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Contents JANUARY 4, 2006 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 10

803.256.6670 -
PAGE 5 803.740.9090 -

803.261.6874 -
803.446.3458 -
THE GOOD FIGHT THE GREEK WAY 7 Now Hiring At High Commission Rates!
9 Andy Brack, Peterson Dias, Carl Eisenstadt, M. David
‘06 BEST OF MR. MEANER’S CRIME WATCH SIDELINED 11 Farrell, Will Moredock, Harry S. Iarch, Deric Kempsell,

14 Ted Rall, Dan Savage, John Starino
PAGE 4 Advertisers in Columbia City Paper assume responsibility for the
entire content of the advertisements. The first copy of Columbia
City Paper is free. Additional copies are $1 each. Views expressed
do not necessarily represent the opinions of Columbia City Paper
‘06 BEST OF COOKING WITH ASS HEARTBREAKERS & THE PATIO 10 or its publisher. (C) Columbia City Paper, LLC
‘06 BEST BUM THE WEEK WILLY: “DAT COOTER CAT” 12 701 Gervais Street, Suite 150-218
M yB a d eggnog
16 We had a little too much
MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT NOTES BRITNEY GETS WASTED 17 artwork credit for arguably the
‘06 THE ANGRY WHALE “WE’RE A DIDACTIC PREACHY BAND OF ASSHOLES” 19 coolest image of our previous
issue: a Christmas tree buying drugs from a penguin. Many
HOROSCOPES SANFORD’S FAVORITES OF 2006 20 apologies to the artist, John Van Vleet. John Van Vleet wasted
JONESIN’ CROSSWORDS RIBBED FOR YOUR PLEASURE 20 three years at USC playing Wiffle ball on the Horseshoe instead
22 PAGE 5 of pursuing a degree in English. He eventually graduated from
RADIO FREE PHALLUS DUNDERHEADED FRAT BOYS Western Kentucky University, and is currently working in Seattle
SAVAGE LOVE SWAP CURIOUS 22 as the assistant editor for Fish & Fly Magazine. There is no valid-
23 Quote of the issue: “I strive to be the
SU | DO | KO & FREE CLASSIFIEDS FREE ADS AT POSTLOCAL.COM fattest person you’ve ever had sex with.”
ity to any rumors that he blackmailed his way into a job.
Comics: Boondocks (pgs7, 10) Rall (pg 4,6) Red Meat (pgs 3,10) Perry Bible (pg 9)

2 JANUARY 3, 2007
2006 BEST OF
There’ve been lots of letters we were never able
to print but our favorites are from two readers that sent Dear “Bum a Smoke?” Guy,
in feedback on a frequent basis. The Best of 2006 Hey, may I just siphon a gallon of gas? How about you
came from regular readers, bus riders, Andrew buy me a beer? Or give me a piggyback ride? Will you
Rusnak and the publisher’s mother. We only have get me half a sub sandwich and let me crash at your
room for one so here’s our absolute favorite of 2006: house to do laundry? Better yet, why don’t you just buy
“Since I have now spent some time reading your own f—king pack?
other features, I would be remiss if I did not tell you Columbia City Paper
how disappointed I am with the overall tone of your
paper. It is not something that I would be proud to be Dear Kids Who Pick This Up But Probably
associated with. You are going overboard with your Shouldn’t,
portrayal of a sleazy character in the person of Just for you we thought we’d print Mary Kate and
Joseph Fotalatte. The disrespect which you show for Ashley Olsen’s phone numbers. Chances are they’ll
women and men is shocking. If that’s your idea of change their numbers before this goes to press, but it’s
humor, you have a long way to go. The letters to the worth a shot. Don’t tell them you got it here:
reader are obnoxious. The “Cooking with Ass” is a Mary-Kate Olsen – (310) 760-1999
disgrace. If you really believe in the dignity of every Ashley Olsen – (310) 760-1996
human being, you certainly aren’t showing it in your Columbia City Paper
newspaper. Everyone must decide whether they are
going to be a force for good or evil in this world. What Dear Designer Sunglasses Dude,
are you doing to uplift the human spirit? No matter Those glasses really do express to the world how cool
how many papers you print, advertisers who pay, the you are. Now, when it turns nighttime and you are
end does not justify the means. As publisher, you wearing them inside a crowded bar, that expression
have the opportunity to change the tone of your paper. quickly turns to “I am a massive tool.”
As it stands now, you are appealing to the least com- Columbia City Paper
mon denominator. You, as always, are in my thoughts
and prayers.” Dear Dustin Diamond Sex Tape,
Love, Mother Et Tu, Screech? Must all of our childhood memories be
sullied? What would Mr. Belding say about you filming
City Paper invites timely letters about subjects in our yourself sodomizing two women, while screeching
publication. Correspondence must include a daytime obscenities in your trademark voice? What would Zach
telephone number. Letters may be edited for length, and Slater think? Well, at least we all have one conso-
taste, and clarity. By mail: Letters to the Editor, Columbia lation: thank Christ it wasn’t Paul from The Wonder
City Paper, 701 Gervais St. Suite 150-218, Columbia, Years.

S.C. 29201; by Columbia City Paper

Letters to the
Dear Myspace profile without a shirt on, Dear nose picker in car,
You aren’t that buff man. Seriously. You want to There should be a federal law stating that
lose that potential financial advisor job because HR unless you are traveling on interstates all gold digging
googled your name and got turned off by your hairy in motor vehicles is restricted.It’s just too distracting.
nipples? There are kids on this thing. Or is that why Perhaps it should be up to each state to issue a per-
you are on myspace in the first place? mit for picking for commercial drivers and travelers
Columbia City Paper going more than 400 miles. (Safety first.) In general,
public nose picking should be a crime punishable by
Dear Neighborhood Pyromaniacs, fine under sanitation statutes. Or maybe even a
I love fireworks as much as the next guy, fellas. weekend in jail. That’s plenty of time to pick your nose
Really. But, you... You guys have been going strong and think about what you have done.
since December 29. I know, because it's the last night Columbia City Paper
my dog let me get any sleep. I think the poor wretch
has finally had a nervous breakdown. He lost ten Dear New Years resolution,
pounds and half the hair on his body. Maybe one of Wow, that didn’t take long. Within 48 hours,
your errant Roman candles singed it off? There are we’re back to eating fries, drinking beer, random
little pink bottle rocket sticks hanging in every tree, hook-ups, popping pills, forgetting Sally’s soccer
melted plastic bottles in the road. It's like a warzone! game, making purchases on a 28% interest Capital
Mother of Christ, we're all glad you're happy about One card, and watching the latest lame reality show.
the New Year, but PLEASE!! [gulp] ...Please. Just Well, there’s always 2008.
give me five hours tonight. Columbia City Paper
Columbia City Paper
Dear Joggers-in-Place, Dear little pink urinal disk,
This great country was founded on the unwaver- Bulls Eye! Taking a wee has never been so
ing grit and determination that you 55-year-old-men in much fun. I don't have to count tiles anymore and,
your hot shorts exude as you wince and check your hey, if it wasn't for you I might be tempted to compare
pulse rates at long traffic lights, refusing to even let salamis with the gibrone next to me. But what's with
the jeers and catcalls of construction workers break the splashguard? This thing is misting like holy water
your stride. In Shandon when a whole herd of you at Christmas Day mass. My khakis are spotted and
stop-n-jog it’s like being parked in front of some type this freaking McDonalds doesn't believe in paper tow-
of drive-thru aerobics class. Do you jog in place els. Do I climb onto the lavatory to squat in front of the
around the house in those fine, tight ass shorts while air dryer or return to my date with these spots? Christ!
heating up your evening hot pocket in front of the Why can't everything be as perfect as your sweet,
microwave? Fear not, joggers-in-place, Columbia sweet smelling round colorful chlorine disk? I just
City Paper and the American Medical Association are want to rub you on my face.
releasing this official report: if you stop moving your Columbia City Paper
legs, you’ll be able to start them up again.
Columbia City Paper

JANUARY 3, 2007 3
At the bars and nightclubs in Beirut’s hip Gemaya more on the way towards a goal of 15,000 -- UNIFIL
neighborhood, where young, educated Lebanese mix can keep eyes on all of southern Lebanon at all times.
with foreign journalists, aid managers and even the “15,000 people is a bit different than 3,000,” Giordano
occasional tourist, the United Nations Interim Force in says. “Now, with the number we are, we can see
Lebanon is the punch-line to a running joke of 28 everything happening here. That is very important as
years. a deterrent. There is no space for other people to do Italian cavalry troopers on patrol near the town of Chamaa on Dec. 19, 2006
The joke goes something like this: What do you things.”
get when you dress cowardice and incompetence in If and when he must fight, Giordano hopes to Lebanon. They remain, but take a back seat to the fact, pressing. In other words, France called Israel’s
a baby blue beret? have the Lebanese army at his side. Prior to the sum- heavier European forces. bluff. As a result, UNIFIL’s only aircraft are four old
UNIFIL was founded in 1978 in the wake of a mer war, the Lebanese armed forces had all but sur- The French units practically bristle with wheeled Italian Hueys that perform medical evacuation mis-
brief Israeli occupation of Lebanon. Its mandate: to rendered the lower half of the country to Hezbollah. armored vehicles, 155-millimeter howitzers and even sions.
“confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Following the ceasefire, around 10,000 Lebanese a squadron of Leclerc main battle tanks.
Lebanon” and “restore international peace and secu- troops carefully moved south, filling the gap between The 56-ton Leclercs form the core of the Naqura- With a German-led patrol boat flotilla plying the
rity.” But for most of its history it lacked the men, UNIFIL deployed along the Israeli border and the gov- based Quick Reaction Force that patrols a 200-kilo- Mediterranean and French and Italian ground forces
weapons and – perhaps most importantly – the will to ernment-controlled north. These days the Lebanese meter route along the so-called Blue Line that divides patrolling every third street corner south of Tyre, the
carry out that mandate. UNIFIL cowered in its army, lightly equipped with mostly with M-16 rifles and Lebanon and Israel. “This is a capability we need to air remains UNIFIL’s greatest weakness. UNIFIL and
bunkers when Israel overran southern Lebanon for a few armored personnel carriers sporting .50-caliber implement our mandate,” Salle says. the tiny Lebanese air force combined can muster just
second time beginning in 1982 then a third time in the machine guns, is in evidence at road checkpoints and But one French capability wasn’t mandated by a handful of ancient helicopters. There are no fight-
summer of 2006. in urban areas. A few batteries of 105-millimeter how- the U.N. – and it’s one Salle is reluctant to talk about. ers, no surveillance drones and, aside from those
"UNIFIL, I'm afraid, is a joke," echoed former itzers point south from under roadside camouflage After repeated incursions over UNIFIL’s area by the “national” French assets, no major air defense sys-
Israeli ambassador Itamar Rabinovich, talking to NPR netting. Israeli air force, the French army shipped air defense tems to deter what is, arguably and pound for pound,
in July, at the height of the Israeli invasion. It’s a humble beginning for an army still gaining weapons to its contingent. “They are national assets, the world’s most lethal air force, champing at its bit on
That was then. This is now: in the wake of the confidence after years of domination by foreign pow- not U.N. assets,” Salle says. “France has decided to the other side of the Blue Line.
summer war, Lebanon has become a proxy battle- ers, but it’s a beginning nonetheless. And as the protect its soldiers.” Salle shrugs. Lebanese air sovereignty, he says,
ground for some of the world’s greatest powers. Lebanese armed forces strengthen, so will their part- During the public row over the Israeli incursions is a diplomatic problem. But if anyone dares bomb the
Militant Islamists represented by Hezbollah and nership with UNIFIL, according to spokesman in December, French officials stated they were pre- French contingent, he stresses, they’re equipped to
apparently supported by terror states Iran and Syria Jerome Salle, a French lieutenant colonel. pared to deploy their own aircraft to Lebanon in the shoot back.
square off against the secular Lebanese government Already, Giordano’s troops have well-oiled proce- form of aerial drones. Israel had been justifying their Shooting back? A year ago, that would have been
and its U.S. and European allies, while Russia and dures for handing off tips to native forces. “We are flights as a vital intelligence-gathering activity on terribly out of character for an army wearing the
China play the middle and Israel waits in the wings tuning these activities,” Giordano says. “And in the behalf of the international community; France said it U.N.’s blue beret.
with its tank brigades and fighter squadrons primed. very near future, we will work together, train together would fly their drones in the same role so that Israel Maybe not any more.
A renewed and wordier U.N. mandate, issued on in order to know each other, to be ready for all prob- wouldn’t have to bother. The drone deployment never
August 11, called on a reinforced UNIFIL to keep the lems.” happened, Salle explains, because the need is not, in
peace amid all these potential combatants. Those problems might include a Hezbollah-led
That meant some serious bulking up for the his-
torically anemic U.N. force. Since the summer war,
UNIFIL has added 8,000 soldiers and sailors to its
original contingent of 3,000 and has quietly integrat-
uprising or a second round of Israeli incursions – both
seemingly daunting prospects for the traditionally-
meek U.N.
But Giordano reminds that, before deploying to
ed artillery, tanks and patrol boats to its main body of Lebanon in September, his people did a stint in cen-
medics and engineers, while also boosting daily tral Iraq. If they could handle insurgents and IEDs,
patrols from just a handful to around 200. The result, they can handle the threats here in southern
in the final days of Lebanon. “This is, I
2006, is a new can say, an easier
UNIFIL, one with mission.”
an apparent grow- The newly-
ing will to fight – arrived French forces,
and the means to for their part, talk
do so. even tougher than the
At a hilltop Italians. Salle,
base near the city sprawled in his dusty
of Tyre in southern office at the U.N.
L e b a n o n , headquarters in the
Lieutenant Colonel shambling town of
Ciccarelli Giordano Naqura, opens an
commands an interview with an
Italian cavalry regi- unprompted defense
ment, part of a bat- of UNIFIL’s rele-
tlegroup compris- vance. “People say
ing more than 2,000 troopers equipped with hundreds we do nothing, but what happens if we’re not here?”
of wheeled and tracked armored vehicles. The troop- That Lebanon is at peace – today – means the new
ers patrol along the Mediterranean coast in the French-dominated UNIFIL is successful at deterring
wheeled vehicles armed with .50-caliber machine conflict, he claims.
guns; the tracked vehicles and a wheeled model He adds that the international force in southern
sporting a massive 105-millimeter cannon, remain in Lebanon these days has more of an (aggressive)
reserve for … contingencies. NATO character than a (passive) U.N. one, consider-
Until those contingencies become immediacies, ing the growing importance of the new French and
the battlegroup’s main activity is surveillance: Italian contingents and the relatively diminished
patrolling main roads around the clock, at night post- importance of long-time members such as India.
ing observers with infrared sights, stationing snipers Sensing this shift, in the fall the Indian government
on rooftops … With 11,000 troops -- and possibly mulled removing its lightly armed troops from
4 JANUARY 3, 2007
The N.Y. Libertarian that tried
to hijack S.C. General Election.

New York City Libertarian Howard Rich plowed hundreds financed by Rich is South Carolina Club For Growth. We’ll mouthpiece, Joshua Gross, as Cotty also said the picture that
of thousands of dollars into campaigns into the Nov.7, get into that one later. the gatekeeper of political news unregulated groups funded by people
2006 elections, urging those he supported to in turn sup- PSSSST…follow the money. and ideas in [South Carolina].” like Howard Rich paint is that South
port his personal agendas. Though SCRG has repeatedly refused to say Interestingly enough, while Carolina may have the potential to be
whether or not they are financed by Howard Rich, the both SCRG and the S.C. Club For “for sale.” Cotty’s wife, he said, had just
What is the definition of a Yankee? dots can be connected the old fashioned Bob Growth are backed by an out-of- undergone two knee surgeries. When
It’s a quickie you do by yourself. Or so goes the old Woodward/Carl Bernstein way. But deep-throated parking state Libertarian and tend to push he asked her if it was painful she said
joke— but many S.C. voters wouldn’t be laughing if they garage freaks need not apply; a simple “follow the his agendas, both groups paid for “Yes, but not as painful as the election
knew who the man paving the yellow brick road with gold money”— or in this case “follow the chummies”— will do. a negative TV spot to run in we just went through.” What Cotty
was for the Republican candidates of the 2006 S.C. In November, Sanford’s 2006 re-election campaign November that accused The wants to know about the elected offi-
General Election. But this isn’t Oz— it’s South Carolina. manager, Jason Miller, told The State that he had not State newspaper of being an out- cials who all took Rich’s money: “Is that
And though the man behind the curtain was indeed a seen Rich in years and could not say when he last spoke of-state-owned company that going to influence their vote on an issue
squirrelly bald man, he had a real name and a real pro- with the man. For two years in the late ‘90s Miller worked pushed that company’s down the road?”
fession outside of the money-green tinted glasses worn for a group called U.S. Term Limits. Howard Rich is the (McClatchy’s) “liberal” agenda. The ad was so off the wall So now we wait and see
by this year’s Republican campaign consultants of president of U.S. Term Limits and their goal is to cap the that WIS-TV General Manager Mel Stibbens reportedly Every politician whose campaign Rich and his shell
Emerald City. His name is Howard Rich and he is a times a House member can run for re-election. While he refused even to let it air on his station. groups contributed loads of cash to except for one came
Libertarian real estate investor from Manhattan who was a member of the S.C. House, Gov. Mark Sanford Could all this be just political paranoia by Web log out victorious on Nov. 7. Mark Sanford, Andre Bauer
some believe is single-handedly hijacking the SCGOP also worked with U.S. Term Limits and, last year, during junkies, or could Howard Rich really be a nefarious pup- (though a very close race), Richard Eckstrom and
and turning the Palmetto State into his own personal an Oct. 30 ETV gubernatorial debate, Sanford called pet master with dollar sign eyes and the state of South Thomas Ravanel all pulled wins. The only anomaly was
guinea pig lab. Howard Rich a “good friend.” Carolina in his direct line of vision? Republican Candidate for Superintendent of Education
Sitting high in his Manhattan apartment though, The governor was such a good friend of Rich’s that During his campaign for governor, 2006 Karen Floyd who some believe Rich may have had the
Howard Rich is not a household name in the state where he reportedly received around $50,000 in campaign con- Democratic Nominee Tommy Moore published Howard most personal vested interest in. Rich’s view on public
friendliness flows and if there’s anyone Rich wants to tributions for re-election from Rich’s shell groups alone— Rich/Gov. Sanford/Karen Iocavelli/Josh Gross connec- education— specifically, keeping the government entirely
keep his name clear from the mind of besides the aver- over 10 times the legal limit. Those of course are the only tions on his campaign Web site calling it the “Endless out of it—is one he seems to hold most dear to his heart
age voter or local reporter in South Carolina it appears to groups so far found to be related to the New York Circle” and he repeatedly pressed Sanford about the gov- and the hearts of many of the PACs and “[insert state
be the State Ethics Commission. financer. (In 1997, S.C. Republican Bob Inglis disagreed ernor’s ties to Rich in televised pre-election gubernatorial name here] Club For Growth” and “[insert state name] For
According to state law, a single person or company with U.S. Term Limits and was told, “If you get in our way, debates in October. But aside from a few Web sites and Responsible Government” groups he pumps money into
is only allowed to donate a maximum of $3,500 to a polit- we will mow you down,” according to CNN’s All Politics. scattered opinion columns aimed with laser focus at polit- to keep from financial cardiac arrest. And while Floyd’s
ical candidate during an election cycle. So how does a Inglis did not necessarily disagree with term limits, he ical insiders, Howard Rich still remains under the radar of campaign may have needed a few Rich-induced mone-
person donate up to $73,000 to just one candidate like said, — only the number of terms.) South Carolina’s voting public. tary defribulations, it ended up dying on the operating
Rich did for Gov. Mark Sanford alone? Meanwhile, while Time magazine was calling For his part, and understandably so, Rich seems to table. (Although it may have actually been the closest
One way, says S.C. political commentator and blog- Sanford the worst governor in the country, a group called stay as far out of the press as he can. And while even the statewide race in S.C. history.)
ger Ross Shealy, is to set up a number of different “shell The Cato Institute listed him as one of their highest-scor- Wall Street Journal could not get a direct comment from While in New York last week, City Paper contacted
groups” in order to bypass the law. ing governors. Howard Rich is on The Cato Institute’s him about his interest in financing local campaigns across Howard Rich who said he would “gladly answer ques-
“Rich makes the maximum legal contribution of board of directors. Reporter John Stossel once broadcast the country, the High Country News did quote him once tions.” When asked to comment on his contributions to
$3,500 to a candidate under the name of Bradford a story on ABC’s 20/20 called “Stupid in America” in which saying “I made a few bucks in business, so I am able to S.C. statewide campaigns and members of the legisla-
Management. Then he makes another contribution to the Sanford bashed the current running of the S.C. public do this stuff.” ture or if he bankrolled the negative mail pieces for Rep.
same candidate as Spinksville LLC. And then he makes school system on national television. Stossel also has Making his money in real estate in the ‘60s, Rich, Cotty, Rich did not respond. He also refused to dispel
another as Ashborough Investors and another as 405 49 ties to the institute (he has written for The Cato Institute now 66, became active in the Libertarian party in the early allegations that he pays Joshua Gross’s salary and would
Associates— you get the idea,” he says. “And there are and delivered the keynote address at their 25th anniver- ‘80s but has reportedly since left the party and is now a not comment on the use of shell groups to skirt campaign
more: Spooner LLC. Bayrich LLC, Dayrich LLC, 538-14 sary dinner). Republican. Though he left the party, Rich and his wife finance laws.
Realty LLC, West 14 & 18 LLC, 123 LaSalle Associates, The program 20/20 is on ABC and ABC is owned by Andrea took over the Libertarian Review Foundation, While Rep. Cotty says he believes the shell groups
just to name a few. Some of these shell companies list the Walt Disney Company. A man named George Mitchell renaming it The Center for Independent Thought and are “so unaccountable and irresponsible” that they need
Howard Rich’s Big Apple apartment as their primary is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Walt have also helped fund the Libertarian magazine Reason, to be regulated, others say those who take Rich’s money
address. Others purport to be located at an alternate Disney Company and Mitchell is also a member of the according to the Public Broadcast System. Since then he should just come clean and admit it so they can be held
address but have a “principal” address at his New York Leadership Council of a group called the National Club has immersed himself in the workings of politics, getting accountable for their votes down the line and how that
residence.” For Growth (so is Howard Rich). An offshoot of that group himself involved in races from Oregon to Nevada, Arizona money may or may not affect it. Similarly, Shealy believes
It was Rich’s use of the different shell groups, or his is the political action committee, South Carolina Club For to South Carolina. Last year alone, Rich spent a reported that if you were to cross-reference Rich’s LLC groups and
playing of “the shell game,” in order to bypass the state Growth. A woman named Karen Iocavelli is on the board $7.3 million on initiative campaigns and bankrolling his friend’s contributions to members of the legislature in
campaign contribution limit laws that prompted The State of directors for the S.C. Club For Growth. Who did Gov. groups with native-sounding names like “Oklahomans For South Carolina against their individual votes on Put
newspaper to publish a Dec. 8 editorial urging the State Sanford appoint to the state’s Education Oversight Good Government,” “Missourians In Charge,” and Parents In Charge, for instance, they would presumably
Ethics Commission to enforce the state’s campaign dis- Commission? Former member of United New Yorkers for “Montanans in Action.” all be “yes.”
closure law after U.S. District Judge Mathew Perry dis- Choice in Education… Karen Iocavelli. (Iocavelli also per- So can someone actually buy an election? City Paper plans to keep an eye on those elected
missed a lawsuit filed by South Carolinians For sonally contributed $2,500 to Republican Candidate for That’s exactly what Rep. Bill Cotty (R-Richland) officials with ties to Howard Rich and their voting record
Responsible Government (SCRG) against the SEC. Why Superintendent of Education Karen Floyd’s campaign.) wanted to know when he found out Howard Rich was the down the line.
did they file a suit? Because the SEC simply asked SCRG Meanwhile, a man named Joshua Gross, who one paying for negative direct mail pieces painting Cotty In the words of Thomas Jefferson: “I sincerely
to file a report detailing its spending for political ads that moved here from California last year, happens to be the in poor light to members of his own constituency. believe ... that banking establishments are more danger-
ran in the June primaries. After SCRG filed the suite, the executive director of the S.C. Club For Growth and Speaking about it recently to City Paper, Cotty recalled ous than standing armies, and that the principle of spend-
SEC stonewalled and seemed to drop their inquiries into Gross’s Web log, The Body Politic the ordeal as the “election from hell.” ing money to be paid by posterity under the name of fund-
the entire matter. SCRG is a group financed by Howard (, is the opinion voice of one “They [the negative direct mail literature] weren’t ing is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”
Rich— who often sets up and bankrolls groups with of South Carolina’s most popular statewide political news coming out every week, it was every day,” he said about Ross Shealy contributed content to this article
“down home state-sounding” names as a way to play gathering Web sites, In effect, one blog- the Rich-funded efforts to unseat him, also calling many
puppeteer without having to get his own hands tangled in ger complained in an open letter to the SCGOP in of the claims out-right lies. “[Rich] spent a quarter of a mil-
the strings. Another one in South Carolina reportedly November, “Mr. Rich has successfully positioned his S.C. lion dollars on my election alone.” JANUARY 3, 2007 5
Ted Rall editorial

The biggest (unreported) story of 2006

mandated successor, Majlis (lower house
O UR N EXT B IG M ESS : of parliament) chairman Ovezgeldy Atayev
TURKMENBASHI'S DEATH COULD found himself behind bars, arrested for an
LEAD TO ANOTHER WAR unspecified "criminal investigation." An
Chances are that you heard more obscure deputy prime minister and former
about Rosie O'Donnell's flame war with dentist, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov,
Donald Trump than the passing of declared himself acting president and has
Sapamurat "Turkmenbashi" Niyazov. As arranged to have the Constitution retrofit to
seems to occur with increasing frequency, validate his rule.
America's media ignored the most impor- "Many Western analysts," reported
tant story of the year. The New York Times, "said the country was
A handful of news outlets that both- unlikely to change and that authoritarian
ered to cover the 66-year-old dictator's death wal- rule would continue under any of Mr. Niyazov's suc-
lowed in the humor inherent in the extravagant per- cessors." But Turkmen exiles who lead opposition par-
sonality cult he built up after Turkmenistan gained ties are itching to fill the vacuum, if not of power, of
independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Cannier charisma, left by Niyazov's demise. Leaders of the
obituary writers noted that the Central Asian nation nation's five biggest tribes are jockeying for advan-
"contains many of the world's largest natural gas tage. And five million Turkmen who can't afford match-
fields, and provides gas to Russian and European es want a piece of the action--and want to get even
countries." (Actually, the largest. Period.) But they with the government thugs who shut down the coun-
missed the main point of the story, one with dramatic try's hospitals and medical clinics.
short-term consequences for Central Asia and breath- Berdymukhammedov's regime may keep the lid
taking dangers to the United States during the first half on the pressure cooker of Turkmen politics for a short
of the new century. time, but it isn't hard to imagine a country of former
The Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, (and present) nomads disintegrating into the chaos of
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and--until now--Turkmenistan warlordism as a result of the venting of long-sup-
are all being ruled by the same former Communist pressed ethnic and political rivalries. A Turkmen civil
Party bosses who ran them in Soviet times. Niyazov's war would quickly turn regional. Iran and Afghanistan,
death marks the beginning of the end for the post- which share Turkmenistan's southern border, would
Soviet authoritarian order and the beginning of a peri- side with any faction that could guarantee continued
od of increasing instability, as foreign powers attempt trade, but any instability would affect the refining of
to monopolize access to oil and natural gas resources crude from Kazakhstan, a major world supplier. It
and pipeline routes. Kazakhstan alone may possess would probably end construction of the post-9/11
more untapped oil reserves than Saudi Arabia and Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline being built to carry Kazakh
Iraq combined, and the politics and economies of the oil and Turkmen gas between Turkmenistan and a
Central Asian republics are closely intertwined. What Pakistani port on the Indian Ocean.
is at stake is nothing less than the security and control Everyone is betting that Turkmenbashi's foreign
of the world economy. policy of "positive neutrality" won't last long. Russia
Unless you were one of the five million desper- has already indicated its intent to reassert itself in
ately poor Turkmen forced to watch while your desert Turkmenistan. Here's where we come in: no American
nation's gas wealth was systemically looted and president, Democrat or Republican, will allow Russia
squandered on such vanity projects as the gilt statue to gain control over the world's largest energy
of Turkmenbashi that dominates the skyline of reserves without a fight. Moreover, neither Russia nor
Ashkhabat and turns to face the sun (local wags say the U.S. will watch idly as Central Asia implodes and
the sun turns to face it), it was easy to laugh at the takes the world economy along for the ride. U.S.
ubiquitous trappings of unhinged egotism. troops, currently based in Uzbekistan, could be sent in
Turkmenbashi's moon-eyed mug glared from banners to restore order and keep the Russians out.
hung from the façade of every government ministry Signaling renewed high-level interest in
and school, appeared on every denomination of cur- Turkmenistan, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
rency, even on his own brands of vodka and cologne. Richard Boucher and Russian Prime Minister Mikhail
Everything was named after him: the country's sec- Fradkov both attended Turkmenbashi's funeral on
ond-largest city, its airports, a large meteorite, the Christmas Eve.
month of January. His not-so-little green book of apho- Uzbekistan's universally reviled despot Islam
risms ("Time is a mace. Hit or be hit!"), the Rukhnama, Karimov, who got away with the 2005 massacre of at
became required reading for schoolchildren and least 700 civilians at Andijon because of his country's
motorists who sought to renew their driver's licenses. energy reserves, will almost certainly be an early
Saddam Hussein's reputation for self-indulgence casualty of civil strife in Central Asia. A witch's brew of
had nothing on Turkmenbashi. Niyazov's megaloma- Stalin-era ethnic gerrymandering and brutal suppres-
nia ranged from the grandiose--at the time of his death sion of a nascent Islamist insurgency, mixed with the
he had just completed the world's largest mosque collapse of Karimov's Uzbek police state, could easily
(featuring quotes from the Rukhnama, naturally) and take Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan--poor countries barely
had ordered the construction of a man-made lake in recovering from civil conflict and dependant on the
the middle of the Karakum desert--to obsessive micro- urban-based Uzbek economy--with them. Even
management. Each Turkmen student's college appli- Kazakhstan, the most stable of a fragile lot, is suscep-
cation was personally considered by the great man. tible to an uprising; few Kazakhs have shared in the
Even his commonsense dictates came with a nation's oil boom.
bizarre twist. During the 1990s Turkmenbashi ordered Whether or not Turkmenbashi's death directly
that natural gas, as a national patrimony, be supplied affects its neighbors, it's a reminder that Central Asia's
to Turkmen homes for free. Since most people were autocrats aren't getting younger. Laugh about the
too poor to afford matches, however, it became com- Leader of All Turkmen's excesses now. The storm is
mon practice to leave their stoves on 24-7. Where for- coming.
eigners saw hilarity, Turkmen seethed with resent- (Ted Rall is the author of the new book "Silk
ment; Ashkhabati motorists saved their household Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?,"
garbage so they could chuck it on the lawn of one of an in-depth prose and graphic novel analysis of
Niyazov's pink pleasure palaces. America's next big foreign policy challenge.)
A power struggle is underway. Within hours of
Turkmenbashi's fatal heart attack his Constitutionally-

6 JANUARY 3, 2007
the Good Fight
When I went off to the University of Georgia of rape myth belief."
as a dewy-eyed freshman in 1968, I assumed I A sign of progress among frats is that an
would join a fraternity. Everybody else increasing number of them now have
did. UGA was the biggest fraternity some kind of educational or "aware-
school in the country and it was under- ness-raising" programs concerning
stood that you had to be a frat if you women and sexual violence. But this
wanted to be somebody. By the end of just begs the question: Are there any
my first semester, I had seen enough to other social or fraternal organizations
know I would never go Greek. which feel the need to pay outsiders to
Two events have brought these remind them not to rape women?
memories back to me in recent weeks. Hand-in-hand with sexual violence
The first was my 18-year-old niece, who is the issue of alcohol abuse. The over-
recently left her small town and shel- whelming majority of sexual assaults on
tered home to go to a large Southern campus involve use of alcohol by the
university, where she was drawn to the victim, the attacker or both.
Greek scene like a moth to the flame. B Y WILL MOREDOCK
Furthermore, every year at least one
Founder of Columbia’s
(She was actually able to go out for former Point newsweekly undergraduate in America manages
rush the same week she hit campus! In to kill himself through alcohol poison-
my youth, we had to wait a semester to rush.) ing. Many others are hospitalized.
The second event was viewing the movie In 1993, Henry Wechsler of Harvard School of
Borat, with its drunk frat boys from the University of Public Health conducted his famous College
South Carolina, proudly mouthing their racist and Alcohol Study. Wechsler estimated that 44 percent
sexist bullshit. of college students are binge drinkers — defined as
It seems that almost any time bad news the consumption of five or more (four for women)
comes from an American college campus — vio- drinks in one sitting.
lence, vandalism, alcohol abuse, racist or sexist Wechsler's data were especially damning for
behavior — it involves Greeks. Already in this aca- Greeks. He estimated that four of five fraternity
demic year, Greeks from Clemson University have members are binge drinkers. Moreover, he found
been charged with vandalism and a pledge was so that both fraternity and sorority members are more
badly beaten in a hazing incident at USC that he likely to suffer the extreme consequences of seri-
had to be hospitalized. ous drinking. Dozens of reports since Wechsler's
Here's a little exercise. Go to Google and type have repeated these and similar findings, blaming
in "college fraternity crime." You will get 867,000 the fraternity culture itself as the breeding ground
hits. Change "crime" to "alcohol abuse": 469,000 of binge drinking.
hits. Try "discipline": 543,000 hits. "Anti-intellectu- Add to this the general atmosphere of anti-
al": 12,400 hits. And, of course, "rape": 458,000 intellectualism which imbues the Greek system and
hits. you have a perennial problem that seems to under-
Sexual assault is an epidemic on American mine the very foundation of higher education.
college campuses and the Greek culture is at the In curtailing their fraternities, in 1992, the
center of it. board of trustees and administration of Dartmouth
According to a 1998 study in the Journal of College, declared fraternities to be "antithetical to
College Student Development, "One population the mission of the college." Middlebury College
that has received attention in the research litera- closed its fraternities, citing the report from its Task
ture on sexual violence is college fraternity men. Force on Social Life: "As society has changed fra-
Qualitative assessments of fraternities suggest that ternities have not, and therefore, have become an
some fraternity members reinforce attitudes among anachronism." Colby College also abolished frater-
themselves that help perpetuate sexual coercion nities, citing a variety of reasons: fraternities were
against women...." "anti-intellectual," encouraged narrow social and
The article cited another study which "found academic experiences for their members, had
that fraternity members committed 55 percent of restrictive membership policies, practiced hazing,
the gang rapes reported between 1980 and 1990 discriminated on the basis of sex, and were ham-
on college campuses. Fraternity members have pering the recruiting efforts of the admissions
also been shown to have more traditional attitudes office.
toward women and to believe more strongly in rape Based on Borat and what I have seen on cam-
myths when compared to men who live in coeduca- puses in recent years, little has changed since my
tional housing.... undergraduate days. People will continue to be
"Others have shown that men who are in fra- hurt and have their educations disrupted by these
ternities are more sexually coercive than other antisocial, anachronistic organizations. I hope my
men.... [Researchers] suggest that a combination niece is not one of them.
of more traditional sex roles and the fraternal
socialization process contribute to this higher level


JANUARY 3, 2007 7


The pressure of the holidays has lead to fights •Preoccupied with death, wears black and hangs
with good friends and quite frankly next year I hope we out at The Whig
skip straight to February after October rolls around. There are tons of signs like these and they all
Instead of sugarplums, thoughts of suicide danced in indicate a person reaching out for help. You don’t have
my head this Yuletide. to be an expert; just listening and showing someone
On Christmas Day I was so depressed I tried you care can help. In fact, according to the online sui-
killing myself by wetting my ear and sticking it in an cide prevention site,, people who are “sud-
electric socket. All it ended up doing was causing the denly happier, calmer” who are “visiting or calling on
lights to go out. Then I was depressed in the dark. people [they] care about” or who are “giving things
I was determined, so I decided to use the old- away” are high risks for suicide. Thus, the Christmas
fashioned rope and chair method. Like a novice spirit of happiness, giving, and fellowship could actual-
bungee jumper I miscalculated the length and wound ly be calls for help from friends and relatives. So, next
up falling on my face. I wet myself anyway so the effort time Grandpa gives you a Christmas gift, lay it aside,
wouldn’t be a total loss. call an ambulance, have him physically restrained by
Finally I did what you are never supposed to do: I EMTs, and sign him into a maximum-security mental
stuck a metal knife into an electric toaster. Well, that facility under suicide watch.
didn’t work either. I just ended up finding an old piece Now, if someone you don’t care for is calling out
of toast inside, so I made a sandwich. It wasn’t very for help, all you can do is hope he or she carries
good. through with it, as is the case with a friend of mine and
I figured I should probably consult a professional, his clingy ex.
so I called the suicide hotline. After telling the woman “Man,” he said wearily, bags showing under his
what I had attempted to do, she broke down hysterical- exhausted eyes, “she still calls at all hours of the day
ly. She said it was her first day on the job and she had and night. I mean, we broke up like four years ago.”
lost most of her callers. I tried to comfort her. He drained his coffee, balled up the paper cup in
“It’s your first day. Of course you are going to his hand and tossed it aside. His eyes seemed to glaze
make a couple of mistakes.” at some distant memory.
She cried back, “One caller had the wrong num- “She wanted to borrow my handgun the first time.
ber and wanted to order a mattress and the next thing The reason I didn’t let her borrow it was because of all
I knew he was in the bathtub with a hairdryer.” the paperwork that would have followed.”
After talking the operator out of strangling herself I tried to cheer him up and told him to look on the
with the telephone cord, I thought about the selfish act bright side: he had saved a precious human life.
I almost committed. I started to feel better and couldn’t “Yeah, great,” he said. His phone began to ring in
tell if it was because I called the hotline or that my the background. “That’s her.”
sandwich started to digest. My advice for someone He walked to the phone, but paused before pick-
considering suicide is to eat something, you’ll feel ing up the receiver.
much better. However don’t get the McRib and fries; “My one regret in life,” he said over his shoulder,
that shit will be sure to kill you, slowly and painfully. “is that I talked her out of killing herself.”
You might also feel better about yourself if you make His shoulders slumped when he put the receiver
some positive changes in your life, such as giving up to his ear.
foreign substances. After talking with my friend, I felt a little better
Some signs to look for if you think someone you about my own life. Which could be the moral to this
care about is in danger of killing himself or herself. piece: When you feel down about yourself, just hang
•Puts deodorant on forehead instead of armpits out with someone who is worse off.
•Watches Big Foot and Wildboy marathon naked So, next time anyone gets the holiday blues, just
•Gives you new stereo and car. Be wary: planning come hang out with me for a day. Even your life will
has begun (or it’s stolen) look better by comparison.
•Spends an inordinate amount of time on
columbiaredhot message boards The suicide hotline for those who need real help
•Drinks themselves to oblivion, almost to the point is 800-563-5393 and you can check out the real signs
of killing themselves by choking on own vomit @
•Sings and dances while performing solemn tasks
like sterilizing Jesus figurines
•Chokes on other people’s vomit

8 JANUARY 3, 2007
President George W. Bush's job approval rat- As part of his master’s thesis, a grad stu- Professor Hardass with his concept. “He
ing has fallen below his I.Q. for the first time in his dent did the impossible: He persuaded wanted to navigate the labyrinth of their
presidency, according to the latest opinion polls. Verizon to give him a refund for a bogus voice response system, and eventually
late fee try reasoning with a live person,” says
Most analysts blame the drop in numbers on Hardass. “I tried to encourage him to
recent criticisms of the president by Oprah Experts were confounded last choose a more realistic goal for his the-
Winfrey, along with continued commentary from week when the School of Business sis, like creating an algebraic formula for
noted Hollywood intellectuals such as Charlie Administration at the University Of South calculating the complete series of prime
Sheen and Susan Sarandon. Carolina Aiken announced that graduate numbers.” But Carrion was steadfast.
Forty-nine percent of the poll's respondents student phenom Cashin Carrion has Cashin’s roommate, Marty
felt that they themselves were smarter than the successfully obtained a refund from Moocher, says: “Cashin was up at it day
president. Fifty-five percent said they were Verizon Communications as part of his after day talking to voice-response sys-
brighter than Oprah Winfrey, and a whopping 92 masters thesis. tems and
“I’m flabber- punching in his
percent say they're smarter that Charlie Sheen. gasted!” said account num-
Republican pollsters blame the dip on recent nat- Professor Hardass ber. On days
ural disasters and the resulting rise in gas prices. of the Aiken that he got a live
“With the economy roaring and the president's school. “Refunds person, they’d
supply side tax cuts clearly working, Americans from cell phone make him
have grown accustomed to a certain way of life. conglomerates are repeat his story
This leaves Americans with lots of time on their obviously unheard from the begin-
hands to feed off the liberal media, and question of, but that he did it through their cus- ning. The best was when Cashin would
the president's policies,” said Harvey Williams of tomer service department is astounding.” lose it and curse out some poor, under-
Mathematics professor Livina paid, bumbling service rep until they
FOX News. Chatrume concurs. Using computer sim- were on the brink of tears.”
Tammy Pon, president of leading Republican ulations, she estimates the odds of a “I tried to keep the abusive
think tank, Always Right, says, “Freedom to criti- customer service rep at a cell phone approach to a minimum, but at times it
cize the president is one of the great things about provider issuing a refund to be 1/(p-x)a . does help to get a supervisor on the
this country. Just as long as it doesn't happen in When pressed to explain what p, a, and phone.” Carrion adds. “It’s an advanced
an election year.” x represent in the equation, Livina mum- technique. You have to switch out of psy-
Collin Clemmings , a GOP pollster points out, bled, broke eye contact and became cho mode quickly or the supervisor will
“Shifts in approval ratings are common in the engrossed in an online message board work against you. So you watch what
second leg of a two-term presidency. In 1998, conversation. you say. Besides, you never know when
It began almost a year ago when President Bush is listening in.”
when the Starr report came out, Clinton 's Carrion canceled his service by phone After months of airing his gripe,
approval rating fell below the number of women while living in Atlanta. He paid his final Supervisor Ivana Pummelim finally
he'd slept with.” bill during the same call. “That bill had all cracked and issued a refund to Carrion’s
Democrat pollsters see it differently. David the usual fees and overcharges” says credit card.
Cobb, of The Nation said, “Clearly Americans Carrion, “but I had been a loyal customer “It’s ironic that Pummelim is the one
see Bush as a total liar. He lied about the war, he for several years so I was used to that.” that finally caved.” says Nekus Aiken of
lied about oil, about his vacation...Liar liar pants Somehow, news of the cancellation the Aiken School. “Verizon specifically
on fire!” never made it to Verizon’s Fee sought her out for that role because of
A congresswoman from California adds, “It's Generation Department, which issued a her aggressive approach to customer
$35 fee on Carrion’s closed account last service.” Pummelim first gained notoriety
been a while since the last time we had impeach- June. Carrion discovered the fee in the as a bank manager in New York. When
ment proceedings. I'm sure that the American fall when a credit check revealed Verizon customers would ask her to check their
public remembers how productive that was, and had issued a judgment on his account, balance, she would reach over and push
is anxious for more.” destroying his credit. Generated fees them.
Max E. Pad, president of the Noam Chomsky and abominable customer service are The Stock Market reacted nega-
fanclub stated, “The latest poll numbers reflect the cornerstones of the wireless industry. tively to the news last week, as investors
the fact that the public has been carefully study- The fees are mathematically formulated feared copycats would go home and
ing the great essays of Noam Chomsky, and lis- to be just small enough that the average begin questioning random charges on
tening to tapes of his lectures. This is a rejection American would make more money per their cell phone bills. City Paper was able
hour by collecting deposit bottles or wait- to reach only one Verizon representative
of years of brainwashing by the capitalist estab- ing tables at a corporate-owned restau- for comment, who stated repeatedly: “I’m
lishment. Finally the spell of imperialist propa- rant than they would disputing over- sorry, I didn’t understand you.”
ganda has been broken.” charges with customer service.
In September, Carrion approached


DECEMBER 6, 2006 9
2006 Best Of Cookin’ With Ass
Heartbreakers The Patio
OPEN UP (...FOR LUNCH) It was in my freshman year in college when I
When I first arrived at Heartbreakers I was greet- first learned about paradise. No, it wasn’t in
ed pleasantly by a scantily clad hostess. But this was- ENGL283 with that poem by Milton. And it wasn’t
n’t just any restaurant. She smiled and asked me for on that first drunken night when I found myself in
three dollars. nothing but a bed sheet, chasing a size C bra
I had never been asked to pay a hostess to seat around a ceiling fan with my mouth on the seventh
me before, but I was intrigued by the overall atmos- floor of South Tower.
phere and figured I should see the dining area before It was when I one day stumbled into the base-
making any judgments. ment of Patterson Hall and found myself staring at
The inside dining area was extremely dark and we
almost had to feel around for the tables. After finding a lush buffet, and an all-you-can-eat paradise.
our seats we were immediately greeted by our wait- Ten years later, I found myself back there.
ress, Chipper. In the basement of Patterson Hall, an all girls
We used the candles on our table to read the dorm, specifically for the underclass coeds, is a
menus and were pleasantly surprised at the variety of place where a 28-year old unemployed lecher
choices. I had expected goofy menu items such as could find himself peeling a sweaty $5 bill out his
“Bearded Clams” or “Tuna Tacos” but Heartbreakers is pants pocket and jingling sixty cents out of his lap
way too classy for a cheap gimmick like that. Selecting top computer bag.
menu items like Snapping Gyro, or Coochie Casserole It’s a place where you can sit in the far corner
might be good for a few laughs, but to keep that joke of the dining area, off in the shadows behind the
up would be downright tacky. neon lights of the soda machines, and just stare.
Fresh salads are available at Heartbreakers Drool and stare. It’s a place where anyone with an
including a Seafood Salad and a Grilled Chicken out-dated USC ID card can lurk in the line for the
Caesar. The prices are much more reasonable than Chicken Fingers and stalk the salad bar, circling
we ever expected— from $5.50 to $8.50. And we like a reef shark and imagining the feel of the
can’t say enough about their reticence when it comes smoothness of bare flesh that jiggles and strains
to juvenile humor. They could have easily given in just inches from his jittery fingers.
and called it “Summer’s Eve Seafood Salad” or It’s a place of unlimited seconds, where you
“Augmented Chicken Breast”, but as we said: way too
classy. can wipe your mouth and get back in line. Where
We were even more impressed by the fancy you can stray from behind your newspaper or lap-
entrees which included a Shrimp Picatta Dinner at a top and immerse yourself in the bloodstream of the
reasonable $11.00 and I was just wishing it was happy youthful, bubbling, pure and innocent freshman
h o u r girls who might have just come out of the shower
as they had fresh Shrimp Cocktail on special for only with still wet and sweetly smelling hair. Is that
$5.50 for a dozen. It was still available at lunch at a cucumber melon, or avocado eucalyptus? You
reasonable price but we chose to go with the standard shake the thought away.
lunch sandwiches. The Patio is a place, that from a high-pow-
Heartbreakers had a variety of choices, from buf- ered telescope from a neighboring apartment com-
falo chicken sandwiches, clubs or even a Philly plex, girls can be seen squirming in and out of the
cheesecake all between 5 and 8 bucks. Avoiding eatery like so many newly born and innocent
gaudy names on the menu was clearly the right call
here. “Roast Beef Curtain” or the “Finger Lickin
Chicken” might have been fun menu names at first,
but such immature antics would certainly get tired.
worms pulsing in and out of a freshly born mucus
afterbirth sack. But you forget about all that. You’re
here now. Here in the heart of it, the untainted
nucleus of collegiate youth and innocence.
Chipper brought over our selections quickly and Your English professor might say Freud would
we were very impressed at how large they were. The have a field day with this. But hey, sometimes a
sandwiches were pretty generous in portion as well. cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes, when you only
The club was the best tasting club I’ve had in South
Carolina; we’re talking about the sandwich of course. have $5.60 left to pay for dinner, The Patio is the
This place should be a deli not a strip club. I perfect place to get back in touch with those col-
could only finish half of mine and the waitress looked lege days.
like I was crazy in asking for a to-go box. Meanwhile, It was on a Wednesday when I found myself
my lunch partner had disappeared to the back room at The Patio. Chicken Finger Wednesday, they call
for a few songs and left me at the table to twiddle my… it. There is also a red-hot grill where you can order
thumbs. chicken sandwiches, burgers and fries. This is
Chipper: “Do you want another Miller Light?” where I gained my first freshman….um, 15. The
City Paper: “Sure. Hey, the food was really food is excellent for Sodexho university food serv-
good. I especially enjoyed the Clamburger.” ice standards. What was better though was the
Chipper: “The Hamburger?” view.
City Paper: “Uh, yeah. Do you guys have a profes- I had trouble keeping my eyes off the tots
sional chef?” which were perfectly round and complimented my
Chipper: “Yeah, Kevin. ... Do you want to join fingers well. The potatoes were good too. One of
the VIP club? It’s really discreet and you don’t have the best features of The Patio is the all-you-can-eat
to worry about a wife or girlfriend finding out, as it is salad bar. You’ll enjoy the bait, um, wait, as perky
professionally run by Carolina Promotions.” young co-eds bend over to get the plump tomatoes
City Paper: “Sure, as long as the girl I’m dating, that are brilliantly placed just out of reach. I car-
Cami, won’t find out.”
Chipper: “Here’s a pen. Why haven’t you gotten ried my tray to the dining area and imagined sitting
any dances?” down at a table full of college girls. What would I
City Paper: “I’m not on the market for one right say, and could they see I haven’t stopped grinning
now.” since I walked in this place?
Chipper: “Can I interest you in dessert?” My favorite time to arrive at The Patio is at
City Paper: “The ice cream looks good? What 11:45 a.m., just to beat the rush. This is especial-
flavors do you have?” ly necessary on Wednesday. You might prefer the
Chipper: “We have Kit-Kat, Honeypot, Juice quieter days where you can really enjoy the stalk-
Box, Tulip Tang, Fish Pie, Yeast Cake, Fortune ing. Plus they will have some other serious
Nookie, Gooey Man Trap, Hairy Cherry, Stinky entrees like fresh fish, hot meat ball sandwiches,
Pinky— ” or overstuffed peppers. Just remember, no touch-
City Paper: “—Whoa, that’s fine. I’m kind of ing!
broke and my buddy’s having his wallet drained in the
back room. ... I’ll have another beer on his tab though”
10 JANUARY 3, 2007
Crime Report The Handwriting
Doctor By Michelle Dresbold
BEST OF 2006
Everything’s not
so rosy or cozy
between Rosie and
The Donald. The fight
29210 found two bloody palm prints on the building and a trail of sounding like that Southern hospitality you're used to? It started when Rosie
"Do you want my 10 inch penis? Come and get it." That's blood leading away from a park bench. Police said they gets worse. As the guy's leaving, the manager hits him O’Donnell jabbed
what police say an obscene caller told a 28-year-old checked with dispatch and found no reported calls for with the door. Literally. The manager says all this never Donald Trump on “The
woman who was working at a storage facility. The call service from EMS, 1200 block Main Street happened like that and he wants the guy to be placed on View”. She “did the hair thing” and then gave Donald
apparently came from a room in Intown Suites but they trespass notice, 1700 block Burning Tree Drive an upper-cut to his jaw about his handling of Miss
couldn’t find the guy who did it. Oh yeah, she turned down 29201 USA, Tara Conner. “He’s the moral authority?” she
the offer, 100 block Harban Court. BIBLE THUMPER BUSTED: Cops found a 41-year-old 29201 asked, then answered. He’s “like one of those, you
homeless man snoozing on a swinging park bench in A man with a mustache pulled out his penis and showed it know, snake-oil-salesmen”.
29172 Finlay Park at 10:15 p.m. The police said when they woke to a group of school children on a public road, 2200 block Donald hit Rosie with a left hook, describing her
Who let the hogs out: A guy in Lexington called police him up he became argumentative and while walking the Barhamville Road. as “a woman out of control…disgusting, both inside
because his hog pen had been cut open and all his hogs man to the patrol car he slammed his bible down on the
ground and started yelling, cursing and drawing attention 29201 and out.” At the end of round one, Trump was talk-
ran off. Again. The 64-year-old pig farmer said though sim- ing law suits and boasting that he would like to “take
ilar hogtrocities had happened in the past this was the first to himself from others in the park. He was arrested and I'm coming down there with a nuclear bomb to blow you
taken to jail, the place he may later call purgatory, 900 up. That's what an unknown caller told a Columbia woman some money out of (Rosie’s) fat-ass pockets”.
time he was able to get any hogs back. He also said he Let’s go ringside and see what the handwriting
couldn’t think of anyone who "would want him to lose his block Taylor Street over the telephone last week. Needless to say no nuclear
weapons were found near the premises, also over $80 bil- says about these two contestants.
hogs." Has anyone checked the State House? There
should be enough pigs in there to keep this guy in busi- 29201 lion wasn’t spent to search for them, try and set up a pup-
ness for years, 1000 block Busbee Road. Police arrested a 46-year-old hobo for boozing it up in the pet regime, then finally admit it was all about oil anyway.
back of the Columbia Transit Station. The well-drunk wino But we’re not splitting hairs here, just atoms, 1800 block
29170 was sipping his sauce from a bottle inside of a brown Blanding Street.
Like a bad made-for-fifth-grade-growing-to-maturity-video, bag— the telltale sign of a boozing bum. Hardcore inves-
a 20-something man asked "Do you like this?" while tigation by police confirmed the bottle to be a 40-ounce SIDELINED! A certain local entertainment weekly staff
pulling out his pecker and wanking it in front of a group of King Cobra "beer," although any self-respecting conven- writer was car jacked this week by a white woman in her
children. The kids ran home and told their parents who ient store connoisseur will tell you King Cobra is, of 20s. The 36-year-old let the floozy hop into the passenger
called the cops. They never found the creep but said he course, a malt liquor, 1700 Sumter Street seat of his Jetta after she said someone was chasing her.
was a white guy wearing a striped blue and white shirt and The car-jacker then had the guy drive her to some sketchy
beige shorts. No clue what fraternity he belongs to, 100 29201 road off Two Notch and pulled a handgun on his ass. No
Riverbend Drive. The call for a "subject drinking alcohol in the morning" word on whether or not she was really just a tranny who
crackled across police dispatch channels at 8:30 a.m. last sold him some bad “H”; 2200 block Brabham Street
29201 week, prompting the five-oh to investigate. The reporting
Putting the "F-U" in funeral: Police responded to a wake at officer said the 46-year-old man found at the scene 29201
the Greater Columbia Funeral Home to find to a piss- smelled like liquor, had slurred speech and kept interfering Police thought the homeless guy they saw walking around First, look at Donald Trump’s signature. Do you
drunk 26-year-old man brandishing a loaded pistol. The with the investigation. Such behavior earned this morning in circles in the Attorney General’s neighborhood was a lit- see that his handwriting has absolutely no curves?
reporting officers arrested the funeral crasher for drunken- moonshiner a cell in the slammer, 1400 block Hyatt Ave. tle suspicious so they shook him down. When they asked His handwriting is a series of sharp angles. Try this
ness, resisting arrest and unlawful carrying of a pistol. him if he had any illegal drugs on him, the wino told them exercise: Take your hand and make a series of
We’d hate to see this guy at a wedding, 2500 block Main 29206 "I have some marijuana." He was then arrested and taken angles. Now, take your hand and make a series of
Street. I thought we were going to get through the police reports to jail, coincidentally within walking distance of state's chief circles. Where did you feel more tension? When you
this week without a single mention of CRACK. I really did, law enforcement officer’s own house, 2000 block Senate made the angles, Right? When writers are feeling
29201 but Columbia let us down once again. This time a man Street angry, determined, fearful, competitive, or chal-
Cut and Run: A police officer arrested a 57-year-old home- was busted with the crickety crackity in…drum roll lenged, their muscles tighten. So a writer who is
less man and made it a point to mention the "three to five please…the Electronics Department of freakin' Wal-Mart. Anyone who says money doesn’t grow on trees obviously driven, aggressive, or hostile can only create
inch toe nails" on the hobo. The officer said he arrested the He was trying to use a fake $100 bill and that's what got never sold weed in college. Deputies look for the $7 Million angles, not curves. Can you see (and feel) the ten-
man after he saw him walking into the courtyard of a prop- him caught, searched and busted for the rock 5400 block Dollar Marijuana Man this week after cops found a pot field sion and tightness in the Donald’s hand?
erty he knew the man was already on trespass for. The Forest Drive worth that much of it in the woods on private property near
Now, let’s take a look at Rosie’s signature. The
man with "no permanent address" was also carrying an some tennis courts in North Richland County. A dog walk-
letters “a” and “o” are the communication letters.
open beer that landed him an additional "alcohol in public" 29020 er allegedly called the cops to narc out the 3,500 pot
Think of these letters as little mouths. When a
charge. Get some clippers buddy and maybe next time Please stay off the grass: Two Lexington folks said a man plants ranging mostly between an inch and 4 feet. The
writer’s “a’s” and “o’s” are open at the top, that writer
you won’t get caught, 1003 block Elmwood Ave. with long hair and a ponytail stole some of bags of grass owner of the land reportedly lives in Washington, D.C. In
from them. No, not he grass you're thinking of— real some places, ounce for ounce marijuana is currently worth likes to talk. When they are completely closed at the
grass— Like Bermuda grass… worth, seriously, $1750 its weight in gold. North Springs subdivision top, the writer is someone you can trust to take your
29201 according to police reports. Either way, we’d rather have secret to the grave. Notice that Rosie has three “o’s”
Caught You Ridin' Dirty: The 5-0 caught a middle aged the other kind, 5300 block Plattsprings Road. 29201 in her name. The “o” in “Rosie” and the first “O” in
homeless man ridin' dirty this week after noticing the paper BackPorchGate: An alleged burglar used a pry bar to O’Donnell are completely closed at the top. This
license tag on the back of his car that read "Tag applied 29073 break into S.C. political mainstay, the Back Porch, accord- shows that when Rosie wants to, she can be a very
for." Apparently the officer knew only a criminal would end Redneck rampage: A woman said her boyfriend hit her in ing to one police document. At around 5:30 a.m. members private person. However, do you see how the sec-
a sentence with a preposition and activated his emer- the face with a beer can during an argument. With a of the police force responded to an alarm and noted dam - ond “o” in Rosie’s last is completely wide open? This
gency lights and siren. The reporting officer said not only bloody nose and beer running down her face she ran out age to the east side door to the gate of the restaurant. The gaping “o” shows that when Rosie does open her
did the man not have a driver's license but he also had an of the house and flagged down an officer saying her boy Back Porch has been known to cater to the likes of Gov. mouth, she opens it wide and has a hard time (as
open container of "Old English Beer" (sic) inside the vehi- toy had been boozing it up pretty hard. Police said the Mark Sanford, House Speaker Bobby Harrell, former Gov. Archie Bunker would say) stifling it.
cle. First of all, it's spelled "Olde" and everyone who went woman than ran back into the house and punched her Beasley, Attorney General Henry McMaster, former House
Who will win this sparring match? The odds-
to college knows Olde English is malt liquor, 2300 block classy beau in the chest. Police arrested both of them, 100 Majority Leader Rick Quinn and House Judiciary
makers say it’s too close to call, but one thing’s for
Devine Street block Lolita Lane Chairman Jim Harrison among others. The Back Porch
was also reportedly the scene where a storied former sure: there’s going to be a lot more bobbing and
29073 Sanford press secretary had a well-documented spat with weaving in the next round.
An officer driving Columbia Police vehicle # 355 ran into a A baseball bat with a sword attached to the end of it. That's a lady-friend, 1600 block Gervais Street
deer, damaging the front grill and hood of the car and cost- what police said a man was carrying as he prowled around Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known hand-
ing the city an estimated $1,500 in damage. No word yet a residence in Lexington County last week. The weird 29201 writing expert and personality profiler. Mail your
on the deer's condition or whether it was searched for freak also allegedly told a couple neighbors he was going While on a routine patrol, an officer of the law had the per- handwritten questions and comments to: The
crack then field booked and released, 4900 block Garners to kill someone, but he hasn’t yet. Until next time, 1000 fect timing and luck to catch a 47-year-old man pissing Handwriting Doctor, P.O. Box 1161, Monroeville, PA
Ferry Road. block Brown Blvd. behind a bush. "I really had to go," the man was reported 15146. Michelle has a new Web site. Please visit
saying to the officer when asked what the hell he thought
29201 29223 he was doing. The officer placed the public pisser under
AND YOU WILL KNOW US BY THE TRAIL OF BLOOD: We'll punch your lights out for you. A guy's car breaks arrest and now we know our tax dollars are being as well
Members of the police force said they found a large down in the parking lot of the Motel 6 in Lexington. He spent on "cleaning up the streets.” Keep up the good work!
amount of dried blood on the sidewalk and on the north leaves for a bit and when he comes back to work on the 2000 block Harden Street
side of a building measuring about 20 feet. They also car, the manager of the motel comes out and tells him to
leave because he's not a registered guest. Not really JANUARY 3, 2007 11
BUM: What will you give me?
CCP: What size is that? It’s not my size, but uh, how
much, no, where did you get that? Never mind, tell me the
most f#!ked up thing that’s happened to you this week?
BUM: Ain’t nothing happened to me! Oooooh, Lord!
Ooooh, Lord! (Incomprehensible).
CCP: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that.
BUM: I’m lookin’ for me a lady!
CCP: A lady?
BUM: Don’t let no woman go to your house and stay
with you. You gets your little nut off, then you just…you go
about your business.
CCP: Have you ever slept out on the street here?
BUM: Yes sir. No, no,…
CCP: How long have you been in Columbia?
BUM: Goin’ on about nine years now.
CCP: What’s the worst thing you’ve seen out here?
BUM: Motherf#!kers be breaking into cars and shit.
CCP: Who is our country at war with right now?
BUM: Vietnam.
These are real people and real events, now on the public record. CCP: How do you feel about illegal immigration?
“I smoke crack.” BUM: This president now, he messin’ up somethin’. He
That’s what a man told City Paper reporters shortly messin’ up somethin’ now.
after midnight on the muggy night of July 13 in Five CCP: And who is the president?
Points. BUM: I don’t know, what is it, Ford… or whatever it is.
“I’m trying to get high,” the 62-year-old man said as CCP: Fair enough.
he scurried down the sidewalk giving nervous sideways BUM: See, you’re a young man. I done been there and
glances at the flashing blue lights of three police cruisers. been done that.
Scraggly bearded, rail-thin and balding, with milky, (At this point Willy goes into a song and dance. While
bugged-out eyes, the man calling himself Willy said he the lyrics are incomprehensible beyond belief, the dance
believed the current U.S. president was Henry Ford and moves are…well, similar).
thought our country was still at war with Vietnam. CCP: Let me ask you a question, do you have a stem
Using a 24-ounce Schlitz Malt Liquor can, Willy later on you right now? I’m not a police officer.
demonstrated how to smoke crack without using a pipe. BUM: No, no, no, no, if I had a stem I’d give it to you. I
When asked if he ever participated in prostitution he said ain’t got no stem.
TOASTED GOURMET BREAD BOWLS the most he’d ever paid for sex was $20.
“I’m looking for me a lady,” he said, before mention-
CCP: I don’t want it, I just want to see it because I’ve
never seen one before.
ing the previous night he’d met a woman by the Five BUM: No, no, no I aint got no stem.
Not just soup…but a meal! Fresh- Points fountain and had sexual relations with her. CCP: What do you use?
baked bread filled with premium “Dat cooter cat. When you suckin’ one of them titties
and eaten that cooter cat, mmm, gotta…mmm,” he said.
BUM: You can…
(Willy looks around and sees an unopened can of
meats and topped with hearty When asked where to locate any crack nearby, Willy Schlitz Malt Liquor near the sidewalk and picks it up).
BUM: You bend this here… get you a pin. Put your car-
said he didn’t know.
soups and melted cheddar cheese “I don’t smoke crack,” he said. “No more,” apparent- buretor right over there. Get you some ash, here. Like you
ly forgetting his earlier statement made only eight min- light a cigarette…some ash there. Ooooh, Lord. And put your
utes and two seconds before. hand on the carburetor, and when you get it, take it

$2 Off
The following is a transcribed interview with City and…Ooooh, Lord!
Paper’s Bum of the Week: CCP: Let me ask you something…this is going to sound
CCP: Hey, what are you up to? weird, but if I wanted to get some crack… where would I go?
BUM: Trying to get high! BUM: I don’t know around here, man. I don’t know.
CCP: What are you getting high on? Don’t know around here.
BUM: I smoke crack. CCP: When was the last time you had sex with a
Any Large Sandwich Combo with CCP: No you don’t.
BUM: Oh, God I…I need some change. BUM: Last night.
student ID, Five Points location only CCP: You smoke crack?
BUM: 62 years… yeah I smoke crack!
CCP: Where’d you meet her?
BUM: Right over there, in front of the waterfall over
CCP: You mind if I talk to you for a minute about that? there.
BUM: You church people? I figure you church people. CCP: The waterfront?
CCP: Church people? No. Who is the President of the BUM: The waterfall right there! You know where
United States right now? the water shoot up in the air.
BUM: Ford. CCP: Oh, the fountain. You met her by the foun-
CCP: Ford? tain. Did you have to pay for it?
BUM: Henry Ford. BUM: I had to buy it? Yes, yeah…if you buy a
CCP: Who is Donald Rumsfeld? lady a couple beers you pay for it.
BUM: I don’t know. To tell you the truth I don’t know. CCP: What was the best part?
CCP: What are you doing right now? BUM: Dat cooter cat, when you suckin’ one of
BUM: I’m fit to go home right now. them titties and eaten that cooter cat, mmm, gotta…mmm
CCP: But earlier you said you were going to smoke CCP: Have you ever paid for sex?
crack. BUM: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
BUM: No, no, no, no, no, no. no, no. I been tellin’ lies, I CCP: What’s the most you’ve ever paid for it?
been tellin’ lies. BUM: Most I ever paid for sex? Um, $20.
CCP: Where were you going to go smoke crack? CCP: What’s the most you’ve ever pad for
BUM: I don’t…no I don’t smoke. crack?
CCP: You don’t smoke it? BUM: No, I don’t smoke crack.
BUM: No. CCP: You told me you were looking for crack,
CCP: Do you shoot it? look, I don’t care…you said…
BUM: No. I don’t do drugs. BUM: No, I…I don’t smoke crack. No more.
CCP: What’s in the box? CCP: Anymore!
BUM: I got a brand new shirt. BUM: Yep.
CCP: Oh, what are you going to do with that? CCP: All right, Willy. Have a good one.
BUM: I’ll sell it to you.
12 JANUARY 3, 2007 CCP: Sell it to me? How much?
2006 Best Of Lissey Schroeder
I remember the first time I ever rode the ‘Cock. morning when I woke up for my 8am class. I smiled
It was with my best friend Ryan during the second at Ryan and he smiled back. He took my hand in his…
week of college. Normally it wouldn’t have taken this and I got on. That was a long time ago it seems.
long, but I think we were both pretty nervous to jump Winter blew by with its dusting of snow, and spring
right into that sort of thing. We were both new to the came around with wild daisies on the Horseshoe. With
college and if you’re going to ride the ‘Cock you the new seasons and new semesters, new class
should always make sure you’re doing it with some- schedules and a change of majors, I stopped riding on
one you know and make sure you know you’re riding Ryan’s ‘Cock.
the right one. There’s nothing worse than getting your It’s not the saddest story. We still see each other
‘Cocks mixed up and finding out you’re on the wrong in some classes and at the dining hall. I tell Ryan
one. about how I ride the red ‘Cock now, the bigger one
It was the early morning when we both decided that I always used to envy when I saw it on campus

Fri. Jan. 6 & Sat. Jan. 7

we were going to do it. I had an early class and so did last year. He laughs and tells me he doesn’t even ride
Ryan and I remember asking him if he thought we at all anymore. He bought something over the sum-
were doing the right thing. I know a lot of girls on cam- mer that makes riding the ‘Cock unnecessary. He
pus don’t like to ride the ‘Cock and I thought maybe it says it gets him where he needs to go faster and he
might be weird the first time. Maybe a little dangerous doesn’t have to wait around as long. He says it’s
FROM MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL: even. Why weren’t so many other girls out there doing
it? And why did I feel like I wanted to? I didn’t know,
always there for him when he needs it and even on
the weekends. I still ride the ‘Cock once in a while and
but I was ready to find out. I really advocate any college student to do the same.
We took all the necessary precautions, Ryan Give it a try if you haven’t already.
and I. We read all the booklets and pamphlets they The USC Shuttle Cock is a very convenient
had for us in the Russell House about riding the service for Carolina students and I encourage every-
‘Cock. body to take advantage of it. I wouldn’t be the woman
We both made sure that when we started we I am today without it.
both knew where it was going to end. We were glad to
be in this together. It was a beautiful Wednesday

Order your “I Rode The Cock” Tee from

Missed Connections
The Lady Chablis You followed me to the Bi-Lo parking lot after I
cut you off at the light. You gave me the finger and
You asked me to “hold onto this for a second,”
when the cops were chasing you through the College
screamed, “I hope you don’t fuck as bad as you drive.” Mart parking lot. I have your stuff.
Open Tuesday Would like the opportunity to prove you wrong.
Call Ext: 207
Call Ext: 721

Through Sunday You picked me up outside of Club RA. I was

I was walking through the Food Court in
Columbiana, you and your boys were behind me. You

Coming Jan. 12 & 13 wasted but I think you were hot. Wanted to say some- kept saying “pssssst,” “pssssst,” “hey” “pssssst,” but I
thing but there was another guy in the cab. If he’s not pretended not to hear you. That was my dad I was
your boyfriend I’d like to give you a three-dollar ride. with, but want you to know you definitely know how
The Goddess Call Ext: 311 turn a girl on. Call me.
Call Ext: 056

Blaize up.
You were the shorty walking back to South
Tower. Tried to holla but my bass was too loud. Hit it

Call Ext: 446

I was wearing the blue turtleneck sweater,
tight pants, thick-rimmed glasses and Sauconys. You
had a shock-rock haircut and a blue star tattoo. You
ordered the Vanilla Frapparachino Mochalate, I had
Saw you at the State Fair. You were in the the Nutmeg Ginger Chai Delight. Thought I saw you
FINEST FEMALE IMPERSONATION IN THE SOUTHEAST “Silly Faggots Dicks Are For Chicks” t-shirt with a W’04 trying to read Vonnegut over my shoulder. Call me.
sticker on your chest. I was operating the Tilt-A-Whirl
while trying to shoot meth. Thought I saw you laugh Call Ext: 186
and wink.
1101 Harden Street, Columbia, S.C. 803.758.6090 Call Ext: 682

JANUARY 3, 2007 13
Some would say that just after the holiday sea- health-related issues. None appear to deal with a
son is over, the real silly season begins. big voter concern - - the rising cost of health care
Yes, the S.C. General Assembly is scheduled and insurance. One bill does call for uninsured
to return to Columbia on January 9. Already, there’s patients to not be charged more than insured
a full slate of business because almost 400 bills patients at hospitals. Other health bills include a call
have been prefiled and sent to committees for work to allow stem cell research in the state, several bills
to start. to ban smoking and a proposal to require restau-
There are a spate of bills that focus on serious rants to post whether they use trans fats.
problems and challenges for South Carolina, such And then there are bills that might make you
as measures to increase the minimum wage, raise an eyebrow (or two):
restructure government and deal with isolated wet- Walkers. A House bill would exempt hospital
lands, eminent domain powers, workers’ compensa- beds, walkers and wheelchairs from state sales tax.
tion laws, gang activity, family court reform and child (Sound like special-interest legislation?)
abuse. Cell phones. A Senate proposal would prohib-
Legislation also has already been proposed on it school bus drivers from using cell phones except
hot-button issues, including measures related to in emergencies. (You’d think they had enough on
abortion and increasing taxes on cigarettes and their hands.)
gasoline. There are even proposals to bring back Consumption. A House bill calls for the
video poker and allow for riverboat gambling. Common Sense Consumption Act to provide that a
Pre-filed bills generally can be split into three manufacturer, packer, distributor, carrier, holder,
categories - - bills that rehash losing battles of the marketer, seller or association of one or more of
past that lawmakers are gearing up to try again; bills these entities is not subject to civil liability in cases
that reflect big priorities of legislative leaders for the based on weight gain, obesity or a health condition
coming year; and new ideas to tweak state laws. associated with obesity in the consumption of food
Here are a few observations based on bills and nonalcoholic beverages.
filed so far: State horse. Another bill would establish the
Immigration. House members seem fairly Marsh Tacky as the official state horse.
obsessed with immigration legislation. They’ve Foreign language printing. A House meas-
authored 11 different bills that range from toughen- ure would prohibit a state or local entity from printing
ing enforcement and creating study committees on and producing written material in a foreign language
the issue to multiple reforms of current immigration unless required by federal law and to require a state
laws. Meanwhile, only one immigration bill was and local entity to print and produce written material
introduced in the Senate. in English only.
Environment. Of the 398 bills filed in both State voicemail. There’s a proposal to ban
chambers, just over a dozen dealt with environmen- state employees from using voicemail to bypass
tal or outdoors issues. Among the interesting ideas picking up the phone when they’re at their worksta-
were bills that called for an electronics recycling pro- tions.
gram, requirements for state buildings to shift to And our all-time favorite:
using fluorescent bulbs and a proposal that would Curbing happy hours. House Speaker Pro
require large state buildings to meet green building Tem Doug Smith proposed a measure that essen-
standards. tially would limit happy hours to one day a week and
Education. In a state at or near the bottom on keep bars from selling drinks at less than half price.
many education measures, it is somewhat surpris- ‘Tis the season to be jolly - - at least for awhile
ing that less than 10 percent of bills introduced dealt on certain days.
with education. Among measures already in the
hopper are those to end the popular “TERI” teacher To view any of the prefiled bills, go online to:
retirement program, establish a statewide “virtual” h t t p : / / w w w. s c s t a t e h o u s e . n e t / h t m l -
charter school, exempt veterans from some tuition pages/prefil07.htm. Andy Brack, publisher of S.C.
and increase the stipend for Palmetto Fellows who Statehouse Report, can be reached at brack@state-
study science and math.
Health. Just over two dozen bills highlight

14 JANUARY 3, 2007
Todd Apocalypto (2006)
spoils the movie MOVIETIMES
has turned the tide on his pursuers. Just when we think
937 Main Street, 803.254.8234
Showtimes nightly at 7:00 & 9:00
(3:00 matinee Saturday, Sunday,
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7:30, 10:05
Pursuit Of Happiness (p13) 12:15*, 4, 6:50,
he is the master of his own destiny and just when he Apocalypto (r) 1:45, 5:10, 8:15
Oh maya ‘nother Mel Gibson epic! turns to face the last two warriors that stand between
Rocky Balboa (pg) 12:30* 3:50, 7:50, 10:20
him and his family, Gibson’s divine hand steps back in January 5-8t Monday- Fri The Queen Black Christmas (r) 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:35
and... January 9-11 Tues-Thuirs Jesus Camp We Are Marshall (pg) 12:10*, 4:20, 7:40, 9:55
...Nah. You’ve just got to see it. Borat (r) 9:15 * Fri-Sun only
From a PR perspective this film should be dead in REGAL CINEMA 7 COLUMBIA
3400 Forest Drive, Suite 3000. (800) 326- Charlottes Web 12, 2:20, 5, 6:30, 7:35, 9:55 PHOENIX THEATERS COLUMBIA PLACE
the water, yet despite Mel Gibson angering --or at least CINEMA 8
3264 x347
appalling-- most of the English speaking world with his Chrildren of Men (r) 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 7201-802 Two Notch (803) 788-7664
recent drunken tirade, the film has received a Golden Freedom WritersNEW (PG-13)
Globe nomination for best foreign language film and has 1:15 I 4:15 I 7:20 I 10:10 Code Name: the cleaner (13) 12:20, 3, 6:55, Black Christmas (r) 12:05*, 2:20, 4:35, 7:15,
turned a nice profit at the box office. I’ll say that again: 9:10 9:25, 11:50
we’re talking about film full of half naked Mexicans and Night at the Museum (PG)
1:00 I 1:30 I 4:00 I 4:30 I 7:25 I 9:55 Eragon (pg) 12:05, 2:40, 5:20, 8, 10:25 Charlottes Web (g) 11:45, 2, 4:15, 7, 9:15,
Native Americans done entirely in Mayan dialect that 11:30
has done well in American theaters. Rocky Balboa (PG) Freedom Writers (13) 1:20,4:20,7:20,10:20
Perhaps that is divine intervention. 1:25 I 4:25 I 7:35 I 9:50 Eragon (pg) 11:50, 2:15, 4:25, 7:15, 9:25,
The Good Shepherd (r) 12:30, 4:10, 8:10 11:50
Apocalypto (2006) starring Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Charlotte's Web (G)
Hernandez, Jonathan Brewer, Raoul Trujillo, and 1:20 I 4:20 I 7:30 I 9:45 Happy Feet (pg) 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 Night At The Museum (pg) 12:10*, 2:30, 4:55,
Rodolpho Palacios is directed by Mel Gibson and is 7:25, 9:50, 12:10**
Blood Diamond (R) Pursuit of Hapyness (pg) 12:15, 2:25, 4:45,
rated R for graphic violence and nudity. 7:05* Pursuit of Happyness (13) 11:35*, 2:05, 4:40,
1:10 I 4:05 I 7:05 I 10:00
7:10, 9:40, 12:05**
Opening In Wide Release This Week: The Holiday (PG-13) We Are Marshall (13) 1, 1:40, 7, 7:40, 10,
1:05 I 4:10 I 7:10 I 10:15 10:30 Rocky Balboa (pg) 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:30.
Children of Men *no show fri 10, 12:15,
Synopsis: In the near future, humanity loses the ability Casino Royale (PG-13) * no fri ** no sun
Mel Gibson, that crazy bastard, has done it again. to reproduce, plunging the world into a war-torn 7:00 I 10:05 AMC DUTCH SQUARE 14
Sure, he’s nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake, but even dystopia. 800 Bush River Rd., Columbia, SC,(803) REGAL SANDHILL STADIUM 16
the most jaded moviegoer has to admit that he has an Prediction: The family movie event of the season CARMIKE WYNNSONG 10 - COLUMBIA 750-3576 450 Town Center Place(803) 736-1811
eye for gory historical nightmares. His third session in 5320 Forest Drive. (803) 782-7744
Black Christmas (2006) (R, 100 min.) Code Name: The CleanerNEW (PG-13)
the director’s chair has produced a sweepingly beauti- Freedom Writers 2:00pm | 4:50pm | 7:00pm | 9:20pm 12:20 I 2:40 I 5:20 I 7:50 I 10:10
Code Name: The CleanerNEW (PG-13)
ful, yet blood spattered vision of a Mayan civilization on Synopsis: Seen Dangerous Minds or Lean on Me? How 1:05 I 3:15 I 5:30 I 7:45 I 10:00
the brink of ruin. As with Passion of the Christ, Gibson about The Subsitute with Tom Berenger? Same movie. Blood Diamond (R, 138 min.) Freedom WritersNEW (PG-13)
has made a wholly original film unlike anything most Prediction: The Troubled-Inner-City-High-School- Thr3eNEW 1:30 I 4:15 I 7:00 I 9:30 9:30pm 12:50 I 4:15 I 7:20 I 10:15
moviegoers have experienced, an epic steeped in both Saved-By-An-Idealistic-White-Faculty-Member genre
human cruelty and love. Black Christmas (R) Charlotte's Web (2006) (G, 113 min.) Happily N'Ever AfterNEW (PG)
peaked when James Belushi rode his motorcycle 12:50 I 3:00 I 5:10 I 7:20 I 9:30 2:10pm | 4:40pm | 7:05pm | 9:15pm 12:00 I 2:20 I 4:40 I 7:10 I 9:40
The film centers on a young hunter named Jaguar through the hallways in The Principal. Film diarrhea.
Paw (Rudy Youngblood), who is overcome with a sense Children of Men (R) Children of Men (R, 108 min.) Black Christmas (R)
of dread when he and a small band of hunters from his Happily N'Ever After 1:30 I 4:15 I 7:00 I 9:40 2:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:10pm 12:35 I 2:50 I 5:15 I 8:00 I 10:25
village discover battered refugees who are quietly pass- Synopsis: A princess realizes that her evil stepmother
ing through their tranquil forest to escape a platoon of and her cronies are plotting to destroy Fairy Tale Land, The Good Shepherd (R) Code Name: The Cleaner (PG-13, 84 Children of Men (R)
slave gatherers from the capital. The rest of his village so she joins a resistance movement to fight back. 1:30 I 5:00 I 8:15 min.)2:20pm | 4:45pm | 7:10pm | 9:20pm 11:50am I 2:30 I 5:00 I 7:30 I 10:10
refuses to acknowledge the impending doom and pass Prediction: Score! The girl from Accounts Payable that Eragon (PG, 99 min.) The Good Shepherd (R)
their days in Gibson’s version of an idyllic finally gave you her number? Take her to this movie and We Are Marshall (PG)
1:00 I 4:00 I 7:10 I 9:50 1:50pm | 4:15pm | 7:15pm 1:00 I 4:45 I 8:30
Mesoamerican Eden, in which the forest provides a then for a steak dinner at the Kingsman.
plentiful bounty and the villagers wile away their days in Eragon (PG) 4:15 I 9:30 Freedom Writers (PG-13, 123 min.) Night at the Museum (PG)
laughter and dance... until, inevitably, the slavers Also Playing This Week: 1:40pm | 4:30pm | 7:10pm | 10:00pm 12:45 I 2:20 I 4:20 I 4:50 I 6:50 I 9:50
descend upon the village to rape, pillage, take slaves The Pursuit of Happyness (PG-13) 11:45am I 7:20
and capture defeated warriors for sacrifice. 1:30 I 4:10 I 7:05 I 9:45 The Good Shepherd (R, 160 min.)
Blood Diamond 3:20pm | 6:45pm | 10:05pm We Are Marshall (PG)
The next 90 minutes or so chronicles the captives’ Synopsis: Leonardo DiCaprio is a mercenary who 12:40 I 4:10 I 7:10 I 10:00
march through the rainforest tied to poles in a dazed quests for a rare diamond. Apocalypto (R) 9:55
Happily N'Ever After (PG, 87 min.)
shock, mourning the family members that they just saw Verdict: OK, we'll give it a shot. Unaccompanied Minors (PG) 1:15pm | 3:30pm | 5:30pm | 7:30pm | 9:40pm Rocky Balboa (PG)
hacked to death. They don’t have much better news 1:00 I 7:30 12:10 I 2:40 I 5:10 I 7:40 I 10:20
waiting for them in the capital city: the remaining women Eragon Happy Feet (PG, 98 min.)
are sold off as concubines while the men are painted Synopsis: A young farm boy finds a dragon egg, hatch- Happy Feet (PG) 1:20 I 4:30 I 7:00 I 9:30 1:40pm | 4:10pm | 7:20pm | 10:00pm Charlotte's Web (G)
blue and dragged atop a giant pyramid to have their es it, bonds with the wise-cracking beast, learns to ride 11:40am I 2:10 I 4:35 I 7:00 I 9:20
CARMIKE CINEMAS 14 The Holiday (2006) (PG-13, 136 min.)1:20pm
hearts cut out and burned on a ceremonial altar before it, and fights as a Dragon Rider in a war. | 4:25pm | 7:25pm | 10:20pm Eragon (PG) 12:05 I 2:35 I 5:05 I 7:35 I 9:55
122 Afton Court.(803) 781-3067
being beheaded and tossed to the chanting crowd Verdict: Drop the kids off & go have a couple of Daiquiris
below. at Ruby Tuesday. Happily N'Ever AfterNEW (PG) 1:00 I 1:25 I Night at the Museum (PG, 108 min.) The Pursuit of Happyness (PG-13)
Happy Holidays, folks. 3:10 I 3:35 I 5:20 I 5:45 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 9:40 I 2:30pm | 5:10pm | 7:50pm | 10:15pm 11:30am I 12:30 I 2:15 I 4:00 I 5:00 I 7:15 I
While the imagery and cinematography are stun- Rocky Balboa 10:10 7:45 I 10:00 I 10:30
ning, vividly recreating the pyramid temples and ornate Synopsis: Rocky has been working in a restaurant and- The Pursuit of Happyness (PG-13, 116
Thr3eNEW 1:30 I 4:15 I 7:00 I 9:30 min.)1:45pm | 4:20pm | 7:00pm | 9:40pm The Holiday (PG-13)
cityscape of ancient Central America, Gibson and co- - c'mon, what’s the point? We've already seen this 4:05 I 7:05 I 10:05
writer, Farhad Safinia, seem to falter with the storyline movie, what, four times already? Night at the Museum (PG) 12:30 I 1:30 I 3:00 Rocky Balboa (PG, 102 min.)
once the captives reach the city. To this point, they have Verdict: Shit sandwich. I 4:30 I 5:30 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 9:55 I 10:30 2:00pm | 4:50pm | 7:20pm | 9:50pm Unaccompanied Minors (PG) 12:15
created a starkly realistic vision of life in Mesoamerica,
circa 1500. But, a series of occurrences—we assume Night at the Museum Rocky Balboa (PG) 1:15 I 4:15 I 7:30 I 9:45 We Are Marshall (PG, 127 min.) Casino Royale (PG-13) 9:45
them to be supernatural—come to Jaguar Paw’s aid. Synopsis: Ben Stiller's character is a night janitor in a 1:50pm | 4:40pm | 7:40pm | 10:30pm
These quasi bits of divine intervention would be perfect- museum… and the artifacts come alive. Blood Diamond (R) 1:00 I 4:00 I 7:00 I 10:00 Happy Feet (PG) 11:30am I 2:00 I 4:30 I 7:00
ly suited for a Mayan fable but they seem out of place in Verdict: Fun, weird, wild, wacky stuff. 929 North Lake Drive, Lexington, SC, 29072
The Holiday (PG-13) 1:00 I 3:55 I 7:00 I 9:50
a film which, to that point, had stayed grounded in the (803) 951-3603 ST. ANDREWS ROAD MULTI CINEMAS
blood and guts of 16th century jungle life. Interestingly, We Are Marshall The Nativity Story (PG) 1:15 I 4:10 I 7:20 I 527 St. Andrews Road 772-7469
it’s divine intervention from a Mayan god, which seems Synopsis: A football team is tragically killed in a plane 9:40 Carlotte’s Web (G) 11:30*, 2:20*, 4:50, 7:20,
a tad bizarre coming from a writer/director whose crash. The school's football program and the communi- 9:40 Deck The Halls (pg) 2:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:15
staunch, almost maniacal, Catholicism tends to perme- ty struggle to rebuild. Deja Vu (PG-13) 1:30 I 4:30 I 7:30 I 10:00
Code Name: The Cleaner (13) 12:20*, Flicka (pg) 4:30, 7:20
ate the larger body of his directorial work. Verdict: Nah… I ain't crying. I just got some popcorn salt 4:20,7:40,9:55
During the attack on his village, Jaguar Paw had in my eye, dawg. [Sniffle.] The Fountain (PG-13) 1:35 I 4:35 I 7:35 I
9:45 Illusionist (13) 2:20, 9:20
lowered his pregnant wife and young child into a large Happiliy Never After (pg) 11:50* , 2:15*, 4:30,
hole where they remained hidden. Once he escapes the Casino Royale (PG-13) 1:00 I 4:00 I 7:10 I 7, 9:30 Open Season (pg) 2:10, 4, 7:15, 9:10
Mayan capital to try to reach his family, with his captives 10:00
hot on his heels, the action really starts. The second half Happy Feet (pg) 11:40*, 2:10*, 4:45, 7:15, Santa Clause 3 (pg) 2, 4:10, 7, 9
of the film flies by in a blur and is by far one of the most Babel (R) 2:00 I 5:00 I 8:00 9:45
Saw 3 (r) 2:30 , 4:40, 7:30, 9:30
original and coolest action segments I’ve seen on the Night At The Museum (pg) 12*, 2:30*, 5,
The Departed (R) 1:00 I 4:00 I 7:00 I 9:50
big screen in a while. By the end of it, Jaguar Paw has
eluded capture in the jungle for two days, wounded, and JANUARY 3, 2007 15
WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3 Maywater WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 Jillians New Brookland Tavern 7pm New Brookland Tavern 9pm
Hunter & Gatherer Radio Cult White Rose Revival Deleveled, Moment Of Truth
New Brookland Tavern Dragon 76 Project Art Bar Shiloh, TBA Headsnap
On or Off, Headfirst For Halos, Mr. B’s Goodtime Karaoke New Brookland Tavern 5pm
TBA Jammin Java Because Of This, Fair Street Wild Wings (Bower Pkwy) Wild Wings
Tim Brantley McCary’s The Blood Libel, The Moultrie Joyride WormsLoew
THURSDAY JANUARY 4 Karaoke Killer, A Road Eternal
Jillians Wild Wings (Village at Sandhill) SATURDAY JANUARY 20
Headliners Rock Candy New Brookland Tavern 6pm New Brookland Tavern 9pm Hot Sauce
Hello Tomorrow, Adam Bryant No Way Jose, Blinded By Drum and Bass Art Bar
Goodnight Amazing, John Jett New Brookland Tavern 5pm Underpants, Heist and the Hosted by:B-spot & MC Dot WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 SYMMETRY V Goth night
God Help Us, No Harm Done Accomplice, Ugly Dobro
Hunter & Gatherer Steve Hit Mike, Rosemont SATURDAY JANUARY 13 New Brookland Tavern 7pm Corner Pocket
Live Jazz with Skipp Pearson Joe McCready, LongStreet D.B. Bryant
New Brookland Tavern 9pm THURSDAY JANUARY 11 Art Bar Zack Fowler, Austin Crain
New Brookland Tavern The Noise, Yukos The Crude Ryan Monroe, Venice Is Sinking Headliners
Something About Vampires And The Stelle Group, Juicebox Art Bar Maya's Big Vermillion THURSDAY JANUARY 18 Blueground Undergrass.
Sluts, Little Baby Dynamite,TBA Suhgarim with Zelazowa
SUNDAY JANUARY 7 Headliners Art Bar Jillians
FRIDAY JANUARY 5 Headliners 13 Stories, Entreat MiKenPike, The Noise, Winston Lixx
New Brookland Tavern 7pm Sent By Ravens, Before Audio
Hunter & Gatherer Havoc Din, Dogskin Pinata, 9th Normandy, Not Yet Rated Jillians 800 GervaisStreet New Brookland Tavern 5pm
The Plow Boys Corner, Israel Son The Hundreth Radio Cult Headliners Meant To Be Morbid,TBA
Madison Fair
Jammin Java MONDAY JANUARY 8 Hunter & Gatherer New Brookland Tavern 9pm Hillside Manor, Last November
Bitter Pill, Noxious, Uncrowned City Sleeps New Brookland Tavern 9pm
Steven Fiore w/ Austin Crane Live Jazz with Skipp Pearson The Downcide, Harm Division
Bring your own City Paper New Brookland Tavern 6pm
xRepresentx, The Caufield SUNDAY JANUARY 14 Hunter & Gatherer Downfall
Jillians 800 GervaisStreet
Jillians Principle, Charge The Mound Men of Distinction Live Jazz with Skipp Pearson
Rock Candy 1995, The Day Is Ours New Brookland Tavern 6pm
Level Testing Ground, The Hottness Jillians Art Bar
Macs on Main TUESDAY JANUARY 9 Live Jazz My Hero Is Me, Cambridge Fabulous Kays 1211 Park St. 803.929.0198
Fatback & the Groove Band CJ’s
CJ’S 9:30pm New Brookland Tavern 5 pm MONDAY JANUARY 15 New Brookland Tavern 7pm 749 Saluda Ave.
New Brookland Tavern Karaoke Harry And The Potters, Cities Apart, Kenotia, Foxes That
Jam Room Compilation Somebody Still Loves You, Boris Headliners Fight, Xzamen, Goodnight Delaneys
New Brookland Tavern 7 pm Senses Fail, Saosin, Alexisonfire Amazing 741 Saluda Ave. 803.779.2345
Release Party Yeltsin
Quickfuse, Diavolo, From Graves Kilcoy, American Sex Machine The Sleeping Headliners
Of Valor, Moment Of Truth,Black I Dare You New Brookland Tavern 9 pm FRIDAY JANUARY 19 700 Gervais St. 803.796.2333
Tusk Oldstate, Pagan Savant, TBA New Brookland Tavern 6pm Hunter & Gatherer
State Street Singer/Songerwriter Night Delaneys 900 Main St. 803.748.0540
SATURDAY JANUARY 6 Live acoustic night FRIDAY JANUARY 12 Marian Carter, Justin Petrey McFly
Nate Miller, Brightford, Rob Jillians
800 Gervais St.803.779.7789
Art Bar Wild Wings (1150 Bower Pkwy) Headliners Garman, Biskits Headliners
Jam Room Studio CD Sol Driven Train Machine Funk "A Tribute to Zach Deputy Macs on Main
Compilation Release Party Widespread Panic"w/ Fossil TUESDAY JANUARY 16 1710 Main St.
Death Becomes Even The Wild Wings (729 Lady Street) Record Hunter & Gatherer New Brookland Tavern
Maiden, Scary Hand Blankety Blank CJ’S 9:30pm Lorrie Rivers, David Letts 122 State St. 803.791.4413
Wild Wings (Village at Sandhill) Hunter & Gatherer Karaoke Jillians
Flying Saucer 10pm Birthday Bash with Tokyo Joe Corner House State Street Lixx
Live acoustic night

Thursday, January 18 - Tremont Music Hall RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA
Pink Spiders, Kill Hannah, Love Arcade, Action
Reaction Friday, January 5 - The Lincoln Theatre
Sunday, January 21 - Tremont Music Hall Donna the Buffalo
Thursday, Murder by Death, Fear Before the March Sunday, January 14 - The Pour House Music Hall
of Flames, Heavy Heavy Low Low Scrapomatic, Glenn Tilbrook, Jonah Smith
Thursday, January 18 - Cumberlands Friday, January 12 - Newberry Opera House
Agent Orange Doc Watson CARRBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Thursday, January 6 - Symphony Hall
Saturday, January 20 - Cumberlands Friday, January 19 - Newberry Opera House Bebel Gilberto
The Loved Ones, Zolof the Rock ‘n Roll Destroyer Pam Tillis Saturday, January 20 - The Cat’s Cradle Friday, January 7 - The Masquerade
Camera Obscura, Essex Green The Heart Attacks
Friday, January 26 - Music Farm Friday, February 2 - Newberry Opera House
The Lemonheads Arlo Guthrie Monday, January 22 - The Cat’s Cradle Saturday, January 13 - The Earl
The Dears, The Annuals Mission of Burma
SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Tuesday, January 23 - The Cat’s Cradle Saturday, January 20 - Phillips Arena
The Queers, The Heartattacks, The Riptides Rod Stewart
Friday, January 19 - Ground Zero Friday, January 12 - Neighborhood Theatre
Agent Orange, JT & the Blame, God Help Us, Iris DeMent Thursday, January 25 - The Cat’s Cradle Tuesday, January 23 - The Tabernacle
Liberty's Revenge , Wasted Rebellion The Lemonheads Incubus, Albert Hammond Jr.
Saturday, January 13 - Tremont Music Hall
Friday, February 2 - Ground Zero Senses Fail, Alexisonfire, Saosin, The Sleeping Monday, February 5 - The Cat’s Cradle
Terror, Warriors, All Shall Perish, Stick to your Gun, Yo La Tengo ATHENS, GEORGIA
War of Wages, Bite The Curb Wednesday, January 17 - Ovens Auditorium
Chris Botti Monday, February 5 - The Cat’s Cradle Friday, January 19 - The 40 Watt Club
Yo La Tengo Camera Obscura
16 JANUARY 3, 2007
Britney gets wasted,
Lohan is a fire-crotch

Britney Spears performs at the Colonial Center in Columbia on March 24, 2004. There was no “Milkshake” on
this day because scheduled performer Kelis pulled off the Onyx Hotel Tour. PHOTO BY SEAN RAYFORD


Rumors of Britney Spears’ inability to party down have Black Cat (Washington, DC), and the Earl (Atlanta, GA). Left
swirled through the media after reports of her fainting at a off the list were New Brookland Tavern and Headliners. What
New Year’s Eve Bash at the Pure nightclub in Las Vegas. does Playboy know?
Spears was seen knocking back expensive bottle(s) of cham-
pagne on the final night of the year. The pop diva was paid in 21st Century Digital Boy. Bad Religion’s bassist Jay
the neighborhood of $300,000 to be the host of the celebra- Bentley has announced that the band will try to release a new
tion and helped to count down the seconds to 2007 while album in June after rumors suggested it would be delayed
dancing to everyone’s favorite song of the decade, “I’m a until 2008. Unfortunately, the record will probably sound just
Slave 4 U.” like every other Bad Religion release. Then again, that may
Her manager, Larry Rudolf, claimed that the star was be a good thing.
not drunk, but merely tired and worn out by the time that 1
o’clock rolled around. The next time Spears visits Columbia, Paramore Is So Cute. Everybody’s favorite underaged
we obviously won’t be joining her for shuffleboard and late female fronted pop-punk excursion Paramore will be playing
night (early morning) beers at Bar None. Warped Tour this year. While most bands ask for tall boys of
In related news, the music industry’s biggest loser of PBR at the club, the guys and gal in Paramore are the only
2006 (and Spears’ ex) began the new year in style. The ones that have ever asked me for pitchers of Sprite and sour.
wannabe MC and super-cool back-up dancer hung out in the According to the band I make the best Sprite and sours. Not
winner’s circle after his official debut as a wrestler on WWE’s going to get sloshed guzzling those. Other announcements in
“Monday Night Raw” program. Federline pinned champ John the Warperd Tour line-up include Bad Religion, Big D And The
Cena and at one point had one of the biggest names in Kids Table, K-Os, The Fabulous Rudies and Cute is What We
wrestling in a headlock and a “masterlock”/ full nelson. Aim For.
Paling in newsworthiness, Federline also recently
reverted back to maturity, eloquently calling Lindsay Lohan a No More Golden Tee with my buddy and lead vocalist
“firecrotch” after exchanging text messages a few days before of Bury Your Dead (Victory Records), Mat Bruso. The Boston
Christmas. It all supposedly began when Federline texted the metal/hardcore outfit has confirmed the departure of the
star and said “we should hang out.” The redhead wanted singer and I will severely miss hanging out playing that stupid
nothing to do with the douchebag, which hurt the dancer’s game with someone way more sober than me. Bury Your
feelings. Sometimes it hurts so bad when you don’t get the Dead has been forced to cancel their European tour with
firecrotch you’re craving. Killswitch Engage.

I love Stewart Copeland! The United Kingdom’s Sebadoh is BACK! Lo-fi pioneers (out of
Mirror recently reported that The Police have been discussing Northampton, Massachusetts) have announced their return
plans for a reunion scheduled sometime this summer. Of with a 33 date excursion this Spring beginning Feb. 26 in San
course only wankers will be able to enjoy the bands’ return Diego. Looking to relive some memories? Naturally the band
after breaking ties in 1984. Supposedly, rehearsal dates have will skip Columbia because no one really cares about them
been planned and the concerts will coincide with the release here so you’ll have to trek over to Atlanta at the Variety
of the band’s back catalogue through A&M Records. Playhouse on April 8.

We are the Champions. In a recent BBC radio poll, Mug Conor Oberst again. It’s been rumored that
music lovers voted Queen as the greatest British rock band of years ago Bright Eyes’ lame ass virtuoso, Conor Oberst was
all time. The bicycling enthusiasts edged the Beatles by 400 mugged in the alley between New Brookland Tavern and the
votes. The bands were judged on songwriting, lyrics, live per- current location of Cafe Strudel. Or maybe he was simply
formances, originality and showmanship. peed on in the alley just like my buddy the last time the
Suicide Girls came through town. Whatever the case, while
James Brown’s band, the Soul Generals got together everybody else is recapping the best albums of 2006 I’m
this past weekend in Augusta at the Soul Bar and vowed to going to forget that Bright Eyes’ Cassadaga hits store shelves
carry forward with Brown’s legacy. The informal jam session April 10.
lasted into the early hours Sunday morning and members of
the band said they hoped to continue playing together as a
tribute to the late star who died Christmas morning at the age About the author: Outside of being a photojournalist
of 73. Sean Rayford is a bartender at Columbia’s New Brookland
Tavern, a consistent tour stop for many indie and punk rock
Playboy playmates dig indie rock. Well, not really but bands across the nation. He enjoys taking their food orders
the magazine has put together a list of America’s best rock and making sure that they drink all the beer on their riders.
clubs. What the hell were they thinking? Associating sex and He can be reached at
rock ‘n roll? Included in the list were: Emo’s (Austin, TX), The
JANUARY 3, 2007 17
Jam Room
Recording Studio

Full Day of
Recording +


18 JANUARY 3, 2007
Out of Context

Burns Out Bright during our most memorable collective moment of 2006 (outside of being in Louisianna on Fat Tuesday) just before a naked Stretch Arm Strong mosh pit.

“We hate stupid people and want them to kill them- thing to porn stars Have you seen that shit on the internet? The earth sharted and out we popped. We were the speck-
2006 WAS A GOOD selves. It’s mainly about apathy. If you’re not going to It’s disgusting.” les of dookie on the otherwise white underpants of the
YEAR TO HANG OUT give a shit about anything... save yourself a lifetime.” Andrew Carey - Evergreen Terrace world.”
DRINKING BEER Isaac Stone - Burns Out Bright Karate Todd - The Fancy Lads.
WHILE LISTENING TO “Being on a label; it’s awesome. You bust your ass
BANDS TALK ABOUT “You’ve got every band out there that’s horrible- for them and they sell your records. You eat cheese sand- “Jimmy was really-really shy when we were little and
RIDICULOUS SHIT. I not to mention any names, but like Hawthorne Heights. wiches and turkey pot pie and give everything you’ve got one day I came into school and he had left a picture of a
WENT BACK And then there are all those bands who I don’t know how every night so kids can stand around and be pretty with ninja warrior called Ruby Three on my desk and it had it’s
THROUGH THE they got signed. I don’t know who they went down on to each other and stand in your way.” stats: like height, weight, and powers and all that crap. And
CATALOGS OF THE get a record deal and that stuff is just eating up the Brien Worsham - Secret Lives of the Freemasons the rest is history.”
ANGRY WHALE AND music scene.” Len Clark - Colour Revolt
RELIVED A LOT OF Schuylar Croom - He is Legend “I remember the first show thinking people are going
GREAT NIGHTS WITH to hate this so much. This is going to be so great. Which “There’s a lot more to it than just being loud and
SOME REALLY GREAT “I don’t think anyone is going to be listening to logically fell on it’s face because it was a welcome breath
Hawthorne Heights in ten years... nobody is going to of fresh air.”
obnoxious. That’s not my goal.”
Steve Snere - These Arms Are Snakes
PEOPLE AND FELT give a fuck about any of that shit.” FM-Static - The Epoxies
COMPELLED TO Fran Mark - Biology/From Autumn to Ashes “Chris and I played in a band before called the
SHARE THOSE MEMO- “We are all really sick and tired of there being shitty Broadways and in our youthful idealism we were con-
RABLE MOMENTS “It’s like being in Hell and sitting under Satan’s nut bands in Columbia. Not that all of them are shitty. It just vinced it was going to become the most important band of
WITH THOSE OF YOU sack. It’s the hottest thing ever.” seems like this is a really safe town. People know what all time. Believe it or not it didn’t become the most impor-
HERE IN COLUMBIA. Brien Worsham - Secret Lives of the Freemasons works here and they just keep on doing it over and over tant band of all time. In fact all of a sudden we were like
SO HERE IT IS: MY again.” ‘wow, we’re a didactic preachy band of assholes.”
FAVORITE QUOTES “Natalie Portman. Actually I don’t want to bang her I Bryan Taylor - Rapist in the Choir/Burns out Bright Brendan Kelly - The Lawrence Arms
FROM INTERVIEWS just want to date her. There’s a lot of porn stars that I would
TAKEN COMPLETELY bang because I think they’re into the same kind of shit that “We’ve actually been together since we were all tod- “I don’t forget my lyrics anymore. I used to have to
OUT OF CONTEXT. I’m into. Like fisting and shit like that. If you get an actress dlers. We were raised in the British Isles - not quite sure have them in front of me on stage. That’s how fucking stu-
I don’t think she’s into that unless you get her really coked where exactly. We never knew our parents. Some people pid it was.”
PHOTOGRAPHY AND STORY up. Yea you could put a PBR tall boy... you could do any- say the earth opened up and shit-farted and out we came. Chris Broach - The Firebird Band/Braid

JANUARY 3, 2007 19
Your social life will suffer an Your musical talent will take While your intentions for You will rethink your newfound
irreparable blow when you you the way of the great Elvis learning to play the banjo are love when you buy a twelve
download the “Wet Presley ...well, except for the good, the fact that you have pack of condoms and she com-
Flatulence” ringtone to your fame, fortune, and movie so few teeth will only continue ments: “Oooh, you bought a
mobile phone. deals. (Basically, it’s just the to stigmatize the instrument. year’s supply!”
dying on the toilet part).


It will suddenly dawn on you Lawmakers will eventually ban On the bright side, modern A bender in Vegas will screech
why every Indie band gazes the sale of sex toys in South science has finally found a to a halt in a Disney-themed
pensively off to the left in their Carolina, instantly turning the cure for your hideously disfig- chapel. During a brief flash of
promo photos: a very, very sock drawers of SC legislators’ uring disease (or the one you sobriety, you will pull back the
sad looking squeaky toy. wives into crime scenes. have yet to develop). Pity that veil to kiss your new bride, and
the drug will only be available only then, in that lighting, will
in a jumbo-sized suppository you notice that she bears a
form. striking resemblance to Neil


You will fall into deep despair You brought more than a T- Even though you believe that You have a primer-colored cus-
after the closure of your shirt home from Bike Week in wearing a Hawaiian shirt will tomized compact car that
favorite health food restaurant. Myrtle Beach. The sunburn strip you of your dignity, trust sounds like a weed eater. This
I would recommend a self-help and hangover will be relative- me, dude, you should totally Friday night you will rev your
book, but unfortunately ly easy to get rid of. The 200 wear one to divorce court next engine at the corner of Greene
“Chicken Soup for the lb. Hell’s Angel who has been week. and Harden as a courtship dis-
Vegetarian’s Soul” doesn’t crashing on your couch won’t play to females and to ward off
exist. be so easy to ditch. other competing bulls. The
message you will really send: “I
have a small pee pee.”

Jonesin’ Crosswords "Ribbed For Your Pleasure"-solving pleasure, I meant. BY MATT JONES

Across 56 It's heard by herders 32 Letters near the 7, on

1 Low-___ diet 57 Like some decals and some phones
5 Ironic short story writer patches 33 Nobel Peace Prize refuser
9 Brazilian rhythm in 2/2 58 Frankie who sang "Love Le ___ Tho
time, for short Is a Golden Ring" 35 "___ for apple..." (cereal
14 Away from the wind 60 They've got ribs jingle line)
15 Uncap 62 "From the top!" 36 Part of the nobility
16 "___ beginning..." 63 Note between VPs, say 37 Dog also known as a
17 It's got ribs 64 Another word for mar- German shepherd
19 More urgent garine 38 Flow counterpart
20 They may come with 65 Smarts 39 Cockpit occupant
attachments 66 Stuck in ___ 40 Leg bones
21 B'___ B'rith 67 "Freak on a Leash" band 44 Stand-in
23 E. ___ 45 Flat panel display type
24 Flip out Down 47 ___ Blahniks (chic shoes)
25 It's got ribs 1 Shelfmates of Marlboros 48 One who makes amends
27 Fast flyer, for short 2 Los ___ 49 Ted of "Help Me Help
28 Speed (by) 3 Meal You"
30 Affirmative vote 4 Give a false impression of 51 Braxton and Collette
31 Abbr. near a smiley 5 When pagans light bon- 52 Magic or Wilt, once
32 Walked nervously fires 54 Uncool
34 "Planet of the Apes" role 6 Chum of Tarzan 59 One way to go: abbr.
Dr. ___ 7 Alex's "Bill & Ted" costar 61 Ostrich relative
36 It's got ribs 8 Evil reputation
40 Total bull 9 Try on eBay ©2006 Jonesin' Crosswords
41 Ham radio enthusiasts 10 Reserved (editor@jonesincross-
42 Not Willie Nelson's 11 Enter as if nothing hap-
favorite org. pened For answers to this puzzle,
43 Recipe amt. 12 Pay painfully call: 1-900-226-2800, 99
46 "Incidentally," in Internet 13 Some antennas cents per minute. Must be
lingo 18 Helen Mirren's role in 18+. Or to bill to
47 Magazine with "The "The Queen" your credit card, call: 1-800-
Lighter Side of..." 22 The Cure's "Why Can't 655-6548. Reference puzzle
50 It's got ribs ___ You?" #0289.
53 Party crasher? 26 Perimeter deterrent
55 Golden Rule word 29 Chest muscle
20 JANUARY 3, 2007
Radio Free PHALLUS Savage



My wife and I have been married four years, and we

both are bi. We've been propositioned by—and played
with—a number of sexy friends heteroflexible enough not
to want/need full swap. So our play with others has been
limited to oral and light petting.
We've now been approached by a very sexy couple,
a straight guy and bi female, who want to do a full hetero
swap. The male is not interested in any bi play. He is also
borderline overly intense about his attraction to my wife.
His wife is very hot, and playing with her could be fun.
Thing is, unlike cuckolds, I have a hang-up about anoth-
er guy doing the full hetero swap with my wife. Light pet-
ting and oral is fine, but I feel that saving something "just
for us" gives us an anchor in this sea of swingers.
Am I insecure? Should I open myself to the idea of
another guy screwing my wife? If we ever do the full
swap, how can we avoid the pitfalls of insecurity and jeal-
ousy? Will you please advise?
Swap Curious
Sure, SC, but the first bit of advice I wanna give you
is rhetorical. Only pre–Vatican II nuns and modern
PORN, PORN, PORN! I have long theorized that any man who asserts an bisexual: They have male or female genitalia and prefer Mormon virgins use the phrase "light petting." People are
Cock. Tits. Balls. Cum. Anal. Pussy. Blowjob. Al- exclusive enjoyment of female-on-female pornography is a specific, or mixed, modes of having them greased. going to have a hard time taking you seriously as
Qaeda. Barack Obama. Okay, now that I have your atten- borderline, if not full-fledged, homosexual. Why? Because You don’t really need to heed the claims of a brilliant swingers—hell, they're going to have a hard time taking
tion, let the games begin. pornography en absentia the cock is intended for a rather French philosopher, when any mutt in heat will do. I’m you seriously as nonvirgins—if you insist on saying "light
So there I am in the Five Points Diner this past limited sexual audience: members of the lesbian mafia. sorry, but just because my basset hound Charley tries to petting" instead of "mutual masturbation" or "manual stim-
Saturday night, gulfing down a Philly cheese steak, a bas- Penile presence is an axiom of ‘straight man porn’— hump my Hush Puppies doesn’t make him a foot fetishist. ulation."
ket of fries and a quarter-sliced dill pickle. Note how com- or straight woman porn, for that matter. For the pornstar On a semi-related tangent, there is a group of As for "full hetero swap," well, that's pretty clunky,
fortable I am sharing with you the phallic geometry of my cock serves as a vicarious vehicle of autoerotic, or shared, German sex addicts that enjoys rummaging the Black too, but it is a phrase that actual swingers use so I'm
sandwich, side and condiment. heterosexual pleasure. Forest for trees with pliant knots with which they can erot- going to let it slide. In the Swinging Sea, "soft swap"
Two drunk dickhead USC undergrads are sitting In a strange convergence of sacred and profane ically relish in—how shall I put this?—a Betula pendula bud
poles, the voyeur cock transforms into the cock of the burst. I swear I’m not making that up. means you only do oral and manual with others; "full
beside me. Combined they have the IQ of a dead fern. swap" means you do vaginal intercourse. So you're soft
One of the dickheads dons a black COCKS ball cap. other. The actor member is both narrator and protagonist Does this mean that these human beings are orient-
of the erotic epic, through which the viewer/reader learns ed, whether from birth or rearing, toward an exclusive life swappers contemplating full swapping, SC, not light pet-
A television is mounted on the corner wall, and an ters.
Urban Nirvana day spa of arborphilia? Of course not.
commercial is airing. A
hot blonde DSL
“I am not diehard in my belief that a man who entertains But I do wonder if anyone has
given thought to how Mr. White
Okay, on to your question...
Not all swingers seek to avoid insecurity and jeal-
masseuse is slathering
slimy green seaweed
himself with lesbian porn is a homosexual. I simply like Birch feels as he watches his
darling wife being porked by
ousy. Gently or aggressively manipulating those feelings
is, for many swingers, an intrinsic part of the thrill. But all
cream all over the poste-
rior of an equally attrac-
screwing with the minds of dunderheaded frat boys” some strange Rhineland out-
swingers want to avoid the pitfalls of insecurity and jeal-
ousy. And how do they do it? By having frank, honest dis-
tive brunette patron. Oh my. How did I get cussions and setting clear, mutually acceptable bound-
The following conversation ensues: of, and participates in, the story’s burgeoning beginning, from girls gone wild to tree f--kers? Back to the subject at aries. So long as you know what you're comfortable with,
Dickhead One: “Sweet! Dude, check it out! Girl on Herculean middle and sticky denouement. hand. Literally. you and the wife should be able to safely navigate the
girl!” In short, a man who fears the on-screen dong is Pornography goes back as far as the historian can potentially treacherous emotional dynamics that are an
Dickhead Two notices several female passersby uncomfortable in the skin of his own sexuality. He thinks tell. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if, for all unavoidable aspect of swinging.
beyond the diner window. He reaches into his wallet, pulls that deriving pleasure in the shadow of a sesquipedalian these years, the French government has been covering up Up to now your boundaries have worked out well:
out a twenty dollar bill and waves it. schlong translates into a self-desire for penises, and thus an entire chamber of the Lascaux Caves covered with Manual stim and oral—soft swap—is okay; some other
Dickhead Two: “Yo, ladies! Here’s a twenty to see he feels compelled to declare that the only X-rated scenes depictions of Ice Agers pleasuring bovine lovers. guy's dick pounding away at your wife's pussy—full
you French each other!” for him are one replete with labia. Many of the earliest Aegean ceramic pieces are plas- swap—is not okay.
Dickhead One [in a hushed tone]: “Smooch? I got a As an aside, one of the true male stumbling blocks of tered with priapic scenes. Personally, I have always been Should you now abandon boundaries that have
fifty to see them lick clit.” lesbian pornography is the absence of a venereal Virgil to entertained by the thought of ancient Greek parties.
guide the voyeur male to the end; the Greek notion of Guests must have downed their wine-filled bullhead rhy- served you so well up to this point? Well, you wouldn't be
Dickhead One and Dickhead Two laugh merrily at writing me, and you wouldn't be signing off as "Swap
the prospect. God rues the day he created man. ‘telos’. Plain and simply, there is no obvious climactic tons as fast as possible to get to the bottom of the naughty
moment to end the fantastical affair. Like the Energizer double-penetration scene at the bottom of the host’s krater. Curious," if you weren't, you know, curious. (Insight like
Jaroslav Dampfstain [munching on Philly cheese that is why I get paid the big bucks.) But it sounds to me
steak]: “Gentlemen, really, that sort of advertisement Bunny, the encounter just keeps going and going and Of course, there is nothing new I can add to the
should only erotically appeal to certain filamentous forms going. many histories of pornography. And, as everyone knows, like, as much as you might want to give full swap a try,
of spirogyra. So how long have you two adolescents been I am surprised that we never learn in the news of the a history of pornography is really pornography in the guise you're not sure you can wholly trust this guy. You describe
fondling each other’s scroti?” tragic end of some sexually-confused male masturbator, of history. him as "borderline overly intense" about his desire to fuck
Dialogue henceforth paraphrased. caught in the calamitous Möbius strip of a girl-on-girl video. But porn is just something fun to write and read the living shit out of your wife. But at the same time, you
Under normal conditions, Dickheads One and Two “He seemed like a perfectly normal neighbor, but he about. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have made it this far. seem attracted to his energy and, of course, to his wife.
might attempt, in puerile fashion, to flaunt their violent just couldn’t figure out when to end. Death by masturba- Deep down, there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t hope So what do you do?
maleness by such a threatening remark. But as I weigh tion must be very difficult for a mother to bear.” for an afternoon alone, in which to revel in some sort of Test them. Suggest to this other couple that, at first,
375 pounds and have arms the size of whiskey barrels, Actually, I’m not sure I was all that eloquent. I might self-gratifying erotic fantasy, be it Favio novels or Jenna you would like to play under your current rules: soft swap
even two lima beam-brained offalmeisters know better have just told the Two Dickheads something along the Jameson vid-clips or Unzipped photo spreads. only, but no bi play, since he's not into that. If this other
than to come straight at me. [Probably a pun there, but lines of, “Being aroused while watching someone else’s I am not discounting the actual sexual encounter. guy really wants your wife that badly, he should be thrilled
we’ll let it slide.] erect penis is horribly threatening to you. It makes you But how many of us are privy to a real-life sexual experi- to get a crack at her even if he doesn't get to fuck her. If
Actually, a fairly interesting conversation ensued, in think you’re gay, so you retreat to an Amazonian fantasy ence that transcends our own physical limitations, be it after agreeing to a night of oral and manual this other guy
which I espoused much of my lifetime-gathered philosophy world to assert your maleness. What’s your dream car?” attractiveness, place in history, or general lack of suave- verbally suggests upgrading to full swap midscene, well,
on the subject of pornography, part of which I am happy to This question caught both Dickheads off-guard. ness required to pick up four bronzed Rio beach babes? he gets an F. If he physically attempts to upgrade to the
share with you, dear reader. “A Hummer,” Dickhead Two blurted. As far as I’m concerned, what could be better than a full hetero—if he attempts to initiate vaginal intercourse—
But first, I find it important to note that I can even I swallowed the rest of my pickle and grinned, “Case few playful hours alone at home with me, myself, my solip- he gets an F-.
proffer public thoughts on porn. Imagine the South solved.” sistic dick and Nikki Dial? What a fabulous foursome.
In truth, I am not diehard in my belief that a man who Oh, and don’t forget: the vicarious cock whom I must But if this other couple demonstrates that they can
Carolina of my youth not three decades ago: Although a respect your boundaries before you agree to shift them,
certain former Dixiecrat politician was diddling half the entertains himself with lesbian porn is a homosexual. I become.
simply like screwing with the minds of dunderheaded frat well, then they might be good candidates for satisfying
legally-eligible females in the state, the notion of writing your curiosity about full swap.
about adults banging away for my private pleasure was boys.
unfathomable. But I am a firm disbeliever in finite sexual categories, Mr. Dampfstain is filling in [please don’t read into that] for
But back to the subject at hand: I had just suggest- such as the concept of ‘sexual orientation.’ As Michel columnist Harry S. Larch, who is on assignment this week
ed to these two young men that they were fond of gracing Foucault teaches us, the notion of ‘sexuality’ is a modern in Amsterdam.
each other nightly with the devil’s kiss. construct. People are not homosexual or heterosexual or

22 JANUARY 3, 2007
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24 JANUARY 3, 2007

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