACHMENT………………………………………………………….. 46

CURRICULUM VITAE..............................................................................77

List of Tables

3.1 Question for Interview Protocol...............................................................23

4.1 Table of Findings.....................................................................................38



1.1 Background of the Study

Due to the current condition, which is still not recovering from the

COVID- 19 pandemic, students must study online. This is by the statement of the

Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia to carry out online learning and

simplify the curriculum during the COVID- 19 pandemic. In the report, it is said

that online learning is expected to last for one year. So that the online learning

process runs well, it takes technology and supporting media.

Learning English online is undoubtedly tedious if it is only filled with

various kinds of tasks. So, a teacher might use media to help them makes students

motivated in learning online. Many media technologies can be used to get

information, especially for education. It also shows that the technology for

learning has increased. One famous and valuable account is mainly used by

almost all globally, especially as a learning medium.

Based on Masterman (1999), teaching using media can encourage students'

motivation in learning and take longer-term perspective and responsibility on their

learning. One of the media that is very effective in supporting the students'

learning process is YouTube. Especially in the current condition of the COVID-19

pandemic, this requires students to study online.

According to Almurashi (2016), YouTube is a website regarded as one

online material that can be integrated into traditional English lessons. It is also

considered the source of online material that can play a vital role in the teaching

and learning field. The use of YouTube in education has been widely recognized

by some teachers or researchers over the world, such as Clifton & Mann (2011);

Duffy (2008); Fralinger& Owens (2009); Burke & Snyder (2008); Jaffar (2012);

Orús et al. l (2016). They found that YouTube has positive impacts for students on

learning achievement, motivation in studying specific subjects.

Thus, by using YouTube as a learning medium, students can access many

learning videos, which will significantly support increased student learning

motivation even though they are online. YouTube is also an excellent platform for

internet users to watch, upload, and download videos. YouTube provides videos

like music, film or movie, and sport. Besides it, the most important is, YouTube

also provides videos for education needs.

In addition, it provides many learning videos, but YouTube can also be

used as a medium for uploading learning videos made by students. The teacher

also can choose an appropriate video based on the syllabus that is applied. The

teacher can understand the video that they give to the students. The primary

purpose of this research is to figure out whether it is effective or not to use

YouTube as learning media and whether it motivated students for their learning

process or not. Based on this brief description, the researcher is interested in

conducting research related to learning English at a school in Jambi City. This

research also related to YouTube as the primary media. The title of this research is

The Use of YouTube Media to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning English


1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this pandemic era, where teachers are forced to teach their students

online, teachers must find new ways to inspire and motivate their students to learn

English. Moreover, the teaching and learning process is held online. Teachers

cannot monitor the students directly or face to face. In this case, students might

lose their motivation in learning, especially in learning English. By motivating

students to learn and modeling new strategies that they could use to practice

language, it is possible to facilitate their success. As such, this research proposes


What are the benefits and obstacles of using YouTube media in

increasing students' motivation in learning English online?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This research aimed to figure out how the use of YouTube media increases

students’ motivation to learn English online at a junior high school in Jambi City.

It is expected that students will be more engaged and motivated to participate in

online class activities based on YouTube media. This compliance is also expected

to contribute to improved English skills for the students who are participated. It

also aims to increase students' communication skills since they can use what they

see and hear from these YouTube videos.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

This research focused on finding out how YouTube media increases

students’ motivation to learn English online. This research was conducted at a

junior high school in Jambi City. The participants of this research are the teachers

who teach English at that school. In this research, the researcher will find out how

YouTube media as a source of learning material in increasing students'


1.5 Significance of the Study

1. For students

The use of YouTube as a learning medium will improve the quality of

student learning to be more attractive, thus increasing their motivation to learn

English online. In addition, it helps students learn to be more active in improving

English language skills.

2. For teacher

This study is an evaluation material for teachers to determine students' motivation,

with or without YouTube as a medium for learning English online and helping

teachers learn and understand appropriate teaching methods to be applied during




2.1 Definition of YouTube

According to Chandra (2017), in his thesis with title YouTube, Citra

Media Informasi Interaktif Atau Media Penyampaian Aspirasi Pribadi, he states

that YouTube found in 2005. Three officers found YouTube itself from finance

online PayPal in America. They are Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.

A Japanese pizza shop and restaurant inspired YouTube in San Mateo, California,

in 2006. Some surveys mention that YouTube was one of the fastest-growing sites

on the World Wide Web.

Nowadays, YouTube becomes an excellent platform on the Internet.

YouTube is a well-known video-sharing website where users can upload, view,

and share video clips. Content on YouTube includes music videos, TV clips, and

personal videos uploaded by users, mainly public members. Nevertheless, the

most important thing is that YouTube is also used as a teaching medium to

encourage learning. Various organizations such as businesses, television

broadcasters, universities, political parties, and non-governmental organizations

have set up YouTube channels to deliver their message to a broader audience.

When referring to the development of YouTube in Indonesia itself, 2009

was the beginning of the development of YouTube in Indonesia. This started after

the circulation of Marshanda's "Confide" video on social media, including

YouTube. YouTube video sites and various infotainment broadcasts on television.

A video containing an expression of the artist's disappointment, Marshanda, has

been uploaded by a third party. In addition, in 2010, there was a lip-sync video of

the song Sinta-Jojo and Gamaliel-Audrey, which became the talk of various media

infotainments in the community. Sinta, Jojo, Gamaliel, and Audrey deliberately

uploaded their videos to the YouTube video site.

2.2 The Function of YouTube

The attractiveness of YouTube's function brings numerous benefits to the

users. The users can upload a video that contains any part of their life freely. It

would be privileged to be able to share several pieces of information which are

valuable and valuable. Based on (Sawyer 2011), he said that today's era, social

media spread widely in society. He also believes that the use of social media helps

people to be able to keep in touch even at long distances. That is the thing with

YouTube, where the users can see their relatives and all people worldwide. This is

one function of YouTube used by the users for having fun or as entertainment


Another function also states by Sawyer (in Chen &Strarosta, 2005). He

said that YouTube also has a function to help its' users to adapt to another culture

from another country. This is included as an intercultural adaptation process. He

also stated 4 (four) stages through an intercultural adaptation process, namely: (a)

Mass stages honeymoon, the community or user community feels very happy

(euphoria) with the situation at that time regarding the new culture; (b) Mass

stages crisis (crisis), is a situation of uncomfortable and frustrating in the

community or the community of users that were discovered and felt on the other

side of the new culture. The perceived cultural values are unfamiliar; (c) Stages of

Adjustments (adjustment) is a situation the community or community of

users starts trying to adjusting to their new culture; (d) Stages of biculturalism

(biculturalism) is the final stage where the community or user community begins

adjusting to his new culture.

The most important thing is that YouTube provides all videos we might

need, especially learning and teaching. Based on Villiers (2011), YouTube was

perceived as an innovative learning technology by most students. The use of

YouTube videos helped the students and was seen as an effective way of

supporting their learning, especially learning English. Moreover, YouTube allows

users to watch or download teaching and learning videos and create their videos.

2.3 YouTube as Teaching Medium

Duffy (2008) also gave some specific examples of how YouTube could be

incorporated into teaching and learning. For examples; ask students to create a

video as a part of an assessment after teacher share or explain the materials, then

ask them to record a video of a guest presenter and upload it to YouTube and use

the comments functionality as a platform for discussion, have students search for

videos related to questions posted at the end of lectures, showing students real-

world examples of material and theory covered in class and asking students to

post a simple teaching video. This activity also helps the teacher to see further

about students' ability in learning English. This is because some students look

passive in the classroom but competent enough.

Sharif (2005) stated that YouTube could change students from passive to

active learners. This is because they engaged actively in the learning and teaching

process by using YouTube media. Students can concentrate on and process

effectively since they can create their creations while doing their work or using

YouTube. This means that the students can do their works in their way. However,

teachers still have to ensure that the materials used in the classroom are

meaningful. The use of YouTube can be an excellent strategy to initiate

communication between the students and the content, which is facilitated well.

Mayer (2001) stated that the use of videos is incredibly effective,

especially for introductory courses, as it can facilitate complex concepts and

attract the attention of weak students and visual/ special students. As we know,

students, especially in junior high level, have a higher interest to study using

video rather than stick with the textbook only. Moreover, when teachers want to

teach new materials, YouTube technology can be considered a valuable learning


According to Balcikanli (2011), YouTube may be valuable to address

students' interests and needs for real-life language by providing authentic

discourse. How YouTube provides all video that the students might need support

this statement. Not only comprised of teaching and learning videos, but YouTube

also provides authentic videos for real-life needs. Such as debates, talk shows, and

so on. Watching those kinds of videos helps students refresh their brains after

learning materials in class, increasing their knowledge. Even more so, if they

watch English videos, they at least can enrich their vocabulary.

Based on Ghasemi, Hashemi, and Bardine (2011), some scholars state that

incorporating YouTube in the language classrooms could reduce the level of

stress students may feel when learning a new language they could view as

entertaining rather than educational activity—learning through YouTube video

different with learning materials in class using textbook, journal, or article. The

use of YouTube video as a medium while learning makes a different impression,

where the students can fascinatingly learn their materials. Which is usually read

their textbook, now can listen to the audio and see the picture simultaneously.

Regarding the use of video as a learning medium, Jafar (2012) report that

98% of students used video as an online information resource, with 86% of

students confident that the platform helps their learning of anatomy. This would

be the main reason why the teacher in this era cannot be silent or apathetic about

the blooming of information that can appear up in one touch (Internet). For the

teacher, YouTube is helpful inappropriate to the material or object. Because of the

significant finding, the researcher wraps up that YouTube as a teaching medium is

a valuable tool for instruction. It is capable of being specific strategy

recommendations for the teacher in this era as well.

2.4 Definition of Motivation

Dornyei and Skehan (2003) define motivation as something 'responsible

for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing the activity, and

how hard they will pursue it. Ormrod (2006) also defines motivation as

'something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving,

points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going.

Ellis (2004) also points out that more teachers have increasingly

recognized the importance of extrinsic motivation that students bring to the

language classroom and intrinsic motivation generated inside the classroom

through instruction activities. Noels (2000) also distinguish three types of intrinsic

motivation: 1. Knowledge: the motivation derived from exploring ideas and

knowledge, 2. Accomplishment: the pleasant sensations aroused to achieve a task

or goal, 3. Stimulation: the fun and excitement generated by actually performing a


Dornyei (2001) also proposes four groups of motivational strategies for the

language classroom: 1. Strategies for developing the essential motivation

condition: creating a pleasant and supportive atmosphere in the classroom. 2.

Strategies for generating initial motivation: increasing the students' expectancy of

success in particular tasks and in learning in general. 3. Strategies for maintaining

and protecting motivation: making learning stimulating and enjoyable for the

learners by enlisting them as active task participants.

Harmer (1991, p.3) explains the meaning of motivation as the "internal

drive" that pushes somebody to do something. If we think that our goal is worth

doing and attractive for us, we try to reach that goal; this is called "the action is

driven by motivation." Lightbown and Spada (1999, p. 56) note that motivation in

second language learning is quite complicated to study, which can be explained in

terms of two factors: learners' communicative needs and attitudes towards the

second language community.

In addition, Parsons, Hinson, and Brown (2001, p. 28) define motivation

as an essential component or factor in the learning process. Learning and

motivation have the same importance in order to achieve something. Learning

makes us gain new knowledge and skills, and motivation pushes us or encourages

us to go through the learning process.

Gardner (1982), in his socio-educational model, notes that motivation is

perceived to be composed of three elements. These are effort, desire, and affect.

Effort refers to the time spent studying the language and the drive of the learner.

Desire indicates how much the learner wants to become proficient in the language

and affects the learner's emotional reactions to language study.

2.5 Types of Motivation

(Harmer, 1991, p. 3) uses the word 'goal' to categorize the motivation in

second language learning into two types: 1. The short-term goal means when

students wish to succeed in doing something shortly, for example, students who

want to pass their exams or get a good grade or high scores. 2. Long-term goal

refers to a wish of students or learners who want to get a better job in the future or

to be able to communicate with people who use the language that they study or

the target language.

Krashen (1988, p.22) mentioned the following factors related to

motivation that will attempt to relate the second language's ability to these two

functions. 1. Integrative motivation, defined as the desire to be a part of

recognized or essential members of the community or that society that speak the

second language. 2. Instrumental motivation involves the concepts of purely

practical value in learning the second language to increase learners' careers or

business opportunities, giving them more prestige and power, accessing scientific

and technical information, or just passing a course of their study in school

(Saville- Troike, 2006, p. 86).

Besides it, based on Hayikaleng, Nair &Krishnasamy (2016), motivation is

divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivation in language

learning refers to motivation to be involved in an activity because the activity is

enjoyable and exciting. The person might be motivated by the enjoyment of the

learning activity or desire to make themselves feel better. Here the pupils are

enticed by their intrinsic motivation. They study English because of their internal

urge. Extrinsic motivation refers to an individual's performance to gain rewards

such as good grades or increase salary or avoid punishment. Here, the pupils in

learning English are encouraged by their external eagerness, such as looking for a

job or examining.

2.6 The Importance of Motivation in Learning

Spolsky (1990, p. 157) stated that motivated students are likely to learn

more and learn more quickly than less motivated students. In a particular learning

situation, less motivated students are likely to lose their attention, misbehave and

cause discipline problems. On the contrary, more highly motivated students will

participate actively and pay more attention to a specific learning task or activity.

This condition, of course, will affect students' achievement. Students' who

have higher motivation have a greater possibility to reach better achievements in

their learning results. Some researchers stated that motivation is also related to

achievement and IQ. Research demonstrates a relatively consistent relationship

between motivation and achievement in reading and math (Broussard & Garrison,

2004; Gottfried, 1990; Lange & Adler, 1997).

Gottfried (1990) in Lai (2011) said that motivation might be predictive of

achievement, but it applies to the longer term through two possible mechanisms.

First, motivation is strongly related to contemporaneous achievement, which is

highly predictive of later achievement. Second, early motivation is predictive of

later motivation, which is strongly related to contemporaneous achievement.

2.7 Definition of Online Learning

According to Wentling et al. (2000), the term Online Learning, also called

e-learning, refers to the attainment and use of knowledge predominantly

facilitated and distributed electronically. He also stated that e-learning depends on

computers and networks. However, it is likely to progress into systems

comprising various channels such as wireless and satellite and technologies such

as cellular phones. Then, Liu and Wang (2009) claim that the progression of

communications technologies, particularly the Internet, did transform distance

learning into e-learning. Gotschall (2000) argues that the concept of e-learning is

proposed based on distance learning, thus, the transmission of lectures to distant

locations by way of video presentations.

Oblinger and Hawkins (2005) in Arkorful (2014) noted that e-Learning

has transformed from a fully online course to using technology to deliver part or

all of a course independent of permanent time and place. Also, the European

Commission (2001) describes e-learning as the use of new multimedia

technologies and the Internet to increase learning quality by easing access to

facilities and services and foreign exchanges and collaboration.

2.8 Types of Online Learning

Algahtani (2011) divided e-learning into two basic types, consisting of

computer-based and Internet-based e-learning. Computer-based learning

comprises the use of a full range of hardware and software generally available for

the use of Information and Communication Technology. Each component can be

used in either of two ways: computer-managed instruction and computer-assisted

learning. In computer-assisted learning, computers are used instead of traditional

methods by providing interactive software as a support tool within the class or as

a tool for self-learning outside the class. In computer-managed instruction,

however, computers are employed to store and retrieve information to aid

education management.

For internet-based learning, Almosa (2001) described that it is a further

improvement of computer-based learning. It makes the content available on the

Internet, with the readiness of links to related knowledge sources, such as e-mail

services and references that learners could use at any time and place, and the

availability or absence of teachers or instructors.

2.9 The Use of Online Learning in Education

The introduction and expansion of a range of e-Learning tools have

initiated several changes in higher education institutions, particularly regarding

their educational delivery and support processes (Dublin, 2003). According to

Love and Fry (2006), colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher

learning race to advance online course capability in a speedily developing cyber

education market. That fact proved that the use of online learning n education has

an important role.

The Use of Online Learning in Education has several benefits, and given

its several advantages and benefits, e-learning is considered among the best

education methods. Several studies and authors have provided benefits and

advantages derived from adopting e-learning technologies into the education

world. For instance, Marc (2000) listed some of the advantages of the adoption of

eLearning in education:

1. It is flexible when issues of time and place are taken into consideration. Every

student has the luxury of choosing the place and time that suits him/her.

According to Smedley (2010), the adoption of e-learning provides the

institutions and their students or learners the flexibility of time and place of

delivery or receipt of according to learning information.

2. E-learning enhances the efficacy of knowledge and qualifications via ease of

access to a massive amount of information.

3. It can provide opportunities for relations between learners by the use of

discussion forums. Through this, e-learning helps eliminate barriers that have

the potential of hindering participation, including the fear of talking to other

learners. E-learning motivates students to interact with other, as well as

exchange and respect different point of views. E-Learning eases

communication and also improves the relationships that sustain learning.

Wagner et al. (2008) note that e-Learning makes extra available prospects for

interactivity between students and teachers during content delivery.

4. E-learning is cost-effective because there is no need for the students or learners

to travel. It is also cost-effective because it offers opportunities for learning for

a maximum number of learners with no need for many buildings.

5. E-learning always takes into consideration the individual learners' differences.

Some learners, for instance, prefer to concentrate on certain parts of the course,

while others are prepared to review the entire course.

6. E-learning helps compensate for scarcities of academic staff, including

instructors or teachers and facilitators and lab technicians.

7. The use of e-Learning allows self-pacing. For instance, the asynchronous way

permits each student to study at his or her own pace and speed, whether slow or

quick. It, therefore, increases satisfaction and decreases stress (Codone, 2001;

Amer, 2007; Urdan and Weggen, 2000; Algahtani, 2011; Marc, 2002; Klein

and Ware, 2003).

2.10 Previous Research

Some studies almost have the same topics or ideas as the present study:

First, research done by Sunisah (2019) entitled: Perceptions of the Use of

YouTube Videos for Learning English at Eleventh Graders of SMKS Tunas

Harapan Rimbo Bujang. This research was a quantitative design method whose

data is presented quantitatively. The research was conducted using the survey

method. The research used a questionnaire as the data instrument to obtain the

data. The purpose of this research is to identify the students' perceptions of the use

of YouTube videos for learning English at eleventh graders of SMKS Tunas

Harapan Rimbo Bujang. The researcher used a questionnaire given to 33 students

of SMKS Tunas Harapan Rimbo Bujang as the research samples in collecting the

data. The finding showed that the students' perceived that the use of YouTube

video for learning English at the eleventh graders SMKS Tunas Harapan Rimbo

Bujang has a high category, significantly has a good effect motivation students,

and accommodates interest, where this means good. This result from the overall

result: the students' attitude is 35%, motivation 33%, and interest is 32%.

The second research was research conducted by Sari (2017) entitled Using

vlog in the YouTube Channel as a Means to Improve Students' Motivation and

Confidence to Speak English in Intermediate 1 Level of LB-LIA Jambi. This

study employed three data collection techniques: classroom observation,

questionnaires, and interviews with the classroom teacher. The observation was

carried out to find out students' participation and responses in speaking activities.

This study was undertaken in LB-LIA Jambi of Intermediate 1 level of students.

The classroom consists of 20 students. They are considered to have sufficient

knowledge and ability in English. Most of the students gave positive responses

towards using vlogs in the YouTube Channel to improve their motivation and

confidence. They agreed that the use of vlogs helped to grow their motivation and

confidence to speak English higher.

The third research was conducted by Alkathiri (2019) entitled Students'

Perspectives towards Using YouTube in Improving EFL Learners' Motivation to

Speak. The purpose of this study is to determine whether YouTube, as a media

source that can engagingly model language practice, can be used to help ELLs

improve word pronunciation skills. A questionnaire was administered to students

to assess students' attitudes towards using YouTube to improve their motivation to

speak and practice the language in class. The results demonstrated that YouTube

in the English language classroom represents an engaging method, motivating

students to participate in these lessons. Furthermore, participation in English-

speaking lessons using YouTube videos increased student confidence about their

English-speaking abilities. Therefore, it is reasonable for educators to continue to

use YouTube and other video media as a part of instruction in the ELL classroom

because this motivates students to learn and practice their speaking skills aloud

with confidence, enabling them to achieve their language attainment goals.

Like this research, the three previous studies discussed using YouTube as

a medium for learning English. Nevertheless, the researcher focuses on the

students' perception of the Use of YouTube Videos for Learning English in the

first study. Besides that, the research was a quantitative design method whose data

is presented quantitatively. The research was conducted using the survey method.

The research used a questionnaire as the data instrument to obtain the data.

Meanwhile, in this study, the researcher focuses on using YouTube media

to increase students' motivation to learn English online. In this research, the

researcher uses the qualitative design method to gather the data with the interview

as the instrument. Besides that, the researcher also takes different places. This

study conducts at a junior high school in Jambi City.

Additionally, the researcher focuses on using vlogs in the YouTube

Channel as a Means to Improve Students' Motivation and Confidence to Speak

English in the second study. Then, for the techniques of collecting data, the

researcher also used questionnaires besides observation and interview.

Meanwhile, the researcher focuses on specific features in YouTube, like a vlog,

and the other features in this study. Such as watching the video, downloading or

uploading the video. Then, the researcher only uses two techniques of collecting

data: observation and interview. Besides that, the researcher also takes a different

place. This study conducts at a junior high school in Jambi City.

The researcher focuses on Students' Perspectives towards Using YouTube

in Improving EFL Learners' Motivation to Speak in the third study. Then, for the

techniques of collecting data, the researcher also used questionnaires. In his study,

the researcher focuses on speaking skills. While in this research, the researcher

did not focus on specific skills. Besides that, the researcher also takes a different

place. This study conducts at a junior high school in Jambi City.



3.1 Design of Research

Research is a process of collecting and analyzing information to increase

our understanding of a topic or issue (Creswell, 2012). We can approach research

in two ways, through a quantitative study or a qualitative study. It depends on the

type of problem we need to research. This research itself was qualitative research

by using a case study. Based on Creswell (2012), in qualitative research, we see

different major characteristics at each stage of the research process: exploring a

problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon,

having the literature review play a minor role but justify the problem, stating the

purpose and research questions in general and broadways to the participants'

experiences, collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals

so that the participants' views are obtained, analyzing the data for description and

themes using text analysis and interpreting the more significant meaning of the

findings, and writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative

criteria, and including the researchers' subjective reflexivity and bias.

A case study is an in-depth exploration of a bounded system (e.g., activity,

event, process, or individuals) based on extensive data collection (Creswell,

2007). Besides it, Sagadin (1991) stated that a "case study is used when we

analyze and describe, for example, each person individually (his or her activity,

special needs, life situation, life history, etc.), a group of people (a school

department, a group of students with special needs, teaching staff, etc.), individual

institutions or a problem (or several problems), process, phenomenon or event in a

particular institution, etc. in detail. This research was more concerned with what

or why something happened (Nassaji, 2015). This research focused on how the

use of YouTube media increases students' motivation to learn English online.

The researcher used qualitative methods to understand the phenomena

experienced by the research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation,

action, and others using descriptions in words and language. Therefore, to obtain

complete, in-depth data and provide the correct answer to the problem, qualitative

research is used. This is also in line with the qualitative characteristics of research

in Creswell's theory described in this research.

For the use of case studies in this research, as with other research

objectives in general, researchers who use case study research methods aim to

understand the object under study. Yin (2003a, 2009), as cited in Putra (2019),

states that the purpose of using case study research is not just to explain what the

object under study is like, but to explain how the case existed and why it

happened. This explanation follows the researchers' aims in this research, namely

to find out how YouTube media increases first graders' motivation to learn

English online.

3.2 Participant of the Research

The study was conducted at a junior high school in Jambi City. The

subjects of this study were English teachers at that school. These participants have

used YouTube as a medium to teach English during online classes in the

pandemic era.

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection

The data method is a technique used by researchers to collect data. To

obtain the objectives of this study, an interview was used. Moelong (2017) stated

that the interview is a conversation with a particular purpose. Fetterman, as cited

in Fraenkel&Wallen (2009), stated that the most critical data collection technique

in a qualitative researcher is an interview. Dawson (2002) divided the interview

into unstructured or in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, and

structured interviews.

Unstructured Or In-Depth Interviews is a conversational type of interview

in which the questions arise from the situation. It is usually called a conversation

with a purpose. The semi-Structured interview is an interview between structured

and unstructured interview. The interviewer may change or modify the format or

questions during the interview even though the interviewer already formulated the

chosen area of interest and questions. Meanwhile, Structured Interviews are used

for the specific purpose of getting certain information from the subjects. Although

the questions are structured, qualitative structured interviews differ from

quantitative structured interviews. In this case, the researcher applies Semi-

Structured Interviews using interview protocol.

In this case, the researcher chose to use Semi-Structured Interviews so that

the interview process was more flexible. The researcher did not rule out the

possibility of new problems that arose during the interview process. By using

Semi-Structured Interviews, researchers can add new questions as needed. So this

will maximize the data obtained from the interviews. While the use of the

interview protocol is as a guide for researchers in conducting interviews so that

the process runs more neatly and orderly.

Jacob (2012) stated, "An interview protocol is more than a list of interview

questions; it also extends to the procedural level of interviewing and includes a

script of what you will say before the interview, the script for what you will say

after the interview, prompts for the interviewer to collect informed consent, and

prompts to remind the interviewer the information that she or he is interested in

collecting." The interview protocol is expected to help the researcher overcome

the difficulty in asking questions during the interview process. Fontana and Frey

(2000), as cited in Jacob (2012), point out this difficulty by asserting, "Asking

questions and getting answers is a much harder task than it may seem at first."

In collecting data, researchers went through several processes first before

finally obtaining data through interviews.

a. Researchers conducted observations in the field. After choosing the

instrument used in this study, the researcher made observations to several

high schools in Jambi City. Finally, a junior high school was chosen in

Jambi City. In this simple observation, the researcher found out and

confirmed that the English teacher at the school did use YouTube as a

learning medium during the pandemic.

b. The researcher asked for the approval of the teacher and the school to

conduct research at the school. After it was confirmed that the teachers at

the school were using YouTube as an online learning medium, the

researchers submitted a research permit obtained from the University of

Jambi, the student body of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

In the letter, researchers conduct research for a maximum of two weeks,

starting from June 14 to 28, 2021.

c. Researchers conducted interviews. Interviews were conducted face-to-face

at the school concerned. The interviews were conducted on two different

days. The first day was held on June 15, 2021 with two participants. The

second day was held on June 17, 2021 with two other participants. The

interview lasted approximately 15 minutes for each participant. Indonesian

is the language used by the participants in the interview process. This is

intended so that the data obtained by the researcher is more optimal than

using English in collecting data through interviews.

Table 3.1 Question for Interview Protocol

Components Subcomponents Questions

Introduction The interviewee To get started, could you please introduce

introduces yourself? In your introduction, you could

herself/himself. describe your role in English class or anything

else about yourself as an English teacher.

YouTube YouTube as a What obstacles have you experienced during

medium in learning the learning process of teaching English online

English online using YouTube as a learning medium?

How do students give the responsibility

regarding the use of YouTube as a learning

medium during online classes?

What activities are carried out in online class

when learning English using YouTube? (For

example, students watch learning videos from

YouTube or students create their learning

videos and upload them to YouTube)

What are the advantages and disadvantages

experienced by students while learning English

online using YouTube as a learning medium?

YouTube and The function of How does using YouTube for students'

Motivation YouTube motivation during the teaching and learning

English process in online classes?

The function of How effective is the use of YouTube as a

YouTube is to learning medium in an online class?

increase students'


3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The source of data collection in this research was result description, a

detailed rendering of people, places, or events in a qualitative research setting. It

is easiest to start the analysis after the initial reading and coding of the data. The

first step before analyzing the data was to observe the location to make sure that

students at a junior high school in Jambi City have already used YouTube as a

medium in learning English online. Then, the second step was to interview

participants to collect data by using interviews and process the data from teachers

as the participants of this study. In this second step, the researcher needs to

transcript the result from the interview. The researcher also needs to reduce data.

Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, selects, focuses, discards, and

organizes data in a way in which conclusions can be drawn and verified (Emzir,

2014). The third step was the presentation of the data with conclusions. However,

the conclusions drawn are still provisional and will change if no supporting

evidence is found.

3.5 Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a step to reduce errors in obtaining research data which

certainly affects the validity of the final results of a study. Researchers carried out

this trustworthiness check to produce scientifically reliable and reliable data that

meets a high level of credibility. Qualitative research can be declared valid if it

has a level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. Based

on these four conditions, the data validity test in further research can be explained

as follows:

1. Credibility

Credibility is the confidence that can be placed in the truth of the

research findings. Credibility establishes whether the research findings

represent plausible information drawn from the participants' original data and

correct the participants' original views (Korstjens & Moser, 2018). The effort

made by the researcher to gain credibility in this study was the select

researcher participants who are competent in this field, namely selecting

teachers as the main participants who indeed applied YouTube as an online

learning medium during the pandemic.

2. Transferability

Transferability is the degree to which the results of qualitative research

can be transferred to other contexts or settings with other respondents. The

researcher facilitates the transferability judgment by a potential user through

the thick description, which means a detailed and in-depth description

(Korstjens & Moser, 2018). As for research that fulfills transferability, if the

reader clarifies a research result, transferability can be done. Transferability in

this study was described in detail. Transferability testing in this study aims so

that other people can understand the results of research related to the use of

YouTube media to increase first graders' motivation to learn English online at

a school in Jambi City.

3. Dependability

Dependability is the stability of findings over time. Dependability

involves participants' evaluation of the findings, interpretation, and

recommendations of the study such that all are supported by the data as

received from participants of the study (Korstjens & Moser, 2018).

Dependability in this research was to conduct an audit of the entire research

process by reviewing or criticizing the research results. The aim is to check

whether the researcher is careful enough, whether he has made mistakes in

conceptualizing his research plan, collecting data, and interpreting it.

4. Confirmability

Confirmability is the degree to which other researchers could confirm

the findings of the research study. Confirmability is concerned with

establishing that data and interpretations of the findings are not figments of the

inquirer's imagination but derived from the data (Korstjens & Moser, 2018).

Confirmability is a criterion for assessing the quality of the research results.

Confirmability is required to know whether the data was obtained objectively

or not. To maintain the correctness and objectivity of research results, this can

be done by: compiling field notes, compile data descriptions, analysis,

synthesis, and interpretation/meaning, as well as reporting on the data

collection process.



This chapter presents the findings and discussion of an analysis of the use of

YouTube media to increase students' motivation in learning English online.

4.1 Overview of the Study

This chapter aims to present the finding to answer the following research


How does the use of YouTube media increase students' motivation in

learning English online?

The data of this study were collected through interviews as the primary

source of the data in this study. The English teachers' voices were collected to find

out how the use of YouTube media increases students' motivation to learn English

online. The interview section was conducted from 14th to 28th June 2021.

4.2 Profile of the Participants

There are four participants in this research. The four participants were

given pseudonyms; they were Teacher 1 (T1), Teacher 2 (T2), Teacher 3 (T3),

and Teacher 4 (T4).

Teacher 1 is the first participant. She is a female teacher. She taught at

school, where the researcher did her research. Teacher 1 taught an English course

for grade eight. She used YouTube as a teaching medium in her online class

during Covid-19.

Teacher 2 is the first participant. She is a female teacher. She taught at

school, where the researcher did her research. Teacher 2 taught English courses

for grades eight and nine. She used YouTube as a teaching medium in her online

class during Covid-19.

Teacher 3 is the first participant. She is a female teacher. She taught at

school, where the researcher did her research. Teacher 3 taught English courses

for grades seven and eight. She used YouTube as a teaching medium in her online

class during Covid-19.

Teacher 4 is the first participant. She is a female teacher. She taught at

school, where the researcher did her research. Teacher 4 taught English courses

for grades seven and eight. She used YouTube as a teaching medium in her online

class during Covid-19.

From the profile of the participants, we know that all participants of this

research were four participants. All of the participants were female who taught

English courses in a Junior High School in Jambi City. The participants used

YouTube as a learning medium to teach English during Covid-19.

4.3 Research Findings

From interviews that the researcher has conducted, she found that from the

four participants, three of them said that YouTube was an effective medium to

increase students' motivation in learning English online. Meanwhile, one of the

participants said YouTube was not an effective medium for an online class. Then,

the researcher will divide their answers into two parts: the benefits and obstacles

of using YouTube media to increase students' motivation to learn English online.

4.3.1 The Benefits of the Use of YouTube

Based on the interview, there are some benefits of using YouTube as one

of the learning media in online class during Covid-19, namely YouTube as a

Learning Medium that is Easy to Understand, YouTube as an exciting medium,

YouTube as an inspiring and motivating medium and YouTube as a Practical

Learning Medium.

1. YouTube as a Learning Medium that is Easy to Understand

YouTube is considered learning medium that is easy to understand because of

learning materials in audio and visual form. Based on data that the researcher got

through the interview, two out of four participants claimed that YouTube is a

learning medium that is easy to understand. As stated by T2:


"… menarik, juga mudah dimengerti barangkali. Kemudian juga bisa berbagi ke

ini ya, ke yang lain ya. Itu mungkin untuk kelebihannya." (interesting, also easy to

understand perhaps. Then you can also share to this, yes, to others. That's

probably for the advantage).

The similar statements also claimed by T3:


"Kelebihannya sebagai media pembelajaran itu di sini tentunya karena menarik

itu tadi. Karena ada animasinya dan sound effect. Selain itu juga videonya lebih

bervariasi. Terus, eh,,,kontennya yang bagus dan lebih mudah untuk dipahami

sama siswa." (The advantage as a learning medium here is, of course, because it

was interesting, because there are animations and sound effects. In addition, the

videos are more varied. Then, uh,, the content is good and easier for students to


2. YouTube as an Exciting Medium

YouTube is considered an exciting learning medium because it provides a

variety of learning videos. Both the complete variety of subjects provided, as well

as the video display offered. One of which is considered the most interesting for

students is learning videos with various animations. This is evidenced from

interviews with T2, T3, and T4:


“Belajar dari YouTube itu sangat menarik. Apalagi ada banyak video dengan

animasi. Warnanya, gambarnya, itu sangat menginspirasi siswa." (Learning from

YouTube is very interesting. Moreover, there are many videos with animation.

The colors, the pictures, it really inspires students.)


"… anak-anak di sini lebih tertarik untuk belajar. Hal ini dikarenakan

penggunaan YouTube video yang lebih berwarna. Seperti penggunaan animasi,

kartun, dan juga ada tambahan sound effect-nya kan. Jadi anak lebih tertarik

gitu." (…students here are more interested in learning. This is due to the use of

YouTube videos that are more colorful. Like the use of animation, cartoons, and

there are additional sound effects, right. So students are more interested in that.


"YouTube menyediakan banyak sekali video- video dengan konten yang menarik.

Terlebih untuk materi Bahasa Inggris ya. Seperti animasi, video dengan tampilan

yang menarik seperti itu sangat disukai siswa. Itu sangat menarik bagi siswa"

(YouTube provides a lot of videos with interesting content, especially for English

material, yes. Like animation, videos with an attractive appearance like that are

very popular with students. It's very interesting for students.)

3. YouTube as an Inspiring and Motivating Medium

YouTube's role as a learning medium that is easy for students to understand

and considered attractive makes YouTube a medium that is quite inspiring and

motivating. Based on the data that the researcher got from the interview, all of the

participants claimed that YouTube is an inspiring and motivating medium.

The increasing interest of students in learning is influenced by the learning videos

used by teachers when teaching English online. Delivery of learning materials

using video is considered interesting for students. Moreover, the video is

presented in the form of colorful animation and sound effects that support it. As

stated by T2:


"Anak lebih semangat belajar. Itu dampak positifnya. Nampak dari cara anak

belajar. Misalnya kalau anak VIII I, kalau mam mulai mengajar dengan YouTube

mereka sangat senang. Nampak dari mereka merespon dengan tugas yang kita

kirimkan" (students are more enthusiastic about learning. That's the positive

impact. It can be seen from the way children learn. For example, if children are

VIII I, if mom starts teaching with YouTube, they are very happy. It seems that

they respond with the tasks we send.)

Not only motivates students, it turns out that the use of YouTube as a learning

medium also inspires teachers during online teaching. As stated by T1:


"Pastinya ini menjadi hal yang baru ya kan. Menjadi pelajaran dan inspirasi juga

bagi guru-guru. Yang pertamanya tadi nggak bisa buka YouTube, sekarang sudah

bisa. Yang tadinya tidak tau dengan teknologi, komputer dan segala macam,

sekarang bisa belajar." (Surely this is something new, right? Be a lesson and

inspiration also for teachers. Before teaching online, I couldn't open YouTube,

now I can. Those who previously didn't know about technology, computers and all

sorts of things, can now learn.)

4. YouTube as a Practical Learning Medium

YouTube's role as a medium to increase students' interest in learning online

makes YouTube become an effective learning medium to use. Three of the four

participants also stated that YouTube is an effective learning medium. As stated

by T4:


"Dilihat dari dampak positifnya, di mana banyak sekali video pembelajaran

menarik yang bisa kita gunakan dan cukup memotivasi siswa. Jadi bisa dibilang

YouTube ini sangat efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran." (Seen

from the positive impact, where there are lots of interesting learning videos that

we can use and motivate students enough. So you can say that YouTube is very

effective to be used as a learning medium.)

4.3.2 The Obstacles of the Use of YouTube

Based on the interview, there are some obstacles to using YouTube as one

of the learning media in online classes during Covid-19. According to the

participants, the limited supporting facilities became a significant problem during

the online learning process. In addition, the lack of students' English skills and the

difficulty of teachers in monitoring the student learning process using YouTube

are also other obstacles in online learning.

1. The Lack of Supporting Facilities

Supporting facilities such as gadgets and internet or Wi-Fi quotas are the

primary means of determining whether or not the learning process runs well.

However, from the data obtained by the researcher as a result of the interview, it

was found that all participants stated that the lack of supporting facilities was the

main obstacle. As stated by T1:


"Wi-Fi di sekolah kadang kendalanya ya lemotnya itu yang bikin kita kadang ini,

kadang pas lagi ngajar, mau akses YouTube kadang mati lampu kendalanya kan.

Terus kadang WiFi-nya terlalu nggak kencang, nggak kuat jadi di tunda juga

belajarnya sampai WiFi-nya itu kembali normal." (WiFi at school is sometimes

the problem, it's slow, that's what makes us do this sometimes, sometimes when

we're teaching, we want to access YouTube sometimes the lights go out, right.

Then sometimes the WiFi isn't too fast, it's not strong, so learning is also delayed

until the WiFi returns to normal).

T2 also added that the ownership of gadgets that help students to be able to take

online classes is not evenly distributed. There are still students who do not have

their gadgets and have to borrow gadgets or study at internet cafes. This is

because the economic conditions of the families of some students are not so good.

As stated by T2:


"Tidak semua orang tuanya mepunyai pendapatan yang lebih. Masih ada

beberapa siswa atau mungkin sepersekian persen itu siswanya orang tuanya tidak

mampu." (Not all parents have more income. There are still some students or

maybe a fraction of the students whose parents can't afford it).

2. The Lack of Understanding of Students in English

English as a foreign language is the reason for students' lack of understanding

of this subject. From the data that researchers have taken, three of the four

participants stated that English as a foreign language is one of the obstacles in

online learning. As claimed by T3:


"Bahasa Inggris kan bahasa asing. Jadi untuk speak up di kelas itu mereka

mungkin masih masih malu. Karena untuk bicara Bahasa Indonesia di kelas saja

mereka malu apalagi Bahasa Inggris,,," (English is a foreign language. So to

speak up in that class, they may still be shy. Because they are embarrassed to

speak Indonesian in class, let alone English).

The lack of knowledge of some students in English subjects makes them have low

interest in learning and creativity that is not high enough. As stated by T4:


"Kendala lainnya juga seperti keingunan ataupun minat belajar siswa dalam

pembelajaran online ini bisa dibilang cukup rendah." (Other obstacles are also

the desire or interest in student learningIn online learning, this can be said to be

quite low).

T2 also conveyed the lack of student creativity:


"Yang menjadi permasalahannya, tidak semua siswa belajarnya kreatif. Ini kan

kalau kita belajar dari YouTube harus kreatif sendiri, karena guru hanya

memberikan materi dari YouTube." (The problem is, not all students learn

creative. That's right, if we learn from YouTube, we have to be creative

themselves, because the teacher only provides material from YouTube).

3. The Difficulty in Controlling Students

Online learning from a distance makes it difficult for teachers to control the

student learning process. Especially in YouTube as a learning medium, teachers

cannot ensure that students only use it to access learning videos. This problem

was also presented by two of the four existing participants. As stated by T4:


"Saat saya menggunakan YouTube ini, saya tidak dapat mengontrol siswa, tidak

dapat mengarahkan mereka." (When I use this YouTube, I can't control the

students, can't direct them).

"Siswa lebih cenderung belajar mandiri, belajar sendiri, dan memahami materi

dari video itu sendiri. Malah, takutnya mereka justru mengakses video lain yang

tidak relate ke pelajaran" (students are more likely to learn independently. Self-

study, and understand the material from the video itself. In fact, we worried that

they will access other videos that do not relate to the lesson).

4.4 Research Discussions

This part presents the discussion of the research finding. The objective of

this research was to know how the use of YouTube media increases students'

motivation to learn English online. According to Tohidi& Jabari, 2012,

motivation is the encouragement given to others to achieve high-performance

levels and overcome obstacles encountered in the process of change. Motivation is

the driving force of guidance, control, and persistence in human behavior. It

knows how effective YouTube is as a learning medium is essential. This is

because YouTube is one of the most widely used platforms for students. Then it

becomes necessary to find out how many benefits students can get from YouTube

as a learning medium.

In the finding that based on the data, the researcher found that there were

more benefits rather than obstacles found by the teachers during an online class.

The researcher provided two themes from the interview data: the benefits of using

YouTube and the obstacles of using YouTube as a learning medium.

Table 4.1 Table of Findings

No. The benefits of using YouTube The obstacles of using YouTube as a

as a learning medium learning medium

1 YouTube as a learning medium The difficulty in controlling students

that is easy to understand

2 YouTube as an exciting learning The lack of understanding of students

medium in English

3 YouTube as an inspiring and The lack of supporting facilities

motivating learning medium

4 YouTube as a suitable learning


Firstly, the researcher will discuss the benefits of the use YouTube as a

learning medium. Based on the data, the researcher found that there were four

benefits of YouTube as a learning medium, they are YouTube as a learning

medium that is easy to understand, YouTube as an exciting learning medium,

YouTube as an inspiring and motivating learning medium, and YouTube as a

practical learning medium.

YouTube as a learning medium that is easy to understand is the first

benefit found by the researcher based on the interview data. Fachriyah, Badriyah,

and Perwitasari (2019), in their research with the title Using YouTube to evaluate

and Practice English Skills: A Case Study of Blended learning stated that the

media is very supportive of an effective teaching and learning process. This is

because the media can help students to understand the material being taught more

efficiently. In their research, they also stated that one of the effective media to use

is YouTube. The reason is that the use of YouTube is not only a source of

material but also makes it easier for students to practice directly about the material

being taught. This is because YouTube is a learning medium that provides a

variety of learning videos.

The researcher also found that YouTube is an exciting learning medium as

the second benefit. Fachriyah, Badriyah, and Perwitasari (2019), in their research

with the title Using YouTube to Evaluate and Practice English Skills: A Case

Study of Blended Learning, stated that from the results of the questionnaire data,

64.7% of students who participated agreed that YouTube was an exciting learning

medium to use. Moreover, in this study, they focused on the discussion of skills in

English. Being able to practice before the learning process is one of the reasons

students agree that YouTube is an exciting learning medium. Another reason is

that they can more easily create creativity in learning, such as making videos

about daily conversations, pronunciation, etc.

Apart from those two benefits, the researcher also found that YouTube is

an inspiring and motivating learning medium. Harmer (2002), as cited in

Kurniawati (2012), stated that one of the main advantages of video is that learners

do not just hear the language. They also see it. These videos may be used for

inspiring or motivating students to learn so that students enjoy the materials. Then

one of the media that can be applied to motivate students is YouTube. Increasing

students' motivation in learning also fosters their creativity in learning. YouTube

videos as a source of learning inspire students in learning, especially English.

The last benefit is that YouTube is an effective learning medium.

Kurniawati (2012), in her research with the title The Effectiveness of Using

YouTube Video in Teaching English Grammar Viewed from Students' Attitude,

concluded that YouTube is an effective teaching medium to teach English. The

researcher also stated that using YouTube as a learning medium was more

effective than textbooks as a teaching medium for several points of English

material such as grammar.

Secondly, the researcher will discuss the obstacles of the use of YouTube

as a learning medium. Although YouTube is an effective learning medium, the

researcher also found some obstacles faced by the teachers in teaching English

during online learning. Based on the data, the researcher found three obstacles of

the YouTube as a learning medium: the lack of supporting facilities, the lack of

students' understanding of English, and the difficulty in controlling students.

The lack of supporting facilities in using YouTube as a learning medium is

the first obstacle found by the researcher based on the interview data. Supporting

facilities that are meant, in this case, such as gadgets and internet data or Wi-Fi, as

explained by interviewees in the interview, do not have gadgets. Economic

conditions that have not been good evenly have resulted in some students still

having problems in the absence of gadgets to participate in the online learning

process. Moreover, internet data and Wi-Fi, which are sometimes unstable, still

interfere with the online teaching and learning process. Hartanto (2018), in his

research, stated that the disadvantages of online-based learning are the limited

availability of Wi-Fi and wasteful quota. This happens when the teacher gives

material in audio-visual or YouTube, which requires many bytes. Students cannot

rely on the Wi-Fi network because it is slow, so they inevitably have to use the

internet network available on their card. So sometimes they cannot continue their

lessons because the quota has run out.

The next obstacle is the lack of students' understanding of English. The

researcher found that the lack of students' understanding becomes one of the

obstacles all participants face while teaching English online from the interview

data. Participants explained that most of the students still had difficulty speaking

English. Conveying the idea of using Indonesian in online classes, also students

still feel reluctant. Then, this obstacle certainly does not come from the use of

YouTube as an online learning medium. However, from the students themselves

who do not have sufficient ability in speaking English. Eviliana (2020), in her

research, stated that most of the students explained that they found it difficult to

learn English. This is what causes students to tend to be passive while learning

English online.

The last obstacle is the difficulty in controlling students. Haryanto (2018),

in his research with Kelebihan dan Kekurangan E-Learning Berbasis Schoology

(Studi PTK Dalam Pembejaran Mata Kuliah Academic Listening), stated that

Some students sometimes abuse the ease of operation available in the application

service. For example, students can send work from home or elsewhere without

being present in class. Of course, everything can happen because of cooperation

with those in the classroom. That is, not all students do the assignments given.

Another drawback in using YouTube as a learning medium is its misuse, which

teachers are concerned about. For example, students instead use YouTube to

watch videos that are not related to the lesson material.



This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions of an analysis of the use of

YouTube media to increase students' motivation in learning English online.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the research an analysis of the use of YouTube

media to increase students' motivation in learning English online, the research can

make conclusions as follows:

1. Three out of four participants said that YouTube has a positive impact or

more significant benefits than the obstacles it poses as an online learning

medium. The use of YouTube as a learning medium can also increase

students' motivation to learn English online.

2. Based on the data, the researcher found that there were four benefits of

YouTube as a learning medium, they are YouTube as a learning medium

that is easy to understand, YouTube as an exciting learning medium,

YouTube as an inspiring and motivating learning medium, and YouTube

as a suitable learning medium.

3. Based on the data, the researcher found three obstacles of the YouTube as

a learning medium: the lack of supporting facilities, the lack of students'

understanding of English, and the difficulty in controlling students.

However, most of the obstacles experienced by teachers while teaching

English online do not come from using YouTube as a learning medium.

However, the obstacle is from the limited facilities and abilities of


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the finding in this research, the suggestions to be conveyed through this

research area are as follows:

1. For English teacher

Because of the convenience and many benefits of YouTube as a learning

medium during online classes, teachers may apply YouTube to teach English


2. For future research

The researcher only uses an interview as an instrument in this research.

Hopefully, in the following research, the future researcher can use an additional

instrument such as observation to provide detailed information. In addition, this

research is also a qualitative research with limited participants. For results with

more valid data, future research can use quantitative methods.

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Project title :

“The Use of YouTube Media to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning English

Online In SMPN 17 Kota Jambi”.

Name of investigator :

(1)Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga

You are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide to participate in

this study, it is essential that you understand why the research is being done and what it

will involve. Please read the following information carefully. Please ask the researcher

if there is anything that is not clear or if you need more information.


This study aims to investigate the use of YouTube media to increase students'

motivation in learning English online in SMPN 17 Kota Jambi. Should you agree to

participate, you will be asked to participate in an in-depth interview that will take you

approximately 20-60 minutes. We may contact you again for further studies.

There are no identified risks associated with this study. The data collected in this study

will remain confidential and will be used for research purposes only. I will respect your

anonymity and store all data accordingly. Should you require any further information

or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me, Salimah Tu Sa'diah Sinaga.

Your sincerely,

Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga





Interviewer : Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

T1 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Baik Mam. Perkenalkan nama saya Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga dari

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu

Pendidikan Universitas Jambi. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan

memfasilitasi proses berlangsungnya wawancara ini. Sebelumnya saya

ingin mengucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi karena ibu telah bersedia

untuk berpartisipasi dalam aspek wawancara studi saya. Seperti yang

telah saya sebutkan sebelumnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk

mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan media YouTube untuk

meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara online

di SMPN 17 Kota Jambi. Poin- poin yang akan saya tanyakan kepada

ibu adalah mengenai pengalaman pribadi ibu dalam mengajar bahasa

Inggris secara online menggunakan YouTube dan pendapat ibu tentang

hal tersebut.

Untuk memulai wawancara ini, bisakah ibu memperkenalkan diri

terlebih dahulu? Dalam perkenalan ini, ibu boleh menjelaskan

tentang peranan ibu di kelas bahasa Inggris atau hal lainnya yang

menjelaskan peran ibu sebagai seorang guru bahasa Inggris di

sekolah ini.

T1 : Oke. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Nama saya ***.

Saya kebetulan di SMP 17 ini mengajar di kelas VIII, Bahasa Inggris

kelas VIII di enam kelas. Di sini, yah namanya guru peranannya sebagai

pembimbing siswa terus juga jika mereka ada kesulitan dalam masalah

pembelajaran, mereka bias konsultasi dengan saya.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam, jadi kita masuk ke pertanyaan- pertanyaan inti

ya mam.

T1 : Oke.

Interviewer : Eeh… yang pertama, sebagai seorang tenaga pendidik, kendala apa

saja sih mam yang mam alami selama proses belajar mengajar bahasa

Inggris secara online dengan menggunakan YouTube sebagai media


T1 : Kendalanya pastilah mereka kalau khususnya di SMP 17 ini memang

ini yang namanya WiFi di sekolah memeng ini kan kadang kendalanya

ya lemotnya itu yang bikin kita kadang ini, kadang pas lagi ngajar, mau

akses YouTube kadang mati lampu kendalanya kan. Terus kadang

WiFi-nya terlalu nggak kencang, nggak kuat jadi di tunda juga

belajarnya sampai WiFi-nya itu kembali normal.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam. Kalau selain dari kendala di fasilitas seperti

WiFi, ada kendala lain tidak, mam?

T1 : Nggak terlalu. Mungkin ini pada siswanya. Begitu kita mengirimkan

itu, apa… materi dari YouTube, itu mungkin mereka kadang ada yang

bias di buka, itu tergantung dari hp mereka masing- masing. Kadang

mereka nggak bisa nonton YouTube- nya. Itu sih kendala yang sering

mam tanya ke siswa.

Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Pertanyaan selanjutnya

bagaimana respon yang diberikan oleh siswa terkait penggunaan

YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran selama proes belajar online?

T1 : Nah. Seperti yang mam bilang tadi anak-anak menggunakan YouTube

ini ada manfaat atau keuntungan dan ada juga yang tidak untungnya

bagi mereka, karena kalau mereka punya kuota internet yang banyak

bisa membuka YouTube-nya kan. Tapi kalau kuotanya cukup hanya

unuk WA saja tidak bias buka YouTube , itulah masalah yang mereka

hadapi. Jadi, untuk mengatasi itu, kalau memang mereka bisa buka

YouTube, mam kasih materinya dari situ. Nanti mereka buat kesimpulan

dari materi terebut. Mengenai apa yang mereka pelajari dari materi

dalam video YouTube itu.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Terimakaih. Jadi untuk respon yang mereka berikan kira-

kira ada yang merespon baik atau mungkin ada yang memberikan

respon untuk menggunakan media lain?

T1 : Kalau masalah respon itu, anak-anak hanya merespon masalah kuota

yang terbatas. “Mam, kami ngga ada kuota”, “Mam, kami ini… kuota

kami nggak cukup, mam”.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. Kita masuk ke pertanyaan selanjutnya ya


T1 : He eh.

Interviewer : Kegiatan apa saja sih mam yang dilakukan di kelas online saat belajar

bahasa Inggris menggunakan YouTube? Misalnya, siswa menonton

video pembelajaran dari YouTube atau siswa membuat video

pembelajaran sendiri dan mengunggahnya ke YouTube. Atau ada

kegiatan lainnya, mam?

T1 : Kalau untuk pembuatan video mungkin untuk yang sekarang ini belum

bisa. Karena sesuai dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggrid mereka itu ya

untuk belajar seperti percakapan sehari- hari saja mereka susah, kan.

Interviewer : Iya, mam.

T1 : Apalagi kalau mereka buat videi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jadi mereka

hanya menonton dari YouTube itu, terus meringkas apa pelajaran yang

mereka dapat dari video YouTube itu, lalu dikirim melalui Classroom.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. Selanjutnya apa saja kelebihan dan

kekurangan dari penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran bagi

siswa saat belajar bahasa Inggris secara online?

T1 : Nah, itu tadi. Kalau keuntungannya mereka bias menonton YouTube

itu walaupun kadang mereka bias ngerti atau tidak paham. Tapi kan itu

tinggal ini. Eh… tinggal gurunya lagi yang harus searchiong video

YouTube-nya itu yang bias dimengerti mereka. Tapi untuk ini, apa..

untuk yang merugikan atau kekurangannya itu, ketika mereka tiak bias

membuka YouTube-nya itu kadang. Kadang misalnya apa…

kebanyakan lama durasi video YouTube-nya itu kadang besar, kan. Nah

jadi tidak sesuai dengan kuota mereka. Itulah yang menjadi kendala bagi


Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. jadi kalau menurut mam sendiri jika

dibandingkan antara kelebihan dan kekurangannya, lebih berat yang

mana mam?

T1 : Lebih berat kekuranyannya.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. selanjutnya nih mam. Bagaimana sih mam

pengaruh penggunaan YouTube terhadap motivasi siswa selama proses

belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas online? Apakah motivasinya

meningkat, menurun, atau tidak ada perubahan dalam motivasi siswa?

T1 : Ya mungkin tergantung dengan siswanya juga. Karena kalau untuk

mereka membuka YouTube itu, kadang ada waktu malasnya mereka.

Kadang seperti contohnya kalau kayak sekarang mereka kan tugas

segala macam suruh lihat di YouTube. Tapi mereka kadang tidak

merespon. Malah bilang, “Kami nggak buka, bu. Kami nggak buka

YouTube-nya”. Nah seperti itu kadang mereka kan. Jadi apa yang dibuat

Cuma tugasnya saja. Itupun tugasnya kadang mereka tidak semua nya


Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. Jadi mam kira- kira dari sekian banyak siswa

ada berapa persen sih mam yang memang memenfaatkam YouTube itu

sebagai media belajar?

T1 : Kalau ditanya itu, mungkin sekitar 60% yang bias menggunakan.

Kalau yang selebihnya itu, 40% nya itu mungkin mereka

mengabaikannya mungkin.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Berarti masalahnya kembali ke siswa itu sendiri ya mam?

T1 : Iya, Iya Betul.

Interviewer : Ini pertanyaan terakhir mam. Bisa dijelaskan tidak mam seberapa

efektif sih penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran di kelas


T1 : Kalau melihat ke-efektifannya, lebih enak jika guru-guru melakukan

pembelajaran tatap muka ya. Jadi penjelasan kita dengan anak-anak

secara langsung itu lebih membuat mereka bisa. Apa yang mereka tidak

mengerti bisa ditanyakan. Tapi kalau dengan YouTube mereka Cuma

sekilas saja melihatnya kan. Terus mereka juga bosan. Walaupun ada

animasi-animasi atau apa, tapi mereka jika ada ketidakpahaman

mengenai materi, tidak banyak bertanya karena online. Kalau misalkan

sesekali menggunkan Zoom mungkin mereka bisa bertanya. Tapi

itupun, kalau menggunakan Zoom, tidak semuanya juga bisa. Dari satu

kelas paling hanya ada 30 atau 25 orang saja yang bisa kases Zoom dan

YouTube tadi.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Di luar dari pertanyaan-

pertanyaan ini ada tidak mam pengalaman lain yang mau di tambahkan

yang mungkin bisa membanyu data penelitian kami ini?

T1 : Kalau bagi mam, pastinya ini menjadi hal yang baru yak an. Menjadi

pelajaran dan inspirasi juga bagi guru-guru. Yang pertamanya tadi

nggak bisa buka YouTube, sekarang sudah bisa. Yang tadinya tidak tau

dengan teknologi,mkomputer dan segala macam, sekarang bjsa belajar.

Nah itulah pengalaman kalau dari guru dalam mengajar online sekarang.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih untuk jawaban-jawabannya. Terimakasih untuk

waktunya. Sangat membantu penelitian kami, mam. Jadi kami akhiri ya

mam. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T1 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.





Interviewer : Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

T2 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Baik Mam. Perkenalkan nama saya Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga dari

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan

Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Jambi. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan

memfasilitasi proses berlangsungnya wawancara ini. Sebelumnya saya

ingin mengucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi karena ibu telah bersedia

untuk berpartisipasi dalam aspek wawancara studi saya. Seperti yang

telah saya sebutkan sebelumnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah

untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan media YouTube untuk

meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara

online di SMPN 17 Kota Jambi. Poin- poin yang akan saya tanyakan

kepada ibu adalah mengenai pengalaman pribadi ibu dalam mengajar

bahasa Inggris secara online menggunakan YouTube dan pendapat ibu

tentang hal tersebut.

Untuk memulai wawancara ini, bisakah ibu memperkenalkan diri

terlebih dahulu? Dalam perkenalan ini, ibu boleh menjelaskan tentang

peranan ibu di kelas bahasa Inggris atau hal lainnya yang menjelaskan

peran ibu sebagai seorang guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini.

T2 : Baiklah. Saya akan memperkenalkan diri. Nama mam *** yang

memang mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas IX dan kelas

VIII. Di sini mam akan menjelaskan peran ibu sebagai guru adalah

sebagai pendorong, memberikan motivasi, dan yang meningkatkan

belajar adalah siswa itu sendiri. Apalagi proses pembelajaran online

seperti sekarang. Jadi peran kita adalah ya,,, namanya guru mendorong

dam memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa. Ya, itu saja barangkali.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam.

T2 : Iya Sama- Sama.

Interviewer : Jadi kita masuk ke pertanyaan- pertanyaan inti ya, mam.

T2 : He eh.

Interviewer : Yang pertama, sebagai seorang tenaga pendidik, kendala apa saja sih

mam yang mam alami selama proses mengajar bahasa Inggris secara

online dengan menggunakan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran?

T2 : Iya. Yang pertama kendala yang mam temui adalah sarana dulu ya.

Sarana tidak semua siswa mungkin punya sarana yang memadai. Itu satu

ya. Tidak semua siswa punya hp memadai. Karena siswa kita di SMP 17

ini tidak semua orang tuanya mepunyai pendapatan yang lebih. Masih

ada beberapa siswa atau mungkin sepersekian persen itu siswanya orang

tuanya tidak mampu. Contohnya misalnya orang tuanya yang hanya

pemulung, ya. Untuk hp saja dia mungkin tidak punya. Itu kan salah

satunya ya. Kemudian yang kedua itu adalah mengenai ee,,, kuota ya.

Yaitu kuota internet. Tidak semua siswa mampu memenuhu. Kenapa?

Karena kan tidak hanya mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris saja. Tapi semua

mata pelajaran. Semuanya belajarnya online. Itu salah satunya. Itu juga

kendala yang sangat urgent. Dan yang ketiga tidak semua siswa

mungkin mampu mancari apa itu,,, dalam bentuk aplikasi-aplikasi tidak

semua siswa mampu. Jadi memang itu kendalanya. Jadi itu satu ya.

Kemudian tidak semua siswa itu rajin. Karena dia itu harus ada

dorongan dari orang tua, ya. Guru kan semuanya online. Kalau guru kan

di kelas hanya “ini, nak. Kerjakan ini!” karena butuh buku khusus iya,

kan. Tapi kalau online kan tidak. Kalau online, anak di rumah kita di

sekolah. Kita tidak bisa pantau anak apakah anak itu belajar,

mengerjakan tugas yang di kasih dari YouTube atau tidak. Kita tidak

tau. Itulah yang menjadi permasalahannya. Jadi tidak semua siswa

belajarnya kreatif. Ini kan kalau kita belajar dari YouTube harus kreatif

sendiri. Karena guru hanya memberikan materi dari YouTube. Karena

anak di rumah kita di sekolah, kita tidak bisa memantau anak secara

langsung. Dan ada lagi yang keempat yang urgent lagi, yaitu Bahasa

Inggris. Bahasa Inggris itu adalah bahasa yang bukan bahasa kita. Jadi

siswa sangat susah. Tapi tidak semuanya juga ya. Sangat susah untuk

memahami materi yang kita ajarkan karena ini ya menggunakan bahasa

yang tidak dimengerti oleh siswa. Oke? Ya, jadi kira- kira begitu.

Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Pertanyaan selanjutnya

bagaimana sih mam respon yang diberikan oleh siswa terkait

penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran selama proes belajar


T2 : Emm… kalau responnya sangat positif, ya. Responnya positif. Tapi

meresponnya itu ada yang kurang, ada yang sedang, ada yang lebih, dan

ada yang sangat positif. Jadi kalau responnya itu memang positif.

Karena belajarnya YouTube itu kan suatu pelajaran yang sangat ee,,, apa

itu? Menginspirasi. Sangat menyenangkan bagi siswa. Daripada gurunya

ngoceh di depan kelas kan. Tapi menurut mam belajar dari YouTube itu

sangat menarik. Warnanya, gambarnya, itu sangat menginspirasi siswa.

Itu kira- kira. Jadinya responnya memang sangat positif.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam.

T2 : Iya

Interviewer : Kegiatan apa saja sih mam yang dilakukan di kelas online saat belajar

bahasa Inggris menggunakan YouTube? Misalnya nih mam siswa

menonton video pembelajaran dari YouTube atau siswa membuat video

pembelajaran sendiri dan mengunggahnya ke YouTube. Atau ada

kegiatan lainnya, mam?

T2 : Hmm… Kalau untuk di unggah ke YouTube mam belum pernah

nyuruh ya. Karena di sini mam ngasih materi pembelajaran itu melalui

Google Meet, ya. Kemudian juga melalui WA, kemudian juga Google

Classroom. Ada 3 media yang digunakan. Tapi YouTube biasanya ma

ngambil ee,,, materi pelajaran dari sana. Mam akan memberikan ke

siswa dan itu mam ambil dari YouTube, ya. Lalu siswa akan melakukan

misalnya membuat ee,,, misalnya membuat greeting card. Itu membuat

kartu ucapan untuk hari ibu misalnya. Nah, lalu si anak itu melalui WA

di upload-nya ke mam. Kemudian juga Google Classroom. Tapi

entahlah kalau mereka mengaplikasikan itu. Tapi ma tidak mewajibkan

anak untuk mengaplikasikan ke YouTube. Tapi materi tetap memang

mam ambil dari YouTube. Itu saja.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. Selanjutnya mam apa saja kelebihan dan

kekurangan dari penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran bagi

siswa saat belajar bahasa Inggris secara online?

T2 : Kelebihannya itu tadi, ya. Menarik, juga mudah dimengerti barangkali.

Kemudian juga bisa berbagi ke ini ya, ke yang lain ya. Itu mungkin

untuk kelebihannya. Kalau untuk kekurangannya kan itu tadi.

Kemampuan anak dalam membuat video pembelajaran itu tadi. Tapi kan

mem sudah pesankan tadi kalau mam memang tidak mewajibkan anak

untyuk mengaplikasikannya. Tapi boleh mengambil materi dari

YouTube, tapi tidak harus meng-upload ke YouTube. Itu saja ya.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih. Jadi kalau menurut mam sendiri jika

dibandingkan antara kelebihan dan kekurangan yang sudah mam

jelaskan tadi, lebih berat yang mana mam?

T2 : Maksutnya mengambil saja?

Interviewer : Ee,,, bukan mam. Dari kelebihan dan kekurangan, lebih banyak mana

sih mam? Kelebihannya atau kekurangannya?

T2 : Banyak lah kelebihannya kaneh,,, daripada kekurangannya. Itu sudah

pasti adi kan. Yang penting di sini kalau kita adalam mengajar, gimana

supaya anak itu mudah dalam memahami pelajaran kita. Jadi kalau

YouTube kan mereka mudah karena itu menarik, gambarnya juga jelas

karena berupoa video, kan. Kalau tidak video kan jadinya bosan. Dan

juga ada peran suara, iya kan. Jadinya kan lebih menarik.





Interviewer : Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, bu.

T3 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewer : em,,, perkenalkan nama saya Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga dari Program

Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu

Pendidikan Universitas Jambi. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan

memfasilitasi proses berlangsungnya wawancara ini. Sebelumnya saya

ingin mengucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi karena ibu telah bersedia

untuk berpartisipasi dalam aspek wawancara studi saya. Seperti yang

telah saya sebutkan sebelumnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk

mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan media YouTube untuk

meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara online

di SMPN 17 Kota Jambi. Poin- poin yang akan saya tanyakan kepada

ibu adalah mengenai pengalaman pribadi ibu dalam mengajar bahasa

Inggris secara online menggunakan YouTube dan pendapat ibu tentang

hal tersebut.

T3 : Baik.

Interview : Untuk memulai wawancara ini, bisakah ibu memperkenalkan diri

terlebih dahulu? Dalam perkenalan ini, ibu boleh menjelaskan tentang

peranan ibu di kelas bahasa Inggris atau hal lainnya yang menjelaskan

peran ibu sebagai seorang guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini.

T3 : Baiklah. Nama mam *** biasa juga dipanggil Mam *** di sini. Mam

ngajar di kelas tujuh dan kelas delapan.

Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih. Jadi kita masuk ke pertanyaan- pertanyaan

inti, ya mam. Emm,,, yang pertama, sebagai seorang tenaga pendidik,

kendala apa saja sih mam yang mam alami selama proses mengajar

bahasa Inggris secara online dengan menggunakan YouTube sebagai

media pembelajaran?

T3 : Eh,,, kalau kendala ya ada beberapa sih kalau kendalanya. Salah

satunya sarana kan, dan juga kuota yang terbatas. Jadi karena banyak

mata pelajaran lain yang tidak hanya Bahasa Inggris, jadi siswa harus

leih teliti lagi untuk penggunaan kuotanya. Dan juga kendala yang

lainnya, Bahasa Inggris kan bahasa asing. Jadi untuk speak up di kelas

itu mereka mungkin masih masih malu. Karena untuk bicara Bahasa

Indonesia di kelas saja mereka malu apalagi Bahasa Inggris, kan?

Interview : Iya, mam.

T3 : Jadi, di sini kurangnya motivasi untuk siswa juga penting. Jadi kita

juga harus memperhatikan motivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Pertanyaan selanjutnya

bagaimana sih mam respon yang diberikan oleh siswa terkait

penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran selama proes belajar


T3 : Alhamdulillah kalau media kita yang dipakai adalah YouTube, respon

siswa baik nak. Jadi, anak-anak di sini lebih tertarik untuk belajar. Hal

ini dikarenakan penggunaan YouTube video yang lebih berwarna.

Seperti penggunaan animasi, kartun, dan juga ada tambahan sound

effect-nya kan. Jadi anak lebih tertarik gitu.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam. Selanjutnya nih mam. Kegiatan apa saja sih

mam yang dilakukan di kelas online saat belajar bahasa Inggris

menggunakan YouTube? Misalnya nih mam siswa menonton video

pembelajaran dari YouTube atau siswa membuat video pembelajaran

sendiri dan mengunggahnya ke YouTube. Atau ada kegiatan lainnya,


T3 : Kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan selama pembelajaran online, kadang-

kadang belajar melalui WA, kadang juga Google Meet atau Google

Classroom jika memungkinkan kan. Karena koneksi ataupun kuota

internet yang terbatas. Jadi, karena banyak juga kan siswa yang

kuotanya kurang memadai untuk videop call melalui Google Meet. Jadi

biasanya mam pakai WA atau Google Classroom. Jadi di sini guru

memberikan video untuk video pembelajaran melalui sharing link. Nanti

siswa akan menonton sendiri.

Interviewer : Oh, iya baik, mam. Terimakasih untuk jawabannya mam. Mungkin ada

mam tambahan mengenai kegiatan lainnya yang di lakukan selama

belajar online menggunakan YouTube sebagai media belajar ini?

T3 : Oh, iya. Mam lupa. Jadi, link nya nanyi kan di sharing ke WA.

Kemudian nanti siswa diminta pendapatnya mengenai video atau

menceritakan kembali apa yang sudah mereka pahami dari video

tersebut. Dan og course itu kanmelalui WA atau Goggle Classroom.

Tapi kebanyakan dari WA sih.

Interviewer : Berarti seperti menganalisis isi dari video pembelajran ya, mam?

T3 : Iya, Betul.

Interviewer : Selanjutnya nih mam. Apa saja sih ma kelebihan dan kekuramgan

YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran bagi siswa saat belajar online?

T3 : Kelebihan dan kekurangan pasti ada ya. Tapi di sini kita kan lebih

focus ke kelebihannya dulu, kan?

Interviewer : Iya, mam.

T3 : Kelebihannya sebagai media pembelajaran itu di sini tentunya karena

menarik itu tadi. Karena ada animasinya dan sound effect. Selain itu

juga videonya lebih bervariasi. Terus, eh,,, konennya yang bagus dan

lebih mudah untuk dipahami sama siswa.

Interviewer : Iya baik, mam.

T3 : Kalau untuk kekurangan, itu tergantung ke kemampuan siswa itu

sendiri. Tidak semua anak kan mudah paham jika hanya dengan melihat

video saja. Mungkin mereka akan mengulang- mengulang video lagi

sampai mereka paham nantinya. Itu saja sih menurut mam.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Selanjutnya nih mam. Bagaimana sih mam pengaruh

penggunaan YouTube terhadap motivasi siswa selama proses belajar

mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas online? Apakah memberikan dampak

positif, atau justru memberikan dampak negative bagi siswa, atau

mungkin tidak ada perubahan sama sekali mam?

T3 : Hmm… itu dampaknya sudah sangat positif ya nak. Seperti yang mam

bilang tadi kan. Anak lebih semangat untuk mengikuti proses

pembelajaran. Itu menandakan bahwa penggunaan YouTube sebagai

media pembelajaran memang efektif. Apalagi untuk kelas tujuh dan

kelas delapan di sini. Karena balik lagi yang mam bilang tadi ada video

yang bervariasi, sound effect yang bervariasi dan juga ada animasi yang

membuat kelas lebih ceria.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Terakhir nih, mam. Ada pertanyaan. . Bisa dijelaskan tidak

mam seberapa efektif sih penggunaan YouTube sebagai media

pembelajaran di kelas online untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa belajar

Bahasa Inggris?

T3 : Itu sudah sangat efektif kalau kita berbicara tenteng ke- efektifan ya.

Mam juga sudah bilang tadi dari awal kalau penggunaan YouTube ini

memang menarik dan mampu memotivasi siswa. Minat mereka dalam

belajar juga semakin meningkat. Karena penggunaan dari YouTube itu

tadi kan, nak.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Jadi, mam di luar dari

pertanyaan- pertanyaan ini ada tidak mam pengalaman lain yang mau di

tambahkan yang mungkin bisa membanyu data penelitian kami ini?

Berupa motivasi atau apa, mam?

T3 : Hmm… nggak ada sih menurut mam. Itu saja.

Interviewer : Oh, iya baik, mam. Bererti sudah cukup ya mam.

T3 : Iya.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih untuk jawaban-jawabannya. Kalau begitu

sekian mam untuk wawancara kali ini. Terimakasih banyak untuk

waktunya. Sangat membantu penelitian kami, mam. Jadi kami akhiri ya

mam. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T3 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.





Interviewer : Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, bu.

T4 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Interviewer : Perkenalkan nama saya Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga dari Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Jambi. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan memfasilitasi proses

berlangsungnya wawancara ini. Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan

terima kasih sekali lagi karena ibu telah bersedia untuk berpartisipasi

dalam aspek wawancara studi saya. Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan

sebelumnya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui

bagaimana penggunaan media YouTube untuk meningkatkan motivasi

siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara online di SMPN 17 Kota

Jambi. Poin- poin yang akan saya tanyakan kepada ibu adalah mengenai

pengalaman pribadi ibu dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris secara online

menggunakan YouTube dan pendapat ibu tentang hal tersebut.

T4 : Baik.

Interview : Untuk memulai wawancara ini, bisakah ibu memperkenalkan diri

terlebih dahulu? Dalam perkenalan ini, ibu boleh menjelaskan tentang

peranan ibu di kelas bahasa Inggris atau hal lainnya yang menjelaskan

peran ibu sebagai seorang guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini.

T4 : Baiklah. Perkenalkan nama saya ***. Peran saya di sini sebagai

seorang guru atau tenaga pendidik itu ya sebagai motivator dan juga

fasilitator. Saya juga mengajar di kelas tujuh dan juga siswa kelas


Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih. Jadi kita masuk ke pertanyaan- pertanyaan

inti, ya mam. Yang pertama, sebagai seorang tenaga pendidik, kendala

apa saja sih mam yang mam alami selama proses mengajar bahasa

Inggris secara online dengan menggunakan YouTube sebagai media


T4 : Sejauh ini kendala yang saya temukan ya dalam pembelajaran online

yaitu seperti kuota sih ya. Sepertinya itu kesulitan bagi siswa. Karena

pembelian kuota kan cukup mahal ya. Lalu kendala lainnya juga seperti

keingunan ataupun minat belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran online ini

bisa dibilang cukup rendah.

Interviewer : Baik mam, terimakasih untuk jawabannya. Pertanyaan selanjutnya

bagaimana sih mam respon yang diberikan oleh siswa terkait

penggunaan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran selama proes belajar


T4 : Kalau respon dari siswa cukup bagus. Bisa dibilang cukup bagus.

Siswa terlihat lebih eh,,, tertarik dengan system belajar online ini.

Apalagi di YouTube iu kana da banyak sekali video- video dengan

konten yang menarik. Terlebih untuk materi Bahasa Inggris ya. Seperti

animasi, video dengan tampilan yang menarik seperti itu sangat disukai

siswa. Itu sangat menarik bagi siswa.

Interviewer : Baik, terimakasih mam. Selanjutnya nih mam. Kegiatan apa saja sih

mam yang dilakukan di kelas online saat belajar bahasa Inggris

menggunakan YouTube? Misalnya nih mam siswa menonton video

pembelajaran dari YouTube atau siswa membuat video pembelajaran

sendiri dan mengunggahnya ke YouTube. Atau ada kegiatan lainnya,


T4 : Untuk kegiatan selama proses pembelajaran, kami juga menggunakan

WhatsApp dan Google Classroom dalam menyampaikan materi

pembelajaran atau sekedar memberikan arahan kepada siswa. Saya juga

biasanya share video atau link pembelajaran kepada siswa lewat

WhatsApp. Untuk videonya ya itu dari YouTube itu tadi ya. Dan juga

kami melakukan diskusi di grup kelas mengenai video pembelajaran

yang sudah saya kasih dan eh,,, video pembelajarannya tentunya berisi

materi yang terkait di buku pelajaran atau yang baru di bahas di kelas.

Lalu saya juga memberikan tugas sedikit kepada siswa untuk melihat

kemampuan dan pemahaman siswa dalam materi yang sudah


Interviewer : Baik mam. Selanjutnya nih mam. Apa saja sih ma kelebihan dan

kekuramgan YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran bagi siswa saat

belajar online?

T4 : Untuk kelebihannya ya dalam penggunaan YouTube, YouTube itu

cukup menarik. YouTube menyediakan begitu banyak video

pembelajaran yang bisa kita gunakan untuk diberikan kepada siswa

seperti eh,,, di YouTube itu kita bisa menemukan video yang unk- unik

ya, lucu- lucu gitu nah. Nah itu psti membuat siswa tertarik untuk

menonton video tersebut. Lalu, kalau untuk kekurangannya , eh,,, saat

saya menggunakan YouTube ini, saya tidak dapat mengontrol siswa,

tidak dapat mengarahkan mereka. Jadi mereka itu lebih cenderung ke

belajar mandiri ya. Kayak gitu sih.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Terimakasih. Selanjutnya nih mam. Bagaimana sih mam

pengaruh penggunaan YouTube terhadap motivasi siswa selama proses

belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas online? Apakah memberikan

dampak positif, atau justru memberikan dampak negative bagi siswa,

atau mungkin tidak ada perubahan sama sekali mam?

T4 : Kalau soal dampaknya tentu pasti ada positif dan negative. Pertama

kalau dampak positifnya ini, ya itu tadi yang saya bilang video yang ada

di YouTube sangat menarik bagi siswa. Jadi siswa lebih termotivasi

untuk belajar. Untuk negatifnya, dampak negative juga sudah man

mention tadi ya. Sulit untuk mengarajkan siswa itu. Jadinya siswa lebih

cenderung belajar mandiri. Belajar sendiri, dan memahami materi dari

video itu sendiri. Malah, takutnya mereka justru mengakses video lain

yang tidak relate ke pelajaran ya kan. Berbeda kalau proses

pembelajaran seperti biasanya. Saya bisa mengarahkan mereka dan

menjelaskan kembali kepada mereka kalau ada hal-hal yang kita- kira

belum mereka pahami. But overall, lebih banyak positifnya sih.

Interviewer : Baik, mam. Terimakasih. pertanyaan terakhir ya mam. Bisa dijelaskan

tidak mam seberapa efektif sih penggunaan YouTube sebagai media

pembelajaran di kelas online untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa belajar

Bahasa Inggris?

T4 : Penggunaan media YouTube ini cukup efektif sih. Bisa dilihat dari

dampak positifnya. Di mana banyak sekali video pembelajaran

menaroik yang bisa kita gunakan. Dan ya,,, cukup memotivasi siswa.

Jadi ya bisa dibilang YouTube ini sangat efektif untuk digunakan

sebagai media pembelajaran.

Interviewer : Baik, mam terimakasih untuk jawaban-jawabannya. Kalau begitu

sekian mam untuk wawancara kali ini. Terimakasih banyak untuk

waktunya. Sangat membantu penelitian kami, mam. Jadi kami akhiri ya

mam. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T4 : Wa’alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Project: Research about ‘The Use of YouTube Media to Increase First Graders’

Motivation in Learning English Online In SMPN 17 Kota Jambi’.

Time of Interview:





Position of Interviewee:

My name is Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga, and I will be facilitating this interview.

Thank you once again for being willing to participate in the interview aspect of my

study. As I have mentioned to you before, this study aims to know how YouTube

media increases first graders' motivation to learn English online in SMPN 17 Kota

Jambi. Today's interview will last approximately 10 minutes for each question, which I

will ask you about your personal experience in teaching English online using YouTube

and your opinion about it.

Do you have any questions? If there is no further question, let us get started

with the questions of this interview.

Components Subcomponents Questions

Introduction The interviewee To get started, could you please introduce

introduces yourself? In your introduction, you could

herself/himself. describe your role in English class or anything

else about yourself as an English teacher.

YouTube YouTube as a What obstacles have you experienced during

medium in learning the learning process of teaching English online

English online using YouTube as a learning medium?

How do students give the responsibility

regarding the use of YouTube as a learning

medium during online classes?

What activities are carried out in online class

when learning English using YouTube? (For

example, students watch learning videos from

YouTube or students create their learning

videos and upload them to YouTube)

What are the advantages and disadvantages

experienced by students while learning English

online using YouTube as a learning medium?

YouTube and The function of How does using YouTube for students'

Motivation YouTube motivation during the teaching and learning

English process in online classes?

The function of How effective is the use of YouTube as a

YouTube is to learning medium in an online class?

increase students'



Salimah Tu Sa’diah Sinaga is the youngest daughter of Aliasman Sinaga and
Tiaun Silaen. She also the younger sister of three wonderful women: Desmina Bima Sari
Sri Mulyati Sinaga, Misrukiah Siti Khadijah Sinaga, and Enova Nur Rizqi Sinaga. Then,
she has a younger brother named Muhammad Arjuna Iskandar Zulkarnain Sinaga. The
researcher was born on Friday, 25th of September 1998 and raised in a simple family that
made her grow up to be an independent, patient and brave person to face every challenge
and always try to give the best for her future. She stepped into SDN 174545 Parlilitan,
Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera Province in 2006 and continued her
education to SMP Negeri 1 Parlilitan, and then at SMA Negeri 1 Parlilitan.
In 2017, the researcher was declared accepted at Jambi University majoring in
English Education Study Program through SBMPTN. During studied in Jambi University,
the researcher active in various campus activities. For example, coordinator of the social
and religious division at Independence Community of English (ICE), member of the social
and religious division of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, University of Jambi and member of the Islamic Studies Forum, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, University of Jambi. In addition, the researcher is also
one of the students in the English ACCES Micro scholarship Program.
With the experiences that she gained, the researcher wants to spread her
knowledge and motivation to students that with seriousness and tenacity everyone can
reach their dreams. The researcher was given the opportunity to practice teaching in SMPN
17 Muaro Jambi, and it was a memorable experience. More than that, the researcher also
works as a private English teacher for two Indonesian students who are studying in Qatar.


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