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Mc Jaryl F.

Purposive Communication

1. Do you find the video amusing or not? Why?

Yes, it is amusing for the reason that they are trying to use humor in a
very nervous moment of an adult person, which holds the key to getting into that
job. And also, it shows that in early civilization, despite just being a skit, humans
interact and showcase their abilities and characteristics by getting into much
bigger things and environments. Just like in the rules of ancient days, if you are
strong, you'll definitely survive the harsh environment of the early days. Those
who can't certainly lose.

2. Why did the first interviewee fail to earn the trust of the interviewers?

The first interviewee certainly answered all their questions, but he failed to
answer a question honestly. He lied to the interviewers. For that, he failed to gain
their trust.

3. Have you been on a job or admission interview? What did you learn from
that experience?

Yes, I have been to job interviews way back in junior and senior high
school, and I learned that I must have the courage and full attention in that
moment. Don't let the fear eat you. It is okay to be nervous. Just take a step back
or a side-ways step, control your breathing, and you'll be fine. Don't let your
emotions ruin your concentration, and especially be honest and smart when
answering their questions. Remember, don't expect the expected.

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