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ED 303- E (TTH 1:00-2:30 PM)

The uploaded video discussion of Dr. Refugio was all about Correlational Research Design. I
have learned that the common examples of major designs and approaches in research output
conducted by researchers are (1) Qualitative Research Design, (2) Quantitative Research Design
and (3) Mixed-Method Research.

The correlational research design is one of the methods used in quantitative research, and it
refers to examining the relationship between two variables. These variables must be
quantitative in nature, and the goal is to examine the variables generated and to find their
correlation. It typically consists of two variables, variable a and variable b, which are used by
researchers to determine whether there is, in fact, a relationship between these variables. This
relationship might be positive or negative, direct or indirect. I can now identify when to say if a
relationship is direct or positive or indirect or negative. According to Dr. Refugio, a positive or
direct relationship can be determined if variable A has a high value and variable B also has a
high value. Additionally, if both variables A and B have low values, this can also be viewed as a
positive or direct relationship. That is, a positive relationship can be said to exist when two
variables have the same value. On the opposite side, a negative or indirect relationship can be
said to exist if variable A has a low value while variable B has a high value or vice versa.

Moreover, I've also discovered that one must take into account the relationship between two
variables' logical sense while referring to it. In order to prove the claim that two variables are
significantly interrelated with one another, two variables must be relevant to one another and
it must be clear from the literature review whether such variables are logical. In addition, I have
also learned that in order to determine if anything makes sense or not, one needs to review
related literature while determining the variables, especially if they have to do with their
relationship. While reviewing the literature, it's important to take into account a variety of
viewpoints, including both qualitative and quantitative viewpoints, since doing so might help to
support a claim about the relationship between two variables. Because the assertion is more
compelling when material is viewed from a greater perspective.

Finally, I have learned that the use of a correlational study design is important since it allows us
to determine whether or not the variables are significantly connected. I've also come to
understand how important it is to support our assertions with relevant research and literature
in order to provide our data and claims a more credible and logical basis.

 What have I learned from the video?
 ~ The virtual class conducted by Dr. Craig is all about the discussion on one of the
essential research designs under a quantitative research approach, which is the
Correlational Research Design. This video reminded me that there are significant major
designs in a research work. We have the following:
 1. Qualitative Research Design
 2. Quantitative Research Design
 3. Mixed-Method Research
 ~ These are the common examples of major designs and approaches in research output
conducted by researchers.

 ~ I have learned that Correlational Research Design is one of the quantitative research
designs. It is a design where researchers start to look for the relationship of two
variables in a simple correlational research approach. To better understand the
correlational research approach, it is heavily focused on the aspect of looking at
variables which are quantitative in nature, where the aim is to look at the variables
generated and to look for its correlation. Commonly, it is composed of two variables,
variable a and variable b, which are utilized by researchers to know if there is indeed a
relationship among such variables. Correlational Research Design is situated with
statements in the statement of the problem, where researchers would look into the
 a. Is there a relationship between variable a and variable b? (Statement 1)
 b. Is there a significant relationship between variable a and variable b?(Statement 2).
This means that if there are questions generated in this type of statement, then it calls
for a correlational research study and design.

 ~ I have also learned that just like a usual research output, a correlational research
design must have a statement of the problem because there is a problem indicating the
relationship between two variables. It is also good when we consider that the
relationship we are looking at from the variables have either a positive or negative
relationship, direct or indirect relationship. From the question "How do we look for a
positive relationship?" I have learned that looking at a positive relationship of variables,
both variable a and variable b must have the same high values. It's simply about when
there are high values in both variables that are believed to be a basis for us to consider
that there is indeed a positive correlation between variables. Even if both variables have
low values, yet they are still considered as variables that are heavily considered as
having a positive relationship or correlation because both have the same values that are
having the same trends. On the other, there is also what we call negative correlation or
inverse correlation. I have learned that a negative correlation looks on both variables
that are not the same with each other. If variable a is high and variable b is low, then
they are negatively correlated or show negative or indirect correlation.

 ~ From the video, I have learned that there were several examples provided by Dr. Craig
that will really help us in understanding the nature of the positive and negative
correlation or relationship of both variables. If there is a time when students are both
good in Mathematics and some are good in the English Language subject, where it is a
known fact that there is a positive relationship among both of the variables for having
the same trends. But, if there will be a time that students are identified to be good in
Mathematics while not performing well in the English Language subject, then there is a
negative correlation for having an indirect relationship of both variables.

 ~ Aside from the Mathematics and English abilities of the learners, which are considered
to be variables, I have also learned a lot of the following examples provided by Dr. Craig.
One of the many examples of determining a positive and negative relationship is on the
aspect of IQ and Size of the Feet. I have learned that both of these are variables and
there is a need for the researchers to correlate them. There is a need to ask if there is a
logical basis in the size of the feet and IQ to properly correlate them and to come up
with an idea that they have a logical sense. I have realized that in order to provide a
logical claim amongst the variables situated in a correlational research design, there is a
need to search, look and apply literature of a similar study while neglecting the use of
having an own perspective or idea in making the variables logical and have its sense. It is
very important that the researchers must and need to provide reflective questions to
better understand and analyze that to be more logical in providing claims to both of the
variables applied in a correlational research design, it is important to be associated and
provided with a several literature reviews as the sources.

 ~ I was also able to realize from the discussion given that being logical in terms of
providing claims and establishing logical sense of the variables, there is a need for such
factors in order to make the variables more logical in approach. Always be backed up
with the literature and undergo research. From this part of the video, it reminded me
that in doing the research work, there is a research question being posted, there will be
a problem that will arise where it cannot be answered by our knowledge or abilities. But
being a researcher and conducting research will help us to review the related literature
and will help researchers in establishing logical effects consents to the variables being
correlated with each other. There are times that we have reached the point of stopping
in our search for literature reviews because we can't find a related literature that can be
useful in proving that the variables have a logical correlation. And there are also times
that we tend to locate a helpful literature review that can support us in establishing and
proving that there is indeed a logical correlation between the variables. I have learned
that it must not stop there, the researchers must look for qualitative related literature
and quantitative related literature to check if the claims found with the use of the
review of related literature are helpful sources that can establish a logical sense of the
variables. It also aims to determine whether there is a positive or negative correlation of
the variables.

 ~ In my own perspective, from the example given in the video, I can say that there is a
logical relationship and correlation between variables, especially when researchers
would use the search term and look for related literature that supports the claim. But it
is also inevitable that such variables have no logical relationship because of a lack of
literature support. That is why it is important that to come up with a logical correlation
of the variables, there is a need to employ and utilize strategies that can make variables
become related and connected. I have also realized that if none of the literature is
claiming that it's logical, then it's better to call it not logical. But the term "researcher"
would always remind us that we have to find out and research for information that can
support the strengthening of the variables to make it more logical.

 ~ To give an example, qualitative and quantitative research are believed to be having a
positive relationship because both of them or these research designs aim to address a
problem and to be provided with a set of solutions and recommendations. However, it
can be viewed as having the presence of a negative relationship for the fact that they
have different styles, nature on how to write significant parts of the study as well as the
process of obtaining, interpreting, analyzing, reporting and presenting its results from
the data gathered.

 ~ I have also learned that there is a huge difference between the statement of the
problem in a correlational research design. There are two different statements of the
problem. The first statement states that "Is there a relationship between variable a and
variable b?" It is considered to be having a term "relationship" because when it comes
to population and sample data and collecting the data, it has no hypothesis testing. On
the other hand, the second statement states that "Is there a significant relationship
between variable a and variable b?" This means that it is different from the first
statement of the problem because this statement is situated with the word
"significance", which in the aspect of survey population and sample data, it undergoes
hypothesis testing.

 ~ To sum up the learning I have acquired from the video, correlational research design is
very important because through this design, we are able to ascertain if there is a
relationship or significant relationship between the variables. I have also realized that it
is important to provide our claims with related studies and related literature to make
our variables and claims more logical and authentic.
 Also, when it comes to reviewing the literature, one must look at different perspectives,
looking at quantitative perspective and as well as qualitative perspective as this can be a
way to strengthen the claim when it comes to relating variables. Because the wider the
perspective in looking at information, the stronger the claim is.

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