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SCIENCE – it is called science because the investigation is systematic. It follows certain steps, or it
employs certain procedures.

NATURAL LIGHT OF REASON – philosophy investigates things, not by using any other laboratory
instrument or investigate tools, neither on the basis of supernatural revelation, otherwise it becomes
theology, instead, the philosopher uses his natural capacity to think or simply, human reason alone or
the so-called unaided reason.

PHILOSOPHY - comes from two Greek words, PHILO, meaning “to love”, and SOPHIA, meaning “wisdom”
Philosophy means “LOVE OF WISDOM”

DIVERSITY - makes each person unique.


PRINCIPLE OF IDENTITY - whatever is is; and whatever is not is not; everything is what it is. Everything it
its own being, and not being is not being.
PRINCIPLE OF NON CONTRADICTION - it is impossible for a thing to be and not to be at the same time,
and at the same respect.

PRINCIPLE OF EXCLUDED MIDDLE - a things is either is or is not; everything must be either be or not be;
between being and not being, there is no middle ground possible.

PRINCIPLE OF SUFFICIENT REASON - nothing exists without a sufficient reason for its being and


METAPHYSICS - deals with how to account for this unreal thing in terms of what you can accept as real.

ETHICS - deals with the nature of moral virtues and evaluates human actions.

EPISTEMOLOGY - deals with nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge. Basic to all other
philosophical inquires.
LOGIC - Comes from the Greek word LOGIKE, means treatise of matters pertaining to the human
thought. Considered as a tool.

AESTHETICS - is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations including the sublime, comic,
tragic, pathetic, and ugly.

THALES OF MILETUS – father of philosophy, he believes that earth floats on water, and he is the first
Greek philosopher.


PHENOMENOLOGY - On Consciousness

EXISTENTIALISM - On Freedom (human condition or the relation of the individual to the world)

POST MODERNISM – On Cultures (It is not a philosophy, it is at best holding pattern)

ANALYTIC TRADITION – On Language (Analysis that refers to a method owing a great deal to the

LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING – Tools in reasoning fallacies


FALLACIES - It is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning, or "wrong moves" in the construction
of an argument.

ARGUMENTUM AD MISERICORDIAM – tries to win a support for an argument or idea by exploiting his
or her opponent’s feelings of pity or guilt.

ARGUMENTUM AD IGNORANTIAM – states that whatever has not been proved false must be true, and
vice versa.

ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM – Attacking the person/Against the person (attempts to link the validity
of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.)

ARGUMENTUM AD BACULUM – uses force, coercion, or threat of force as a justification for a


ARGUMENTUM AD POPULUM – Popularity/Appeal to the people

COMPOSITION – infers that something is true of a whole from that fact that it is true of some part of a

EQUIVOCATION – is a logical chain of reasoning of a term or a word several times but giving the
particular word a different meaning each time.

DIVISION – something true of a thing must also be true of all or some of its parts.

HASTY GENERALIZATION - states that one commits errors if one reaches an inductive generalization
based on insufficient evidence.

PETITIO PRINCIPII - proposes and assumes implicitly or explicitly in a premise.


KARMA – soul is eternal but bounded by karma (action)

BRAHMAN/ATMAN – absolute soul (atman – real self)

JIVA – spirit

SAMSARA – continuous cycle (cycle of life)

ARHATSHIP – the one who is worthy (?)

FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS – Life is full of suffering. Suffering is caused by passionate desires, lust, and
cravings. Only as these are obliterated, will suffering cease. Such as eradication of desire may be
accomplished only by following the Eightfold path.
HIGHEST LEVEL OF EXISTENCE: RATIONAL BEING – someone who is sensible and is able to make

AUM (OM) – is the root of the universe (infinite energy)

THEISTIC HYPOTHESIS – those who still question God’s existence

POLYTHEISM – in the old statement: The problem is not atheism but polytheism.

ANAXIMANDER – he does not believe in God. (creation and destruction) (evolution of world begins with
the generation of opposites in a certain region of nature)

PYTHAGORAS – he perceives everything in numbers (he described the universe as living embodiment of
nature’s order, harmony, and beauty)

BIOPHILIA – love for another living things (trees, plants)

COSMOPHILIA – love for living beings (animals, people)

CHINESE COSMIC CONCEPTION – there are connections between all the things.

HERBERT MARCUSE – for him, humanity had dominated nature.

GEORGE HERBERT MEAD – for him, as a human being, we do not have only rights but duties.

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