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Model of Productive Use of Renewable Energy for Poverty Alleviation and

Biodiversity Loss in Critical Ecosystems Tropical Andes, Peru

5.1 Characterization of the Economic sector.

San José de Lourdes District is a district formed in the origin communities Awajum
to the western part of the rivers to the great basin of Marañón side and in the last
decades, has been populated with migratory flows from the provinces of the center
of Cajamarca and Piura Region; currently migrations are characterized as temporary
only for the coffee harvest.

The population is distributed within the district territory in 81 communities grouped

into seven major groups or settlements, indigenous communities occupying 7.3%.
Below the graphical view

Distribución Porcentual

Dsitribución Distrital

0 16%
14 10%


Nuev Truji
6 13%
Potr Gra
Siete A
7% 22%
Huaran Calab SJL Nuev CC.NN Potr Siete A

Truji Gra


Sector Analysis of the Process - Economic

Agriculture is the main economic activity that generates incomes to the district population
of SJL; It is proposed as a strategy the further implementation of temporary and permanent
crops such as coffee cultivation, banana, cacao and corn.

Local agriculture is characterized by being made up of small and medium farmers, with a
regiment of having of small and micro property based primarily on the work of family
members and temporary workers which depends on the commercial dynamism in some
months of the year. Among the banana fruit, islander, oranges, avocado, pineapple etc.
The district agriculture is characterized by the following diagnostic profile:
- Technological Precarious causing low production, so a suitable technical advice is
- Deficient dirt roads that generate the extra cost of the products.

- One of the major limitations is the lack of planning of agricultural activities; the farmer
does not have a financial capital that serves as a support throughout the year.
- The farmer does not have adequate conservation management of ecosystems of forest
- There is a lack of knowledge for the post harvest handling of the products, causing
waste and loss.

The local municipality has promoted initiatives projects focus on the approach to fight
against extreme poverty, with the intention to produce crimps with production chains in
productive projects, but not tangible and sustainable results are appreciated. Cattle raising

Livestock economic activity ranks second as an economic activity of families; they are
dedicated to raising cattle and improved, sheep, goats, pigs and horses.

The villages with potential livestock in the district are the CP Huaranguillo, Puerto
Chinchipe, Potrero Grande CP, CP Seven of August, New Trujillo CP, CP Black Hole and
San Jose de Lourdes. The average production of cattle, estimated to reach is of 8,500 head
of cattle.

Reports of the Agricultural Agency of the province indicate a high incidence of diseases
that attack cattle, pigs and horses observed at a high rate of morbidity from disease
Vesicular stomatitis, piroplasmosis; gastro parasites

In the district there are at least 6 polymetallic mining projects undergoing feasibility
studies, one of which is the Golden Eagle project. There is a perception of the der people
about that mining companies are not properly observing their interactions with the
population, which turns into distrust

Potential Ecotourism
There is a shared idea in the population that local and regional authorities of the state do not
devote real attention to the potential in tourist attractions of nature and culture. The
documents available for teachers of the native district of this area, at least the following
evidence at last the following:
 The cave paintings of Taramwyke, located in the villages of Gramalotes, Nambacasa
and Potrero Grande, at an altitude of 795 m.s.n.m. (South)
 Cave Painting The Parcos located on the east of San Jose de Lourdes, at an altitude of
2,000 m.s.n.m.
 Cave Painting El Potrero Grande, located in the hamlet Gramalotes, the right side of the
road, records murals distant from each other along the rock, at an altitude of 795
m.s.n.m .; It has an altitude of 1,500 m.s.n.m.
 Cave Painting Cotomonos Awajum village of Potrero Grande.
 Cave Painting Borucas Awajum village of Potrero Grande.
 Shipal cave painting village in the town of Potrero Grande in the village center
gramalotes recorded several paintings is located at an altitude of 1,300 m.s.n.m. Cave
Painting The Zorritos pipers in the sector Gramalotes Shipal- populated Potero Large
 Water Falls in the village Apangoya in C.P. Awajum Calabozo.
 Stems cave in the village of La Union C.P. Dungeon.

The craft is done in various communities in the district, with greater emphasis on native
communities, using wood and clay, but there is a lack of help to achieve a better quality of
craft products, so that there could be a possible better relation with the market for these
elements of great cultural influence in the local communities.

The system of local marketing is done to the markets of San Ignacio, Jaen and Chiclayo
more frequently and exit areas are with located in Puerto Cirueloin the district and in
Puerto plum, the neighboring district of Huarango, both located to the left margin
Chinchipe binational basin.

The location of Puerto Chinchipe is physically more advantageous to install infrastructure

firm trade, and place of sales and coordination of trade shows a significant projection of
importance to all communities and developments in the area, facing the potential of the
road axis IIRSA II.

District competitiveness
Both the district plans and in the province and region, it is projected to the district of San
José de Lourdes as a leader within the plan border territorial competitiveness, according to
the Development Vision 2015, but the years have passed and purposes have not resulting in
effective policies and projects to achieve concrete results.
SJL District has an isolated power grid of the central hydroelectric plant of Quanda with a
capacity of 2760 KW, located in the heart of SJL which operates with the water of the
villages of the micro basin located within the district territory. Renewable energy generated
is diverted to other territories due to low local demand, mainly oriented to domestic
consumption and unproductive, as well as the improvidence of the distribution company
responsible only to install monophasic and low voltage networks.

The provincial municipality has projected an interpretation about the environmental
management of natural sources of water, which do not conform to the truth, but has become
incontrovertible truths to manage local actors under pressure to be marked with treason.
Their proposal says having interest in "protecting mountain ecosystems mist and wasteland
we have in the district, mainly natural forests and reserve areas such as in the village of San
Juan de La Frontera, La Cordillera del Picorana, Forests Andean Cordillera, this will enable
sustainable development without compromising future generations. " The data is
nonexistent livelihood, but has effects on social behavior.

It is true that the actions of changes in land use has led to a dynamic attempts deforestation
of large tracts of natural forests and tourist heritage, situation in which the erosion of large
areas of soil; whose spaces can only be recovered by the aggressive installation of
agroforestry systems under the concept "conserve and sustainably use is business."

Peru, October 2016

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