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This workshop has 3 parts:

Written Presentation

Video Presentation

Class Activity

Written Presentation
Students are required to submit 2 drafts of their project proposals before they can make the final
proposal. Each draft will be awarded 5 marks and failure to submit these drafts will result in deduction of
10 marks from the total projects marks. These drafts have their own deadlines as indicated in the Moodle
page and thus, students should adhere to these deadlines.

The proposals have to be completed individually and late submissions will result in a deduction of 5% for
each day delayed. The proposal should be submitted via MS teams through the assignment links and
should be sent to the lecturer as a backup. All enquiries regarding the project should be communicated
with the lecturer while any other enquiries regarding the MPU modules should be communicated with
the General Studies Department.

The Community Service Project Proposal (Written) consists of 30% of the overall marks. The marks division
would be as follows:

• Draft 1 – 5 marks
• Draft 2 – 5 marks
• Final Draft – 20 marks
• Total – 30 marks

In the workshop 2, students will work on proposal 1 and in the 3rd workshop the students will work on
their proposal 2. Based on the recommendations of the lecturer on the proposal 1, students will have to
work on the proposal 2. And eventually, the student can make all necessary arrangements and make the
final draft ready for submission after the second draft has been commented by the lecturer.

The contents of the proposal will include the following:

• Cover Page
• Table of Content
• Introduction
• Team Members – Number of members, roles, positions, brief descriptions
• Community Service Project Partner / Site
• Proposed Project
• Budget
• Risk Management
• Conclusion
You propose the project as if you are working with a team but you actually don’t work with a team,
everything has to be submitted individually.

Video Presentation (30%)

• Production of Video – 20 marks
• Video Presentation Report – 10 Marks

This is where students are required to record a video on this whole project. Details of which are
explained below:
This video must be uploaded to MS Teams and a copy to be sent to the lecturer. Video cannot be
uploaded to any social media platform and should be only produced for internal submission. And
the video should be converted to MP4 or any other video formats before being uploaded into MS
Students are graded based on the flow and creativity of the content. The video content will
present the whole project. The video presentation shall include the partner’s introduction,
challenges faced and much more. Students can create their videos using the photographs
provided as well to improvise their videos.
The video presentation is expected to be approximately 5 – 8 minutes. The video should show
the face of the student at least for a couple of minutes at the introduction or conclusion part.
And the content of the video project would be as follows:

• Introduction – What is the project about and how can it have an impact on the society.
• Content – Explanation of the proposed activity, challenges, introducing the partner
• Conclusion – Catching the attention of the public and asking for help.

Finally, the video presentation report can be the script of the video.

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