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TITLE: Hair Nurturing: Incorporating Mimosa Pudica and Nalta Jute Leaves in Producing Organic Hair Serum Spray

Incorporated; incorporating: Transitive verb: to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable
whole: to blend or combine thoroughly: to form into a legal corporation: to admit to membership in a corporate body: to give
material form to : EMBODY

Nurture; Nurturing: care for and encourage the growth or development of.

 INTRODUCTION: Greetings to our esteemed panelist (introduce ourselves) we are here in front of you today to present and
defend our chosen Title for our Experimental Research study and to also discuss our chosen product. Our Title for this study
is “Hair Nurturing: Incorporating Mimosa Pudica and Nalta Jute Leaves in Producing Organic Hair Serum Spray.
The reason why chose this as our title will be explained by Miss Laxamana.
 EXPLANATION: Among all the titles that we've come up with we choose this title because it contains the key points of our
future research paper. As you can see, Mimosa Pudica and Nalta jute are highlighted as the main ingredients to create an
organic hair serum spray.
And what do we mean about Mimosa Pudica and Nalta Jute?
 MIMOSA PUDICA (Lalaine): According to PHARMACOGNOSY REVIEWS, MIMOSA PUDICA also known as shameplant or
makahiya is a herb that can be found in Asian countries and Tropical Americas, heavily armed with recurved thorns and
having sensitive soft grey green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched and cooled. The herb has been used
traditionally for ages as it majorly possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant,
aphrodisiac, and various other pharmacological activities. Furthermore it help in the development of new hair cells and
helps in controlling hair fall.
The properties and other benefits of Mimosa Pudica that helps in maintaining a healthy hair growth will be
discussed by Miss Tarine
PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS OF MIMOSA PUDICA: is reach in vitamin e that is to good prevent scalp-break down
such as, building up of dandruff or hair loss
 NALTA JUTE (Shaira): also known as Jew’s Mallow or Saluyot is a tropical, annual herb that is upright, branching, and
slightly woody. The leaves are shiny and have leaf stalks. The flowers are yellow and small and form into clusters in the axils
of the leaves. It can be found in Africa, India, Myanmar and the Philippines. Nalta jute leaves are very rich in calcium,
vitamins A, C, and K. These vitamins add nutrients to the hair, strengthening them from the inside out, and helps get rid of
split ends.
(Jessie Lein) the properties and other benefits of Nalta Jute : is reach in vitamin A which helps for healthy hair
growth, Vitamin C which reduces hair loss and improve hair growth and Vitamin K which gives hair a shine.
The supporting ingredient for our product is Coconut oil
 COCONUT OIL: contains fatty acids that helps in maintaining the hair structure as 85% of our hair lipids are made up off
fatty acids. Although these lipids only make up 2-6% of the hair’s overall weight, they play a crucial role in keeping hair
healthy, influencing shine, feel, manageability, and strength. (pubmed. Gov) (Jennifer M Marsh et al. J Cosmet Sci.)
Note: Hair lipids acts as a cement of our hair structure
Moving on, we will now discuss what is a Hair serum spray and why it is important
According to an article Written By Sowmya Tamatam that that is reviewed by Dr Abhisikta Hati, Hair serum spray
Just like skin serums, hair serums are formulated with active ingredients to penetrate deeper into your hair. They are used
to control frizz, set hairstyles and protect the hair from environmental aggressors. While oils provide nourishment to the
scalp, serums work on the surface level. You can consider them as quick fixes or even a replacement to your conditioners.
Furthermore according to a dermatologist, Dr. Harish Koutam says, “Hair serums help in replenishing lost lipids,
thereby preventing cuticular damage. It is essential that you evenly apply the serum on your hair, especially the parts where
it’s the most needed. If your hair is chemically treated, choose a serum with proteins.”
Thus, hair serums are essential for our hair as it acts as a protective layer or coat to protect it from things that may
damage it such as heat and pollution. Furthermore, there are benefits that come along with it such as strengthening,
smoothening and repairs hair damage.
 THE REASON WHY WE WANT TO CONDUCT THIS STUDY is to know the effectiveness of local herbs specifically, Mimosa
Pudica and Nalta Jute as an ingredient for a hair serum spray in maintaining healthy hair.
 THE PURPOSE OF OUR STUDY: is to give insights about mimosa pudica and nalta jute, and to also let people know that
there are a lot of herbs even in the backyards of our home, or even in grasses that are beneficial not only for our health but
also when it comes to beauty.
 What sets are product apart from others is the used of Mimosa Pudica and Nalta Jute leaves that aren’t still studied
enough by experts. We want to know and bring out it’s benefits or effects when it comes to hair care.

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