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Activity: The vs No Article

Complete the sentences using the or X (no article) according to the explanations given

“When we have mentioned it previously; there is an antecedent of it in a
For example (the antecedent is underlined):
I invite you to my party this Friday at Flag’s Restaurant. The party starts at
9:00 pm.”

1. The Mediterranean sea determined the lives of many ancient cultures.

2. X Families used to be very large in the past.
3. The panda bear is now an endangered animal species.
4. I did not know that X Mars could be seen at night in the sky.
5. He is going to the United States in two weeks.
6. Jupiter is the hugest planet in all the Solar System.
7. I really dislike X soccer. It is so boring!
8. X Asia is the largest continent.
9. X Lake Texcoco represented an essential source of water and food.
10. The United Nations was born after the Second World War.
11. There will be a contest consisting on making interesting educational
videos. Everyone is invited to participate. The videos will be uploaded by the
contestants to the website
12. X Love is a very important aspect of the life of every individual.
13. For Chistmas, I would like you to buy some presents to give the poor. X
presents do not have to be expensive.
14. X Chinese food is the best of all. I really enjoy coming to this restaurant.
15. After you turn left, you will see a very long street. Stop there. the street
leads to the place you are looking for.
16. The main worry of a teenager should be X school.
17. X People think my career is easy. I do not agree with them.
18. X Concerts usually finish late at night. Sorry, buy I cannot stay up
Activity: The vs No Article

19. There will be a meeting after work to discuss some relevant issues. I am
sure you are interested on being there. X meeting starts at 3:00, so, please,
stop your activities before this time.

20. X women and men are supposed to enjoy the same rights in many

Element Value Points
The answers are correct. 2
Total 2 Points

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 Apellido Paterno_Primer Nombre_A_The_No_Article

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