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1. General Use Case

The general use case of the PharmEZ. This diagram shows the general
processes or function that the system could do. These processes are based on the
transactions done by the admin in managing their customers and medicine information
as well as the sales and inventories of it. The customer and new user can log-in and
create an account to order with PharmEZ they can pay online payment.

2. Monitor and Manage Customers’ Information and Status

This is where the admin of the system could manage and monitor their
customers information and status. In this process they were able to trace the
transactions made by the customers and the orders or purchases they access.
3. Manage Medicine Available and Count

Its process includes encoding of medicine information and categorize them. This
process also enables the admin or pharmacist trace the count of sales as well as their
stocks. They will be able to monitor all the medicines info and status through this

4. Manage Sales and Purchases of Medicines

This is the process where the admin will have to manage the revenues and
services or orders availed by the customers. The medicines must be set with the
appropriate prize and categories for better services. It is also be easy for the customer
to purchase if the PharmEZ management is organized and presentable.

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