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Name: Lizada, Roneline C.

Date: October 17, 2022

Section: BS ECE 1A RESEARCH # 1

AutoCAD Terminologies and their Definitions

1. 1D unit block: a 1-unit 1D object stored as a block

2. 2D unit block: a 2D object that fits into a 1-unit by 1-unit square and stored as a


3. 3D unit block: a 3D object that fits into a 1-unit by 1-unit by 1-unit cube and

stored as a block

4. ACB (AutoCAD Color Book): refers to the XML file format utilized in storing color

book data in AutoCAD-based products

5. Array: duplicate copies of an object arranged in a rectangular or polar pattern;

also refers to a set of data, with each element is identifiable by a subscript or key,

structured in such a way that a computer can inspect the set and extract data

using the key

6. Annotation: textual information presented in the form of notes, definitions,

comments and symbols

7. Bitmap: digital representation of an image with bits corresponding to pixels

8. Block: refers to an object kept and stored for future usage

9. Block definition: refers to the name, base point, and collection of objects that

are merged and saved in a drawing's block definition table

10. Block definition table (a.k.a. block symbol table or block table): implicit data

in a drawing that is responsible for storing block definitions

11. Block reference (a.k.a. instance) : it is a compound object placed in a drawing

which displays the data saved in a block definition

12. Bump map: a map wherein the brightness values are converted into visible

changes with respect to the height of an object's surface

13. B-spline curve: A blended piecewise polynomial curve which passes closely to

a specific set of control points

14. Chain action: an action that causes another action to occur when a parameter is


15. Command line: a text space within the editor that can be docked, anchored, or

floating for keyboard input, suggestions, and messages

16. Composition: refers to the spacing, layout and appearance of text

17. Constraints: laws governing the tangency, slope, dimensions, location and

connections between objects in a geometry

18. Crease: it is a sharpened ridge that specifies one or more corners of a mesh face

sub object

19. Data link: refers to a relationship within an external data source and a table

20. Drawing area: area where drawings are shown and edited

21. Drawing extent: the smallest rectangular region in a drawing that contains all of

the items

22. DSD (Drawing Set Descriptions): it is a file format specifically utilized to store

descriptions of a drawing set created with the Publish dialog box

23. DWF: it is an open, published, and secured file format that allows users to merge

and publish design data and share it with others

24. Dynamic dimension: short-term dimensions of objects when modified with grips

25. Electronic drawing set: it is the digital representation of a set of plotted drawings

created through publishing drawings to a multi-sheet DWF file

26. Embed (OLE): to copy the information from a source document and paste it into

the destination document, however, the latter document is not linked with the


27. Environment map: A bitmap wrapped around a scene that simulates reflections

appropriate portions in materials with reflecting qualities

28. Explode: to dismantle a complex object, such as a solid, polyline or a block, into

simpler ones (additional information: exploding a block does not alter its block

definition but the block reference is replaced with the block's components)

29. Feature control frame: it refers to the tolerance which is applied to certain

features or patterns of features; it always includes a geometric characteristic

symbol and a tolerance value to denote the type of control and to indicate the

amount of acceptable variation, respectively

30. File tab: refers to the tab found at the top of the drawing window representing an

open sketch

31. Freeze: refers to the setting which disables the display and plotting and reduces

the regenerating time of objects on selected layers

32. Gizmo: refers to the tool that is displayed when a 3D object is selected and allows

it to be manipulated uniformly or along a specified axis or plane.

33. Gooch shading: a shading technique that employs a transition from cold to warm

hues instead of dark to light

34. Grips: small squares and triangles that appear on selected objects to be altered

through clicking or right-clicking

35. Helix: an open 2D or 3D spiral

36. HLS: a system of determining color by giving hue, luminance and saturation

37. I-drop: A process of dragging a drawing file from a Web page and inserting it into

another drawing

38. Icon: a small graphical illustration of an command, file or application

39. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification): refers to the standard format

for digital representation and information transmission across CAD/CAM


40. Key point: refers to the point on a parameter that drives its related action when

modified in the block reference in a dynamic block definition

41. Knot parameterization: a parameter that affects the shape of a fit point spline

and determines how the component curves between consecutive fit points within

a spline are blended

42. Label block: a type of block utilized to label views and details, which contains

data, such as a title, view number, and scale associated with the referenced view

43. Layer: A logical arrangement of data that are similar to transparent acetate

overlays on a drawing and can be viewed individually or in combination

44. Library search path: refers to the unique order that the product looks for a

support file: current folder, drawing folder, the folder specified in the support path,

and the folder containing the executable file

45. Limits: the rectangular boundary of the drawing area covered by grid lines (or

dots) when the grid is on and is defined by the user himself

46. Link (OLE): to refer to data in another file using object linking and embedding

(OLE) and automatically updates any changes in the source document to the

destination document linked

47. Mesh: refers to a tessellated or subdivided object type with faces, edges, and

vertices, that can be smoothed or creased to give it a more rounded look and to

add ridges, respectively

48. Model: refers to dimensional representation and geometrical drawing of a

mechanical part

49. Node: object snapping that finds point objects, dimension definition points, and

text origin points

50. NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline Curve): a type of B-spline curve or

surface that is defined by a set of weighted control points and one or more knot


51. Object: one or more graphical components, such as text, dimensions, lines,

circles, or polylines, that are created, manipulated, and modified as a single


52. OLE (Object Linking Embedding): a way of exchanging information accessible

in the Windows operating system that allows data from a source document to be

linked to or embedded in a destination document and when the data in the

destination document is selected, the source program is launched, allowing the

data to be altered

53. Ortho mode: a configuration option that restricts pointing device input to

horizontal or vertical directions in relation to the current snap angle and user

coordinate system

54. Palette: user interface element in the drawing area that can be docked, anchored,

or float.

55. Pan: to change the perspective of a drawing without affecting the magnification
56. Parameter: defines custom attributes for the dynamic block by providing

geometric locations, lengths, and angles

57. Performance tuning: this approach examines your graphics card and 3D display

driver and determines whether to utilize software or hardware implementation for

features that support both in order to maximize 3D performance

58. Polar array: objects are copied a defined number of times around a particular

center point

59. Prompt: a note on the command line or in a tooltip that demands information or

an action, such as the specification of a point

60. Quick View: a tool for previewing and switching between open drawings and

drawing layouts

61. Regenerate: to update the objects in the drawing area by recalculating the screen

coordinates from the database

62. Rewind: like undo and restores the previous view or movement path created by

the navigation tool

63. Ribbon: a palette of buttons and controls for 2D drawing and annotation, and 3D

modeling, viewing, and rendering.

64. Shadow maps: refers to the bitmap created by the renderer during a pre-

rendering pass of the scene that does not reveal the color cast by transparent or

translucent objects, and has softer edges and takes less computation time,

sacrificing accuracy, when compared to ray-traced shadows.

65. Smoothness: a mesh object property that determines the roundness of the

object (additional information: object with more faces, or tessellations, have more


66. Snap angle: the rotation angle of the snap grid

67. SteeringWheels: refers to tool that provides access to 2D and 3D navigation


68. Table: a rectangular array of cells containing annotation, mostly text but also


69. Thaw: a parameter that displays previously frozen layers

70. Toolbar: section of the interface showing icons representing instructions in

AutoCAD-based programs that run on Windows

71. Tooltip: small box of text that appears and identifies or describes an object or

interface element when the cursor is near or over it

72. UCS (User Coordinate System): a moveable coordinate system for drawing and

modeling that establishes the XY plane (work plane) and Z-axis direction, with the

origin and axes customizable to meet the demands

73. Vector: a mathematical expression that has a specified direction and magnitude

(length) but no fixed location

74. WCS (World Coordinate System): the fixed coordinate system that defines the

location of all objects and other coordinate systems in a drawing but in new

drawings, UCS is initially coincident with the WCS

75. Wheel: a reference to one of the various user interface elements that comprise

SteeringWheels for Windows-based applications

76. Workspace: A named set of menus, toolbars, and dockable windows that have

been grouped and structured to the user work in a personalized, task-oriented

drawing environment, thus improves productivity

77. Zoom: to increase (zoom in) or decrease (zoom out) the apparent magnification

of the drawing area


Autodesk. (2015, December 16). Glossary of AutoCAD terms. Autodesk Knowledge

Network. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from






Beginner's Guide for CAD terms. AutoCAD Blog. (2021, September 11). Retrieved

October 17, 2022, from


Reference material glossary of CAD terms. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2022, from

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