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EKSA is a program that led by MAMPU (Malaysian Administration and Management

Planning Unit). EKSA (The Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem) was introduce in
January 2014 but it as a re-branding initiative of public sector 5S practices. Its
purpose mostly to create an environment of work that excellent and qualitative
through this system. EKSA one of the ways that for strengthen the office management
that where a more conducive environment can be create and it can help to increase the
productivity of MDTM worker. The productivity must be in the to serve the services
to the customer, can give comfort, happiness and safety when giving services to those
customers inside the organization. EKSA help the increasing the excellent of the
organization having a corporate image and give birth new idea and activities which
more creative and innovative. EKSA not just only practices in public sector but also
in private sector since both sectors also serve the citizen as customers, so its better
that private sector also practices the EKSA system to ensure that both sectors served
the customers in great services. EKSA help the environment of work since the
practice create systematic this system be able to reduce the inefficiency in terms of
time and space. Delivery method become more customer friendly because of the
creativity and innovation element imposed since the execution of EKSA. Importantly,
EKSA is not about to replace the 5S practices concept, but it was to improve it by
supporting the creation of a more conducive environment at work. EKSA also has add
new elements like corporate image, creativity and innovation, green practices,
conducive environment, and agency diversity. Like I said just now, EKSA is applied
in all public sectors and private sector, example sector that applied it is Ministry of
Health. Execution of EKSA in Ministry of Health based on ‘Garis Panduan
Pelaksanaan EKSA, Ibu Pejabat Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia’ which said that for
the training position power, they need to identify and plan the training programs also
put a breather inside the MoH’s workers, prepare a training plan to put an
understanding concept and EKSA culture towards MoH’s staff and there is more. Not
just for the training position’s duty but the other positions also their own task need to
be done. The creation of EKSA’s zone is needed too, to ensure that the execution and
surveillance of EKSA’s culture can done smoothly, there almost 30 zones that involve
in EKSA’s execution inside the Ministry of Health such as laws zone, international
zone, communication zone even training zone included and the rest. The EKSA’s
zone is needed because each zone had their committees and each of them has their
own task for example the zone leader, he or she need to execute a meeting
periodically with zone members, shape a goal and execution plan at the division level.
EKSA system inside the Ministry of Health can be seen like the file order. Based on
EKSA, file order must be orderly, easy to get or keep and have a system, this because
an orderly file system can easy the search of file in the short time per file and each
ring file can be label based on the ring file’s bone must have short name of which
department or unit, file’s number, the file topics and file order’s number. This all
based on the EKSA system even the office place must according to this system such
as all office equipment must always in a good condition and can be use safely,
equipment must clean and arrange so it look tidy and ensure lamps and electricity
plug functional label as it suit like photostat and fakes machine even the CPU. The
conclusion is everything that inside the Ministry of Health must apply the EKSA
culture greatly and follow it rule and not just MoH the other public and private sectors
also must follow it. That is what I can tell roughly about what is EKSA and how
Ministry Of Health apply this culture in their working environment.





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