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Practical Research Week 9







1. Case study Case study provides a deeper Case studies can be very time
and more detailed as well as a consuming. The data collection
more individually relevant process can be so intensive and
understanding of a complex long, and this is something new
research problem. researchers are not familiar
with. It takes a long period of
time to develop a case study,
and develop a detailed analysis.
2.Etnography Ethnographies are well suited to Ethnographic research has
study unpredictable situations several disadvantages to
and relationships that are too consider as well. Ethnography is
complex or difficult for time consuming and requires a
quantitative methods, such as well-trained researcher. It takes
surveys and statistical analysis time to build trust with
of numerical data. The idea is informants in order to facilitate
more to observe than interact. full and honest discourse.
3.Ground Theory Grounded theory can identify The weakness of ground theory
the situated nature of research is that the
knowledge, as well as the presentation of research
contingent nature of practice. findings in grounded theory is
Grounded theory produces a not straightforward.
'thick description that
acknowledges areas of conflict
and contradiction.
Grounded theory is better at
determining what actually
4.Narrative Inquiry The narrative approach allows One of the weaknesses of
for a rich description of these studying narratives is that the
experiences and an exploration text is by its own nature
of the meanings that the linguistically subjective. i.e.
participants derive from their difficult to quantitatively access
experiences. Narrative inquiry in an objective manner since it
amplifies voices that may have is subjective i.e. personally
otherwise remained silent meaningful.
5.Phenomenology Phenomenology is a powerful Its weakness is it has difficulties
way to understand subjective with analysis and interpretation,
experience and to gain insights usually lower levels of validity
around people's actions and and reliability compared to
motivations, cutting through positivism, and more time and
long-held assumptions and other resources required for
challenging conventional data collection.

This sampling is a snowball sampling, because this is chain-referral. It is snowball sampling because it
uses a small pool of initial informants to nominate, through their social networks, other participants who
meet the eligibility criteria and could potentially contribute to a specific study. In this case, a local social
worker introduced you to two former street working children. But, the two former working children told
you that they have other friends who are still working to the street. So, it became chain referral

Activity 2

1. Cluster Sampling

2.Stratified random Sampling

3. Stratified or Quota Sampling

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