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Task 3 preparation.

Interview techniques

1. Prepare, research potential questions and role play those potential questions
2. Be on time, rather than late and unprepared.
3. Be confident, believe in yourself and concentrate on the points you want to get
4. Ask questions at the end, de-formalises the tone of the interview and can relax you.


Some of my personal work that could be added to a cv includes:

Final major project

Travel and Employment

4 counties I would want to travel too.

1. Madeira, one of the main reasons I want to potentially travel there is because the
flights are fairly cheap. This means that I can save money on getting to the country
and actually spend it on the experience. Another reason is because the area is very
mountainous which means a lot of the country Is above the clouds therefore it
produces some of the best sunsets in the world which would be amazing to

2. Italy, the scenery in Italy is some of the best in the world as well as the history within
all the towns would be amazing to learn about. As well as these the food in Italy is
one of the main reasons I would want to go.

3. Bali, not only is Bali one of the most beautiful places to visit in the world with its
amazing rice fields but it also has some of the best and highest waves and one skill I
would like to learn how to do is surf.

I will need to apply for a visa once arriving in Bali and I can do this at most of their major

4. Another place I would like to go Is Iceland because of its outstanding beauty,

including its glaciers, ice caves and volcanoes. Not to mention being able to
potentially see the northern lights.
If I was to travel and work abroad I would do so within Europe because I can see
myself staying longer in a country within Europe rather than the rest of the world.

For example, Italy, there are lots of low experience jobs for example waitering which
can give me the opportunity to earn some money to sustain travelling for longer
periods abroad. However, I will also have to pay for accommodation and food whilst
working which will come out of my salary therefore, I need to think of whether
working abroad will actually allow me to travel more.

The other complication I will have to think about is that to work abroad I will
need to have a visa, residence and work permit. This will take some time to process the
documents and will take more time to research exactly which documents I will need.
My other option is to work doing a job that I’m experienced in for example media, there are
fewer English speaking media jobs abroad however there still is plenty. My experience in
media through my own teaching as well as what I have learnt during college would help me
get a much higher paying job in this field. As well as this I could implement communication
skills, I have learnt to be able to impress potential employers abroad in things such as

One of our plans is to potentially travel for 2 months and then return to the UK for another
2 months and repeat, the benefit to this option is that I could potentially work in England
which means: it’s easier to find connections to jobs, it’s easier to communicate with
employers , there is a lot more jobs that I could find a lot easier in England and I do not have
to spend time researching and applying for certain documents to allow me to work In a
different country because I am already a British citizen.

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