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Starbucks, in my opinion, is an excellent example of a place where people of

various ages and generations can congregate, meet, conduct business, interact, and
study in a comfortable environment. Starbucks is open for business, allowing customers
to relax and enjoy a great cup of coffee for as long as they want. The information I
gained from the video presentation enabled me to see various learnings from Howard
Schultz's life, which I was able to apply to my own. His story inspired me to never stop
dreaming and aiming for the success of my life. We used to meet individuals from
various regions frequently share similar desires, priorities, and perspectives on life.
Some of them are secretly pulling us down, but the video shows that no matter how
many hundreds of people reject us, we must continue to stand and hold our ground in
order to become successful in the coming years. After watching the video presentation,
I realized that, depending on how you look at life, if you really want the rainbow, you'll
have to constantly deal with the rain.

The video presentation I watched demonstrated how Khoo Kar Kiat failed his first
attempt at self-employment and how he was able to stand on his own again after that
failure. The video made me re-evaluate my priorities; it is common knowledge that our
primary goal in life is to achieve success. I learned from the video that real victory does
not come without a certain amount of failure. It helped me realize that success
necessitates hard work, intellectual capacity, and humbleness, and that failure leads to
the development of all three of these characteristics. In the same way that failure is at
the root of all true success, money is at the root of all evil. In order to succeed, you
must first struggle several times. Khoo Kar Kiat even inspired me to believe that failing
can actually assist a person in discovering the components that are necessary for
success. Failure is a far better teacher than accomplishment, because failure teaches
success, and success teaches failure. Real victory is not something that can be handed
to you on a silver platter. True success is achieved through a significant amount of
effort and dedication. I am confident in stating that there is much more to success than
simply winning a game. Early mornings and late nights are required for success. It
takes dedication and complete concentration, and failure serves as the catalyst for all of
this. Hard work cultivates the right frame of mind for accomplishment. Now I
understand that failure is also the source of tenacity and determination. In general,
failure serves to motivate one to work harder and with greater passion and

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