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INSTRUCTIONS: Do research and answer the following questions.

1. Identify the methods and barriers of communication.

There are five types of method communication Verbal, Non-verbal, Written, Listening, and Visual

1. Verbal Communication – occurs when we engage in speaking with others. It can be face-to-
face, via zoom or skype, or on the telephone. Verbal exchanges can be formal and informal.

2. Non-verbal Communication – it includes facial expressions, posture, eye contact, body

language, hand movements, and touch. Non-verbal cues can speak much louder than what we
are actually saying.

3. Written Communication – the goal to disseminate information in a clear and concise manner.
Written communication can be an email, contract, memo, Facebook post, or even a tweet.

4. Listening – the most important type of communication. In order to engage an effective

communication with others, one person must listen intently to what the others are saying.

5. Visual Communication – in today’s age, almost everything uses visual communication. In order
to market their products, companies use commercial to advertise their product in the television
and in social media.

There are 6 types of common communication barriers

1. Dissatisfaction – loss of interest in the subject. The most difficult barrier to overcome because
it involves changing the mindset of a person.

2. Inability to listen to others – proper communication includes listening. For us to have an

effective communication one person must listen to what the others are trying to say.

3. Lack of transparency and Trust – lack of trust can cause problems for your team to process
any attempts to communicate with them.

4. Communication Styles – Everyone have different approach when it comes to communication.

5. Conflicts in the Workplace – when conflict is present in the workplace it can cause barriers that
will interrupt the effective communication around your workplace. Staffs will start taking sides
creating divisions with different goals in mind.

6. Cultural Differences and Language – in a company not everyone came from the same region
or ethnicity. So, everyone might use different ways to say a word, and when one does not
recognize cultural differences, there is a risk of offending the other person.
2. Discuss the awareness of cultural factors that necessitate adapting standard examination

During standard examination procedures, we follow protocols that will help us do our job
more efficiently but there are some instances where the patients’ cultural beliefs will conflict with
the standard examination protocol. As a Radiologic Technologist we have to respect the clients’
cultural beliefs and come up with a way to have a proper radiograph that will not cause problems
for the radiologist or the client.


NOTE: Please refrain from copy pasting your answers and include your references.

Submissions should be on PDF format, due on September 12, 2022 – 6PM here on our course site.

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