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Tiffany Liu,加拿大思培首席名师,思培教育体系总设计师,无数满分学员共同的导师。从事海外英语语言考



《思培十大经典场景词汇》是 Tiffany 老师为思培教育领域开创的第一本思培词汇电子书。本书填补了思培教育




Tiffany 老师是加拿大最早的思培培训开创者,《INSIDE CELPIP》一书的作者,本书被誉为“思培圣经”,是整


核心词汇》9 分版,累计发行超过 5000 册。《十天突破思培 9 分系列》以及《思培 9 分真题语料库系列》,


Copyright © 2022 by Tiffany Liu

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention:
Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.


#819, 4789 Yonge Street
North York, ON, M2N 0G3

Published in Toronto, Canada

作 本书的第一版于 2015 年完成,是加拿大思培 CELPIP 教育领域最早的场景词汇电子书,在 2015 年之

者 前,思培的学生们一直希望能够有一本真正属于思培的词汇书,因为大家在看过了其他一些词汇书后发

序 现,这些词汇书并不能特别有效的帮助到大家,尤其到了 2019 年,经过这几年同学们的反馈,更加验


培的考题也源自于真实场景。到 2019 年,本书历经了一次里程碑式的改版,相比较于第一版,第二版




另外,我们还开创了《加拿大思培备考全攻略》,从 2016 年 4 月第一次在微信官方公众号发布第一期

开始,到截止到本书第二版改版完稿时的 2019 年 5 月,最新一期是第八十八期。这成为了思培考生和


此次改版是本书的第二版,从第一版到第二版纵横 2015 年到 2019 年,在过去的几年中,本书读者和思





所有人长期以来对于我们的支持。第一思培,用心教育,“We are proud of what we do!”

-- Tiffany

2019 年 5 月 9 日 于多伦多第一思培总部

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荐 《思培十大经典场景词汇》这本书是整个思培教育行业最早的词汇电子书,在我们最初开始思培教育工

者 作的时候,那时候思培和现在还是有很大不同的,不管是考试内容,考试形式,考试规模,参加人数,

序 影响力还是重要性。经历了这么多年的发展,本书的内容也需要根据思培发展的趋势做出相应调整,而


本书的思培场景是思培首席 Tiffany 老师多年来对于思培研究的一种成果体现,


利用场景来全面提升思培考试能力。Tiffany 老师在长达十五年以上的一线教学过程中,以及对于思培考

试最早的探索和持续的专注的过程中,开创了思培教育的体系架构。并且在《INSIDE CELPIP》这本书中,

探讨了思培考试最为重要的核心秘密。这本书的立足点是 LOOK INSIDE, STAND FORESIDE,中文的解释是









院长 Allan W

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Reading Suggestions:

The content of this book is oriented by practicality, readability and efficiency. For example, some

words are explained in English, some are explained in Chinese, and the phonetic symbols are given to

words that are not familiar to you, as well as some graphics to help reader better understand the

words. If you have special needs and suggestions, you can also send an email directly to us:。

This book is designed to expand test takers’ vocabulary range and compiled according to the most

common scenarios of the CELPIP test; each classic scene only includes those vocabularies related to

this test, which maximizes the efficiency of the test preparation.


1. Images in this e-book are from the internet.

2. The book is used internally as students’ reference book, not for commercial use.

3. The audio can be accessed from YouTube

( )

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思培十大经典场景词汇 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

场景一 Facilities.............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Public Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

House ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18

场景二 People ................................................................................................................................................................. 21

Emotions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Personality ................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Physical Description ................................................................................................................................................. 30

Family Relationship .................................................................................................................................................. 32

Other Relationship.................................................................................................................................................... 33

Human Body Part...................................................................................................................................................... 35

Identity.......................................................................................................................................................................... 37

场景三 Workplace ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

场景四 Health ................................................................................................................................................................. 44

General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Diseases........................................................................................................................................................................ 47

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Doctors ......................................................................................................................................................................... 50

Medicines .................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Nutrition....................................................................................................................................................................... 54

Treatment..................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Tools............................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Health-Related Verbs............................................................................................................................................... 59

场景五 Food & Drink ................................................................................................................................................... 60

Container ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Fruits .............................................................................................................................................................................. 64

Nuts ............................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Vegetables ................................................................................................................................................................... 67

Meat and Fish............................................................................................................................................................. 70

Flavors and Tastes ..................................................................................................................................................... 72

Cooking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 73

Appliances(refer to Household part of this book) ........................................................................................ 75

Drinks ............................................................................................................................................................................ 76

Ingredients .................................................................................................................................................................. 77

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Others ........................................................................................................................................................................... 78

场景六 Education........................................................................................................................................................... 80

Types of school .......................................................................................................................................................... 81

Course ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83

Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 85

Specialties & Program ............................................................................................................................................ 89

场景七 Nature & Environment .............................................................................................................................. 106

Botany ['bɑːtəni]植物 ............................................................................................................................................ 111

Animals ...................................................................................................................................................................... 113

场景八 Transport ........................................................................................................................................................ 117

场景九 Life .................................................................................................................................................................... 125

Place to live .............................................................................................................................................................. 126

Clothing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 128

Shopping .................................................................................................................................................................. 131

Supermarket ............................................................................................................................................................ 133

Travelling ................................................................................................................................................................... 139

Household ................................................................................................................................................................ 141

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Weather ..................................................................................................................................................................... 145

场景十 Communities and Topical Issues ............................................................................................................ 152

通用场景 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 158

Shapes............................................................................................................................................................................ 158

Patterns.......................................................................................................................................................................... 166

Colors ............................................................................................................................................................................. 168

Currency ........................................................................................................................................................................ 172

Holiday........................................................................................................................................................................... 174

Continent & Ocean ................................................................................................................................................... 176

Seven Continents ................................................................................................................................................... 176

Five Oceans .............................................................................................................................................................. 177

Compound Word List ............................................................................................................................................... 178

A - E ............................................................................................................................................................................ 178

F - N ............................................................................................................................................................................ 180

O - S ............................................................................................................................................................................ 184

T - Z............................................................................................................................................................................. 186

写在最后 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 190

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场景一 Facilities

『I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.』

Florence Nightingale

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场景一 Facilities

Public Facilities

Public facilities are defined as institutional responses to basic human needs, such as health,

education, safety, recreation, and worship. Examples of typical public facilities include churches,

hospitals, and park.



Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

fire station a building where fire engines are kept and where firefighters 消防局

work and stay in the hours they are working

coffee shop a small restaurant that serves coffee and other drinks as well as
simple foods

café [kæ'feɪ] small restaurant where you can buy drinks and simple meals 咖啡馆;小餐馆

cafeteria a restaurant or dining room in a school or a business in which 自助餐厅

[ˌkæfə'tɪriə] customers serve themselves or are served from a counter and

pay before eating.

bank a business where people deposit and withdraw their money

and borrow money

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场景一 Facilities

car dealership a business that sells car 汽车经销商

hotel a place that has rooms in which people can stay especially
when they are traveling

church a building that is used for Christian religious services


hospital a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment
and where children are often born

park a piece of public land in or near a city that is kept free of houses 公园

and other buildings and can be used for pleasure and exercise

theatre a building where plays, shows, etc., are performed on a stage 剧院

downtown the main or central part of a city or town 市中心

skyscraper a very tall building in a city 摩天大楼

gas station a place where gasoline for vehicles is sold 加油站

furniture store a place where chairs, tables, beds, etc. are sold. 家具店

hardware store a place where metal things are sold 五金店

barber shop a shop where a barber works 理发店

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场景一 Facilities

bakery a place where bread, cakes, cookies, and other baked foods are 面包店

made or sold

eatery a restaurant or other place to eat 简便饮食店

city hall a city government's main building 市政府

courthouse a building in which legal cases are heard 法院

police station a place where local police officers work


grocery store a store where food and small items for the house are sold 杂货店

motel a place that is next to a road and that has rooms for people to 汽车旅馆

stay in especially when they are traveling by car

high-rise tall building 高层


parking a building, often of several stories, that provides parking space 停车库


library a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as 图书馆

videos and musical recordings) are available for people to use

or borrow

post office a building where the mail for a local area is sent and received

laundromat used for a place that has machines for washing and drying 自助洗衣房

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场景一 Facilities

['lɔ:ndrəmæt] clothes, towels, sheets, etc.

drugstore a store that sells medicines and various other products (such as 药店

newspapers, candy, soap, etc.)

pharmacy a store or part of a store in which drugs and medicines are 药店

['fɑːrməsi] prepared and sold

traffic light an electric lamp that usually has a red, a green, and a yellow 红绿灯

light and that is used to control traffic

pedestrian a person who is walking in a city, along a road, etc 行人


crosswalk a marked path where pedestrians can safely walk across a street 人行横道

or road

curb a short border along the edge of a street that is usually made of 路肩

stone or concrete

newsstand a place where newspapers and magazines are sold 报摊

mailbox a public box in which letters and packages are placed to be 邮箱

collected and sent out

drive-thru a place where you can get some type of service by driving drive-thru 窗口

window through it, without needing to get out of your car

fast food food that can be prepared and served quickly 快餐

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场景一 Facilities

crossroad a place where two roads meet and cross each other 十字路口

bus stop a place where a bus regularly stops, typically marked by a sign 巴士车站

corner the place where two streets or roads meet 拐角

parking meter a machine next to a parking space in a street, into which the 停车收费表

driver puts money so as to be authorized to park the vehicle for

a particular length of time

motorcycle a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by a motor and that 摩托车

can carry one or two people

print shop a shop where the printing of newspapers, books, and other 打印店

materials takes place.

streetlight a light on a tall pole next to a public road 路灯

dry cleaners a shop where clothes and other cloth items are dry-cleaned 干洗店

sidewalk a usually concrete path along the side of a street for people to 人行道

walk on

fire hydrant a large pipe in the street that firefighters can get water from to 消防栓

['haɪdrənt] use to stop fires from burning

street vendor someone who sells food or other goods in the street, 街边小贩

sometimes illegally

neighborhood an area with characteristics that make it different from other 邻里

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场景一 Facilities

areas, or the people who live in a particular area

run errands to go out to buy or do something 跑腿


gym=(gymnas a gym is a building or room that's meant for playing indoor 健身房

ium) sports or exercising.

palace a palace is a beautiful, large house where someone important, 宫殿;豪华住宅

like a king, lives.

pond a small lake 池塘

restaurant a restaurant is a place — usually inside a building — where 饭店

you go to eat food, which, most of the time, you must pay for.

square an open area at the meeting of two or more streets, like CCEC 广场

tower a tower is a tall structure, with the diameter of its base less than 塔

its height.

terrain a particular type of land 地形地势

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场景一 Facilities


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

cottage a small house, usually in the countryside 小屋;村舍

apartment a usually rented room or set of rooms that is part of a building 公寓

and is used as a place to live

bungalow a house that is all on one level 平房

semi-detach a house that is semi-detached is one that is joined to another 半独立屋

ed house similar house on only one side

detached a separated house that is not connected to any other building 独立屋


townhouse a house that has two or three levels and that is attached to a 镇屋

similar house by a shared wall

story a level of a building 楼层

backyard a space at the back of a house, usually surrounded by a fence, and 后院

covered with grass

fence a structure that divides two areas of land, similar to a wall but 围栏

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场景一 Facilities

made of wood or wire and supported with posts

mailbox a box outside a person's house where letters are put 信箱

driveway a short private road that leads from a public road to a house or (住宅前的)车道


garage a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house 车库

doorbell a bell inside a house or building that is rung usually by pushing a 门铃

button beside an outside door

front door the main entrance to a building, especially a house, usually facing 前门

the road

front yard an area in front of a house 前院

roof the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc. 屋顶

chimney a part of a building through which smoke rises into the outside air 烟囱

utility room usually just for washing machine, freezer, etc. 杂物间

shed small building separated from the house usually for storing 小屋

garden tools

attic room in the roof space of a house 阁楼

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场景一 Facilities

loft space in the roof of a house usually used only for storage 阁楼
cellar room below ground level, no windows, used for storage 地窖

basement room below ground level, windows, for living 地下室

landing flat area at the top of a staircase 楼梯平台

hall open area as you come into a house 厅

waterproof not allowing water to enter 防水的

deck a wooden floor built out from the back of a house, where you can 露天平台

sit and relax outdoors

patio a flat hard area near a house, where people sit outside 露台


skylight a window in the roof of a building 天窗

porch a structure built onto the front or back entrance of a house, with a 门廊

floor and a roof but no walls

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场景二 People

『Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.』

Jim Rohn

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场景二 People


➢ negative emotions

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

afraid feeling fear or being worried about something. 害怕

angry to feel dislike because of something or someone, to feel 生气的


annoyed to feel slightly angry or irritated at someone. 气恼的

bored tired and annoyed because you are uninterested in something. 无聊的

anxious worried about something 忧虑的

gloomy making you feel that things will not improve 忧郁的

embarrassed feeling uncomfortable or nervous and worrying about what 尴尬的

people think of you, for example because you have made a

silly mistake, or because you have to talk or sing in public

lonely unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk 孤独的


depressed very unhappy 抑郁的

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场景二 People

bitter feeling angry, jealous, and upset because you think you have 痛苦的

been treated unfairly

guilty feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you 内疚的

have done something wrong

discouraged no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing 泄气的


disappointed unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, 失望的

or because someone or something was not as good as you


grieved very sad and upset 伤心的

fearful frightened that something bad might happen 害怕的

sorrowful very sad 悲伤的

miserable extremely unhappy, for example because you feel lonely, cold, 痛苦的;悲惨的

badly treated or being in poor conditions

upset unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or 苦恼的

disappointing has happened

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场景二 People

astonished feeling great surprise 惊讶的

shamed a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy 羞愧的

or guilt

confused not able to think clearly or understand 困扰的

dissatisfied not satisfied because something is not as good as you had 不满足的


furious very angry 狂怒的

impatient annoyed because of delays, someone else’s mistakes etc 不耐烦的

➢ positive emotions

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

amused to feel entertained so that you laugh or smile at something. 被逗乐的

cheerful happy, or behaving in a way that shows you are happy 高兴地

satisfied feeling that something is as good as it should be, or that 满意的

something has happened in the way that you want

relaxed feeling calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed 放松的

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场景二 People

excited happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has 兴奋地

happened or will happen

content happy and satisfied 满意的

ecstatic feeling extremely happy and excited 狂喜的

hopeful believing that what you hope for is likely to happen 有希望的

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场景二 People


➢ positive personalities

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

outgoing likes to meet and talk to new people 外向的

thoughtful to think about the needs to other people and then try to meet 体贴的

those needs.

considerate to consider what other people need and try to help them. 体贴的

adventurous not afraid to do new and dangerous or exciting things 爱冒险的

ambitious determined to be successful 有抱负的

easygoing not easily upset, annoyed, or worried 随和的

enthusiastic feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about 有热情有激情的


extroverted having a confident character and enjoying the company of 外向的

other people

gentle kind and careful in the way you behave or do things 文雅的

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场景二 People

generous willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people 慷慨的

or give them pleasure

independent confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way 独立的

modest someone who is modest does not want to talk about their 谦虚的

abilities or achievements

optimistic believing that good things will happen in the future 乐观的

persistent continuing to do something, although this is difficult 坚持的

reliable someone you can depend on 可信赖的

sociable friendly and enjoys being with other people 好交际的

witty using words in a clever and amusing way 机智的,诙谐的

humorous funny 幽默的

industrious hard working 勤奋的

upbeat positive and making you feel that good things will happen 乐观的

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场景二 People

➢ negative personalities

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

aggressive behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to fight 好斗的

or attack someone

bossy always telling other people what to do, in a way that is 专横的;爱发号施

annoying 令的

greedy always wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc 贪婪地

than you need

introverted quiet and shy and does not enjoy being with other people 内向的


pessimistic expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that 悲观的

something will have a bad result

self-centered paying so much attention to yourself that you do not notice 自我为中心的

what is happening to other people

stubborn determined not to change your mind, even when people think 固执的

you are being unreasonable

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场景二 People

superficial not studying or looking at something carefully and only 肤浅的

seeing the most noticeable things

impulsive doing things without considering the possible dangers or 冲动的;任性的

problems first

stingy not generous, especially with money 吝啬的,小气的

mean cruel or not kind 刻薄的

bully someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt 恐吓的

someone who is weaker

timid not having courage or confidence 胆怯的

hostile angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone 有敌意的

clumsy done awkwardly or without skill or elegance 笨拙的

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场景二 People

Physical Description

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

good looking a person is physically attractive. 好看的

funny a person is "funny" if they make you laugh. 搞笑的

charming a person is charming if they have a nice way of acting and 迷人的

people enjoy being with them.

pretty used to describe a woman who is nice to look at. 漂亮的

gorgeous to describe a man or a woman who is very, very good looking. 好看的

in shape if a person is "in shape," it means that their body looks as if 身形好的

they exercise and that their body is attractive.

smart someone is smart if they are intelligent, which means that they 聪明的

know a lot of things.

caring a caring person is a person who cares about other people and 体贴的

is kind and helpful to them.

moustache hair that grows on a man’s upper lip 八字胡


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场景二 People

beard hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks 胡子

overweight too heavy and fat 过胖的

slim attractively thin 苗条的

tanned having a darker skin colour because you have been in the sun 黝黑的

chubby slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive 丰满的


wrinkled skin that is wrinkled has small lines or folds in it 有皱纹的

tattooed have a permanent picture or writing on someone’s skin with 有纹身的

a needle and ink

stocky short and heavy and looks strong 健壮结实的


scruffy dirty and untidy 邋遢的


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场景二 People

Family Relationship


Family Kin Tree

Vocabulary 中文含义

grandparents 祖父母

grandmother 祖母

grandfather 祖父

uncle 伯;姑父;舅;叔;姨父

aunt 伯母;姑;婶;姨

niece 侄女,外甥女

nephew 侄子,外甥

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场景二 People

widow 寡妇

step-father 继父

couple 夫妇

brother 兄弟

daughter 姐妹

cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹

father-in-law 岳父,公公

mother-in-law 婆婆,岳母

husband 丈夫

wife 妻子

ex-husband 前夫

ex-wife 前妻

Other Relationship

Vocabulary 中文含义

acquaintance 熟人

boyfriend 男朋友

girlfriend 女朋友

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场景二 People

fiancé 未婚夫

fiancée 未婚妻

partner 伙伴

boss 老板

manager 经理

supervisor 主管

colleague 同事

co-worker 合作者

customer 顾客

client 客户

consultant 顾问

counsellor 顾问

alumni 校友

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场景二 People

Human Body Part

Vocabulary 中文含义

ankle 踝关节

arm 手臂

bust 胸部

cheek 面颊

chest 胸部

chin 下巴

elbow 手肘

eyebrow 眉毛

fingers 手指

fist 拳头

foot 脚

forehead 前额

heel 脚后跟

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场景二 People

hip 臀部

knee 膝盖

lips 嘴唇

neck 脖子

shoulders 肩膀

thigh 大腿

thumb 拇指

toes 脚趾

waist 腰

wrist 手腕

blood 血液

neck 脖子;颈部

tongue 舌头

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场景二 People


Vocabulary Meaning

infant a baby or very young child

baby a very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk

young in an early period of life or development or growth

toddler a small child who is just learning how to walk.

teenage being of the age 13 through 19

senior advanced in years

middle-aged being roughly between 45 and 65 years old

elderly people who are old collectively

adult a fully developed person from maturity onward

pedestrian someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by


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场景三 Workplace

『Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and

capable of more than you imagine.』

Roy T. Bennett

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场景三 Workplace

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

resume a short document describing your education, work history, etc., 简历

that you give an employer when you are applying for a job

cover letter a letter that is sent with something to explain the reason for it or 求职信

to give more information about it

references the act of referring to something or someone 推荐

accountant someone whose job is to keep the financial records of a business 会计师

or person

job applicant someone who applies for a job 职位申请者

mover a person or company that moves furniture and other possessions 搬家公司

from one home or place of business to another

chef a professional cook who usually is in charge of a kitchen in a 主厨


counselor a person whose job is to provide advice, help, or encouragement 顾问

sales clerk a person whose job is to sell things in a store 售货员

computer a person who creates computer programs 编程人员

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场景三 Workplace


mail carrier a person who delivers mail 邮递员

veterinarian a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to 兽医

animals; an animal doctor


pay period the amount of time that an employee works before being paid, 发工资期

for example a week or a month

gross pay to earn or bring in (an overall total) exclusive of deductions (as 税前工资

for taxes or expenses)

net pay the amount of pay remaining for issuance to an employee after 税后工资

deductions have been taken from the individual's gross pay.

employment government plan that pays money to employees when they are 失业保险

insurance unable to work

medical plan an insurance plan that provides healthcare coverage to a select 医疗保险

group of people

hourly rate the amount of money that is charged, paid, or earned for every 每小时费率

hour worked

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场景三 Workplace

deductions the act of taking away something (such as an amount of money) 扣除额

from a total

federal tax a tax that you pay to the national government 联邦税

provincial tax a tax that you pay to the provincial government 省税

canada one of three levels of canada's retirement income system, which 养老金计划

pension plan is responsible for paying retirement or disability benefits.

overtime time spent working at your job that is in addition to your normal 加班时间(加班加

working hours 点费)

retire to stop a job or career because you have reached the age when 退休

you are not allowed to work anymore or do not need or want to

work anymore

fire to force someone to leave their job 解雇,开除

lay off to stop employing someone because there is no work for them 临时解雇

to do

candidates a person who is competing to get a job or elected position 候选人

promoted to raise someone to a higher or more important position or rank 提拔,晋升

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场景三 Workplace

full-time (of work or education) done for the whole of a working week 全职

resign to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are 辞职


commute to make the same journey regularly between work and home 通勤

salary an amount of money that an employee is paid each year 薪水

get the sack to remove someone from their job 被解雇

uniform a particular set of clothes that has to be worn by the members of 制服

the same organization or group of people

interview a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are 面试

suitable for a job or course

qualification a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you 资质

suitable for a particular job or position

earn to receive money as payment for work that you do 挣

certificate an official paper stating that you have completed a course of 证书

study or passed an examination

career a job held over a long period of time that usually requires 职业

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场景三 Workplace

education or training

contribute to give ideas, time, money, articles or help towards a common 贡献


oral spoken 口头的

performance the carrying out of a task or duty 绩效

quality the level of excellence of a product or service 质量

comment to give an opinion, observation or explanation about something 注释评论

feedback advice, criticism 反馈

43 / 190

场景四 Health

『Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible.』

Tony Robbins

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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

clinic an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are 门诊;诊所

given medical treatment or advice, especially of a specialist


therapy the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of 治疗


allergy a medical condition in which you become ill or in which your skin 过敏

becomes red and painful because you have eaten or touched a

particular substance

massage the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with 按摩

the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain

therapist a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy 治疗师

pain physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. 疼痛

hurt physical injury; harm 创伤

acute[ə'kjuːt] present or experienced to a severe or intense degree. 急性的

dose a quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be 剂量

taken at a particular time

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场景四 Health

injection an instance of injecting or being injected 注射

thermometer a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air, of 温度计

[ θ ər'm your body etc


ambulance a special vehicle that is used to take people who are ill or injured 救护车

['æmbjələns] to hospital

first aid kit a special bag or box containing bandages and medicines to treat 急救包

patient someone who is receiving medical treatment from a doctor or in 病人

a hospital

outpatient someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay 门诊病人

for the night

inpatient someone who stays in a hospital while they receive treatment 住院病人

medication medicine or drugs given to people who are ill 用药

pregnant has an unborn baby growing inside her body 怀孕的

breastfeedin feeds her baby with milk from her breast rather than from a 母乳哺育

g bottle

expectant a woman who is pregnant 孕妇,准妈妈


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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

diabetes a serious disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood 糖尿病


fever a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature 发烧

cough a medical condition that makes you cough a lot 咳嗽

toothache a pain in a tooth 牙疼

stomachache pain in your stomach 胃疼

autism a mental disorder that makes people unable to communicate 自闭症


stroke if someone has a stroke, an artery (=tube carrying blood) in their 中风

brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die

or be unable to use some muscles

sore throat pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often worsens 喉咙痛

when you swallow

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场景四 Health

heart disease an illness which prevents your heart from working normally 心脏病

obesity someone is very fat in a way that is unhealthy 肥胖症


Influenza an infectious disease that is like a very bad cold 流行性感冒


seasonal flu an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which 季节性感冒

circulate in all parts of the world.

pandemic flu an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide 大规模流感

scale and infects a large proportion of the world population.

Lyme disease Lyme disease is spread by blacklegged ticks. 莱姆病

dizziness feeling unable to stand steadily, for example because you are 眩晕

looking down from a high place or because you are ill

sunburn red and painful skin that you can get from spending too much 晒伤

time in the sun

runny nose the drainage may run out of your nose, down the back of your 流鼻涕

throat or both.

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场景四 Health

broken bone a break of bone 骨折

ulcer a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or 溃疡

produce poisonous substances

heart attack a sudden serious medical condition in which someone’s heart 心脏病发作

stops working normally, causing them great pain

indigestion pain that you get when your stomach cannot break down food 消化不良

that you have eaten

mouth also known as oral infections, are a group of infections that occur 口腔感染

infection around the oral cavity, including dental infection, dental abscess,

and Ludwig's angina.


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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

surgeon a medical practitioner qualified to practice surgery 外科医生

nurse someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, 护士

usually in a hospital

attending a doctor who is no longer in training, who supervises residents 主治医师

doctor & interns

family doctor a doctor who provides general medical treatment for people 家庭医生

who live in a particular area

veterinarian a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals 兽医


dentist someone whose job is to treat people’s teeth 牙医

paramedic someone who has been trained to help people who are hurt or 护理人员

to do medical work, but who is not a doctor or nurse


psychologist someone who is trained in psychology 心理医生

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场景四 Health


ENT doctor a medical specialist who is concerned with the diagnosis and 耳鼻喉科医生

treatment of disorders of the head and neck, including

particularly the ears, nose, and throat.

pharmacist someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or 药剂师


allergist a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and 过敏症专治医师

treatment of allergies

midwife helps women deliver babies 助产士

radiologist specializes in imaging tests (x-ray, etc.) 放射科医生


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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

eye drops special liquid which you put into your eyes because they are sore 眼药水

or dry, or as a medical treatment

pill a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole 药片

tablet a small round hard piece of medicine which you swallow 药丸

capsule a plastic container shaped like a very small tube with medicine 胶囊

inside that you swallow whole

ointment a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical 药膏;油膏;软膏


pain-killer a medicine which reduces or removes pain 止痛药

cream a thick smooth substance that you put on your skin to make it 乳脂

feel soft, treat a medical condition etc

aspirin a medicine that reduces pain, inflammation, and fever 阿斯匹林

mouth‧wash a liquid used to make your mouth smell fresh or to get rid of 漱口水

infection in your mouth

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场景四 Health

dosage the size or frequency of a dose of a medicine or drug. 剂量

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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

vitamin a chemical substance in food that is necessary for good health 维他命

protein one of several natural substances that exist in food such as meat, 蛋白质

eggs, and beans, and which your body needs in order to grow

and remain strong and healthy

fat a substance that is stored under the skin of people and animals, 脂肪

that helps to keep them warm

cholesterol a chemical substance found in your blood. 胆固醇


gluten a sticky protein substance that is found in wheat flour 麸质

fiber a substance that helps to keep you healthy by moving food 纤维

quickly through your body

mineral a substance that is formed naturally in the earth, such as coal, 矿物质

salt, stone, or gold. Minerals can be dug out of the ground and


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场景四 Health


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

massage the action of pressing and rubbing someone’s body with your 按摩

hands, to help them relax or to reduce pain in their muscles or


shot an injection of a drug 注射

x-ray a beam of radiation(1) that can go through solid objects and is X光

used for photographing the inside of the body

surgery medical treatment in which a surgeon cuts open your body to 手术

repair or remove something inside

eye exam a series of tests that measure a person's ocular health and visual 眼科检查


blood tests a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually 验血

extracted from a vein in the arm using a hypodermic needle, or

via fingerprick.

bandage a narrow piece of cloth that you tie around a wound or around a 绷带

part of the body that has been injured

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场景四 Health


Vocabulary 中文含义 image

scissors 剪刀

oxygen mask 氧气面罩

test tube 试管

blood pressure monitor 血压监护器

stethoscope ['steθəskoʊp] 听诊器

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场景四 Health

wheelchair 轮椅

crutches [krʌtʃ] 拐杖

rubber gloves 橡胶手套

microscope 显微镜

walker 助步器

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场景四 Health

cane 手杖

face mask 面罩

tape 胶布

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场景四 Health

Health-Related Verbs

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

treat to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, 治疗

operations etc

cure a medicine or medical treatment that makes an illness go away 治愈;治疗

heal to make someone who is ill become healthy again 治愈

ache if part of your body aches, you feel a continuous, but not very 痛

sharp pain there

hurt to feel pain in part of your body 疼痛

injure to hurt yourself or someone else, for example in an accident or 损伤

an attack

operate on to cut into someone’s body in order to repair or remove a part 做手术

that is damaged

prescribe to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have 开处方

59 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink

『I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. 』

Estee Lauder

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场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary Meaning Example

box a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and a box of chocolates

sometimes a lid

can a closed metal container, especially cylinder-shaped, in a couple of cans of soup

which some types of drink and food are sold


jar a glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top a jar of peanut butter

and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing



carton a box made from thick cardboard, for storing goods, or a carton of cigarettes

a container made from cardboard or plastic, in which


milk or fruit juice, etc. is sold

Three cartons of milk


package an object or set of objects wrapped in paper, usually in a package of meat

order to be sent by post


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场景五 Food & Drink

bottle a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, a bottle of milk

with a narrow neck


tablespoon the amount held by a large spoon used for measuring two tablespoons of flour

or serving food 两汤勺面粉

six-pack six containers, usually bottles or cans, of a particular a six-pack of beer

type of beer or other drink that are sold together as


one unit

loaf bread that is shaped and baked in a single piece and a loaf of bread

can be sliced for eating


tube a long cylinder made from plastic, metal, rubber, or a tube of toothpaste

glass, especially used for moving or containing liquids


or gases

teaspoon a small spoon that you use for mixing sugar into tea a teaspoon of salt

and coffee

scoop a round deep spoon for serving food, for example ice two scoops of ice cream

cream or mashed potato


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场景五 Food & Drink

utensil a thing such as a knife, spoon etc that you use when kitchen utensils

you are cooking

[ juː'tensl] 厨具

63 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

pineapple a large fruit that grows on a tropical tree and that has
thick skin and very sweet, juicy, yellow flesh

peach a round, sweet fruit that has white or yellow flesh, soft
yellow or pink skin, and a large, hard seed at the center

lemon a yellow citrus fruit that has a sour taste


lime a round fruit containing a lot of juice that is sour like a

lemon but smaller and green, or the small tree on 青檬

which this fruit grows

avocado a tropical fruit with thick, green, or purple skin, a large,

round seed, and green flesh that can be eaten


coconut a large fruit like a nut with a thick, hard, brown shell

containing hard, white flesh that can be eaten and a 椰子

clear liquid

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场景五 Food & Drink

mango a tropical fruit with a thin skin and sweet yellow flesh


kiwi fruit a small sweet fruit with a brown skin, which is green

blueberry a small blue fruit, or the plant it grows on


cherry a small round red or black fruit with a long thin stem
and a stone in the middle

dragon fruit a night-blooming climbing cactus native to Mexico

and central America, cultivated in tropical regions for 火龙果

its edible fruit.

strawberry a soft red juicy fruit with small seeds on its surface, or
the plant that grows this fruit

watermelon a large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and
black seeds

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场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary 中文含义

date 枣

almond 杏仁

cashew 腰果

pecan 山核桃

walnut 核桃

66 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

cabbage a large, round vegetable with large green, white, or

purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked


lettuce a plant that has large leaves that are eaten especially in



carrot a long pointed orange root eaten as a vegetable


zucchini a smooth cylindrical usually dark green summer


radish a small, round vegetable that is red or white, is eaten

raw in salads, and has a sharp spicy taste


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场景五 Food & Drink

green pepper a shiny, green vegetable with a hollow center. green

peppers can be eaten uncooked or cooked


chili pepper any of several types of red pepper (= type of

vegetable) that are used to make foods spicy


celery a vegetable with long, thin, whitish or pale green stems

that can be eaten uncooked or cooked


cucumber a long, thin, pale green vegetable with dark green skin,

usually eaten uncooked in salads


broccoli a vegetable with a thick green stem and a dark green



cauliflower a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or



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场景五 Food & Drink

green bean a type of long, green bean that you can eat


eggplant an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside and is

usually eaten cooked


mushroom a fungus that is shaped like an umbrella especially one

that can be eaten

garlic a plant that is related to the onion and that has small

sections which have a strong taste and smell and are

used for flavoring foods 蒜

onion a round vegetable that is usually white, yellow, or red

and has a strong smell and taste


herb a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food,

like mint, rosemary, basil


69 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink

Meat and Fish

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

pork the meat of a pig that is used for food


beef meat from a cow


lamb the meat of a lamb (a young sheep)


poultry meat from birds (such as chickens and ducks) that are

raised on farms for their eggs or meat 家禽肉

salmon a large fish that is born in streams but that lives most
of its life in the ocean and that is commonly used for


shrimp a small shellfish that has a long body and legs and that

is eaten as food 虾

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场景五 Food & Drink

lobster an ocean animal that has a long body, a hard shell, and

a pair of large claws and that is caught for food 龙虾

crab a sea animal with a hard shell, five legs on each side,

and two large claws


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场景五 Food & Drink

Flavors and Tastes

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

sweet containing a lot of sugar 甜的

bitter having a strong and often unpleasant flavor that is the 苦的

opposite of sweet

sour having an acid taste that is like the taste of a lemon 酸的

hot used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in 烫的

the mouth

spicy containing strong flavors from spices 辣的

mild used to describe food or a food flavor that is not very 清淡的


bland not having a strong taste 不油腻的

salty a lot of salt 咸的

sugary a lot of sugar 甜的

savory having a pleasant taste or smell 美味的

tasty having a good flavor; pleasing to the taste 可口的

tasteless no flavor at all 无味的

vanilla a substance used to give a special taste to ice cream, 香草

cakes etc, made from the beans of a tropical plant

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场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary Meaning

chop to cut something into pieces with an axe, knife, or 砍,剁

other sharp instrument

slice to cut something into thin, flat pieces 切片

grate to rub food against a grater in order to cut it into a lot 磨碎

of small pieces

peel to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables 削皮

stir to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object 搅拌

such as a spoon in a circular pattern

fry to cook food in hot oil or fat 煎

grind to break something such as corn or coffee beans into 研磨

small pieces or powder

boil to cook food by putting it in water that is boiling 煮

grill to cook food over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal 烤


bake to cook inside an oven, without using added liquid or 烘焙


roast to cook food in an oven or over a fire 烘烤

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场景五 Food & Drink

seasoning(s) salt, pepper, spices that give food a more interesting 调料


spray apply (liquid) to someone or something in the form of 喷(液体状物体)

a shower of tiny drops.

sprinkle to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of 撒,洒


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场景五 Food & Drink

Appliances(refer to Household part of this book)

go to household

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场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary 中文含义

coffee 咖啡

Coke 可乐

beverage 饮料

juice 果汁;果汁饮料

lemonade 柠檬汁

milk 牛奶

soup 汤

tea 茶;茶叶

water 水

wine 葡萄酒,酒

76 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary 中文含义

organic 有机的

GMO 转基因食品 (Genetically Modified Organism)

non-GMO 非转基因食品

vitamin 维他命

protein 蛋白质

fat 脂肪



gluten 麸质

fiber 纤维

mineral 矿物质

77 / 190

场景五 Food & Drink


Vocabulary 中文含义

biscuit 饼干

bread 面包

butter 黄油

candy 糖果

cheese 奶酪

dumpling 饺子

egg 蛋;鸡蛋

ham 火腿

hamburger 汉堡

noodle 面条(常用 pl.)

oil 油

pancake 薄煎饼

pie 馅饼

salad 沙拉

sandwich 三明治

sausage 香肠

sugar 糖

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场景五 Food & Drink

popcorn 爆米花

lollipops 棒棒糖

marshmallow 棉花糖

slushie 冰沙

gelato 意大利冰淇淋

popsicle 雪糕

79 / 190

场景六 Education

『There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

Excuses will always be there for you. Opportunity won’t.』


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场景六 Education

Types of school

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

public school a school that gets money from and is controlled by a local 公校


private school a school that does not get money from the government 私校

and that is run by a group of private individuals

separate school a school receiving students from a particular religious 教会学校


Catholic school a parochial school maintained by the catholic church 天主教学校

preschool relating to the time in a child's life when the child is old 育幼院

enough to talk and walk but is not ready to go to school

elementary a school that provides the first part of a child's education, 小学

school usually for children between five and eleven years old

middle school a school for children that usually includes grades 5-8 or 6-9 中学

high school a school especially in the united states usually including 高中

grades 9–12 or 10–12

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场景六 Education

adult school school for adult 成人学校

vocational school a school where students learn skills that involve working 职业学校

with their hands

college any place for specialized education after the age of 16 大专

where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills

university a place where people study for an undergraduate or 大学

postgraduate) degree

single-gender also known as single-gender education and 男校

education gender-isolated education, is the practice of conducting


education with male and female students attending

separate classes, perhaps in separate buildings or schools.

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场景六 Education


Vocabulary Meaning

Lesson A single class or part of a course of instruction

Term One of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, or


Break A time away from work or your regular activity, or a holiday

History The study of past events

Science Knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned

through experiments and observation

Math The science of numbers, quantities, and shapes and the relations between


Geography An area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers,

mountains, lakes, etc.

Physical education Sports and exercise taught in schools

Arts Areas of study (such as history, language, and literature) that are intended

to develop the mind in a general way

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场景六 Education

French The language of the French people; second official language in Canada

English The chief language of Great Britain, the U.S., and many areas now or

formerly under British control; Canada’s official language

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场景六 Education


Vocabulary 中文含义

accent 口音,重音

answer 回答;答复

composition 作文,作曲

conversation 对话

dialogue 对话

difficulty 困难,难处

discussion 讨论

exam = examination 考试

example 例子

fact 事实, 事件

form 表,表格;

grade 分数;成绩;

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场景六 Education

grammar 语法

handwriting 字迹

homework 家庭作业

knowledge 知识,学问

language 语言

letter 字母

meaning 意思;含义;意图

method 方法,办法

mistake 错误

note 笔记;便笺

point 要点

practice 实践;练习

progress 进步;进展;发展;前进

pronunciation (单词或语言的)发音

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场景六 Education

point 要点

question 问题

reply 回复;答复

research 研究;探讨

review 回顾;温习;复习

rule 规则

score 得分

search 搜寻;搜查;探索

sentence 句子

speech 演讲

summary 摘要,概要

term 学期

test 测验

title 标题,题目

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场景六 Education

topic 题目,话题

underline 下划线

unit 单元

word 词,单词;话

88 / 190

场景六 Education

Specialties & Program


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

tempo the speed at which music is played or should be 拍子/节奏


solo a piece of music for one performer 独唱

amplify increase the volume of 扩音

choir a group of people who sing together for other people 合唱/合唱队

to listen to

lyrics the words of a song 歌词

rhythm a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏/节律

note a particular musical sound, or a symbol representing 音符

this sound

vibration a continuous slight shaking movement 振动

tone the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a 全音

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musical instrument or someone’s voice

pitch how high or low a note or other sound is 音高

high-pitched a high-pitched voice or sound is very high 高音

rhyme a word that rhymes with another word 押韵

intonation the playing or singing of correct musical notes 音准

range all the musical notes that a particular singer or musical 音域

instrument can make

notation a system of written marks or signs used to represent 记号

something such as music, mathematics, or scientific


accent the part of a word that you should emphasize when 重音

you say it

hip hop a type of popular dance music with a regular heavy 嘻哈

beat and spoken words

rap a type of popular music in which the words of a song 说唱

are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a

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steady beat

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Vocabulary Meaning Image

accordion 手风琴

saxophone 萨克斯风

violin 小提琴

cello ['tʃeloʊ] 大提琴

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guitar 吉他

keyboard 键盘

piano 钢琴

recorder 竖笛

flute [fluːt] 长笛

drums 鼓

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Vocabulary Meaning Image

ballet 芭蕾舞

belly dance 肚皮舞

classical dance 古典舞

disco 迪斯科舞

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jazz dance 爵士舞

Latin dance 拉丁舞

modern dance 现代舞

tango['tæŋɡoʊ] 探戈舞

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waltz[wɔːlts] 华尔兹

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Adventure Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

canoeing the sport of travelling in a canoe 独木舟运动

rafting the activity of travelling on a raft,

especially as a sport

surfing the activity or sport of riding over the 冲浪运动

waves on a special board

Aquatic Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

diving the sport of swimming under water 潜水

using special equipment to help you

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snorkeling when you swim under water using a 潜水(用水下通气管)


rowing the sport or activity of making a boat 划船,赛艇运动

move through water with oars

scuba diving the sport of swimming under water 戴水肺潜水

while breathing through a tube that is

connected to a container of air on your


bodyboarding a short surfboard which you use lying 俯卧式短冲浪板运动

on your front

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Strength and Agility Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

archery['ɑːrtʃəri] the sport of shooting arrows from a



boxing the sport of fighting while wearing big

leather gloves


cycling the activity of riding a bicycle


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fencing the sport of fighting with a long thin

sword 击剑

horse racing a sport in which horses with riders race

against each other


marathon['mærəθɑːn] a long race of about 26 miles or 42

kilometres 马拉松

wrestling['reslɪŋ] a sport in which two people fight by

holding each other and trying to make

each other fall to the ground


Ball Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

bowling['boʊlɪŋ] an indoor game in which you roll a large

heavy ball along a wooden track in

order to knock down a group of pins


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field hockey a game played on grass by two teams

of 11 players, with sticks and a ball


hockey a sport played on ice, in which players

try to hit a hard flat round object into

the other team’s goal with special 冰球


racquetball['rækɪtbɔːl] an indoor game in which two or four

players hit a small ball against the four

walls of the court 壁球

polo['poʊloʊ] a game played between two teams of

players who ride on horses and hit a

small ball with long-handled wooden 马球


squash a game played by two people who use

rackets to hit a small rubber ball against

the walls of a square court


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basketball a game played indoors between two

teams of five players, in which each

team tries to win points by throwing a

ball through a net

tennis a game for two people or two pairs of

people who use rackets to hit a small

soft ball backwards and forwards over a


badminton a game that is similar to tennis but

played with a bird


golf a game in which the players hit a small

white ball into holes in the ground with

a set of golf clubs, using as few hits as


Mountain Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

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climbing the sport of climbing mountains or



hiking the activity of taking long walks in the

mountains or country


cross-country cycling a discipline of mountain biking


Extreme Sports

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

bungee jumping a sport in which you jump off

something very high with a long length

of special rope that stretches tied to

your legs, so that you go up again

without touching the ground

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kiteboarding the activity of moving across water on a

surfboard while holding a large kite

which is attached to strong strings 风筝滑水

kitesurfing the activity of moving across water on a

surfboard while holding a large kite

which is attached to strong strings 风筝冲浪

skateboarding the activity of moving across water on a

surfboard while holding a large kite

which is attached to strong strings


skydiving the sport of jumping from a plane and

falling through the sky before opening

a parachute


windsurfing the sport of sailing across water by

standing on a surfboard and holding on

to a large sail attached to the surfboard 风帆冲浪

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snowboarding the sport of going down snow-covered

hills on a snowboard

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场景七 Nature & Environment

『The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.』


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场景七 Environment

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

green house effect the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere 温室效应

warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it

would be in the absence of its atmosphere.

ozone layer a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's 臭氧层

ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

exhaust fumes/gas exhaust gas or flue gas is emitted as a result of the combustion 废气

of fuels such as natural gas, gasoline,petrol, biodiesel


blends,[1] diesel fuel, fuel oil or coal.

renewable energy energy that is collected from resources which are naturally 可再生能源

replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain,

tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

solar/wind/tidal a form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained from 太阳/风/潮汐

power tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity. 发电

space junk the collection of defunct man-made objects in orbit around 太空垃圾

Earth – old satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from

disintegration, erosion, and collisions – including those

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caused by debris itself.

melting ice caps an ice mass that covers less than 50,000 km² of land area 冰川消融

(usually covering a highland area).

fossil fuels fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic (煤、石油、天

decomposition of buried dead organisms. 然气等)矿物


eco friendly earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment 生态友好

endangered a species which has been categorized by the International 濒危物种

species Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as likely to

become extinct.

landslide a large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly 山体滑坡

moves down the side of a mountain or hill

hailstorm a storm that produces hail 雹暴


forest fire an uncontrolled fire occurring in nature 森林大火

tornado a violent and destructive storm in which powerful winds move 龙卷风

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[tɔːr'neɪdoʊ] around a central point

drought a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain 干旱

flood a large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually 洪水


avalanche a large amount of snow and ice or of dirt and rocks that slides 雪崩

suddenly down the side of a mountain


ice storm a storm in which falling rain freezes as it lands 冰暴

explosion the sudden, loud, and violent release of energy that happens 爆炸

when something (such as a bomb) breaks apart in a way that

sends parts flying outward

earthquake a shaking of a part of the earth's surface that often causes 地震

great damage

mudslide a large mass of wet earth that suddenly and quickly moves 泥石流

down the side of a mountain or hill

blizzard a severe snowstorm that goes on for a long time 暴雪

hurricane an extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm with very 飓风

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strong winds that occurs especially in the western part of the

atlantic ocean

volcanic eruption the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and 火山爆发

volcanic material

tidal wave a very high, large wave in the ocean that is often caused by 浪潮

strong winds or an earthquake

['taɪdl weɪv]

continent one of the large landmasses of the earth; 大陆

island a piece of land that is surrounded on all sides by water. 岛屿

fall a waterfall, a natural place where water cascades from a height 瀑布

mountain a very high hill 大山

mountain range a series of hills or mountains 山脉

jungle a forest thick with trees, other plants, and animals. 丛林

forest a densely wooded area, or land covered with trees and shrubs. 森林

desert a very dry area of land where few plants and animals can live. 沙漠

creek a natural stream of water smaller than a river 小溪

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Botany ['bɑːtəni]植物

vocabulary meaning 中文含义

flower a coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces 花

before fruit or seeds

fruit something that grows on a plant, tree, or bush, can be 果实

eaten as a food, contains seeds or a stone, and is usually


leaf one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its 页

stem or branches

bulb a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plant 球茎

stem the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, 柄;茎

or fruit grow

root the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground 根

and gets water from the soil

seed a small hard object produced by plants, from which a new 种子

plant of the same kind grows

tissue the material forming animal or plant cells (生物的)组织

bouquet an arrangement of flowers, especially one that you give

[bu'keɪ] to someone, like wedding bouquet, birthday bouquet,

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bridal bouquet, etc

florist a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold, or 花店;种花人

['flɔːrɪst] someone who grows and deals in flowers

vase a container used to put flowers in or for decoration 花瓶

vessel a container for holding liquids 容器;器皿

arrangement the way in which something is organized 插花

spray to force liquid out of a container so that it comes out in a 喷

stream of very small drops and covers an area

bloom if a plant or a flower blooms, its flowers appear or open 开花

trim to make something look neater by cutting small pieces 修剪

off it

potted plant plants that are planted and grown in containers rather 盆栽

than in the ground.


daisy 雏菊

sunflower 向阳花

carnation 康乃馨

lily 百合

orchid 兰花

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trillium 延龄草


vocabulary 中文含义

mammal 哺乳动物

squirrel 松鼠

lion 狮子

elephant 大象

fox 狐狸

kangaroo 袋鼠


cow 牛

leopard 美洲豹

goat 山羊

koala 树袋熊

hippo 河马

raccoon 浣熊


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场景七 Environment

otter 水獭


giraffe 长颈鹿


deer 鹿

cheetah 猎豹


hyena 土狼


reptile 爬行动物


komodo dragon 科莫多巨蜥

crocodile 鳄鱼

alligator 鳄鱼

turtle 龟

lizard 蜥蜴

chameleon 变色龙


python 蟒蛇

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场景七 Environment

snake 蛇

bird 鸟

owl 猫头鹰

swan 天鹅

goose 大鹅

pigeon 鸽子

crane 鹤

robin 知更鸟

sparrow 麻雀

blue jay 冠蓝鸦

loon 潜鸟

eagle 鹰

fish 鱼


shark 鲨鱼

tuna 金枪鱼

shrimp 虾

crab 蟹

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scallop 扇贝


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场景八 Transport

『Marketers often wait for the perfect moment.

In doing so, they end up missing it.』


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场景八 Transport

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

board (get on) to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft 登(飞机、车、


pedal ['pedl] a lever worked by the foot or feet 踏板

steering wheel a wheel in a vehicle that the driver turns in order to make the 方向盘

vehicle go in a particular direction

platform a long, flat raised structure at a railway station, where people 站台

get on and off trains

pilot a person who flies an aircraft 飞行驾驶员

parking meter a device at the side of the road that you put money into so that 汽车停放计时

you can leave your vehicle there for a particular amount of 器


handlebars a bar with curved ends forming handles that turns the front (自行车等的)

wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle so that it points in a different 把手


passenger a person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, 乘客

flying it, or working on it

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carriage a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and 四轮马车;客

was used mainly in the past 车车厢

cyclist someone who rides a bicycle 骑自行车呢的

ticket a small piece of paper or card given to someone, usually to 票

show that they have paid for an event, journey, or activity

station a building and the surrounding area where buses or trains stop 站

for people to get on or off

fare the money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus 车费

or train

flight a journey in an aircraft 飞行

boarding card a card that you must show before you are allowed to get on a 登机牌

plane or ship

route a particular way or direction between places 路线

schedule a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the 时间表

times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done

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场景八 Transport

transfer to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, 中转

person, or group to another

token an object that looks like a coin and is used in place of a coin 代币

transit pass a ticket that allows a passenger of the service to take either a 通行证

certain number of pre-purchased trips or unlimited trips within

a fixed period of time

conductor someone whose job is to sell tickets on a bus, train, or other 售票员

public vehicle

taxi stand a place where taxicabs park while waiting to be engaged 出租车招呼站

meter the device in a taxi that measures the distance or the amount 出租车计价器

of time spent travelling and shows how much you have to pay

ferry a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across 摆渡

an area of water, especially as a regular service

one way travelling or allowing travel in only one direction 单程

pedestrian crossing a special place in a road where traffic must stop to allow 人行横道

people to walk across


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场景八 Transport

railroad crossing a place where a road crosses railroad tracks 火车交叉口

no parking place where parking is not allowed 不能停车

school crossing a pedestrian crossing where school children cross a street on 学校附近的穿

the way to school 越道

handicapped parking spots reserved for handicapped persons 残疾人停车位


airline terminal a building in an airport or in a place near an airport where 航站楼

aircraft passengers go before their flight leaves or from which

they leave after their flight has arrived

airline a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for the airline 航空公司职员


check-in counter the place where people go when they arrive at an airport 值机柜台

arrival and a video screen used to display arrival and departure time 到达和出发板

departure monitor

gate a part of an airport where travellers are allowed to get on or off 登机口

a particular aircraft

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boarding area an area where people get on or into a ship, aircraft, or other 登记处


control tower a building at an airport from which air traffic is watched and (机场)指挥塔

directed 台

helicopter an aircraft that can stay in the air without moving forward and 直升机

that has metal blades that turn around on its top

airplane a machine that has wings and an engine and that flies through 飞机

the air

compartment one of the separate areas inside a vehicle, especially a train 卧车包房

cockpit the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft, or (飞行员等的)

where the driver sits in a racing car 座舱

flight attendant someone who serves passengers on an aircraft 空姐

oxygen mask a piece of equipment that can be put over a person's nose and

mouth to supply them with oxygen


airsickness bag a disposable plastic or paper bag provided to a passenger for 晕机袋

use in case of airsickness or seasickness

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tray table a tray mounted on or in a piece of furniture, such as an airplane 餐桌

seatback, designed to fold or swing out of the way for storage

baggage claim area the place in an airport where you get your cases and bags 行李认领区

when you arrive after flying

carousel a continuous moving strip on which passengers' bags are put 圆盘传送带

for collection in an airport

luggage carrier a rack attached to a vehicle 载物架

customs the place at a port, airport, or border where travelers’ bags are 海关

examined for illegal or taxable goods

customs officer a person whose job is to make certain travellers are not taking 海关官员

goods into a country without paying taxes

declaration form a statement of taxable goods or of properties subject to duty 申报单

turbulence sudden, violent movements of air or water 颠簸

land to arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down 降落

through the air

express when something goes fast, it goes express— like a train that 快线

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skips many stops.

fire emergency a vehicle designed primarily for firefighting operations. 消 防 车


124 / 190

场景九 Life

『Believe you can and you’re halfway there.』

Theodore Roosevelt

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场景九 Life

Place to live

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

urban area the region surrounding a city that are very developed, meaning 城市地区

there is a density of human structures such as houses, commercial

buildings, roads, bridges, and railways

the suburbs an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work 郊区

in the town or city often live

a rural area an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and 农村地区

not very many people. a rural areas population density is very low

apartment a large building that has several or many apartments 公寓大楼


house a building in which a family lives 房屋

townhouse a house that has two or three levels and that is attached to a 联排别墅

similar house by a shared wall

semi-detached a house that is semi-detached is one that is joined to another 半独立屋

house similar house on only one side

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bungalow a house that usually has only one level 平房

university the place university students live 高校住宅


shelter a structure that covers or protects people or things 庇护所

nursing home a place where people who are old or who are unable to take care of 私人疗养院

themselves can live and be taken care of

ranch a large farm where animals (such as cattle, horses, and sheep) are 牧场


studio a small apartment with one main room 一室公寓

condo one apartment in a building with several apartments, each of 分户出售公寓

which is owned by the people living in it 大厦

dormitory a large building at a college or university where students live 学生宿舍楼


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Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

earrings a piece of jewelry that is worn on the ear and especially on the 耳环


jacket a short coat 夹克

sleeves the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm 袖子


necklace a piece of jewelry that is worn around your neck 项链

buttons a small, usually circular object used to fasten something, for 纽扣

example a shirt or coat

glove a piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth 手套

or protection, with separate parts for each finger

mitten a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger 连指手套

boots a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the 靴子


tie a long piece of cloth that is worn by men around the neck and 领带

under a collar and that is tied in front with a knot at the top

pocket a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the 口袋

inside or onto the outside of a piece of clothing

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suit a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the 套装

same material

formal public or official 正式

business when you dress in business formal attire, you are dressing to 商业场合

formal impress. business formal attire is an upgrade from your normal

day-to-day professional outfits

casual casual clothes are informal or not suitable for special occasions 休闲

jeans (usually plural) close-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual 牛仔裤

work or casual wear

overcoat a heavy coat worn over clothes in winter 大衣

scarf a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth 围巾

or decoration

attire[ə'taɪər] clothes 服装;盛装

costume a set of clothes worn by an actor or by someone to make them look 服装

['kɑːstuːm] like something such as an animal, famous person etc

garment a piece of clothing 衣服


eyewear things worn on the eyes, such as spectacles and contact lenses. 眼镜

mask a covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to 面具;面罩

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场景九 Life

amuse or terrify other people.

dress shirt a formal shirt, sometimes with a special decoration at the front 正装衬衫

casual shirt an informal shirt 休闲衬衫

polo shirt a shirt with a collar and a few buttons near the neck, that is pulled 保罗衫

on over the head

130 / 190

场景九 Life


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

exchange the act of giving something you have bought back to the store 退换

where you bought it, for example because it does not work, fit etc,

and taking something else instead

refund to return money in restitution, repayment, or balancing of accounts 退款

buzzing noise a continuous, low sound such as the one a bee makes 嗡嗡吵闹

at a discount a reduction in the usual price 打折扣

brand new completely new, especially not yet used 全新的

faulty having a mistake, fault, or weakness 有缺陷的

second-hand owned or used in the past by someone else 二手的

on sale products available for purchase at a reduced price 促销

receipt a piece of paper that proves that money, goods, or information 收据

have been received

reimbursement the act of paying back, or the money that is paid back 赔偿

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场景九 Life

off used to say that a price is reduced by a particular amount 折扣

promotion an activity intended to help sell a product, or the product that is 促销

being promoted

change the money that you get back when you have paid for something 找零

with more money than it costs

boutique a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, gifts, and accessories., 时尚精品小店

like Beauty Boutique in Shoppers Drug Mart.


132 / 190

场景九 Life


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

meat and domestic fowls, including chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks, 肉和家禽

poultry raised for the production of meat or eggs and the word is also used

for the flesh of these birds used as food

shopping cart a bag or basket on wheels for carrying shopping purchases, in 购物车

particular one on wheels provided for the use of supermarket


canned goods food sterilized by heat in a closed, durable container such as tin 罐装食物

and aluminum cans, flexible aluminum foil and thermoplastic

containers including squeeze tubes

aisle[aɪl] a long, narrow space between the rows of shelves in a large shop 通道

baked goods food products that have been baked in an oven, for example cakes, 烘焙食物

biscuits, and bread

shopping a container with a handle that you use for carrying what you plan 购物篮

basket to buy in a shop

dairy used to refer to cows that are used for producing milk, rather than 乳制品

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场景九 Life

meat, or to foods that are made from milk, such as cream, butter,

and cheese

pet food food prepared for domestic livestock 宠物食品

produce fresh fruits and vegetables 农产品

soup a food made by cooking vegetables, meat, or fish in a large amount 汤

of liquid

rice small white or brown grains that come from a southeast Asian 米

plant and that are used for food

tuna['tuːnə] a large fish that lives in warm seas 吞拿鱼

beans a seed, or the pod containing seeds, of various climbing plants, 豆

eaten as a vegetable

spaghetti pasta made in the form of long, thin strings 意大利式细


bread a baked food made from a mixture of flour and water 面包

rolls any of various food preparations rolled up for cooking or serving (各种)卷

cookies a small, flat, sweet food made from flour and sugar 饼干

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yogurt a slightly sour, thick liquid made from milk with bacteria added to 酸奶;酵母乳

it, sometimes eaten plain and sometimes with sugar, fruit, etc.

butter a pale yellow solid food containing a lot of fat that is made from 黄油

cream and is spread on bread or used in cooking

sour cream cream made sour by adding special bacteria sour cream

cheese a food made from milk, that can be either firm or soft and is usually 奶酪

yellow or white in color

margarine a food used for cooking and spreading on bread, similar to butter 人造黄油

but softer and usually made from vegetable fat


frozen food food that has been subjected to rapid freezing and is kept frozen 冷冻食品

until used

beverage something you can drink; a liquid for drinking 饮料

snack food a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small 点心


checkout the place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for 结账

your goods

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场景九 Life

cashier a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, 收银员

bank, restaurant, etc.

bagger a person whose job is to put your shopping into bags for you in a 装袋工


paper bag a small bag made of paper 纸袋

plastic bag plastic bags are used for containing and transporting goods such 塑料袋

as foods, produce, powders, ice, magazines, chemicals, and waste

cash register a machine in a shop or other business that records sales and into 收款机

which money received is put

potato chips a very thin, often round piece of fried potato, sometimes with a 土豆片

flavor added, sold especially in plastic bags

candy bar candy shaped like a thin brick 糖果条

chocolate bar a chocolate bar is a chocolate confection in bar form 巧克力条

gum used in the names of some chewy sweets with fruit flavors 口香糖

flour powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, 面粉

cakes, pasta, pastry, etc

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cake mix a commercial mix for making a cake 做糕饼用的


instant coffee dehydrated coffee that can be made into a drink by adding hot 速溶咖啡


soft drink a cold drink that is usually sweet, does not contain alcohol, and is 软饮

often sold in bottles or cans

pop a sweet fizzy drink with bubbles, usually with a fruit flavor 碳酸饮

bottled water water that is sold in bottles and that has been treated in order to 瓶装水

make it very clean or that comes from a special place

plastic wrap thin, transparent, plastic material, used for wrapping food to keep it 塑料包裹膜


aluminum foil very thin sheet metal 铝箔

cereal['sɪriəl] a breakfast food made from grain 谷类食物

toast sliced bread made warm, crisp, and brown by being put near a high 烤面包


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场景九 Life

boiled eggs eggs cooked with their shells unbroken, usually by immersion in 煮鸡蛋

boiling water

deli['deli] a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats etc 熟食区

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场景九 Life


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

cruise a holiday on a large ship 巡航;漫游;


helicopter a type of aircraft with large metal blades on top which 直升机

turn around very quickly to make it fly

accommodation a place for someone to stay, live, or work 住宿

airport a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for 机场

passengers to wait in

check in 检票

landing the action of bringing an aircraft down to the ground 着陆

after being in the air

camp a place where people stay in tents, shelters etc for a short 营地

time, usually in the mountains, a forest etc

destination the place that someone or something is going to 目的地

excursion a short journey arranged so that a group of people can 短途旅行

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场景九 Life

visit a place, especially while they are on holiday

route a way from one place to another 路线

ferry a boat that carries people or goods across a river or a 渡船

narrow area of water

voyage a long journey in a ship or spacecraft 航行


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场景九 Life


Major appliances(大型器具)

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

refrigerator a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, shaped like a 冰箱

cupboard, used for keeping food and drink cool

freezer a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment in which food can be 冰箱(冷冻)

stored at very low temperatures for a long time

range a large piece of kitchen equipment in which you make a fire and 炉灶

use this heat to cook food

oven a piece of equipment that food is cooked inside, shaped like a 烤箱

metal box with a door on the front

dishwasher a machine that washes dishes 洗碗机

a type of oven that cooks food very quickly using very short 微波炉

electric waves instead of heat

washer a washing machine 洗衣机

dryer a machine that dries things, especially clothes 烘干机

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water heater a household appliance consisting of a gas or electric heating unit 热水器

under a tank in which water is heated and stored.

air conditioner a system used to cool down the temperature in an inside space by 空调

removing the existing heat and moisture from the room.

vacuum a vacuum cleaner. a household appliance for cleaning floors, 吸尘器

['vækjuəm] carpets, upholstery, etc. by suction. — called also vacuum sweeper.

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场景九 Life

Small appliances(小型器具)

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

air purifier/ a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room to 空气净化器

improve indoor air quality.

air cleaner

dehumidifier a device that removes excess moisture from the air. 去湿器

humidifier a machine that makes the air in a room less dry 加湿器

coffee maker a machine or pot for brewing coffee.

mixer a machine or device for mixing things, especially an electrical 搅拌机

appliance for mixing foods.

an electric pot that is used for cooking rice. 电饭锅

rice cooker

steamer a container in which something is steamed. 蒸锅

blender an electric machine that you use to mix liquids and soft foods 搅拌器


air fryer a small countertop convection oven designed to simulate deep 空气炸锅

frying without submerging the food in oil.

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slow cooker a large electric pot used for cooking food, especially stews, very 慢炖锅


pressure cooker an airtight pot in which food can be cooked quickly under steam 高压锅


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场景九 Life


Cold Weather

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

chilly cold, but not very 寒冷的

frosts thin white coat of ice on everything 霜冻

sleet rain and snow mixed 雨雪

slush dirty, brownish, half-water 融雪

settling staying as a white covering 沉淀物

blizzards snow blown by high winds 暴风雪

snowdrifts deep banks of snow against walls 雪堆

thaw change from hard, frozen state to normal 融雪

melt change from solid to liquid under heat 融化

cool when the weather is cool, it's not quite cold but not warm either. 冷

freezing the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a 冰冻的


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icy something that's icy is frozen like ice or covered in ice. 冰的

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Warm/Hot Weather

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

close warm and uncomfortable 闷热的

stifling['staɪflɪŋ] hot, uncomfortable, you can hardly breathe 令人窒息的

scorching very hot, often used in positive contexts 灼热的


boiling very hot, often used in a negative contexts 极热的

mild warm at a time when it is normally cold 温和的


humid hot and damp, makes you sweat a lot 潮湿的

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Wet Weather

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

damp[dæmp] slightly wet 有湿气的

drizzle['drɪzl] very light rain; stronger than mist but less than a shower 毛毛雨

torrential rain if it's raining extremely hard, then the rain is torrential — it's 倾盆大雨

absolutely pouring.

flood a flood is an enormous amount of water. 洪水

shower short duration 阵雨

storm high winds and rain together 风暴

thunderstorm thunder and heavy rain 雷暴

hailstones small balls of ice falling from the sky 冰雹

overcast very cloudy 阴天的

snowstorm a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds 暴风雪

thunder a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the 雷电

path of a bolt of lightning

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lightning when you see sudden bright flashes of light in the sky, you're 闪电

seeing lightning, the release of electricity between clouds or the


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Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

breeze[briːz] a slight wind (usually refreshing) 微风

blustery blowing in violent and abrupt bursts 大风


gale[ɡeɪl] if there’s a gale coming your way, you better hold onto your new 狂风

hat and your little dog, toto, too, because this is an extremely

strong wind.

hurricane a hurricane is a severe tropical storm with high winds and heavy 暴风


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Mist and Fog

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

haze[heɪz] light mist 薄雾

mist light fog 迷雾

foggy something that's foggy is cloudy or murky, filled with fog. 有雾的

smog[smɑːɡ] mixture of fog and pollution 雾霾

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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

An obstacle is often a stepping stone.


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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

conservative not liking changes or new ideas 保守的

liberal supporting or allowing gradual political and social changes 自由主义的

activist someone who works hard doing practical things to achieve social 活动分子

or political change

discrimination the practice of treating one person or group differently from 歧视

another in an unfair way

housing the work of providing houses for people to live in 住房

poverty the situation or experience of being poor 贫困

tax an amount of money that you must pay to the government 税

according to your income, property, goods etc and that is used to

pay for public services

inflation a continuing increase in prices, or the rate at which prices increase 通货膨胀

mortgage a legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or 抵押贷款

similar organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the


money over a period of years

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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

education the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or 教育


daycare when babies or young children, or sick or old people are looked 日托

after during the day, especially while their family members are at


multiculture relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within 多元文化

a society.

marijuana an illegal drug smoked like a cigarette, made from the dried leaves 大麻

of the hemp plant


cannabis an illegal drug that is usually smoked [植]大麻


impaired driving the term used in Canada to describe the criminal offence of 分心驾驶

operating,having care or the control of a motor vehicle while the

person's ability to operate the motor vehicle is impaired by alcohol

or a drug.

society people in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations 社会

etc that make it possible for them to live together

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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

economy the system by which a country’s money and goods are produced 经济

and used, or a country considered in this way

fraud the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as 骗局

money or goods

bias an opinion about whether a person, group, or idea is good or bad 偏见

that influences how you deal with it

perspective a way of thinking about something, especially one which is 观点

influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences

injustice a situation in which people are treated very unfairly and not given 不公正

their rights

crime illegal activities in general 犯罪

renewable a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally 可再生资源


domestic violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving 家庭暴力

violence the violent abuse of a spouse or partner

election to choose by a vote 选举

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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

fun fair a fair consisting of rides, sideshows, and other amusements 游乐园

unemployment the number of people in a particular country or area who cannot 失业

get a job

pension an amount of money paid regularly by the government or 养老金

company to someone who does not work anymore, for example

because they have reached the age when people stop working or

because they are ill

retire to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age 退休

lay off to stop employing someone because there is no work for them to


dismiss to remove someone from their job 解雇

homeless without a home 无家可归的

shelter a place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life 避难所

community a place where many different people live and work 社区

bylaw a rule made by an organization to control the people who belong 条例

to it

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场景十 Communities and Topical Issues

bill a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you 账单

have received, work that has been done etc

157 / 190

通用场景 Shapes and Patterns



Vocabulary Meaning Image Explanation

circle 圆形 【解释】圆形的,当形容词来说一般使用 round,也可以说

circular,而且 round 可以描述 3D 的事物,circular 是 2D 的。

round 圆形的

另外如果是半圆,是 semi-circle shaped。比如半圆形的西瓜

,就是 semi-circle shaped watermelon slice。

【例子】下面这个就可以描述为 round cucumber slice。

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

triangle 三角形 【解释】形容词是 triangular,三角形的。三角形的事物有,

triangle shaped pizza slices,三角的衣架 triangle hanger,

【例子】warning triangle

rectangle 矩形 【解释】形容词是 rectangular,长方形的。长方形的事物有很

多,比如画框,rectangular picture frame 或者 rectangle

shaped picture frame。比如饭桌,rectangle-shaped dining

table,纸巾盒,rectangular tissue box。

【例子】rectangle-shaped wooden picture frame

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

cone 圆锥形 【解释】常见的圆锥形有,屋顶 a roof shaped like a cone. 有

时候会把树也修剪成圆锥形,就是 cone shaped trees.

【例子】safety cone/traffic cone/road cone

square 正方形 【解释】square 既可以作形容词也可以作名词。比如常见的方形

钟表(square wall clock),方形的饼干(square shaped

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

cookie),方形的坐垫(square shaped chair cushion)

【例子】square shaped gift box

diamond 菱形 【解释】菱形在生活中也经常见到,比如菱形的风筝(diamond

shaped kite),菱形的耳环(diamond shaped earings),菱

形的路面标记(diamond shaped road sign).

【例子】a diamond-shaped camera module

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

heart 心形 【 解 释 】 常 见 的 心 形 有 , 心 形 的 太 阳 镜 ( heart shaped

sunglasses),心形的巧克力盒子(heart-shaped chocolate

box),心形的镜子(heart-shaped makeup mirror)

【例子】heart-shaped air balloon

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

star 星形 【解释】star shape 是一个 general 的说法,不局限于 5 个角,

6 个,7 个,8 个角的都可以叫 star,只是有一个更为具体的名字,

如最常见的 5 角星形 pentagram ['pentəɡræm],但是我们也都

可以叫他们为 star shape。

【例子】white star shaped bowl

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

oval ['oʊvl] 椭圆形的 【解释】oval 既可以做名词也可以做形容词。常见的有,椭圆形

的碗(oval shaped bowl)椭圆形的木梳子(oval shaped

wooden hairbrush)椭圆形的游泳池(oval pool)

【例子】椭圆形的镜子(oval-shaped mirror)

V-shaped v 形的 【解释】使用 xxx-shaped 这种表达是非常多样化的,如果想说


蛋糕,就是 peach-shaped cake. 或者是 backward C shaped


【例】v 型瘦脸面膜(v-shaped slimming mask)

Promote blood circulation, stimulate cells regeneration and

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

repair, achieve the change from round face to V face.

cylinder 圆柱体 【解释】圆柱形在生活中也随处可见,有柱形花瓶(cylinder

shaped vases),柱形电池(cylinder shaped battery),柱形


垃圾桶(cylinder-shaped trash bin)

【例子】圆柱形水杯(cylinder water bottle)

polygon 多边形 【解释】当出现六边形或者八边形时,可能记不住专有词,比如

六边形是 hexagon。但是可以用 polygon 来描述,比如六边形

就是 six-sided polygon。这样还可以灵活的表达不同边数的多


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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns


Vocabulary Meaning Image

striped [straɪpt] 条纹纹的

zigzag ['zɪɡzæɡ] 曲折;之字形

spotted 有斑点的

linear 直线的

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通用场景 Shapes and Patterns

bent 弯曲的

curved [kɜːrvd] 弯曲的

cylinder 圆柱体


167 / 190

通用场景 Colors


The three primary colors are red, yellow and blue, and there are other different types of classification,

which can be divided into 7 categories, 10 categories or 12 categories. We categorize colors

according to 10 categories, red, pink, orange, purple, green, blue, brown, white and gray. In addition

to the most well-known natural color for each color system, two related colors that are most

commonly used and easier to remember are also given.

颜色最基本的是三原色,即红黄蓝,还有进一步的不同种类的分类,可以为分 7 类,10 类还有 12 类。我们把

颜色按照 10 大类颜色分类,红色系,粉色系,橙色系,紫色系,绿色系,蓝色系,棕色系,白色系和灰色系。


红色系 颜色名 颜色示例

red 红色 red 红色

scarlet 绯红色 scarlet 绯红色

ruby 红宝石色的 ruby 红宝石色

粉色系 颜色名 颜色示例

pink 粉色 pink 粉色

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通用场景 Colors

hot pink 水红色 hot pink 水红色

deep pink 深粉红 deep pink 深粉红

橙色系 颜色名 颜色示例

orange 橙色 orange 橙色

coral 珊瑚色的 coral 珊瑚色的

dark orange 深橙色 dark orange 深橙色

紫色系 颜色名 颜色示例

purple 紫色 purple 紫色

violet 紫罗兰色 violet 紫罗兰色

indigo 紫蓝色 indigo 紫蓝色

黄色系 颜色名 颜色示例

yellow 黄色 yellow 黄色

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通用场景 Colors

gold 金色 gold 金色

khaki 卡其色 khaki 卡其色

绿色系 颜色名 颜色示例

green 绿色 green 绿色

lime 鲜绿色 lime 鲜绿色

olive 橄榄色 olive 橄榄色

蓝色系 颜色名 颜色示例

blue 蓝色 blue 蓝色

sky blue 天蓝色 sky blue 天蓝色

navy blue 深蓝色 navy blue 深蓝色

棕色系 颜色名 颜色示例

brown 棕色 brown 棕色

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通用场景 Colors

tan 棕褐色 tan 棕褐色

maroon 褐红色 maroon 褐红色

白色系 颜色名 颜色示例

white 白色 white 白色

Ivory 乳白色 Ivory 乳白色

azure 晴天色 azure 晴天色

灰色系 颜色名 颜色示例

gray 灰色 gray 灰色

silver 银色 silver 银色

dim gray 暗灰色 dim gray 暗灰色

171 / 190

通用场景 Currency


Vocabulary Meaning 中文含义

buck a former paper dollar


coin a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as


toonie two dollar 加 拿 大 两 元 硬 币

loonie one dollar 加 拿 大 一 元 硬 币

quarter 25 cents

25 分

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通用场景 Currency

dime 10 cents

10 分

nickel 5 cents


penny 1 cent


173 / 190

通用场景 Continent & Ocean


Holiday Day Observed Observance

New Year's Day January 1 Nationwide

Family Day Third Monday in February (2nd in BC) BC, AB, SK, ON, NB

Good Friday Friday before Easter Sunday Nationwide except QC

Easter Monday Monday after Easter Sunday QC

Victoria Day Monday preceding May 25th Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL

Canada Day
July 1 Nationwide
Memorial Day in NFL

Civic Holiday First Monday in August AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU

Labour Day First Monday of September Nationwide

Thanksgiving Second Monday in October Nationwide except NB, NS, PE, NL

Nationwide except ON, QC, NS,

Remembrance Day November 11

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通用场景 Continent & Ocean

Christmas Day December 25 Nationwide

Boxing Day December 26 ON

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通用场景 Continent & Ocean

Continent & Ocean

Seven Continents

Vocabulary 中文含义

North America 北美洲

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通用场景 Continent & Ocean

Asia 亚洲

Europe 欧洲

Australia 澳洲

South America 南美洲

Africa 非洲

Antarctica [æn'tɑːrktɪkə] 南极洲

Five Oceans

Vocabulary 中文含义

Pacific Ocean 太平洋

Atlantic Ocean [ətˌlæntɪk'oʊʃn] 大西洋

Indian Ocean 印度洋

Southern Ocean 南冰洋

Arctic Ocean [ˌɑːrktɪk'oʊʃn] 北冰洋

177 / 190

通用场景 Compound Word List

Compound Word List


aboveboard backpack blueberry cardsharp dairymaid

afterglow backside bluebird cardstock daisywheel

afterimage backslap bluefish carefree eyelid

afterlife backslide bluegrass caretaker eyesight

afternoon backspace blueprint careworn eyewitness

aircraft backspin boardwalk carfare daybed

airfield backstage bodyguard cargo daybook

airlift backstroke bodywork carhop daybreak

airline backtrack boldface carload daydream

airmen backward bookcase carpetbagger daylight

airplane ballpark bookend carpool daytime

airport ballroom bookkeeper carport deadend

airtime bankbook bookmark carrack deadline

178 / 190

通用场景 Compound Word List

allover bankroll bookmobile carryall dishcloth

allspice baseball bookseller carsick dishpan

alongside basketball bookshelf cartwheel dishwasher

also beachcomb bookstore cattail dishwater

another became bookworm catwalk diskdrive

anybody because bootstrap caveman dogwood

anyhow become bowlegs centercut doorstop

anymore bedclothes bowtie cheeseburger downbeat

anyone bedrock brainchild cheesecake downunder

anyplace bedroll brainwash clockwise drawbridge

anytime bedroom bugspray coffeemaker driveway

anyway bellbottom butterball comeback duckbill

anywhere bellboy buttercup eyecatching duckpin

around bellhop butterfingers eyeglasses duckweed

ashtray below butterflies comedown earache

179 / 190

通用场景 Compound Word List

atchcase blackball buttermilk eyelash eardrop

babysitter blackberries butternut commonplace eardrum

backache blackbird butterscotch commonwealth earring

backbite blackboard bypass cornmeal earthbound

backbone blackjack cabdriver courthouse earthquake

backbreaker blacklist cabdriver courtyard earthward

backdrop blackmail cabdriver crewcut earthworm

backfire blackout cancan crossbow egghead

background blacksmith candlelight crossbreed eggshell

backhand blacktop candlestick crosscut elsewhere

backlash blowgun cannot crossover everything

backlog bluebell cardboard crosswalk eyeballs


fatherland forefinger grasshopper housekeeper moonlit

180 / 190

通用场景 Compound Word List

firearm forefoot grassland housetop moonscape

fireball forego graveyard housework moonshine

fireboat foregone gumball however moonstruck

firebomb foreground haircut inside moonwalk

firebreak forehand hamburger intake moreover

firecracker forehead hammerhead ironwork mothball

firefighter foreknowledge handbook itself motherhood

fireflies foreleg handcuff jackpot motorcycle

firehouse foreman handgun jailbait nearby

fireproof foremost handmade jellybean nevermore

firewater forepaws handout jellyfish newborn

fireworks foresee headache jetliner newfound

fishbowl foreshadow headdress jetport newsboy

fishbowl foresight headlight jumpshot newsbreak

fishbowl forestall headline keyboard newsbreak

181 / 190

通用场景 Compound Word List

fisherman forethought headquarters keyhole newscaster

fisheye foretold hereafter keynote newscaster

fishhook forever hereby keypad newscaster

fishhook forewarn herein keypunch newsdealer

fishhook foreword hereupon keystone newsletter

fishlike forget herself keystroke newsman

fishmonger forgive highball keyway newspaper

fishnet forklift highchair keyword newsperson

fishpond format highland lifeblood newsprint

fishtail fortnight highway lifeboat newsprint

football friendship himself lifeguard newsprint

foothill fruitcup homemade lifelike newsreel

footlights gearshift hometown lifeline newsroom

footlocker glassmaking honeybee lifelong newsstand

footnote goodbye honeycomb lifesaver newsworthy

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通用场景 Compound Word List

footprints goodnight honeydew lifetime nightfall

footrest grandaunt honeymoon lifework nobody

forbearer grandchild honeysuckle limelight noisemaker

forbid grandchildren hookup limestone northeast

forearm granddaughter hookworm longhand notebook

forebear grandfather horseback longhouse noteworthy

forebrain grandmaster horsefly lukewarm nowhere

forecast grandmother horsehair mainland nursemaid

forecastle grandnephew horseman mainline nutcracker

foreclose grandnieces horseplay matchbox

foreclosure grandparent horsepower meantime

foredoom grandson horseradish meanwhile

forefather grandstand houseboat moonbeam

forefeet granduncle household moonlight

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通用场景 Compound Word List


oneself rattletrap sidewalk southeast supercool

onetime repairman silversmith southwest superego

overabundance riverbanks sisterhood soybean superfine

overboard rubberband sixfold spacewalk supergiant

overcoat sailboat skateboard spacewalk superhero

overflow salesclerk skintight spacewalk superhighways

overland sandlot skylark spearmint superhuman

overshoes rattlesnake skylight spillway superimpose

pacemaker sideshow skyscraper spokesperson superman

pancake sandstone slapstick stagehand supermarket

passbook saucepan slowdown stagehand supermen

passkey scapegoat slumlord stagehand supernatural

Passover scarecrow snakeskin standby superpower

passport schoolbook snowball standoff superscript

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通用场景 Compound Word List

paycheck schoolboy snowbank standout supersensitive

peppermint schoolbus snowbird standpipe supersonic

pickup schoolhouse snowbird standpoint superstar

pinhole schoolwork snowbird starfish superstrong

pinstripe seashore snowdrift starfish superstructure

pinup setback snowshovel steamboat supertanker

pinwheel shadyside softball steamship superweapon

playback sharecropper software stepson superwoman

playboy sharecropper somebody stockroom sweetheart

playhouse sharecropper someday stonewall sweetmeat

playthings sharpshooter somehow stoplight supercharge

ponytail sheepskin someone stopwatch sunlit

popcorn sheepskin someplace storerooms

postcard sheepskin something stronghold

racquetball shipbottom sometimes subway

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通用场景 Compound Word List

railroad shoelace somewhat sunbaked

railway shoemaker somewhere sunbathe

rainbow shortbread soundproof Sunday

raincheck showoff sunlit sundial

raincoat showoff sunray sundown

raindrop showplace sunroof sunfish

rainstorm sideburns sunup sunflower

rainwater sidekick supercargo sunglasses


tablecloth thunderbolt upbeat uptown waterlog

tablespoon thunderstorm upbringing upturn watermark

tabletop timekeeper upcoming upward watermelon

tableware timepieces update upwind waterpower

tadpole timesaving upend waistline waterproof

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通用场景 Compound Word List

tagalong timeshare upgrade walkways waterscape

tailbone timetable upheaval walleyed watershed

tailcoat today upheld wallpaper waterside

tailgate together uphill wardroom waterspout

taillight toolbox uphold warehouse watertight

taillike toothpaste upkeep warfare waterway

tailpiece toothpick upland warlike waterwheel

tailspin touchdown uplift warmblooded waterworks

takeoff township uplink warpath wavelength

takeout turnabout upload washboard wavelike

takeover turnaround upmarket washbowl waxwork

talebearer turnbuckle upon washcloth waybill

taleteller turncoat uppercase washhouse wayfarer

tapeworm turndown upperclassman washout waylaid

taproom turnkey uppercut washrag wayside

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通用场景 Compound Word List

taproot turnoff uppermost washroom wayward

target turntable upright washstand weathercock

taskmaster typewriter uprising washtub weatherman

taxicab underachieve uproar wastebasket weatherproof

taxpayer underact uproot wasteland weekday

teacup underage upscale wastepaper weekend

teammate underarm upset wastewater weeknight

teamwork underbelly upshot watchband whatever

teapot underbid upside watchdog whatsoever

teaspoon undercharge upstage watchmaker wheelbarrow

teenager underclothes upstairs watchman wheelbase

telltale undercover upstanding watchtower wheelchair

tenderfoot undercurrent upstart watchword wheelhouse

tenfold undercut upstate watercolor whitecap

textbook underdevelop upstream watercooler whitefish

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通用场景 Compound Word List

themselves underdog upstroke watercraft whitewall

therefore underestimate uptake waterfall whitewash

throwaway underexpose upthrust waterfowl widespread

throwback underfoot uptight waterfront wipeout

thunderbird underground uptime waterline woodshop

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从 2013 年开始从事思培教育一线工作,见证了思培官方近年来的飞速发展,同时接触了大量的思培学生,也









-- Tiffany


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