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H.R. Seshadri Lyer


Chaplcr-l: New Techniques of Prediction Part III 1

Chapter-] 1: Stany Positions of PSanets Worked 9
from Ephemeres
Chapter-11!: Alphabetology or Akshara Shastra 15
Chapter-IV : Theories of Spotting the Winners 19
Chapter-V: Order of Preference of Tests A to D 24
Chapter-Vl: Winner by Navamsha Method 61
Chapter-VH : Dead Certs 77



This science of Race Astrology is based on three factors-

1. Elementary principles of Astrology, 2. Alphabetology (Akshara
Shastra) and lastly 3. Numerology (Sankhya Shastra) There are
authors who have dealt with them seperately but we have adopted
a different method in which we have clubbed all the three
branches for arriving at the judgment. So we are going to describe
what are all the fundamentals that one should know under each
Astrological Aspect
Under this head we are not going to deal with more than
what is essential to follow this method. So one should not be afraid
that because this is based on Astrology it would be beyond the
hold of a lay-man. What is needed in this connection is to erect
the Chart for the day of event and note the Lagnas (Acendents)
running during the race times. In the following lessons we teach
even a lay-man to be able to follow us. Please read with care.
What is really needed is the positions of planets in Rasi chart
and the stars in which they are posited and the lagnas running at
each Race. For our purposes it is not even necessary to find their
exact positions. Those that are able to work out these with the
aid of a standard Panchanga may do so. Others will do good to
do this with the aid of Lahiri Exphemeres for the year concerned
which will be explained in detail hereunder. Those that, work with
the aid of Raphael's Ephemeres may also do so but convert the

positions into Mirayana by subtracting the correct Ayanamsfia of

the year as followeti by Lahiri. We take up one by one in detail
and show the way out.
Calculation of Lagna
To do this the factors needed are the Latitude and Longitude
of the place of Race, Planetary positions are to be calculated for
1ST while Lagna on LMT of the place. What they are will be
explained later. 1ST is Indian Standard Time which is 5'/, hours
in advance of Greenwhieh Mean Time (GMT) followed all over
For the benefit ofthose who cannot follow the Astrological
Vocabulary wc have used in this text we furnish the translations
in F.ngiish.
Sanskrit Western
Ravi Sun
Chandra Moon
Kuja. Mars
Budha Mercury
Guru Jupiter
Sukra Venus
Sani Saturn
Rahu D-Head
Ketu D-Tail
Lagna Ascendent
Rasi Sign
Rasi or Signs
Mesha Aries
Vrishabha Taurus
Mithuna Gemini
Kataka Cancer
Simba Leo

Vrischika Scoipio
Dhanus Saggitarius
Makra Capricomus
Kumbha Acquarius
Meena Pisces
To find LMT from 1ST
At the rate of4 Minutes for every degree of longitude work
out the time of the place. This is the time difference for that place
reckoned from Greenwich Mean Time; If this be more than
SVj hours add the difference to the 1ST to get the LMT of the
place, but if this is less than 5 {ll hours subtract this difference from
1ST to get the equivalent LMT of the place.
Now refer to the Annual Ephemeres of Lahiri. Note the
Siderial Time at Noon LMT on that day as given under Col. 2 under
Sid. Time. To this add the LMT got as before for the required Race
time. This'becomes the Siderial Time in hours and Minutes for the
race time. Now turn to the Table of Ascendents (Abridged) on
P.P. 74-75 of Lahiri Annual Ephemeres. Under the Col. nearby
the Latitude of the place of Race look forthis Sid, Time and across
that Row under col. I see how many degrees of lagna and under
what Sign. That becomes the lagna. For our purposses it is enough
if you merely note what the lagna is. When it falls at margin then .
you have to calculate strictly by proportional methods as will be
described later, if you have Lahirrs detailed Table of Ascendents
then this becomes easy.
Let us work out a practical case on 4.10.70 at 2.30 p.m. 1ST
at Hyderabad whose Latitude is 17N 26 and Longitude 78 E 27,
First we have to convert 2.30 p.m. 1ST into LMT. Multiplying
the Longitude of the place 70° 27' by 4 minutes we get 314 minutes
as the LMT of Hyderabad in advance of GMT. As 1ST is 5V2
hours in advance of GMT the LMT of Hyderabad is 16 minutes

less than 1ST (330-314). So the LMT of Hyderabad is got by

subtracting 16 minutes from the 1ST and so LMT of 2.30 p.m.
1ST becomes 2.14 p.m. LMT.
In Col. 2 of Lahiri Ephemeres for 4.10.70 Siderial time at
noon is given as 12Hrs. 50 Min. correcting to minutes (omitting
the seconds). To this add time elapsed from Noon i.e. 2 Hrs. 14
Min. We get 15 Hrs. 4 Min. as the Sid. time at Race time of 2.30
p.m. 1ST.
Now turn to Table of Asendents on PP 74-75 of Lahiri
Annual Ephemeres. This being an abridged table you have to work
out by proportions both for Latitude and Siderial Time. If you
possess detailed table you may straightaway look under the said
Latitude for the required Sid. Time and strike the Lagna in a
minuteJf this abridged table is used work as follows:-
As the latitude of Hyderabad falls between 16 N 47 and 18
N 58 for which the details are given here you have to work by
proportions the lagnas correspondings to the given Sid. Time and
then work out by proportions.
Let us first take up Lat. 16 N 47
For Sid Time of 14 hrs. 47 min.
Lagna is 10° Makara
" 15 hrs 24 min.
" 20° Makara
So for 37 min Lagna moves by 10°
So for 17 min. " 10 x 17/37 Deg.
(15-4 minus 14-47) =4034' (roughly)
Adding this to the position for Sid. Time of 14-47 we get
14034' of Makara.
Simi larly work out for Lat 18 N 58 when we get 14° Makara
as Lagna.

For J6 N 47 Lagna is I4034' of Mak'ara

For 18 N 58 " 14°
We require for 17026'. Working as usual by proportions we
get lagna at 2.30 p.m. 1ST at Hyderabad on that day as M0!?'
of Makara As stated before worked with detailed table it becomes
Working of Planetary Positions
After finding out the Lagna for each Race we have to work
out the planetary positions as at Race times. Except Moon all
planets remain in the same Sign during the course of race time
ranging usually between 10 a.m. arid 6 p.m. It is enough if we
work out the positions for some day time say 1.30 p.m, on the
race day or for the time of the first Race noting of course any
changes of any particular planet during the said hours in its stellar
and Rasi positions. In the case of Moon if there be change the
same may be worked out.
flow to work out Planetary Positions on
4.10.1970 at 2.30p.m. 1ST
In this connection we wish to point out that except the
position of Lagna the positions of planets remain the same at the
moment of 2.30 p.m. 1ST all over world. So for calculation of
planetary positions we need not bother about the place of Race.
If you choose to work out their positions from a standard
Panchanga of Drigganitha you may do so noting the star padas
of each planet as that is of importance to us.
If you wish to work out from Lahiri Ephemeres proceed as
follows. Lahiri has given the positions of planets (Longitudes in
Rasi-Degree-Minute) for 5.30 a.m. 1ST. Starting with this, work
out for the required time of Race noting the movement of that
planet for the difference of time thus evolved. If the motion is
direct add this difference and if Retrograde (Vakri) subtract from
the position at 5.30 a.m. 1ST. Then you get the positions for the

required time. The difference is got by working out by proportions

noting the daily motion of that planet which can be seen from the
two successive days' positions. Whether it is direct or retrograde
motion may also be seen from them. Of late Lahiri has given True
Rahu positions in his Ephemeres while in the previous years he
was giving Mean Rahu positions. What we want is Mean Rahu
position and this is given once in 10 days on PP. 30 of his annual
Emphemeres. Taking the daily motion of Rahu as 3.18 minutes a
day as his average motion work out from the position of the known
date given to the day of race by proportional basis. In this way
you will be able to cast the positions of all planets. As Ketu is
situated at 180° apart from Rahu (once Rahu) is known Ketu is
automatically known.
Let us now work oot Planetary positions at 2.30 p.m.
1ST on 4.10.1970
First of all note the difference of time from 5.30 a.m. 1ST
to 2.30 p.m. 1ST which is 9 hours.
Let us first take up .the case of Sun. S-D-M
On 5.10.70 at 5.30 a.m. his position is 5.17.53
On 4.10.70 * 5.16.54
The difference gives the daily motion of Sun as 59 minutes
a day of 24 hours. So his movement for 9 hours is 59/24x9 minutes
which is roughly 22 minutes Addingthis to the position of sun at
5.30 a.m.' we get the position on Sun at 2.30 p.m. 1ST as 5 signs
17 Degrees and 16 minutes (ignoring seconds). This positions is
at I?0! 7' of Kanya and its star is Hastha III Quarter (Padam)
whose stellar lord is Moon. See later lessons for reading the stellar
positions and stellar lords from the Degrees and Minutes positions
in Signs.
In this way work out the other planets noting of course their
Direct and Retrograde motions. Worked this way the following will
be the positions of planets.

5-J7-16, 6-26-56, 4-26-19, 5-1-1, • 6-15-18

6-27-13, 0-28-24
and their Stellar lords in order are
on to Sani in order.
Working of Rahu and Ketu
Please refer to PP. 30 of Lahiri Ephemeres. On 28.9.70 at
5.30 a.m. his position is 10.7.32 On 4.10.70 at 2.30 p.m. the
difference is 6 days and 9 hours.
For 6 days at 3.18 a day it works to about 19' .
For another 9 hours it is 1 minute. Thus the motion for the
said difference is 20'. As motion of Rahu is always retrograde
substract 20' from the position on 28.9.70 and thus we get Rahu
posited at 10signs7deg. 12mini.e.,at7012' in Kumbha. As Ketu
is at 180° from Rahu the position of Ketu 7° 12' of Simha. The
stars of Rahu and Ketu are Shathabhisha. IQR. and Makha III.
QR. respectively and their Stellar lords are Rahu and Ketu

Summing up, the chart as

at2.30p.m. 1ST on 4.10.1970
stands as following:-

Tabular Form of Planetary Positions

Planet Signs Deg. & Star Star
Min. ■ Padam Lord
Sun Kanya 17-16 Hastha 3 Moon
Moon Thula 26-56 Vishakha 3 Guru
Kuja Simha 26-19 Pubba 4 Sukra
Budha Kanya . 1-1 Uttara 2 Sun
Guru Thula 15-18 Swati 3 Rahu
Sukra Thula 27-13 . Vishakha 3 Gum
R. Sani Mesha 28-24 Krittika 1 Sun
Rahu Kumbha 7-12 ' Shatabhish 1 Rahu
Ketu Simha 7-12 Makha3 Ketu
For picking the winners we need the positions of planets in
Signs and Stars and again we have to know what each quarter
of a star represents in terms of Alphabets (Nama Nakshatra). As
we are mainly concerned with the starry positions of planets it is
enough if they are worked out either with the aid of standard
Drigganitha Panchanga as Kumbakonam Mutt Viswanatha Swrothy
Panchangam or Lahiri Ephemeres. Those who use Raphael or any
other Sayana Ephemeres should get the positions converted to
Nirayana using the correct Ayanamsha formulated by Government


Starry Positions of Planets Worked

from Ephemeres

Starry positions of planets are very important for us as the

crux of picking up the winners depends mainly on Star Lords. How
the stars are distributed in the Zodiac and how to evaluate from
the degree positions the concerned stars will be explained in these
Distribution of Stars in Rasis
There are 27 Stars running in a particular order from Aswini
to Revati. All these 27 stars are distributed equally and in
consecutive order in the 12 Rasis of the Zodiac. Thus by Rule-
of Three we get 2I/2 Stars located in each Rasi. For some
convenience each star is divided into 4 equal parts called Padas.
Thus a Rasi contains I'/j Stars or 9 padas. Thus the entire Zodiac
has 108 Padas which number is given much importance in the
chantings (Astothharam). Next the ordcn-
Starting from 0° of Mesha with Aswini 1 st part, we have
in Mesha-Aswini 4 parts, Bharani 4 parts and Krittika I part
totalling 2V2 stars or 9 Padas. Next Vrishabha Rasi starts with
Krittika, 2,3 and 4th Pada s, Rohini 4 parts and Mrigasira 1 st and
2nd parts. Running further in the same order, lastly in Meena Rasi.
4th part of Poorva Bhadra, all the 4 parts of Uttara Bhadra and
all 4 parts of Revati are situated. Thus you have to note the
distribution of Stars. These are fixed starrypositions.

How to apportion longitudinal spans to these stars?

You must know that the Longitudinal Span of a Rasi is 30
Degrees. Distributing these 30° to 9 Padas of a Rasi, we get
30-2Q' as the longitudinal span of a star Pada. As such 4 padas
constituting a full star occupies 13o-20' span in a Rasi. Above is
stated the order of the Stars in Rasis Accordingly allot their Degree
positions. For clearer understanding see the Tabel Below:-
Rasis Stars Span in Deg. Min

2. Vrishabha

3. Mithuna

4. Kataka

5. Simha

7. Thula Chitta(3.4) 0 to 6-40

Swati (F) 6-40 to 20-00
Vishaka (1.2.3) 20-00 to 30-00

Span in Deg. Min

Vrischika Vishaka (4) 0 to 3-20
Anuradha (F) 3-20 to 16-40
Jyesta (F) 16-40 to 30-00
9. Dhanus Moola (F) 0 to 13-20
Poorvashada (F) 13-20 to 26-40
Uttarashada (1) 26-40 to 30-00
10. Makara Uttarashada (2.3.4) 0 to 10-00
Sravana (F) 10 to 23-20
Dhanista (1.2) 23-20 to 30-00
Kumbha Dhanista (3.4) 0 to 6.-40
Shatabhisha (F) 6-40 to 20-00
P. Bhadra (1.2.3.) 20-00 to 30-00
12. Meena P. Bhadra (4) 0 to 3-20
U. Bhadra (F) 3-20 to 16-40
Revati (F) 16-40 to 30-00
From the above table the star falling at a particular degree
and minute may be worked out. Planets posited at such places are
said to be in that star.
Star Lord
Each Star is ruled by a planet as per Udu Dasha as stated
below. Thus the ruling planet of a star in which a planet is posited
becomes the star lord of that planet.
Star Star Lord
Aswini-Makham-Moola Ketu
Bharani-Pubba-Poorvashadha Sukra
Krittika-Uttara-Uttarashadha Sun
Rob in i-Hastha-Sravana Moon
Mrigashira-Chitta-Dhanista Kuja
Aridra-Swathi-Shathabhisha Rahu

Stars , Star Lord

Punarvasu-Vtshaka-Poorvabhadra Gum
Pushyam i-Anooradha-Uttara bhadra Sani
Aslesh-Jyesta-Revati Budha
This is also of importance to us and so you should know the
system of aspects all planets aspect the seventh sign from the one
occupied by them. In addition the following are the special aspects
to be noted-
Kuja aspects 4 and 8
Guru aspects 5 and 9
Sani-Rahu & Ketu aspect 3 and 10.
Sign Lords
You should first of all know the lord of each sign and they
are as follows:—
Mesha and Vrischika are ruled by Kuja
Vrishabha and Thula Sukra
Mithuna and Kanya " Budha
Dhanus and Meena " Guru
Makara and Kumbha " Sani
Kataka Moon
Stmha " Sun
Kumha " Rahu
Mesha Ketu

Inspite ofthis easy coaching on the astrological side if anyone

feels it difficult to erect the map he may get it done by a local
astrologer, and then proceed further on our theory.
For the benefit of laymen who do not know much of astrology
we furnish below a Readymade Table ofNavamsha mid Drekkana.
Please note the following meanings.

The Roman figures denote the number of signs counted from

Mesha as 1 is Mesha, V is Simha, XH is Meena and so on. The
top Row in Roman figures denotes the signs from Mesha onwards
in which we wish to know the Amsha parts. The first Col. is in
Degrees and Minutes in those Signs. The other cols, from top to
bottom denote the signs counted from Mesha where those amshas
fall. For example to know where the drekkana of a planet situated
in Kanya between 10 and 20 degrees see under Roman Figure
VI and 2nd Row showing no. 10 meaning the 10th sign counted
from Mesha i.e., Makara and so the drekkana falls in Makara.
Similarly a planet situated in Mithuna 15° finds itsNavamsha
in Kumbha as follows:-
In the Navamsha Table in the 111 Col. find the 4th Row
showing no. 10 which is Kumbha.
In this way you can evaluate the two charts with a little
Drekkana Table
KM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2<M) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4
30-0 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table of Navamsha
1 11 m IV V VI VII vin IX X XI XII
3-20 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
640 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
KM) 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
13-20 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
1640 S 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
200 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
23-20 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
2640 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
300 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

We have our own system of numberals different from the
one followed by the West. Still it would be advantageous
sometimes to know that too which are as follows:-
Planet Numerals governed
Sun 1 and 4
Moon 2 and 7
Kuja 9
Budha 5
Guru 3
Sukra 6
Sani 8
Please remember always that Rahu is like Sani and Ketu like
Kuja and so Rahu's No. is 8 while Ketu's No. is 9.



The next and the most important item you have to learn is
Alphabetology or Akshara Nama of the Star Quarters (Padam).
We have already described that each star has four quarters and
also taught the mode of reading them from the Degree Positions
in the Signs. We now give the alphabets assigned to each quarter.
Alphabets of Star Quarters
In the following it is more the pronounciation that is important
than letters as it is the sound that counts more than letters and
this can be perfectly stated in Sanskrit letters. When it has to be
mentioned in other languages its real consonance should be
explained and so when writing it is English we prefer to convey
them through sound formed by more than one letter. In such cases
it is only the sound formed by that word to be taken into
consideration and not the letters. For proper guidance we give also
the Sanskrit letters that may always be taken as Correct one.
Stars Sound of Quarters
Aswini C hu-Chay-Cho-Law
Bharani Lee-Loo-Lay-Low
Krittika Awe-E-oo-A
Rohini O-Va-We-Vu
Mrigashira Way-Woe-Ka-Ki
Aridra Ku-Gha-Gna-Chha

Stars Sound of Quarters

Punarvasu K-Ko-Ha-He
Pushyami Who-Hay-Ho-Da
Aslesha D-Do-Day-Doe
Makha Ma-Me-Mu-May
Pubba Mo-Ta-Ti-To
Uttara Tay-Toe-Pa-P
Hasta Pu-Sha-N-Na-Dha
Chitta Pay-Po-Ra-Ri
Swathi Ru-Ray-Ro-Tha
Vishakha Thi-Thu-Thay-Tho
Anooradha Na-Ni-Nu-Nay
Jyesta No-Ya-Yi-You
Moola Ye-Yo-Ba-B
Poorvashadha Bu-Ddha-Bha-Da
Uttarashadha Bay-Bo-Ja-Ji

fr ft ftl
311 ■3 T?
3?r ef ^ I
^ . ^51 ft
% F f
I t ft ¥
% I ^ ft
•*? ft
z ft ^
zt ^ ft
T ft
ft cT

ft 3 ft ft

ft 3
■it ft ft
I tj •R
ft "51 ft?
ft ftt
% ft ft
*1 ft 1 ft
ft % I
ft ft ft
? *
ft ftr
Sravana Ju-Jay-Jo Sha and
" She-Shoe-Shay-Show
Dhanista Ga-Gi-Gu-Gay
Shathabhisha Go-Sa-See-Suc
Poorvabhadra Say-So-Tha-The
Uttarabhadra Thu-Kha-Jha-Thha
Revathi They-Though-Cha-Chi
P.S. Letters of Abhijat star are included under Sravana star.
Some peculiarities in the application of
Under our system of diagnosing the winner we make use of
Alphabctology and Numerology. Alphabctology is used only to find
the Star Quarter from the initial sound of the name to the horse.
Its first letter and its first pronouncement (Uchharana) is important
for us irrespective of what the other letters of the name of the
horse be. For example for horse named 'Episode' we take its first
pronouncement as 'A' and not the first letter 'E' and so take it

as Krittika IV. For 'Full Try' we take 'PU' as in Sankrit there

is not a letter conveying its real pronounciation and so as Hastha
1. In some cases the initial and the stressed pronounciation have
both to be considered. For horse named 'Fragrance' take 'Pa' first
ofUttaralll and then 'Ra' ofChitta 111. For horse named 'Grey'
take Gay of Dhanista SV and Ray of Swathi 11. In the case of
a horse with more than one syllable take all the syllabus paying
more value to the first. For horse named 'Neel Kamal' take 'Nee'
of first syllable of Anooradha II and then 'Ka' of Mrigashira III.
When un-important words are prefixed to the names of horses omit
them and take the more important ones. They are of the type of
'The'. 'Mr' etc. that preceed the names.
When un-important words are prefixed to the names of
horses omit them and take the more important ones. They arc of
the type of'The'. 'Mr' etc. that preceed the names.




We have so far discussed at length all the fundamentals

needed for judgement of a winner in a Race. We now go to the
subject Proper.
1 divide this chapter into four Sections each one dealing with
a different theoiy of spotting the winner, and then finally conclude
as to how to use them to toto or in preferrential order.
In a Race it is only the name of the Horse and its Card
number that are prominent both in the Tote and with the Bookkies.
Mostly it is the Card number that predominates. So any Rule of
detecting the winner should be based only on these two factors.
As the Card number is more promiment as the Horse carries its
number on its back we attach more importance to Card number
in our tests. In this connection, we wish to caution the Punters
that they always long for a very simple rule understandable by even
a lay-man. If the art was so simple then everyone would have,
gained and the glamour for Race would have stopped. Just to
please such Punters there have been many simple Rules formulated
by easy authors with the result the Authors have grown richer by
the sale of their books while the Punters have gone poorer. Be
it remembered that any theory that is not based on Heavenly
Bodies is sure to fall to the ground. Test our theories based entirely
on Heavenly Bodies though a bit taxing and then see how it works.
As has been said it is with the aid of Alpha betology and
Numerology that we find the winner and that the letter is founded
on quite a different principle from what the westerners and their
followers use. We count numbers taking account of the signs
counted from Lagna.

If you so desire you may also make use of the western

system of numbers provided they also second the first arrived
numbers. 7
Under Aiphabetology there are two methods. One based on
the star padas that we use in this text and other one based on
Groups of fetters called Vargas which are as follows:--
Vowels from AA to Aou governed by Sun
Kavarga (Ka to Gyna) Kuja
Chavarga {Cha to Engna) Sukra
Tavarga (Ta to NNa) Budha
Thavarga (Tha to Na) Gum
Pavarga (Pa to Ma) Sani
Consonants from Ya to LLa Moon
We have given these only for the sake of knowledge and they
have not given full satisfaction in this case and so we leave it there.
So Aiphabetology based on Star Quarters is the one you have to
master as at each stage we make use of it.
After stating all the necessary factors we will thereafter take
up the spotting of winners by different modes as mentioned before.
P.S. Whenever we state Horse please know that it is the
horse occupying a particular Star Pada and when we say horse-
lord it means the lord of the star in which the horse is situated-
Theory A
Genera! Method or Deha Method
You have now to learn what is Deha and Jeeva. Deha is outer
body and Jeeva is internal Sou! which is more important than the
outer body and naturally tests applied on the principles of Jeeva
is more valuable than the other.
In the case of a planet or horse its star lord is Deha and the
star lord of this Deha is Jeeva.
21 .

Rule 1
See if the Stellar Lord (Deha) of the Horse aspects that
Horse. This is the first qualification for a winner.
See if the Steller lord of the Horse aspects Lagna.
See if the lord of Lagna aspects the Horse.
When even one of the above conditions is existing that horse
has the capacity to win, but this alone is not sufficient.
Rule 2.
See the Card Number of the Horse and count as many signs
as its Card No. reckoning from Lagna Sign or the sign occupied
by Horse. If this sign is aspected or conjoined by the Stellar lord
of the Horse that horse wins. More certain when the stellar lord
conjoins than aspects and still more certain ifthis planet's number
as per western system is also the same as card number.
Wherever we say aspect it always means and includes
conjunction also and not vice versa. Also conjunctive effect is
more powerful than aspective effect.
This is the first mode of judging the winner.
Jeeva Method
The next and the more powerful method is to consider the
stellar lord of the Horse called the Jeeva of the horse which acts
better than the Deha which has been already discussed in Theory
A. As we have already said Jeeva works more powerfully than

Rule 1
See if the Jeeva lord of the horse aspects Lagna.
See if Jeeva lord of Horse aspects the horse.
See if the lord of Lagna aspects Horse.
Even when any one of the above rule exists that horse has
the capacity to win but this alone in not sufficient. As before count
as many signs as its card number from lagna and Horse sign. If
these signs are aspected (aspect) includes conjunction) by the said
Jeeva lord of the horse then say it wins.
This is the second method.
This is a very important test that none know of and is not
in any ofthe books. This is one taught by a Nadi upon which 1
have developed further by my own intuiti on. I furnish below a table
which is formulated on a definite principle which I know but
ordained not to reveal it out to others by that Nadi. By this method
great Flukes are captured. This depends on the Stellar lord of the
Horse. I call it Nadi Table. In this Table there are two significators
or Indicators, for each planet and either may be used for detection
of the winner as will be explained below,
If the steller lord of Then its two significators
Horse be this:- (Indicators) are
Sun Kuja-Guru
Moon Moon-Budha
Kuja Sun-Ketu
Budha Guru-Budha
Guru Ketu-Sani
Sukra Ketu-Sani

Sani Sun-Kuja
Rahu Kuja-Sun
Ketu Sukra-Ketu
Mode of using this method
First find the Stellar lords of the, two Significators of the
particular Horse. Mark the sign counted from Lagna and Horse
sign equal to its card number. If this sign is aspected by the above
stellar lords of the Significators (one or both) then that horse wins
and more certain if the Horse Star Lord is one of them.
(On Lord of Lagna)
We now narrate the fourth and the last method of judging
the winner.
Rule L
See if the lord of Lagna aspects Horse.

See if the lord of Horse aspects Lagna. Then that horse is

likely to win but this alone will not suffice.
Rule 2.
Locate the sign counting from Lagna an Horse sign an many
as the card number of the horse and see if this lord of Lagna
aspects that sign. Then that horse wins.
Thus we have enumerated the above four salient tests. In
all these methods whenever the card numbered Sign counted from
Lagna and Horse Sign is aspected by the concerned significators
under each test Lien that horse may be preferred.



Finally we conclude the subject by pointing out the order of

preference of the above tests.
1. Method stated in Theory A and B are of paramount
importance and when both tests point out the same horse that wins.
If they difter prefer the latter one.
2. Next in order of importance comes Theory C. If this
test coupled with any of the tests under Theory A or B tallies take
it. If all the three tests agree then that horse will surely win.
3. Then finally consider Theory D as a last measure. If
this and any of the above two tests concur then that horse wins.
If all the first 3 tests do not indicate the horse and finally test points
out then consider that horse but cannot be guarranteed.
4. In the absence of all the above tests sometimes if the
horse itself is situated in a sign equal to its card number reckoned
from Lagna that wins.
5. When on the appl ication of the above tests many horses
answer it is better to leave off that race.
6. When only two horses are pointing these tests they are
the Horses to be payed for Quinella.
In this way you may spot out the winners. Finally as a
precautionary measure I would like to caution the Readers that
though the theories stated by us are true and correcte it is the play
of Almighty to see that no human being should become a full-
fledged Daivagna. As fate ordains this will certainly work well with
one who is passing good period as seen from the then Dashabhukti
running in his life while in the case of the unlucky punter something

or other tries to rnislead from the real track. This is caused by

such punter preferring a failing horse to the winning one when
more than one horse is indicated in the race. In such cases such
unlucky punters will do well to reject Race that indicate alternatives
and confine only to those pointing out only one horse though there
be only one event in the day.
With this little piece of sincere advise wc stay our hands at
this stage and hope to come forth with still better methods, it God
blesses so, in future.
In confirmation of the above tests we cite hereafter one Race
day in each centre with full discussions to enable our readers to
follow our methods and finally wish the Readers good luck and
Good Bye.
May God Bless the Readers.
As we have already worked out the chart or 4.10.1970 at
2.30 P.M. 1ST at Hyderabad we shall discuss the Races on that
day at Hyderabad. Just to throw full light on the theory of picking
up the winners in a Race we discuss at full length the merits of
all the Horses that ran in the first Race and thereafter we take
up only the winners in each Race and discus the theories.
1st Race (Lagna is Makara)
Card No. Horse Horse Star & Sign
1 Young Prince Krittika4 Vrishabh
or Jyesta 2 Vrischika
2 Episode Krittika 4 Vrishabha
3 Fish Pilot Uttara 4 Kanya
4 Parnasus Uttara 3 Kanya
5 Celestial Glory P. Bhadra 1 Kumbha
6 Ardent Star Krittika 1 Mesha
7 Abhimanyu Krittika 1 Mesha

Thus there are six horses running in this race. Now let us
discuss one by one under all the tests narrated before.
No. 1 Young Prince
Theory A
If you take this first soun 'A' the star of this horse becomes
Krittika 2 in Vrishabha its lord Sun does not aspect either this
Lagna or the horse in Virshabha or the Card No, i situated in
Makara. Similarly if the sound is taken as YA falling in Jyesta 2
in Vrischika even then its lord does not aspect any of these
elements and so this test does not indicate this horse.
Theory B
As Young directs mostly to YA we take this alone hereafter.
The Deha of this horse being Budha its stellar lord which
becomes the Jeeva of th is horse is Sun who also does not aspect
any of the above chief points and so even this test does not life
the horse.
Theory C
The Indicators of Budha, the Deha of this horse, are Guru
and Budha and their stellar lords are Rahu and Sun who also do
not indicate.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects lagna and Card No. but not the
horse and so this also does not indicate. Thus all tests having failed
this horse failed.
No. 2. Episode. First Sound is 'A'-Krittika in Vrishabha
Theory A
Sun, the Deha of horse, does not aspect either the horse or
lagna and Card No. situated in 2nd from Makara Lagna i.e.
Kumbha So failed.

Theory B
Steller lord of this Sun being Moon who becomes the Jeeva
of this horse does not also aspect the horse or lagna or Card No.
So failed.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose stellar lords are
Sukra and Rahu. Rahu is in card No. sign and so it is probable
to come up But does not aspect lagna or horse. So failed.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna does not aspect either the horse or Card
No. but aspects lagna. So it also failed.
No. 3. Fish Pilot. (First Sound is 'PMJttara 4 in Kanya)
Theory A
Deha lord Sun conjoins horse and also aspects Meena which
is the 3rd from lagna and hence the Card No. So good.
Theory B
Lord of Sun, the Moon, becoming Jeeva does not aspect
lagna, horse or Card No. So Fails.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose stellar lords are
Sukra and Rahu who also do not aspect any of the principlal
elements So failed.
Theory D
Sani lord of Lagna aspects lagna but not the horse situated
in Kanya nor its card no situated in Meena and so it is not certain.
In our experience Theory B is more powerful than A for the
simple reason that Jeeva is more valuable than Deha. Moreover
this horse has another syllable with Pay as its sound which does
not at all act and so we leave off this horse.

No. 4 Parnasas (Sound is 'PA'-Uttara-3 in Kanya)

Theory A
Sun, Deha lord, conjoins Horse but not aspect any other
eiement. So doubtful.
Theory B
Jeeva planet Moon aspects card no. sign of mesha which
is in 4th from Makara Lagna good. But it does not aspect other
Theory C
indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose lords are Sukra
and Rahu. Both aspect card no sign.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna is both in card no. sign and also aspecting
lagna and has become most powerful. Thus in this case all the
above tests are satisfied and so this horse won and paid a dividend
of Rs. 20/-.
No. 5. Celestial Glory (First sound is 'Say' of P-Bhadra 1
in Kumbha)
Theory A
Guru, the Deha Lord, no doubt aspects the Horse situated
in Kumbha but not its Card No. sign. So doubtful.
Theory B
Lord of this Guru is Rahu the Jeeva of horse. Though in the
sign of horse it does not aspect the Card No. sign of Vrishabha
the 5th from lagna. So this is also doubtful. Nor does it aspect
Theory C
Indicators of Guru are Ketu and Sani whose star lords are

Ketu and Sun who do not aspect either the horse, lagna or Card
No. sign.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna though aspecting lagna which is a common
feature in all cases does not aspect other elements. So it failed.
6-Ardent Star (Frist Sound ' Aa'-Krittika of and Mesha)
7-Abhinianyu (Sound 'Aa'-Krittika 1 of Mesha.
The two horses sound alike with the difference that te 6th
horse has another syllable Star with sound 'Saw' and 'Ta' stars
of Shatha-bhisha 2 and Pubba 2 respectively.
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord does not aspect any of the principal
elements and so fails.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva of the horses also does not aspect any of
the above elements and so fails.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords are
Sukra and Rahu who also do not aspect any of the principal
elements and so fails and so these two horses failed, to win.
Thus from the analysis of all the horses in Race it is only
No. 4 Parnasus that has stood the maximum test and it has won.
In this way you have to judge the winner.
Summarising, we see the following:--
1. If all the 4 tests are satisfied then that horse will surely
2. Among the entire set that which satisfies majority of
tests and principally the first three major tests wins.

3. If atleast two out of the First three tests are satisfied

then that horse wins.
4. Theories B and C are most powerful of all.
5. Sometimes when the horse is in Lagna that wins.
6. In the absence of all the tests if in all the tests the star
lord of the horse plays parts then that wins.
7. Malefies raising the horse pay high dividends while
Benefics low.
Race II (3-10 P.M.) Makara Lagna
No. 5. Elegant Boy (VV) Paid Rs. 24/-
This horse has two syllables. The first has the sound 'A' of
Krittika 4 of Vrishabha and the second has the sound of'BA' of
Moola 3 of Dhanus. Let us discuss one by one.
First syllable with Sound 'A'
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord o£,horse bears nothing.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva of horse in 6th from horse and hence Card
No. 6 won.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose stellar lords are
Sukra and Ralut. Sukra in 6th from Horse and hence Card
No. 6 won.
Theory D does not indicate
Thus theories B & C have partially satisfied.

Second Syllable 'BA'

Theory A
Ketu tlie Deha lord aspects 6th from Horse and so no. 6 won.
Theory B
Ketu the Jeeva also aspects the 6th sign from horse sign and
so no. 6 won.
Theory C
Indicators of Ketu are Sukra and Ketu whose stellar lords
are Guru and Ketu of whom Guru aspects the 6th sign from Lagna
and Ketu aspects the 6th sign from Horse.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects 6th sign from Lagna. Thus in this
case the card numbered signs are aspected by all tests and more
than all Ketu predominates in all cases. We have already said that
when a single planet predominates in all tests that horse wins even
when one solid test is satisfied.
As many tests under both syllables are satisfied it won.
Race No. III. (3-45 P.M.) Kumbha Lagna
No. 3. Golden Haven (Win) Paid Rs. 24/-
This has two syllables. The sound ofthe first syllable is 'GO'
ofShathabhisha 1 and the second syllable isof'HA'ofPunarvasu
3 of Mithuna. Let us discuss one' by one.
First Syllable *GO' of Shathabhisha 1 of Kumba
Theory A
Rahu the Deha in Lagna and with Horse also in Lagna
aspecting the 3rd sign both from Lagna and Horse. What more
is needed than this one full test to bank on this horse even without
looking to the other tests.

Theory B
Even the Jeeva lord is Rahu who repeats the above
conditions and so still more assured.
Theory C
Indicators of Rahu are Kuja and Sun and their stellar lords
are Sukra and Moon. Both these planets aspects the 3rd sign from
Lagna and Horse. Still further assured.
Theory D
See still more assured condition ofthe lord of Lagna (Sani)
in 3rd sign both from Lagna and Horse and the other lord Rahu
in lagna and with horse aspecting the 3rd sign both from Lagna
and Horse. What more is necessary than this to fully bank on this
one horse.
Thus each one of the tests has fully endorsed its success.
When it is satisfied in this manner on the first syllable itself we
need not examine the other syllable and yet we shall see how that
Second Syllable sound 'HA' of Punarvasu 3 in Mithuna
Theory A
Guru the Deha lord aspects both the Horse and Lagna as
well the 3rd sign from Lagna and Horse which again fully assures
on this single test alone.
Theory B
The Jeeva planet Rahu acts like what is described in Theory
A and again fully assures its win even on this single test.
Theory C
Indicators of Guru are Ketu and Sani whose stellar lords are
Rahu and Ketu. Both aspect Lagna and Lahu acts fully on all
points as already described.

Theory D
Sani lord of lagna is in 3rd sign both from Lagna and Horse
and the other lord of Lagna Rahu is in Lagna and with Horse
aspecting the Srd sign from Lagna and so even this test is singly
satisfactory. Thus you see that not only each test on each syllable
satisfies all conditions and also one sinlge planet Rahu predominates
in al I tests and so where is the least doubt of its first rate success.
You see the best example here showing the brilliancy of our
IV Race at 4-20 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 5 Scottish Venture (Won) Paid Rs. 19
This horse has two syllabled name and the first syllable
Scottish is a stressed one (Ottaksharam) in that it gives rise to two
sounds one primary of 'SAW of Shathabhisha 2 in Kumbha and
the other 'KA' the stressed one of Mrigasira 3 in Mithuna. The
second syllable venture has the sound of'WAY' of Mrigashira I
in Vrishabha. We shall consider one by one and see.
"Saw" of Shathabhisha-2
Theory A
Deha lord Rahu is in lagna with Horse and so good.
Theory B
Jeeva lord Rahu acts likewise as above and so good.
Theory C
Indicators of Rahu are Kuja and Sun whose
Note : Missing page no. 50, 51.

Page no. 52
V Race at 4-55 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1. Fonrsmouth (Won) and Paid Rs. 10/-,
Us sound is 'PO' of Chitta 2 in Kanya.
Theory A
Kuja the Deha lord aspects Lagna and No. 1 from Lagna
and so No. 1 won.
Theory B
Sukra the Jeeva lord does not indicate.
Theory C
Indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose stellar lords are
Moon and Ketu. Ketu is aspecting Lagna and No. 1 rasi from
Theory D
Rahu lord of lagna in Lagna and in 1st sign from lagna.
Though Theory B does not indicate as other tests have
proved good the horse won.
IV Race at 5-30 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 4 Concord (Won) and Paid Rs. 19
Its sound is 'Ka' of Mrigashira 3 in Mithuna.
Theory A
Kuja the Dehalord is aspecting Lagna and the Horse itself
is in 4th sign from Lagna which is by itself sufficient to bank the

Theory B
Jeeva Sukra does not indicate.
Theory C
Indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose stellar lords are
Moon and Ketu. Neither inuicates.
Theory D
Guru lord of Lagna aspects both the Horse and the 4th sign
from Lagna and so has become strong.
Though tests B and C did not indicate the most powerful one
being the Horse itself in card numbered sign backed with test D
has lifted the horse.
Thus we have discussed ail the animals that ran in the race
and shown the method of dissection. You will thus see some events
are very definite and may be banked with dead certainty. With a
little practice you will pick up all the winners ofthis day and strike
the Jackpot too.
Just to attract the Readers it is the habit of some authors
to cite particular Races that suit their theories but we have taken
at random any race that has come to our hand. Still to remove
your doubts, if any, we wish to deal with other centres too. Now
that we have the chart for 4.10.1970 and there was also Poona
Races on that day we shall take up those Races too and discuss.
Poona Races on Sunday the 4.10.1970
1 Race at 2 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 1 Markand (Won) and Paid Rs. 16
Its sound is (MA) of Makha 1 in Simha.
Theory A
Ketu the Deha lord is with Horse and in this sign from Horse
sign and so won.

Theory B
Likewise is the case Ketu the Jeeva lord to.
Theory C
Indicators of Ketu are Sukra and Ketu whose stellar lords
are Guru and Ketu. Ketu as before acts well.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects Lagna and also 1st sign from
Lagna. Note Ketu is common in many tests and most of the
important tests has lifted the horse.
II Race at 2.30 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 1 Palace Girl (Won) and Paid Rs. 15/-
This horse has two syllabled name the first one sounding lPA'
of Uttara 3 in Kanya and the second sounding 'GA' of Dhanista
1 in Makara. Let us consider one by one.
'PA' of Uttara 3 in Kanya
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord with Horse and in 1st sign from horse
lifting No. 1. This one test will do.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva lord does not act.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose stellar lords are
Sukra and Rahu. They also do not indicate.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects Lagna and also 1st sign from

Thus the powerful A test coupled with D lifted the animal.

GA of Dhanista 1 in Makara
Theory A
That the Horse itself is in Lagna is of utmost significance
though Deha lord Kuja has not acted.
Theory B
Sukra Jeeva lord does not indicate.
Theory C
Indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose stellar lords are
Moon and Ketu. Both do not act.
Theory D
Sani lord of Lagna is aspecting Lagna which is also the first
sign from Lagna and Horse and so this test alone has become very
strong and that coupled with the Horse itself being in Lagna and
being also numbered I this horse has won.
Thus both the syllables are pointing to success.
Ill Race at 3 P.M. (Lagna Makara)
No. 3 Seven Wonders (Won) and Paid Rs. 16
This animal has two syallables of which the first sound is
'SAY'ofPoorvabhadra 1 of Kumbha and the second one is 'VA'
of Rohini 2 in Vrishabha. We shall consider one by one.
"Say of Poorvabhadra 1 in Kumbha
Theory A
Guru lord of Deha is aspecting both the horse as well the
3rd sign from the Horse and as per western system Guru bears
the numeral 3. This one test is sufficient to back on this horse.

Theory B
Rahu the Jeeva lord is with Horse and also aspecting the 3rd
from Horse where also Sani is. Note Rahu is like Sani. Even this
test is strong.
Theory C
The indicators of Guru are Ketu and Sani whose star lords
'arc Ketu and Sun. Ketu aspects the Horse and as Kuja is aspecting
the horse and the 3rd sign from Lagna and Ketu being like Kuja
the good of Ketu is seen even here.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna is aspecting Lagna and is in 3rd sign from
As all the above tests are strongly seen this horse has won.
'VA' of Rohini 2 in Vrishabha
Theory A
Moon the lord of Deha has noaction here.
Theory B
Guru the Jeeva lord does not act.
Theory C
Indicators of Moon are Kuja and Guru whose star lords are
Sukra and Rahu. None act.
Theory D
Even here there is no indication.
Thus we see its second syllable not at all acting which clearly
shows that the first syllable if of greatest importance. As the first
syllable has superbly acted the animal has won.

IV Race at 3-3(1 P.M. (Makara Lagna)

No. 9 Ablukh Waroo (Won) and Paid Rs. 18
It has again two syllables of which the first one sounds as
'AA' of Krittika ! in Mesha and the sound as VAof Rohini 2 in
Vrishabha. We shall consider one by one.
'AA' of Krittika 1 in Mesha
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord is 9th sign from Lagna and so lifted
No. 9.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva lord is aspecting the Horse.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords are
Sukra and Rahu. Both are aspecting the Horse.
Theory D
Lord of lagna is aspecting Lagna.
Thus the first 3 tests are confirming both the Card No. and
horse. So wins.
VA1 of Rohini 2 in Vrishabha
Theory A
Moon the Deha lord does not indicate.
Theory B
Guru the Jeeva lord also does not indicate.
Theory C
Indicators of Moon are Moon and Budha whose star lords
are Guru and Sun. Sun is in 9th sign from Lagna and so lifted
No. 9.

Though the second syllable is feebly indicated its first syllable

being of greater importance and all tests coming up well with it
has made the horse win.
V Race at 4 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 4 Rappare (Won) and Paid Rs. 8
Its sound is 'RAW' of Chitta 3 in Thula
Theory A
Kuja the Deha lord aspects Lagna.
Theory B
Sukra the .leeva lord is with Horse.
Theory C
Indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose star lords are
Moon and Ketu. Moon conjoins the Horse and Ketu aspects both
Lagna and Horse and also the 4th sign from Lagna satisfying all
conditions and so this one test will do to lift it.
Theory D
Rahu lord of lagna is in lagna. As Sani the other lord of lagna
is aspecting the Horse and the 4th sign from Horse this test is also
strong as Rahu acts like sani.
Thus all the tests having answered in one way or the other
and some of them satifying all aspects the horse has won.
This is another instance to remember that Rahu is like Sani
and Ketu like Kuja.
We will now take up another Illustrations
Poona Races held on 18.10.1970

The Chart for the day stands as follows.

R. Sani Moon

Gum Kuja
Sun Budha

The Star Lords of Planets are as follows:

. Planets Star Lords
Sun Kuja
Moon Moon
Kuja Sun
Budha Kuja
Guru Rahu
Sukra Guru
Sani Sun
Rahu Kuja
Ketu Ketu
With these Data we go to the subject proper.
I Race at 2 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 4 Tej-e-Shahi (Won) and Paid Rs. 10
This has 3 syllables of which the second one E may be
ignored as it is of minor nature and the other two on ly considered.
The first syllable sounding 'TA' is ofPubba 2 in Simha while the
third syllable sounding 'SHA' may be considered as being either

of Hastha 2 in Kanya or of Sravanna 4 in Makara as there are

two Shas one in Kanya of a stress Setter and the other of Sight
nature in Makara.
'TA' of Pubba 2 in Simha
Theory A
Sukra, Deha lord, is actualSy in 4th sign from Horse which
by itself is strong.
Theory B
Guru the Jeeva Sord is aspecting the 4th sign from Lagna thus
SiftingNo, 4.
Theory C
Indicators of Sukra are Ketu and sani whose star iords are
Ketu and Sun. Ketu with Horse and Sun aspecting the 4th sign
from Lagna.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects lagna and is actuailyj in 4th from
lagna thus lifting No. 4.
So Taj has become very strong.
'Sha' of Hastha in Kanya
Theory A
Moon the deha lord does not act.
Theory B
Moon sookshma lord does not act.
Theory C
The Indicators of Moon are Moon and Budha whose star
lords are Moon and Kuja. Kuja is with Horse and also aspects
the 4th sign from Horse and also the 4th sign from Lagna and thus
this one test has proved very strong.

Theory D
Lord of lagna is in 4th from Sagna aspecting lagna. Strong
indication for No. 4.
'Sha' of Sravana in Makara
Theory A
Horse it itself in Lagna which is strong.
Theory B
leeva lord Moon does not act.
Theory C
Indicators of Moon are Moon and Budha whose star lords
are Moon and Kuja.
Theory 0
San i lord of lagna is not only aspecting Lagna but also Horse
and is also situated in 4th from lagna and Horse. This one test
will suffice to lift the horse. So it proves that the letter 'SHA' of
Sravana has to be preferred for this horse.
As both the syllables have proved successful we have sorted
out the winner in this case,
II Race at 2.30 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No, 4 Fabiha (Won) and Paid Rs. 8.
Its sound is 'PA' of littara 3 in Kanya.
Theory A
Sun, the Deha lord, aspects the 4th sign from Lagna and
hence No. 4 came up.
Theory B
Kuja the Jeeva lord is with Horse and is aspecting the 4th
sign both from Lagna and Horse. This one test will suffice.

Theory C
The indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords
are Ravi and Rahu. Sun aspects the 4th sign from Lagna and so
also Rahu.
Theory D
Sant lord of lagna aspecting lagna and in 4th from lagna is
itself a good indicator.
Thus all tests have been satisfactory,
III Race at 3.00 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 13 Mosum Bahar (Won) and Paid Rs. 542
This has again two syllables the first sounding 'MO' of Pubba
1 of Simha and the second sounding 'BA' of Moola 3 of Dhanus.
Let us consider both.
'MO' of Pubba 1 m Simha
Theory A
Sukra Deha lord does not act.
Theory B
Guru Jeeva lord is aspecting lagna and 13th sign from lagna
which is lagna itself.
Theory C
Indicators of Sukra are Ketu and Sani whose star lords are
Ketu and Sun. Ketu aspects Lagna and 13th sign from lagna and
also is with horse in 13th numbered sign from Horse which is again
Simha. This one test will do to lift the horse and since Ketu the
great malefic has lifted it has paid high dividend.
Theory D
Rahu as lord of Lagna is in lagna the 13th sign from lagna
and also aspecting the horse situated in Simha and so has lifted
the horse.

'BA' of Mooia 3 in Dhanus

Theory A
Ketu the Deha lord is aspecting lagna and also the 3 3th sign
from lagna which is lagna itself.
Theory B
Ketu the Jeeva lord also acts as above.
Theory C
The indicators of Ketu are Sukra and Ketu of whom Ketu
again acts. Thus Ketu has been predominate even here and has
lifted the horse and paid very high dividend.
IV Race at 3.30 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 9 Cipriano (Won) and Paid Rs. 41
Its sound is (SEE) of Shathabhisha 3 in Kumbha.
Theory A
Rahu the Deha lord is in lagna and with Horse, Note Horse
in Lagna itself-a good chance to win. Sani is aspecting the 9th sign
from Lagna and Horse and as Rahu is like Sani it is as it Rahu
himself is aspecting the 9th and so this one test itself will do to
back this horse.
Theory B
Kuja the Jeeva lord does not act.
Theory C
Indicators of Rahu are Kuja and Sun whose star lords are
Sun and Kuja. Sun in 9th from Lagna and Horse thus lifting
No. 9.
Theory D
Rahu as lord of lagna is in lagna and with horse which by
itself is the best of consideration for a sure win. As Sani is

aspecting the 9th from lagna and horse as lord of lagna it is all
the more sure test.
Thus many a test proving best the horse has won which is
easy to select.
V Race at 4 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 4 Multigem (Won) and Paid Ra. 14
Its sound is 'MA' of Makha I in Simha.
Theory A
Ketu the Deha Lord, with horse and aspecting Lagna and
also the 4th sign from Lagna. This one test will do to lift the horse.
Theory B
Jeeva lord is also Ketu who also acts like above and when
tests A and B have both been strong and sufficient no other test
Theory C
Indicators of Ketu are Sukra and their star lords are Guru
and Ketu when again this Ketu acts fully as described above. Guru
also aspects Lagna.
Theory D
Rahu as lord of Lagna is in lagna and also aspecting the 4th
sign from horse i.e., vrischika and also aspecting horse in Simba.
What more is needed than these tests to play on this horse even
VI Race at 4.30 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 5 Prince Manoj (Won) and Paid Rs. 13
There are 3 sounds here. The first one is 'P' and the second
of (Rl) of the first syllable and 'MA' of the second syllable. We
discuss all.

'PA' of Uttara 4 in Kanya

Theory A
Sun the Deha lord does not act.
Theory B
Kuja the Jeeva lord is in Horse Sign.
Theory C
Indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords are
Sun and Rahu. Sani aspects the 5th from Lagna and so it gets
transferred to Rahu by reason of Rahu like Sani.
Theory D
Lord of Lagna (Sani) is aspecting the 5th from Horse.
"RP of China 4 in Thula
Theory A
Kuja the Deha lord does not act.
Theory B
Sun the Jeeva lord is in Horse Sing.
Theory C
The indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose star lords
are Kuja and Ketu.
Ketu aspects both Lagna and the 5th sign from Horse and
also the Horse and so this test has become strong and can by itself
lift it.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects the Horse and the 5th sign from
lagna and Rahu lord of lagna also is in 5th from the Horse.

'MA' of Makha 1 in Cimba

Theory A
Ketu the Deha lord is in Horse Sign aspecting lagna. This
one will do to lift the horse.
Theory B
Jeeva lord Ketu also acts as above. Thus the two important
theories have proved best.
Theory C
Indicators of Ketu are Sukra and Ketu whose star lords are
Guru and Ketu. Again even here Ketu acts as above. Guru aspects
both Lagna and the Sth sign from lagna.
Theory D
Rahu lord of Lagna is in lagna and also aspects the Horse
in Simha. As Sani aspects the Sth from lagna so also Rahu is
Thus we see both the syl tables act ing strong to 1 ift the horse.
VII Race at 5 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 4 Guna Sundari (Won) and Paid Rs. 25
This has two syllables with 'GU' as first sound and 'SU' as
second sound.
'GU' of Dhanista 3 in Kumbha.
Theory A
Kuja Delia lord is aspecting Lagna.
Theory B
Sun the Jeeva lord docs not act.
Theory C
Indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose star lords are

Kuja and Ketu. As Ku ja aspects iagna so also follows that of Ketu

(Ketu like Kuja).
Theory D
Gpru lord of Lagna aspects 4th from Lagna and Horse. Thus
there is hope of its win by the first syllable.
'SU' of Shathabhisha 4 in Kumbha
Theory A
Rahu the lord of Deha is with Horse.
Theory B
Kuja the Jeeva lord is aspecting the horse and Lagna.
Theory €
The ind'cators of Rahu are Kuja and Sun whose star lords
are Sun and Kuja. As before Kuja acts both ways.
Theory D
Guru lordofLagna is not only aspecting the Horse but also
the 5th sign from Lagna and so fully assured. So the horse wins
by both syllables.
VIII Race at 5.30 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 6 The Angel (Won) and Paid Rs. 11
As we have at the outset said omit the unimportant prefix
"Hie' and take only the principal name—ANGEL whose sound is
'A' of Krittika 4 of Vrishabha.
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord is in 6th sign from Horse which itself is
chief indicator of success.
Theory B
Kuja the Jeeva lord aspects lagna. Thus theories A&B

combined the horse and the card no. are under aspect and this
will do for winning;
Theory C
The indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose lords are
Sun and Rahu. Again Sun is in 6th from Horse Sign and as also
lord of Horse. Rahu aspects the 6th sign from lagnaard so powerful
even by this test.
So the horse cannot but win.
Thus Poona Races on one day have been fut ly discussed with
full success with our tests.
We take up another Centre
Calcutta on 30.9.1970.
The Chart on that day is as follows.

R. Sani


Guru Moon
Sukra Sun

Star Lords
Planets Star Lords
Sun Moot
Moon Moon
Kuja Sukra
Budha Sukra
Guru Rahu

Sukra Guru
Sani Sun
Rahu Rahu
Ketu Ketu
L Race at 2.30 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 3 Harini (Won) and Paid Rs. 37
Its sound is 'HA' of Punarvasu 3 in Mithuna.
Theory A
Guru the Deha lord aspects Horse and by chance the
Western Numeral of Guru is also 3 and so No. is strong in this
Theory B
Rahu the Jeeva lord is aspecting 3rd sign from Horse.
Theory C
The indicators of Guru arc Ketu and Sani whose stellar fords
are Ketu and Sun. Kuja the duplicate of Ketu is aspecting the 3rd
sign from lagna and Ketu himself in 3rd from Horse sign.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna is aspecting Lagna and also Horse.
Thus all tests being satisfied the horse won.
II Race at 3 P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 1 Jet Prince (Won) and Paid Rs. 21
This has two syllables and three sounds one of the first
syllable and two of the second as follow ' J' of the first syllable
and 'P' & 'RF of the second syllable. Let us discuss all.
'J' of Sravana 2 in Makara

Theory A
Please note that the Horse itself is in Lagna which by itself
is the strongest indication for its win. Deha lord Moon does not
Theory B
Jeeva Lord Moon also likewise.
Theory C
Moon's indicators are Moon and Budha whose star lords are
Moon and Sukra. Both do not indicate.
Theory D
Sani lord of Lagna aspects both Lagna and Horse and also
its card numbered sign counted both from Lagna and Horse. This
one test will suffice to make it win though all the other tests fail.
The very fact that this Horse is situated in Lagna and therefore
from 1 st sign from lagna which is the card No. will do to lift it.
'P' of Uttara 4 in Kanya
Theory A
Sun the Deha lord is there alone and in the 1 st sign from
the Horse which is the card No. and this one test will do to lift
the horse even will this second syllable.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva lord also with the Horse and in Card No.
is equally good for winning.
Theory C
The indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords
are Moon and Sukra. Moon as before works.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna aspects Lagna and Card No. Sign counted

from Lagna and so sure to win.

'RF of Chitta 4 in Thula
Theory A
This does not act.
Theory B
Jeeva lord Sukra is in Horse and card No. counted from
Horse and this will do.
Theory C
The indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose star lords-
are Sukra and Ketu. Sukra is in horse and card numbered sign
from Horse. Ketu is also aspecting the Horse.
Theory D
Sani lord of lagna is not only aspecting Lagna but also the
horse. As he is aspecting Lagna No. 1 is also aspected by Sani.
Thus all the tests are fully satisfied even here So the horse
won outright.
Ill Race at 3.30 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1 Kanchana (Won) and Paid Rs. 23
Its sound is 'KA' of Mrigashira 3 in Mithuna.
Theory A
Kuja lord of Delia aspects Lagna.
Theory B
Sukra the Jeeva lord does not indicate.
Theory C
The indicators of Kuja are Sun and Ketu whose star lords
are Moon and Ketu. Ketu aspects Lagna and so No. 1 from

Theory D
Rahu lord of Lagna is in Lagna and in Card No, sign. Counted
from Lagna and so wins.
'LF of Bharani 1 in Mesha.
Theory A
Sukra the Deha lord is aspecting the Horse and Card No.
sign counted from Horse, So sure to win.
Theory B
Guru lord of Jeeva is aspecting the Horse and Lagna and
also Card No. Sign both from Lagna and Horse which is dead cert
by this one test.
Theory C
The indicators of Sukra are Ketu and Sani whose star lords
are Ketu and Sun.'Ketu aspects Lagna and first sign from Lagna.
Theory I)
Rahu lord of Lagna is in Lagna causing No. I card no. to
come up. Sani the other lord aspects Horse and Horse lord Kuja
aspects Lagna and thus the cycle is completed assuring its win
by this one test.
IV Race at 4 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1 Diamond Link (Won) and Paid Rs. 19.
This has two syllables with sounds 'Day' and 'LF.
'Day' of Aslesha 3 in Kataka
Theory A
Budha Deha lord not only aspects lagna but is also aspecting
no. I Rasi from lagna and thus this one test itself lifts the horse.

Theory B
Sukra the Jeeva lord docs not indicate.
Theory C
The indicators of Budha are Guru and Budha whose star
lords are Rahu and Sukra. Rahu is there in lagna and in No. I
sign from Lagna.
Theoi7 D
Rahu lord of this lagna is in Lagna and Card No. sign counted
from Lagna and also aspects the Horse and the 1st sign counted
from Horse. All these fully endorse winning without the least
V Race at 4.30 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 5 Havens Peace (Won) and paid Rs. 18
There are two syllables with sound 'HA' and 'P'.
'HA' of Punarvasu 3 in Mithuna
Theory A
Guru the Deha lord is aspecting the Horse and also Lagna
and also the 5th Sign from Lagna and more than all this Guru
himself is in 5th from th is Horse. What more is needed than this
to emphasise the winning of this horse by this one test alone.
Theory B
Rahu the Jeeva lord is in Lagna itself with this Duplicate Sani
aspecting the horse and the 5th sign both from Lagna and Horse.
Even this is a strong plea for win.
Theory C
The indicators of Guru are Ketu and Sani whose star lords
are Ketu and Sun. Ketu aspects Lagna and 5th from Horse. Sani
as lord of lagna aspects Horse and the 5th both from lagna and

Theory D
Rahu lord of lagna and his Duplicate Sani is aspecting horse
etc. as stated above. Thus all the above tests strike down this as
one horse race.
'P' of Uttara 4 in Kanya
Theory A
Sun lord of Deha is in Horse sign itself.
Theory B
Moon the Jeeva lord is also in Horse sign.
Theory C
The indicators of Sun are Kuja and Guru whose star lords
are Sukra and Rahu. Rahu is in Lagna.
Theory D
Rahu lord of Lagna is in lagna with its Duplicate Sani
aspecting the 5th sign from Lagna.
Thus with strong tests with the first syllable and secondary
influence of the second sallable the horse may be banked upon.
So are the Races held at Calcutta.

Madras Races Held on Sunday the 25.10.1970

R. Sani


R. Sukra Sun Kuja

Planets Star Lords

Sun Rhau
Moon Ketu till 2,16, P.M. &
later Sukra
Kuja Sun
Guru Rahu
Sukra Guru
Sani Sun
Rahu Kuja
Ketu Ketu
Tilll .45 P.M. Makara Lagna
3.30 Kumbha
4.40 Meena
Later Mesha
I Race at 1.4S P.M. (Makara Lagna)
No. 6 The Joker (Won) and Paid Rs. 66
As we have already stated leave off the unimportant words
as 'The' and take only 'Joker',

Sound 'JO' is of Sravana 3 in Makara

The only test that stands here is that the Horse is in lagna
and the lord of lagna Sani is aspecting Lagna, the horse and the
6th from both Lagna and Horse. As all conditions are satisfied by
this one test no other test is necessary. Thus it may be noted that
if under any one test cited by us all these requisits as aspecting
lagna, the horse and the Card number sign are satisfied then that
horse wiil surely win.
II Race at 2.20 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 4 Wonder Worker (Won) and Paid Rs, 18
(Sound 'VA' is of Rohini in Vrishabha)
First note that the Horse is itself in 4th from Lagna which
is a very powerful indication of win. Sukra the Jeeva lord of horse
is aspecting both the horse and the card numbered sign from lagna.
Theory C also proves good as indicators of Moon, the horse lord,
are Moon and Budha who are in the stars of Sukra and Rahu of
whom both aspect the horse and the card numbered sign from
Lagna. What more is needed than this.
III Race at 2.55 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 2 Green Slam (Won) and Paid Rs. 24
(Sound 'GI' is of Dhanista in Makara)
Kuja lord of horse aspects the 2nd sign from Horse and
hence shows No. 2 winning. Theory C indicates for Kuja the
planets Sun and Ketu who are in the stars of Rahu and Ketu both
aspecting the 2nd sign from Horse as well Lagna. Rahu lord of
Lagna in 2nd from Horse and in lagna and Sani the other lord
aspecting the horse. All powerful indicators lifted the horse.
IV Race at 3.30 P.M. (Lagna is either Kumbha or Meena)
In such doubtful case omit the event and take the next.

V Race at 4-5 P.M. (Meena Lagna)

No. 14 Bed of Roses (Won) and Paid Rs. 32
(Sound 'RAY' is Uttarashadha in Dhanus)
Sun the Deha Jord is aspecting Mesha which is the 14th sign
from Meena Lagna (Though Mesha is in 2nd from Meena lagna
add another cycle of 12 signs). Rahu, the Jeeva lord, is also
aspecting the 14 sign from Lagna. Kuja and Guru indicators of
Sun are in the stars of Sun and Rahu who are both aspecting the
!4th sign from Lagna. Guru lord of Lagna is also aspecting 14th
sign from lagna. Thus all tests show the card number and none
aspect the horse and yet it has won showing that the card number
is more important than the aspect on Horse.
VI Race at 4.40 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 5 Bhajagovindam Won and Paid Rs. 72
(Sound 'BA' is of Moola in Dhanus)
We have beforehand said that Ketu acts like Kuja and Rahu
like Sani. Kuja is here aspecting both the horse and the 5th sign
from Horse i.e., Mesha with 8th aspect and so indicates No. 5
to win. Jeeva of Kuja is sun who is also aspecting the 5th sign
from horse. Indicator of Ketu are Sukra and Ketu who are in the
stars of Guru and Ketu of whom Ketu acts like Kuja as said before
and Guru is aspecting the 5th sign from horse. Finally Guru as lord
of lagna is also aspecting No. 5 from horse. Thus all tests are fully
seen here with predominance of card no acting.
VII Race at 5-15 P.M. (Mesha Lagna)
No. 4 to Beat Hard Won and Paid Rs. 42
(Sound 'HA' is of Punarvasu in Mithuna aspected by its
Deha Guru who is also aspecting Lagna, and is also in 5th from
Horse which is very powerful indication. Jeeva Rahu is aspecting
lagna. Ketu and Sani are the indicators of Guru and their star lords

are Ketu and Sun of whom Ketu is in 5th from lagna and aspecting
5th from Horse while Sun is actually in 5th from horse aspecting
lagna-All strong.
With this, Madras events close. We have by this time fully
illustrated Races from all centres and hope these will suffice for
one to fully grasp our theory. We are not going to touch up any
more centres but deal with more important topic as choosing Dead



We have before detailed four methods of finding the winner

by combined methods and now we tell you some of the deepest
secrets of Nadi with the help of which the dead certs may be
picked up. But by this method you cannot find out all the winners
in all Races but confine only to those Races where these theories
are satisfied.
To follow these you should know something more of erecting
the Navamsha and Drekkana Charts which you will please learn
from a local Astrologer or with the help of out text "New
Techniques of Prediction". As we have already burdened with
astromomical portion we do not wish to burden further and this
is helpful for those who can cast these charts. Any way Ready-
made Tables are also furnished before.
Navamsha Method
P.S. for brevity we call the Navasha chart as D-9.
The following are the Rules under this Theory.
Rule 1
From the Star Padam of the sound of Horse find its
Navamsha sign. If this Sign is equal to its Card No. reckoned from
Rasi Lagna or Horse sign in Rasi chart then this horse has the
capacity to win.
Rule 2
Added to Rule No. 1 this Rule also to be satisfied for banking
this horse for a win.
The said Navamsha Sign of the Horse should be aspected

by the lord of Lagna or Horse or the lord of that Amsha sign

considering both the Rasi lord and stellar lord.
When both these conditions arc satisfied this will surely win
and it is Dead Cert. Such an animal will not be found at all times
and in all Races. Pick up only those that satisfy these conditions
on that day and play as much as you like on them. You can mint
money instead of scatterring on many.
In support of this theory I Furnish some of the illustrations
as they have come to my urgent notice. You may verify with other
Races yourself and see how this works. This is one of Nadi
Revelations made only to me.
1. Calcutta on 30.9.1970 (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 5 Havens Peace Won and Paid Rs, 18
(Sound 'HA' is in Punarvasu 3 giving Amsha to Mithuna)
This is the 5th sign from Lagna and so No. 5 won. Also both
the Horse and the Navamsha sign are aspected by both the lords
of Lagna and lord of Horse. What more is necessary than this
■ one solid test to lift the horse.
Illustrations 2
Hyderabad on 15.10.1970 (Meena Lagna)
No, 1 Her Ladyship Won and Paid Rs. 46
(Sound 'HA' is again in Mithuna Amsha)
Horse Navamsha sign is in 1st from Horse sign and so
No. 1 won. Again the lords of Horse and Lagna are aspecting
this Horse and so candid success.

Illustrations 3
Hyderabad on 7.10.1970 (Meena Lagna)
No. 8 Concord Won and Paid Rs. 36
(Sound 'KA' is of Mrigasira 3 giving Amsha to Thula)
This Amsha is 8th from Lagna and No. 8 won. Guru lord
of Lagna is also there aspecting Horse and so dead cert.
Illustrations 4
Poona on 27.9.1970 (Makara Lagna)
No. I Recovery Won
(Sound 'RAY' is of Swati-2 giving Amsha to Makara.)
This Amsha failling in 1 st from Lagna, No. 1 won. Sani lord
of lagna aspects Amsha and so confirmed further.
Illustration 5
Hyderabad on 4.9.1970 (Dhanur Lagna)
No. 1 Nice Felle Won
(Sound 'NAY' is of Anooradha 4 giving amsha to Vrischika).
This Amsha falls in 1 st from Horse and so No. I won and
its Rasi lord Kuja is aspecting this amsha. Thus you see the
(Amsha) Rasi lord functioning.
Illustration 6
Same Day No. 1 Hill Patrol Won
Sound 'HE' of Punarvasu 4 gives amsha to Kataka and thus
is in 1st from Horse and that alone has lifted the animal.
Illustration 7
Mysore on 5.9.1970 (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 3 Magic Miracle Won
(Sound 'MA' of Makha 1 gives amsha to Mesha)

As this arasha is 3rd from lagna No. 3 won. Sani lord of

Lagna is also in 3rd from Lagna more cetain of No. 3 winning.
Illustration 8
Hyderabad on 10.9.1970 (Makara Lagna)
No. 4 Shiva Shankar Won and Paid Rs. 15.
(Sound 'SHE' of Sravana 1 gives amsha to Mesha).
This amsha is in 4th from Lagna thus lifting 4th Horse. Sani
lord of lagna is there to further confirm it.
Illustration 9
Madras on 25-.10.1970 (Makara Lagna)
No. 6. The Joker Won and Paid Rs. 66.
As we have already suggested to leave off un-important
prefixes and take therefore Jocker whose sound is' JO' of Sravana
3 giving amsha to Mithuna which is the 6th from Makara Lagna
and so No. 6 won. Sani lord of Lagna is aspecting both Horse
and this amsha and thus confirms further.
Illustration 10
Same Day (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 4. Wonder Worker Won and Paid Rs. 18
(Sound ' VA' is of Rohini 2 giving Amsha to Vrishabha)
This Amsha is 4th from Lagna and so No. 4 won Sukra Rasi
lord of this Amsha and Horse sign is also aspecting this Amsha
and so confirms this. This is another case when Amsha Rasi lord
I suppose these illustrations will do to prove the theory. The
readers may apply to other cases and see themselves.
With this we closethis theory ofNavamsha and to to the next
one of Drekkana which is aslo taught in the Nadi.

Drekkana Method (D-3)

In this theory we confine only to the sound of the horse but

not the card number, in addition to this if the card number is also
established by any other method narrated before it is a Dead Cert.
Let us now describe this theory of Drekkam.
Find the position of Sun in Drekkana and then find the lord
of the 8th sign counted from this Drekkana position of Sun. This
final lord is the indicator of the winner. First of all see in what
sign this final lord is situated in Drekkana. Note the 1st, the 5th
and the 9th letters that are in that sign. The winners are those
pertaining to those letter sounds. Likewise see the 1 st, 5th and 9th
letters in the sign aspected by this planet. Those horses also win.
Let us Illustrate this:-
Illustration 1
Madras on 25.10.1970
No. 4 Wonder Worker Won and Paid Rs. 18
This day Sun is in Thula Drekkana. The 8th sign from Thula
is Vrishabha and its lord is Sukra. Sukra is in Vrischika in
Drekkana. As he aspects Vrishabha the 5th letter in this Vrishabha
is * VA' and so its sounding wonder worker won. He is also in 4th
from Kumbha Lagna showing even the Card No. concurrence
where is the least doubt of its success.

Calcutta on 30.9.1970 (Makara Lagna)

No. 1 Jet Prince Won and Paid Rs. 21
Drekkana Sun is in Makara and lord of 8 from Makara is
again Sun and so the signs ofMakaraand Kataka indicate winners.
Jay is the 5th letter in Makara and Sun is there alone and so sure

of its success. More than aspect if the indicator joins the Horse
sign then it is more certain. Added to this Horse is in 1st from
lagna assuring the card number tod.
Illustration 3
Same Day in (Meena Lagna)
No. S No Doubt Won and Paid Rs. 26
Leave off the insignificant prefix 'No' and take 'Doubf only.
As above, it is again the sun who is the indicator. The 9th
letter in Kataka (which is aspected by Sun) is 'DOW and so this
horse won. The horse is also in Sth from lagna. Thus both the horse
sound and card number are confirmed.
Illustration 4
Hyderabad on 7.10.1970 (Meena Lagna)
No. 8 Concord Won and Paid Rs. 36
Sun is in Vrishabha Drekkana and lord of 8 from Vrishabha
is Guru who is in Kumbha Drekkana. This Guru aspects Mithuna
in which the letter 'KA' is the 1 st letter and so Concord won. As
this Guru is also aspectingThula which is the Sth sign from Lagna
its number is also indicated. It may also be seen from the lord of
horse who is Kuja. This Kuja being in Mesha Drekkana is also
aspecting Thula which is the Sth from Lagna. Thus both ways it
is confirmed and so Dead Cert is this horse. Thus if by more than
one test sequence is seen then that horse is sure to win.
Illustration 5
Same Day Roanna No. 6 Won
As before, it is Gum the indicator who lifted the Sth lettered
horse of 'ROW in Thula which is aspected by Guru.

Illustration 6
Hyderabad on 10.10.1970
No. 3 Speedy Consolate Won
As before, it is Guru the indicator situated in Kumbha
Drekkana. He has the 5th lettered 'SEE* sounding horse of
Illustration 7
Same Day in (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 9 Maghyr Won and Paid Rs. 43
As before Guru the Indicator is aspectingthe 1st letter MA
in Simha and so lifted the horse of that sound. Guru is also
aspecting the 9th sign from Lagna and so the card number is also
Illustration 8
Same Day in (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 4 Sweetness Won and Paid Rs. 29
The same Guru is in Kumbha in Drekkana and lifted its 5 th
lettered horse. Perhpas when the indicator is situated in the same
sign as that of the horse it is not needed to look into Card number.
Still it would be letter to get such things substantiated for card
number win by other theories.
Illustration 9
Calcutta on 26.9.1970 (Kumbha Lagtra) ' •
Sun is in Kanya Drekkanna and its 8th rasi lord Kuja is in
Mesha Drekkana.
No. 3 Rakhesh Won and Paid Rs. 10 .
Kuja the indicator aspects the 1st letter'RAW in Thula and
is actually in 3rd from Lagna thus satisfying both the conditions
and hence dead cert.

Illustration 10
Hyderabad on 13.9.1970
Sun is in Mcsha Drekkana and the lord of 8th from Mesha
is again Kuja who is in Dhanur Dreakkana.
No. 5 Builit Won in Makara Lagna
Kuja in Dhanus has lifted the Sth lettered horse in Dhanus
and this Kuja is also in 5th from Horse sign thus establishing
definite success of this horse.
Illustration 11
Same Day in (Makara Lagna)
No. 6 Hill Patrol Won
The same indicator Kuja is aspecting the letter 'HE' in
Kataka and thus lifted this horse. Also this Kuja is in 6th from
this Horse sign and so doubly strong.
Illustration 12
Madras on Thursday the 29.10.1970
1st Race at 1.45 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1 San Marco Won and Paid Rs. 10
Sound 'SAW is Shathabhisha 2 in Kumbha. Rahu its lord
is there alone and so all conditions satisfied. Horse in Lagna and
in no. 1 sign from both lagna and Horse. Deha lord in horse and
no. 1. So this is Dead Cert.
2nd Race at 2.20 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 5 Kwang Kung Won and Paid Rs. 22
Sound 'KA' is Mrigashira 3 in Mithuna which is Sth sign from
Lagna and sp Horse in 5 won. Also Mrigashira 3 goes to Thula
which is the 5th sign from Horse sign and so also No. 5 is strong.
Even the Jeeva lord Moon is in Sth from horse sign in Thula. Lord

of Lagna Sani is aspecting both Mithuna and the 5th sign from
Horse i.e., Thula. So all tests fulfilled, this is also Dead Cert.
3rd Race at 2.55 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1 Teriyad Won and Paid Rs. 358
Sound Tay' is Uttara 1 in Stmha. This day as per Drekkana
Theory the 1st 5th and 9th letters in Kumbha or Simha are certs
as Budha lord of 8th from the Drekkana Sun is in Kumbha. The
sounder letter Tay is the 9th in Stmha and so it won. To support
the card no. 1 see the Jeeva of horse Rahu who is in Lagna
showing No. 1 from Lagna and also aspecting the horse also
showing No. 1 from horse. So this is a so dead cert and it is big
fluke. Thus if on a day you spot out a big fluke like this that will
IV Race at 3.30 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
5 Sensation Won and Paid Rs. 16
Sound 'Say' is Poorvabhadra 1 in Kumbha: Guru the Deha
lord and again Gum the sookshma lord of this horse aspects the
5th from horse and so no. 5. Likewise is lord of lagna as he is
also the same Guru. So this is also dead cert as Drekkana test
is also satisfied.
V Race at 4,5 P.M.-(Meena Lagna)
No. 5 Highland Chief Won and Paid Rs. 126
Sound 'Hay' is Pushyami 2 in Kataka-whose lord is Sani.
Horse himself is in 5th from lagna. Consider the other syllable
'Chief whose sound is of Aridra 4 in Mithuna its sthoola lord
Budha is in 5th from Horse sign and the lord of lagna (Gum) is
aspecting both the horse and the 5th from horse. AH these are
definite pointers to its win and again it also paid very high Dividend.
Though the rest of the races on this day showed the winners
as they are not dead certs we leave them to readers.

As we have not given the positions of planets on this day

the readers will themselves verify.
We have already stated that if even one theory works on both
Alphabetology and Numerology the winners can be pointed out.
Here is the day when most of the winners answered one theory
and that:—
'Lord of lagna aspecting both the Horse sign and the card
Number sign counted from Lagna of Horse sign (Better from
Lagna)' So we discuss at length another.

Illustration 13
Calcutta on Saturday the 31-10-1970
The Day's Chart is as follows:

Planet Rasi (Sign) Star Qr. Star Lord

Sun Thula Swathi 3 Rahu
Moon Thula Vishakha 3 Gum
Kuja Kanya Hastha 2 Moon
Budha Thula Swathi 3 Rahu
Gum Thula Vishakha 1 Gum
R. Sukra Thula Vishakha 3 Gum
R. Sani Mesha Bharani 4 Sukra
Rahu Kumbha Dhanista 4 Kuja
Ketu Simha Makba 2 Ketu
Till 2-20 p.m. Kumbha
5-51 p,m. Meena
5-31 p.m. Mesha

Race 1 at 2 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)

No. 1 Awara Won and Paid Rs. 26
Sound 'AWE* is ofKrittika I in Mesha where Sani lord of
Lagna is, thus showing that lord of iagna is with Horse and card
no from Horse. In addition to this ail other tests also prove good.
Race 2 at 2-35 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 4 Golden Lancer Won and Paid Rs. 150
Sound 'Go' is of Shathabhisha 1 in Kumbha. Guru lord of
lagna is aspecting Horse as well the 4th sign from Lagna i.e.
Mithuna. Also the Deha lord Rahu is with horse and Sani (like
Rahu) is also aspecting the 4th from lagna. Thus it is Dead Cert.
If in a day you get such a horse you can mint money. Of course
you must also be lucky at that time.
III Race at 3-10 P.M. (Meena Lagna)
No. 4 Gray Ribbon Won and Paid Rs. 20
Sound 'GAY' is of Dhanista 4 in Kumbha. Guru lord of
Lagna aspects both the Horse sign and 4th sign from Lagna and
so won. Its Deha lord is also aspecting Lagna to support further.
So this is also Dead Cert.
IV Race in Mesha Lagna
This is another Fluke win and a Dead Cert for us.
No. 7 Pujariu Won and Paid Rs. 158
Sound 'POO? is of Hastha 1 in Kanya. Kuja lord of Lagna
is with Horse aspecting the 7th sign from the Horse and so dead
cert. Other tests also support it.
V Race in Mesha (Lagna)
No. 1 Kanchana Won and Paid Rs. 64
This is a case to illustrate the theory that even one theory
that satisfies both Alphabetology and Numerology comes successful.

Sound 'KA' is of Mrigashira 3 in Milhuna. Deha lord Kuja aspects

Lagna which is also the Card numbered sign from Lagna. Likewise
Jeeva lord Moon is also aspecting Lagna which is also No. 1 from
Lagna. Lord of Lagna is also aspecting Card No. Sign. Thus there
is the close relation between the Horse and card number and so
it won. Similar case is seen in the next race too.
VI Race in (Mesha Lagna)
No. 5 Home Rule Won and Paid Rs. 89
Sound 'HO' is of Pushyami 3 in Kataka. Horse lord Sani
is in Lagna. Jeeva lord Sukra aspects Lagna. Other tests are also
Satisfied. If you want you may add the western no. 8 to Sani. Thus
even though they do not indicate Card No. the mutual relationship
of Horse and Lagna alone has lifted the animal. Inspite, we warn
not to bank more on such cases.
So are the days events.
Here is another beautifitl day on which our theories have
lifted many Flukes as Dead Certs.
Illustration 14
Madras Races on 1.11.1970
The planetary positions and the Chart for the day are just
alike that of31.10.1970 given before except that Moon goes to
Vrischika and to the star Annoradha 2.
1st Race at 1-30 P.M. (Kumbha Lagna)
No. 1 Streak of Fortune Won and Paid Rs. 74
Sound' See' is of Shathabhisha 3 in Kumbha. Rahu its star
lord (Deha>is there alone in 1st both from Horse and Lagna.
Added to this our Drekkana Test is also woridng. Sun is in Kumbha
Drekkana, Budha, lord of 8th from Kumbha, is in Kumbha in
Drekkana. The 5th alphabet in Kumbha is 'See'. What more is
needed than this to bank all on this one horse and earn thousands.

V Race at 3-10 P.M. (Meena Lagna)

No. 12 Her Ladyship Won and Paid Rs. 80
This is another Dead Cert. Sound 'HA' is of Punarvasu 3
in Mithuna and the Deha lord Guru is aspecting both the horse
sign and Kumbha which is the 12th sign from Lagna. You may
aiso reckon No. 3 assigned to Gum as per western mode as 12
is also 3 (1+2=3). What more is needed than this. Furtherthe lord
of Lagna is also Guru who also acts as stated before.
Do you not see the exactness of our tests in picking up the
Dead Carts in a day.
8th Race at 5-25 P.M. (Mesha Lagna)
No. 11 Rage Royal Won and Paid Rs. 36
In this Race there are only two dead certs. No. 7 Little
Anand and No. 11. Rage Royal How.
No. 7 Little Anand
Sound 'LF is of Bharani in Mesha aid thus Horse is in Lagna
itself and its Deha lord Sukra is in 7th from both Lagna and Horse
and also aspecting diem. Thus both the card no. and Horse name
tests are fully satisfied indicating this to win.
No. 11 Rage Royal
Sound 'RAY' is of Shathabhisa2 in Kumbha. This horse is
also in 11 th from Lagna and its Deha lord is also there. So even
this is strong for win. How to select the winner of the two. In
this connection we wish to tell you one more important clue in such
cases of ties. Of all those that show equal chances of winning
prefer the one which is in the visible Hemisphere (7th sign from
Lagna to 12th sign from Lagna) to one which is from 1 to 6th s.ign
from Lagna and if all are in one Hemisphere prefer the one that
is nearer Lagna Rasi.
Of the above two animals Little Anand is in lagna with its

lord sukra also in 7th while Rage Royal is in 11 near to Lagna

in the visible Hemisphere as well its lord Rahu. So definitely it is
Range Royal that wins.
We have furnished veiy many illustrations even till we place
our draft with the Press only to aid our readers and convince them
that our theory is one of par-excellence in World. At this stage
we leave you to yourselves.
We have hithereto dealt with theoiy of coupling Horse name
with Card number it bears Now we shall as. a last measure
consider the relation between the Horse Name and Plate or Cup
Name to find the winner.
The theory underlying this combination is borne on the mutual
relation between the two: Horse Name and Plate or Cup Name.
The mutual relation exists when any of the following rules is
1. When the lord of the Horse aspects the Plate. It means
that when the star lord of the horse aspects the Rasi containing
the Plate Name.
2. When the lord of the Plate Name aspects the Rasi
containing the Horse Name.
3. When the said two lords aspect each other,
4. When the two lords are one and the same. Please note
that aspect includes conjunction too.
We cite a few examples in this connection.
Calcutta on 7.11.1970
Balam Handicap Mr. Money (Won)
PJate sound 'BA' is of Moola 3 of Ketu
Horse sound 'MA' is ofMakha 1 of Ketu.
As both lords are one the same it won. Also this Ketu is in
Makha itself and so more certain.

Gavin Johnston Cup Royal Challenge (Won)

Cup lord Kuja and Horse Lord Kuja.
Madras on 8,11.1970
Arcot Plate Young Rock (Won)
Plate Star is Krittika 1 of Sun and Horse star Jyesta of
Sun and Budha together in Thula and aspecting plate sign
Patron Plate Patron (Won)
Plate lord is Kuja and Horse lord is Kuja and the stars of
both (Chitta 1) falls in Kanya where this Kuja also is there. Where
is the least doubt in such a case.
Ali Asker Memorial Plate Sensation (Won)
Plate star is Krittika 1 of Sun.
Horse star is Poorvabhadra 1 of Guru,
Beth Guru and Sun are together in Thula aspecting Plate sign
In this way we can cite multiple examples but fearing volume
of this book we stop here leaving die rest to be verified by the
readers themselves.
We have thus given a long series of examples to convince
oiir readers and it is for them to verify further.
Thus we have exhausted all the available theories at present
and as and when we try to establishment further tests we will try
to place before the public later.
So the entire theory of picking up the winner has been
exhausted and we shall finally take up to summarise the whole
thing and indicate the surest methods of finding the Dead Certs.



We have stated different sets of Rules to find out the winner

in a Race but some difficulties may be experienced at the initial
stage till all the Rules are properly digested. Sometimes there might
arise atlematives causing confusion. So, in the interest of the
Punter we lay down some definite Rules and Precautions in the
made of playing. It is always safer to bet on Dead Certs, though
few in number, than to gamble with uncertainties caused by
alternatives. How to do it will be explained up this last chapter.
Rule 1
In a day and at a centre find out all the horses that are
situated in signs equal to its card number when counted from
Lagna Sign. They are the first Certs. To be more fully assured
of its winning see if any of the tests satisfies this animal in respect
of Alphabetology and Numerology. In that case you may bank on
its winning.
Rule 2
If any one of the above theories satisfies both Alphabetology
and Numerology then that wins. Of them, lord of Lagna aspecting
bom the Home Sign and Card numbered Sign counted from Lagna
or Horse sign is most powerful.
Rule 3
See if any house satisfies Drekkana Test and also Theory
A or B. Then that wins.

Rule 4
See if the Navamsha theory is also satisfied along with A
or B.
Rule 5
After picki ng up the winner from the above said Rules verify
it with the theory of 'Plate Vs Horse Names' theory.
Rule 6
When majority of the above Rules apply bank on it.
Rule 7
A latest Research shows a more magnificient theory in
picking out a Dead Cert though rare which runs as follows:—
(a) Pick up the Horse whose Star Lord or Sign Lord is the
Star Lord of Moon at the time of Race i.e. the day's Ududasha
(b) If this Day's Dasha lord is in Card Numbered Sign
counted from Lagna or Horse that horse wins and more so if it
also aspects Lagna.
(c) Sometimes when this Dasha Lord is in the sign of the
Horse or aspects if you find it winning.
Latest Research
The fol lowing most important observation made just now at
the time of printing the last page ofthis text throws jight on two
important matters One is the Special aspects of Rahu and Ketu
and the other about the Over-Powering strength of Rahu and Ketu
over other planets by conjunction or aspect.
Special Aspects
Some texts ascribe 3rd, 7th and 10th aspects for Rahu and
Ketu while the Nadi principles stress on the 3rd, 7th and 11th
aspects. Latest observation confirms the truth of Nadi theory. So

we prefer it to the former ones. If you so desire you may have

3rd, 7th, I Oth and 11th aspects as the aspect of them.
Over-Powering Strength
When Rahu and Ketu are with other planets or aspect other
planets it is only the power of Rahu and Ketu that predominates.
With these general observations we take up an illustration to
confirm this.
Madras Races on Thesday 1-12-1970
Race No. 6, 4-40 P.M. in Vrishabha Lagna
No. 2 Mige Won and Paid Rs. 408
Sound 'ME' is of Makha 2 in Simha. Ketu the Deha and
Jeeva lords is exactly in Makha2 and aspecting (11th aspect) 2nd
sign from lagna (Mithuna). So tests A and B are fiilly satisfied.
Even Test C is satisfied as Rahu and Ketu are the star lords of
Indicators Sukra and Ketu. Again the same Ketu plays part. So
it won.
But you should note one more powerful horse No. 13
Rajkama! which satifies all rests and even more than Mige does
and yet Mige wins. Why? As said before as this Ketu is aspecting
Kuja the lord of Rajkamai by 3rd aspect and Ketu himself is
controlling a winner it is the animal of Ketu that overpowers that
of Kuja.
In this way judge the relative strengths too.
First select the Dead Certs in a day and then take up the
individual Races on the day.
With this final and sincere advice we wish the Readers:-
Good Luck and Good Bye
May God Bless You

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