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Republic of the Philippines


C.F.G North Avenue
Tagbilaran City
S.Y 2022

Learning Module Plan

Contemporary World

Time Frame: 3 hrs /1 week

Year level: BSME-1B
Module # 1
This lesson will introduce the various drivers of the
globalization process, with specific focus on economics and
politics. Although it emphasizes the globalization experience on an
everyday level, it must also realize that there are big
institutions that create large-scale changes. This will first trace
the emergence of these institutions historically.
This involves taking in something that comes from the outside
and making it one’s own –expanding the base of knowledge. So, every
time we expand our knowledge we are increasing our level of
interaction with the world, and therefore globalizing.


A. Global Experiences
B. Globalization: A Working Definition
C . Conclusion: Globalization from the Ground Up
III. OBJECTIVES: After going through this lesson, you are expected

a. Agree on a working definition of globalization for the course,

b. Differentiate the competing conceptions of globalization, and
c. Compose a short story narrating a personal experience of

Topic: What is Globalization?
Global Experiences
(Activity No.1)
“Video Analysis” click link,The story
of “Gio, Latif and the Laksa” or read page 2-7 of the attached
file. Use the space provided below.

1. Give 3 instances from the story that shows

globalization. Explain each.
A. International Model Competition in Sydney, Australia

as an international
Different countries

student shows how globalization

help integrate
different countries with different
culture through education, through
this platform of
exchanging students to
efficiently exchange values and
ideas, different nations
became more united and
misconceptions among different
races has been lessen
- This instance shows how international students
and competitions in globalization integrates
different countries with different cultures
through education. By exchanging and allowing
students to connect easily,they efficiently
exchange values and ideas, different nations
become more united and misconceptions can be
B. Food
- When Latif introduces Gio to malaysian culture by
trying cuisines from their country, and both
being familiar with the “flat whites” drink since
it is available in each of their countries. This
represents globalization of culture being shown
as an exchange of artistic expression among
C. Technology
- After Gio meets Latif, he talks about how he knew
about the Philippines through watching filipino
teleserye. Even after they parted, they stayed
connected through social media. This circumstance
depicts globalization through technology and
globalization socially which not promotes
countries to be well informed about each other,
but also with easy access communication.
2. How will you define globalization base from the story?
The story of Gio, Latif and the Laksha, shows instances of
globalization in the contemporary world. Throughout the story you
can see how globalization became a bridge for people from
different social backgrounds to connect. The story provides a good
start of defining globalization; we can see how globalization
operates at multiple mediums, and intersecting gaps and levels. A
prime example of this is the spread of Filipino TV into Malaysia.
It suggests how fast a popular culture might go out and travel
across the globe. Which is very much evident today, you can access
a wide range of products ranging from local to exported products.
It provides more access for the people and more opportunities to
the people to not only interact and appreciate each difference and
specialties, but also celebrate each other’s similarity. However,
the story depicts an almost larger positive outlook on
globalization. It cannot fully define the real concept of
globalization since it only shows how the privileged experience

3. Is the effect of globalization equal to everybody? Why or why

Globalization is experienced by different people differently,
depending on the standard of living and the quality of life,
one will experience globalization so differently that it is
almost unrecognizable for others. This is especially true of
global income inequality. A common narrative frames
globalization as the cause of inequality: by shifting low-
skilled jobs from wealthier countries to poorer countries,
economic integration has increased inequality within countries
while lowering inequality between them. 80th percentile of
global income (the poor and middle class of the developed
world) have seen little real income gain from globalization,
whereas many of the poor and middle class of the developing
world have benefited greatly. At the same time, the global
elite have continued to experience substantial gains, while the
poorest people in the world have not seen much growth at all.
As some countries reaped the benefits of globalization, some
countries fell behind. While the benefits of economic change
have not reached everyone equally yet, other factors like new
technology, unequal education, deregulation, and differing
social welfare policies help to explain these trends as well.
(Activity No. 2)
“Reading Comprehension”. Read pages 7-10 on “Globalization: A
Working Definition” and “Conclusion: Globalization from the Ground
Up” of the attached material and answer the following questions
that follow. Use the space provided below.

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?

Explain each.

Globalization does both good and bad, several examples of the

advantage of globalization are:
Transfer of Technology
- Transfer of technology throughout the globe is good. Any
country can borrow the technology through the agreement
and can implement it in their country for their overall
development. We can communicate each other easily from
any part of the globe by using advance technology at
minimal cost, time and efforts.
Foreign Exchange Reserves
- Through globalization countries can build foreign
exchange reserves owing to international financial flows
Economic Growth
- Globalization entails to optimum utilization of
resources wherein deficit resources are procured and
surplus resources are exported to other countries. This
ensure overall economic growth.
Cultural Exchange
- Globalization promotes cultures to intermingle with each
other. They allow cultures to be celebrated and to be

However, globalization also has its downsides. These include:

Growing Inequality
- Globalization can increase inequality throughout the
world by increasing specialization and trade. Although
specialization and trade boost the per-capita income it
may cause relative poverty.
Increasing of the Unemployment rate
- Globalization demands for higher-skilled work with
cheaper price. But countries where Institutions are
relatively weak are not capable of producing highly
skilled workers. As a result, the unemployment rate is
increasing in those countries.
- When many foreign companies invest heavily in developing
countries, they hire employee from that country. In some
cases their salaries are very lower than the other
developed countries. Moreover, the demand for these
employees in developed countries is very low.
Environmental Loots
- The pace of industrialization is increasing as the
result of globalization. Industrialization boosts the
economic growth but it harms environment as well.
Globalization loots from the nature and it harm us very
2.What is the difference between globalization and globalism?
The main difference between globalism and globalization is
that globalism is an ideology based on the belief that
people, information, and goods should be able to cross
national borders unrestricted, while globalization is the
spread of technology, products, information, and jobs
across nations.

We can simply define globalization as the spread of

technology, products, information, and jobs across
nations. Globalization is a multidimensional economic and
social process that began in the late 1970s. It involves a
variety of interlinked economic, social, communicational,
political, and environmental phenomena. Moreover,
globalization is characterized by the interconnection of
local private and public markets in one global arena, with
respect to globally accepted rules and regulations. On the
other hand, Globalism is a broad term we can generally
define as an ideological commitment in favor of
globalization. It’s a view that considers globalization as
entirely positive. Moreover, the ideology of globalism is
based on the belief that people, information, and goods
should be able to cross national borders unrestricted. It
places the interests of the entire globe above the
interests of individual nations. Globalism can also refer
to a socio-economic system that is dedicated to free trade
and free access to markets.

3.Differentiate the competing conceptions of globalization.

Some treat globalization as simply an economic issue while others

focus more on the social and political aspects. What is clear,
however, is that globalization has influenced many different facets
of contemporary social life and has developed many concepts by
different people. These concepts are:
 Globalization as an economic process - Economic "globalization"
is a historical process, the result of human innovation and
technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration
of economies around the world, particularly through the
movement of goods, services, and capital across borders. The
term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor)
and knowledge (technology) across international borders. There
are also broader cultural, political, and environmental
dimensions of globalization.The term "globalization" began to
be used more commonly in the 1980s, reflecting technological
advances that made it easier and quicker to complete
international transactions—both trade and financial flows. It
refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same
market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of
human economic activity—village markets, urban industries, or
financial centers.
 Manfred Steger’s Globalization – which defines globalization as
the intensification of worldwide social relations which link
distant localities in such a way that local happenings are
shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.”
 5 scapes of Globalization - Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai has
discussed this in terms of five specific “scapes” or flows:
ethnoscapes, technoscapes, ideoscapes, financescapes, and
mediascapes. Thinking of globalization in terms of the people,
things, and ideas that flow across national boundaries is a
productive framework for understanding the shifting social
landscapes in which contemporary people are often embedded in
their daily lives. Questions about where people migrate, their
reasons for migration, the pace at which they travel, the ways
their lives change as a result of their travels, and how their
original communities change can all be addressed within this
framework. Questions about goods and ideas that travel without
the accompaniment of human agents can also be answered using
Appadurai’s notion of scapes.
(Activity No. 3)
Directions: Compose a short story narrating your personal experience
of globalization. Be guided by the criteria below.

Criteria: Relevance of the content----15 pts.

Use of Language -------- 5 pts.
(vocabulary and grammar)
Organization of idea------10 pts.
Total ------30 pts.

➢ THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD, Lisandro E. Claudio, Patricio N.
Abinales, Copyright © 2018 by C & E Publishing, Inc., 839 EDSA
South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines, pp.1-11


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