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Name of the Teacher-made Material (Manipulatives):


Purpose: for remembering the letters of the alphabet; for remembering words that begin
with letter sounds.

Domain: Alphabet Knowledge

Materials (For constructing the material:

• large paper clips

• cardboard (optional)
• tape (optional)
• hot glue / glue stick / glue gun
• cardstock paper / board paper
• laminating film
• laminating machine

Procedures (How to Create the Material):

1. Print off the letters you want to work on including the smiley faces.
2. You can cut out the paper and tape them to a piece of cardboard if you want to or
laminate it. This helps the clips stay in place a bit better.
3. Glue the smiley faces to the paper clip. This will be more attractive and fun to the

Activity (How to Use the Material):

1. The kids will identify each picture around the letter. They will make the beginning
sound of each image.
2. When they find a picture with the sound of the letter in the middle, they will get a
smiley paper clip and place it on the picture!
3. This is a great first step to reading!

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