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Chức năng của danh động


Làm Làm tân Làm bổ Làm ngữ Làm danh

chủ ngữ ngữ ngữ đồng vị từ ghép


Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn

Thay thế cho mệnh đề: độc lập trong câu ghép; mệnh
đề phụ trong câu;mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian;
mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lí do

NĂNG Dùng như một tính từ

Cấu trúc: There +be+Noun+present participle

Cấu trúc: S+sit/stand/lie/come/run(cụm từ chỉ nơi

chốn)+present participle

Sau 1 số động từ chỉ tri giác(see, hear, smell,feel,

taste,overhear,…), catch, find,spend,waste

LTTH1 | P a g e



1. Admit doing st Thú nhận làm gì

2. Appreciate doing st Cảm kích làm gì

3. Be busy doing st Bận làm gì

4. Be worth doing st Đáng làm gì

5. Can’t help/stand/bear doing st Không thể chịu được

6. Consider doing st Cân nhắc làm gì

7. Delay/postpone/put off doing st trì hoãn làm gì

8. Deny doing st Phủ nhận làm gì

9. Enjoy/fancy doing st Thích làm gì

10. Fell like doing st Thích/ muốn làm gì

11. Finish doing st Hoàn thành làm gì

12. Get/be accustomed to doing st Quen làm gì

13. Hate/detest/resent doing st Ghét làm gì

14. Have difficulty in doing st Gặp khó khăn trong việc làm gì

15. Imagine doing st Tưởng tượng làm gì

16. Involve doing st Có liên quan làm gì

LTTH2 | P a g e

17. Keep doing st Cứ làm gì

18. Look forward to doing st Mong đợi làm gì

19. Mention doing st Đề cập làm gì

20. Mind doing st Ngại làm gì

21. Miss doing st Quên làm gì

22. Practice doing st Thực hành làm gì

23. Recall doing st Nhớ lại làm gì

24. Resist doing st Phản đối làm gì

25. Risk doing st Liều lĩnh làm gì

26. Spent time doing st Dành thời gian làm gì

27. Suggest doing st Gợi ý làm gì

There is no point in doing st Vô ích khi làm gì

=It’s no use/ good doing st

29. Tolerate doing st Chịu đựng làm gì

30. Waste time doing st Lãng phí thời gian làm gì




LTTH3 | P a g e

Dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của Dùng để rút ngắn mệnh đề khi hành
danh động từ khi đề cập đến hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước.
động trong quá khứ.
Dùng rúng ngắn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ
thời gian.

Khi 2 vế đồng chủ ngữ => bỏ chủ ngữ vế đầu và thay bằng phân từ hiện tại.

Động từ chỉ sở thích (Verbs of liking)

-Một số động từ chỉ sở thích các em cần nhớ: adore (ngưỡng mộ), love (yêu, thích), like
(thích), enjoy (thích thú), fancy (mến, thích), prefer (thích hơn), don’t mind (không ghét lắm),
dislike (không thích), don’t like (không thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay ghét đắng).

-Sau dislike, enjoy, hate, like, prefer để diễn đạt sở thích chung ta dùng danh động từ (động
từ thêm -ing)

-Các động từ chỉ sở thích (Verbs of liking) theo sau bởi dạng thêm -ing hoặc dạng nguyên
mẫu có to (to-infìnitive) của động từ mà không có sự thay đổi về nghĩa. Đó là love (yêu,
thích), like (thích), prefer (thích hơn), và hate (ghét).

-Tuy nhiên trong tiếng Anh của người Anh, like + to-infínitive thường được dùng để diễn tả sự
lựa chọn và thói quen; còn like + V-ing được dùng để diễn đạt sở thích.

Lưu ý : các động từ theo sau cả ‘ to V; Ving , V bare’

To do st : cố gắng làm gì Sb to do st đề nghị ai lmj

Try Doing st: thử cái gì recommend

Doing st Đề nghị lmj

Sb to do stKhuyến khích ai
To do st: nhớ/quên phải làm gì lmj
Remember/foget encourage
Doing st: nhớ/quên đã làm gì Doing st khuyến khích lmj

LTTH4 | P a g e
to do st: khuyên ai lmj Sb to do st cho phép ai lmj
Advise Allow/permit
Doing st cho phép lmj
Doing st: khuyên lmj

Dto do st lấy làm tiếc khi phải lmj

Mean Tto do st dự định lmj regret

Ddodoing st có ý nghĩa là Doing st hối tiếc vì đã lmj

To do st tiếp tục lmj sau khi hoàn tấtcv To do st dừng lại để lmj
Go on stop
Doing st chỉ sự liên tục của hành động Doing st dừng hẳn lmj

To do st cần phải lmj

Doing st cần được lmj

-V(tri giác)+ O + V bare : khi chứng kiến toàn bộ sự việc

+Ving: khi chứng kiến 1 phần sự việc

-Help sb do/ to do st: giúp ai lmj

-Have sb do st = get sb to do st nhờ ai lmj

-Have/get st done có cái gì được làm bởi ai

-Used to do st thường làm gì trong quá khứ mà hiện tại không còn nữa

-Be/get used to doing st thường làm gì ở hiện tại.

-Một số động từ sau nó là " to+ V":afford, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, choose, come,
decide, demand, deserve, expect, help, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, need, offer, prepare,
promised refuse, seem, tend, volunteer, want…

B.Động từ nguyên mẫu

LTTH5 | P a g e

I. TO INFINITIVE VERB ( Động từ nguyên mẫu có ‘to’)



Làm Làm bổ Trong

tân ngữ các cấu
chủ ngữ ngữ

STT Cấu Trúc Nghĩa

1. Afford to do st Có đủ khả năng để

2. Agree to do st Đồng ý lmj

3. Arrange to do st Sắp xếp lmj

4. Appear to do st Hóa ra là

5. Ask to do st Yêu cầu lmj

6. Attempt to do st Nỗ lực lmj

7. Care to do st Quan tâm lmj

8. Choose to do st Chọn lmj

9. Claim to do st Thú nhận lmj

10. Decide to do st Quyết định lmj

11. Demand to do st Yêu cầu lmj

12. Deserve to do st Xứng đáng lmj

13. Expect to do st Mong muốn lmj

LTTH6 | P a g e

14. Fail to do st Thất bại lmj

15. Happen to do st Tình cờ lmj

16. Hesitate to do st Lưỡng lự lmj

17. Hope to do st Hi vọng lmj

18. Intend to do st Dự định lmj

19. Learn to do st Học lmj

20. Manage to do st Xoay sở lmj

21. Neglect to do st Sao nhãng lmj

22. Offer to do st Đề nghị lmj

23. Plan to do st Có kế hoạch lmj

24. Prepare to do st Chuẩn bị lmj

25. Pretend to do st Giả vờ lmj

26. Promise to do st Hứa lmj

27. Propose to do st Đề xuất lmj

28. Refuse to do st Từ chối lmj

29. Seem to do st Dường như lmj

30. Swear to do st Thề lmj

31. Tend to do st Có xu thế lmj

32. Threaten to do st Đe dọa lmj

33. Vow to do st Thề lmj

34. Wait to do st Chờ lmj

LTTH7 | P a g e

35. Want to do st Muốn lmj

36. Wish to do st Ước mơ lmj

37. Would like to do st Muốn, thích lmj

38. Yearn/desire to do st Khao khát lmj

39. Ask/tell sb to do st Bảo ai lmj

40. Assume sb to do st Cho rằng ai đó lmj

41. Beg sb to do st Cầu xin lmj

42. Believe sb to do st Tin tưởng ai đó lmj

43. Cause sb to do st Khiến ai đó lmj

44. Challenge sb to do st Mời ai tham gia vào

45. Command sb to do st Yêu cầu ai lmj

46. Compel sb to do st Buộc ai đó lmj

47. Consider sb to do st Xem xét ai lmj

48. Enable sb to do st Làm cho ai có thể lmj

49. Encourage sb to do st Khuyến khích ai lmj

50. Expect sb to do st Mong đợi ai lmj

51. Forbid sb to do st Cấm ai lmj

52. Force sb to do st Ép ai lmj

53. Get sb to do st Bảo ai lmj

54. Instruct sb to do st Chỉ dẫn ai lmj

55. Invite sb to do st Mời ai đó lmj

LTTH8 | P a g e

56. Order sb to do st Ra lệnh cho ai lmj

57. Prefer sb to do st Muốn ai đó lmj hơn

58. Persuade sb to do st Thuyết phục ai lmj

59. Remind sb to do st Nhắc nhở ai lmj

60. Request sb to do st Đòi hỏi ai lmj

61. Warn sb not to do st Cảnh báo ai không lmj

62. Teach sb to do st Dạy ai lmj

63. Urge sb to do st Thúc dục ai lmj

64. Tempt sb to do st Xúi dục ai lmj

65. Want sb to do st Muốn ai lmj

66. To/in order to/ so as to +V Để lmj ( chỉ mục đích)

67. It takes sb+ time+to V Ai tốn bao nhiêu thời gian để lmj

68. Be about to V= be going to V Chuẩn bị lmj

69. How/when /where/what/who/whether

+to V

70. Find it adj+ to V Thấy cái gì như thế nào

71. The first/second/third/…/last/only +to Điều thứ nhất/hai/…


LTTH9 | P a g e


Dùng sau các modal verbs

Sau các động từ:let, make, help, see,hear,

feel,watch,notice+ tân ngữ

sau các cụm : had better, would rather

had sooner, why, why not.



1, adore /əˈdɔː(r)/ (v) yêu thích 2. addicted to /əˈdɪktɪd/ (adj) : nghiện (thích)
cái gì

3. bracelet /ˈbreɪslət/ (n) : vòng đeo tay 4. communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ (v) : giao tiếp

5. community centre /kəˈmjuːnəti ˈsentə/ 6. craft /krɑːft/ (n) : đồ thủ công

(n) : trung tâm văn hoá cộng đồng

7. craft kit /krɑːft kɪt/ (n) : bộ dụng cụ 8. cultural event /ˈkʌltʃərəl ɪˈvent/ (n) : sự kiện
làm thủ công văn hoá

9. detest /dɪˈtest/ (v) : ghét 10. DIY /ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/ (n) : đồ tự làm, tự sửa

LTTH10 | P a g e

11. don’t mind /dəʊnt maɪnd/ (v) : không 12. hang out /hæŋ aʊt/ (v) : đi chơi với bạn bè
ngại, không ghét lắm

13. hooked in /hʊkt/ (adj) : yêu thích cái 14. It’s right up my street! /ɪts raɪt ʌp maɪ
gì striːt/ (idiom) : Đúng vị của tớ!

15. join in /dʒɔɪn/ (v) : tham gia 16. leisure /ˈleʒə(r)/ (n) : sự thư giãn nghỉ

17. netlingo /netˈlɪŋɡəʊ/ (n): ngôn ngữ 18. relax /rɪˈlæks/ (v) : thư giãn
dùng để giao tiếp trên mạng

19. satisfied /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ (adj) : hài lòng 20. socialise /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ (v) : giao tiếp để tạo
mối quan hệ

21. weird /wɪəd/ (adj) : kì cục 22. window shopping /ˈwɪndəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ (n) : đi
chơi ngắm đồ bày ở cửa hàng

23. virtual /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ (adj) : ảo (chỉ có ở 24. check out : kiểm tra, xem
trên mạng)

25. guide: hướng dẫn 26, trainning: huấn luyện

27. sound great!: Nghe hay đó 28. trisk: mẹo vặt

29. bead: hạt sỏ vòng 30. sticker: nhãn dán

31.wool: len 32. button :khuy cài áo

33. take all my savings: tiêu hết tiền tiết 34. folk song: bài hát dân ca Việt Nam

35. be able to: có khả năng 36. improve (v): cải thiện

37. melody (n): giai điệu 38. language (n): ngôn ngữ

39. website(n): trang web 40. look at : nhìn kìa

LTTH11 | P a g e

41. easily (adv): 1 cách dễ dàng 42. comics (n) truyện tranh

43. favourite (a): được ưa thích 44. story /'stɔ:ri/ (n) câu chuyện

45.wait for chờ đợi mong ngóng 46. tool /tu:l/ (n) : dụng cụ

47. build /bild/ (n) xây dựng 48. in a library : trong thư viện

49. in a bookstore : trong hiệu sách 50. look for : tìm kiếm

51. playing computer games: chơi trò chơi 52. playing beach games: chơi trò chơi ở bãi
trên máy vi tính biển

53. texting: nhắn tin 54. visiting museums: thăm viện bảo tàng

55. making crafts: làm đồ thủ công 56. free time=spare time: thời gian rảnh

57. Hobby (n) sở thích 58. ollecting things: thu thập đồ vật

59. surf the Internet : lướt mạng 60.bore nhàm chán

61. volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên 62. describe mô tả (n) thú cưng 64. have on an average day : trung bình trong

65. skateboarding, football, badminton: 66. novel, poetry, a magazine : tiểu thuyết, thơ
trượt băng , đá bóng, cầu lông ca , tạp chí

67. the news, a reality show, a comedy: 68. hanging out : giao lưu , ra ngoài , đi chơi

Thời sự, chương trình truyền hình thực

tế, hài kịch

69. apricot: quả mơ 70. bridge: cây cầu

LTTH12 | P a g e

71. bracelet: vòng đeo tay 72. bread: bánh mì

73. princes: công chúa 74. president: tổng thống

75. present: món quà 76. broccoli: bông cải xanh

77. socialise /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ giao lưu 78. go to the park đi ra công viên

79. delicious (a) ngon 80. neighbourhood (n) hàng xóm

81. jog chạy bộ 82, protection (n) sự bảo vệ

83. organisation (n) tổ chức 84. farm (n) nông trại

85.drama (n) kịch tính 86. karma (n) quả báo

87. tourist (n) khách du lịch (n) mây

89. benefit lợi ích 90. harmful điều gây hại

91. search for : tìm kiếm 92. information (n) thông tin

93.generation (n) thế hệ 94.look after : chăm sóc (n) vườn cây 96. teenager (n) thanh thiếu niên , giới trẻ

97. rely on phụ thuộc vào 98. technology (n) công nghệ

99. problem(n) vấn đề 100.effect on tác động tới

101.perhaps có lẽ 102. get out of : đi ra khỏi

103.worry lo lắng 104.ban sb from st : cấm ai lmj

LTTH13 | P a g e

105.positive (a) mặt tích cưcj 106. negative (a) mặt tiêu cực

107.exist tồn tại 108.real >< fake thật / giả

109. sit in front of ngồi trước… 110.solution (n) giải pháp

111. take up : bắt đầu trở lên yêu thích 112.limit giới hạn
môn thể thao nào đó

113. programme (n) chương trình 114. topic chủ đề

115.busy bận rộn 116. Basically (adv) về cơ bản

117.invite to (v) mời ai 118. comfortable (a) thoải mái

119. creative (a) sáng tạo 120. good for tốt cho

121. physical (a)thuộc thể chất (n) sức khỏe

123. cultural (a) thuộc về văn hóa 124. education (n) sự giáo dục

125. museums (n) viện bảo tàng 126. indoor ><outdoor : trong nhà>< ngoài

127. eye-tiredness mỏi mắt 128. obesity (n) sự béo phì

129. irritated (a) tức giận . nổi nóng 130.decide (v) quyết định

131. believe (v) tin rằng 132. make friend : kết bạn

133.besides : bên cạnh đó 134. careful (a) cẩn thận

135. stranger (n) người lạ 136.remember (v) nhớ

137. personal (a) thuộc về cá nhân 138.update cập nhật

LTTH14 | P a g e

139.mental (a) thuộc về tinh thần 140. thriller /ˈθrɪlə(r)/ phim kinh dị

141. prefer /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ thích ...hơn 142. lie /laɪ/ nói dối

143. Explain (v) giải thích 144.cheer (v) vỗ tay

145. take part in tham gia 146. school yard sân trường




1. She won't go by motorbike. She is afraid of ( fall) ________

2. HaNoi is always worth ( travel) ______ to.

3. Do you mind (close) ________ the window?

4. I (suggest) _____ go to the museum this weekend.

5. Trang is very interested in (study) ______ English.

6. I wanted (go)_____ alone but she insisted on ( go) _____ with me.

LTTH15 | P a g e

7. (Fish) ______ is not allowed in this area.

8. (Do) _______ exercise every morning is very good for our health.

9. I couldn't help (cry) _____ when I saw the bride in the beautiful dress.

10. He enjoy (be) ______ alone. He never feel lonely.

11. When Trang was small, Trang used to dream of (become) ______ a princess.

12. We decided (buy) ______ a new house.

13. I look forward to ( hear) _____ from you soon.

14. Stop( make) ____ noise, Trang is studying English.

15. She advised me (not waste) ______ so much time.

16. I'm sorry I forgot (buy)_____ broccoli.

17. The boys refused (play)_____ football after school.

18. She managed (have)______ a scholarship from Cambridge university.

19. Trang promise ( do)______ all her homework before going to bed.

20. Trang will give up (play)______game.

21. Please don't hesitate (contact)______ me if you require further information.

22. Remember (do)_______ all the housework this morning.

23. I regret (inform)________ you that the hotel is full.

24. The teacher let the class (leave) ______early.

25. My sister advised me (tell)_______ her the truth.

26. I fancy (read)_______ comics tonight.

27. She considered (move)________ to MyDuc.

28. He admitted (cheat)______ on the test.

LTTH16 | P a g e

29. He offered (drive)_______ us to the supermarket.

30. Do you want (come)______ with us to the park?

31. He tries (stop)______ (smoke)______ , but he can't.

32. The rain prevented us from ( play) ________ badmintion.

33. I am used to (get)_______ up early in the morning.

34. He went on (speak) _______ although none was paying attention.

35. John forgot (turn)________ off the lights when he went to bed.

36. I really enjoy (stay)____ at home and (watch)______ TV.

37. (Get)______ enough sleep is very important for your health.

38. (Smoke)_______ is not allowed inside this building.

39. (Walk)______ along the river is a great way to relax.

40. Trang hope (study)_______ better on the next school year.

41. Can you (afford) ______ to buy that car?

42. Don't forget (send)_____ me a letter.

43. We started early so as to avoid (get)______ traffic jam.

44. You should practise (speak)_______ English every day.

45. Mr James agreed (sign)____ the contract with our company.

46. The teacher caught us (cheat)______ during the test.

47. I can't help (feel)_______ I've forgotten something.

48. My sister started (work)______ as a nurse in 2019.

49. Can you teach me how (do)_______ this exercise?

50. We've arranged (meet)_____ Lan at the restaurant at night.

LTTH17 | P a g e

Exercise 2: Xác định những từ gạch chân sau là danh động từ (Gerund) hay là phân từ hiện
tại(present participle). Viết G (nếu là danh động từ) và P (nếu là phân từ hiện tại).

1. I think you should start practising now! ________.

2. Listening to music after work helps me relax my mind________

3. It's a waste of time playing computer games________

4. There are some people waiting to see you, Sir. ________

5. She thought of what he had said, smiling happily ________

6. My mother is in the sitting room ________

7. The girl next door is playing the piano at the moment________

8. The thing I like best, chatting with friends, always makes me relaxed ________

9. The man driving the red car is my husband ________

10. My sister said she was bored with doing the same things every day ________

11. The book is so interesting that I can't put it down ________

12. Feeling so hungry, I went down to the kitchen to find anything to eat ________

13. When he was walking on the pavement, he ran into me ________

14. The missing child was last seen playing near the river ________

15. I found a coin lying on the sidewalk _______

Exercise 3: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng danh động từ/phân từ hiện tại/
danh động từ hoàn thành và phân từ hoàn thành.

1. My boss spends two hours a day (travel) ________ to work.

2. (Swim) ________ is my favorite sport.

3. I enjoy (play) ________ tennis with my friends.

4. In spite of (miss) ________ the train, we arrived on time.

LTTH18 | P a g e

5. ________ (complete) the book, he had a holiday.

6. The man denied (be) ________ at the scene of the accident last night.

7. ________ (park) the car about a kilometer from the stadium, I walked the rest of the way.

8. (take) ________ the umbrella with him, he went out in the heavy rain.

9. I have to work hard these days. I am always busy (do) ________ my homework.

10. I suggested (spend) ________ the day in the garden.

11. Why do you keep (look) ________ back? Are you afraid of (be) ________ followed?

12. After (find) ________ a hotel, we looked for some place to have dinner.

13. (Feel) ________ tired, I went to bed earlyễ

14. (finish) ________ the housework, Tâm Vy went for a walk.

15. We must avoid (hurt) ________ other people's feeling.

16. (Learn) ________ a foreign language takes a long time.

17. (Fail) ________ twice, he didn't want to try again.

18. Jack admitted (steal) ________ the money.

19 (open) the drawer, she took out a book.

20. She warned the little boy against ________ (play) with matches

Exercise 1:

Dùng những từ trong bảng đê hoàn thành những câu sau với dạng đúng của động từ:

find know use take pass

write touch finish keep complete
1. Mr. White didn't have any money, so he decided ________ a job.

2. The teacher reminded the students ________ their assignments in time.

3. My group leader expects me ________ this paper as soon as possible.

LTTH19 | P a g e

4. Our teacher encourages us ________ a dictionary whenever we are unsure of the meaning of
a word.

5. Before I went away to college, my mother had reminded me ________ her a letter once a

6. Mrs. Snow has warned her young children not ________ the hot stove.

7. The student on the corner pretended ________ the answers to the teacher's questions.

8. Residents are not allowed ________ pets in that apartment building.

9. All applicants are required ________ the entrance examination.

10. Ann advised her sisters ________ the plane instead of driving to San Francisc.

Exercise 2: Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong những câu sau một động từ phù hợp về nghĩa và dạng

đúng của động từ

1. I was glad ________ a present from my old closest friend.

2. I was relieved ________ out that I had passed the exam.

3. The jet pilot was very lucky ________ alive after the plane crash.

4. The children were excited to the circus.

5. Sunny didn't feel like going anywhere. She was content ________ at home and ________ a

6. The teacher is always willing ________ the students with difficult exercises

7. The students are motivated ________ part in the English speaking contest.

8. Jessica was hesitant ________ home alone on the dark street.

9. I was surprised ________ Mr. Jay at the meeting.

10. We were very sorry ________ the bad news about the collapse of the bridge.
Exercise 1: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. I'd rather (stay) ________ home tonight.

LTTH20 | P a g e

2. He keeps (hope) ________ and (pray) ________ that things will get better.

3. I don't know why he avoids (meet) ________ me.

4. The boy admitted (break) ________ my ancient flower vase.

5. I promise (not tell) ________ you a lie.

6. The students stopped (talk) ________ when the teacher came in.

7. I'll try (not make) ________ the same mistake again.

8. Would you mind (give) ________ me a hand?

9. Have you ever watched people (try) ________ (catch) ________ fish?

10. Do you have any money (pay) ________ for the book?

11. After (hear) ________ the conditions, I decided (not enter) ________ for the competition.

12. Imagine (have) ________ (get) ________ up at 4 a.m every day.

13. There were some people (row) ________ on the river.

14. Your hair needs (cut) ________ You'd better (have) ________ it done tomorrow – unless
you'd like

me (have) ________ a go at it for you.

15. The children prefer (watch) ________ TV to (read) ________

16. She has something (tell) ________ you.

17. It took me three days (find) ________ out the old photograph.

18. Do you remember (read) ________ about it? No, at that time I was too young (read)

19. My brother is a stamp collector. He started (collect) ________ stamps when he was 15
years old.

20. It's difficult ________ (get) used to getting up early.

Exercise 2: Chọn đáp án đúng

LTTH21 | P a g e

1. I couldn't help ________ at his jokes.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed

2. Tom offered ________ Jane a ticket to the theater, but she refused to take it.

A. to give B. give C. giving D. to be given

3. Those workers stopped ________ their coffee because they felt tired of their new work.

A. drink B. drank C. drinking D. to drink

4. He asked them ________

A. help him B. should help him C. to help him D. help to him

5. Mr Minh advised my family ________ leaving Vietnam.

A. to think B. not to think C. against D. against to

6. I hope ________ that woman again.

A. to see B. of seeing C. seeing D. have seen

7. She wasted much time ________ her old pair of shoes.

A. mend B. to mend C. mending D. to be mended

8. He regrets ________ lazy last year. He lost his job.

A. to be B. be C. been D. being

9. She remembered ________ that woman last month.

A. of seeing B. to see C. seeing D. have seen

10. David tried his best ________, but his girlfriend refused ________

A. explaining; to listen B. explaining; listening

C. to explain; to listen D. to explain; listening

11. We heard a baby ________ in a neighbouring village.

LTTH22 | P a g e

A. cry B. to cry C. cried D. to crying

12. Willy denied ________ a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies before lunch.

A. eat B. to eat C. having eaten D. eaten

13. I was delighted ________ my old friends again.

A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen

14. We regret ________ you that we cannot approve your suggestion.

A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed

15. Have you ever considered ________ a pharmacist?

A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became

16. You had better ________ at home until you feel better.

A. staying B. stayed C. to stay D.stay

17. I remember ________ my mother said the grass in the garden needed ________.

A. to hear; cutting B. hear; cut C. heard; to cut D. hearing; cutting

18. My teacher doesn't allow us ________ while he is explaining the lesson.

A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked

19. We have plenty of time. We needn't ________

A. hurry B. to hurry C. hurrying D. hurried

20. I promised ________ on time. I mustn't ________ late.

A. be; be B. to be; to be C. to be; be D. be; to be



LTTH23 | P a g e

1.Trang is very fond____doing homework every day.

A.of B. in C. with D. about

2.I spend most of my_____on my hobby-It’s collecting comic books.

A. trick B.savings C. bank D.melody

3.Hoa loves eating fruit, so I’m sure she’ll go to the fruit festival with you- that’s right up
her___. B.favourite C. stress D.street

4.The technology has enabled development of an online___library.

Avirtual B.real C.funny

5.I usually water the trees and flowers around my house in my___time.

A.square B.spare C.pare D.pear

6.It is very____ to watch these cartoons. I think you should watch them.

Aentertainig B.entertained C.entertainment D. entertain

7. The dress looks so___. I want to buy it. Do you think it is nice?

A, fancy B. funny C.crazy D. noisy

8. speech is the fastest method of____between people.

Acommunicate B.communicates C.communicated D. communication

9. Na finds books____because she can learn many things from them.

A. useful B.used to C.are useful D. usefully

10. About favourtie leisure activites, she and I share many things in___.

A. similarity B. general C. common D.the same

11.Hoa’s mom likes____spring rolls when her family has parties.

A.doing B.making D.going

LTTH24 | P a g e

12.Why don’t we ____our parents with some DIY projects ? I think it is useful. C. make D.give

13. She loves winter sports, so I think she should go____this winter.

A.swimming B.hiking D.jogging

14. Ni is hooked___playing guitar.

A.with D.on

15. Phuc’s keen___going swimming in the summer.

A.on C. with

16. Tu is addicted___out.I never see him at home.

A.on going B to going go D.going

17.I really love outdoor activities like___.I usually go to the park across my house to enjoy my
new pair of roller skates.

A.dancing B.swimming C.skating D.gardening

18.___my opinion,playing sports is the most interesting activity for teenagers. B. on D.about

19.Although he works a lot, Mary still finds tome to socialize___friends.

A.among B with C. within D.about

20. ____to computer games: free fire. Pubg, Legends …result in many negative effect on
teenagers in VietNam.

A. addict B. addiction C.addictive D.addicted

LTTH25 | P a g e


My farvorive hobby

My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy (1)____ a book when I am free. I started (2)___ it when I
was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt (3)___. So I kept reading. The teachers always
taught me to read the difficult words. I was happy when I read a story with a happy ending. I
was thrilled (4)___I read a detective story. I enjoy reading because I like to explore the
imaginative world of my favourite author, J.K.Rowling who writes “ Harry Potter” . There are
a lot of advantages (5)__ reading. Reading can make me relaxed and (6)__. I can also learn
new vocabulary items. Then I can further improve my English. Moreover, it can give me
(7)____ unlimited imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different
cultures and customs of other countries (8)____the world too. I read at least one hour every
day. I read books by myself. I usually read it at home. I (9)___I could read different kinds of
books (10)___ it might be very challenging.

1, A. read B. readed C. reading read

2, A. to do B. doing D. does

3,A. interest B. interesting C.interested interest

4. A. when B. where C. what D. which

5,A to B. O C of D. for

6. A. mad B. calm C.angry D.furious

7. A. O B. a C. an D. the

8. A. in B. on C. at D. by

9. A. can B. expect C. wish D. hope

10.A. despite B. due to C. because D. because of

Leisure in Britain

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many
people also (1) ________voluntary work, especially for charities.People spend a lot of their
free time in the home, where the (2) ____popular leisure activity is watching television, the
LTTH26 | P a g e

average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often (3) _______ programs on video so
that they can watch later, and video recorders are also used (4) ______watching videos hired
from a video rental shop. Reading is also a tavourite way of spending leisure time. The British
spend a lot of time reading nevưspapers and magazines. In the summer gardening is popular,
and in wỉnter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, (5) _______ people spend their time
improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look atter; taking the dog for a
daily walk is a regular routỉne.The extra leisure time (6) _______ at weekends means that some
leisure activities,many of them to do with sport, normally (7)___________ place only then.
Traditional spectator sports indude tootball, cricket, horse racing, motor racing and motor
cycle racing. Popular torms of (8)________ are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller skating,
cycling, dimbing, and hill or country walking. Families often have a “day out” at the weekend,
espedally in summer, with a (9) _____ to a local event such as a testival, fair or show. Young
people especially go to clubs and discos, while people of all (10) ___________ go to the
theatre, the cinema,art exhibitions and concerts.

1. A. make B. do C. play D. go

2. A. many B. more C. much D. most

3. A. record B. scan C. print D. power

4. A. with B. for C. on D. about

5. A. what B. why C. when D. while

6. A. available B. probable C. abundant D. exclusive

7. A. do B. bring C. carry D. take

8. A. strength B. exercise C. athletics D. presentation

9. A. voyage B. journey C. visit D. road

10. A. ages B. numbers C. years D. groups

LTTH27 | P a g e

Sport is one of the UK’s most popular leisure activities, with two- thirds of all adults taking part
in one or more sporting activities. Sadly, this is not true for children and young adults. Of all
sporting activities, walking is by far the most popular for men and women of all ages. While
men tend to dominate golf and “cue sport” such as snooker and billiards, women generally
prefer swimming, keep- fit classes and yoga. The UK claims to be among the top five most
successful nations in world sport. UK sportsmen and sportswomen hold over 50 world titles in a
variety of sports, such as professional boxing, modern pentathlon, rowing, snooker, squash and
motorcycle sports. The Government’s view is that sport is an important component of
regeneration and can have a beneficial effect in helping the development of run- down areas.

1. Two- thirds of all adults taking part in ______.

A. one sporting activities B. many sporting activities

C. one or more sporting activities D. no sporting activities

2. Among sporting activities, walking is the most popular for ______.

A. children B. men and woman

C. young adults D. men only

3. Women generally like ______.

A. golf B. keep- fit class

C. “cue sports” D. swimming, keep-fit classes and yoga

4. UK sportsmen and sportswomen hold over 50 world titles in ______.

A. a variety B. “cue sports”

C. motorcycle sports D. keep- fit classes

5. The Government’s view is that sport can have a beneficial effect in helping the development
of ______.

A. running activities B. neglected areas

C. prosperous areas D. remote areas

LTTH28 | P a g e

Leisure activity isn't just for fun, says Howard E.A. Tinsley, a professor from the University of
Florida who has developed a scale that classifies hobbies based on needs they satisfy in people.
The scale can help people find more personal fulfillment by giving them insight into what they
really like. “The surprising thing is that activities you might think are very different have
similar effects on people. Probably no one would consider acting to have the same
characteristics as roller-skating or playing baseball, but people who act as a hobby report
feeling an intense sense of belonging to a group, much the same way others do in playing

And activities providing the strongest sense of competition are not sports, but card and
computer game, he found. Participating in soccer satisfies our desire for a sense of
“belonging”, and coin collecting fulfills the need for “creativity”. With so many people in jobs
they don't care for, leisure is a prized aspect of people's lives, Tinsley said. “Yet it's not
something psychologists really study. Economists tell us how much money people spend skiing,
but nobody explains why skiing really appeals to people.”

Fishing, generally considered an outdoor recreational activity, for example, is a form of self-
expression like stamp collecting, because it gives people the opportunity to express some aspect
of their personality by doing something different from their daily routine, he said.

1.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Both acting and roller-skating give people a feeling of being a part of a team.

B.Collecting things satisfies people's desire for making new things.

C.Fishing allows you to show the type of person you are.

D.Researchers know for sure why a hobby attracts a person.

2.According to the passage, outdoor recreational activity is considered as ___________.

A.a way of showing people's habits

B.a method of satisfying their expectation

C.a chance to show their character activity to show their unity in a team

LTTH29 | P a g e

3.Taking part in sports gives you ____________.

A.the strongest desire to win

B.a need for creativity

C.the chance to express your feelings

D.a sense of being part of a team

4.The bold word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ___________. B. an activity

C.self-expression D.stamp collecting

5.Which sentence best summarizes the passage?

A.Leisure activity and sport are totally different

B.Leisure activities satisfy people's particular desires

C.A person's personality is expressed via his hobbies

D.Sports affect a person's personality

LTTH30 | P a g e

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