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Home » Well control » Kill Sheet Calculation Steps, Formulas & Calculators

Kill Sheet Calculation Steps, Formulas & Calculators

 2021-12-28

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Table of Contents

1. Importance of The Kill Sheets

2. Steps Of Completing The Calculations Of Kill Sheets

2.1 1 Prerecord Informations

2.2 2 Information To Be Recorded in Kill Sheet When Well Kicks

2.3 3 Determine the maximum allowable mud density

2.4 4 Determine the Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP)

2.5 5 Find The Kill Mud Density (KMD) In The Sheet

2.6 6 Find The Original Mud Pressure Gradient (OMG)

2.7 7 Find the kill mud pressure gradient (KMG)

2.8 8 Find The Initial Circulating Pressure (ICP)

2.9 9 Find the final circulating pressure (FCP)

2.10 10 Find Well Volumes In The Kill Sheet

2.11 11 Barite Required to Weight-Up

2.12 12 Determine Pumping Time to Fill Surface Lines

2.13 13 Determine Pumping Time To Fill Drill String

2.14 14 Determine Pumping Time To Fill The Annulus

3. Download Kill Spread Sheet

4. Well control Formulas Sheet

Kill sheets are used to calculate the mud weight, mud quantities, and pumping times required to bring a well back to primary control after a
gas kick. A description of how to complete kill sheets will be discussed through this article.

The kill sheet is a printed form that contains blank spaces for recording information about killing an impending blowout, provided to remind
personnel of necessary steps to kill a well. Kill sheets for different units are also available on the website of the International Well Control

Importance of The Kill Sheets

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Kill sheets record information required to kill a kick inCUCET 2022
the well Applications
including mudOpenpump rates, volumes, pressures, densities, and formation leak-off

pressure. Some drills use computer programs and the collected information

for the calculations. Kill sheets can supply the following information to the driller:

Maximum shut-in annulus surface pressure (MAASP) for the original mud density

Required kill mud density

Circulating pressures

Time required for kill mud to get to the bit

Time required to fill the annulus.

The MAASP information is important to assist in using chokes to keep the surface annular pressure lower than this value.

The driller also knows when the kill mud gets to the drill bit and starts to fill the annulus. As the annulus fills, because of the heavier kill mud, the
MAASP reduces towards an eventual final MAASP.

Steps Of Completing The Calculations Of Kill Sheets

Several calculations are required for the kill sheets, and they are described on the following pages, along with examples of metric and
imperial kill sheets.

1 Prerecord Informations

Prior to the kick, and at all times, your prerecorded data sheet should be completely filled out except for the measured depth and the length of
drill pipe in the hole. Enter these items and calculate the internal drill string capacity and the system totals. Transfer the slow pump rate data
from the prerecorded data sheet to Driller’s Method or wait and weight method kill sheet.

2 Information To Be Recorded in Kill Sheet When Well Kicks

Many items of information need to be gathered when a well kicks. These include:

Old Mud Weight

Pit Volume Increase

Initial Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure

True Vertical Depth Of Hole
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Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure
Measured Depth Of Hole

3 Determine the maximum allowable mud density

The maximum allowable mud density (MAMD) is calculated using the test mud density = TMD and the true vertical Casing depth = TVD Shoe.

4 Determine the Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MAASP)

This surface pressure depends on the mud weight. For a light mud the MAASP can be higher and for heavy

mud it will be lower.

MAASP psi = 0.052 x (MAMD (ppg) – MD (ppg) x TVD Shoe (ft)

MAASP (kPa) = 9.81 x [MAMW (SG – MD (SG)] x TVD Shoe (metres)

The initial MAASP is calculated with MD equal to the original mud density (OMD). The original mud weight

is the weight of mud before the well kick occurred. The final MAASP is calculated with MD equal to the kill mud density (KMD).

Note: MAASP is rounded down in the kill sheet.

5 Find The Kill Mud Density (KMD) In The Sheet

This calculation uses the shut-in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP), the original mud weight (OMW), and the true

vertical depth of hole (TVD).

6 Find The Original Mud Pressure Gradient (OMG)

OMG (kPa/m) = OMD (SG) x 9.81

OMG (psi/ft) = OMD (ppg) x 0.052

7 Find the kill mud pressure gradient (KMG)


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SIDPP = shut-in drill pipe pressure

TVD = true vertical depth.

Example of a calculated kill sheet

8 Find The Initial Circulating Pressure (ICP)

The drill pipe circulating pressure is the sum of all friction losses plus pressures caused by density imbalances plus any imposed surface
backpressure. (StandPipe Pressure Calculations). ICP is the drill pipe pressure required to circulate initially at the selected kill rate while
holding casing pressure at the closed-in value, numerically equal to kill rate circulating pressure, plus closed-in drill pipe pressure.



KRP = the kill rate pressure or dynamic pressure loss.
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If no slow circulating rate pressure has been taken, then the initial circulating pressure can be determined using the start-up procedures
described in the circulations of Driller’s method.

Where the casing pressure has been held constant while the pumps are brought up to a kill rate, the drill pipe pressure reading will be the
initial circulating pressure. The procedure consists of:

Noting casing pressure reading.

Adjusting pumps to new kill rate. Adjusting choke to hold casing pressure constant at the value noted.

As soon as the driller has the pumps settled on the new rate, return to the drillpipe pressure gauge.

Note this new reading as the circulating pressure for the new pump rate and maintain this.

9 Find the final circulating pressure (FCP)



OMD = Original mud density

KMD = Kill mud density.

10 Find Well Volumes In The Kill Sheet

Refer to Drill Pipe Capacity Calculations Formulas & Sheets for formulae and information on how to determine the following volumes:

1. Internal volume of standard drill pipe

2. Internal volume of heavy drill pipe

3. Internal volume of drill collars

4. Total internal drill string volume (add 1, 2, and 3)

5. Volume of annulus of open hole

6. Volume of annulus of casing

7. Total volume of annulus.

The volume per length (metre or ft) of all drill pipe should be recorded from the manufacturer’s

specification sheets.

The kill rate should be between 2-5 barrels per minute for most cases.

Aramco recommendations

11 Barite Required to Weight-Up

It’s an easy matter to determine the amount of barite, which will be required once the total volume to weight-up is known. Use the following
formula and record its value.

12 Determine Pumping Time to Fill Surface Lines

This is determined by dividing the surface line volume by the pump volume per minute.

Pump volume per minute = volume per stroke x strokes per minute (SPM).

If two pumps are used then the volumes are added together to calculate total pump volume per minute.

13 Determine Pumping Time To Fill Drill String

14 Determine Pumping Time To Fill The Annulus

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Download Kill Spread Sheet
Below we have gathered 4 kill sheet calculators to assist you in completing such calculations

Kill-Sheet Calculator Download

Kill Sheet For Horizontal Wells Download

Kill-Sheet-IWCF Download

Kill Sheet For Subsea (vertical & horizontal) Download

Well control Formulas Sheet

Well control formulas Download

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