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The Learners Development Profile

Physical Development
- The learner is not so thin and also he take cherifer in order to make her
height high according to her mother.

Social Development

- The learner is sociable and friendly. He makes or find friends easily even if
he just met for awhile mostly he has friends in college especially the interns
because he is very adorable and good at dancing.

Emotional Moral Development

- The learner is open to her parents whenever he feel sad or bother for
something her mother also is considerate and understanding his feelings.
And also keep on encouraging the child.

Cognitive Development

- The learners interest are less in academic tract and he’s into dancing
whenever there is a dance contest he is very excited to practice and luckily
they won of the contest because of him.

- As I observed the learner is good because his parents are really supportive
to him. He gained friends easily because of his friendly nature he is kinda
talakative and curious.

- The parents of the learner did a great role in their child’s attitude and
behavior. They have clear and specific rules set at home.


- For every rules in their home is clearly defined expectations is set properly
for their child.

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