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Name: Trịnh Gia Uyên I.D. WSU21000280

Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full) The use of robotics and/or artificial
intelligence has a positive impact on society. Critically analyze and evaluate this
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Due date: 08/11/2021 Date submitted: 07/11/2021

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Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10

Technology of robotics and AI

Name: Trinh Gia Uyen

Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10

Date: 07/11/2021

Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
In the era of technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are

increasingly developing in many different aspects of society. However, they are considered to both

positively and negatively affect contemporary society. On the one hand, for instance, it is believed that

the application of AI to machines helps simplify and modernize people's daily lives. On the other hand,

people who are against the application of technology assume that AI and robotics may change human

perceptions about increasingly depending on it in the future. Nevertheless, it is concluded in a previous

research that the beneficial effects of AI and technological advancement surpass its negative impacts on

human life (Pelau, Ene and Pop 2021). As a result of their significant contributions to medicine,

economy and meteorology and astronomy, the advantages of AI and robotics are considered to

outweigh the drawbacks on human life. These outstanding benefits of AI and robotics in three specific

areas will be discussed in the essay below.

A compelling reason to demonstrate the critical contribution of AI and robotics is their

application to medicine. AI is effectively used in most aspects of the medical field, including diagnosis,

planning and treatment because of its better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities. For instance,

experts found that AI can help predict many different health conditions and symptoms, especially in

ophthalmology, skin cancer, clinical neuroscience and psychiatry (Loh 2018). He also mentions that

sometimes AI can diagnose disease symptoms faster and more accurately than a doctor. In addition,

there is also a robot called “da Vinci surgical system” which is used in many sophisticated surgeries to

tackle the limitations of traditional surgery, minimize blood loss, infection and pain of the patients.

There are, of course, views against this statement. It is claimed that robots and AI (such as IBM’s

Watson) cannot be liable for their medical malpractices which may injure patients (Lupton 2018). As

the subject of legal liability is merely human, not modern robot, patients cannot sue a robot for its
Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
technological errors. Whilst this point might be true; however, these days, robots are being applied with

learning machine technology which is the ability to learn and correct errors without being explicitly

programmed. Furthermore, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic is breaking out in many places,

the use of robots can reduce the possibility of infection between patients and medical staff. Khan,

Siddique and Lee (2020) report that since the robots were applied to deal with infected patients in

China, there have been extremely few cases where patients are doctors or nurses. Hence, adopting the

technology of AI and robotics is a reasonable method to increase the efficiency of medical diagnosis

and treatment.

The positive impacts of robotics and AI are also reflected in their contribution to the economy.

Once the technology is applied to production and service stages, it can help increase efficiency as well

as productivity in many industries, especially in manufacturing ones. For example, according to

Furman and Seamans (2019), there has been an approximately 0,4 percent increase in the annual gross

domestic product (GDP) in 17 countries surveyed since there was a proliferation of robotics in

industries. The authors also point out among the 3000 manufacturing firms surveyed that there is a

relation between the use of industrial robots and higher labor productivity. Moreover, due to the

application of robots, enterprises can reduce the manufacturing cost by reducing the labor cost, which

can lead to a lower price of the product. Of course, there are contrary opinions which state that AI and

robots may directly have negative impacts on employment and the workforce. Petropoulos (2018)

argues that robots can displace employees from jobs in which they have many experiences, which

cause detrimental consequences for them. Thus, in the long term, robots and AI technology can

increase the unemployment rate in many developed countries. However, there is a conclusive

demonstration for the opposite view in other research. It is concluded that despite the significant
Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
development of AI and computerization, jobs have still not disappeared, especially poorly paid and

low-skilled jobs (Fleming 2019). Robots are believed to have the potential to merely replace humans in

some particular tasks but they cannot displace workers in the entire process. Therefore, instead of

bringing an abundance of disadvantages, robotics and AI seem to have more outstanding contributions

to economic growth.

Additionally, robotics and AI also play a pivotal role in the development of meteorology and

astronomy. To clarify, with the help of AI in meteorology, experts can forecast the weather more

quickly and accurately with a more efficient forecast quality. As a result, residents can have better

preparation to avoid hazardous weather situations. It has been proven that the results of precipitation

estimates from AI-based rain gauges are more accurate than non-AI-based traditional measuring

devices (Dewitte, Cornelis, Müller and Munteanu 2021). In the field of astronomy, thanks to the

development of AI and technological innovation, experts can easily and intensively explore the

universe as well as look for life on other planets. According to Yeung (2020), by the use of AI, British

astronomers have discovered 50 new planets from old data of the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA). It is considered to be a considerable breakthrough in astronomy. However,

people who disagree with the application of AI may assume that AI still has certain errors. In many

cases, it can make incorrect forecasts about the weather, such as the arrival time or the path of storms.

Moreover, they also point out that the research and manufacture of robots and AI in astronomy take a

huge amount of money, time and determined attempts but still receive no concrete results. Actually,

this is marginally true; however, the flaw of AI and technology is trivial and they are demonstrated to

forecast more accurately than humans. Along with weather forecasting, AI also appreciably contributes

to meteorology by its better skill scores in nowcasting (Dewitte, Cornelis, Müller and Munteanu 2021).
Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
To interpret, nowcasting is defined as a current detailed forecast of the weather (such as surface

radiation, heavy precipitation and thunderstorms) on a timescale of a few hours. Furthermore,

according to NASA (2021), their most modern self-propelled robot car called Mars Perseverance rover

has successfully collected the first Mars rock sample in September 2021. Hence, the technology of

robotics and AI can pave the way for the considerable development of meteorology and astronomy.

In conclusion, it cannot be denied that the technology of robotics and AI has made substantial

contributions to different aspects of society. By their application to medicine, economy and

meteorology and astronomy, AI and robotics have positively affected the efficiency, productivity as

well as the enhancement of these specific fields. As technological innovations bring to society an

abundance of benefits, governments of developed countries and international communities should have

more proposals to convey the advantages of AI and robotics as well as transfer advanced technology to

many developing or underdeveloped countries. Therefore, these countries can have access to AI and

robotics and apply them to many aspects of society in order to increasingly develop. Finally, it is

possible to conclude that the advancement of technology, especially AI and robotics, can bring more

beneficial impacts to many different aspects of life, such as medicine, economy and meteorology and

astronomy, than negative effects.

Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10

Dewitte, S, Cornelis, JP, Müller, R & Munteanu, A 2021, ‘Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes

Weather Forecast, Climate Monitoring and Decadal Prediction’, Remote Sens, vol. 13, no. 16.

Fleming, P 2019, ‘Robots and Organization Studies: Why Robots Might Not Want to Steal Your Job’,

Organization Studies, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 23–38, DOI: 10.1177/0170840618765568.

Furman, J & Seamans, R 2019, ‘AI and the Economy’, Innovation policy and the economy, vol. 19, no.

1, pp. 161-191.

Khan, ZH, Siddique, A & Lee, CW 2020, ‘Robotics Utilization for Healthcare Digitization in Global

COVID-19 Management’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.

17, no. 11.

Loh, E 2018, ‘Medicine and the rise of the robots: a qualitative review of recent advances of artificial

intelligence in health’, BMJ Leader, DOI: 10.1136/leader-2018-000071.

Lupton, M 2018, ‘Some ethical and legal consequences of the application of artificial intelligence in

the field of medicine’, Trends in Medicine, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.15761/TiM.1000147.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2021, NASA's Perseverance Rover Collects First Mars

Rock Sample, viewed 28 October 2021, <


Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10
Pelau, C, Ene, I & Pop, MI 2021, ‘The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Consumers’ Identity and

Human Skills’, Amfiteatru Economic, vol. 23, no. 56, pp. 33-45, DOI: 10.24818/EA/2021/56/33.

Petropoulos, G 2018, ‘The impact of artificial intelligence on employment’, Praise for Work in the

Digital Age, pp. 119-132.

Yeung, J 2020, ‘Breakthrough AI identifies 50 new planets from old NASA data’, CNN Business, 26

August, viewed 28 October 2021, <


Name: Trinh Gia Uyen – Class: EAP5-0921WSB-10

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