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Romblon State University

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Biology
BIO 111: General Botany


I. Gross Structures of Plants

Exercise: Take a photo of a plant in plain background (from root to termina bud). Label all its
parts. Identify the vegetative and reproductive structures.

Apical bud
(terminal bud)

Internode Petiole

Stem (vegetative)

Primary root

Lateral root

Note that this worksheet provided to you in any form is intended only for your use in connection with the course that you are currently enrolled in. It is not for distribution or sale. Permission
should be obtained from your instructor for any use other than what is intended.
Romblon State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
BIO 111: General Botany

II. Root Systems

Exercise: Draw or take a photo of taproot and fibrous/diffuse root systems.

(A) Taproot System (B) Fibrous/Diffuse Root System

III. Venation

Exercise: Draw or take a photo of leaves showing parallel and netted venations.

(A) Parallel venation (B) Netted venation

Note that this worksheet provided to you in any form is intended only for your use in connection with the course that you are currently enrolled in. It is not for distribution or sale. Permission
should be obtained from your instructor for any use other than what is intended.
Romblon State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
BIO 111: General Botany

IV. Anatomy of a Flower

Exercise: Draw or take a photo of a flower showing its essential and accessory parts. Label its

I. Anatomy of a Fruit

Exercise: Draw a coconut fruit and corn kernel/seed showing its layers (for fruits) and structure
(for seeds). Label its parts.

(A) Cocos nucifera fruit (B) Zea mays kernel

Note that this worksheet provided to you in any form is intended only for your use in connection with the course that you are currently enrolled in. It is not for distribution or sale. Permission
should be obtained from your instructor for any use other than what is intended.

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