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Wednesday, 20 October 2022

Name : Jacob Mikaelson

Class : 2

Dear Parents,

During this month, Jacob was very good in Culture Area. He painting pola batik with
colour food and cotton bud. He can combine the colours and make pola batik look beautiful. He
also learning how to dance “Zapin Melayu” on extracurricullar. Moreover, he study about how to
know the best way to “Tarik-menarik (kaki dibuka agak lebar)” and he study about how to know
the best way to serve in “Sepak takraw”. In addition, he also guided himself to “Menerapkan sila
– sila Pancasila dalam kehidupan sehari – hari” such as sila ketiga “Persatuan Indonesia”. It
means, “Pengakuan atas bhineka tunggal ika yang melekat pada unsur bangsa Indonesia seperti
suku, agama, bahasa, hingga adat istiadat .”. Even, he guided himself to “Menerapkan sila
keempat Pancasila “Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam
Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan.”. It means, “Berdiskusi dalam menyelesaikan berbagai

In Science Area, Jacob studied about Theory Bigbang. He can follow how this universe
is formed. He could understand how our universe does exist with all the things like planet, stars,
galaxy and other space objects. In the other hand, he also did drawing our galaxy and make all
objects on the paper. He also studied about vulcanic mountain. He learning about why do
vulcanos mountain exist. In this part he know about where is the vulcanos mountain located. He
learned about black hole. He study there’s nothing that a black hole can’t suck, not even light
and He drew the black hole.

In Language Area, he studied how to write in Mandarin. He could write some words such
as “dog, horse, and shrimp” and others in Mandarin perfectly. He also learned about how to write
his name and his friends name in “Tegak bersambung”. In kalimat bertanya, he could recognize
the one important characteristic “?”. It could be seen in “Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?”. Not
only that, he can do perfectly in “Ulangan mingguan”

In Mathematics Area, he studied addition and substraction in “puluhan dan ratusan”. We

using money for example in his writing book. He could answer the questions correctly. He also
learned multiplication and division. They are “6 x 5”, “7 x 8”, “9 x 8”, and “36 : 6”. He still
needs our guidance to answer these question correctly. He should to remember all of
multiplication and division step by step. In the other hand, he studied sound boxes and color box
2. He was good to recognize for each sound in the sound boxes. He could find two sound boxes
that have similar sound. In color box 2, he was good to recognize and match name of color inside
the box.


Sandi Simbolon, S.Pd

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