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Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón

Nombre de la asignatura:
Inglés I

Nombre del alumno:

Morales Lara Gerardo Alfonso BS15241127

Nombre de la tarea o proyecto:


Nombre de la profesora:
Lic. Erika Daniela Elías García

Lugar y fecha de entrega:

Purísima del Rincón, Gto., jueves 03 de noviembre de 2022


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


The classroom is the physical space intended for school education in which students
and teachers meet, one to learn and the other to impart knowledge. Classrooms have
existed since ancient times and, beyond comfortable desks, little change has been
experienced; however, thanks to the knowledge that has been developed regarding the
human psyche, it has been possible to identify some classroom characteristics that can
favor a more fruitful education. If you want to learn more about them, in the following
paragraphs you will find what they consist of and how they can influence students.

Within the multiple characteristics of the classroom, the most basic with respect to
the distribution of space and its use is usually:

The correct arrangement of the chairs or desks in rows, oriented towards the front to
observe the teacher, is one of the main characteristics of the classroom. On the sides are
the shelves that keep books and school supplies. White or light blue paint for the walls, as
these colors stimulate concentration. Black or green board for the teacher to write on with
white chalk, said the board can also be white to write with markers. The critical aspect is
that the letter is legible for all students regardless of the distance they are from it.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


The term computer center at the beginning of the '50s indicated a place that housed
computer computers and personnel who operated such equipment. This concept has been
considered the same as a computer center but where the services that are carried out are
the development and maintenance of computer systems, operation of information systems
production, equipment operation, etc.

Regardless of the size of the computer equipment, smaller and more sophisticated
ones are now being produced.

Practically all the activities of the other departments are based on the information
provided by the Computer Center. Decision-making depends largely on the responsiveness
of the data process. Because of this, I hardly know to spare the investment to provide it
with the necessary technical equipment (material and human). In fact, in most
organizations, the data center absorbs most of the budget. The importance of the data
center places it in a position where it even influences a large part of the administrative and
projection decisions of the Business.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


The library is a space in which we can read, research and study. A library is a place
where we can find all kinds of books and a wide variety of information. It includes a place
where we can find books or any other support of some kind of book, such as publications,
documents, and magazines, among others. Similarly, a library can be a piece of furniture,
in which we place all our books.

It is usually made up of several shelves horizontally or from the building itself, where
we can borrow some books. In the various libraries, provide search services via the
internet and consult about some digital books.

Likewise, all the books are grouped into ten categories (which receive the name of
CDU's Universal Decimal Classification). It follows the following classification:

Start with Languages, Arts, Exact, Natural, and Applied Sciences. They are followed
by those of Technology, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, and History. Subsequently,
Social Sciences, Geography, Religion, and finally reference works, that is, dictionaries and


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


Laboratory experiments are a research method by which researchers create

controllable environments to test hypotheses. Laboratories used for academic research are
rooms or specifically designed spaces within buildings typically located on college and
university campuses.

It is important to distinguish between experiments and other types of research

studies conducted in laboratory spaces. A research study that occurs in a laboratory space
does not necessarily make it an experiment. Laboratory experiments, like all true
experimental designs, incorporate techniques of random assignment of participants and
control groups to assess causal inferences about the relationships between independent
and dependent variables.

Although researchers conduct experiments in various settings, a laboratory provides

the best control of manipulation conditions (i.e., tested variables), participants, and the
environment. Almost all laboratory personnel require both laboratory and office support
space. Their desire to be aware of procedures and to have a constant presence in the
laboratory usually demands that office space be located near the laboratory. The need for
personnel safety, evolutionary technology allowing for computer-based research and data
monitoring outside of the laboratory, as well as a desire to foster better interaction between
researchers has driven the offices outside the laboratory proper.
Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


In the soccer field, there is no a roofing, and there is synthetic grass.

The grass must be appropriate, and the size of the grass mustn't make it difficult to
ability and causes fatigue, too much water difficult for soccer players lightness and can
even cause physical discomfort.

Its administration involves both physical and economic maintenance and good
caring of the use, as well as the performance of the personnel that plays on the soccer
field. If these concepts are handled strictly, the maintenance of the soccer field will be
complying with the necessary conditions for soccer players could play correctly.

A good soccer field means a part of the school that has an effective organization,
which has an objective to satisfy the needs of students, in a correct manner for the
corresponding activities.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


Practically, there are two basketball courts. But, all the basketball activities,
principally, are on the last court with no roof.

The Purísima del Rincón Institute of Technology develops the investment to provide
the necessary technical equipment for sports activities. In fact, all the sports installations,
are of the first level.

The importance of the sports activities within the school puts him in a position to
influence the students to win sports competitions.

The analysis and design of sports installations imply a high degree of efficiency
administrative within the organization, otherwise, they could hardly be carried out practice
the designs.

Open spaces are often necessary for the structure of the school, and certain
functions because of the level of competence in the school. The need for access control
should be scrutinized for requirements, safety protocols, and emergencies.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


The calisthenics area is a part of the school, which means a space that is
constituted by a group of equipment for physical conditioning. There are various different
types of devices, that provide various kinds of physical exercises, that are related to the
sports activities in the school.

Generally, are maintained by technical staff, and the administration body. There is
no schedule for doing calisthenics activities. In this stage, calisthenics is an activity widely
accepted among students.

Calisthenics perfectly fits with any sports activity and offers a wide variety of
activities for complementing sports activities. It would be preferable, to do physical warming
before any sports activity.

Also, promoting this area between students and giving extra escolar points because
of doing activities in the calisthenics area.

In this way, that calisthenics area could be accessible to all interested people who
are in search of a good physical form.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Purísima del Rincón


Another of the most important areas of the school is the school dining.

With a good atmosphere inside the school dining and a healthy social climate where
diversity and good treatment, it is the ideal place to socialize.

The students, teachers, and other people that use school dining realize that the
school dining installations are unbeatable. It is in your hands to care about the correct use
of the school dining and teach students about respect and culture towards others, about
space, turns, queues, and all about the school dining.

The prices of things in the school dining are very affordable, and the schedules have
good programming. Therefore, the characteristics of school dining were designed in the
best possible form.

Finally, the students can cook their own food in microwave ovens, which is an
excellent functionality in school dining.


Blvd. del Valle # 2301, Guardarrayas, Purísima del Rincón, Gto., C.P. 36413
Tels. 476 7447100

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