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Осень 2022-2023

Плеханов Артём, 3530901/20003


The text of the monologue Vocabulary, Grammar

Structures, Linking
Words and Phrases
Step 1. Introduction Jonathan Safran Foer said: "Maybe that is what a person's personality Jonathan Safran Foer
1. Start with a hook sentence is: the difference between the inside and outside." So what does said
that will attract the listener’s personality mean? Which personality types are better and which are
attention, a quote, a proverb, worse? Why so? These are not the only questions I am going to think
etc. and write about here.
2. Lead your speech steadily
to the main part of your talk.
3. The introduction may
consist of 3-6 sentences.
Step 2. Personality Types Typically, when observing other people, we undoubtedly pay Typically,
2.1. Speak about two attention to differences in their behaviour. Some are adventurous, adventurous,ambitio
personality types (extroverts ambitious, cheerful, energetic, sociable and willing to take risks, us, cheerful, energetic,
and introverts). What tells you
others are more sensible, calm, shy, and cautious. The reason for sociable, take risks,
more about a person’s these differences lies in the personality type. There are two sensible, calm, shy,
personality: their clothes, their
personality types: extrovert and introvert. The first is an easy-going, cautious, extrovert,
body language, their voice, open-minded person who turns his experiences and interests to the introvert, easy-going,
their tastes or something else?
objects of the outer world. In contrast to the other, an introvert is a open-minded, In
person who is focused on his own inner world. Thereafter a person contrast, Thereafter,
2.2. What personality types chooses his life path and determines the field of activity depending on Even though, should,
would some jobs (e.g. a the type of personality. lack of confidence
computer programmer, a Even though it is kind of popular for computer programmers to be
researcher, etc.) attract and introverts, I don't believe that it really suits any person as people are
why? supposed to communicate. Anyway, to be an extrovert doesn’t mean
to be carefree. Every person should be rational and reasonable
without lack of confidence.
Step 3. Exploring (I am not sure what "they" means in 3.1, so I assume it stands for Should, if, However
Personality personality tests). One of the points to pay attention to should be your
3.1 How can they judge a own personality type. There are many options to determine your
person’s character? personality type, one of which is, for example, a psychological test.
By completing it, you will only get a true result if you answer
3.2. Speak about personality questions honestly.
tests as a way of measuring However, sometimes people tend to idealise their qualities, so the test
personality. becomes biassed

Step 4. Charisma What makes some people stand out from others? Of course, it's Charisma,
4.1. What is charisma? Give charisma. Charisma is the ability to fascinate and lead people. Charismatic, inspire
an example of a charismatic Charismatic people have high authority and inspire others. others, assertive,
personality and explain why Charismatic means successful, assertive and creative. That kind of creative, to be a good
you find him/her charismatic. person has to be a good team player and they must not be easily team player, to be
distracted. As a general rule such people are leaders of companies, easily distracted, As
4.2. Is charisma the most new opportunities open up for them, e.g. managing others’ opinions. a general rule, if,
important quality to possess if Charismatic people don't always use their gift in the right direction. might
you want to be successful in There are examples of charismatic leaders in history which prove that
your career? If not, what other if somebody misuses his charisma, there might be disastrous immoral
qualities are important? consequences. In this case, it is important not to cross the line
between freedom of action and permissiveness.
Step 5. CREATIVE In addition, it is worth noting one more reason for the difference In addition
THINKING between the essence of a person - temperament. Temperament
Introduce your own extra determines the style of a person's behaviour, the ways in which a
idea(s) on the topic that hasn’t person uses to organise their activities. There are 4 main
/ haven’t been mentioned temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each
before. Justify your choice. of them is unique. To determine which type you are, you need to be
honestly and sincerely tested. For knowing oneself and determining
the type of activity, it is important to pay attention to the knowledge
of the characteristics of temperament.
Step 6. Conclusion Summing it up, we can say that in order to better understand oneself Summing it up, can,
and make the right choice of a future profession, it is necessary to also, And in the end,
Summarise the ideas of steps conduct an introspection: find out with the help of tests your can, because
2,3,4,5. personality type and temperament. It is also important to remember
that in order to get the correct result, you must honestly answer
And in the end, remember, charismatic people are not born, they
become. From birth, a person can only receive the makings for
further development of qualities. So cultivate your charisma! Do not
be afraid to discover yourself, because knowing yourself opens up
new opportunities, the real happiness may be found that way
Active Vocabulary: 24, Grammar Structures: 7, Linkers: 11. Total: 612 words

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