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English for Academic and

Name: Katleen L. Briones Subject: Professional Purposes

Section: TVL - ICT 11 Portugal Teacher: Keth Villanueva

“Time and Tide Wait for None”

"Time and tide wait for none" is a famous English proverb, which means that both
time and tide are unstoppable and cannot be controlled or taken back in any way. According
to the proverb time is the most priceless possessions, it encourages us to avoid wasting time.
However, the majority of people don't seem to realize the value of time. People keep wasting
their time on things that won't really give them long-term results in life. Especially nowadays,
the very first thing people do upon waking up in the morning is to get their phone and spend
their time scrolling through social media instead of getting out of bed and preparing
themselves for the new opportunity to take action in life. People must choose wisely how to
spend their time.

First, from the very moment they are born in this world, their time is already
ticking. And once time is gone, they can never get it back. Everyone has different timelines in
this world. Thus, never waste the time you still have with your family. In fact, the time they
spent with their loved ones created a deeper and stronger bond, as did their chances of
celebrating every special milestone they achieved together with their loved ones. This was
one of life's pleasures that cost them time but rewarded them with memories. Therefore,
spending time with their loved ones is worth every second. Second, Investing their time in
themselves is the best investment that will give them the return through life. As
said, "It's never a waste of time to invest in yourself, no matter the source. True wealth begins
inward and emits its light outward into everything else, including the people you surround
yourself with." putting their time, effort, and energy into looking for ways to expand their
knowledge and better themselves in any way. They are their greatest asset in life. With this in
mind, spending their time to improve themselves gives them better character, experiences,
and skills and opens up opportunities in life. as they hold a value that still has much growing
to do. However, there are things in life that they have to give up, even though they have
already invested time, effort, and passion in them. Life is full of uncertainties, and no one
knows what the circumstances of their decisions will be. For instance, when you are working
and making your way to your goal but things don't really work out, you have to stop and
move on. This is just keeping you stuck in that certain place. Others may say "quitters never
win," but sometimes the best decision is to cut our losses.

Overall, people should stop wasting their time and start being mindful of how they
spend their time since time is very short and people can die at any time and for any reason,
and since time is a vital part of people's lives. In fact, success can be reached when people
understand and value time. Although there are times that we also have to act in opposition
and give something up to prevent more damage in our lives, having these things in mind
gives them the advantage of controlling the outcome of their lives.
English for Academic and
Name: Katleen L. Briones Subject: Professional Purposes

Section: TVL - ICT 11 Portugal Teacher: Keth Villanueva

“A Good Man is Hard to Find”

I. Introduction

A. The story is about an American Family who run into an escaped

murder at plantation.
1. Flannery O’ Conner who, in her own words, describes it as the story of a
family of six which, on its way driving to Florida, gets wiped out by an escaped
convict who call himself the misfit.

II. Body

III. Conclusion

A.The road trip to Florida of a quarreling family is shown in "A Good Man Is Hard to Find."
When Grandmother persuades her son Bailey to take a side road to see an old plantation with
the help of the kids, the family's road trip ends in the murder of everyone except for
Grandmother's cat.


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