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A) Cinema 4D

After effects
Website production
Use of sound recording equipment
Use of green screen studio
Use of digital stills camera
Premier pro
Use of video camera

B) Decisive
Ability to plan
Maintain focus
Accept responsibility
Meet deadlines
Good time management
Team player
Work independently
Desire to learn/ improve
Solve problems
Motivate people
Take risks

C) Working in a studio environment would help me in the future when I potentially am

working for a media company and constantly working within a studio.
There may be times where I will need to take photos as a part of my career so
learning how to operate a photography camera would help me do that easier.
In the future I may have to switch to different, new cameras so being able to know
how to use more video cameras will widen my knowledge.
Meeting deadlines and good time management will constantly help me in the future
from things such as travelling to working towards deadlines within my career.
Throughout my life I will no doubt have many challenges and problems that need
solving therefore being able to always maintain a positive attitude and coming up
with solutions to those problems will make them easier to face.

D) There may be clients that will want me to use After effects for their specific projects
therefore knowing after effects in more detail will help me immensely. For anything
that do I will most likely need to design a portfolio or some type of website to
showcase my skills therefore It Is vital that I get better at designing website layouts
and styles. Sometimes I can get distracted if the task I am doing isn’t particularly
interesting however it is guaranteed in the future I will be doing tasks that I’m not
enthusiastic about therefore its vital I improve on maintaining focus.
E) 1 Typing
2 focus
3 research
4 photoshop
5 after effects
6 Cinema 4d
7 motivation
8 photography
9 animation
10 3D

Using an apple mac 9/10

Using word 9/10
Using photoshop 4/10
Using animate 5/10
Using cinema 4d 0/10
Using premier pro 7/10
Using a video camera 8.5/10

For me personally being able to use premier pro will help me in the future and year
two because I will constantly be editing footage for clients as well as personal
projects, this will help me build and create a story within my work and help me stand
out from other competitors in the future.

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