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NAME: Florenda l Opdi



1.) What part of the video touched you the most?why?

Answer:I was touched by the scene where the old man would have his birthday cake given by his
grandchildren from the boy he helped then before. I felt a little bit of emotions in that scene in the
video it just proves that when you do good to your neighbor expect It also has a good reward for you
when you do bad to your neighbor you also expect karma is coming up on the path of your life so it is
important to think carefully about the actions that are being done in our lives because not only yourself
will have an impact on our actions but also on the people around us.

2.)do you see yourself in any characters in the video?why?

Answer:Yes, I feel like I'm the girl in the video I remember when I was a child my mother always she
was with me in the market me every Sunday sometimes I liked something to buy like toys or food that i
wanted sometimes my mother didn't buy it because we only had money for important things to buy. so
when that happens I get angry with mama but now that I am 18yrs old I realized that there are more
important things than buying what I like to buy which is not necessary in life.

1.) If you were the parent of the child, would you allow a nurse to apply traditional medicine to your
child which comes with an explanation on how tthe procedure is done? Write your explanations?

Answer: yes Of course why not if the child feel better in the traditional medicine then it's ok because the
traditional treatments for the sick or pain such as massaging are effective and it soothes the human
body, I remember when I was a child I was given massage before I was taken to the doctor my parents
used to be good at masseurs and it worked.

2.)if you were ate Josie would you offer your help risking no less your precious job? Give your reason.

Answer: yes as long as I can help the patient, I know what I supposed to do the patient so I can only
help my patient as long as I have the assurance that it will be good and nothing bad happen completely
to what I do to my client/ patient..

3.)if you were the doctor of the patient and eventually the patient recovered quickly upon the
administration of hilot would you report ate Josie to the admin for malpractice and u professionalism?

Answer:if I am the patient I will tell what the nurse did to me treat me but I will report it so that the
doctors know that traditional treatments also have good side effects and can be used to alleviate the
feelings of the pain of the patient and the doctor know some medicine can help the patient pain it will
be a knowledge to solve any kind of disease and it will help their profession.

1.) Family structure

2.) clothing




6.)burial rituals

7.) dancing






When an action has the potential to help or harm When the action has no potential to help or harm
another person or yourself, then that action has to do another person or yourself, that action is an non moral.
with morality.

Force other to act accordingly No right to impose to others

Moral standard about behavior or practices with serious Non-moral standards is about behavior or practices
upon human well being. with no serious effects upon human being.


1.) Explain why only human can be ethical?

Answer: People/humans have moral meanings because their biological makeup refers to having ethical
values such as the ability to predict the consequences of one’s own actions, the ability to make value
judgments and the latter the ability to choose between alternative courses of action.

1.)A moral agent is any person or collective entity capable of exercising moral liberty. Meaning It is
suggested that rational thinking and deliberation are necessary skills for any agent. .in this method,
moral agents can recognize right and wrong and be held accountable for the consequences of their
actions. For example a 13 -year -old who slapped and trampled his younger brother, then lied about it
so that he would not be reprimanded and escape punishment, shows the example of the character of a
moral agent. The boy knew that was wrong but he still did it.

2.)The three perspective of culture functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
Functionalists view society as a system in which all parts work—or function—together to create society
as a whole. Conflict theorists believe that a society's system of material production has an effect on the
rest of culture. People who have less power also have less ability to adapt to or enact cultural
change.Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective that is most concerned with the face-to-
face interactions between members of society. Interactionists see culture as being created and
maintained by the ways people interact and in how individuals interpret each other's actions.

3.)Here are some of Filipino Traits and Characteristics Respect and Courtesy, Strong Family Ties, Strong
Work Ethic, Love and Caring, Respect for the elderly, Faith religion. These characteristics of the Filipinos
are related to the moral and cultural perspective how do example by the given characteristics of a
Filipino mention that respect for the elderly Filipinos respect the elders by taking the hands of their
uncles, grandmothers, and their parents and they bring the hands of the elders to their foreheads which
when called in Filipino is "pagmamano" in English is handcuffing another example talking to adults and
showing respect to the elders is Filipino use opo and po as a symbol of respect for the person you are

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