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Definition of terms

Agile. Relating to or denoting a method of project management, used especially for

software development that is characterized by the division of tasks into short phases of
work and frequent reassessment and adaptation of plans.

Application. Is a software program that runs on your computer Web browsers, e-mail
programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications

Data. Collected information for processing.

Information system. Set of components for collecting, storing, and processing of data
and providing information.

Project development. Process of planning and allocating resources to fully develop a

project or product from concept to go-live. 

Project implementation. The time during which a project is constructed or


Project maintenance. The process of tracking and enabling project activities in

accordance with the project plan—is an essential, but often overlooked, factor in overall
project success.

Web-based system. Provides access to a software system using a computer and

internet connection.

Software. It is the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

System. It is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common

purpose or a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an
interconnecting network.

System design. The process of defining the components, modules, interfaces, and
data for a system to satisfy specified requirements.

Quality of Drugs Purchased

A total of eight studies examined the type of drugs that are procured online without
prescriptions and assessed their quality based on various aspects.

Browser, The software application that allows you to access the World Wide Web and
the Internet with just a few mouse clicks. The most popular browsers are now Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Database, A database of data organized into discrete entries that may be searched by
a computer.

Download, Saving information from a computer or saving data to a computer diskette is

what downloading implies.

Homepage, The first page loaded when a computer connected to the World Wide Web
starts up.
Sales, is a transaction between two or more parties, typically a buyer and a seller, in
which goods or services are exchanged for money or other assets.

Drugs Offered, The drugs offered were sildenafil, obesity reduction medications,
benzodiazepines, painkillers, antidepressants and antibiotics.

Drug Prices, Drug prices were one of the factors contributing to excessive procurement
and misuse of online drugs.

Quality of Online Pharmacies, Some professional organisations have developed

verification and accreditation systems for internet pharmacy to enhance patient safety.

Marketing Strategies, Observed the statements that were often used by websites to
promote their products.

Drug Characteristics, Based on the drug characteristics, the majority of the purchased
medications were prescription drugs.

Drug Quality Characteristics, Both the internal and external parts of purchased drugs
were physically evaluated to determine their quality.

Contact Details, A large percentage of online pharmacies display their contact details.

Prescription Requirement, The prescriptions submitted to online pharmacies were

usually faxed or emailed as a scanned copy. Some online pharmacies request an
updated prescription.
Inventory, Resources refer to the items available for sale or in storage at your small
business. The inventory of your small business contains raw materials, things needed in
the manufacturing process, and finished goods.

Smartphone, A smartphone is a handheld electronic device that provides a connection

to a cellular network and the internet.

Website, is a collection of web pages and related material that shares a domain name
and is hosted on at least one web server.

Username, This is typically an abbreviation of the user's full name or an alias.

Password, a secret or confidential word or string of letters that must be entered by a

user in order to get full or partial access to a computer, computer system, or electronic

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