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SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Bake cupcakes-Design a website-Do magic tricks-Edit photos-Learn a foreign language-Learn first aid-Learn to juggle-Make a video blob-Perform
on stage-Play in a band-Ride a unicycle-Speak in public-Write a song-Write computer code.

LIFE SKILLS: Active listening-Assertiveness (defender tus derechos)-Conflict resolution-Cooperation-Creative thinking-Entrepreneurship-Money management-
Negotiation-Problem solving-Respect for others-Self awareness-Time management.

RESCUE AND SURVIVAL: Capsize-Casualties-catch fire-crash-firefighters-give first aid-paramedics-receive compensation-search and rescue workers-send international

EXTREME ADJECTIVES: boiling-delighted-disgusting-exhausted-fascinating-freezing-furious-georgeous-horrific-huge-starving-terrifying-tiny-unforgettable.

FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: apply for a job-do voluntary work-do work experience-get a degree-get a holiday job-go backpacking-go for an interview-go on an exchange-
leave home-make money-make new friends-pass your driving test-pass your exams-study abroad.

TIME MANAGEMENT: develop a routine-find a balance-get organized-make lists-meet a deadline-plan ahead-prioritize-put off doing something-set a reminder-set goals-
take a break-waste time.

PHRASAL VERBS: ask out (invitar)-bring up (sacar tema)-fall out with (pelearse)-get on with (llevarse bien)-go out with (salir con)-hang out with (salir amigos)-look after-
make up with (arreglarse)-meet up with (encontrarse)-settle down with-split up with (romper)-tell off (regañar).

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: frown (fruncir ceño)-gesticulate-give a hug-hold hands-kiss on the cheek-make eye contact-rise your eyebrows-roll your eyes-shake
hands-shrug your shoulders-smile-stare.

INNOVATION AND INVENTION: 3D printing-bioplastics-desalinated water-driverless cars-e readers-flexible smartphones-high speed trains-satellite broadband-smart
materials-space station-space tourism-wearable gadgets.

ADVERB REVIEW: absolutely-always-comfortably-easily-extremely-fast-often-quickly-quite-rarely-safely-usually-very-well.

IDENTITY THEFT: bank account-credit card-credit rating-debt-fraudster-junk mail (basura)-loan (prestamo)-log on (acceder)-phishing (suplantacion identidad)-scam
(estafa)-shred documents-social networking site-spending spree (juerga de gastos)-wifi hotspot (punto acceso wifi).

PERSONAL IDENTITY: appearance-beliefs-ethnicity-friendship-gender-nationality-peer group-personality-possessions-relationships-style-values.

FILM-MAKING: camera operator-cast-costume designer-credits-crew-lighting-location-make up artist-script-set designer-sound effects-soundtrack-storyboard-subtitles.

REPORTING VERBS: admit-agree-ask-complain-convince-invite-offer-promise-refuse-say-suggest-tell.

ADVERTISING: ad agency-advertising-advert-brand-celebrity-consumer-eye catching-go viral-hype-jingle-online ads-peer pressure-persuasive-target audience.

EASILY CONFUSED VERBS: borrow (tomar prestado)/lend (prestar)-hope (esperanza de que pase algo)/wait (esperar)-remind (recordar)/remember
(acordarse)-see/watch-spend (gastar)/waste (desperdiciar)-win/earn.

QUESTION TAGS: we could use the mirror, couldn’t we?

 WILL/WON’T: predictions, spontaneous promises, offers, decisions.

 BE GOING TO: future intentions, plans.
 PRESENT CONTINUOUS: definite arrangements.
 PRESENT SIMPLE: schedules and timetables.
 MIGHT: future possibilities.
 FUTURE CONTINUOUS: action at a specific time in the future.


 FIRST CONDITIONAL: if/unless + present simple + , + will + infinitive. Possible or probable situations in the future.
 SECOND CONDITIONAL: if + past simple + , + would + infinitive. Hypothetical situations in the future.
 THIRD CONDITIONAL: if + past perfect + , + would + have + past participle. We imagine the consequences of a situation after it has happened.


 Maybe and perhaps at the beginning of the sentence or clause.

 Definitely and probably go after affirmative auxiliaries (will, would) and forms to be. And before negative.

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