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Women and Astrology



Dr.(Mr5.)SaHa Prasad Dr. Mrs. ShriramaMishra

^f.( ) TTTHT tf.( sfriwt) ifrrn

Mrs. Shallnl Dhasmnna Mrs. Draupadi Rai

efroft viiH-f-ti uFTRr ifMr rm

Shri K.N. Rao

In astrology, there always exists the need to do new researches

to keep In tuch with dunging sodo-cultural trends. We express our
gratitude to Shri K.N. Rao for giving us the inspiration and guidance in
doing research on "Single Women and Jyotlsh".
Wc admire the patience of our respective families which has
been more than encouraging. Wc express our slnccrcst thanks to the
excellent work done by Sh. Ra'jendra Singh and Sh. Bharat Singh for
the technical support. We are also Indeed grateful toSh. K.Subhas Rao,
well supported by his wife Mrs. K. Vifaylakshmi {Vi||i), who arc always
ready at any sragc for any kind of help. Sh. K. Subhas Rao is the
publisher of the book.
And wc do acknowledge with deep sense of reverence the
finandal support given by "the Sodety for Vcdlc Research and
Practices", an organisation, fully dedicated to promote such original
research and liinovatlve piojects which reflects their preamble.

Sarla Prasad
Shrlrama Mlshra
Shalinl Dhasmana
Draupadi Ral

7 May 2008

Guldo S'iri K N. Rao 3


Acknowledgement 3
3irtwfef„ — 4
Preface 6
yranHi... — —10
Examples by K.N. Rao 17


*5*5 irfro Y215" - - - 44
Contrasting Instances 48
fonj Tpzm 48

SINGLE WOMAN - Some observations 55

Examples by Dr.(Mrs.) Shrlrama Mishra 58
Observations 7S
wmteR —
Examples by Shalini Dhasmana 81
An Observation 96

Examples by Dr. Sarla Prasad 100

— 124
Observations 125

srfmrfferr vrc — 126

Single Women and Eighth House 128
Examples by Draupadl Rai 130

Summary of Case Studies and Results 153

Books by Vani Publications 157

GuWo Shri K.N. Rao v ipftrh w 5


Some generations ago It was unusual to come across cases of

single women In India, partlcufarly In the Hindu society, though It Is
well recognised that In ancient India women could remain single and
serve the society In various capacities. Prof Altekar refers to two types
of women, the Brahmavadlnis and Sadyovahas. Brahmavadinls did
not marry and were lifelong students of theology and philosophy.
Sadyovahas pursued studies upto the age of 15 or 16 when they got
married. Brahmavadinls used to aim an excellence and did Vedlc
studies which In later purltanicaf times was denied to them by orthodox
Hindus. We have famous Instances of Maltreyl, the wife of Yagyavalka
and of Gargl who engaged the famous Yagyavalka in the court of Raja
Janaka In a debate.
In Jain and even Buddhist societies, women remaining single and
becoming sadhavis or what Christians call nuns was also well known
historically. Sanghamltra. Is relerred to as Ihe most famous Buddhist
scholar who went even to foreign countries to teach scriptures. In Jain
literature there Is reference to Jayanti, a princess, a scholar devotee.
It Is not known however, if In those times the problem of single
women was only one of choice and not helplessness as these days
when woman remain unmarried for various reasons, like Inability to
pay dowry, not being able to find suitable husband well educated
enough and also belonging to the same caste and class.
We are using the word "single" for unmarried women and
drawing a distinction between unmarried women who are mothers
and single woman who are not mothers, We arc confining
oni selves to two essential factors: sire should not have married
N.icrainent.illy or legally and must not have become a mother. In
1 llmlu ir.uililon wc may call such women mangala-sutr,iicss women as
In societies she would l>e called a rlngless woman. But some
ol ilicni in Inrll.i have started believing In llvc-ln-rel.ulonshtps.
n ijunio r.ini K u •> "piirrh vS 77i
tfrtl »}l Wffl O Svitl* V.'cmtn *xJ Aorotof, Frtivx
But wc must remember that In Hindu societies, tlie terrible
problem of dowry on be one factor for some women remaining
single. Wc do hear of clandestine sexual relations between single
women and married men most of whom arc their occupational
superiors. And there are many single women who regard their men In
such relationships .is special. But it may be to relieve her tension or for
professional advantage that single women continues such relationship.
Without realising It. these single women seem to be becoming the
substitutes for the mistresses of earlier era. %

The subject ©four research In this book, after the great success of
our earlier book Delayed Marriage of Girls, we decided to produce a
book on single women.
Wc must define iv/r.if uf me An by single women. A woman wiio
has icmalned single illl the age of forty five after which her life as a
housc\sife or c\vn as mother, even If she does get ntarded and becomes
a mother through modern costly Interventions or through
adoption, is not the normal life of a woman as we have known
traditionally all through the ages.
A girl getting married very early and becoming a mother after her
puberty was a known fact seven or eight decades ago almost all over
India. Gradually, as the llicracy levels of women In India Increased, the
age of malrlagc also Increased from say fifteen to eighteen and now
to twenty eight or upwards.
Wc do come across Instances ol single women these clays more
than some generations ago. When If a woman born In the foitlcs of the
last century remained single In India, it was for some special family
reasons and could no: be attributed to any social change.
Therefore we must clearly see that the ctsc of single women In
earlier decades was due to some family reasons or even personal
reasons, which could be physical handicap even. But due to sharp
social changes, wc come across cases of women who are healthy, who
could be married and might have become mothers but they remained
For us asciologcrs. the case of single women Is both a challenge
and a very research.
The Data
Tlie data wc arc using In this research Is from our own personal
records and we know the women whose horoscopes arc used here.

Gudo Shn K N Ras •> wtnti »S c 7

PfW* SoifW WorMn tnd Airidoo' 0 ^ *ffn
vriy Intimately.
Tho nstrologlcal methodology
Three lioroscopes arc being used for our twalysls. the birth
horoscope, the n.iv.i/iij/M and the thrlms.ims.s. This will be combined
vMth some Jalmlnl factors also to double check our researches.
To formulate our parameters we will first look at the cases of
some women who ate now more than fifty years of .Age and are single.
A look at their horoscopes, gives us some common astrological factors
which explain the reason for their remaining single.
I. First examine a horoscope from the lagna. Moon and Venus and
the condition of the seventh house and seventh lords and the
eighth house and the eighth lotds from Ihcrc.
?.. Repeat this In the examination of the Navamsha.
3. Repeat this excrdsc again In the examination of the Thrimsamsha.
4. See affliction to Venus and the seventh lord.
5. See If the seventh lord or Venus are caught between malcflcs.
meaning, a malefic behind and one ahead.
6. Special study should be made of the the seventh lords Rom the
lagna. Venus and Moon and If one. two or three of them arc
retrograde and ill aspected c:c. It can reveal tlch Information.
7. Similarly, examine the upapada. the dampada and the daraka/aAa
and the da/aAvrra&a nawimsha In the navamslia horoscope also
from Jalmlnl angle. If the dam/raraAa Is retrograde or aspected by
a retrograde planet It will also have tn he considered.
B. As In the book Delayed Marriage of Girls, so too the Hfth house
and fifth lord can be and Is a valuable point to be considered.
0. The dasha sequence both Vimshottarl and Chara dasha will be
used wherever necessary.
flcasc read the book Delayed Marriage of Girls and do not
Itget toapptyall the parameters given there Initially before proceeding
(<■ wr> (he horoscopes discussed here.
I'f I'lurllccs against them
Wo arc not discussing the prevailing prejudices against single
w. -mi'ii (hough in western societies they are not looked down upon as as, let us say, we In India svould still tegard them. As In (he
»s« vi wo have In India women with line careers, total economh
ii-r. mi.-ju i* and big careers which have been taking priority over

^ GuU« Shri K N Rao •> m'hr'-r *1 *■?*■

*""*1 ktt *JVrt O Sfcrtf, Wotrw irxl Mirototf Preface
wluit some women regflfd as the humdrum lives of housewives. This
fACior too will have to be kept In the mind. It will then mean that most
of the single women seem to belong to clltlstlst and rich classes. How
they deal with sex, childlessness and loneliness arc the problems for
psychologists. I personally know of women who have remained
unmarried though In good careers and have been good sadhUtas
having been Initiated by some gums.
In this book, we have made a small study of single women and
the authors are the same team of Dr.Mrs. Shrlrama Mlshra, DrMrs.
Sarla Prasad. Mrs. Shallnl Dhasmana and Mrs. Draupadl Ral who earlier
produced the book on Delayed Marriages of Girls.

K.N. Rao.
7May 2008

OiatJn Gii/i K fi Uno <• mkth n* ni 9

Prrf*f • ilrv^W Worrw and Astrology O nru-rii tftrv? sn ^OrfW
•rn M! ^ jfn ^ifirqr -
wnmrrr rr*i Huf ^ TiifcraF?^ CHUCT* M ^ sn
Pn;1n (fiinrfiM.,.."3(itftnii ^ ftmn: trftsMi ^ (^aran arn)"
Taj TTiT>yrTl *1 n?l frr^ ^ mm! m ^ f)
■ng ik t'l an nfliMifl M (. M?ft fen?) cjvsis ^
K tH Jl^n aflm in'fl MC! fM^nn
TIM hmJ ^ jpimr. ^1 fcral Mfrom ^ ^ M cfm
H'l Tfl Ifl i-T-lft .10 'jfhvni ftTW MTt M'TKRT Mil 35 T{ M 1? fn v^T 5
•rffmn m "Jiitn ^i ^o ~3xt aWmn ^ ^ B'Mnrn <Bcn t - BKI
*1 htm u, vlhrni twuri Bial ^i

Guttto Slvi K N Rao <• m

K'M fu O iinjt* WnTMn mj Aiuofcc

Examples by K.N. Rao

Example - I

Mother Teresa
26Aug 1910
14 25

' i >

Lagaa Sun Moon Mart Met Jup Ven Sit Rihu

26,<6 O?'*^ ZOW 20*7*' WSS' Jl'l? ^MT" n'Si* OCIO'


Wc can show (he validity cf out paramcteis by raking up the

horoscope of Mother Teresa but by first pointing out that a malefic In
the seventh house and any planet In the ninth Is a well known sanyas
yoga In female horocopy. It Is true tfuit It Is found In the horoscopes of
many mtwrled Hindu women but then It must be remembered thM
most of these women led sp/ lives And towwrds the end got
Immersed In splrltunJ pursuits.
Venus here Is also the seventh lord and has Rahu behind It and
Mars and Sun ahead.
From Moon the same analysis will Apply.
From Venus, the seventh lord Is debilitated and the eighth house
receives the aspects of two malefics, Mars and Sun.
Guttie K rt Rao v »a«h * Vv- ra 17
Erampta SnjVi Women and Aurdogy O s?fiT*ri vfcTTf >rT

\ 9 /\vs 7 y/
Ven Rah Mars
\ SavR)y^ B y lAxa y'
10 \X luo y'
■MJ Kctu
y\ Mar
yX. Sun
/ 5 \ Trlmshamsha
.Sol /
\ /\ Jup
.>v/ 2 4 ■
lirtfi N. /
x 3 Stit(R) LDQ Moon Mer
y > / f.tars
r XN. Kel
/ \/
In inivainshA tlie picture becomes deafer as the seventh lord
Mrrmry In the tNvelfth house is aspected by Saturn while the eighth
house has Mars.
from Venus and Moon. Mars and Saturn aspect the seventh
house while the eighth house has Sun.
fn Trlmshamsha, the seventh house has Rahu and the eighth
house has double malefic influence of Mars placed there and aspected
by Saturn.
From the Trlmshamsha Moon the eighth house has mnledc
Inlltience of Rahu while the seventh lord. Mars Is aspected by Saturn.
It Is better from Venus.
— from LIpapada in Jalminl, the seventh house has the Influence of
Mats and Sun while It is aflllcted by Saturn.
— From Darapada it is better.
— From DKN or darakara nnvamsha, (he seventh house In nnvamsha
has Saturn aspected by Mars and Rahu.

<U<ll ttff cirr.< "F1! 3TtR HUHkt

'k ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ 5*2
it? -ki sfrt vfr m' wi ''m v ft tti "TRtra ^nn" ^nrm it ^ ^
F pF TtT ftTqlflfl ^iFTTIWl' ^5# Tl" IF qFTT ^TTcil F fiRTF
Tfll F PF FF rrfFTnJn' F 3Tl'^Tf?qtF ^TTcFi oqifRt pFTl 3tk ^ ilfFTM
•nt'H rj TTfttT FNR iTTWTTf^TFKn F W1 FFTI
ntFI ■q' ^iF TTsTrTTT § "3^1 TIet f?FF Frd StU ^T. qFel STtO

IM Guide Shri K.N, Rao tnirTli p3 «*Jt» rn

Ffrfn ^rrri i« O Nvtameo Ajvt^CC C«*^^e
«l "q^l ^ ^ fclfa ?l
TJPK il TP? ^ i" 537 -^pK 7T 3PTT vm T? tjt} t^f ttto ^
T5f?T vf Spin VPS Ti T? ? - •PTT71 1JM ?^7T *TI^ T TTH P ^Z
% CMU 3P7T *T7q n tPTvl fF-a tl
?P?] ?? TPTT ^ra ^rfr g T>ra T'I ^ jpcrn n
TTTTT T TTI ^ sr 3T^T 'TP? *?' WI Tip? 11 §1
ttpti i^ 3TI^I 'ira n nil ti
HTFhi TITO Tifr ^ tz ii ^ ^ fwHi ^P?n ^I
- TTV, i\ WT 'M lj?-ipai-^ STlfcra ^ ?I*?I TIP? 11 Ttfen ti
- WTT 1? pirfh TTrR ?l
- TRPHTm TOTTI WT Tw. Wn T, TlPl fl»a £ ^ TTc! ^ HI
^ >?l
Examplo • 2
The scvcnlh lord Venus at OI^O degrcei Is neat Saturn at 02°! I
and Is aspected by Mars. Venus and Saturn move Into the same
houses In the navamsha and Trimshamsha. Hie eighth lord, Mercury,
Is also aflllcted.
From Upapada, the seventh house Is heavily afflicted.
In (lie navamsha, the seventh house has Sun aspected by Saturn

Tup V»n K«l Sun

Moon DP Sal Wrf
IS Ma/ 1939
t,'** Frneo

Laj Rah

■* Sun Moon Mats Mercury Jupltoi Venus Satirtit Rahu

' 'Mi,/ 10 M' 01J53' 03!5V 07'/,;' OlMS' 02*M" tS^'
• t u f i, n»o •> A Wn, m 19
1 Wcmfln tntl Aurotc^y 0 ftfWri 'il '■


wL y 2 \ ^ jf l.'oon Ven K'ass Ketu

\/ U>3 Sat Sun
s\. /Xl.'w"


itnd the eightli Iiousl- Is badly afflicted.

In Tflmshamsha the seventh house tccelves the aspects of Mars
and Sun while Venus Is with Saturn.
- She had multiple love affairs and sexual adventures but never had
any sacramental marriage which Is not unusual In western societies.
;ftvw<I tfpK 1*13" ^ fera i" 2,|]' ^ to? i artr

TOW <!*n ferw n ^ wfi ^ v ^to A mra t aPz^r -su

V*! tfifet? ti
TTTO? ->TO yft (TTf: tflfSt? tl
•mi v ^to? h ^ i' flcn iiro? vra nf tfrfe? ti
- ij-rc to! to "TOTOf fn Tgrn ^fi froit. ^tot
Vl v ff fdlF TOI "g5TT. ^ TO^rflicfl TTTOI q arflidrhn ferfa TOi' tl

20 Gukle Stvl K N Rao •:• -"'V^Vl y\ ^-vr- -is

rtTl i4l 'wjfTi O Sm^ie ^'''oroon j«j Ajardk^f Eunpte
Example - 3
Birth horoscope Mars Saturn .axis along .he hlrth and seventh
house coupled with Venus Rahu combination aspected by retrograde
Jupiter Is the first handicap.
From Moon the seventh house has the combined aspects of
Mars and Saturn.
From Venus which is afflicted heavily by being with Rahu and
aspected by Saturn has a retrograde seventh lord with the eighth lord
In the second house and retrograde Jupiter In the seventh house.
Upapada Is aspected by Saturn which Is aspected by Sun
Gnathlkaraka. Daraknrak Mars Is also aspected by the gyantikarak. It
will be seen that when Darakaraka Is Influenced by Gnathlkaraka (Sun
here) It creates problems In marriages.

21 Feb 1955

Lagru Sun Mo<m Mais Me.-fR) Jup(R) Vemii Sat Raha

Oi{57 OQ'-O? 26:55' OiW 21eS6' ZTW ZiW 27!5*' tO'^V

rA»s Jup
10 S
KMt Moon Ratm
* \
2 RVn
(.'.in war
^3 ' Sun Moon
Jup Sac
Exampfa Sk>£[e Women undAstriloxr O tfrrfo ^ri

2 2 / Lag Von
\ Mars Kotu
V / Lag
Vcn x tors yc Sun
4 10 N. Trlmshamsha
\ X
/ N
7 r.'er
X \/ 3
Jup X^Rahu
av 9 Rahu Moon Ap
>< '/r.toon XX^ Sal
/ \/
The exchange of Venus the sevenlh lord with Mars and the
afflicted eighth house Is not favourable.
From Venus the same analysis Is to be made.
From Moon the seventh lord Is under double affliction.
Mars Saturn cover the lagna and the seventh house while from
Moon the seventh lord Is In the eighth.
From Venus the sevenlh house and seventh lord Is heavily afflicted.
— She Is economically Independenl and In a high Job. but Is not
Interested In marriage and has plans for a spiritual life after her
eR sggefi tf tfrra-TTPJ t. ^ THif ^ ^ Tl ^2

Wl Wt TlfT ^ ^<2 "brl tgjF "aft cj ^

^2 £i ^ ts yidAvi ^4 ^ t, v srcqn wn ^ ^ Af
«.-«k iraA ifF H wi -r ftsra f i
2^ ^ ^ *-TR R Tlft t. ■an ^ ^2 t R? ^Sf ^Rf
ft fht t-RTTiTPF, ^t[ti'+Kq» «F y qI rft 1%5T(; 'q cflt.Ji SK-idl fl
ni'iniTTiT y'Fel ^ tl
'mi'ui ^jvit qn trw v yrq t, ^ SPOT *?icf yrfeF #fi -
u* oqrti yM tti ^ y qr ^ fwfti ti
I Cin A rpqr'f?] %n ypsi tl

Guide Shn K.N, Rao mhrt-r tit tr-vi- r-i

tfrrftn i4l O Wor*nandAsuoto^ T.'aerph
f577171 n 'i'.ci Tip? Cl'i 3nH. "Tm VTcJ Zni HfEU TFT Tj l> Jltllm
■^n r^tTi FHot 37^7 ^ q ^i
^p: TI TiT^q trra, n wfti iif^i ?i
— "PK 'iTf ('II Wifvfvr {5,4 7? '■qo-vt os'-i Ti^ q>IH ^bi TP I PI P< fJ, 6 q»<-i
Jif) nil! ?rxn to \r iftr ftemr*? IF TTR snvTiPro PnTO irofr
Example - 4
She served In n good post In the government but never
7ih house has Saturn. From Moon 7th house aspcctcd by Mars.
7th lord Moon Is In 9th house aspected by Saturn.

Rah Sun Ven

^ \ X ,
10 May 1940 Sat
23 15
Lag Pago 74. Rag 0 U'rs
a \ y
okti x
&/! / \ Jup,R) OP KM Moon
\,vy 3 UP
/ Vof>

ugns Sun Moon Mais Mercury Jupiter Venus Snturn Ralm

02*32 WSa' 1<3X)9 OS'IS' 2iMS' O-VOS" 13'5C" 23W !0'S^

. " Ltoon XC(H) Ltjrs

\Sjl\1an K»|

I. Icon 7
Kct Rah Nnvainsha


Eivr.pU Sint"< Wcrtw> JftiJ Kucdofy O Kjrrn ^rri iti

V MWi/S JurtR) UC Ran

y. U3 12

11 \ Trimthamifu
fc'jn y?
a X /io
Mwi n.
xx K«t \

8th house has \\ars, aspccted by retrograde Jupiter.

8th lord Sun In Sth house.
Venus Is with Sun and Saturn In D/9 aspectlng Sth house
Sun Is aspectlng 7th house.
8th house In Rohu/Ketu axis.
- DKN has Sun- seperatlve planet which Is also In 7th from DP.
- Prom Venus 7(h house has retrograde Jupiter.
- UP has retrograde Jupiter.
- DK Jupiter Is retrograde In I 2th house.
irjr xriF 3TE7 m&fi m-tTH v rmm rft ffrq 3^ fcm$ wf

wn *Tra ^ Tift t. ^ WR -m R'K-t ^ (h

WT R. TlfR T\ ^3
*TF1 R WI t oil ^TvtT 3* ^ ^3 h
^ Wl RTR Tl" tl
-JR clRT TIrl W. "RTtl 3TOR RTR RTI Ml fed 7? ZI
'fi 7P<TR «TId 33 izi lb' ^'l
31^11 ^ ^*1 3 ^1
- •itti'iiirp "ptri >1 aTr-PTid rrrl TP^I 7jrJ ^
- TJ-J." T) tTRTn Mlh M rrnfi ijn (nn Ki

tihiMB r.i.ii t >i I«M ♦ * 4*+

KSfrfo ♦vt O Sinjta \Von>en and Asxrotegy Exarrpia
- n ^
- wsRiF if? -sraft mn: -R ti
Example • 5
Her younger sister committed o crime and Jailed so she
also did not marry.
7th house In Rah/Ket axis, 7th lotd Jupiter Is with Sun.
8th house has dcbliltated Saturn.
From Moon 7th house aspected by Saturn.
From Venus 7th house aspected by Sun &. Jupiter.
Venus Is placed with Sun.
7th house 7th lord are aspected by Mars.

Ktt Sal Jup Mar

DKIl Son Von
. / LaflR^ \ >
1 Jun Wt
PogotlS. RogO

/ 11 \

Li<jn» Sun Moon Mirs Mercury Jupiter Venui Saturn Rahu

10'37 17523' irw' 17^2' i0:24' CSMS" 28^8' 27:56' 05'43'

I i£l
£kngi» VArrm] mnJ Aurato£}r O JBfrrfin -Ur.^


From Venus 7th house Mars.

Sun Is In 7th house In Rahu/Ketu axis .\spccted by Mars.
- From uppad 7th house Is as pec ted by Saturn.
- DKN In Rahu/Ketu axis.

J'-Jthj ifldl C?? IJwF 3/7771/ jpjf jfir 3$ Slrl 577 9i77W
J^Ft tff fyznf 75? fe&ri
rmm 775-^3 Tftm 7 TVTPTTI 37 TTP tn THM
3p^rt itT7 7 "^T TiTn ^1
•7p?pi| 77 rt^rq siiq 7Tf7 ^ ^ $1
'<pT 71 TFTTq MHt TJ? X^' 35 t T?Z 3, ^ 7j4 ^ TTIN h
qqiTi q qqn 'W. H-hi q \»i
7/ qqih qra q qro ti
qvrq vra q ^ 713/^3 qf/fq q qqfi 7/ ^2 ?i
- -3^ ^ Trqrq qra <^7 ^
_ gu-njw; qtn/: ^-^3 qfifq q ti
Fxamplc -6
Tills Is a very unusual case. This person almost got married
hut rlrstlny held out some other fate for her. She killed her lover
ami hecame famous, ft Is said that Saturn In Kcndras from
Kaiakanisha lagna makes a person famous. In this case Saturn Is
thn tlyantlkarak and the eighth lord of the horoscope, so It made
hn hilainuiH.
Gutoo Shn K tt Rao •> uriTT^ "ft m
itfrrtin tVi vbfn O Stntfe v/wnen ind Aitfeto^ E*»np!e

s 3 Utf Von Sat

/Ox Sat Sun
V Lag Rah /
MariJup 2
>< OK)l X^enSun CASE-6 Lao
UP 5 Jun 19« Rah
Man Jup
/ 7 1 09:30
JAy lakh mpur
\ / P090 r-f7, Rog O
x Ket
o\ ^ ,0 S Xz
(Ax*! Kot KL
X (.toon
lip DP
7 \/ \
Ugna Sun Moon Mais Meicu^' Jupiter Vonui Saturn Rahu
05!25 Zl'K' (Was' I<s4S' 27^7 ZT-Sb' 15s13' O^S?' OS'zr

Wcon JUP Von

LflQ .Sun/
Ket (.toon
S.t1 Navatniha
Vjrt Vtn
l.'.'X KCH
10 MCf h'jti
JuO Sat

\ 7 yXN 5 X Kot Sal Ltoon

\ M* / 0 v \a X (.tars
a v X Lsq x^4 Von
JLp Rah
/X X\
X 9 3 \ Trlmshamsha
\ x / Sun
X \
IN\X 12 X/X
Sui x l.tars x Ktoco
/\ Won XXX 1 v
It \ Sol Jup t.tcr Lag
X Rah
XX \
Exvrpte Single Vfornen and Axretofy O •==;
Let us look at her marriage front.
From Lagna
Kctu Is placed on the cusp of ihe seventh house aspected by
dcbillrated Mars Indicating towards this violent Incident. The seventh
house also has the aspect of exalted Jupiter. On the face of It protection
seems to be there, but Jupiter Is accompanied by two malefics Mars
and Raliu (Jupiter under the Induence of two or more malefics becomes
a malefic) and Is In mrliyubhag. This Is where his protection failed,
Seventh lord Saturn Is placed In the twelfth house.
From Moon - The seventh house has combust Venus, forming
Moon Venus apposition without any beneflc aspect. This Is another
negative factor for marriage.
Affliction to seventh house Is repeated In navamsha. Again Ketu
Is placed In the seventh aspected by Mars. Seventh lord Saturn Is
placed along with Mars.
From Moon - Seventh house is aspected by Saturn.
From Venus - Seventh house Is occupied by Saturn and Mars.
Even In D-30 Kctu is placed In the seventh house accompanied
by eighth lord Mars. Seventh house gets the aspect of Jupiter which
proves Inadequate.
- Venus - Is afflicted In all the three charts.
- Upapada - Rahu Mars and Jupiter arc placed In the sixth from
upapada, fiutn where they are aspecting the weak darakarak Moon.
- Darakarak Navamsha - Rahu Mars and Jupiter combination Is
forming In the DKN.
- Such heavy affliction to the houses related to marriage Is enough to
cause such a harm to her marriage front and leave her single for life.
nK rnn vgH gr zmv w fi wfav,! arcr# ifrfr zfjt
nw) rfp&m (ft mf am zft MMIcm WIT V^TI vkt-ft
<x])Piv ft jest w t fa ^ yrift <bu<bftr fft ft ^ ft ft ft zmxF
frwrn ft miT ft srcr vzmw ft yrfft cbHthfri (ft?) ft ft? ft ft $
Prri( ft yifftxTUK mr ftsftt ft.&uftyr ft f', am: wft&r fftmm
it) 'flfl m&MI tJTCTT ft vfti
nTTfoi; »»i ^ *<n-
mi nprr-f) - nr-i ft tropT xira ^ ft ifnei
.n Gu'de Shrl K.N. Rao •> ifkrh c»
itftfJn WfM.'f O V.'ofpon and A'.tro*c^y CuA-T-pM
^ T* •&. zz ^rn ^rn zti rf^ rpr ti v^m ^
^ ■3^ ^ 7?n ^ ?i "srro Htr ^ 'grw fenft K, fenj OTR ^31
TT tfi "R % STR vg "^rra tjtj iK 7m ii
Trnhf^i ? ft7 TJ? ^ Tn ^ ^ 3^~ ^"r X^I' n: !:v7n ^ wftrnvr TR
?I wi &u<fr ^in RTOR W tfjii Tift tKvi w n ii
rrz v - 3 5T??i fSvfa v. ^ xn TTHT tr-WK* ^35
it t. ?i fgrrro 5? f^TQ T-f'Iilc'I^ tl 7H TRM ^ Rf* ^*7 TJMTH iff TO
W7 ^IKI ■q' J-\: ^f[ feffi tl 3<R Wl i\ ^ tl TRftvi Tlft. WT
-$ ttm tl "wn q It ti
- qqrq ^nq Tifi q ti
vpK ^ -qqm *Tra q qft an tfqa fwrr ti
ftqRi q TKjj qtcpi ^ q aqstq qro't q:q ftara ti frg 3?q wm
q qqjq to qn w'a TPK q q'^rr. qnfq ^ ijfe t fqqj -qz
qqhq TJ^ITI qsn q qq qqni
- TfK q - qw qnf q ^ ifyf^,
- aqq^ - 775 qqq q t? q qg to »T tg i. qji q t fqqq;
qnTOTF rpf iq ijfe -srq rt ti
- wuvnw; Tmfyr - q^-q'TO-^ ^ ^Ri ^uithn^ wq q'\>t qq qn
- Ppir; q 7fq'f5qi qq'i wqnn' tq ^qq stRfk to qqrq m qqqi qn
qq to ti sfq qro q qn fqqie ^n to m Mn
Ex^mplo - 7
This person Is not only nn excellent singer, she Is also the daughter of .t very famous singer. She Is stilt unmarried.
From L.igna - Ketu Is pLiced In the seventh house ospcctcd by a
deeply dcbllJutcd Moon from lagna. We are starting ofTvvlth a handicap
to marriage front. Seventh lord Venus Is combust, debilitated and In
From Moon - the same Influence Is seen.
From Venus - the seventh house is ascpcted by Sun Marr. and
exalted Jupiter.
Navarma and Ttlmsamsa show mixed Inlluencc on the marriage

Gjnto Shn K p Rao « irrtof-i r-tp- m 29

Ctimpte ynjVj Wonxpn tniklrtArt/ O xfVtftl n'rTS rft 5*^1

21 Scp 1955
Bnroda (G jj)
P-10 Printed P

Uoon 5M

Ugm Sun Koon Hau Keicury Jupitti VVnul Saturn Rahl

ll'Sl 04M4 OZ:39 22'J3' OO'ZS' 28*0 2" OO'J?' Zn^l* 27^8


3 TrJmihamiha
W Kd
X l.Vwn
>M X

Gj'kJo Shri K N Rao •"lull £ '■•X*- ci

""rcfri tbi O Srjle Womsn snd AsMlojy E*»r.pla
Wc.^kncw of Venus and strong Influence of Ketu and of a
debilitated planet (Moon) on seventh house seem to be Important
reasons for kccptlng her unmarried.
^ifri'W vtb trfrrar »;iP^i -gtf tfmr f ^iVr wa vr ttsr PuPvi^
Tirftr^T fi ^ arm Htn arftrarfcr ft
tftr 77 3 fr^ra K ^ '{mr: ^ ^
t\ ^ £i m<r'r7i arm. 'ara am Pi v"i am: wq a
qw 1 vi qlftfd i^i
trs ^ - mft fi
^rpn it - rmm ^mr Tp tfmr tp ^ TI -<?z $I
wvt v PnmVr *f Tnm xmr fi
- tjOTTT; TTOII <Tm m mici qm q^mi aiVt tjp; tifi qmRin fl
atPlnlTra 7!Pl ^ tfiTv0! »ni
Example • 8
She conies from a princely family and wanted to many
someone from .mother princely family, this did not materialise,
so she did not marry.
7th house no planet no aspect.
From Moon 7th house has Sun wlih debilitated Jupiter.
From Venus 7th house no planet but Is .vspcctcd by Mercury.
8tli house in Rahu/Kciu axis In D/l &. D/D.
7th house aspected by Saturn.
From Moon Venus 7th house has Mars.
From Moon 7th house has Saturn In Rahu/Ketu axis.
Frorn Venus 7th house aspectcd by ^^ars.
- From uppad 7:h house In R<ahu/Ketu .axis.
- DP and DKN has Mars placed In It.
- DK Sun with debilitated Jupiter in lOih house.

tnfbm XTZfi twutil # f 5^77 g?" inz UWIVt rf ffclfl $

ftw wht VTfrft tfr tur p wf, ihrtww mr drfmrfget rf rrfi
xmrn qra ri ^ ti? qm f i
"Rtm 717pmT qm q ^4 ^ ^ 7ii»i ill

GuiCc Shn K M Rno C* wkrV ^ -i'Tj- an 31

Jkigte Wenvm jnd Ajw>lo|y O 0 jir atfn

Sal I Uo

17 Jan 1938
10 12 30
Sun Jup LocKnow
P'39. Printed P

Ugm Sun Moon Mais Mercury Jupiter Venus Satunr Rahu

19'<6 OJ'Jl' IS'OS' ZJW OS'AO" IJ'ZS" Z?'!*' OZ'ir ir49'

Kel Jup



GuUe Stin K N Rao <• ^>vi' in

th O Slr^l# V/om«n nva Aarolojy Eiinpl*
^ 7TW7 *TFI n qRT?' W iff t feg Tjft ^ft? «|
^ xf tl
TT^rq Tlf1? 'H
*173 ri -^JJ] 77 ^37 3TR ^TS RTJ q TTTO ^
'BRi i\ trr w? -n' ^ xi^/^ tki ^ftTu ti'i ^p7 ^ trr mr
WT a 72 h
- s^m v ttoii ^TFI -qftm ^ ?i
- WK ^ STWRT ^TTI n wr fee ^|
- WHRIT 7J7i Tf|T7 TJi TJ{7 Tfi Tnq ^ K'l
Example - 9
She h,\d,\ good government job but she did not get married.
From Lagna &. ^Aoon - 7th house has S.Murn, 7th lord Mms In
Rahu/Kctu .\xls.
From Venus 7th house has no planet but has the aspect oF Jupiter.
8th house In Rahu/Ketu axis.
Venus has no affliction.
7th house «\spcctcd by Saturn.
Venus Is In Rahu/Ketu axis.
7th house aspected by Saturn.
. 3 S'^i Vet* triO MJ'i
(.too* Ran
4 \vy lag
6 Apr! 1927
It 10 30
Apttcr Koregaon
P-IOPrin'^d N

Ket S»;R|

l.agna Sun i Mns Mercury Juplte: Vciun Saturn Rahu

28=26 PZ'JV 00'53' 25518' 25030' 2i'Z6' CS'lO'

Guide ShtlK N Roo <- w 33

Eivnpu Uijb Women Kvl Aeirolo^ O ii? TZfr*


g Xf.'Of Jlip Snl(R) f.'Jis



Lag M«r

Fiom Moon 7lh house lias no planei l)tJt It Is aspcctcd by Saturn.

- Fiom uppada 7lh house Jupltet/Mcicury DKN In Rahu/Ketu axis.
- Datakaik M.iis Is also In Rahu-Kctu .\xls.
- DK Mais in Rahu/Ketu axis In DKN.
prvft arafr m&m jtern nf fixr w rifft fiwrz fexnt
f trri jfrr ^ "q Tift BI
T^'TTI WI "fif VI
Tp: q TV<Tq ^ rp q ^ Bl
iiv.rj ^ "q' § ifqa 71 ^ BI
T]i; nifsn ti
'RIH wi IR "?TPI cfni ^ ti
flu? 'jij/quj R Tiqiftv ~h

Guldo Shfi K N R«o <• vioir e?! ^

sf-'TrfSl O SngtoV^orrwrtindAiirotejy Example
vRF? TT Tjfr tfft Tjfcl Ti^m Tt TT^ ^ira TETIHt t WIT Tlft ^
^ ¥1
^5? W TTOW ^ ^ Tlft W 7? fcl
- il TTTR ^ <3>1 fwa §1
- iyucKKJft WTJ Tns^g v mfen h
- ^RPfiTFF W1 *fi ^ TJ^Tiq M tl
Example • 10
She Is from «i very famous south Indian falmlly and she did
not get married.
7 th house has Jupiter.
7th lord Venus Is retrograde and with Mars.
7th house from Moon Is aspecicd by Saturn(R).
7ih house from Venus aspccted by Mars.
8th house has no planet, 8th lord Miars Is aspectlng It.
7th house from uppad aspccted by Sun and retrograde Mercury.
DP and DKN aspccted by Saturn and Moon.
7th house no planet, it Is aspected by Mars.
7th lord Saturn Is 12th house, retrograde.
8th house no planet, 8th lord Saturn In J2th with Jupiter.
7th house has retrograde Venus, Moon and Mars aspected by

15Aug 1959
P- 6 April 2006

Lagna Sun Koon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

io-'w 28*49' za'-oo* 23,G3' 29!5r 22*2 3'
Guide Sdri KN, Rao •> st-isrU tfi iC.r?. c* 35
('impU V/onwn ard Aitrolop O rfirVl Jvt fiSa


(.W(R) (Axm


\ V*r(R)
2 X Vjn Ljq I 5«n [ Jjp I Ra-,

8th house no planet. 8lh lord Moon Is with A^irs and Venus In the
7lh house.
- DK Saturn rctrosradc Is svlth Moon.
W ijvr y/f/^r zftjvr vurilu trfimr ?7 £ jfir (4^1$ ^
•TTPt ^ ^ ii
n^Ti gyr ^ 2^ Tfro "n nifCT
TRMti v TTCPR tira Vlft Tfl $i
»[;: »'t wt ^ ^ -^i
>r-rf| vn Tr?t to. ipjej i\ ^z\
t'rr, »t iitw nrd vtf '^ri -u ^ ii
cmrnt n npF7n7<77 TOVI Ton TIPT t? n ^

I Gu4o Shfl K U Rio ❖ A

rtrc'n •errzl tk »«ln O iry* Axcrdofy Eiimpt*
TT^ VTq TjTcfl t Wl Tjfi ii
rrft TTTH tm ^ t? 5i
ir^qT] TTpt qro q znq tl
Tn^rq ^rrq q ^pr. rrAf aftr ^ mqi sreq wfi.
37^1 ^n qria ^ q'tfel i. &71 TTTPT q fWI ^1
— '^RFFRiF Tlf'I 't-^'il ^ THq I
Exnmplo - 11
She is .in engineer and she remained single only,
Seventh house from LvgriA Is aspccted by M.irs wlio Is .ispected
by Saturn.
Seventh from Moon has Mars In It, seventh lord Venus Is In third
house aspcctcd by jupltcr.
Scvenlh lord from Venus Is Jupiter aspectcd by Saturn.
Eighth house has Jupiter aspeced by Saturn.
Seventh house aflllcted by Mars &. Stturn seventh lord Venus In
6th house.
Eight house aspectcd by Mars.
Scvenlh house In Rahu/Keiu axis.
Scvenlh lord Metcury .aspectcd by Saturn.
- Uppad-Mus placed In It. 7th house from Uppad Is aspected by
Saturn. Jupiter and Mercury.
- Darakarak Mars Is aspected by Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter.
- Darakarak navamsha Is aspected by Sun and Moon.
W znQtm tpr t wr firft femr femt
v TTTTO tfj m wr qfi ■( ^ F'to vifq F ^ ii
■qqrqr ii t&w ^ q -qqei. fRm?i ^ gqlq qm q tp ^
tgyt q? qqwr ^7, TIPT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^
wq qra TIA FTO tl qjftq ««dqvi W7 ^ ^ t''1
3F7»i qm tfnet qft

Gulda Shrl KN H*o •> Bn1^ ^ riap. ttj 37

CkVnpU Sngta VAxncn and Aitrotec O v'itrrl wffRd 3^7 A--!!

LB (Fema'e)
5AU3 1B50
04 19
P-21 Moscow

Ugn« Sun Kocn Mjis r.cjcury Jupiter Venus Situm Rshu

HW Ifi'SJ" 10'2rj' OJ'Z?' 11*24' 11*57' ZZW 24*28' Oe'W

\sw / 8 >
13\ / Laa
Jlp X "^Sal


\>4« / I? Sun
? N. / IM3 km


MMH »nn 71^-^ T7fy»7 ^j' tl
n GuxJe S^ri K U Rao <• si m
tfrrtfi tftT* O S.fij'e V/o<nftn and Aivotojy f*iirpfe
THTTTO Tlft 71 ^ ^1
- iq t - "3^ ^ nra 7rfq. yr 3tr -q "^i
- AUI^U-^ wi qr ^ yilq. ^ «k ■JM qft ¥i
- wftw qjq wh tRj ^ -gi
Example -12
She never married.
Seventh house has retrograde Mars «\specte<l by Sun, seventh
lord Jupiter Is retrograde with retrograde Saturn.
From Moon 7th house In Rahu/Ketu Is aspected by Saturn.
From Moon 7th lord Is retrograde Saturn who Is placed with
retrograde Jupiter.
From Venus 7th house has Jupiter and Satutn.

>v i/affft) / 6 \. '•,ocn / Mantn)

Von X S"" X
Americal Woman
P-14 America
16 Oct 1941
04 50
Atlanic City NJ
'•^RJ )><^iR3
/1 Npior Ven 7.1er(R) la:
UP Son

Lagna Sun Moon Mais Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Snhu

tJ^OJ 2y35• OW.? Zl'sr 19'-03' ZB'ZO* 135 2 3' tM'Z*' ZS'ZV

r.VxtR) lag Moon Kol

Ma-yR) Navamsha

Raft ven

Cvxtiplo Wonwn and Aarotety MWn *fr?rf sil

ii y VVjOn Sj^R) IJ!er(R)

NAtoonK^/1 1? N
s. / KM
L»J 'to
4 V 9 Trlmthamsha
\ r-viR)
A /
e \>/s
\Sui^ JtttR) Rah
Rjh Sun

8th house lAspeelcd by rcttogradc Mcxcury «ind 8th lord Mais Is

also ictiogiade.
Here \vc find too much Influence of rcloigrade planets. 7th house
and 8th house .tic afflicted heavily.
7th house no planet 7th lord Venus In 8th house.
From Moon 7th house Is as peered by Saturn.
From Venus 7th house has Moon aspccted by retrograde Jupiter.
7th house has no planet, 7th lord Mercury retrograde Moon In
Rahu/Kctu rods aspccted by Mars.
8th house In Rahu/Ketu axis.
- From Uppad - Uppad Is aspccted by Moon, Rahu/Kctu, Saturn and
Jupiter. 7th house from uppad Is In Papkartail.
- Darakarak Moon Is Rahu/Ketu axis, aspccted by retrograde Mercury.
- Darakarak navamsha has Jupirer£R) and Saturn(R).

f-$lrl -if I Pn HI I
Viq n 'IPrcT ? Tri ^ ^»} ^ ^1 dklA?! ^ H7 qvH
rTTt TTTft TlPl ^ V3 ?:'i
V 7TW7 ^ ThcTTfT TtPl crgff V
■ h rrf.l rjrr
na; it iwn vrq ^ ^ ^ prt Tfe?t SR T? i'l
vtn tFiff ^>1 il spenn WI ^fl Fto Wn ^ Wl
•i I>«m ill

GukJo Shii K M Rao <• rr

O Vforr+n v»d Aiuoiofy turrpL#
^ IT rrc ? ft: "SR; ^ ^p?r ^ Tran WJ. TT/T?
uw TH vrfer ii
MWTM ^ira tiicil TT^IMTI iiviH vii«t A. TI TTTn 'Tn >il-i
■??. ^vT T'I 7mm A rrzw n??) A j^z ?i
TTTT^T 5V cTsft tl
"Rmi 775 TJ>7m -tj'. wi h
sn^r ^ 715/^ yqra mfei ft
- -JW;. Ti^mi, TTJ-^TJ. q ip: 77 72 ^1
- TFTTT <7177 Wf^fd A ^1
- W7WF ^n TTg-^ <7if^ 77# TF H ^iPl ^ ^ ^1
- wtttttt; wti n tt# ^ 77 Tift fwti "S i

GukJo sun K N Rio ■> Ct 41

Sln£[8 Women v.d Astrology O 5ft ^ilSn


It will L>e shown In this chapter how the parameters we have

formulated apply to the horoscopes of some famous women whose
horoscopes arc not deemed to be doubtful by the astrological
Case - 13 — Lata Mangeshkar
We will first take up the case of the famous Indian singer. Lata
Mangeshkar who remained unmarried although there was once a
whisper of her wanting to marry a well known Indian from a royal
It Is said that when she was born, the eldest child of her parents,
her famous father Dlnanath Mangeshkar cast her horoscope, he being
also ait astrologer, and predicted that she would become very famous.
In this study we are Interested In analysing this horoscope only
from the point ofvlewofour research—her state of single blessedness.
From the lagna - The seventh lord, Mars falls under Rahu Ketu
axis while Saturn Is In the eighth house forming a Papkartarl around
Seventh house.
Venus Is in nirbee) rashi or sterile rashl. while seventh lord from
Venus, Saturn is In the 5th house from it.
From Moon also Saturn Is the seventh lord In the sixth house
which Is not favourable.
Fifth House Is also In nirbeej rashi, In addition Sun along with
tetiogradc Mercury are placed In It. aspected by Saturn showing
weakness on the child front.
lite picture Is not clear and therefore a look at navamsha Is
ahvalutoly necessary.

Gukto Shn K.N. Rao ttofafc si --vl'

aZTrffT •»rfrt O Snj;'* Women wj AKrcdcj)'

Ra1) L>j

U»la MangoihVar
28 Sop 1929
22:44:59 I
IncJoro Von

Man Sun

Ug S ■re Jup Vtn Sit

29'42 12 S3' zwr 10"<8' OlMfi'

Kel Sal


Mm* Ing Ran

9 / Sun I S.i I
\v>n ye Moon I Man
,r)\Kc:/ u>:


van I Lap
Kol Var(R)

Hero the Ingna is Kanya Lvith Keru In the seventh house and a
very heavily afflicted eighth house.

Guide Shit K N Raa •> lt':m tf n 43

irfTtle Wtnwn and Ajwdoff O mV*;;-* »N wt'-ii
From Venus the seventh lord. Siturn Is very hc.wlly afflicted while
from Moon 7th house Is aspccted by Saturn.
In ihrlmsamsha. the seventh lord, Venus Is In the second house
but the scvcntli house has malcflcs on both sides.
From Venus there Is a heavily afllkted seventh house while from
Moon the eighth house Is ill nspected.
From Upapada, whldt Is Mcsha, the seventh house Is heavily
Seventh patla falls In Kanya which h.ts tctfograde Mercury and
Tltc Darakaraka navamsKs falls In N\esha which has Sun In li and
Mars In the seventh house.


5T1 aitzifq r| XR Tft ^fi^i fe f-tfi u-tcl ? ^ IV.u y<hK

r pTTiiffn^rm qffecndfi R"; q m icird tf i ^R-iiT
m fefi ^ft trVRt'fi Vt fr^fT u'i frj
y-fi«}fur-i3 - Rfrr riAvi^f
TTcl F»7 ^TRH Vl #777 tUVdillfif^ Hefl Tn
#'1 ofi m yferfet Tfi, q sirai
pn t) }#7t Tra R# i: Tnn fW? tTTH # Mil
tfcn tpxn ^un t IV ^ 3m fqm
FTdR tjrflprfl Ml <1. Tp^fl
iftr ^ fV ^ fawid 3717 ^ m #ni
XV 31 'q d-t'ri ^titltalfse qpl Vt «^7Jc77 RI pTTHtp-T trl£tft
<K q #711
"t'-i q qqprn wf us m q q i aroq m
n rt^ ti jts: q^rq sm qR *Fm v ki
»[7i lirtiTs? tif?! q t'l q TTRmm qft. q qqq wx v fRfs
•t-tjin q 7iqi'V7i qPi qj TR qtq Ppnfr ^ R# 373^ ftqfii
nrl it 1

44 Guido Snrt K It. Rao ❖ ^

*-T=ri lit O iojie V^mon ind Au/olo^

^ mq 3 tft Tifti i ^ ^nHj ^ ^ ^rm fwa i ^

<Tf^ it -^2 ¥i M Trim ^rit vrfea -^T TCT ^I
tft ^r^rfr ^ IWn nni Tqra m -J ^itfera tmi ^ft ti
TST ^71 TFT 17 TT§AKg ^ IJiTFT ^ qvff 7? afrr 575211 iTF ^71^
^JwT 77 Trim lira ifTcT-TlfT 71 llPsn t? '.V-clAil Tlft *71 tliTcT 71 7j}
Tl ^feif ^1
iT^iTI 77 77^717 17771 17^77 i{ipi "j^ ol 77i<Ti7in ^i-l TTTFT $1
771<T17 iim OTTifTI ^11 ^ ^7 -J -5717 WTrchl 7 C'l TT'TRTl ^ f?7ift7l
irrg 17' iTfrTu 7 ti
^717 77 7717717 1TT71 Tlft 77 itfeT! ^ TT^g Tftf*; 17 tl 77i<m71 ^7
1777311177 if trvfi ti
TTTFT 71 571317 17711 FTcl TTTft 77 nTfen {t|
ni? 7? 771771? i?Tn TI' Fm IEB ^1
7717717 ir7 iTT^TI 11 t TWl' ^Tvfl ^tl T?; 77TS7 31
W77TFT W?! m 3 1J5 77f7 3 TTim 1? W7 31
Example-14 — Condolerxn Rico
She Is .1 powerful woman and Is the US Secretary of State and Is
well known for her disinclination to marry.
It can be seen that her scvenlh lord falls In the S'xtll house under

CP Ket

Condolozza Rice
14 Nov 1954
103 I
r.'o's I Btimngliam USA

' 3 N Sat DKfl
Kf, r.'oon Son

s M err 3\ Ven Sat, Kaliu

l' 09 '■22' 06:

GukJo S?in K.N. Rao •> rtrlnit rS w 45

S:nj'e Won-en ^ Ajuoloiy O vf-r-r!rt JJukTIB

11 Sal t.1o<w> Sun

n. Sot y' 12 \ / Ven(R)
2 N. / Lag \ // 10
Moon yc Kot
/ \
yT 3 \/ 9 \
/ Sun Mor \ Navamsha
\ Ven(R) x
/\ /
6 \y'a
t.tars y\ Jup x
Rah / N. DKN /7 s
y 5
\/ \

Tr mshamsha

Moon lag
Sun Jup

Rahn Kom axis whilo thn sf»voiith house receives the aspects of both
Mars and Saturn.
From Moon, the seventh lord Is Jupiter aspected by Saturn and
From Venus, the seventh house has the aspects of Saturn, Mars
and Sun while Venus Is retrograde, combust and with maleRcs.
In the navamsha, the seventh lord Mercury Is aspected by
Venus and Sun.
Venus Is with Sun aspected by Saturn,
Darakaraka navamsha has Jupiter in Kanya aspected by retrograde
Venus and Sun.
TfTIKTWT-M - chhdlcHlm TTfF
'in siAfriii vifewidi C^mt) ^ ^
at'ft.l ft »f|i F'fhTP ^1 ^ h'^'RiKd ti

Gukfs Shri K.N. Rao <• mhth tR

xfmn W'tfll O Srjlc Worr«n jod Altrolct/

'jkwi to vra q' "o^/ERg PWM ^ wi ^ira WJ ^

Trf^T V yz tl
■T^l T1 WAVI g? ^ JTT^I ^ Cl
^pn n wti vra tj? v {►! ^ 3T^ mn *Tvn ^ ^
HFI' ^ *TiM tl
■w^r?) g»i irvri, xpr up ^ ^ir v ^ ft viP? v ^ci -Ji
^KWiK* H^tnn n ^i ^ g? fr-era ofrt vtf qift giK ■«
^ ¥1

GiKla Shfi K N R«o •> t«i:ia:' »fl *»vi- ci 47

Snfi* Women and Ajiroto^ O JOrrTn vifn

Contrasting Instances

Shallnl Dhasmana
Both arc famous artists In their own fields. One of Ihem Is married
and also has a son while the other has remained unmarried. A
contrasting study of their horoscopes Is presented here.

^Rl 3^-3^ tb V ^HRnR C, VJn ^ ^71

aTfwfFd ti aifWbi TT^Tn artwffTi Ffen -^n
t?iF ^ Fl ^7 ^qxq fil tJltl VT^Tt f^vtF ITI

Gi/da Shn K ». Rio ^ «nk* # n

Hfnin *Jtrrt >h JCfr-e 0 S^tWV.-onxsnfeidAsuolojp

Example - 15

ugna Sun Kaon Kits Xernuy Jupiter Venus Silucn Rihu

u1©? ic'ie' zsur ZfO?" 0?OS' 0S*2? 27!3r jjur OSMS"

vet (.'j-s
\2 \


Sat JAoon

"Hils Is the horoscope of a very famous dancer who Is also a high

tanking government official. She Is married to a foreigner who Is an
ambassador. She has had a late marriage.
nic horoscope docs not have combinations for denial of matraJge,
instead It lias late marriage combinations as per our previous research.
From the hgna
Hie seventh house has Sun Saturn combination Indicating a
delay In marriage. This combination Is aspected by Jupiter from lagna,
additionally producing Jupiter Saturn combination for delay. Jupiter's
aspect Is promising marriage, but his retrogression Is a delaying factor.
Seventh lord Sun Is Involved In the same combination.
From Moon - Mars Is placed In the seventh house aspected by

<k«l« Sl'.rl K N Rao « vtrrh tft 7m *Q

$**£'« v/omen Asxrobgf O *"*TTfp3 ^frr

0 Trlmshnmshn
f/er Roh

von Sol

Saturn giving a negative Indication. However aspect of Jupiter Is

promising marriage.
From Venus - Tlie seventh house Is aspectcd by Mars, and
seventh lord Saturn Is Involved In the Sun Saturn combination aspectcd
by Jupiter.
From the lagna-The seventh house Is aspectcd by Mars. Seventh
lord Moon Is debilitated and also aspccted by Mars,
From the Moon - The Seventh house and seventh lord arc well
Thr Saturn Jupiter PAC for delay Is repeated In D-9.
The seventh house Is dearly afdlctcd but there Is a protective
aspect of Jupiter.
From Moon - the seventh house Is afflicted but Its lord Jupiter Is
From Venus - the seventh house Is free from affliction.
S/nce we ore getting a mixed picture let us see from Jalmini —
- Seventh from Upapada - Exalted Mercury, who Isgyanti karak bur
a bencflc for Aquarius lagna, Is placed with Kctu In seventh from
upapada. showing marriage to a foreigner.
— Darakarak is Jupiter who Is retrograde but unalfflctcd. Since majority
of tire factors are favourable, her marriage took place, though late.
She also has a son.
"ifatr;! t£F fTCTm ntfojl TIW m^ift srvm £1 TPPPT

Guide Shrl K N. Rao •> *3 13

uftrfM sftrc* hSx O Smg'-e Womtn ind Astrolog/

fenF few ^ f3T5l ^ fsfeft f sk ^ sfe ^(T Tf> Tra^f «ft fl

§"i'-bi "^i
Tf? ^t' siferfe ^ ife fejt t ^ ?itM
ST^HR fen? ^ ffeW l^<adl ?l
cT7? t§gcft
wr - wm ^ i\ Tj?}-7ift ^fri ir ^t fen? •% fejcf ti
gfn wn n fera wn ^ ^t^ fe'^J Mt wr t -
■^ERt few «?) -tj^-iil
■qfaft "3? fen? flRT fei 'ft T?t 1 ^sfft ?fe few
fe^nn ti wft^T %? 'ft wf wV ft ^rfwfei ft'i
■ep^ ft - wm trt ft nftcT fen ft Tifi ft ^e-w? wwfwr n'TR!
TI^ ft W ^ ^ ^ ftnwn nft ft i
^tn ft - wr rr ifei ft nm wftn ^-^ifn-^ ww
ft Tftfeftn ft i
nftt ftk ft fen? ft few fenn fti
nw ft - xwn tr n wfei (ftR ^ tfer ft ^ fti
■ep? ft - wm wiftfi ir fftftn ft?? nftf fti
wft nfei ft nnfen fti
nw ft- wro nro to nfe ni ft fe^ n?T 'ft u? nft fer? nn
ftm wr fti
rfs ft - wto 'w ftlfen ft ffej wfei "3^ ftfen nfti" fti
^pn ft wro ftfe ftsn fti
fewR fnfer utr fean ft fenft 3? nn nHR aifwRR fer?
nft ft'TRRi wrnr t?i fti
- ft - •3TOR ft WTO TR ft "3W ft fen ft I RSft
qTife.iWi ft. ft <m ftinft ft fftft wf vjn ti? ft 1 ?nft rtr ftg nft
wfefn, w; fe?ft ft nro fer? T?rmt fti
_ nRRnw Tjn wn ft, jr: few-feg ftlfftn nftf ft-3R: fer? ^ani
3ifwnft wra ft ft 3R: <nfeFT nn fen? np? few ft rk ft wn
Example - 16
This case Is being presented as a contrast. Tills horoscope belongs
lo another famous dancer. She has remained unmarried till date.
From the lagna '
Seventh house — Like the previous case, there Is affliction to

Guide Shri K.N. Rao *:• sri'hs!' «f A-sn- ~ 51

Womin md A-.troicjy O wfrrfrt >Sr A'i'i

X 12 Moon
i\ -mj Sun l.'fl'S
i.tennK y
Voon Suy\
I. on./ X
Lee I a Samson
6 May 1951
203 am
Wg:ri Kot

□KM S3!(R1

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercuiy Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

22*39 ai'ai' 19*02' as'jo' 05*26' 09'55' 00:50' 2**21'

SsR*hMayr i
3 X / Lm


Sun Mai

sttventh house and some oflllctlon to seventh loid Sun .also. However
In this case the ptorcctlve aspect of Jupiter Is absent.
From Moon the plctuie Is the same.
From Venus - The seventh house has no malefic Influence but
the seventh lotd [uplter Is aspectcd by ictrograde Satutn from the
olpjiih house.
The seventh house Is weak due to the placement of deblllrated
him with seventh lord Venus. This combination Is aspectcd by Saturn
tmni the tenth house Indicating towatds hurdles In marriage due to
pioievJon. Tills combination fs unaspeetod by any beneflc planet.
ITnm Moon - the seventh house Is aspectcd by Its lord Jupiter.
Imi also l>y retrograde Stturn.

GuiCe Shrl K.N. Rao * tArh st tn

KfrCii *xrt1 lit I^irt o brtfeVAynoi md Aardojy

3 Von Sal


l.uirs Jug

Motlcr.itc .iffllctlon continues In trimsamsa
- The Mairlagc front Is more Afflicted in D-1 and In D-9.
- The fifth house of children also has some weakness In all the charts.
- Darakarak Venus Is In the first degree of the rashl and Is aspected by
gyantl karak retrograde Ssturn and Is thus weak.
- Looking at the char dasha - Dashas promoting her profession were
operating at her marralgabfe age. so profession held a greater
attraction for her rather than marriage.
tpr o-ve^i Ttiet"! it fWtfin fkori ^ M trFg^r fetn ^ w
^i tiliRpfn sfr v^'-Ti Rnjuii TIRTT it s-i'fti femt TIT 5^1
f' _
rfi t/j'f e/?
KR ^ ^ ^ TTcR TTSPTtn Vt iTSl rft ¥.
3? ^ ^1 irnrq tin gi
TP5 ^ - fwai sfi pfr irtpn tfft f 1
vp; v - TT^q tug R ^ ^ vrg
Ttiin Tift Tjft ^1
TT^mTT JpR TTOh tpq q ^ t. fe] Tfiq ^ ^
tJT} gft •agfhjft TTRTI t^ cKi qTi 751 tl W1 VR ^ ft'R
TIeT ^ tJR 5 tsn TSTTRTlfw gtTTO' ^ ^115 Vl' HIR 1t71ffit ^1 ^ ^fcl R
TWl TfiF ^ RT il'M HI tl

Cuido Shn K.N. Rao <• 'ntolr tS *<ip. n 53

Sjth'* truj Ajtroiojy O *£l

Vm STTi whI ^ ^vi fioTj <iPi T? ^RTI
rrgs Tfr^r Pavn'vi ti mt ^rt ^51'
- '^eui ^ q f«mT? TTtfTvn ^ivni wf',"
- TOH -% W7 vra ^ ^fr cfnn ^^"^50 ^nvi ti
- WCTR: nfTi ^ !:tm 3T?T -q' ^ ?itn ^tifd^iw. ^ TTP? ^ ^
ani: t'l
ferei ^ PP ^n^' A T-^ vd
ztfifcz jTvih f^ni ^ nin *f! WK Pmru v ^IUI TFI

54 Gudo Shrl K N Rto •> trfirN 6 *151. r*

rfTTftl Irtir* »l( O VVoocn ind Aitroloj}'


- Some observations

Dr(Mrj.)Shrlnima Mishra
Modem age and coiniopoJitan life style today have changed the
socio-cultural envltonmcnt the world over. Growing acceptability of
gender equality and reduced class and caste tsurlcrs olfer options of
peaceful Independent yet socially fulfilled life. All these factors lead to
Individuals cxcidslng thclt option of leading sdf-sclcctcd life which
until recently was not possible due to economic, social, cultural and
emotional pressures. The outcome of this Is Ihc higher Incidence of
single women.
Single women who have cither by choice or by chance acceplcd
a life wlthoul spouse and/or children, These women lead their life wllh
due tcspect from thclt peers.
We will analyse horoscopes of single women to dctcirnlne the
factors that led to thclt single status.
(It may be stated that simller situation existed in the past whcie
child widows led dJscrlmtnated lives of single women).
Factors leading to single status predominantly overlap with factors
Infiuencclng delayed marriage. The fine difference between the two
needs to be carefully Identified and analysed.
Some bade factors leading to no marriage
l. If any of the three planets Venus, Sun aivc! Moon Is conjoined or
aspccted by Saturn or arc In the nakshatra of Saturn, specially Moon.
there Is possibility of no marriage.
When Sun, Moon and 5" lord are In conjunction with Saturn or

Ould# Shrt K N Rao ■> ""Ws sit **+■ C* 55

Single ViVwnen indAltrototr O KfTTfn 1r<^l< ih TTT*
have aspect of Saturn.
3. If 7*house Is vacant and Moon In case of woman and Sun In case
of man Is aspoctcd by Saturn from Scotplo sign, there Is no surlty
of marriage.
4. If Lagna, 7'h lord and Venus Is In barren sign I.e. Gemini. Leo,
Virgo, some Include Saggltarlus also.
5. Maledcs In 6®.?"* and 8th house or malcflcs In both sides of 7"
house «irc not favourable for marriage.
6. IfSalurn Is In the 7® house with malefic or Is apscctcd by malcfics.
7. Venus and Moon In opposition without bcncfic aspect.
8. Venus with Moon aspectcd by Mars and Saturn and 7® house not
aspected by bcnefics or malefics In lagna, 7® house and 1Z" house.
9. 7" lord In 12n house without benefic aspect and aspectcd by
Saturn. Sun and Rahu.
10. When Lagna lord &. Navamsha Lagna lord arc placed In Lagna of
natal chart and Venus Is afflicted "Muni Yoga" Is fanned the person
will turn to phllantlirophy and will not marry.
11. In female chart when a malefic Is placed In y-Niouse and any planet
In 9'* house "Sanyas Yoga" Is formed.
12. When 2M house, 7m house from upapada Is afflicted chances of
marriage arc bleak.
13. Navamsha 8® house affliction leads to problems In getting married.
14. Retrograde Mercury creates problems for marriage.
15. In most of the cases Dara Karak Is found afflicted tesultlng In no

- MdrilcbH

■ST" ftT%T

tih^ITICIV ■ciidirii«i qri "siwr ti

^nni-*K ^ ^ tp frrnwr "RfFenafl' ^ Ttppq -sfm Titn -mrfW
n; rnu vnfR^tr} tflRn Praf? ^ nn r> ^ ^ ami

Guea Shrt K N Rao ❖ niSntt si ^.xrr. in

lil 9 ■fr Olb N X WUS wo

!h h bliA ath liii* ^ 8r»hlh h bih Idbli. h HSjh 'I I

jyiii ilbbj ^ Uilfc. liii h H^hUti Pfjfrt h ail 'a Ifitu ..Irlbhjrt,,
m u iikjiji idi Rib ^ h. kiR ^2. majh IAJU 'lAiiiah mu liiuia 01
ua k aji
Ulk ^ lh ti£. u^' Li 2jSl E Si* Ihli 'yii b. bib 6
I.Li an hlh h blh liilS fe tijha kiii lb
li k zaid hli bb* hibii imi li iai a. yii m? Mbh iy£. idi-aJi "S
lia idhii-hli ti LHi £h 'Hi 2i}i hli In-^j Itt} Ibii ''^ 'L
lia HzMi-hh. tt ib hlh tjli h £ih btaU ^b "9
li yiu .uih aTih^K- tiii aibtj lyity Ub jib LJA UK
Udb bliv hl>>a lb 'Lkli h. felt\ frpl*' IbE b^lL> '^Q IHi .lili hlLi "S
li ^lii li^iLi u yii jh |*ti hi uij:! oSi
IL£ h Ihdh ilL| bliUJ "felULE h Lijll Ibli b li^iihli 'tiil ^Jb 'V
in^a i^k iibyy uoi iihbj ul i.a znii a lsmi Hii^jfi
bk Lib .LHiiH Ihicb Lib Ibrbjin Ibe li IHia blh lifeOi ijb 'C
liV Uili
"* • »"*lib Ikliltili
ih!b^2ilyLyLiibiibiaiiyii^b Lkhbb Lbb ifcb. 'pk z

LELi bib LbbilUt m lilli UL 'Ihihb liaoi^ li h mk Hi fcjli lb ja

2ii a l^lH lb li hlli .ii yii ^b 1L\ Lbb Jbb h Lbli jili 'Ihieh. 'I
- ibUib tffltfi. fiSi Hi hli h aibijj
l| IbifeLtiblKi yi a Hto biy i ibiK: bik lib b^ Hi Ik^ li
kia. % yblHi U tliiLI.'b Hi ilbbj ^ r>:PbJ lalbb Hi kil kiJIbl^lC
(im pii
l^tiha Ij.-l-lcJ (Hi kbPHiiC bL bli^i klbity tllb lib lb Mi Ihujh-vjvji,
LHi iiU (bi b Lilili, lh Pib Hi} Lkli lib HbjPhg ii-ipn ib .lib)
I.Ui .tbfe bSJlbyK b Hj} bky m
kJbilO 2b It^b labtiHiy IHi IftPJifii (Hi .LKlHHJk l>2JlL>bJK lb .lib hi

(P-lHi U(tiib hb(fc li HilHi tblb kllnti. UkE. lb a mil lib Lilb Hi liili lb
1h£E khit b 1.2 (1121 LlHiKr Hi bbb lb iyh Lty lit Ibli} taibh IHi kil
Wi«J--K IfiMtr Hi lb a K^S IkbH? Hjkbj 2 U9jlhbJK-
12 IjlikPJ kbljr. 12 tme lb 2 M> 21 k2^bl(}K .bliiijb
Hi} ^ Lkli blhb Mba ki I Lb lib bhaa Lt>IH> Lb bibb ^
Ml}^lli 'Ltbllkblli 'HH1 (ISb bhb ilSi UL 2 (UH fc(l£. h--yj (lu biib
Oofutry f** u»ioc/,\ oilkfj q u^w. i^i (Oii^
SiogTe Worsen and Astrology O 5^7 r<5tv
12. Htm "H "^eth h "Hram' hri Hifea fi eft ferg" nrt ^'vrrarn hht
13. w?t HiT hfh llfei ft ft hhfh fffit ~h
14. HHft ftHif n nmi »Rtn f i
15. atfVHTTYl HfTfHni' H fRIHTRHi HF?1 HHI 11%RT HTRH felTg HfT

Examples by Dr. Shrirama Mishra

Example - 17

^ 6 N Sa!(R)
Vonf.'jrs Ket CASE-17
(.loon Da'a of
Dr. Rsma f.Sshra
20Oct 1942
Najibabad UP

" N UP DP Sun

Lag San Koon Mars Mer Jup Von Sat Rahu

07;2< 02:52' 11®24' 28=16' 17:32' Ol'te' 25=53' 18:55' 10T0r

This is a case of a Reader In a college of Delhi University. She

belongs to a small town of UP.
7lh house has no planet and aspected by Mars, retrograde Mercury,
Venus and exalted Jupiter.
7lll!ord Jupiter In I Ia house aspected by retrograde Saturn.
S"1 house has no planet aspected by debilitated Sun. 8* lord Mars
I*, in Lagna with retrograde Mercury and Venus. Mars Is In Mrltyu Bhag
aspecting UP.
Karak Venus Is squeezed between Mars and Retrograde Mercuiy,
Sun and Rahu.
I ord of DKN Jupiter Is In Rahu/Ketu axis In D-9.
'/"'house from DP has retrograde Saturn

Guide Slul K N. Rdo •> "CTtiN »> trr

wftTfM I/IM iti Wfm O V/onwi and Asrology

L»3 M«tR}
?\. L»J /lO
✓ X
/ Vvm 9
N. >JP
S. SJHRJ PC y Navamtrta
ktoon sin
Son l/an
y sin y N.

fctertR) Sun Jup Ket

8\ / t*3 / .
Wnk'jrAQ yS *


ro N. / t?
u,r R
N. / -i
X t l X -MS
X\ Rafi Ven 1*3
t.'oon l.Wi

7*' house .\flllctcd by Mars, T^lord Mercury with retrograde Saturn
In Iwrrcn sign, Venus between Rahu and Mars. Moon here also In
Rahu/Kelu axis,
8th house h.\s Sun and 8th lord Venus In 6th house In baircn sign.
7" house has Saturn and debilitated Mercury 7" lord Jupiter
aspccted by Mars and Venus.
8" house has exalted Sun.
- Darn Karak afflicted
- Venus Is In Pap Kartari In D-9 also.
- Delay was due to Job.
- Lagna Is stronger than 7" house. 7* house has been made Volatile
which made her achieve position and status not nianlagc.
- Mars aspect on 4t'1 and 7^, house has given her position In the

Gude Shn K H R»o « 'tnoh x-.^. n 59

$irf5» VVCTten *x) /«j:roiojy O sSrfM sfr?r< >i»
Ae.idemic council of the university, Association of Teachers and In
University politics but not marriage.
- She got dasha of Raliu for 14 years and T'^lord dasha upto at 30
years of age but aspect of Saturn on exalted 1* lord Jupiter had not
allowed Jupiter to perform the function of ?• house.
"07 ^ trtp '-tavlji TT31! 1?I 'O? <St1< tp Tjtf; yii tst
iPfR Mra C/Kil 5 cP-tl «tt?hl H'fel ^[5 -Jti ^1
flklAw -g? l|4iKVI Wf ■R, ^Ht Vlft TI 7^1
3Tt3R W 'Jlell, 3R =5 "H ^31 YPcRTT ^PTrl cFI "R ^551 ^
tpr R? THUI WK RT w-f ■Rft ^T3i wi ^cg w R $I
m<l4iR4i RRfttT Rf llg/^tj RftfR R fl
5RI Tl RRTR RIR "R VjfR 31 TTRTR W RRfl R RlfetT, RRhiVI
gy fRWt Rfyi R 71*51 Tlft "R RtfgR ?. 7^. "RRel R TT^ ^ RtR R ^1
■RRPn TTgAKg RftfR Rl
SR^R RTR R IJt} 3. ^t^iRVI RTR R Pftfe RlfTT R tl
RRTR RTRR RTR ^ ^ RIR fef?T 31 RMRVI RRef a?h
^pn R TZ t'l
3R3R RIR R TSR Rt '^ef 5l
- ^RIRRRR RtfeR h RW? R *ft '^jRT Rjfect tl
- il'-btl tn TReRR RR b-.Kul RR1I
RT RHTR XpRyfivH «biaRtci R ^JRI Rf R R^ R RfcTOTf RiRf RR, RZ
fRRT5 *161 ^ TtRR I
- TI§ Rm 14 Tp{ RRI TRTR3I Rft xvn 30 R^i rA ing RRT fReil, R^
RRA WR RR ^fe. "57 RRTRR RT R ^115 R R1RI 31cftl
Example - 18
In this horoscope of a teacher of literature the T* house has
Ketrogrndc Saturn aspected by Mars and Moon, both are In Mrltyu
IIhag placed In lagna,
T^lord Venus In B*1 house vdth Mercury, the 8^lord, same Is true
wllh 7* house from Moon.
7* house from Venus has no planet, T^lord Moon Is afflicted by
OO GukJo Shri K.N. Rso •> Thria w in
3 1-1 O Sfng!e V^'oown and Asirolog/

UP SaiiR) Ju«R)
10 N
ViXifAy CASE-18
Ket Daia of Dr. Rama
4 Jan 1943
Allahabad UP
Sun Lao

Lag Sun
ZO'IS 19:39'

Mer Rah Sa'.IR) Jup(R)


Moon km

Moon Rail Von Sun



Jup<R) l.'cr

Navamsha - 7* house has no planet. 7a house aspccted by

Mars, Venus afflicted by Mars.

Guda Shrl K.N. Rao if)

imfi SStefr*! ».-xl AxtftJofy O »*fTfn »h J*fn
7n house from Moon has Saturn, aspectlng 7th house and 7th
lord Moon.
Ttlmshamsha - 7" house from Moon has Mcrcuy placed In Ir.
7,'loid Moon has Saturn conjunct with It aspectlng S* house. Venus
and Mercury.
- PK Si turn Is Retrograde In 1*" house.
- DK Venus Is conjunct with GK Mercury aspcctcd by Saturn and
Mars. Venus afflicted by Mars.
- 2V| house from Uppad Is aflllctcd by Saturn .
- DKN Is afflicted by Siturn and Mars,
- On the whole 7"house 7,;,lord Venus, DK S^house and up-pad arc
all affllcicd resulting In 'no matralgc",
- She Is one amongst twins and both arc not married.

TnftFi WFI ^ft ^ wh ^ 71ft ¥

sn wi irq ts ■^Rtni ^ ^ ^i TP^TI ^ ^ ^TRtTr
^ wh mki ^ ^ lira n ^ Tn?
TfPf i\ ^ Z\
Trara Mra Tift t. Traran. ^pifi ^ ^"rfe? t"i "pnef ^rgiiFi
V| ?ram lira n ^ ir? tst ^ ^ w-i, tnft t? ve ti ?!??? Tram
Mw Miid 3 ^ei wra ttsmi Tifi ^ira ^ i)i
ttPi •frat Trra ?? iram nra ■cin 7^ •&' sfr? Htrmn Tram
Mra 'A ?t
- 7? fgrtra irra Tif? t? mfCT. tt^p? pra nrdt ti ttwi
iirfdd.KMi Tilid t"l WPt 7jt}Tp:7?72tl'mT^giTpTltf^TIP
mi Tram Mm m TPira srfrai ra? ferant ra yRi ^enfR ran ^i
- njd ffreTirar raj rap ranH p fra Tram lira, rarmra, Tp>. pmrarrra.
wra Trraf rafes p. tjrarrap ra 71ft 7?i Tift rai rai pvra f^oip rat pran
rai rat? rar par pi
- 'hi ^pra -m" ^ t^ra ii r?. ^ art? tp? tfft rani (28 ra? ra 4s ra?
n it) Pratt m rap iff ffrrarp rarram ra t??,?!! mfi' 7701

Gukle Shrl K N R»o •:• nTtfi d tr»

Kj-rrT- »fi »C5* O Sonft* Wontn »nd ArrcJop
Example - 19
l* house has ictrogiade Satutn In it, aspected by debilitated
Moon and Mars. 7ftlord Venus In S"0 hosue with CK ^rcury.
7* bouse from Moon has same combinations.
7*house from Venus has no planet aspected by Saturn (R)
7"house has Saturn, 7*,lord Venus afillctcd by Mais.
7"house from Moon has Rahu, aspected by Mars.
7*house from Venus also has no planet, 7*lord Moon Is aflllcted
by Macs who Is In Mrltyu Bhag.
Saturn, Moon In Lagna aspecting 7^house, same Is true for Moon

UP Sa((R) JupCH)
to >
txrvy CA5E-1»
Oauot Or Rama
4 Jan 1943
AtattaUad UP

Lag Sun Moon flats Her Jup Wn Sat Rahu

K'SI IS'JS' tJ'K* ZO'Jl" 07'46' ii'CJ' 01*19' 13*37' 0W
KetNtocn KUr Rah Sa'^RJ Jup<R)


Lag Kel Sun


SirglcWomtrtjrxJAjirotojy O jArfra A -pAfn

Ven Sun


J(.p<n) t.'cr

L.igna also.
- From Uppad 7,!, house luts no planet 7,!,lord Venus Is In 3'd house
with GK Mercury.
- From Uppada 1™ house is afflicted by Saturn. 7in house from Dara
pad aspected by jupltcr and Sun.
- It Is observed that Influence of Jupiter generally gives Indifference
towards marriage. On the whole. 7th house, 7* Lord. Venus. Dara
Karak. Dara Pad. arc all afflicted and affliction Is mainly from Saturn
whrch gives n6 desire for marriage.
- She Is one of the twins and Is a Reader In a college. Got dasha of
Mertury upto the age of 21 years. Ketu opto 28 years and even
Venus dasha was not successful In giving marriage from 28 years to
48 years of age,
m "5331 n 3 Wlft 3^1 W, M SRTq £l
TRht tfl Tlfl -q ■qira c^T tl 7P<n '•TTq U. ^ ^
M^MI -sfe £l ^ Tfr^j -^5 "414 4 £'l gjfht
4 ^ Tny fri
wti cktm £i ^ 4 45 fara £ ftre 4? wi
4f) £l tplef ^ 4if3?t £l ^ '44f4 *114 4 Tiff tl
VlPl 4^ eP4 4. 444 ''44 tR ^4jl "CF? t.-iM 4 4tl U-^ld £l
- f4ct4 4T4 4 7lf4 t. 444 414 4'M 4141
•LnTBTTtS ^4 tK 414 tl 444^ 4 fgtfrq 414 4l4 4 tlftcl tl WP? 4
444 4T4 7J4. 4T4 ^ ^ tl
- ">'n ftr r44 wi 4Tcfl 4 4^1 t. 44T4 414, 44T44 tpr

Guide ShnKN. Rao '> =3144 ^ sk-v!* tf

af-irfd? tfr"** tit »«rTl O SuNg'e Womort md t-urokrtf
^niq VTcl 3^ oW; TIM*! MrfSH fjJM trTT"! Tn^JH fqmp MF1
n ththi ^ 21 TTTI ?pg 28 Tira TPK n5* ^ 48
rriT! mh iitg fnrii m fq^nr m w thkii
Example - 20
This Is a horsocope of a Reader retired from a college of Delhi
university. Once her marriage was fixed, but due to her service It could
not materialise.
7"' house In Rahu/Ketu axis aspected by retrograde Mars and
T^lord Saturn In 6* house aspcctlng Sun, Venus and Mercury In
S" house.
SNord Jupiter retrogr.ide In Lagna with retrograde M\rs and

l.iat(R) Moon

Data of Or. Rama
50 Mar 1933 log
' UPVerO\
f.tetR) Sun

Lig Sun Moon Mars Met Jup Ven Sat Rahu

OI'Sl ISMS' WM3' CS:57' 03'<r itys?' K'zr


Sun Van

Snflo Womort ind Mlttlog/ O Kprrfr' ill'

Sun Lag Mef Jup

f.toon Ket


Venus is between Retrograde Mercury and Sun

7^ house from Moon Is aspectcd by Mars retrograde
From Moon 7"''lord Mars In Lagna In Rahu/Ketu axis.
7e, house from Venus - no planet aspectcd by Sun Venus and
retrograde Mercury.
7:illord from Venus is Mercury retrograde with Venus.
I"'house from up pada no planet. 7e'!ord Mercury Is with Sun.
7*house has Jupiter and Venus
S*house has Sun, S^lord Mars in 3"' house aspectcd by Jupiter.
7's house has no planet, 7!!,lard and Karak Venus Is In 6<h house
debilitated aspectcd by Sun.
8* house no planet, lord Mars in 1118house aspecting Mercury,
Moon and Venus.
- Lagna Is stronger than 7^ house. 7n house has been made Volatile
which made her achieve position and status not marriage.
- All this shows less chances of marriage. DK Mercury debilitated
with Sun and Venus DKN Is also afflicted.
- As her S*5 lord Venus Is exhalted, she did very good In Vocal Music,
won AIR awards In early forties when she was not even 12 years of
age. Dasha running was of exalted Moon. Mars dasha ended at the
age of 20 years and Rahu dasha continued upto 38 years of age but
It could not give her marrlgc.
Rt faF? fejiriq THE STRI ^57 vfl
Gu<Je Shri K.N Rao ❖ 'iivtrh (.1 w
i «*t—1 til Wr-I O Sirck Wo<T*n x-id t<x.rci3ff
TjR r^nn Tra «n ^ ^ ^ft TT^I
Tn^ntJ t Wl ^9 "5? ^ tl "Mtr<l <Trl
TJ3 Viq y tTVl 3?^ vra $ fWct ^ Tp: 1 ^ "STcl -i il
3^1 ^ TTjfr gv it. to7 ^p> dTR tp "£ sn TTft 7T ip? yi
iT^TTI ms) I^mT^ ePi ^ ^KT M1 K-l *1 ^ ^ilv4 ^1
giK TI^ tr ip ?K v fi
MrJ.'ii 77 TT^TTR 'TRl. isil H'iei 77 cm 77, TT^TT? Mm MTTTI 77
$1 TT'TPTTI WT 715/% m M ?!
^pr 7^ 77M7M *7m M Mit? Uo MPT '£. W7t ^«-l ^ $1 TQW 77 TTMT^fT
trfJI $|
M TTHM MF7 TTTeft %. TTMWfl TJT} ^ 777M 1^1
77MIM M Tp ^p7 $|
STETM Mm M Tp. 3m*M77 MMH 777777 Mm M Tp 77 ^ fl
77MTM im TTTefj. 77M7M7I ^p7 73® Mm M MFJ m t'l 37CJM ^TfM TWll.
WeMTT MMfJ 7^77^7 Mm M 77 ^ 3^7 7J}{ aft ^7f7 «77 TTTT
77 Bl
- TTF 7m Trara x to ton? nft TrnrRnm' Tmn nm i17i";fi TJ?}.
^-"gfti. wtt ittor yi
- '{i'7 ^ y nm ^ym mmmh M yl rnmrn mm Mten 3?h
3iTe7 ?Pmm ifem Mi 'iTTmn mmi TTT TTMM TOM t? -^^71 qfi ?7n
7?t Mt, M'fM VTm 20 mf mi iTFl TPTT 7JM7 77^ 'OflT 38 M'l TRfT Mefi MT
mrni ton? mfi ?i mthi
Example - 21
This Ixjfoscope Is of a reader In a college.
Five planets In kendra Indicate that the diart Is very strong.
T*house has Jupitcr(R) aspeered by Saturn.
7"lord Saturn In Lagna aspectcd by Jupl:er(R) This Jupiter/Saturn
combination Is an Indicator of lack of Inclination for marriage.
T^lord from Moon Is Venus placed with GK Mercury aspectcd by
debilitated Moon and Saturn.
7^ house from Venus has the same story - all the 7lh houses ate
7* house has cxhaltcd Saturn aspected by Mars and jupltcr.

Culdc Snrl K 0 R»a •:• «?■ n* 67

Sliijle Wwrwn and AMtalotf O aju rs; jJi -

K«W« Ven I Sun
qp OjwcJDf Rama
27 Jun 1950

Lag Sun Moon

oom? im1 w^r

' ii
\ \ien

i^con Sat


7" house from Moon hns Venus mid Jupiter. In D/l and D/9
Moon/Venus combination, oppositions without bencllc effect has

0# Gtltf* Shu K it Rao <• •?! vt

H'TrTn t'r-H Ht wcfn O jid Axroio^
resulted In 'no manlAge"
7* house has no plaent, T^lord Venus debilitated In 6*house In
Rahu/Kctu axis, aspccted by iWirs.
- Uppad In Rahu/Ketu «v<ls aspcctcd by Mars and Sun, Data pad lias
no aspect.
- DKN has Saturn In It.
- Venus/Moon opposition and Saturn Influence kept her unmarried
though dasha of Mercury was tunning from 17 years to 34 yea.i of
f^ITTpTvlIcFl ^fl tn ^Tl ^ Ml'^ TTo '<>•<; t? fitllil
ifii HHtn Wfn 1E7trjRie7 -fn^ri Trei 1:1
Wt? sira $ ^tvfl TJ? tsn tftft it ^ ^
ntq -c'l T]; f?|
TTft ^ ^ tp rraq Tj^t qfi rp: rt Tiff 7^ Tpr
TTCT-*! fepn^ ipt 3X1 WH TTH tinf bTl ^Tlfctl ^1
^•=3 fi Vfyq -ii tjq' Tpt il TIsT^Tl TpK, "inffl'f.RV. ^
^fii W7 o ti^ri -rh? w> tJTi vlPi ^ ^ Ki
^pr fi 7r<n iiFt -n' T: TTSRI "IFI fwfni sr TRT? v
Sim nrfej
TTRPI \F-( ^ TTTf trr Tlft £ frH Tft T/'ld 1^1 Ijt vjfl ^ ?t| wu
11 WP iiry b ?i
^Fb bjEHt tldl HW?1 b fbbl Tjb IK ra^. V THT TPmbR
CHi, bf^3l{?cl •'.sH bH yjCI '-hi< ] ei'icii qI
Wb lira men i. bMbTi tpr C3 bra b bira ik kkkt ^3 %. 115
/rg bftHi b H-irt b ^vi ^1
- IK yirra b wi b ^ ^1 ^Rra^ ra vr\i rafi ^1
WKTra." Kbnn bfi iK ubra tY KI
- 17 *rJ 11 3-J ibf bn ^ tFK bn TTTI ft#, m ms ftbn: IKTTA b
bbwl b?"f K|l
Example - 22
Tills horoscope belongs to a teacher. Marriage could not be
performed even though it was settled once.

Guda Sfcn K N Rao •> ntfrrb •fl V.n. m 69

Sir£lt V.'wnwi **1 AuioJojy O irtifr! »t\ wifs*
7" house Is AfTUctcd by Mars and Sun. T^lord Juptlcr is In Rahu/
Kctu axis with debilitated Moon. Venus is In 6° house with Mercury.
7a house from Moon is In Rahu/Kctu axis. 7n house from Venus
has no planet aspccted by Mercury. DK Jupiter is retrograde.
7"house has Moon aspccted by Mars and Jupiter. 7"lord Stturn
In 2M house Is aspected by Sun and Venus.
T* Itouse from Moon has Attars, 7'" lord Sun Is In S1" house from
lagna aspected by Saturn and Jupiter.
Venus afrllctcd by Sun and Saturn.
7*house has no planet, 7,,,lord Atoon lagna aspected by Jupiter.
Venus is in 6° house.

Ven Data of Dr. Rama
10 April 1947
12 Delhi
' 11 Kol UP
i^snMer Moon

lag Sun Moon Man Ker I

Zi'U ZfriZ' 23'25' 05^6' 29,32' 0:

Son Rah


Kci Sal
O Sln{io\Vom«oandA>tro4oQr

>/A Jup(R V»fl
12NS. / Uj V /5
KM x IJoon Ax
/A, /v1
/ 1 v/ l.tor ; \ Trlmilumthi
\ X
/ \
NVy/ 4 \ X5
JuptR) x Xr.tarsSd
As /XX1 Sun I Uor
/ \/

- Z* house from uppodA offlicted. 7'hhouse has no planet and 7,!,lord

Mars Is with Sun. DP has Saturn In It. DKN Is afflicted.
- Here also afflictions arc dear v.Wch resulted In keeping her single.
tl^st STTOO cn ^ ^ ^ HOT $ fo TftrpH-frT^"
^ OTHi. ?PJ Ft »TT firapt TSf *1 TfTni
TT^TH ffOT Xip tff 71 Ttlfet |tl M-r-W Tp T^T i. ^fn ^
^ TTm t,Rr», ^ gara vra q fwcT §i
tfpr n ^ Tn<i fera f i ^tn fi TTPtq MRI v>g tfifu
■q' ■&! tt^TI ^pi; ti=j 7t vra Tf t"i
^ 7) 77«7ni iTKr h TJsT 1757 "§■, -gyf 'a ^2! tRFTiaK rjr: Trafl "SI
a'Tpr Mra a TRtai £. rp vei TCRH qa Jt i aRt^vi viPf fcipq ara
a. Tj^ a t(p7 77 yz $1
a^TTT 7) wn vh a -57: aqn t, adMvi Tff. area ^na a afa a

^57. Tjq rft a afci h

Trara ^trt urnf aaa'ra "a^rai hh a p 77 yz ki ^pr ua ara
a ki
- aaa^ a ffrfta ^an rfttsa v. TT^a ara ttthi k aqtaa. ifan, Tjtf ^
- »777i a^ ^ 7rtq Kt arawF aanr affea % yq 77^ ^nai' aai irei
qrf^i 7> TTRTT arn HOT £ ft? a aaf sTftmiffci atu

Guda Shrt K N R*o -S «*!<»!■ * ^-rr- ft

Woa*n and Ast/olojy O vfwe£rt s;'iart
Example • 23
In Ihc horoscope of a lecrurer In college the 7* house has Sun and
Mercury aspcctcd by Mars retrograde, placed In 12th house with
retrograde Saturn.
yiord Jupiter In S*1 house with Moon aspectlng 7*house Venus
In S'"house In own sign Is without any Influence.
7* house from Moon Is aspcctcd by Saturn.
7* lord From Moon Is Saturn. Is retrograde In 12°house conjunct
with retrograde Mars.
from Venus 7" lord Mais In 12" house from lagna with Saturn
both retrograde.
7* house has no planet and has no aspect. 7* lord Moon exalted
sSasR). S»'4R>

Data of Cr Rama
17 Dec 1S43

Lag Sun Moon M.irs Mer Jup Ven Sat Fahu

10=38 OW 06=30 IS'JZ' 20=33 03!5S" 17=23' 2^56' 14=26'


Un ys
Uk x<y j
Wer Sat
»r**1r« •til* if! vttr* O yne** Wooen xx! Aitrotoc

8 / Rc^i s«n
Nw '0 . Sat / l.'jtn Juft
/ too
(.toon V%n
X 11 « \ Trimihamiha
C Rin K«« J
\ (Ars
5 X^xs
Sun War
/* >. tng Sat
/ \/
In S" house wllh rciroy.rAde Mais. And retrogrnde |uplicr In RAhu/Ketu
Venus exlwltcd In S"" house ASpected by Soturn.
7" loid Mercury Is In own house .ipsected by Mais and Venus.
Venus In Lagna aspccted by |up:lcr and Mercury.
- Uppad has no planet. Z"4 house from up. aspccted by retrograde
Jupiter and Moon, 7" house aspccted by Sun. Mercury. Like other
cases. Afillctlon to 7a house. T^lord UP. DK. DKN are very clear.
- She got Venus dasha upto the age of 23 years and Sun dasha upto
29, Moon upto 39 but all failed to give marriage.
'Frtrfci rfft Ai»7^1tnn Tjfr ^ zp# rr^n sirn tf Tjii ft afrr enfft
Tin ^ Tim ^ nvft tfnci ^ ^ ti
Tjr; sft TTvfn 'i. ^5^1 ^ YTIU TpW 3 fWd Kl
ami TTTTI q ftrn feYTi tisi Yrfl SKTJ ^ -ti ztvfi wt

^37 71 THTR 3 TTSiHYl tTHl. Yrfl ^ 'gfitl

V7J Tirai K, HVtMYI ^ ^ ¥1777 tjipi VTR 7 ?. ^ TTOt
7 ihtj <K 77171
tjtfm *717 V 3^7 7? t 77f=I 77 7^1
7RR 7717 Wt srh tpr a 771. Wd^vi ^»7 aiTl 777 >f
733: ti ur m -jv *uz ti

Gud« SKrl K N Rao <■ u-trrir »r. r< 73

Sirtfe Wcxr«n and Astrotogy O tPrrfr-i ifyxrl ifr A/ll
- '3^ V vH? iltf ^ri'l ^ fefw ^ ^ §1 WIT w
-qji ^ ^ ^ £1
- SRT TTO Mi WIT WI, UkWI, WT^, WnW 3ftT
^RFHTT^TT 'icii^l iTlfetT 1? f^PTv ^oK^I ^FTTT fcjqie ^TS^' (TT TT^TTI
- ^ 23 tni TT5T Tgpr ^jfr CTJTT 29 ^ w ■TJM srh 39 ^ H^T ^nj ^?n
fMcH ITT fenK <+>tH V [q'/ifi TFT I
Example - 24
This horoscope belong to a very highly placed officer In a Govt.
7*' house has no planet. 7" lord Mars Is In 6n house aspectcd by
Saturn. 7;!,lord Mars Is also aspected by retrograde Jupiter. Venus has
no affilctlons.

W ) CASE-24
Data of Or Ra,na
31 Aug 1950
00 05

Lag Sun noon Mars Her Jup ven Sat Rahu

25>J3 IT'TS' 20*45' iQ'zr OS^S' osr-i? 24,09' 27!29' 05M4'

■>l*Tr?n Mfnri ihi ■^fn O Women and Asxroksgy

\ ®
\ Sun j V x'
10 \ / 1*3
i.Vxn y
Von/ N. /Neater

It IrlmiMmiha
Xv ' /
Sun | lag Sat
>< X lAvt N.
T^lord from Moon Mercury is In Rahu/Kctu axis.
7"'house from Venus aspected by Mars, 7"'lord with Sun.
7* house Venus Is In Rahu/Kctu axis. 7*' lord Saturn is with
retrograde |upl:er.
7* house from Moon has no Influence.
7* house from Venus has Sun In Rahu/Keiu axis.
7" house has no plane:. 7*' lord Venus in S* house with Moon
aspcctcd by Mats. Same Is true In 7" house 7" lord from Venus.
— Uppad afflicted by Saturn. DP In Rahu/Kctu axis and so Is true about
DKN. DKN is afflicted In D/l. D/9, D/30.
- Therefore the nature Is very dear why she remained single.
tnt 7£5vft ^

vm TITrn t. tiWId Vl^ q. it ^

sjrr vt ^^ ^ p
Tpt vifCT TP ^1
TTRl Vf ?TVP? vira Tftfif T Kl
TfK TTTR iTTJ TTvI R ^2. WITTI Tlft ^ HT $1
TTTm STW ^ ^ ^2 TTg/tKU Tftfa V ?l
Tftfil T If I
CiukJa Shrl K.ll. R»o «■ 'ni'.Tfi t?< 75
S!nz5e V.'o/w, inj f^'jvtoo 0 xttn J^n
rimn Vl^ ^p'li "T?!, -^vn \nq M
rf «i Ti^qi ^ Tr<rq cnHt. twj ^ ^ ^
TT^PR Rra TR RFl 33»7Tq £)
- -3^ 7Tf=T ^T71 'V ¥1 WCTPn R^fTfl RT HR
W<J. ^TTTTl V TflfePt £)
- ^ RTtfi ^ TTW Trfi riRcii (r fe ^Ti' 7> iiPrnifirfr TTTI'I
Example - 25
The horoscope Is of reader who come ro India after partition. She
lost her parents ot an c.vly age and was brought up by her maternal
grand parents.
7*house from Lagna has no planet. It Is ospcctcd by debilitated
Mars. 7tnlord Saturn In I ("house aspcctlng lagna. S"house and 8"
house, Moon Is debilitated with Ketu, 7" house from Moon has Sun,
Venus and Rahu, Venus Is on same degree as Uahu. Retrograde Jupiter
could not give protection to Venus through aspect.
S"house has no planet, aspect of |upllcr(R) and Saturn on it. From
Moon 8^ house has Saturn, S^lord Mercury In 6" house.
From Venus 8* house Is aspected by Saturn, and 8" lord Is In S*
7™ lord Venus debilitated In 64, house In Rahu/Ketu axis. From
Moon 7'hhousc Is In Pap-kartarl, 7irTord Saturn In 11 "house aspcctcd
by Mars.

2 O Rama r.'.sTva
Rart IB t.'.o/ 1945
12 05 Noon
Moon DP ■MtfR)

Ul Sun
rWiO Ot'*!"

Guda Stui K N Rao e f: rjv^, ti

itfrrt'i O Slftjle SVcxnen and Astrolojy


/ VonR^

ST— 2 /\ 12 /
NSonWoca/ 1 S. Mas y

( A 10 \ Tnmshimsha
7 \/ 5
Sa: /v
/Z X
S ON. /JoOVoi \
jr Rah \

Venus Is In Rahu/KeliJ .txIs, T^lord from Venus-Jupiter Is placcel In

IZ* house Irom It.
7° house lias exhaltcd Saturn, y^lord Venus Is In 8'h house with
Rahu and (uplter, S^'lord Mars is placed In I Z^Ikhisu. From Moon T*
house Is afflicted.
From Venus 5''and 7*'houses are afflicted.
- Uppad aspectcd by JupltcrfR) and Saturn.
- From Uppad Z* house has Mercury and 7" house has |uplter(R) 8"
house has no Influence. 8* lord Venus Is afflicted.
- Dara Karak Navamsha has Saturn between malefics on either side
aspectcd by Juptlcr(R) (Gemini aspect)
- She was born In Saturn dasha and got almost full dasha of 19 years.
Next was Mercury dasha. Mercury though placed In 9'h house could
not give her marriage because It Is In Mrltyu Blwg.

Guids StriKN Rao « idrfc r* T-tt- 77

till -ki'^ is *> U "M'H IJMS opinj)

1^ IPjfcft 114a h. Ull\ IHi hB Iniiife ill liiiiy bS jat

h Hb>i eibPJ ih. Ih (1^ Ilii li hE h. felh hfeh iij ll^kj
mJi hi. 6t uiini ik! a uiit ui yii iKk. liki -
i§ 72*1 (2^ laa^t) aia iih ul a ..m^.hth yii a^iiHa -
i§ la ifi: liasdf 'a gh Mia ^ ia aiiv hiais 1^ at a&i
h aia aiaa. laa ai a ailx am^j 1^ 2at a yii iaa at {ia aaaE -
l§ ESiia wa hMi iba ath a
ili l| ££!£ Ml hUtH $. Ih^a la h Ml M IMli ItiuaiP IhlH. i Stt
at laa a a aia aaiie it I'lHPsti a yii &. bit h. aiii aian
i.;\ a Mx itaia a it at lAhMi ^ it ipsjia a Ei/3a it
v a
t^i'H a feia k^a a. aa^ Mi mi a a
ajya t^/§a a tja ea ii ^ i tiaa ilk ayaa ^ ijm Mi aiaa

i§. a M\ at aasae ya tpi. la aia asat it

i| a Mi »a at ta^ii i.^ ya a Mi aaae ^ ik^p.
141 an faa .a Mi asac
ia ^a ia ai imit ^2. it yna ia a ai? 1a it M iha it i.a Sa at
it 'at » a M\ a« i^p- 1a -<■ ea
V r aia ^» Si» "a*# i» feia
>* iny-a
1 a p. taa ajt la Mi asae laa Mi aaa 'tii i^e a a Mi
ya a^iaa. i§ 2at aaa p a^a aa a .pi M pp. MI aa.a
llbt^J Intjlh PUllK 12. a ilk fe Iklk lh
^a la Q^'" tit ya my a iia ^ta im Sat ana la ya kiMiy ii
'bib P IP^Pbl ya lllfljb Ij-llb yhK a it lias-^. 9b
kept 1^1 t-Vijii iuupt o ^OfSJWy f** *<*^5
tfn-fr! v*. ■■ j iit ■Frtfl o Sr-ji. VAyrwi md AiUototy


Dr. (Mrs.) Shrl RAma Mlshra

After examining many horoscopes following observations are
found. Together with reasons stated earlier, the other major factors for
remaining unmarried arc —
1. Afillctloo to Darakarak found In almost all (he horoscopes.
2. Influence of Jupiter/Sat on 7th housc/7th lord. 8th Irousc/Sth lord
Venus or Moon gives less Inclination for marriage.
3. Without bencllc Influence, 7ih lord In 6ih house, specially In
Navamsha. gives less Incllnailon towards nvurlagc.
4. Same Is tlie effcci If 7ih lK)osc/7tli lord, 8th housc/Bth lord are
associated with retrograde planets.
5. naccmcnt of Gyatl Kaiak In 7ili house or 8th house becomes a
hutdlc for marriage.
6. When lagna Is stronger than 7(h house focus on self and not on
marriage. Lack of willingness to adjust In new environment.
7. In present scenario when lOdi housc/IOth lord are stronger than
7ih housc/7th lord there Is more focus on profession, which becomes
main reason for remaining single, therefore, matilage lags behind.

G-ndo Sha K ». Paj o Wrr* m 79

Sirgto Womoo >rd Aztrvtotr O Httrfn A

tf<> ( sftatft) efrnrr fir^r

srp w "spftFa ^ TIK ^ f^nrq t^ai)' ^ WIH TRI ^ ^
"TO TOrnii" t£ ^fTt STTWIh TOl^ rf WTOT FTH t'-
1. ateiu ^sf^pn' ^Hi'-hK^' T^ifeci w TOII
2. WTO nra W7I, 3TTO *TO7T, *TO ^TOTl, W? "m ^sn m
to Twra, from to afci TOI TOT "^I
3. fTOl ^ TTTOt ^1 WTO7T TO $ TO^. fWTTOT TOT7I ^',
fror? ri TOJTO TOO ^I
6. vPT TOT WTO ■m if A7f>-TTO TO-ft t. TO ftTOTJ TO eqPT TOH «TWI
K TO-TI "q' TOTO W#Hi TOT^ TOt TOSI 'fl TO! tttft tl
fTOT? TOG ygi TOTTO ^1

no Guide Shri K N. Rao v ^ W;,ip. vz

rcrf rfr O Srf!»V.*cKr«n tmSAKcoteor

Examples by Shalini Dhasmana

Example • 26

Dora o' Stobn
M 30
Veil Vor{N)

Ug Sun Koon Mi:j J^p Ven

2**02 OIMV ZSMV (K'ii 21:3)' CSMft' 0S'<9'

This person has been Involved in politics from the time she was a
law student. Gradually she achieved success as a politician and a
lawyer, but (III the age of 53 years she has not gotten married.
This Is a very powerful horoscope with many sulking features—
The lagna, lagna lord Saturn and the tenth house arc extremely
strong. Ait exalted Mars placed In the lagna Is fotmlng Ruchaka yoga,
making this person vciy aggressive. Inspltc of this, she Is wise because
the lagna Is also aspectcd by an absolulely exalted |upltcr. who Is
fotmlng a Hansa yoga In the seventh house, lagna lord Saturn Is
exalted and Is fotmlng a rajayoga with ninth lotd Mercury In the tenth
house. Additional placement of adlgball Sun In the tenth house gave
political connection, but with some hiccoughs because Sun Is also the
eighth lord. All these comblnarions made this person too strong to be
under the control of another person and this prevented manlagc.
Coming to seventh house - exalted Jupiter Is placed there,
aspectcd by exalted Mars and exalted Siturn. Influence of thice exalted
planets on the seventh house made that house very volatile . This
combination gave status and public acclaim (fadapraptl), bur harmed
the marriage prospects. Jupiter Mars degree opposition and Jupiter
Saturn association Is also negative for marriage. Seventh lotd Moon Is
placed In the sixth house In Rahu Ketu axis. Seventh from Moon Is also
undet the Influence of Saturn and Rahu.
Cud# Shrl K N Rio •> ■rArh *1 74
Stfi(S»Wo<r*i j.tJ Ai^oiojy 0 •^rr'r* K'rrrf rft *^n

Sal I Hot l.won

' S
Loq Jup


1! \/ '
M-arsKel r.V-^R)


Sun IJ-ait f.YrtU]

10 \ R.V(Sai Kd
^9 \ /


^ s
Jup Vixi
l.loon Jup
I.'JLUR) Kd Van

Karaka Venus Is In P.ip.ikartarl but seventh from Venus Is

So we lind that the seventh house, seventh lord and karka Venus
are all afflicted In D-l. Lagna lord Is much stronger than the seventh
lord, so this person gave more Importance to herself rather than to a
marriage partner.
In D-9 seventh house, seventh lord and karaka Venus arc again
D-30 Is alright. However the lagna of D-l and D-30 belong to
Saturn and according to 'Horasara' of 'Prlthyushyas", This makes the
person unlucky. Since Trlmsamsa has been given a lot of Importance In
female horoscopy. may be the person Is unlucky regarding marrlagel
Dasha related to tenth house operated early In life, so this lady
got very successfully Involved In her work and In politics and marriage
did not hold an attraction for her.

Guide Shrl KM. Rao,A jcxoh A m

sfrtitr th O Wotrun s.-<! Asvttofy
viiiiQ^ii k.1^' mTO ytoici MT <i^nni "(I (l-^Hlfrt f? TTTU viftT3 *1
ifr ?i 53 tnr f^nr -to P^I ^i
■{^fi q br. Tin ^ wi ^ in ^ ii tk
'1 J& K. STa: ^.>>1 % 3!^TT ? ftfrg m 'n vm^r
■3? PnTK *31 <(fi tl SRf FH nVl *ff W '^Tlfni ¥1
TF^TT Tlft ^TTR 'Tra T?' ^ ¥T^ ff ra i 3 7171 ^ trf! TfT Tn'-J-TTW
W47T 3V ^ TTW TnPJTl Ml MH1 T? ¥1 ¥) ¥7TM W M 3p
vft -gtrrwfn TR^rfn MH csh MTI rfl i, STOMTI ¥H M; mttfi
^gD Ml'irc( Mt ¥?lhO Kl "^1 fTOrar UrT Mgn ¥1 rRT^ft WlfWHt -"iTU
MrSTTl Mn WTfelcM rt^THI ? ^ ^nt ^ W» M M?7 T¥ M''Kif)l
^ttfl li'i'b' irfMMlftvtl <t>H MTl <f>K>»i «mi
'iTl TMM ^im '-PI ^U1 jTHI HI M¥l" MlMl'.'l 37 ft-Mil ¥ Tit TCM Mi
MTcl Tl ¥1 mi M?t". W<PT MIM TltM Vl Mt ^ $| (ftM-HTM Z^l
^ Tel MH MMf-l *iiM Tv UMTM HklH ^TiM TJH t^RTcTH MT7 TIH ¥l
TMTM "l 7=¥ W Mt fenj fMMTo MH <l*Trni HlMn •R ¥71 3?-MTcl
TTM'V n?n 3?-7iPi MMV fen? 3? Rr-I HMTTOfMMi ¥1 TTfelTT MR! MM! ^TIM
H MIJ ^ 3i'.l M ¥l M^T M MxR M1M Ml Tif? MM ^1 ^TTR
¥M ¥ fe MIR M 3TOM 7IMTM7T M MMfe ^fipi il
HR71 Tlft TMTMTT M MT?! STT'IMT tTcft ¥ ^3 MRM ¥MT? ♦MM MM
Mfn M ilf'RT TMHlll ¥71
MMRl M KMPl TTMMTl M MRMT ^pfJ 'J^l: 'flfyl ?.'l
filVlfTl M M'rgl Miff ¥ fe^ ^FM BR M feiTTl FTR MTM' ft Tlft Mff ¥
oTR ^wpMM Tfel '¥'lil--K' Ml iTJMn Vft ^nfd-l.l \7MM5B tfffl f | 711^
M¥ ^TMMtfTOl fetl¥ M TTMfel ¥11
M7IM ^tlM 37 tTMfert ¥711 PTH ^ffel M "Mrff 311 MMT 3R ^ MvMFtH 3I7\
TT^rffl M ¥1 MMfl fen? TW> ftiM MVH MW TPII
Example - 27
This horoscope belongs to a very dignified and virtuous lady who
IvkI 'gurukul' education. She Is a follower of /Wihatma Gandhi. She
became the principal of a school Initially started fot harljan girls under
the name of Kasturba Gandhi. She remained the principal till she
retired. She did not get married and devoted her life to the upllfimcnt
of the downtrodden.
Tills devotion to such a selfiess cause comes from the Influence of
(upltcr on her Moon In D-1. D-9 and In D-30. In D-1 lagna lord Moon

Outdo Sm K14 Rao <> n^i & m 03

Srjto Womwi Mnd Aurofcuy -'(cv-f »iT "^atT*

0«U o! S^atni
OScp 1929
3 30 am


hiis P.A.C. connection with fifth lord JVwirs. ninth lord Jupiter nnd
twelfth lord Mercury, \toon Is also aspectcd by eighth lord Saturn. The
assocJatlo.1 of first fifth and ninth lords and also the association of first,
sixth eighth and twelfth lord gave a mental tendency towards Sanyas
and selflessness. This combination Is forming In the third house of self
clforts. No wonder she put In such an effort towards her aim and
neglected her own marriage.
Keeping this bcckground In mind let us look at her marriage
The seventh house Is aspectcd by two bcncfics. Jupiter and
Venus but the seventh lord Saturn Is placed In the sixth house dose ro
gandanta. He Is further affilcrcd by the aspect of Mars.
.Seventh from Moon Is also afflicted by the aspect of Mars and
Mercury who are In planetary war.
M GuxJo Shri K.M Rao ■> tffob £ oa
ffxi'.tl UStti kMti O ir<£l« V^oo»-l vxj Attrotoj/



K.irnk.i Venus Is unnffllcted.

In Navamiho
Seventh Ixxise Is cIcAily afflicted. Eighth lord ^tcury Is placed In
the seventh house. Though, seventh house Is aspected by Its lotd
Venus. It Is In papakartarl.
Seventh lord and and karaka Venus Is aspected by an exalted
Seventh ftom Moon Is aspected by Saturn and M.U5. but also by
Seventh house Is aspected by all the three natural benefks namely
Jupiter. Venus and Mercury, but all have their own drawbacks. Jupiter
Is debilitated and Is aspected by debilitated Saturn. Venus Is exallcd
but he Is the eighth lotd and Mercury Is debllltarcd. In addition, the
seventh house Is also aspected by Mars, so the seventh house Is
afflicted and Seventh lotd Mercury Is similarly aflllctcd.
Position from Venus Is the same.
Seventh from Moon Is alright.
Her Occupation
Lagna lotd Moon and tench lord Mars are In the tltltd house
aspected by ninth lord Jupiter. This combination made her work hard
In her wotk field and weakness of the seventh lotd made her neglect
marriage. Her dasha sequence also promoted her work rather than
marriage. The beneflc Influence on the seventh house gave her a lot of
public acclaim and tcspcct.

Gutia Shrl K N Rao ❖ A ^ 85

Srsj^o Women Wfcj Aslroiojy O >^T A^ll
TP Ti5cn T3^*I TfPcn Tft t T ^ 3?k 'TT TPTtTT
Tl'vt Tff *TmT tl T^'ni ^TTIP TPI %T1 31TTI Ttn TTTR TTI
3rfw TTC trni TP 'TT^TI Tivft* ^ TIT T TTTT TT pftTT FTfTTTTI ^
TT TTTTSHTrTF T^fi 3TR felT^ pYi <PT TP? TPl TK^ft TPll
TTIT TT17I TT1 fTTl'?! T TI h
FTR '(j'Stl! T - d'-kl TTi TT TITT TTTTI TTTT, TT^TI 'JJ? TTl
W'lJfl, TTTTI -TTk TTTTtl TT tTTT SITl jTT ci'Asrl ■ST^TTfl TTH
"^1 TP TTrl -3J7Tmm Tpf P fTT pTSIT CTT^ vI?.T T^ 5?)! PTTT d'H T
^e-in T^ 3in 3ITT ''EnT TT TP^T TPI tpTTI
37T JFHJf Jef/fech Vfr Tit $&
tO ^i PR! tip Tpg?: t yilP^u pi ttrt ^t; Ttenfpr Iti
TTTT] TT - wi Tlfeif tl 3TOT WT T f^il $, TlWtfd
T TTlfT T iJR f I TTTTI Tf| TT^R ^57 ^ t. ^ T tl
TTIT »TIT T^ #1 SQT TPf P fTRJ TTt ^ T^5 T Tt> 3I>ITT
1. TJP TtT P TTI TIT Tfr T tl
2. ^JTI PTT P fTRJ 3TO^1 vf|
3. ^T TIT PI
Ex.implc • 28
Fils person Is n successful lawyer. She practices Independently.
She Is not Interested In getting mattled and Is quite happy being
Tills Is a case where tctrogradc planets ate playing an Important
role In harming marriage prospects seventh lords of D-l, D-9 and D-

Bfl Gu'de Stiri K.N. Rao •:• «nMH ^ tr.^i. ir>

vfr«:4 »h O Sinito VVorr*i Mfi AiVokrzt

V 6 . y Jup Rah
>. VfenSun y' 5
VRah CASE-23
Data of Shallnl
,\ Foma'e
\ 8
X. / Sa«R) 23Sep 1963
4 38 am t*o
Ox / ii luckncw
Kct JX
/ to\ /izX Kei Moon Mars Vcn
/ S?S(R) N f JvtfR) \ Sun
/ OKN V UP \ M«f

Lig Sun Moon Mats Mer vcn Sat Rahu

17*65 OS'S?" 02*23' HUS" 00*23' 2: i2*2a 23*46' 23*55'

\ , S / Vto Rah
\ /s sV ^ /
Log X
y\ / Sun Moon
3 Mars
x • K'avamsha
x 5 Jup &u
10 12 Mor
x/ /
JiipMcr Xf
V Rah
11 1 KW Lng
X Von
/SSun MareXX
\/ \

\JupL:/XN \<0fl Moon fU-l

n \ yX Lag
>< x. Trlrnsliamstia
< iz Sun /
\ Wsi
><\ Jup
3 Sol
Y: Log Sun
yXvocn M^X Mars K«1
10 all are retrograde. Even ihe darakarak. Is retrograde.
Another point worth noting Is the degree closeness between

Oudo Shri K N. Rao •> wxr* ift ^ cr- 87

Woron mi Axt&oq O tfrr^T *tx
Saturn Jupiter And FCihu/Ketu. Saturn Is also aspcctlng Jupiter. From
birth all the dashas have been of retrograde planets.
Birth Chart
Seventh house has no planet but It Is hemmed between retrograde
Saturn arid retrograde Jupiter. Seventh lord Saturn Is placed In the
sixth house aspected by Mars.
Seventh from Moon Is aspected by Mars and seventh from Venus
has Jupiter aspected by Saturn.
Hence In D-l affliction to seventh house or seventh lord and
karaka Venus Is present.
The affliction to seventh house or seventh lord from lagnn, Moon
and Venus continues.
Seventh house Is Influenced by Rnhu/Kctu and Mars, seventh
lord Mercury Is placed In sixth house with eighth lord Moon but
aspected by Jupiter.
Seventh from Moon Is alright but the seventh lord Mars Is caught
In Rahu Kctu axis In the eighth from Moon.
Seventh from Venus Is under mixed Influence of Sun and Jupiter.
- Retrograde planets are controlling upapada. darakarak Mercury and
Darakarak navamsha. Darakarak Is weak, afflicted and about to fall
Into the previous rashl.
- Moon is at deep debilitation degree and In papakartarl. Aspect of
retrograde Jupiter In not very helpful.
- Dasha sequence has been of planets which are unhelpful to marriage.
- For these reasons she Is single so far.
^rfritTTT trqr TFPcl "d 3|TfflvT £l ftraiU V fceHPll ^

5n ^55# "R tTvii TTiti* vjfrpprt tl ^ hTT^I

frnny ^ ^ TyTjii wh v ftfnm TIKI ^ wro
nufl t;i WTTW TTK zm fl "^Tfl ■qni yifi, TITJ tsm
nhj tiff {Tfcpsyi ^1
TtRTfl cini Tft % fc ^ ^ m
trn 7;
tw? 'Tffl !3*lffl Tfpcl ? TRmn TIrT W "R i HUl

M Guldo Shrl K M Rfio ❖ ^ m

O Sinjl* Wom^n and Ajvolofy
W1 ti ^1 *T^ ^ TTWf m WT ^1 ^p: ^ wq ^T -37
fwa i ^ nsfi TTPi ^ t"i
&H ^ zb: il ^<R nra jjiroi wbl ^ ^1 Tr? tl
Troq *nn *n 115 ^3 ^ ^ici U^PT ii fptpti \,VJ P
5P5PT7I fp; ^ T71U i fiVT 3? ^ ^Z t"l
-^Tvfl Wi' H TTT'" WflT^> ^ WoPTK ^mf?! ^ y'Trftm PTPU LvI
WRTTT rrTil rr Pr^ ^ w #T #1 ^ WTOI ^l
- fR? PPFlnfft <i $ nen ^ ^ T| ^1
- WHiMI frpriy pr^ -m TWI
T^i nnrni' 7) !pm feiF sr^ft tpp ^n tjoti

\Vil.W 1 '
!>* l-txn
KolSin CASt-29
DtUof Sfulrn
30Jjnt 1073
05 10

U] Sun Moon Hais Her Jup V>n

Ol'JS U'jr O/W IZ'?** CSW 17MV OSX)?' 0


Sal 1,1 or

Srjio Wonwi Md Aot&OB ® 5 rl-f ^ =«Sf7*


\ S<KI

Example - 29
Hils person Is 35 years old but she |ust refuses to get matrlcd.
Looking at the horoscope the marriage front looks weak. We can think
(hat either she many not marry or she may marry quite late.
A total solar cdlpsc took, place within twelve hours of her birth.
This eclipse rook place In her one/seven axis form lagna and from
Moon. The eclipse becomes even more potent because of the Influence
of Saturn and Mars on It. Seventh lord Jupiter Is retrograde, debilitated
and placed In the eighth house. However, It has the benefic aspects of
Mercury and Venus who arc In close conjunction.
Venus Is well placed with the lagna lord, but seventh from Venus
has retrograde Jupiter and seventh lord from Venus Is caught In the
Seventh house, seventh lord and karka Venus are affflcted. Seventh
from Moon has retrograde Jupiter.
Seventh house Is aspected by debilitated Saturn. Seventh lord
Venus Is also debilitated, but placed with exalted Mercury In the sixth
house. He Is aspected by Jupiter-Mars combination. Seventh from
Moon Is unaffllcted but seventh from Venus has the Jupiter-Mars
- Upapada- Seventh from Upnpada Is Inlluenccd by Situcn and Mars.
D.uakaiak Saturn Is caught In the eclipse.
- Dasha-TIII 2025 dashas are of the planets who arc afflicted, giving
us little hope regarding a happy marriage. Her parents have been
advhed to not to get her married unless she herself Is keen.

Gukto Shrl K N, Rao h Tt

rtir'n «*nT< O i*xU> Wotct and Aarok®

VJilfJl+l tR'ra 35 vn t TT^I ftJTTK ^ fm tm TR 5&T tl
ten Vt thrrftw c^ra ti m ^ i' fr rtm ^5
oT^TOfl^ TK TFruft ? tji 7^ -q far^nj Ji ^jnfT tt
yrr tjKTfF t 7T?ni vz t ^ w 12 »ni ^ w ^
TTF7! tl'U »n 5M'-n ci'^/n^H 'TI^ Tf 'Jiil UII fflViRl'h ^ fti ^51
felfcl ^ Ml Mil Vim vh tFtcil ^RFF ^ ftm TIP? WF MT
"37? ^ TJtTm Wl ¥1 timMVI tR tran t! ^ W^l M fm t'l
ftiT 'fl -qpi ^ ^ ^3 "fl W3 ^ TJJM fttlft M t PKM] TTO
"nMTM M rnjfi {:', ofo ^ni wkiAvi vrPr wn M {fi
"Rntr - xiqiM wt?! -srh ^pr ^i TTOM n" ^
f?T7lf77 - 7r<!M T^TpcfTi fj
-WR-WF; M "3TFT! TTRTM MR <ift. WF aftl WH ^ tifta fl
- ?7n-2025 7FK 'ftfer ^ FT f ^3 IJT3i ftFTTJ M ^»|7^ ^'i 5^.
RT *1^.1 ><« ovi -RHT fe^TF ~.$"l <m<,ui <4i6nl TR TFF FTFFI TTi^l MJI
»h<-U 'illf'i I
Example - 30
This person Is totally against marriage. She runs a petrol pomp In
svtilch she Is a p.irt owner.
Birth Chart
Seventh house cusp Is occupied by Rahu/Kctu axis 4ind by
retrograrle Mercury, Seventh house Is further allllctcrl by the placement
of Sun. Tills combination Is aspected by Saturn from the tenth house,
hence seventh house Is under heavy aflllctlon. Seventh lord Mars Is In
tlte eighth house aspected by retrograde Jupiter and by Moon.
Seventh from Moon and from Venus are Influenced by Mars.
AffflcUoo to seventh house from lagna Moon and Venus continues.
Venus Is In papakartarl and seventh lord Mars Is In the eighth
Affliction to seventh house and seventh lord In D*30 continues.
- Mangal dosha Is present from logna Moon and Venus
- Heavy aflllcllon to the seventh house has turned this lady against

Gueo Shrl K N R»o « ifhtfr «5 91

SnjieVNtxrwn xvi Attrttoz/ O tfirrT? »Jt

l.ton y^- lS3

v-up(Rl/ 2 Ran

Sot Data o! Shalmi
Von 9 Dec 19G5
Sun Wsri

Lag Sun Moon Mer Jup Vcn Sat Rahu

10:S« 23V, r 03^8' I lOW O-iHW' 08ft?y 17=23' nM9'


8 Moon Mef{R)
^ MoonX N
Jup<U) l.tais ^rs

V Mars / 6
gX / L»3Vcn
/\ Rah

wfrsfn iti O SrjW Worr«i md Aar&o&
marrlnsc. A strong tenth house has made her concentrate on her
^ to rrft liife-t-K v afh Tipn n?) "qrctfr tn
TOR TO tllj Tjh] Tffj TO) V Kl TTIM Ft TOt ^>.T iftT TJt}
*fr feel t'j W. Tlft 71 ^ Fl grt TOR TO ^ «K1 TO
TOR71 Wt STTOT r\ fefl § •'ifn ^ TO TOT ^ "^2 Fl
to; m ^pr TOR to WT ^ !ITO $ i\
cto to; q *1 TOR n vra c^t ii
vpr TOTOR ^ h
TOR71 TOe OvTTOt TO *f Fl
TOR TO n TORT! m TO! TO ^ Fl
- hr to vp^ Vt wt h
- STfit Rf^il TOR TO "1 ^ffRn fTOF TO FR fell
-TOt wi to ^ tr« ttoto sti am 'Xc?! ffeii
Example - 31
This lady Is a very competent lawyer, heading her own law firm.
She Is not married and has no Intentions of getting married. She Is very
Birth Chan
Mars placed In the seventh house Is forming Mangol doslia from
lagna Moon and from Venus.
Eighth lord Venus Is debilitated In the seventh house afflicting It
From Moon seventh house Is aspcctcd by retrograde Jupiter.
From Venus - Seventh house Is as peeled by Mars.
Fair .amount of affllcilon Is Seen In D-1.
Mangaf dash a from lagna Moon and Venus Is repeated.
Seventh from lagna Moon and Venus Is afflicted.

Gv'da Shn KH Rto ■> m-k'h < Vap- Ti 93

Snjle VAywi and Aorolejy O ifrrfn vfr^rl )h -^vi

Data o! Shalini
2 No-/ 1953. 16:00
Buria Samba'pur
l«r» wi
^ 7 v l/cr Sun f.lara
Sin Sal Sal Ven

f (KS2S'


Jim Mor


Sin Kel tioon V^r

\fen Mara
*'JVr(! li* P*(l I O S^c1* Wmwi and Ajtfttof]r
b better
Venus Is .s/fllcted but seventh lord Moon Is not.
— She not married beexuse of het demanding career.

•jtiRt'-Hi XJTK m<?j ^mfi wRri vi d itvr wf^ttnfvtT vi

Cl 'f CfjScff
tTwr snq q fr^ra tp^j . nn. ^ zfit ^pr ft wt frv ^ TV ?I
SP2% wq v tv fmr? jfa fifer ^ TV ii
^ ^ wq stpi ^prft 3? ft 5J^ ^t
TpF tt ^T*<n VT?! wi ^ rt? ^1
cFT ^ ifn ^7t ft TfTO tytt yw VI
w7! a?R ^p: ft Tt^q Miti frf^a
TpT ftfet S 'r-nfvi M^t •TiffI
- jftfiFiri q sm ^wrpt ft qtRm fam qvt fftqn

GcOeSttflXN Rao ■> w*tih <ft «n 95

Sir^le WotTrtn Altroloj/ O rfnfn cfhoi »il

An Observation

Shnllnl Dhasmnn.i
It has been observed In m.iny cases that If Jalmlnl darakaraka Is
we.ik or retrograde and afflicted and upapada or seventh from It or
darakarak navamsha Is Influenced by a Jalmlnl rajayoga Involving the
amatyakarak - then the person pays more attention to promoting her
own name, fame and profession rather than getting married. Of course
this Is only an observation and needs more statistical testing but It
seems to have logical reasoning.
In Short
1. Darakarak - weak/retrograde/affllctcd.
2. Upapada/scventh from U.P. /DKN - unducnccd by Jaimlni rajayoga
Involving AmK.
iPPF T? I&II ^31 tpn f fo ^frpfj -3^ tji
^TFl WCTPft HdT?!. TTW1 ^ t f^TR' aRnrt^FTPF ^fl
{t, 5tU W P-vin H ^^1 ^-TPJ -Jtlintn)
r/t'T •?> tfFI 2TRH I^Hrti ? -iTIT f'-ttir- 3TT<-R TIVR
Hs"l I
2. ^ ^ttvl/TCRFKTPn ^RTTl
WRi -q utTifgct fJarro aiiHidi^iw. "HfRivra ^i
Example - A
1. Weak darakxirak Sun.
2. Upapada .aspccted by Mercury (AmK) Juprier (PK) ,tnd Sun (DK)
forming a rajayoga.
Result - the lady Is unmarried at 53 years of «tgc.

M Gtrdfl S^rt K N R«o "> Trtrft K

>.-!ir!rT j-^r scfn O Srtsio Women and Antrology
1. Tp Pl4c111
2. ^ (5n«^no. TP? (H:^n») ^ ^ (^r«^i4) 3^:
inmn <mi
-llRl+l 53 «f>t OTJ cRT 3riWg(l "&l

10 \ R-*"
Log \ ✓
7 '
r.totR) Example *A
^ DK/
' 3 > Rah Von Sal
MconKot Sun

Examplo - B

Rah I Jup


9 >
Sat I0©?

1. Divakarak Saturn Is weak near gandanta and is aspectcd by Mars.

2. Upapada and seventh from upapada are Influenced by Moon
(AmK) Mercury (PK) and Saturn (DK) fromlng a rajayoa
Result - This lady Is a lifetime spinster.
1. KKtoK# Tlft nSRT ^ fW, ^ Wi ^ ^
2. WK cltR '3TT^ TPTFT (SiJ«TiT«) (3®'^'®) tflPi
^ mn
3T^n 3rtWBrl T^l

'P.u'Oo Shrl K.N. Rao <■ ^rftTh m -tfapt' O" 97

S{/>{la WofPoo ttd Aitrotojy O a^TTfn c*jrrd rft -^.Vi
Example -C
. WsnSm A /
Lag 3
</ f«V5on ^ 2 x.
0 X / 11
Ket V' VX
/ 10 \ /12 \ Kol f/ooo Mars Sun
/ Sa'^R) \ ' Jup(R) \ Mer (R)
^ DKN \/ UP \

1. Datakarak Mercury is weak - 0^28'

2. Upapada is Influenced by Jupiter (AmK), Sun (PK) and Mercury
(DK) forming a rajayoga.
Result -Tlie ladylsunmairlcd at 45 years of age with no Intentions
of getting married. She has a successful career.
1. Pi4eiii
2. («i=^nO ^4 (5--^') ^
tMl'l'l ^PTII
vsufi^ 45 zrtf wn sifeenfei ii
Example -D
Moona'W /\
Lag r,V»r(
\ 3 / 2 Rah Jjp(R)
4 \ / L33
yC Rah


8 \
Vam \ /
Sen y\
OKU /g \
v / r.'js

1. Darakarak Moon Is In degree conjunction with GK Jupiter who Is

retrograde and Is eighth lord.
2. DKN Is under the influence of Sun (Amk) and aspected Venus (PK)

08 Guide Shfi K.N Roo O srkxi rS n»

Vrrff l4*n O irjVi Wortwi trd Ajdotc-Cr
who arc forming a rajayog.i.
Result. The lady has no Intentions of getting married.
Plooic note
lalmlnl aspects and JaJmlnl ra|ayogas have been used.
1. '^RTtFTvf) <r-A 'fH TTifcRriroF TT STTncTtfi ^frf, ?ttn ttyfl
2. WFTvTT W7I - Tfl (5TI.JPT.) ^ ^ ^:
Tn-nmr «R1I

^Mr 7| TTTOri Tf] -rm X'l

Code srvi K n Rm •> n.ttiti e txp- n 99

S^fie Vi'oow Ajtrcioj^ O iHrff• nr: -i ( »i|

Examples by Dr. Sarla Prasad

Birth Chart
7th lord Mercury Is with Sun.
Moon Is In Lagrwi and aspected by Saturn.
From Venus - Venus Is In 8lh house and In Rahu/Kctu axis. Venus
Is aspected by Saturn.
7th house has Sun as pec let! by Mars.
7th lord Saturn aspects Lagna.
Moon Is deblilratecl

\. 10 8 / Jup
N. Rah / 9 N\ S
u Lao
CASE-32 Kol
\ Data of Von
Dr. Sarla Pmsad
6 X Fomalo
X Sun tier /
N Rih 18 Sop 1953
/ 13:50
i\y 3 X. / 1 AmOnla (HP)
Jufl yC f.Uira
/ 2 \ / * X. Lag Sat Sun
jT UP Moon f.W

Her Jup Yen Sat R.ihu

HW 02:C6' 29,<5" OZ'45' C8'3r

l.'o-i \*n l.tor

6 " tag

JupSa: N.ivainstia

8 >
^Vx)n Sun
U<Kin Jufi Ktl
vfrjrfri tfrrrt O Slrtjle Wwrrtn md Aiuo!o£/

Venus is In Rnhii/Ketu axis and 7th lord from Venus.

Mcrcuy Is as peeled by Saturn.
7th house is aspccted by Saturn.
7th lord Mercury Is In Rahu/Kctu axis.
Moon Is aspccted by Saturn.
Venus Is placed In 12th house aspccted by Sun.

Ktt Jup Son

6 Tnrshinwhj

Lag Ven Moon

- Uppada Is In 6th house.

- DK Is Sun.
- 7 Pada Is In lagna aspccted by Saturn.
- Note - Moor, Venus and Lagna are afflicted by Saturn.
TI^TCTl -atj tqq ^ -ctpi ?!
ePH if fepl f. Trft ^ ^ tl
tpr oTteq vrra q ? nm TT^/^g pftTv n ii tgvr Tift TT '^i
W* ^ ^ ftsicl t Trq qfTel ^ tl
vT^TI viT TtH ^1
^ CTR Wt *TTq TR fillet £l
^ nftm q i citti TTPphct ^ ^t
TTRPI vra 77 ^
"PPPT7I TI^APg RftFn T\ ^1
^ gKW HP! A' fer! i x^q' TJ? ^ ^ tl
GVde Shri K.N. Rao « tfi ^'Vr- t?» 101
Sirg?a Women i.->d Aizrcfofx O n'rtfti sir "

- 3w; to n fwr
— ^1
- ^ en q t Tl«?I TlfH ^ ^1
— fcujull - ■^T^rni. -(pK tri'"! -(iPt ^ ^Psti ^1
Example -33
Birth Chart
7th lord Moon aspcctcd by Sun.
From Moon 7th house Sun and Mercury.
7th lord Mars from Moon is In Rahu/Kctu axis.
Venus - Is conjunct with Mais and Is In Rahu/Kctu axis.
7th house Is aspcctcd by Saturn and Mais

i/or Ket
Sun Mars
Dnta of
i Dr. Snrta Prasad
UP Female
VerSui 14 May 1933
Indore MP

lag Sun Moon Mei Jup Ven Sat Rahu

10=56 22U0' WSJ' OS'SG' 23U8' 20=22' 03=51'

U>3 r.'ar

KvrCnt jii Wr'H OSin^m Vfamcn md Aivolcjy

(.•« Xel K'oon



7th iotd Venus Is In fahu/Kctu Axis.

From Venus - Venus Is In RAhu/Keru nxls
7th lord Saturn Is In Gth house,
7th house aspcctcd by Saturn.
7th lord Jupiter Is In 6th house. From ftfoon 7ih lord Is In 9th
From Venus - Venus Is conjunct with Saturn and Mars.
- Uppada Is In 4ih house. Mercury and Sun arc placed there.
- From uppada Z"' house has Venus conjunct with Mars and Is In
Rahu/Kctu axis.
- DK Mercury Is wltli Sun,
- Note - Venus Is badly afflicted by Saturn .and Mars .
- It Is in Rahu/Kctu axis.
- She Is a school teacher and her mother did not allow her to marry.
vJ-ZT cqS W?
tr-dAvi ^ ^i
^T^TI fj ^Tiq V tjq t^' fwet ?l
^ ^ fimti?! mm. RftTM v ^i
^ mm v ^ rsfwg mifv q ?i
mm? mq taft mm v ^ ti
m<m7i tp? -qftfM A it
tfp: q ■qmrnn Ttfq, m3 vm q fwn vi

Gjide Shi K N Ras •> if m 103

Smgle v.'onion md Asuctoft O nftr'pi >ti
HR 71ft a ti
ymAvi ^ w 'A" f^-ni in
^pr, V'lPl HMT H'ltl ^ ^1
- WP? Mm M fwn 'Ji g*i vp ijm ^ -srg^ Mm M ftsm
- dWH^ M fsfll'-i Mm 'A ijpo "Cm 'Aid fWcT ^ clfcTI TTg/ShtJ MRFM M "?1
- -^.IF]. gu MW fem '^1
- Tlft tlMl MMH M Mtt^tT i. ^ U^Fg MftTM M £l
- n? Mftcn eft, ark MI' A f^qn? mfT MMA
Birth Chart
7th lord Mcrury Is rctrogr.ide, conjunct with Sun and aspected by
From Moon 7th lord Jupiter Is In 3rd house and aspcctcd by
Mars(R) and Saturn.
From Venus 7th house is aspected by Saturn and 7th lord Is In
Rahu/Ketu axis.
7th lord Mars Is retrograde placed In 7th house with Sun.
From Moon 7th lord Mercury Is retrograde and Is In Rahu/Ketu
N. to 8 y Kof Moon
N. SoiRah
/ 0
it \ / las
/\ K'jfS(R) Data of Ven
Dr. Sarla Pro sad
12 6 N Female
\ l.tef(R) /
Sui jf 27 Se? 1950
X 1331 Jup
3 yX S Konpur UP
\y Moon
/X "''JP
/ A X. Log Stl r/«r|R)
/2 > Ven Ro1* Sun
/ Ket
/ UP \/

lag Sun Moon Mars Her Sat Rahu

ZOMO 10,55' MW Zl'OI" 05M8' 2! 05*3? 01*2?

KM GuUa Shn K N Roo •> m'lsvri iff rra

Mfirfts qfli-T? sh ssftl OSingSe Women end AKrotojy


' 12 ^

Venus Is In Rahu/Ketu cucis and Is confunct with Mercury(R).

From Venus - 7th lord Mercury Is retrograde and Is In Rahu/Ketu
7th house is aspectcd by Mars.
7th lord jupltcr Is In lagna conjunct Iwth Mars(R) and aspected by
From Moon 7th lord Sun Is In Rahu/Ketu axis and conjunct with
Saturn and Mcrcury(R) and placed In 8th house.
Venus Is In 6th house aspected by Saturn.
- Uppad Is in 6th house and Is In Rahu/Ketu axis.
— DK Saturn is In Rahu/Ketu axis.
ytdAvt -3^ ^9?! % -A gtRT f I

Gukle Shri K.N. Rao •:* tnteh si m 105

Sirjte Women and Astro«ogy O sfrtfrs cteS sirc
^sni ^ "ll
•^RCqi £ wmi *Tra 3 t T^' Tlft sift ^jfr WT 73
ti ^pr wq ^ ^ ^z t vpi wft Tr^g ^rftfa •q' "§i
Hkiqvi tth??! q^fr t qqi trtit qra q ijf? q pfr ti
■qqjqi 73 wq?i q^m ■& qqi xs%^ qftfq q ti
■pr TT^/jqg qftfV q qq qqft' ^q $ pq "51
^ q wT?i ^q q^ft ir qq' q&^g qftfq q ti
qqrq qjq qn^i v qi
■qqmr p wq ^ ftqq % q^ qqn qro •q pq t qqi ?ifq "R ?i
"H qqpTTT Tjq w/^fi™g qftfq q sj qqi qq>t gq qq vim q pq
i' «lk 3T^q qra q fera '^1
■pj M'<j qiq q "qfq ^5 ^i
- zqq^ qig qra q qg/^g qRfq q' ti
- WFTTqr Tifq w/^Fg qfttv q ti
Birth Chart
7th house is In Rahu/Ketu Axis And ASpected by Saturn(R).
Moon Is 12th lord placed in I Ith house with Jupiter.
Venus Is conjunct with Sun and Mars In 2™ house
Venus Is placed in 7th house. 7th lord Saturn Is retrograde and
\N. VonBSun . 4 y
^\Mars/ 5
McrtR)\^ Lag Jup
Ran y'sMtlooo CASE-35
Data of
2 \ Dr. Sarla Prasad
\ 8 SalJR) / Fema'e
X UP / 30ct 1942
ii 05:05
9 Arr.rtearPQ
y N>
Ug Sun Moon i
IS'll IC'O^ 21'32" 2' 0

100 GuWo Shrt K N Rao o izfafci sft at

otfMirw ih vifn O Single NVorwi vd Awrokjy

\ 6 4 y/
\ \ Rah X Jup
Lag \ / Jup f/oon Son h'Prs
yS a \ /
2 \ Navamsha
Sun J
9 \/ 11 \yf
Wen ^O.leon
/ U \v. .
/ Ke! \

Mar? .Ve.'(n] Ven M«on

Sal Kot


conjunct with Mars and Jupiter.

From Moon 7th lord Is Venus placed In 11 th house from Moon
7th house Is aspected by Saturn(R)
Lagna and Moon are in Rahu/Ketu axis.
7th lord Mercuiy Is retrograde.
Venus Is aspected by SaturrKR) 7th lord form Venus Is Mars
conjunct with Saturn(R) and Sun.
- Uppad Is In 10th house where retrograde Saturn Is palced.
- 7th lord From uppad is Mars conjunct with Venus and Sun.
- DK Is Mercuiy which Is retrograde.
- 7th pada Is In Lagna and Is in Rahu/Ketu axis.
- Note - 7th lord Saturn Is retrograde. DK Mercury Is rctrogmde
Saturn(R) Is placed In Uppad.

Guide Shrt K.N. Rao *:• w 107

Sktfe Women ind Aarotoiy O vffrrft* >h ^rfrt

-o -^i
^7P?T "C^vl UMiT^yl Miq V ^ TK Tm«l fWH Bl
■^iF vng if ^ xrq wi 3 ^nf ?!
TTCTO ^7m -n f^TcI i'l
UmA^I TIrl ^5ft t T^' vWI WJ ^ •^qRl il
^ wro xjio trqwn w ^ §1
^pF Tt WR W Tflft ^ ^ tl
I-RJ T^' TRTJTT "Ui/^g "'rfjfM n ^'l
«mM^i ^»4 wi li
XpT wt vift ^ T?Z f I
^pF ^ WTO tTTO W! tR T%} ^ Tgtt "gl
- WT^ TOF W "F WT Tlft ^ ^ It I
- V WTO FTTO. ?pF ^ Tpj ^ ^FT fl
- STCPFRiF ^>1 td^l ft I
- WR cTR fWF fl
- •fexwr-^TK ^Svfl WT TJtt'f T\ ^"l <RS Ftfp {tl
Birth Chart
7tl) lord Saturn Is In 6th house and aspcctcd by Mars.
\tn{R) t.'a
. Sun
V s /
Data of
Dr. Sarla Prasad
15 Scp 1359

Li i) Sun Moon Man Her Vtn Sat P.ahu

29!56 28r-03' OZ'Si1 iz'ar 2S*2<S 07*4;' O?'!^ 10'42'

108 Gtkle SW K.M, Rao 4- ■^lo^i ra

ifirVl "rt?rt kit mi"! OSnflo VVtonwn irx) Aitrotot/

/ 1*3


Sun Woe K»t


Man Moon J»ip



f.V* Rail

From Moon, 7th house has Venus(R) con|unct with Mctcuty «ixxl
From Venus - 7th lord Saturn Is aspectcd by Mars and Venus Is
7th lord Mercury Is as peered by Mars.
Moon Is In Rnhu/Kctu axis and is aspected by Mus.
Venus Is retrograde and conjunct vdth Saturn.
7th lotd Venus Is retrograde and conjunct with Saturn.
Moon Is aspccted by Siturn. Mercury and Sun.
7th lord from Moon Is VcnusfRJ, conjunct with Saturn.
- Uppnda Is In the 4th house and 7th lord from uppada Mars Is In
Rahu/Ketu axis.
- Uppnc! lord Is Venus(R) conjunct with Sun and Mercury.

Gatdo Shil K ll Rno <• wVnft ^ tn

SrjU Woman vuj Aiirofoty O air

- DK Moon Is placed In 8th house.

— Note - Karak Venus Is retrograde. Moon and Venus are afflicted by
o ^
Tifi trg mhi n fern t vp nro ^ 72 ii
it wn tnq TRfen i ntrr ^ gnn ^1
tpr wfe ^rft, wt rR ^ ^1
Tfetvr fjy wi ^ ^ ?l
w/^ "TftP-T ^ wi it ^ h
^pr ?i1n "n iti
Trfem rjpr t fe Tlft TT V'l
^r?fRi. tpt" ^ V? i^z vi
-srcrqr ^ mfen ^ v T^' ?ifR -n ipn ti
- ^rv^ TT «w<i trc! nfr nftfu n {:i
- nq r^TRT ^pr. Tjn n^rr ^tr 7) "^i
- tui^Kvi TT^rin trra vf fen $1
- ffenxfr- nnmr tgqr qqft i' ntn fe ^pr. ttPi it nlfen ki
Example -37
Birth Chart
7th house Is in Rahu/Ketu axis. 7th lord Mars Is In 6th house with

Dr. Sarta Prasad
5 Female
(.'erSui 14 Sep 1946


Ug Sun Moon Sat Rahu

04*24 ZBW 10*33" 11*59' 22!26'

110 Guldo Sliri K N. Rao <• cr+nli *1

tit y&tl OSinjk S'.'onwri lid Ajtroto)^



S 7




' 7 >

Sth loid Jupltt-r ,ind 6th lord Venus.

From Moon 7th house has Sth lord Mars and I lord Jupiter.
From Venus - Venus Is conjunct with 7th lord Mars and 6th lord Jupiter.
7th lord Sun Is conjunct with 8:h lord Mercury.
Moon Is In Rahu/Ketu axis. 7th lord from Moon Is Stturri conjunct
with Mars.
From Venus 7th lord Sun Is conjunct with Mercury In I I tlr Itousc.
7th house Is aspccted by Mais and Saturn.
7th lord Mars Is In IZrh house conjunct with 8lh lord Jupiter.
From Moon 7th lord Mercury Is conjunct with Sun.
7th house Is aspccted by Saturn
Moon Is In 8th house with 6th lord Venus.
- Uppad Is In 12th house Its lord Mars Is nfflletlrtc; Venus and Jupiter

Guide Sftri K ft Rao <• Mi'rra «: m

Sirjlfl Woown and Astrology O «?rrfra uftrrf sif
In 7 th house.
- DK Is Mars placed In 6th house with Jupiter and Venus.
- Note - 7th house, 7th lord of Birth Chart, Navamsha, Trlmshamsha,
are under Influence of 6-8-12 lords.

wq qra qftfe q ti
Trcmr wi w qra q ^^^i ^ ^ fF-rq ti
^ fraq nra q sreq?! qhcr giKvl^i ^ f^r ti
^pn wytA^i H'lcl Tjq qt^TT "J? ^ ^Ji+cl ^1
TjtJ. 37^771 jjv it ti
■q^qr w/^qg qftfq q ti
q^qr it wi it -gtra ^i
^jgr cTR q feR t qq' q umOvi 7j4, -gq R ttim nra
q fqro %\
qqrq qrq qnd qq' Tift ^ ^ ii
wr ?r<7T qiq ^ tp q (?i
^q^qt q qraqq IM. ^ q gqq "^i
qqrq qrq vift q ^ id
3iRq qra q m'-Jvi ^pfj q "gq?! ?i
- "3qqq "Srti qrq q fwfi ti wtq qn wfi wr, ^ trq qff qqrq
qrq q qifsq ti
-qnrqnw wi qtg qra q ^ tpf q
- fsttpft-qqqi qra qqmq qqi qqf q areqq ^ ^rq?i q
qtfeq ti
Birth Chart
7th house Is in Rahu/Ketu axis.
Moon Is In 7th house Is aspected by Saturn and Mars.
7th lord Jupiter Is in 6th house.
From Moon 7th lord Mercury Is with 6th lord Sun and 8th lord
Venus and aspected by Saturn.
Venus Is conjunct with Sun and Mercury and aspected by Saturn.

GuiCo Shri K,N. Rao v irfrfa «f) tfar* ot

nf^rcfn vN VVom^n and AjctoJo^/

• \
Dd!3 Of
Or. Sarla Praiad
21 N'w 1S50
03 00
12 Doihl
RVi Moon

Lag Sun Koun Man Kei Jup Vcn Sat Rahu

UU7 zaw 2«W t7'5*' IS'*]' OS'IO" OS'J?' OO'SO' OJW

KJh fJavamilu


7th lotd (VWs Is aspected by Satum.
From Moon 7th house Is In Rahu/ketu axis.
Venus Is conjunct \s1th Sun and Is In Rahu/Ke:u axis.
Venus and Moon are In 1/7 axis from each other.
Svurn Is pU^ccd In 7th house with Venus and aspected by Mercury.
Mercury Is the 7th lord placed In Lagna and aspected by Saturn.
Venus Is conjunct with Saturn.
- Uppad Is In 6*.li house where Jupiter Is placed DK Sun Is aspected by
- 7th pada Is In 5th house. Its lord Saturn Is In Rahu/Kctu axis.

Guldo Ssn K N. Ra; <• ^ n t13

Singlo Women and AssroJojy O irftT-.Jf sji Tcrftpi

2 >
Rcfi Sun


Mars Ket


fRR •m Tf tl
^srm wn MFI ■cf Tift trg' Tfire 3 ^ Ji
TJ? to ^ fwH h
Tl TO^n ^ TTT^T ^ TT^ 5T^47( "^sF ^ ^RT ^ T^' ^
¥*■ &
^ ^ ^ ^ vifi "n ^ £i
TOThn wi. Tfrft ^ ^ ti
"t w-tih Mra 'trfrfV A iJi
^JsF, Tf? ^ t TT^/sri^ HllfU tf tl
TpK TR -TOR A tl
TOq KR A ^ift, VI^ ^ t T^' -qp A tl
erq A Swa i T^' Tifq "t ^ ti
^sb, Ttlfq tl "g^RT ti
- wr; to irra A ^ A; Tiry fee ti
- ^RRPITO IJff. Tilt A fZ tl
- tor ^ wi qra A feci t b^i wfi wfr ?rft. trs;/^ qfei A ti
- feFn-W<Fr -^o, ?lfq A qjftcl tl
Birth Chart
M«\rs Is in iagna and aspectlng Moon and Jupiter In 7th house
From Moon 7th house has Mars 7th lord Saturn In Retrograde,

Guide Shri K.N Rao *> rri

afitt.'w 5?rt wifin OSin^'e Women and Aatrolo^c

Sun Kot
UP Data of
Dr. Sarta Prasad
Lag IBApril 1956
Mars 02:20
4 Lucknosv

Lag Sun Moon Mars Ker 3up Ven Sat Rahu

25!50 03W 08!35 I7S13 23'! <' 20!t)8* 08'29' 15'39'

^\. Mor . « X
/ 8 ^
/ Rah ""vx Navamsha
Sun Kot p
/ ^
9 11
,0 XlZN.
/ \ X Jup \
\/ Mars \
and In Rahu/Ketu axis.
Venus Is In Rahu/Ketu axis, aspected by Saturn{ll) from 7th house
from Venus 7th lord Mars Is aspected by Saturn{RJ.
7th lord Saturn(R) Is conjunct with Mercuiy and aspected by Mars
from 8th house.
Moon Is conjucnt with Venus In 12th house and 7th lord from
Moon is SaturnfR) and Is aspected by Mars.
Moon Is exalted and placed In 7th house, aspected by Jupiter.
7th lord Venus Is placed In 3rd house.
From Moon Jupiter Is placed In 7tli house and aspected by
SaturnfR) from 11 th house.

Guide Siiri K.N. Rao ■> -.'Itith si w 115

Slrvfclo Women ind Asi-otegy 0 Klrfrt sh =^5n

Rah Sua Moon

Tr mshamsha

M«f Lag

From Moon 7tli lord Mars Is conjunct with Sciturn(R) and Is In

Unhu/Ketu axis.
Venus Is placed In 3rd house, and Its dlsposltor Saturn Is
retrograde conjunct with Mars.
- Uppad Is In 2nd house and Its lord Saturn Is retrograde conjunct
wllli Mars.
- 7th lord farm uppad Is Sun conjunct with Mercury.
- DK - Moon Is palced In 7th house with Jupiter aspected by Mars.
- Note - Venus Is afflicted by Saturn(R).

fte nn m Tf t^fci t. twi ^ t wi ^ ^ ^

Tpl %l
« wr ^ n fp-ra t ^ ?iPI ^ % aih
it fi
Ti' ^ rim VR ti ^RRT TTp? 5m ^2 i'l
it wktM^i itnei. ^RI ti
^n<mi Tift cfTffr f TTC?. ^ ^ wf ^^
tjjg; tj "2^? fii^i ^TTcf ~*i ft I
tt -Hkptvi -wi ^ra -<??■ ^i
TTRrd ^im "R it <^!>£ "ol
ip<m tpr tf fwn ti

Guide Shrl K.H. Rao •> RFirfh vl ^cl. w

vfWTl OSirxte Women Aatroiofy

^ n? Tr<w tra q mra t tnri vift pn ^FKTI ^ ^

^ ti
TRjin ^ TTCPTTI ^rici w ^ $ TJH' q^Tj ^fcTu q ti
dT <^ihI TTpT ^TvHT -i'tvi ^ ^'wi ijl
- felP1? MPI fWtl "f ri'Mi 5ti<T>l «rQi'tl ?if-i ^ HJl rffRI 7? yRi
- V TF<m7I Tf}, ^ UTT tl
- WWK fT^Fl FR q^f "fl ^ ^ tf^ RRI Y'' ^
- fqquft-TSTWr ypo TWi ?R1 TTfcT tl
Birth Chart
S^ium Is placed In 7ili house and aspecis Mtx)n In ?tic 9!h l>ousc,
7!h lord M.iis Is placed In 6th house wlih Rahu Sun and Mercury.
Mars Is aspectlng Moon and Lagna.
hVxxi Is aspcctcd by Mais and Saturn.
Venus Is placed In 8th house. 7th lord from Venus Is Mercury,
who Is conjunct wfrh Sun. Mars and Is In Rahu/Kctu .axis.
7th lord Moon Is placed In 8th house wlrh Jupiter and aspected
by Sun.
From Moon 7th lord Saturn Is placed In 5lh house Venus Is
aspectcd by Mars.

V UP /
\X 12

/ x
J 11 \
X N /
• x / 8
ae y>( Saf Vi
Vcn Sat
/MaraStnN -<£\
' ie#> r.<ci \/

Lag Sun Moon Mots Mer Jup Von Sat Raliu

OPAJ U'Jf JC'JB' OlMl" 19!14' 24!25' OOW IS'O?' IJ'ir

Guioa ShriKtt Rao <• «rturf» e zz 117

SJntit Womto mi AurcJoc O •s^Hr'n A'ifii »t(

Rah Vtn
12 >
Rnfi l.tar


Mart KqI

2 \vcn Mj/s Sot Ven Log f.'.or

Man Kfti
Kel/ Lag


Sun Moon

DeblllUied Moon is placed In 7th house and aspected by 7th lord
Venus Is conjunct with Mars In 12th house.
— Uppad is In 12th house In Rahu/Ketu axis.
— DK Venus is In 8th house.
— Note- Moon Is afflicted by Saturn and Mars. It Is debilitated In D/30.
tnft ttctc w? v' f&m t Wf "Wn ^ wi tn^r ^ ti
Jiwvi w? rpg TTO tf fwri v 13?? ijjf •atn ^ ^ ^Ri Tnt/^5
^ 3 *Si
iPTfl. TTN T^' HR ^ T^r Wi 71R Tift 5RI ^2
ttror jtrr w? $ fara ii XF ^ wro hm, Tj!? rtvi it igm

G'jkJo Shrl K_N Rao <■ 'S tru

Kfrrfil tftKi OS**!1-* Woowi ind A.itrolojy

i titn Tftfa ■&!

TTO^I "^RT^n zpzn fwa ? qn' ^5 ^ i, tim ijq ^ra ^
n W47i 71ft w? \m n fwa ii vpi. wi sra ^ ?i
U-^Hl MIM tFI TPtHI VR ^ ft5??! ? Tj^ TP^PTTl fiR!
^pr sm vw q wi ft -yit! ^1
- -3^ irr^ w ft u?^ ^ftft? ft ^1
- WFIFo ^p? MR! ft fwa i I
- ftwftr-'T^Mi. ftTcr Tiftr ft ftifta ft twi f^trm ft ftra fti
-Birth Chart
7ih lord Mercury Is Relrogr.vlc, conjunct with 6th lord Sun and
aspccted Saturn, Mars and jupltcr(R).
NVjon Is In the 6th house, 7tli lord from Moon Saturn Is .tspcctcd
by Mars.
Venus Is In Rahu/Kctu axis. 7tli lord from Venus Is |upltcr(R) and Is
placed In 8th house from Venus.
Lagna lord |upltcr(R) Is placed In 7 th house. 7th lord Mercury Is

Loq l.tar*

CASE *41 ,.Va(R)

Data ol j^io
Or. Sarta Prasad
. ,r,.
JuiKRI 11 Auo' 1926 Moon
22 00

1*3 Sun Moon Marj Met Jup Ven Sit Rihu

zrw 25,:<' z?*!?' ti'jr is'at* z^ss' 29,i7' zs'si' jj'it'

CAcXj San K N. Rao ❖ rrtoti ^ e* 119

Sinjls\Vt>m«n md terolojy O JiPrtirn -Ttwr -ti? fifw

\ Rah / 12 Lao Rah

JX / Uvj


WeriR) Kct Jop(R)


. 9
\ Mars


Lag Sat
Mars Sun Ven
Kd Jup<R) Moon
retrograde conjunct with Moon and .ispectcd by Saturn.
Moon Is conjunct with Mercury(R) who is 7th lord also and
aspcctcd by Saturn.
Venus Is conjunct wlthSaturn and aspcctcd by Mercury!R) and
7th lord from Is Venus is jupltcr(R).
7th house Is aspcctcd by jupltcr(R) and Sun.
7th lord Venus Is In 12th house conjunct with Saturn and Moon.
7th lord From Venus and Moon Is Mars Is In Rahu/Ketu axis.
- Uppad Is in 4th house, where Venus Is placed In Rahu/Ketu axis.
- 7th lord from Uppad Is retrograde Jupiter(R) placed In 8th house
ftom uppad.
- DK Is Mars Is placed in 2nd house In Its own house and aspcctcd by

120 GuVle Shrl K.N. Rao ■> Rhlui-1 (ft m

K'mV uTrM »t> Kfrt O Women jnd Aszi&Off

- Note- Influence of retrograde planets Is ptedomlriam.


^ ^ tlUI ^ ^ ^ t^' 7lft. q'tf^ fl,n 7^

IfP 5R1 7? ll
trrg tTHI fP-Ta "Jl
tr^n Tf Ti^n Tift, wi ^ -Ji
XT'" vRfu ^
XfiR ^ TT^mi tp: rraft t XJEf 3P^7 tuq V fwij fi
tpr TfTta tm ^ f»fa i T^' iraft
'trewTi ^ ^ ■gaa t xtf Tifa 3 ^ ti
TfrcPTTl nTffi ^ ^53 ^ t£l' TlPf l^TI ^ tl
XT*. Tift ^ "5^ ^ ^ -aann 3 ^ $i
Xp; A Tra^Ti xp? ^ ti
wpq vjrq yj? gRi £r
"^RTRI Xt -TRIRTJ tTTH Trg/% irftfy q "Ji
- vm R xp* ^ ^ ^5/^3 ^ $1
- H ^71 IP? T3>i t Vji 3TOrq tnq ^ ^1
- wmn? TTvt TIT T fFir $ T?f vift BRI 72 Si
- f^qofl-T^ TBY TH UTIT SifTnr Si
Example -42
Birth Chart
7th Lord Moon Is In lagna with 6th lord Mercury.
Venus Is conjunct wlthSun and Mars In 2nd house and aspected
by Stturnffy.
7th lord from Venus Is Sun. placed with Venus and Mais and
as peered by Saturn(ft).
7th lord Moon Is .tspected by Venus.
From Venus 7th lord Mars Is aspcctlng StturnfRj and Is also
ospcctcd by Ssturn(R>.
7th lord Mars Is In 8th house conjunct with Sun 7lh house Is

G-Jd# Shri <>J, R«o « «l«l«i^ < 73 121

SkijWV.'omon ard Aiuotoi/ O i*rf^ air *fn

s.l.'ora ^

Data of
Dr. Sarta Prasad
Log 25 Feb 1£M9
Moon tM.25
h'j* Knnpur UP

Jop Kel

Lag Sun Moon Ven Sat Rahu

02'27 1?'52' lO^O' OOHH' OQ'JS' OJ'Sl'

(.lart hloon Rah SallR)


Kel Von

Lig Von


.xspccted by SAturn{R).
Fiom Moon 7th house Is aspected by Mars. Moon is in Rah/Kct

122 Guido Sari Rao 'plTrft s-t w

>iT MCin OSrtj** Wtyryrn and AstoIog^

Venus Is In 2nd house and as peered by Sun and ftVus from 8th
- Uppad Is In 12th house.
- DK Is Venus con|unct with Sun and Mars and as peered by Saturn(RJ
from Srh house.
THsPTT? V WTT ^ ^Ttl ^1
ftcfrq vnq T| ^ "3 ? tim IvFf) TlPl URI "pZ ^1
^ ^ TTFFfrl ipr tjc?' Wi V -pra t Tpi Tlft pi !tl
"FFPhfi wn ^pr SU! ^
TpT "H TFcTFTI TTTO. Ylft P T^Z T51 ^ VP ^njfl Tlft. TFTfl
tiit "pi TiT TFT \)l
■?F<TF7l FFFI 5TOTT MTO 3 Tjn ^ P?l ^1
■g^T if tl
H wf qm. wi (To ti
^pr fpk STT7J n Tj4 TTq' xfticT -gra 3TOq vnq fl ^|
- ET^fl MFI ^ fwa i\
- WfiTOH ^pi. TO TOTcl TR pd t 8TO 3FTO STTO ^ ^-J?} Tlft ]TO
^ h

Ouido Shrl K N. R»o •> 5?^ 123

Sing1* Wamtn and Ajcrology O

iTmcTt Tra
1. ^ ^ wm T} wren m ^ vw m -qr Tifi
qft wi ^ ?1l
2. Tt^fR *Tra I'I q-Ft TJF, -q^, ^l, ^^1 UF TiY^ra *Y ^1
3. cTR, ^JRl, ^vF ^ Wf xf^(| xnfOTI
4. fefrq ^ ti. ^Wj'MW cir ^ fstfrq ^ih
^T?7i Rf^a tii
5. tlTFFT^ TFifT 17?, -vJTPF; TJ tim TW, H Tr<R FT ITiFi w fafil til
6. irlPi H'lcl TJ? r|t}l ^pr «FT ^frll
7. tjq 31^ ^RRI H 7ffH -si-1 TSt-1), ^i-30 iftti "q tii
8. fgdWl ■jTFT TH fefR q TRR q ^fi W fWH til
9. 'qqR TPI q ^F, ftqa ^ Trti' qfi ?fe ti
10. cP^I, ^7 TJF^T «R q fC*T7l tl
11. ^RT^rei TF7 H^Fl ^^371 -gfH qRFJ W q fttm til
ii "ti-i, '51-9, "ti-so q aroq qra qifsn (hr, ^57 q) hr,
yr^n q qqnn fjjara, f^l^i trftTi tii
dTfcTqiftTT TT^ ^ ^37 "-KTTR
1. HiHiNltb WRfPlfrt'll tt ^KWII
2. Pi-4i MlR^lR'fi Rll^lrtlW ^ ^iTRll
3. ^rq^?, q-qqi, ^Pi "tRi qirrn
5. ftV^tTT, FThn qwni
(1. TTmRqr RFj^TRfn 0*1 XK qrrrni
7. •1'°^ S.RrfnTISTI/qjtqiniUnSTT Xn qnRll

174 Guida Slwl K N. Rao <» vferti ^ »*

yirrfn trrrf Jtt y&n Os^Vs Wtx-w jtkj Aic/doir


Oraupadl Kal
t. Close degice of Saturn and Venus, and malefic Influence on
Venus, or conjunction of Saturn and Venus and aspect of Mars.
2. Ileirogtade planet In 7th house, 7th lord rcirograde, debilitated
or combust, retrograde planet In rashyanta.
3. Sth house, Sth lord afflicted from Moon and Venus.
4. Affliction on 12th house and 2nd house, also alfllctlon from
uppad and Darakarak.
5. Darakarak retrograde, retrograde planet In uppad or In seventh
house ftom uppad.
6. Conjunction of Saturn, Mars and conjunction of Venus and Moon.
7. Aspect of Saturn on Sun and Moon In all three D/l, D/9 and D/
8. 2nd lord combust and retrograde planet In 2ml and 7tli house.
9. Venus and Mercury placed In 7th liouscand aspected by maleflcs.
10. Debilitated lagna lord, and 8*.h lord placed in I 2th house.
11. Conjunction of lagna lord and sixth lord In 12th house In birth
12. Sth house afflicted in D/l, D/9. and D/10 from lagna. Moon and
Main Causes of remaining Unmarried
1. Social circumstances.
2. Self or family helplessness.
3. Hrahamchaiya. Sanyas or Muni Yog present In the horoscope.
4. Engaged In Social Services.
5. IJodlly deformities.
6. High ambitions.

GuUfl Stin K N Rao v *i7fT7ta •.*! V.<o- t* 125

S*>(4<« VVocren ind AscroloQf O =flcr?

^(ciciif^d MI^HI aflr

3^T WQ

?flV ^ TrafeiT ^ ?rrofei1T ytJiHl )! <?>I
#n t ^ ^ 'fm ^ftw "0^ nnvT ^ Tift MVWK T|Rna'
^TI ^rt ^ Ti^t^af ijfq^n ti
^TTtfra Tjfl^n hH -xwd TTJtTFWt F^i ^ t «l*JFq ^1
TffiTH ^pcft 3T^ ym t t ^*1 5^1, ^Vf TfZ 3TTOT ^
*1TOI ^ T^fvrai ferrcii th Tqferm WRR TOFR.
fTOTcRh -gfe ^Kl TT^W ^ VJH ^ <tROT TO R % 3F2R TO tR
^3 nsi ^n 3;to R IT^RM wt^R. toIFR ^ tt(«re ^FRRTI
iTTOfqTT T?q' r^dlRid!, ^ 3TTO TO 3TTOW TIF
^cirai ^1
^TFT^I* «ri ^Rto m Tiin w, R| m&i t f^vdMM
^FTR FT TTR FTCl t ftr RfF^lsfl' F fFFTF ^ t^S! FftlwfTRf 3TTO TO
^ Ftfeif TO FT TOR ifcfT ■&" FftRI3ff Rl F 3T^F TO FTOF
TKfFcl TO t fTOTF -£ TRF F tfct ftFR WTO. eTOl. FFKT F TTRpF
F arfcdTO TOTnTftR TO t FTT TO FH ftf^FF TTO F FRTFi T^ "{pn F
3F5F FTF TOFF^FRt. TORI <^5ell. fiRIRI •(jSetl TO vl'+T TO F^ ^1
TOF ^ TOFF - TTR ^ 3FFF TO Flftfer ^13 VIRm+ FTO TOFF
Vrfa TO TFml ?Ft TO F fc3^ TOI tl
^rihl 3fR ^ifFFTfgF T?^ TO fFFR TO5FI F TOFF FJF tl

l?(I G'jWo Slii K.N. Rao v crfTTR A >%•<■(■

Kfxi O Slrrj*® WofTw xxi Asirotojy

Tjrr ^ - ^pr ?t ixzivn ^ ^pr H sfTir^fri TO^I ^ ai

arf^rfFa Tra nfi ^Fi % "snffr^n Vi ^ttttttcFK Prnfer Trrvpr
^fun tfr'i uft 7^31 FI i ^ ^ x^T Vt TKTO
^pa tp] tft Tnxq wi it stwi musiPh {^iiai i rp* ^ ar^q
via -n^iV<i a'pft' nqr qrfsa TI ai qftw xprra q ^prpn
wrma qrrai $i
an 3TfMcTTiiJ3Tt' tnn Mi^.'+./'-jisfi'^ nT"! stfrqifta Tinfi KI
q sraq ipTi'RJ qtf^TI tpTRTl WTTTTI TJ TT^RJ ?) T\) Tf^l^l'
aft iTRn'yi^ ^ -aral t feni aw>Tqi ura rr) rfi
ijtat a am -JTRrfutfi >-H aqr^r n q RI^T am TIRTTO m'l a^Hn
mrat ^ iTfiKrrftn wr tpfi *R ml mftt fi-p), apft^'pIrK
am ipini mi ^wrta PhtWn mrrit k <«m ^ |pi v f^f^R TM
mi tirm aTFiff'ra ami mmi t\
ft>frai, nriai m mrmi arfamfaa t?. mra*T f:i
qfaei mi tfJsHi q armn mmq q ai am summftmfa arm q
rgdmvi m mq ai qtrfi mi trma t qrmq qmqTi qiq mfsa ai
m »m mi mq'i ftmmj mfrm m mm {mrna mff ai vmii
Tnfifrm Ri^ii'wi rtr nm
CRti aasmi am armmti ah qqimn m arTii' q wmi ^la ai
mrfirm mi mrj tpi aim ■?; Tp mn: m^qi <n tiPi qfi ^jfe ipi afo mvpn
v v ipr mr iTrnqq ai m viifiRm qmfam fmmirmn m mm
arTeraiffeii m "^fi
TiTRTRR q qflmnw qft Rra q msTftm qfi Tiiq mi rnmpm fprnma
^rf tiVmnO mrii ai tpwt ak m iTmpimrai mr Tjm qmci
mmi siftqifaa Tarn ti ?rfmq oimn aiftqai q iifmiq mi qq mr
maqmh q arft a mi vf:q qf^m ga mmm m^^.fii mi qmi ai
qftmr q imm oi^cfi sr^mfaa aam macii ^i

Gut<k> Shrl K N. R»o <• 'c^i £ z* 127

Single Women vid Ajcrolcgy O nfrrfn nrtd;il A

Single Women and

Eighth House

Oraupadl Ral
Planet signifying 'R.i|slk and Tamslk' nature of women, depends
upon of "yoga and lihog' that Is Mars and Venus. These plancls
(accelerate) activate world by desires and therefore their role Is very
Important In a female horoscope.
In Indian society prosperity and happiness of a woman depends
on her 'Saubhagga* or wellbeing of her husband, "Saubhagg" In a
woman's horoscope Is seen from eighth house. Eighth house with
benefic planets In It and aspected by bcncflcs, Indicates happiness.
Individual's assessment Is made by polite behaviour, wise thinking
and unblemished character, this Is seen by (associated) well aspectcd,
well connected eighth house. Malefic, inHucncc on eighth house shows
dependence and miseries, which may be destructive for a woman.
Uncontrolled luxurious life, lack of self discipline and secret or unearned
income is also seen by eighth house and planets placed In it.
Researches, from different angles, on female horoscopes show
that conditions .against marriage are created if eighth house Is afflicted.
Eighth house shows auspldousncss of the horoscope. Customs
traditions, modesty and dignity Is seen by eighth house.
Eighth house should be analysed from Lagna. Moon and Venus
In Rashl, Navamsha and Trlmshamsha chart.
Eighth from Lagna - Physical happiness, longevity, good or
bad Itealth. wealth, relationship with family and fate or luck Is seen by
this house.
Eighth from Moon — afflicted 8th house 8th lord shows mental
tension, conflicts, mental actM ties (indination) associated with marriage
12ft Gu-de Sf.ri K.N. Rao ■> tfc tsi
Jdnripi tiVrt ».lI Women >ndAart)!ojy
desire of solitude <vid thought of remaining single seen from this
house only.
Eighth from Venus - If 8th lord from Venus Is In degree coojunction
with Venus - there arc chances of remaining single. TIk: lady will have
tendency towards emotional Indifference for marriage, wants to lead a
pious life of celibacy and ascerism.
Malefic Influence on Venus may give vcncral diseases, dlslrooour.
and disgrace. If eighth house Is afflicted In D/l, D/9, D/30 the lady
leads a lonely life at a secluded place.
If with afflicted 8th house there Is association with I Ith house/
11 th lord - the lady will have high ambitions and will not marry In
order to fulfil the ob]cctlvc.
They become too ambitious and ate not satisfied even after great
achievements. In ordct to cam more money they neglect all established
customs and traditions. To get ancestral property, they remain
unmarried. To earn money at any cost they use unethical means
addiction, use modesty without hesitatlan as they arc attracted towards
various means of secret earnings.
Some remain single due to poverty. If Lagna lord Is In 8ih house
and 8th lord In lagna with 2nd lord Indication of poverty Is there. If 7th
lotd Is combust, debilitated or afflicted the matrlagc Is not performed
due to poverty.
Physically handicapped or diseased
IF Lagna lord. 8lh lotd and 7th lord arc on same degree or
con|oliK"d together - (he lady will house some disease. If Sun and
Moon arc aspcctcd by Saturn and either of the two Is 8th lord - she
will remain single due to physical or mental handicap.
These days their thinking and attliude has become enjoying life.
They want to become beautiful and look attractive to be a model and
remain single. They sell their modesty and chastity to earn more
money. Greed or money, physical enjoyment become the way of their
life and they like to remain single away from the family.

Guide Sh:i K N, Rao •> atfoh cl c* 120

Sinfla Women ind Asrrotojy 0

Examples by Draupadi Rai


\ s e y
r.'ars y/ /\
7 S.Jup t.'ay
l/oon SatlR)
e \/ U3
Sun CASE-43
/\ Data of
A \. Draupadi Rai
10 von y Female
/X\ 30Aug 1969
\ 10:15
11 1 Delhi
Rnh SaSiR) \X
x x
'12\ X 2 \ Mar) lag
/ \x \

Lag Sun Moon Mais Mer Jup Ven Sal Rahu

OS'J?' 13!12' 1S!H' 2W orsr 07!50, 1S!26' 27'41

Ju? I Rah
9 '
Ket i.Vxm


She Is beautiful educated. Selfearnlng and belong to respectable

family. She Is very religious and vlrtous.
These are the main features of horoscope.
From Lagna - 7th house has 5th lord Saturn. Siturn Is debilitated
and retrograde. 8ih house Is aspected by Mars and 6th lord.
From Moon- 8th house from Moon Is aspected by retrograde
From Venus - Rahu Is placed in 8th house from Venus and aspected
hy Sun and Mars.

no Gorfo Shrl KN. Rao * n'ar'.-r wr

wlrrt' X'lTi iN »e!rn o VAxn«n rtd Anrok>2r

\xjpM«*y' \\ f.'JfS Jvft Kel
1 \/ L«J 9
K»1 X


/■ 7
Kel Rah

Moon iind Kctu circ placed In lana.
Sun Is placed In 8th house. Sun Is a separative planet.
From Moon - Sun Is placed In 8th house from Moon.
From Venus - 8th house from Venus Is not afflltcd.
She had many affairs but none of them materialised.
Laijna Is aspectcd by Saturn, exalted and dcbintatcd planets arc
placed In 8th house.
Karak Venus Is debilitated, 5th lord Is exalted and aspected by
6th and I Ith lords.
From Moon - Rahu Is placed In 8th house from Moon.
Moon Is with Jupiter and aspected by exalted debilitated Vcnu
and Mercury.
From Venus - from Venus 8th house Is aspected by Mars.
8th lord from Venus Is Mars.
- Uppad - 2nd house from uppad Is aspected by Sun and Kctu.
- Saturn Is placed In 8th house from Uppad.
- Da r a karak - Rahu Is placed In Sth house from darakarak.
- Main features—
- Lagna and Sth lord Venus are In same degree.
— 7ih house has retrograde Saturn.
— Sun and Jupiter has same degrees.
- Sth house from lagna, Venus and Jupiter Is aflllctcd.

GukJe Sum K N Rao <5 utap. 131

Sirjfe Womtn «nd Aitfofcc O aifrfrS >ti

^fra^i ti^iPid ^fw( "gftiftra T^f^ra UH ^Tn gicft ^
wmal. mfife TWt' Tin Xfr^ ^TcO "gyflB ^fecTT h
e^ScTI fe Tf T^n ^ %l
cF4 w? irm tf tR'hi ?ifa ^ «itn qgft t CTR ^
3T^ ^ WI ciw ^7 ^2 \'\
- TrT^I Tl SPOT ura Xft Tlpt (^Ivfft) ^2 ^|
it - -^iFr ^ STOT K TTg few "qji 'IfITcl ?N" 5^ wt' Rt tfiz
wn -q q f?sR £ STOT *7iq q qi? Tjq
fRTcT fl
■qqjqi q- vR^ti q SPOT?*? ?I
i\~ ^po q spot ■•tp? pt pjc tjpp? qrn' ti
^nfiPFT PP w? TT^RT Tft fqPTP ^ TT^I Plff? PPT 3?PfPjui PI
TFT. fenp P^T gam
frpfiRT ppq 7?fq pp p«n vjfq q % fiPtUTi HR ^ SPOT PR q TOT
qh? TIP fep? f fqqiF RTPn ^ TPP ^ P POT?! PP TOT ftsflb t POT!
TpFKTTTl R) '-jfe ^1
ROT? ^ - "POT? q SPOT ^TR q pg fwa P TPOTT OTPfPRl ^cwfd
^ ^ - ^pP P SPOT "'TP? q? PP?? ^ 'jfe X' W ^ STR^T Pf|p|
- TTOT - TROT J* feflP PP? OT TJP-^Pg OT Pi
- TROT P SPOT PPT q ?7rfq fPOT ?l
RTPT (qsft) PR fwp T rjp sft? ^pprfa ■£ sm P PPTOTT £T PTR
^ ^J3T P PR ^FPrft P POT PR qtfes $1
Tills Is a horoscope of a retired teacher who Is eldest In siblings.
After the death of father at middle age, she took the responsibility of
younger brothers and sisters and remained unmarried. Her life was full
of struggle and sudden set backs.
In female chart eighth house Is for *Mangalya Bhav' Indlcater of

137 Guids Shri KN. Rio 4 in

).*» ^ert Osxtfe VSfcrrun iid AuroSocf

12 UP Lnj S»«R)
UP Itift
3 \ l>3 ■
Sa'.R) Kl
Raft/ ra CASE -44
10 DriuparS R» ■
\l5n Female
Veft 11 Dec
'fl Delhi ■
f.'ocm Mw
vKoi l.'or Sun Woon Jup
Jup Sun Ket ktari

s He: J
3' ISW 02


m.vltal happiness. Malefic planets in this house give afflictions to the

horoscope. In this horoscope, natal chart, Navamsha, Ttlshamsha
llppad karakasmha lagna and eighth house from Darakarak have
In/lucnce of malefic of malefic plfinets.
8th house from lagna Sun and Mars arc placed In 8th house they
.ire lagna lord and fifth lord aspectlng 2nd house of "Kutumb.
8th house from Venus - aspected by Saturn. Marriage day today
tefntlonshlp Is seen by Venus .
8th house from lagna aspected by Saturn.
8th house from Moon Is aspected by Mars.
8th hosue from Venus has no malefic Influence In 8th house.

'*'«<!• Shrl K.N. Rio £ rft V^=i< on

s«v|to V.'ortBrt if-] Aitrotofy O ifrrfn TTirt

r.'jfs Ket Jup

\y i
I.V30fl X SaJMer

Sot Sun Ran

Venus Is Aspected by Mars.

8th house from Lagna no Influence. 8th lord Moon aspected by
8th from frAoon has debilitated Venus aspected by Mars.
8th from Venus In Rahu/Ketu axis. 8th lord from Venus Is Mars
placed In 7th house from It.
- lippad aspcctd by Saturn, Moon Is placed In 8th house from It.
- Darakarak placed In 8th house from Karakamsha lagna.
- Special Points
1. Sun and Rahu/Ketu on same degrees.
2. Saturn and Mercuiy also of same degree.
3. Mangal dosh is there.
4. From lagan, Moon and Venus 2nd house and 5th arc afflicted.
5. 7th house and 7th lord not malefic Influence.
6. No adverse Influence on 7th house from Venus. Moon and '
Lagna. 7th house afflicted but aspect of Jupiter and Venus.
7. There were some proposals of marriage conslderadcns but there
were no marriage.
8. 9th house of Lagna and Navamsha ate afflicted.
vt-H "nvral rpra zfH ^ tfsl srrfl'
ftRii Tfrl ■qt^mrg "h^ ^FTFI TJIH ^ft
^ 'EfjRtri Tfft K vIlfdMil ^14, fw .
an'Riii] Wifw ^ UTtT

Girdo Shri K N. Rao

SCI ti -ti-ji Vi «■ ©•« N ^ WS •P^K)

1^ PSjlh h lili2k Ihli U^sSl h^. tkll\ ililt tt kiii L

Ift 121 UL lii. iilliy 2; 21
^ u> ii^tx. 121 ^2 tMbPitt jlrJall il&faj Uit. t Itilnli 2! iiaxij
Znji ^ lyhlAh Ih. itll A Pgjlh lilh hlhE tt. kill h. paSi
11J114I Dili UUtik 12k Olixtl ulhc Jkk Ik hlh hlhtt It Ihl-di l^f Hl'li V
12k bkitl ■&. Ik llhfril 2 klty lhy-.h h klh klhli li kitl 'i
1^. L\2j:h aLnjlkkC I2lh hkh 'MPgj a ksl> "Uilrh 'kiil ■{*
12 Mi Hkh h ItiSkl ■£
12 lUfcikti t .UiK k^ll hi Z
12 IHfcMt tiUiK^EliiSjlHicii!!'!
kltt -
1^ t4ih2LK a kikt - ■k) h[>iy -
l£ lUfl) Utlfck. Ik Mi li2akC ^ ikkk 2 Iaj!i yfe ya Ik ikkk -
a '.£&. 11141 1142MC a i&k 5 a kjyk Jbn M aih hiaic $. kili
151 niik "yii k tirij adi h aih Mac a uiiiit

ijk ya ik iMka aiuMc a uik Mik hEac ui ik Mi kMc a Mi

I^J laj^ 4ii
Hk.k ik kili ^ J2k Mik 2ii Ik Mi MoiC a Hill - luak- a 2llk
7.iJ^ IJk Hiik. Ik Mi Mac a Iklkk. U 111?^ ait?k - hkalC 11 lit Mi
12 ^jk ya ik Mi a kai u-.i^t-
12 imk. iai a Hilk fikJia ikiji
14c aiMj ^ kijit m ya yak ik kia aaic a iaDi - Mac a alL
Mill M .(2k 1)112
Ikkhfi ^ I;ijL tjk Hkh )k Ik Mi Mac 4 IkMi - Mat U IkMi
ik Mh iziSSi wi^ yn (an 'ih alia
kk 5. lihkh kill aya 2 pl--h ak aiMac a kai - Mia a kia
12 Mik
iki aa.jaaic ik tan bkac a 'kai 'mm laajb aiay
U12S1 aibv ijaakiMt a yaa Mk yi 2a hSic mu ik a Mh Mac
§ 1142 tli ok lAauii klllitii Mlik Mk kMC h kMl 22 ktltiajii
/3^<U»VP*«<MI-iom«[2I>JQ x-^tc X-M-IPI 'ikW*
Stng'o Wcmon and AjiroJogy 0 wPtrfra '*/!t

The horoscope Is of n highly placed lady, very ambitious of
prosperity by earning good money.
Lagrui lord Moon Is placed In 8th house aspected by Saturn and
Sun. 8th house from Moon has Mars and Rahu aspected by Saturn. 8th
house From Venus has Ketu placed in It with aspect of Mars.
8th house has Moon In Rahu/Kctu axis aspected by Mars. 8th
house from Moon In pap kartarl, 8th lord Venus is In con|unetlon with
Saturn aspected by Sun.
8th house asepctcd by Mars, 8th lord Sun debilitated placed with
Mercury. 8th house from Moon Is aspected by Saturn, eighth lord
\ 5 /\ 3 /
\ \fcn{R) . Kol
L»3 \.x2 ■
Mare X
Rth/ \ CASE-45
/\ t.'oon Data of Lag
Oraupadi Ral
/ 7 . \> Fcmaie
\ UP v ISSep 1559 Ven(R)
/\. / 100 Mar
a yf 10 Xx* Delhi Sun
Jup X Kot
/ 0 \ Sal Jup UP Mars
/ Sal ^ ' Mooo \, Rah
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer J Vcn Sat Rahu
29'S6 ZSW OZ'SS' 12431' ZS'ZS' 03 o/^r 0?:14' to'ir

Las Rah Sat

Mare Von


Sun Mcr Kei

•♦rrtf wdl OSV^'-o Women and A^trotosy

\sl.'«rSayr Man Moon Jup

\'/ L»3 Kcl
XT 6
yV Rah Sat
7< Vtn
C/f SatUm Trimihamaha
r > /
'2 \ / 2
r.Un x Jup
Kcl /|\ Loj Mof
/ Moon Sun
\/ \
Mais Is In Riiliu/Kclu axis. 8th from Venus Is RaliU iwpccted by M.vs.
Venus Is with Saturn.
- Dam karaJt Is AVx>n - Miirs in Rahu/Ketu axis Is placed In 8th house
from It Saturn Is placed In Kaiakamsha lagna.
— Main features
1. Venus-Saturn In dose degrees.
2. 5th house from Moon Is afflicted - 9th house has malefic Influence.
3. From Ugru Moon & Venus - 2nd house of 'Kutumba" Is afflicted.
4. Lngna lord aspectcd Influenced by Sun &. Saturn Venus Is
retrograde Inimical sign.
5. 7th lord In 6th house aspect of Mars on U.
6. In D/9 Dara karak afflicted by malcflcs.
tinRnn ?IMI tch Ovm -pj tjfj wyi
KM ? tsnfitirn Ten ^ ^ airam ^nfl vrtw?
trTn tFl XUBl ?i
TFfl K trra sf nfTrm t 3^ ^
^ M ^nt !istra Tgi shl -Jfl 3^ Trffl ^ $1
trsnj ii aret? vra 3 fwn § ttTa m ^i
yp; d ^ ^ fwa irRfl ^ tFl -i
arcm VFT v ^T^rn f&R ^ Tfrfd wt flfr
■trm an^rt - Htfnn ^ ^ 3p.*m riw wmfft v i
aT^PRl tfpK7fft7lPr^^Rlt^^n7^}tTf|^fetl
^ -mfn ^ tjpr v apePTi 7il-i xp; it 'jfti ^

G.kJo Ssn K rr. R»o 'nWr <3 m

SSnz'a Yfcoen nd AiiroSoo 0 Vr^fo :-h

^5 1FT h
f^IRI TI 3PCT "qicT tfTcT ^ t ^ "Jifl ^TR
^ ^ C'l
^RRITS - srerr 3T^% 7^
TTftfM ri tl
^pr ^ -spsh - ^pr ii iieq MR if ^ fp-fii Wi ^ i ^
^ TFft T3 ^ §1
- WFrRr "g^TT - TI ar^i qra $ tfTti fera THJ ^ 3 few $i
cr.l<^i<| cl'-l ^ ^iPl feW ■?(
- ^p5I ^TTH
1. ^5?. ^ STYTI ^ ««IHdl tl
2. ^RT, TpT ^ -qtiR *m "Tlfel t WI *ira -q TJllf "qn "a^W £l
3. TTR, -^RWI, ^pr TI fs?{k lira atf^n ft Wt' ^ imra fti
4. crraifiiafij ITT TlPl TJT vTT Wl' 'Sfl ft ^pR zraft ?r^ Tlfe -q" few
wjT TJlfl ^ ftl
5. TTraraffefrl VWW H'lci ^ ftl
6. w?i ^tfi ft" wctfr sTTwnra vii ft ftrfen fti
The horoscope belongs to a lady of respectable Brahmin family
working In a foreign country In a good position leading a prosperous

Data of
2 \ / < lucknow
Kel X Moon
Vcn /^ J-P
Ttoi OStr^ji Womm md fismtojy


Rah Sun h'oon


M*f I La]
| Jup

' yoga" Is formed In lagna and exalted Jupiter with Moon

In 7th house has created a condition of stupor In her mind.
Three exalted planets arc In kendra and Moon In own sign,
exchange between lagan lord Saturn and eleventh lord Mars has
made the chart very-very strong.
8:h house has aspect of Saturn and Mars. No malefic Influence on
8th house from Moon. 8ih lord Saturn In Rahu/Ketu axis.
8th house from Venus In Tapkartarl" and 8th lord Jupiter Is
as pec ted by Mars.
8th house from lagna has mixed Influence malcflc as well as
8th house from Moon has no Influence of malcflc but Moon-
Venus ate placed there.

GuWo Shn K.N Rao v ffoih ^ H >33

Wotwi jnd Aaroloflr O lirrfn iii *c?z*

Lagnn and 8th house aspectcd by Saturn. 8th house from Moon
aspected by Mars. 8th house from Venus has no Influence.s
- Darakarak Moon and Gyatl KarakSun are within on degree, both arc
aspected by Mars.
- Uppad sign lord Saturn retrograde and In Rnhu/Kctu axis 8ih from
Karaknmsha Lagna has Sun placed In It,
- Jupiter In 7th house from lagna and Vargottnm 7th lord (Vloon gave
many opportunities for marriage but due to her anjbltlbus nature It
could not materialised.
- Main Points
1. Mars Saturn on same degree. Lagna aspected by Mars and 7th
house aspected by Saturn, 8!h house of birth chart and navamsha
has Influence of Saturn and Mais,
2. 7th lord Moon .and 8th lord Sun arc within one degree. 8th lord
exalted by without directional strength.
3. Darakarak Moon and Venus are afflicted.
4. Sth house 5th lord from Lagna has Influence of malefics and
retrograde planets. Sth house Sth lord from Moon has Influence
of Saturn retrograde.
5. In navamsha and trlshamsha Sth house, Sth lord are afflicted and
due to her Independent nature and wild life she Ignored the
Important decision about marriage.
6. 7th house from uppad influenced by Saturn and Mars 7 pada
aspected by Mars.
7. Yogkarak Venus In Sth house In Rahu/Ketu axis has given high
position and status In foreign land, she will have good relations
with foreigners but there arc hurdles In getting married.
sufirttn pniiPiti oTTeM it t. ftKTI Tl SmJ! mrt ^tft "§
wnftpfT anhM-i. ^ arfaeirm irfTrff ti
crH ii Wtt ^ TIRPJ -R HWcPH -.-ilfd^l Tra

r cfn TI? cpsqw inr ti ^ Tifi

ii TrfOTpI ajpr §|
wr R zrzr qrq RI tnn wi ii
wn it wzr uvra ^fi i sr^ntn ^ ^ -qftpq ^ fen ^i

HO GukJe Shri K H. Rao -> ir^rh tft m

Hi ^ ■> ecu •NXUISOPI'IO

iiiiijfl ^ piiutisi. yiJiiii irn^ Ui yia. [i lyut A

lill iili m li\tku« ih ik Z£i£ h iHjiih Si2. Sil frihhh Hili Itintiiib. 'L
JajJt tiiiii iihlilMi 1^. kihk lit t^kk yii ih tlh hihii tit. ihhE '9
miki Uiti^ Itiiililt yu 2kibj laiTk !k h tfchic
3. m 13* (iy^k (iikaj k I^VhJ ^I-.PM h!i t h^. hhiiijlia H'VJTfc-
ia uaiyi llkhh khh IK k lilliy Lkk Kith S
ia hkvh Lk P£h. yui ih lihhh hhh ii
lk>P a hlKh Lh lih y£ii Ihii lak & ih ifili lihhh hl^i U Lhi 'f
1^ klh kPhiJh
k l^hP liali lAtuU l^. Btjl]' .IBBt ^>IH? filhii] Ihll HiiLMili- 'f
1^ wa ^ uantij iai
tihk Lih£il^ y llJI-lka ,lt Jtl^ .ttak lUli Ik'fch lijilhhi 'Z
i§ jiiuh Lh lauii
kjl> ih fehv kkiLC It Iklit Uiifik IKB IPg.^-.VK 1^ 2jjL yk likh ih
iihihii hihii um sii yu yii Ih tua $ ipukit t ws ^ I-JIA BLLK *1
mt -
Itai Uiyikhjhc- ih hk afcfr Ui ."cioh. icJch. Itioh at
Likiyik K^hie h tocj iih-ilk !n>l--° ik LKhiLkihto toailxjit
tk£ yk toyit. yhk iin k±K tokiha yk ?ippj ih hia mivi Lk tan
ik lik lin hi UtU ih kU Ltohli hPgtfr h?.£ yhiai Kihlhit tt kdk -
■ a toy ftk ih Mi hto U - kkk Uhkllki -
1 a toy y hjyh lyh Sii yto yia an ttiki to lyii toy ihha -
1 a iyl yk ahk ih .i.ah
yi Uiia a Itoikil U JlfrJiC l.iyh ifclto HJiii Itili Uilto. iMtollilt -
I a yi hilcti kih jto ih hih lil-il? \i
' I a Zifiz yk tok ih Mi liMC {I Uito
1^ ?yi yk yii ih Mi hto ^ kin i.^ihhy ikk iii Mi lAUhiy
Irtifr MiAty.
1 a tat Mih iilktt hft fyk
ih tau hiMt it jHh ki a iyE. yk islk 'wy-n ia pyi ya iy^ ih imk
ik hUiS J Uliih to I2k Lbik hlkK hD: ih klh hto It kiii ltlt>l*
(IJSfb lAlbt.
15. pyii yu tikli
ih lyhiak liyiiic § u yjto tih Mi hMs y aiEi - km^ u. ilk
/Joioinvpu< U^ujom0|ti*SO 'j* i^V'
Snglo W&ncn and Aitrotog/ O Kftrfn vtert it?

^ ^'*TFRT qTH tl
This Is a horoscope of a working woman who Ignored many
proposals of marriage because she thinks marriage Is a hurdle In her
free and Independent life style.
No malefic eflfecc on 8th. 8th house from Moon has Influence of
Saturn. Moon is aspected by Saturn and Mars. 8th house from Venus
no bad Influence 8th lord Is with many planets.
8th house Jupiter aspected by seperatlve planet Sun.
8th house from Moon is Saturn, 8th house from Venus has Mars.
Lagna aspected by Saturn, 8th house has Sun Rah Mercury.
\ /\ , /
Nw .^ 2 \ UP / KL Kct Laj
4 N. y' Log \ Ket/ 12 UP
/\ KL CASE-47
/ Data of
11 \ Draupadi Rai
\ 5 Female
Moon 30 Oct 1957
^ \ 18:30
8 \ XlO Deihl ■
Jup Sat Wn yC Moon
/ 5 N. Sat Sun Jup
/ Mars Sun \ / Ven Rah
/ Rah Mer \ Mer

Lag Sun Ho on Mars Her Jup Ven Sat " Rahu

OO035 13'3A' 14*35' OO'Sl' 17s38' 24*12' 29,44' 19W 17*17'

Mcr Mccn

Log Jup

Sat Mars Ket

sTrto tTKtf w'f vUTi OStyeWcmcn iriAxrolea

kL /^2\hL Si I I V-vt 1*3 Kel

\ / L»3 \ /


/ 9\
Sun RatrS

8tli house from Moon aspectcd by Mars.

8th house from Venus Is under the Influence of Sun &. Rahu.
- Dar.\\k M.irs Is In conjunction with Gyatl tCtrak Sun. Ligna and
iVLvs on same degree.
- Uppad - Kctu Is placed there aspected by Sun and NVus.
- 8th house from karakamsha lagna-placemenr of Mars, Rahu and
- Main features
t, Afflicted Moon In 9th house. Venus conjunct vtith Saturn In 7th
house she may no: follow the tradition.
2. 7th lord Mars In 6th house with Sun and Rahu.
3. Seventh house has a fixed sign and Saturn Venus arc placed
there which Is a hutdle for marriage.
4. 7ih house Venus with yogkarak Saturn she Is very successful In
her profession has cordial relations with politicians.
5. 2nd house from uppad afflicted by Mars and Saturn.
6. Navamsha and Trlshamsha 5th house and 9th houses afflicted.
7. Birth chart, Navamsha and Trishamsha 9th house afflicted.
8. Birth chart has 'Sanyas yoga" and "Valragya yoga".
■.'lllrl'til "l.viO Hi (qqi5 Vt<lj3TI tjfi 'nt 'J, RraiS
oTTft ilRTt'r V *n>-^ ttntft Zl
7m 71 omt? vrq qRr^ ^7 URra Tfl il
mm 71 3Tt7t1 tuq tR ^R| tR TfrRI "dPl TfiJ tjfc!

Girds Stin K.N R>o <• 'idnh tft vt 143

Siftgfe Womtn ifrf Ailr&cff Q fftctos

^57 3 wen w: Tffr? ifjj 3T^vi uajig ^ rft src^nTw

wf i\ ti
OTT?] ft'-l T! 3POTW ^^prfc{ tn; "^Minl^Kt TTo ^ "^1
^ 3^OT Mlq ^ TTft ft«m tl
Tfpj ^ WOT *Tra wra few '<h
fe?rra en w: tiPt 7?ft sttot *Tra 3 "?£* nf few <\w ?tPt
•wt "^fe ^i
■g^OTT Tt WOT HW tR WI ^ tl
^ ^ wot ^rra •{$ Tig ^r Tjnra ^ few ii
— m<l«t)H«h H'ld cffl *11 Pel en Kef) lj4 ^ "gjfT ? clJ*l cJ^TI HMct ^ W?ll ^
WW1 tl
- ot^w "n' fe} few ^4, wra, Tr| ^fft 'qi
- <WW>m HW - ^ WOT HW Ti" WTel XfZ ^ few tl
— Mlri
]. •qtfefT ^OTI HOT T[57 WOT HW V TlPl ^ ^fcT t ^fliOTTT
2. OTTfer Wt WOT^ i TJ% ^ "3HH ?l
3. tjfrOTi feR Tlfe H Tpr VlfH ftWW OTWR WTOOTT HOT ?!
OTFvI t TRHTfeF cM ^ OTOTI Wit ^
5. HWW ^ fefe HTH wr 3qh ?TfH ^ HtfOT tl
6. ^-9 ^-30 HWf n HOT HW HtfeH ijl
7. HOT cjVscil OTTTI <^si?i). fH?TT?I ctPsvil tfet H HOT HIH H HOT ?!
8. ^scfl H ^FH ^ "OTira ntn *^1
The lady Is not working but gives religious discourses. Marriage
proposals were discussed but due to social environment she remained
8th house from lagna 7th lord debilitated Jupiter Is placed. Moon
Is debilitated and aspected by Mars. Moon & Venus are conjunct, no
malefic effect on 8th house. 8th lord from Moon &. Venus - Mercury Is
in Rahu/Ketu axis.
Sun In lagna Influenced by Mars and Saturn.

144 GuHc Shrl KN. Rao •"/ ?i *xfi» ft

wfi'n OS<p^1« Wcmen and AuroloQ'

S. 4 J / R»r> Ul' l»3

a ^. UP /
Da'J or
'2 \ Droup<j> Ftai
<\. Foma-'o
l'«0K«1 Ran J
24 Ocl 1949
>< Jup Uut
KL 2t 12 BjI
9 N^y/ir LudNyonn
/I0 \ Moon Sun Utf
//Moon« VcnN
\ Jup \ \A>n Kel
\/ KL \

Log Sun Moon Man Kei Jup Vun S»t Haliu

OS'JO QTM' t6'22' os'zg' ZO-'Si* 01']?' ZiW tZ'il.' Z3'Z8'

\ 10
,/\vS a / L'ait
9 . Moon /
11 \ / Uj N. / ■
Rah Sun
yX. Sal
v / f \ Rah
S >2 ^ 6 X
x /
' N Jup
\/ 3
x X^1 Moo'i Sal
/2\ X Lao
/ Mai* >
Mflfx\ Sun
V/ I

8th house ftom Moon aspected by Sun. Venus Is with debilitated

(upltct. Ftom Venus 8th house has Kctu In It.
Sun and Mm In lagna. 8:h house' aspected by Mus. 8:h house
from Moon no Inrtuencc. 8ih from Venus has aspect of Sun and Mars.
- Darakarak Jupiter Is debilitated. 8;h from dar.rk.vak Mars and Saturn
arc placed.
- In Karakamsha lagna debilitated Jupiter Is placed and 8th house
afflicted by Saturn &. Mars.
- Main Points
1. Venus-Saturn an dose degrees.
2. Moon-Venus conjunction.

Guide SVI K N Roo -0 srkrh * n 145

Wprr«n *x3 AsjUgKt/ O *^1 wcfp

< Rah/9


3. Moon aspccted by Mars, and Sun by Saturn.

4. 7th lord debilitated In 8th house.
5. 8th lord from uppad Jupiter Is deblllrated.
IT? -snfcRn ^ t?T qfpfe twt Wi
t form? ^ Trrnf^im ^UIVtRi^i ^tt mfl ml
yRi^ift'd ?t T?ll
tim wmn ^?FTf(i ^ m fern ti
-m TTfti ^ fr-mi -qnH ^ ?. ^ t, -aimq
?{ myM mTrq mn' ?)
^ ^ rjftfq i\ fwd ti
W7T pim n Tp feul ^1 mft WJ t?! -§1
"msm "U speq ^uei ^ Tjq mi ft
tfpr -fcl 7$ ^wfd ^ f. T(PT A 3TmtT V f^TTT t\
mm if wi fern ? mm ^ 3Tmrr ^ m mnm ml ^i
msm 7l .simq *ira m rjfe ^ -^i
gm m wzq mq m mnm 7j4 qfi ti
- rnnrnrrm 'jcfTfir hpt m ?i mm m armq ^rm -n" ^i "^Rimrrm m
wmrr -mq q mrjet mft fwrr ti
- mrmFfm mm if qhr m xmrnrrm fmra ff mrrmrn mm it srmq q mrm
mft fmm ?i
I, ^ vift m ifTn" if mmmn ii

14Q GtiWo Shri KN, Rao * KTipfT <ft* qa

OS«i£l« Womffi jrtdAitrolojy

L ^ "jfii ii
}. ^rrn *n ^fra Tffi ^ ^ 71^ nit <1
•». «yw,iw.- T^nbfi ^5 Tiftr fwc! t
5. TTs^ 77 yi<£:'t7l Kl
This female Is «i doctor, has attractive personality and belongs to
a tlch family. InspHc of many marriage proposals she kept on denying
and kept herself busy In religious and charity work. On examining the
horoscope we find that 8th house Is afflicted by Saturn. Four planets
arc concemtratcd In one house forming 'Sanyas Yoga". She Is othciwlse
leading a prosperous and happy life.
From Lagna - 7th house and 7th lord has i>o affliction. Fiom
I agna four planets arc placed In 8th house and aspected by Saturn.

JvXR) SaW) JucK'l) tag
wan CASE-49
Data of
DraupacS Rni
17 Jan 1»2

S 10 \
Moon Sun

1^9 Sun Moon Han Mm Jup Ven Sit Riliu

HtM 03;<0' U'?^ 0?'43' 19'3f Ifi'BS' ?;U3' 78:37' 26*16'

it y JupfR)
N^xr.tocn//ir\. Sun y tag Kei Mer
Laj Moon Mars
\y to
/ Ju^R) o x
V h'V SI'AR) J Nivamsha
Sat(R) Rq*i VB»<n)
Ghri K N Rao <• ■n'tt'M rfs 14/
Single Worven ind Attrotegy O '..'ff .-i ih

Sun Lag


Ket Von(R) S3!(R) F/oon

From Moon - 7th liousc is aspcctcd by five planets Moon Is

aspected by Saturn, 8th lord Sun Is conjoined with Moon. Sun and
Moon are aspected by Saturn and Itahu Is placed In 8th house from
From Venus - Venus Is conjunct with Moon, Sun and Mercury
Venus Is aspected by retrograde Saturn, Rahu in placed in 8th house
from Venus. Karak Venus Is retrograde.
Rahu Is placed in 8th house from Lagna.
8th lord Venus Is retrograde and placed In 7th house giving
obstacles for marriage.
From Moon - Moon Is In flah/Ker axis. From Moon 8th house Is
not afflicted.
From Venus - Venus Is aspected by Mars and Saturn. 8th house
has Moon and Ketu.
Rahu is placed In lagna 8th house has no affliction.
From Moon - Moon Is aspected by Saturn. Moon and 8th house
arc afflicted. ,
From Venus - Venus Is aspected by Sun. 8rh house from VEnus Is '
In Rahu/Ketu axis.
- Darakarak - Sun is placed In 8th house.
- Uppad - 2nd house from uppad Is aspected by Ketu.
- Main points
1. Lagna lord and 7th lord are In same degree.
2, Sun, Moon and Venus are aspected by Saturn,

148 Guide Shri K N. Rao W tl*

■NMn tti OSmft* V.tmtrand Axjviofy
3. Vcnui «>nd Salurn Aie in same degree.
4. Venus and Saturn are rctiograde.
^rfrTsi ^ifml »RI 'Tfmn w- nfi fen ^
nrrnfim ^ feme tsfi TPSTPTTTS: T?T STTT xfem ftnrK nt rnn;
nrrm r»fri mfen fenn n »nf^ wn wnnn nrn'i v Trpi
fti r^ft ii Pmrm vn, fn m UJI Tfei vrfn TTH
t^n Tft nm Vi' vrc tk; fera urn ^ y^mi ^nfinKT nn
'i^iyfti: irni^i Tnps ^i
m T* - r-rn Tnn TTWRNTTI v$ ynRi -nfi i^i
v aren tim $ -jj^' ^ -gfe % vifi x) ^ ^i ar^rj nViinj Ttfr^rn
mii nffi-pi ^i
d-jm ^ - ■srsiji ^ ingq vng nfa np' ^ ri "a^n M7 <ifi
nft Tjfe TP5MI M 7p TTH -g^rm r\ -gfg ft 7^. -a^nn rrft 71
t 'nn -n STVM MTU M 77| {?Mci ■?!
ypr n - jpn uft ov TI Tpr ^ TIOKUTH) nfr
ft Tp: M a7t2M7M Tnj tl f^F UTKUT ^IK UtTI ^1
Muni 71 W^ZM MTU 17 Tf^ f'-Utl K -irZ'tTI dvFt 7TMTM"1 t
'Jliafeti Ultn ^fT=T VT7 T?1 ^1
mrn 7) - ■TOMI 775 UT5 nftfy M few S mrtmi 77 anq \iiq nrH
mU) mfli' -ft 1 •faifen fenwrsfi' -q fmra grftm yi
Tpr 71 - qqivi q qi xpieT, ^ifq nft ^1 1{pT wzv ^nq A'
n^TMl TPiJ few §1
fero HW M TI^ few ol^zq MTU Tl «?7J ^M-JT^M UMH ^1
■nrw 71 - M^TMT q7 5n7 7^ UTT "^fel XiZV ^TIU Ml »T{7 ufl
ft v^mi sih arsiq snu ^ nifej £1
Tprfi - '^TTMiiniu^Tjqun t ^pr TI arrni 715 ^
oftfq q few ii
- UIWMI'K 71 ATOM MW 71^ 7^ Mflfv V fel iftl TTTTWTTi; Tjrf amTM
ij ZWT 71 fiWTo 17 Tpg <?n fi
- W fin
1. TTWTT W7 TIMrfel ^ Wlf q TTMFRTI "ifI
2. 713}, MMTW. "(JUT rflni Wi 17 Tflft uft rjfe h

Quo# Shn K.U, R»o « "nlTrt' if. tf-vi' w 149

Sn(te Women and Atcroiojy O u'c -'. ( ijt

3. xP* Vlrf -37711 tFTRin "^l

A. Xp: Tlft vw Wt i'l
Birth Chart
This lady Is engrossed In religious and spiritual pursuits, Marriage
proposals were there but could not matcreallse and she remained
7th house from Lagna has no malefic Influence. Saturn Is In 8th
house aspected by Mars.
7th house from Moon has no malefics this Indicates about marriage
8th house from Venus has dcbllliated Jupiter, the sign(ficator of
8th house from Lagna has Kctu placed In It aspected by Mars.
8th house from Moon has debilitated Mars, Mars Is with mercury
aspected by Saturn.
8th house from Venus Is aspected by M\rs and Venus Is with
Lagna has retrgoradc Jupiter with Sun. Lagna In Pap-kartarl. 8th
house In Rahu/Ketu axis, aspected by Mirs.
8th house form Moon is aspected by seperatlve planet Sun.

Lag f/art

Data of MertR(
DraupadlRal Sun
• 11 Aug 1926
, 10:00 pm
.up(R) Sonlpat

Lag Sun Moon Man Mer J

zvsy zsw 29®ir i2!37' \mv 29

l£0 GuJCe Snri K.N Rao <■ Bf V

■frrfn •fjul tti mtori O Sfc-fV: Vifcme-i tvd Aitrolof/

i7\ ^ La 3 I Rah
u] \ y


MorlR) Kol Jup<f!)


^ 0 SMVon /
\ LUr» MA»n/;


Man lag Sal

Kol Sun Von
Jiip(K) Moon

Moon Is with Venus .ind Saturn.

Venus Is conjunct with Moon and Saturn, and B" house from
Venus Is aspectcd by retrograde juplter and Sun.
- Main point
Lagna and Saturn on same degrees, (upltcr Moon and Venus on
vune degrees data karak debllltaied In navamsluv Srh Ikhjsc from
Ugna .md Moon Is a/IUcted. "Kutumb" bhav luvs InlluetKe of S.iturnand
Mars, so Is the case from Karakamsha lagna.
ve uirfrTO vrftfe ^udWh rn sh ni*i:n >i rn t?ifl t\ rTirtf
Hnj n flirt din TJTjn ^ '-dlfrtdil SlfqTfjn »l dft ^1
tiR ^ sitti m ^ "qn Ttff $ an-piiri vif;i i
■rt wi Tjfj ^ 0|

iiudo Shri K N Rno « i4 w t5t

Wom«o and A«roioiy O xTtrfii tifw4 viXJ'

^ arorr _ -^rr i\ arort ^ amq xmrg ti

fzraTK ^ tim f^rrcr ^ <Tnrffra rn ^ isn fa
tfsr ^ areq - ^fr -g 3T=^ VTFT TY ^ ^Rfa fnRi
% spzti -q ^ TT? -Ji
w?i CP^T it areq - w?i CPH "S ap^q q % fem ^ wm qS cfo
tRpn q ai^eq - qqm qgs# q ^qr ^ arqq q' ^ wi ftq?i
fa wti ^ qS qqi it ■gfq fa
i£X q aqqq - gso qn vrf? ^ gfri ^ 1} areq qjc? qw qft
■firvrTTT ^pq ^ aroq xm - firfim ^pq q q^n ^4qRi ^
fWiT t f^mna tm qrq qrqfi q fa
feTTTi cpq q sqzq qiq Ti^/^g qftfM q frqq t qqcT qft f1
■qp^qi £ arcq - q^qi q areq iqq qr 777 ^5 qfi qfe
^tTT ^ ai^q - Tpr qfr -er^qr Tifq q -g% $, ^ ^ ar^rq qra qr
^OTfa(q) tim qq ii
- qqf
wq qqr vift ^ 3q?ft' q ymHiii $ qqi ^ wn" q
mran $ whtpf, qqrq q qrq ?t qqi ^1
q^qr ^ qqq qra qHVn t qra q? '?ifq qq?i qn qqra §1
qnrqnTi vtr q spzq qra qr ?ifH hmci qn qqtq ^1

152 Gu'de Shri K.N. Rao •:■ <S V

ta •<&*! |i oey 'N >1 MMS aptno

Nnviiman D-D Lagna D-1

ml Vonu» I Moon I Lagna I Vonus Moon Lagna «

~J -ol -vt -JJ -a -j
3 E 3 3 3 3
s; o 2o 2 o 11 2 o
(DO© S S
i. fo CD -A -* tn S3 to —»
i to tn fo ^ Jo : O '<£) 00
i. o w ij '<» !w L.
O <o -ik
v -*• ' I—I S P J.-f- P
tn co 05 N CD
is. o P to > Jv Vj O (O to
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o -*

<£) ■•

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/3oto.nsy (X-i UIUJOJ-^ &(?ut Q liC-M 1-VU.JM
Ki x ^1^01 « cey u x PUS

Trlmsamso 0*30

."• ^ to -«
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bi ® ^ ,Se Av
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a> .-j*

5 b

U1 • I
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# S
# 3 31

ki^s j;* o 'ao'CLalV P1* l*u,<VA »13u1S

» » o
9cv 3 S3 nWT
Hz IS* *•£ —
fi I & ?5

^ — CV
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W • i*
c-» ki y
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■. , £ •cj
S u «a

o> U» K> S

C" **
^ * i
i •8
Singtc Womon and Aurefcg/ O RfTtfn »h sdln

Table - 3
Varga Factor | Affliction In Percetago
7* House | 33 cases 66%
Lagna 71
7 Lord 37 cases 74%
Birlh Chart 7* House 39 cases 73%
D- 1 7* Lord 31 cases 62%
7'j1 House 37 cases 74%
12 Lord 66%
7" House 32 cases 64%
Lagna 7th
Lord 34 cases 76%
Navnmsha 7''', House 34 cases 68%
D-9 7" Lord 37 cases | 74%
7<n House 39 cases 78%
7" Lord 39 cases 78%
39 cases 78%
Lagna 7 House
7" Lord 34 cases 68%
Trimshamsha 7* House 33 cases 66%
D - 30 7" Lord 27 cases 54%
7r> House 34 cases 68%
7" Lord 31 cases 62%
Tablo -4
Other Factors
SI.No. Factor Affliction in Percentage
Venus 33 cases 66%
7" Lord 34 cases 68%
Papkartari Venus 22 cases 44%
7" Lord 18 cases 36%
DP 28 case. 56%
3. UP 31 cases 62%
DKN 30 cases 60%
4. Darakarak 37 coses 74%
S. S" House 29 cases 58%
6. 8n House 40 cases 60%
7. Unsuitable Dasha 17 cases 34%

GuWc Shri K N, Rao CT

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