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Capsicum Frutascens:

Alternative Pest Control for

Psidium Guajava


Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Teacher

MARCH 2018


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all those who
have helped to make this study possible:
 First, to the heavenly father for the gift of life, knowledge, wisdom, and
 To Mr Jefrey Logronio for the encouragement, support and guidance to
complete the study.
 To Mrs Genalyn Lumanao for being an active research adviser extending a
hand in helping and guiding the researchers finish the study.
 To the parents of the researchers for the encouragement and support
morally and financially.
Thank you so much for your kind hearts and helping hands!

- The Researchers


Title Page - - - - - - - - - 1

Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - 2

Table of Contents - - - - - - - - 3

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Setting

Background of the Study - - - - - - 5

Significance of the Study - - - - - - 6

Scope and Delimitations - - - - - - 6

Statement of the Problem - - - - - - 6

Hypothesis - - - - - - - - 6

Definition of Terms - - - - - - - 7

Conceptual Framework - - - - - - 8

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Related Studies

Local Study - - - - - - - 9

Foreign Study - - - - - - - 10

Related Literatures

Local Literature - - - - - - 11

Foreign Literature - - - - - - 12

Chapter III: Methodology

Research Design - - - - - - - 13

Variables and Measures - - - - - - 13

Sampling Design - - - - - - - 13

Research Instruments - - - - - - - 13

Research Locale - - - - - - - 13

Data Gathering Procedures - - - - - - 13

Data Analysis - - - - - - - - 14

Chapter IV: Results and Discussions - - - - - 15

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary - - - - - - - - 15

Conclusions - - - - - - - - 15

Recommendations - - - - - - - 16

References - - - - - - - - - 17
Appendices - - - - - - - - - 18

Pictorials - - - - - - - - 19



Agriculture is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food,
fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human
life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization,
whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the
development of civilization. However, with great success in the field of agriculture comes
its great threat and enemy; pests.
Pest insects can have adverse and damaging impacts on agricultural production
and market access, the natural environment, and our lifestyle. Pest insects may cause
problems by damaging crops and food production, parasitizing livestock, or being a
nuisance and health hazard to humans.
Pests on plants limit the crop to produce a bountiful harvest and thus threaten the
agricultural and economic success. It also brings threat to human health as it is a possible
transmitter of different kinds of viruses. To be able to eliminate these threats, farmers
should learn to control and manage pests.
Managing pests (weeds, insects and plant diseases) in agriculture involves the safe
and environmentally sound use of pesticides to control crop pests when and where
needed, as well as integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that avoid total reliance
on chemical pesticides.
Over the years, humans have formulated hundreds of chemicals that are used in
controlling pests. It was an effective pest control yet it has been found to have negative
effects on humans.
With this regard, a new study is born which aims to formulate a mixture free from
chemicals harmful to both plants and humans. Out from natural remedies and natural
products of agriculture, the researchers will find an effective pest repellent to control pest
in the safest processes possible.
Capsicum frutascens or commonly known as chili plant will be the focus of the
study. The researchers will try the effectiveness of an alternative pests control made from
chili in a plant, specifically, psidium guajava or commonly known as guava. It will then
be carefully studied and data will be carefully analyzed and recorded.

After the study, it is expected that an alternative pest control free from harmful
chemicals will be successfully formulated.


The study is especially designed to help the field of agriculture develop pests
control products from natural remedies and without the use of chemicals that can threat
the plant and human health. Thus, the research is significant to the following;
To the Agriculturists - the study can be their basis to develop a more effective pesticide
with the use of natural products from agriculture itself.
To the Farmers - the outcome of the research can be used by Farmers to help control
pests in their crops and produce products in better shape and performance.
To the Parents – the result of the study will help the parents to realize what more can a
simple chili plant do to create a pest free garden.
The research aims to create a mixture from capsicum frutascens or commonly
known as chili to be used as an alternative pesticide.
As much as the researchers want to study the effects of natural pesticide made
from capsicum fratescence to a wide field of agriculture, the availability of materials
needed and time that should be consumed for the study does not allow it. Instead, the
researchers choose to focus on a particular plant where pests are commonly found from
leaves to its fruits. The researchers will focus on controlling the pest found in a Psidium


The study aims to find out if capsicum frutascens can be used as alternative
pesticide for agricultural products, more specifically, the study aims to find test its result
to a psidium guajava.
The following questions aims to support the study:
1. Will the mixture made from capsicum frutascens be an effective pest
2. Will the mixture made from capsicum frutascens be used as a substitute
for chemical pesticides?
HYPOTHESIS (Null Hypothesis)
The following are the propositions of the researchers:

1. The mixture made from capsicum frutascens is not an effective pest
2. The mixture made from capsicum frutascens cannot be used as a
substitute for chemical pesticide.

Capsicum Frutascens – (common name; Chili) a small pepper with a very hot flavor.
Psidium Guajava – (common name; Guava) a tree that produces sweet yellow fruit of a
Tropicana American tree.
Alternative Pesticide - not the usual or traditional; offering a choice of chemicals that
can be used to kill animals or insects that damage plants or crops.


Capsicum Frutascens








Pest controlled


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Most popular plants with insect-repellent activity are non-native to the Philippines
and can pose an ecological threat when propagated for its utility. Indigenous knowledge
provides a wealth of information on native plants with such potential application.
To document the insect-repellent plants used by the Ayta people from Porac,
Pampanga, Philippines, 121 informants from five villages aged between 20-60 years old
were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the usevalue (UV) and informant consensus
factor (FIC). The survey resulted in a list of 54 species of plants classified into 49 genera
and 26 families. The Family Fabaceae contains the most number of species with insect-
repellent activity.
The most important plants used as insect repellent based on their UVs are mostly
exotic plants and include 7 species: (1) Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, (2)
Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp., (3) Eucalyptus sp., (4) Gmelina arborea Roxb., (5)
Blumea balsamifera (L.), DC., (6) Azadirachta indica A. Juss., and (7) Phyllodium
pulchellum (L.) Desv. The FIC value (0.78) indicates that the Ayta agree in their
selection of plants.
Most of the plant parts used are the leaves and stems, which are dried and then
burned. The smoke is said to drive away the insects. The use of Leucaena
leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, Eucalyptus sp., and Azadirachta indica is supported by
published works. A new record on insect-repellent activity is found in the exotic Gmelina
arborea and two native plants, Blumea balsamifera and Phyllodium pulchellum. The
present study may provide a baseline for phytochemical screening for insect-repellent
compounds. It also serves as an important ethnobotanical documentation of the Ayta
community whose culture is slowly being eroded by acculturation.
The study lists 54 species of plants used by the Ayta people of Porac, Pampanga
with insect-repellent property. The Ayta people utilized mainly a combination of the
dried stem and leaf of the plant, which is burned to elicit its repellent activity against
hematophagous insects. Of the 7 important plants, five are exotic and only two are native.
This study may serve as a useful baseline for future studies such as phytochemical
screening for sources of chemicals with insect-repellent property. The information
gathered may provide the prospective researcher clues as to which part of the plant
contains the highest concentration of bioactive compounds.
Furthermore, since the locally and traditionally used plants have been documented
and categorized in their respective taxonomic ranks, it would be easier to determine other

plants which could have the same biochemical property. This highlights the predictive
value of taxonomy.
Moreover, this documentation of the ethnobotanical uses of plants as insect
repellent has, in a way, been a tool for recording this important traditional botanical
knowledge of the Ayta. It is also a way of preserving their cultural heritage, which is
slowly being eroded by infiltration of lowland culture and modernization.
Most plants contain compounds that they use in preventing attack from
phytophagous (plant eating) insects. These chemicals fall into several categories,
including repellents, feeding deterrents, toxins, and growth regulators. Most can be
grouped into five major chemical categories: (1) nitrogen compounds (primarily
alkaloids), (2) terpenoids, (3) phenolic, (4) proteinase inhibitors, and (5) growth
regulators. Although the primary functions of these compounds are defense against
phytophagous insects, many are also effective against mosquitoes and other biting
Diptera, especially those volatile components released because of herbivory. The fact that
several of these compounds are repellent to hematophagous insects could be an
evolutionary relict from a plant-feeding ancestor, as many of these compounds evolved as
repellents to phytophagous insects, and this repellent response to potentially toxic
compounds is well conserved in the lineage of Diptera (True Flies). Insects detect odors
when that volatile odor binds to odorant receptor (OR) proteins displayed on ciliated
dendrites of specialized odor receptor neurons (ORNs) that are exposed to the external
environment, often on the antennae and maxillary palps of the insect, and some ORNs,
such as OR83b that is important in olfaction and blocked by the gold-standard synthetic
repellent DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide), are highly conserved across insect
Plants commonly produce volatile “green leaf volatiles” when leaves are damaged
to deter herbivores, and several authors have shown strong responses of mosquito odor
receptors to this class of volatiles including geranyl acetate and citronellal, 6-methyl-5-
hepten-2-one and geranyl acetone. Interestingly, the same odor receptors that respond to
DEET also respond to thujone eucalyptol and linalool in Culex quinquefasciatus. In
Anopheles gambiae, the DEET receptor OR83b is stimulated by citronellal, but is also
modulated by the TRPA1 cation channel. However, it is most likely that many plant
volatiles are deterrent or repellent because they have high vapor toxicity to insects.
This repellency of plant material has been exploited for thousands of years by
man, most simply by hanging bruised plants in houses, a practice that is still in wide use
throughout the developing countries. Plants have also been used for centuries in the form
of crude fumigants where plants were burnt to drive away nuisance mosquitoes and later
as oil formulations applied to the skin or clothes which was first recorded in writings by
ancient Greek, Roman and Indian scholars. Plant-based repellents are still extensively
used in this traditional way throughout rural communities in the tropics because for many
of the poorest communities the only means of protection from mosquito bites that are
available, and indeed for some of these communities, as in the Europe and North America
“natural” smelling repellents are preferred because plants are perceived as a safe and
trusted means of mosquito bite prevention.
The discovery of new plant-based repellents is heavily reliant on ethnobotany.
This is the targeted search for medicinal plants through in-depth interviews with key
informants knowledgeable in folk-lore and traditional medicine. It is common practice to
conduct ethnobotanical surveys using structured interviews, combined with the collection
of plant voucher Specimens, to evaluate plant use by indigenous ethnic groups. Questions
are asked about plant usage, abundance and source. This is a more direct method of
identifying plants with a potential use than general screening of all plants in an area. A
second means is bio-prospecting, where plants are systematically screened for a particular
mode of action, which is a costly and labor-intensive means of identifying new repellents.
However, mass screening of plants for repellent activity was the way by which PMD
(para-methane 3-8, diol), an effective and commercially available repellent was
discovered in the 1960s.
Insect repellents work by either masking human scent or by emitting a scent that
insects avoid. In the Philippines, repellent comes in various formulas – DEET, citronella,
and now, Picaridin.
DEET (N, N-diethyl-met toluamide), the most commonly used insect repellent
ingredient worldwide, has been proven to be effective in repelling insects through its
unpleasant smell. In the local market, DEET is available in concentrations of 7.5% to
25%, with effectiveness ranging from 3 hours to 8 hours. Although highly effective
against insects, DEET's strong odor and chemical content make it unappealing and
harmful for frequent application, especially on children. Only 7.5% DEET concentration
at the maximum can be applied on children 4 years and above. Moreover, for children,
reapplication cannot go beyond three times a day. DEET-based repellents have to be
washed off after use, as they can damage plastics, paints, and synthetic fabrics.
Because of the potential toxicity of DEET-based repellents, citronella sprays and
patches have entered the market. The plant-based citronella repellents provide for shorter
protection time than regular insect repellent, but claim to be safer than DEET-based
repellents. However, some studies show that it is generally not advised to apply citronella
directly on skin as it may irritate skin and cause dermatitis.
Consumer Care Products, Incorporated's (CCPI) newly launched Guard insect
repellent contains the most premium ingredient among all insect repellent products,
Picaridin. This ingredient is recommended by the World Health Organization as the ideal
insect repellent, since it is least prone to irritate the skin.
Picaridin, also known as KBR 3023 and Icaridin, is the safe alternative to DEET,
safe enough for children 12 months and older. Unlike DEET, Picaridin doesn't have an
off-putting smell and is very gentle on skin, so there's no need to wash it off between

applications or after use. It works as a shield around skin, making humans "invisible" to


Plant-based repellents have been used for generations in traditional practice as a

personal protection measure against host-seeking mosquitoes. Knowledge on traditional
repellent plants obtained through ethnobotanical studies is a valuable resource for the
development of new natural products.
Recently, commercial repellent products containing plant-based ingredients have
gained increasing popularity among consumers, as these are commonly perceived as
“safe “in comparison to long-established synthetic repellents although this is sometimes a
To date insufficient studies have followed standard WHO Pesticide Evaluation
Scheme guidelines for repellent testing. There is a need for further standardized studies to
better evaluate repellent compounds and develop new products that offer high repellency
as well as good consumer safety. This paper presents a summary of recent information on
testing, efficacy and safety of plant-based repellents as well as promising new
developments in the field.


The focus of this study is to find out if Capsicum frutascens (chili) can be used as
an alternative pest control for psidium guajava (guava plant). This chapter will cover the
methods to be used in the study including variables and measures, sampling design,
research instrument, data gathering procedure and data analysis.
This is an experimental study using control and experimental groups to test one of
the objectives. Certain amount of capsicum frutascens will be pounded and will be mixed
to water then tested to an infected psidium guajava and will be carefully observed to test
the objectives.
In this study, the independent variable is the alternative pest control made from
capsicum frutascens, while its effectiveness on psidium guajava is the independent
variable. In this study, the researchers will be hands-on on experimentation and will
undergo thorough observation and analysis on the study.
Capsicum frutascens is one of the variables. It will be used as an alternative pest
control that will be carefully studied to test its effectiveness. Another variable in this
study is the psidium guajava. This plant will be the main subject where the effectiveness
of the mixture made from capsicum frutascens is tested.
In this study, purposive sampling is applied where the researchers are to choose
the respondents with the purpose of testing the effectiveness of the objectives of the
study. Given that the study is experimental, the researchers will then find respondents
that will be most suitable for the experiment to take place.
The researchers will use the mixture made from capsicum frutascens as the
medium of the experimentation of this study. The mixture that is to be produced will be
applied to pest infected psidium guajava to be followed by a thorough observation.
The study was conducted in the community of Unidad, Cagwait, Surigao del Sur.
After formulating the alternative pest control mixture, the researchers will then
test it to pest infected psidium guajava. Then, the researchers will carefully observe any

significant changes in the tested plant in an applied certain amount of capsicum
frutascens in its seven-days of application.
After thorough observation, the researchers will then gather all significant
observations and information that will be compiled and analyzed.
The observations and information gathered will be carefully tallied and undergo
thorough analyzation. The researchers will then compare the objectives to the outcome of
the experiment and analyze if the objectives given were meet.


Day 0
Leaves Fruit
Approximate Number of 50 25
Insects Found

Table 1 shows that before the application of the alternative insect repellent, there
are approximately 50 insects found on certain leaves and approximately 25 insects found
on a fruit.

Day 1
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 43 19
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 2 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the first application of the
mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 50 to 43 in the
leaves and approximately 25 to 19 in the fruit.

Day 2
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 33 15
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 3 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the second application of
the mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 43 to 33 in
the leaves and approximately 19 to 15 in the fruit.

Day 3
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 25 11
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 4 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the third application of the
mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 33 to 25 in the
leaves and approximately 15 to 11 in the fruit.

Day 4
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 17 8
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 5 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the fourth application of
the mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 25 to 17 in
the leaves and approximately 11 to 8 in the fruit.

Day 5
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 10 5
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 6 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the fifth application of the
mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 17 to 10 in the
leaves and approximately 8 to 5 in the fruit.

Day 6
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 4 2
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 7 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the sixth application of the
mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 10 to 4 in the
leaves and approximately 8 to 5 in the fruit.

Day 7
Frutascens Water Leaves Fruit
Alternative Approximate
Insect 0.4 g 250 ml No. of Insects 2 0
Repellent Found (after
Mixture application)

Table 8 shows that the mixture for the alternative insect repellent contains 0.4 g of
pounded capsicum frutascens mixed in 250 ml of water. After the seventh application of
the mixture, it is found that the insects lessen from the number approximately 4 to 2 in
the leaves and approximately 5 to 0 in the fruit.


This chapter of the research aims to provide the summary of the findings of the
study. This chapter also includes the conclusions and recommendations of the

The main goal of the study is to find out if capsicum frutascens can be used as an
alternative pest control for psidium guajava. The researchers conducted an experimental
study to test the objectives.
The researchers conducted the study for seven days with careful data gathering
and observation. Then, the data gathered where carefully tallied and analyzed to come up
with the conclusions.
The data gathered showed that within a week long of observation, it has been
found that after the application of the mixture to the psidium guajava, pest lessen rapidly.
From an approximate number of 50 pests found in the leaves of psidium guajava before
the application of the mixture made of capsicum frutascens, pests decrease up to an
approximate number of two after the seventh application. In the fruit of the psidium
guajava, an approximate number of 25 pests were found before the application of the
mixture made of capsicum frutascens, but after the seventh application it has been
observed that the pests were completely gone.

Upon thorough observation, the researchers come up with the following
1. Capsicum frutascens can be used as an alternative pesticide for psidium
guajava. This alternative pesticide provides quality effects to pest-infected
psidium guajava repelling almost 99% of insects if applied regularly. It is also
beneficial to both humans and environment since it is made from natural
ingredients and is environmentally friendly.
2. Mixture made from capsicum frutascens is also as effective as chemical
pesticides since it can also repel almost 99% of insects in psidium guajava.
Thus, it can be used as a substitute for chemical pesticide. The big advantage
is that, mixture made from capsicum frutascens is much safer due to its natural
ingredients while chemical pesticides are harmful to humans and its

Therefore, the null hypothesis that states; the mixture made from capsicum
frutascens is not an effective pest control, is rejected. The second null hypothesis that
states; the mixture made from capsicum frutascens cannot be used as a substitute for
chemical pesticide, is also rejected.

Based on the finding of the study and the conclusions derived from the study, the
following recommendations are hereby forwarded to the future researchers:
1. Mixture made of capsicum frutascens are to be tested to a wider range in
2. Lesser or higher amount of capsicum frutascens are to be tested in an insect-
infected plant.


Jasper John A. Obico* and Elena M. Ragragio
Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the
Philippines Manila, Padre Faura St., Ermita 1000, Manila

Authors: Marta Ferreira Maia and Sarah J Moore


Maia MF, et al. Malar J. 2011



Day 0 – Before the application of the mixture made from Capsicum frutascens

Day 1 – After the first application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 2 - After the second application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 3 - After the third application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 4 - After the fourth application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 5 - After the fifth application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 6 - After the sixth application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.

Day 7 - After the seventh application of the capsicum frutascens mixture.


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