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Interchange 3, Units 9-12 Practice

I- What did you get done yesterday? Use get or have with these pictures.


a. _____________I had my computer fixed__________________

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________

II- Change these sentences to explain that you do something or you get/have something done for you.

Example: I’m washing my car. ________I’m having my car washed_____________________.

6. Kevin and Jamal have rented a plane. ____________________________________________________

7. Cindy has been getting her nails done. __________________________________________________
8. Rose cut the grass. __________________________________________________________________
9. Gloria will repair her glasses. ____________________________________________________________
10. Luciano got his shoes shined. ____________________________________________________________
III- Write one advice for every problem using the grammar in parenthesis.
I don’t have any friends. (Negative question):
Why don’t you have a party and invite your classmates?
11. I don’t have money. (Gerund):
12. I’m flunking in my English class. (Infinitive):
13. How can I be a better person? (Gerund):
14. What can I do to be more creative? (Modal + verb):
15. How can I improve my appearance? (Negative question):
IV- Complete the text using references to the past.

The Great Depression

My father was born __________ the Great Depression. It was a period of time were there was a big
economic crisis, __________ 1929 __________ 1941. He doesn’t remember much because he was just a
child, but my grandfather explained me that he was unemployed __________ almost 6 months.
Sometimes, when I get worried about the economy in the country, he smiles and tells me that I don’t have
to worry, because the situation worldwide was worse 80 years__________ and he hasn’t seen anything
similar ____________ that time.


The first time I saw a bat was 3 years __________. I went fishing to the country house my family has, but
I was far from the lake. I had walked in a different direction because I had heard a weird noise coming
__________ a cave. I had learned from horror movies that you shouldn’t investigate weird noises alone,
but it was 11am and everything was very clear. After going inside, I realized there were hundreds of bats
hanging from the ceiling of the cave, upside down. I had also learned you can’t make too much noise
because they go crazy and disoriented. I was almost leaving when my phone started ringing, so as you can
imagine they all started flying around and screaming. I couldn’t see anything. I started running very fast
but the problem is that I ran in the opposite direction of the entrance and I got lost in the cave __________
around 11:00 am __________ 3pm, when I finally found the exit.
V- Select the best answer.

26. Within the next 10 years, people __________ in floating cities.

a. have been living b. won’t been living c. will live
27. You __________ English for almost 10 months in November.
a. will learn b. will have been studying c. will have study
28. Soon, everybody __________ flying cars.
a. will be using b. will have used c. has been used
29. By 2100, scientists __________ life in other planets.
a. will have found b. will be found c. will have been finding
30. They __________for 3 months when they get married.
a. will have been dating b. will date c. will be dated
31. Everybody __________ robots in their houses sometime in the future.
a. will have b. will be c. will have had
32. I’ll need you to bring me clean clothes on Sunday because I __________ the same clothes all
weekend during the military training.
a. will be worn b. will wore c. will have been wearing
33. If the party starts at 8pm, you __________ for 4 hours by midnight.
a. will be danced b. will have been dancing c. will have been danced
34. We all day, so we’ll want to relax in the evening.
a. will be worked b. will working c. will have been working
35. They __________ in this neighborhood for 10 years next month.
a. will be in living b. will be being living c. will have been living

VI- Complete the sentences with the words in the box and match columns.
36. __________ I received my payment, a. I graduated.
37. Only __________ I jumped in the pool,
38. I had bought my own car __________ b. I remembered I can’t swim.
c. I was never the same.
39. __________ I read that book, d. I moved to China
40. I didn’t know any mandarin __________ e. I went to the Microsoft store and
bought an Xbox One.

before once by the time after as soon

VII- Express these ideas using past modals for regret and 3rd conditional.

Example: I didn’t pay attention to the class, so I flunked in the quiz.

________I should have paid attention to the class. If I had paid attention to the class, I wouldn’t have
flunked in the quiz____
or: ________ I should have paid attention to the class. If I had paid attention to the class, I would have
passed in the quiz____

41. My friend didn’t tell me about the party, so I missed it.

42. I was very shy, so I didn’t tell her that I love her and she went out with another boy.
43. Sabrina ate too many quipes. She got a huge belly as a result.
44. Cristina didn’t know that Justin Bieber was in town, so she didn’t go to the concert.
45. Charles didn’t listen to the warning of the police officer and he got arrested.
VIII- Write five advices using infinitive clauses or infinitive clauses with for.

For a university
a) In order to run a successful school, you need to have technologically advanced laboratories.

For a clothing company.

46. _____________________________________________________________________________________
47. _____________________________________________________________________________________
48. _____________________________________________________________________________________
49. _____________________________________________________________________________________
50. _____________________________________________________________________________________
For a hospital.

51. _____________________________________________________________________________________
52. _____________________________________________________________________________________
53. _____________________________________________________________________________________
54. _____________________________________________________________________________________
55. _____________________________________________________________________________________

IX- Complete the sentences using conjunctions and phrases for giving reasons.

Example: The classes will start late __________due to the bus delay.

56. ____________________ they came is the free food.

57. This movie is very entertaining ____________________ the funny jokes.
58. ____________________the hurricane Irma, the classes were suspended for around 3 days.
59. ____________________ you will pick me up, I’ll go to the movies with you.
60. This town is known ____________________ it’s beautiful houses.

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