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Project Name: A New Product – Case For Teeth

Group: 03
Class: 1108_2131
Subjects: Product management
Lecturer: Phan Minh Tuấn

[Semester 2131, December 2021] Group 03







Project Name: A New Product – Case For Teeth

Group of students:

Full name Student ID

1 Khưu Hoàng Thanh Giàu 2196137
2 Nguyễn Hoàng Hiệp 2190086
3 Huỳnh Thiên Kim 2196607
4 Lê Kiều Duyên 2191273
5 Đặng Yến Như 2197317

[Semester 2131, December 2021] Group 03



Our team would like to thank Mr. Phan Minh Tuan for imparting useful knowledge to
us during the time of studying Product Management.

In the process of making the report, it is difficult for our team to avoid mistakes, and
we hope you will forgive them. At the same time, because our knowledge is still wide
and our level is still limited, the report cannot avoid errors, we look forward to
receiving your comments so that our team can learn more. knowledge as well as
improve the report better.



We hereby commit that the report is completely taken seriously by the team members.
The report is an independent research work of our team under the guidance of lecturer
Phan Minh Tuan

The information, data and reference images in the article are clearly and fully cited.

Our team takes full responsibility for this commitment



List of pictures---------------------------------------------------------------------------vi
List of tables-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vii
PART I. NEW PRODUCT CREATION---------------------------------------------------1
I.1. Idea generation:----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
I.2. Evaluating the ideas-----------------------------------------------------------------------5
I.2.1. Idea formation process:-----------------------------------------------------------5
I.3. Choosing and ranking factors:-----------------------------------------------------------6
I.4. Type of new product:---------------------------------------------------------------------8
PART II. PRODUCT INNOVATION CHAPTER (PIC)-------------------------------8
II.1. Background--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
II.2. Focus---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
II.3. Goal and objective------------------------------------------------------------------------9
II.3.1. Objective:--------------------------------------------------------------------------9
II.3.2. Goal:------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
II.4. Guidelines--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
II.4.1. Innovation: Launched for the first time in the market---------------------10
II.4.2. Time-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
II.4.3. Copyright protection------------------------------------------------------------11
PART III. NEW PRODUCT PROCESS--------------------------------------------------11
III.1. Phase 1: Opportunity Identification and Selection--------------------------------11
III.1.1. Idea-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
III.1.2. “Orthodontics” trend-----------------------------------------------------------11
III.1.3. Eating out habits----------------------------------------------------------------12
III.1.4. Dental hygiene needs----------------------------------------------------------13
III.2. Phase 2: Concept Generation---------------------------------------------------------13
III.2.1. Concept information process-------------------------------------------------13
III.2.2. Market research----------------------------------------------------------------17
III.2.3. Perceptual map-----------------------------------------------------------------18


III.2.4. Judgment------------------------------------------------------------------------25
III.3. Phase 3: Concept Evaluation---------------------------------------------------------25
III.3.1. A.T.A.R model-----------------------------------------------------------------25
III.3.2. Total cost to produce a unit---------------------------------------------------27
III.3.2.1. Cost-plus pricing-------------------------------------------------------------27
III.3.2.2. Value-based pricing---------------------------------------------------------28
III.3.3. NPV (Concept 1): Patronus I with two “Smart”.--------------------------28
III.3.4. NPV (Concept 3): Case for comfort in movement.-----------------------30
III.3.5. NPV (Concept 4):Case can be used many times and has compact
III.3.6. House of quality----------------------------------------------------------------33
III.4. Phase 4: Development-----------------------------------------------------------------35
III.4.1. Benefit---------------------------------------------------------------------------35
III.4.2. Chunks and functions----------------------------------------------------------35
III.4.3. The detail of Case For Teeth-------------------------------------------------36
III.4.4. Components---------------------------------------------------------------------37
III.4.5. Packaging form-----------------------------------------------------------------38
III.4.6. Logo of Case For Teeth-------------------------------------------------------38
III.5. Phase 5: Launching--------------------------------------------------------------------38
MARKETING PLAN-------------------------------------------------------------------------38
A. Situation analysis------------------------------------------------------------------------39
1. Industry background------------------------------------------------------------------39
2. Company background----------------------------------------------------------------39
3. SWOT analysis------------------------------------------------------------------------39
B. Marketing objectives--------------------------------------------------------------------40
C. Marketing strategy-----------------------------------------------------------------------40
1. General marketing strategy------------------------------------------------------------40
1.1. Segmentation and targeting-------------------------------------------------------40
1.2. Brand differentiation strategy----------------------------------------------------41
1.3. Brand positioning strategy--------------------------------------------------------42
2. Specific target market strategies------------------------------------------------------42
2.1. The product strategy---------------------------------------------------------------42
2.2. The pricing strategy---------------------------------------------------------------43


2.3. Distribution strategy---------------------------------------------------------------43

2.4. Communication strategies--------------------------------------------------------43
D. Action program (Tactics)---------------------------------------------------------------44
1. Communication plan (IMC plan)---------------------------------------------------44
1.1.Media Objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------44
1.3.Media plan from December to May, 2022.-------------------------------------46
2. Timeline--------------------------------------------------------------------------------53
2.1.Overview of media plan from December to May 2023-----------------------53
2.2.Overview of campain--------------------------------------------------------------54
E. KPI-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54
F. Marketing budget------------------------------------------------------------------------54
Chapter 6. Intellectual Property Registration-------------------------------------------55
Lecturer's comments-------------------------------------------------------------------ix
Work assigment and evaluation------------------------------------------------------x


List of pictures

Picture 1: Kind of our product in the market--------------------------------------------------8

Picture 2: Perceptual map [Convenience and Novelty]------------------------------------23
Picture 3: Perceptual map [Convenience - Dental hygience]-----------------------------23
Picture 4: Perceptual map [Convenience - Safety]-----------------------------------------23
Picture 5: Perceptual map [Novelty - Dental hygience]-----------------------------------24
Picture 6: Perceptual map [Novelty - Safety]-----------------------------------------------24
Picture 7: Perceptual map [Dental hygience - Safety]-------------------------------------24
Picture 8: Pakaging of Patronus I-------------------------------------------------------------38
Picture 9: Logo of Patronus I------------------------------------------------------------------38
Picture 10: Overview of media plan----------------------------------------------------------53
Picture 11: Timeline of campain--------------------------------------------------------------54



Table 1: V-R-I-N model-------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Table 2: Ranking factors-------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Table 3: Concept generation-------------------------------------------------------------------13
Table 4: Market research result----------------------------------------------------------------17
Table 5: Comparision between our product and others company with 4 important
Table 6: Comparision of our concepts to main competitors-------------------------------21
Table 7: Note for perceptual map-------------------------------------------------------------22
Table 8: Result of the survey 50 respondents-----------------------------------------------26
Table 9: Cost-plus pricing----------------------------------------------------------------------27
Table 10: Data for NPV - Concept 1 (milion VNĐ)---------------------------------------29
Table 11: Data for NPV - Concept 3 (milion VNĐ)---------------------------------------31
Table 12: Data for NPV - Concept 4 (milion VNĐ)---------------------------------------32
Table 13: Note for House of quality----------------------------------------------------------33
Table 14: House of quality---------------------------------------------------------------------34
Table 15: Chunks and funtions of Patronus I------------------------------------------------35
Table 16: Details of Patronus I----------------------------------------------------------------36
Table 17: Components of Patronus I---------------------------------------------------------37
Table 18: SWOT analysis of Patronus I------------------------------------------------------39
Table 19: Media tools---------------------------------------------------------------------------44
Table 20: Marketing activities for Pre-launching-------------------------------------------46
Table 21: Marketing activities for Launching-----------------------------------------------47
Table 22: Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 1----------------50
Table 23:Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 2-----------------51
Table 24: Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 3----------------52
Table 25: Estimated marketing budget for 6 months---------------------------------------54


I.1. Idea generation:

v Idea 1:

 Product: Yonola – Nutrition Breakfast

 Idea formation: Breakfast is very important, but most people ignore it. Because
they don't have time to prepare breakfast. On the other hand, they eat very
quickly and do not ensure enough nutrients to provide energy. The solution to
the above problem is a breakfast product that combines Yogurt and Granola.
Breakfast is quick, convenient, and saves time. A healthy breakfast enhances
memory and concentration. Contribute to building healthy habits

 Description: This product combines yogurt and granola, 2 in 1 product. Yogurt

is naturally fermented from fresh milk. Granola is a blend of many healthy
foods, no sugar that provides plenty of protein and fiber. Delicious taste, light
bar, no preservatives. This product help to save time for breakfast and provide
enough nutrients. Supports digestion, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.

 Target customer: Products are aimed at customers who are students, office
workers, customers with special diets. They don't have much time for breakfast
but still want to have a meal full of nutrients and provide enough energy. 

 Distribution: Supermarket and convenience store.

v Idea 2:

 Product: Wireless charger for laptop

 Idea formation: Today, the number of people using the laptop to work and
study is very much. Carrying a laptop with a charging cord and always needing a
seat with a power outlet can charge the battery easily. However, it is always
necessary to have an electrical outlet near the workplace/study as well as the
charging cord causing entanglement and inconvenience, charging cord is not
long enough to plug in the charger in some cases. So to make it easier to use


your laptop anywhere without a power outlet and save space, a wireless charger
will help you solve these problems.

 Discription: Wireless charger will help you not have to carry around a bunch of
cumbersome wires like before. The wireless charger can be placed in many
locations, everyday space for study and work, to make it most convenient for
charging your laptop battery. That is the type of charger you just need to put the
laptop on a charging surface without plugging it indirectly, and the charging
device needs to come fully charged before use. This product is created to
continue the innovation and success of wireless chargers for smartphone devices
in recent years.

 Target customer: This device is aimed at customers who often use laptops for
work and study. The use of a wireless charging dock makes them more
convenient in their work, not wasting time looking for a place to charge and

 Distribution: The product will be distributed and sold in stores selling electronic
devices such as Dien May Xanh, Mobile World... and also on e-commerce sites:
Shopee, Lazada... for everyone can be easily purchased and used

v Idea 3:

 Product or service: Aroma diffuser air conditioner

 Idea formation: In the process of using the air conditioner, you may encounter a
bad smell, or the fact that we eat and drink under the air conditioner will make
the room smell bad. That makes us have to use more typical room fragrant waxes
for air-conditioned rooms, that’s costly.

 Description: Air conditioners are made of different types of metal. Plastic and
other nontraditional materials are used to reduce weight and cost. Copper or
aluminum tubing, critical ingredients in many air conditioner components,
provides superior thermal properties and positively influences system efficiency.
They are comprised of stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant metals. Air
conditioner technology combines with air diffuser technology. Adding a new


function is diffusing essential oils with ultrasonic technology and creating

negative ions during operation. The machine can both cool and purify the air,
support a healthy respiratory system, and create the perfect humidity for living
space without causing condensation to create an uncomfortable feeling. Cost
savings. Customers can experience the feeling of both using an air conditioner,
smelling and purifying the air.

 Target customer: The product is aimed at individuals, families, companies,

schools, and establishments using air conditioners. Customers love comfort and
convenience. Customer demand is high, they want to express themselves,
improve their living standards. Average salary from 5 million.

 Payment: Cash payment, installment payment, credit card payment

 Distribution: Focus on selling in big cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi,
Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, …

v Idea 4:

 Product: Charge the battery from the sole of the sneakers.

 Idea formation: In the context of modern technology, the use of mobile devices
like Smartphones has become common in daily life. On average, each person
spends 7-8 hours on mobile devices per day. Each mobile device will have time
and battery capacity to use, after the mobile device runs out of battery, we have
to look for a charging device at that time. In particular, for urgent cases but
encounter situations such as forgetting to bring a charging device, not bringing a
backup charger, no place to plug in a charging device, not finding a charging
device, etc. The design that combines sneakers with a charging device can
enhance the function of your sneakers wherever you are. The device will be
suitable for people who love to practice walking/jogging and have a sports spirit.

 Description: a pair of sneakers designed with a removable sole that harnessed

kinetic energy from daily walking to charging mobile devices. A device that
collects energy from walking or jogging will be mounted in the sole of the
sneakers to charge the mobile device. The structure of the device to collect


energy includes a battery and a USB charger that is designed to be compact and
match the sneaker. Maybe you need to walk about 8km to be able to charge a
Smartphone or other mobile device. The product is a combination of sports
practice and a charging device.

 Target customer: The product is suitable for customers who love to explore and
are passionate about sports and exercise by participating in hiking and climbing

 Distribution: Products will be sold at sneaker stores, distributed in HCMC


v Idea 5:

 Product: Case for teeth

 Idea formation: I started braces from teeth in 2019. I always have a hard time
cleaning my teeth when I have to go out to eat. My family and friends are facing
similar difficulties. It's really annoying when we can't clean our teeth when
eating out. Therefore, I had the idea to create a protective tooth cover for when
we eat and drink to make oral hygiene easier in any situation.

 Description: Shaped like a transparent braces case, consists of a series of clear

trays (from 20 to 40 trays), which, depending on the condition of the teeth, are
tailored for each individual. Use Smart Track material. Product make a
protective layer for teeth during eating and drinking for easy cleaning. Reduce
the risk of dental problems.

 Target customer: The product will be suitable for customers aged 15 years and
older because, at this age, most customers have completed their dental
framework, completely replaced their teeth, it will be easy to shape the tooth
protection mold.

 Distribution: Products will be made in dental clinics.


I.2. Evaluating the ideas

I.2.1. Idea formation process:

For screening all ideas and deciding to choose an idea of the best product/service, we
will apply the VRIN model with 4 elements: valuable, rare, inimitable, non-

 Valuable: Products/services from new ideas must bring value to the company,
like helping the company improve their weaknesses, promoting strengths,
providing sustainable development opportunities for the company.

 Rare: The scarcity and novelty of the idea that only your company has and
there's never been before. If the product has value for the company but imitates
other ideas, that does not create uniqueness, rare to the product.

 Inimitable: It is something that no competitors can easily imitate your


 Non-substitutable: Your product cannot have many other replaceable

products. If there are many other choices for your products, customers may
choose competitors' products.
Table 1: V-R-I-N model

Idea Valuable Rare Inimitable Non -


Yonola x x ... ...

Wireless charger for x x ... x


Aroma diffuser air x x ... ...



Charge the battery x x ... ...

from the sole of the

Case for teeth x x x x

 After analyzing VRIN model, the ideas are selected as "Wireless charger for
laptop" and "Case for teeth."

I.3. Choosing and ranking factors:

Meet Demand (25%): Regardless of whether a product or service is launched in the

market, it is aimed at the core purpose of which is to meet the needs of the market. To
create a valuable product, firstly pay attention to the customer's needs. Because a good
product or a good service can change the customer's view of the business. The more
product value is to customers and profitable for the business. Products are selected for
launch based on new product development and improvement of existing products, so
these are considered potential products for the market. Besides, this is also one of the
important factors that will affect the business, including growth and customer loyalty.
And this factor accounts for 25%.

Differences (20%): In the market, there are always competitors to attract customers.
For customers to feel the difference of the product is very important because when the
product is outstanding and unique compared to other products on the market, the
difference of the product will be a competitive advantage. and persuade customers to
choose products over competitors. The difference is also a measure of the level of
persuasion of customers compared to competitors. So this "difference" is 20%.

Price (20%): A customer's purchasing choice is heavily influenced by the price of a

product. This is the point that attracts customers to buy or use products/services. For a
reasonable price, this will be a plus point for attracting customers. The "price" factor
contributes to the evaluation of the product's value and quality. Therefore, the "price"
factor is 20%.


Convenience (15%): Convenience includes many factors: ease of use, value product,
and multitasking. This leads to behavior after the customer's purchase or use of the
product. The “convenience” factor accounts for 15% of the total.

Satisfaction (20%): Satisfaction is expressed through the customer's satisfaction with

the product. A product or service has built trust and loyalty in customers, the product
will be more widely in the market. With social media combined with word-of-mouth
culture, customers' thoughts and feelings about the product can be transmitted to those
around them. The factor accounts for 20% of the total.
Table 2: Ranking factors

Items Ratio Wireless charger for laptop Case for teeth

Rank Mark Rank Mark

Meet demand 25 3 75 5 125

Differences 20 4 80 3 60

Price 20 2 40 4 80

Convenience 15 3 45 5 75

Satisfied 20 3 60 4 80

Total 100 300 420

 After analysis, discuss the two potential ideas above. And score and evaluate based
on a 5-point scale. We decided to choose the product idea "Case for teeth" to
develop, produce and launch into the market.


I.4. Type of new product:

Picture 1: Kind of our product in the market


II.1. Background

Nowadays, customers give significant attention to improving their appearance. About

the past three years, we can see that Orthodontics really exploded with the benefits it
brings and as a spectacular transformation on appearance. However, customers, who
are in the orthodontics process, facing some troubling issues in oral hygiene follow the
dentist's instructions: often time-consuming and difficult to clean in some cases, as it
has to always carry dental hygiene kits with you (Brushes, toothpicks,
mouthwashes, ...) or cannot eat comfortably.

So we want to bring our customers a solution to the convenience of oral hygiene

through the product "Case for Teeth" to meet needs for comfortable eating and oral
hygiene easier. In combination with dental facilities to provide the customer with the
most suitable product.

II.2. Focus

 Name: Patronus I


 Description of technology: SmartTrack is made from high quality multilayer

polyurethane, meeting medical standards to ensure safety for health. The
SmartTrack material is a more comfortable fit than the single-layer plastic
(EX30). SmartTrack is clear, strong, thin and flexible. Hypoallergenic, inert, and
biologically stable, the SmartTrack material is FDA approved, and safe for use by
children and adults. The BPA-free SmartTrack is flexible and durable. Similar
SmartForce features to the clinically proven SmartTrack material for easier jaw

 Target: 

o Target market: Currently, the team wants to reach customers in Ho Chi Minh

o Target customer: Customers who have a need to care about oral health or are
in the process of braces or are being treated for dental problems. The product
will be suitable for customers aged 15 and over because at this age, most
customers have replaced all of their baby teeth, completing the permanent
molars. This will help shape the teeth for customers easier, customers can
use the product in a long and sustainable way.

 POD : 

o As the first tooth protection product on the market, different from dental
protection products used in sports, it can serve most customers who have or
are currently wearing braces.

o The product's applicability is high, it can be used in all cases.

o Simple design, using high-quality materials, extremely durable, evaluated

and performed by a team of dental experts.

II.3. Goal and objective

II.3.1. Objective:

Exclusively develop and manufacture the Case for teeth product.


Well received by customers, becoming an essential product in the needs of oral

hygiene and care.

Based on the condition of each customer's teeth, the product will be designed to match
the tooth mold, in order to achieve customer satisfaction when they have the
opportunity to experience the product.

Products will be widely distributed at reputable dental clinics and pharmacies in the
Vietnamese market.

II.3.2. Goal:

Changing customers' awareness and habits about oral hygiene, not only toothpaste,
mouthwash, water flosser, brush,...

Increase brand awareness (4 months) and create a market share of 15% in Vietnam
(next 3 years).

II.4. Guidelines

II.4.1. Innovation: Launched for the first time in the market

If you are a person with specific needs or are in the process of orthodontics, you will
have heard of the necessary items for oral hygiene every time eating and drinking, but
it will be quite inconvenient if we are in a place where we do not have enough
conditions to be able to use such items. Therefore, our team has researched,
researched and launched the product "Case for teeth" with the function as a product
that both protects against breakage of plates (such as broken elastic bands, broken
brackets, etc.) just clean your teeth every time you eat and drink. Completely
convenient and does not lose aesthetics for users, especially today young people tend
to upgrade themselves more.

With SmartTrack material, it will help "Case for teeth" avoid the effects of bacteria,
acids, and other chemicals from food. environment, saliva,... On the Vietnamese
market, there are products that use similar SmartTrack materials to make "Invisalign
transparent orthodontics", however this product's main purpose is to use orthodontics,
so the price is quite high, hard plastic material is mainly used for shaping, so it is


inconvenient for users. Therefore, the product "Case for teeth" is the perfect
combination to bring customers an enjoyable experience and reasonable price.

II.4.2. Time

Because this is the first product launched on the market, the time of announcement
must be chosen to provide the most appropriate and absolutely confidential
information about the product before it is released to the public.

The product "Case for teeth" can be launched on the market around the end of
December and the beginning of January because this is the time near Tet, people's
demand for eating and drinking becomes more than ever. This will be a reason for
everyone to have the opportunity to try this product.

II.4.3. Copyright protection

Products will be registered with measures to protect intellectual property rights.


III.1. Phase 1: Opportunity Identification and Selection

III.1.1. Idea

The idea of the product "Case for teeth" was born from the problem that my team
member is facing, which is oral hygiene during orthodontics.

Share of Hoang Hiep: “I started braces in 2019. I always have difficulty in cleaning
my teeth when I have to eat out. My family and friends are having the same problem.
It's really annoying when we can't clean our teeth when eating out. So, I had the idea
to create a dental guard when we eat and drink to make it easier to clean our teeth in
all situations, ensuring oral health for ourselves and everyone around. .

III.1.2. “Orthodontics” trend

Orthodontics are considered an explosive trend in the past 3 years. One of the
cosmetic methods used by many people to contribute to improving the aesthetics of
teeth in particular and appearance in general. In addition, braces not only help us have
a beautiful smile, but most importantly, help to standardize the bite, improve chewing


function, and overcome the situation of the face being misaligned and tight.

However, with orthodontics comes the issue of oral hygiene. There are many
traditional oral hygiene methods to remove food particles from the teeth to avoid
causing gum problems, but most of them cause inconvenience to the user. In fact,
people with braces often find it difficult to clean their teeth at different locations.
Improper hygiene or not completely removing leftover food on the teeth will affect the
treatment process and be the cause of some dental diseases.

* Survey data to research the need for orthodontics:

The results of Mandall's study in Manchester school children 14-15 years old showed
that 48% did not need treatment, 34% needed moderate treatment and 18% needed
very much treatment. While J Indian Soc Pedod prev Dent-March 2007 research on
Asian and Caucasian children showed a dental health factor with 18.41% needing and
very needing treatment, quite close to the results of Mandall[7] , those in need of
treatment (including level 3,4,5) was 44.2% - more than a third of the population and
still less than the results of other studies.

III.1.3. Eating out habits

The Covid 19 pandemic has severely affected the accommodation and catering
services industry. However, according to the data released by the General Statistics
Office, in the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, the revenue of accommodation
and food services is estimated at more than 45 trillion dong, up 0.5% compared to the
previous month and up. 14.7%. Life is so busy that buying food to cook at home and
then clean up becomes a burden for many people, especially in big cities, Vietnamese
people tend to like to eat more and more.

According to Assoc. Prof. Trinh Dinh Hai, Director of the Central Odonto-
Stomatology Hospital, there is an alarming situation in Vietnam today that about 90%
of people have dental problems, mainly diseases. Caries. Habits of snacking, eating on
the street, teeth must constantly be exposed to too much unclean food, many


individuals have problems with oral hygiene, this leads to bad health consequences for
a long time. dental health.

III.1.4. Dental hygiene needs

Today, many oral care products are developed and launched into the market such as a
series of toothpastes, electric toothbrushes, water flossers, etc. However, these
products have no mechanical properties. high performance because it cannot be used
in all cases. Carrying when going out is also a problem because of its untidy size and

Therefore, the "case for teeth" product will be a savior for customers every time they
go out, without having to carry too many oral hygiene products, still ensuring their
teeth are clean. Convenience and core value that the product brings, “Case for teeth”
offers the optimal solution for oral hygiene. The utility that the product brings to
attract the trust and satisfaction of customers, and at the same time is a completely
new product on the market.

III.2. Phase 2: Concept Generation

III.2.1. Concept information process

Table 3: Concept generation

Concept 1: Patronus I with two “Smart”

Form Technology Benefit

● Consisting of 2 transparent ● Smark Track – Smart material, ● Creates a transparent film

trays, the top of each tooth made from high-quality multi- to protect teeth from food
of the tray is reinforced layer polyurethane plastic, plaque
with a hardness to be meets medical standards to ● Protect teeth from
suitable for many different ensure safety for health. conditions such as
eating situations. ● The SmartTrack material is brackets falling off,
● Compact size, lightweight. comfortable and fits better than breaking rubber bands,


High strength, good heat the single-layer plastic (EX30). and foods that stain teeth
tolerance. ● SmartTrack has transparency, ● Reduce the risk of dental
● Easy to disassemble for strength, thinness, and problems
cleaning flexibility. With its inertness ● Effectively support the
and biological stability, the dental treatment process
SmartTrack material is
● Avoid having to clean
approved by FDA, and it's safe
your teeth repeatedly with
for use by children and adults.
previous products.
● SmartTrack does not contain
BPA plastic.

● Smart Force, a force-

generating feature based on an
attachment system, are plastic
buttons, attached directly on
the inside of each tooth on the
case, to create grip points for
the case and tooth.

Concept 2: Ptronus I with “size”

Form Technology Benefit

● Same as the previous ● Continue like concept 1, we ● Same as the previous

concept. The case size is will use suitable plastic concept. Ensure gave the
right to match the shape of materials to create products most comfortable
the teeth, comfortable teeth ● Customers (ages 15 and up) experience for users in
movement will only need to get tooth size chewing food

data once from the dental clinic


● to have data and give it to our ● Fixed-size separately for

case manufacturing company. each customer, helping

● Use specialized drawing the case grip firmly,

software to design the tooth promoting maximize the

shape case. protection use

● Applying 3-D printing

technology to mass print case
products with SmartTrack

● A piece of plastic is heated and

regulated pressures, cut, and
polished to an established
technique as a sample design to
create a product.

● Products are created in safety,

and antibacterial environment
according to the Ministry of

Concept 3: Case creates comfort in movement

Form Technology Benefit

● Same as the previous ● Continue like concept 1 and 2, ● Same as the previous
concept. The case fits and material is 100% safe for concept. Peace in mind
securely on teeth everyone, will not harm teeth about safety when using

● Design and composition ● The case will be improved to ● Feel free to move while


have a natural transparent increase durability and eating as well as talk

color. elasticity, allowing for flexible confidently

● Lightweight and elastic for movement. ● Teeth are protected from

comfort in movement the effects of food,

● Good durability and limiting the problem of

corrosion resistance for tooth decay as well as

repeated use within the causing yellowing of

scheduled time. teeth.

Concept 4:The case can be used many times and has compact packaging.

Form Technology Benefit

● Same as the previous ● Same as the previous concept ● Same as the previous
concept. Each package and each customer will be able concept, reusable for a
includes 2 cases (each case to order the desired quantity suitable specified time.
includes upper jaw + lower according to demand Environmental protection
jaw). ● The shelf life of a case is 3-4 compared to using

● One package includes a months from the date of bamboo toothpicks;

case tray and case manufacture dental floss,...

● Round box packaging ● After using the case once, ● Easy to carry and use

design with colors to remove it to clean the case with anywhere

choose from, compact to clean water with antibacterial ● The way to clean the case
take with you solution then put it back in the and store it is simple and

● Have clear product case stray for safe storage and convenient.

information and directions use for the next time ● Save money on other
conventional oral hygiene


● Maintain healthy white


III.2.2. Market research

Research question: Evaluate the importance of factors affecting the decision to buy the
product “Case for teeth”.

Rate the factors by choosing one of the following:

(1): Very Not Important (2): Not Important (3): Normal

(4): Important (5): Very Important

Table 4: Market research result

Factors (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Average point

Convenience 0 0 2 24 12 4,26

Safety 0 0 4 21 13 4,34

Comfort 2 1 9 18 8 3,71

Novelty 2 0 7 15 14 4,02

Dental hygiene 2 0 4 19 13 4,07

Modern 2 1 9 19 8 3,86

Price 1 2 7 17 11 3,92

Design 2 4 3 13 16 3,97


Packaching 3 3 3 12 17 3,97

Technology 3 0 4 21 10 3,9

 From the research result, “Convenience”, “Novelty”, “Safety” and “Dental

hygiene” are the factors that our target customers perceive the most important
when choosing our Case for teeth.

III.2.3. Perceptual map

Compare 4 important factors between our products and competitors

Table 5: Comparision between our product and others company with 4 important factors

Product Image Convenience Novelty Dental hygiene Safety

Bamboo ● Compact, ● There are ● High demand due ● Made of many

toothpicks extremely many facilities to habits, different
convenient to on the market especially in materials such
use. that are easy to middle-aged as bamboo,

 Convenient produce customers. cork,

 Not different ● Causes a variety softwood,

and new of physical Giang, corn

effects on teeth, starch ...

damage to teeth ● However,

and related traditional
diseases, toothpicks still
recommended by have to use
doctor specialists some
not to use chemicals to

 The demand for prevent mold

use is high, but ● Many


the consequences production

cause many facilities on
the market are
not safe.

 Materials are
easy to
damage teeth,
chemicals on
toothpicks are
not good for

Phillip ● Battery life ● There are a ● High cost,

when used is variety of difficult to reach
limited, so other brush widely to many
always need replacements, customers
to be charged as well as  Demand is not
before use competing high
● Need to use a brands

combination  No difference
of toothpaste,
takes some
time to clean.

● The
works by
waves, so
many people


take time to
adapt to the

 Not

Oral B ● It is very ● There are ● The operation is ● Usually made

difficult to many other difficult to use, of one of two
clean the competing the cost is higher synthetic
tooth area brands of than the substances
inside the dental floss traditional (Polyme) are
mouth.  No difference toothpick like the nylon or

● May damage same effect but Teflon.

to gums still leaves some  Choosing the

when hand consequences if wrong floss
force is not the operation is material (too
controlled not correct. rough, poor
and used  Demand is not quality will
unfamiliarly. high. easily affect

 Not the gums)


Listerine ● Do not use ● There are ● Satisfy the need ● The blend of 4
too much many other to kill bacteria in essential oils:
because it competing the oral cavity but cypress
will remove brands of cannot remove essential oil,
the beneficial mouthwash food in the menthol,
bacteria products interdental spaces eucalyptus

● It is a liquid essential oil,


that can  No difference  Does not meet the and Methyl

sometimes be comprehensive Salicylate
accidentally needs when essential oil.
spilled using.  May irritate in
outside some cases
 Not

Concept 1 ● Easy to use, ● New to the ● Reasonable cost  Smark Track –

no harm to market, no ● Highly effective, Smart
Concept 2 teeth other brands limiting the material, made

● Protect teeth compete yet physical impact from high-

Concept 3 from the  New, different on teeth. quality multi-

impact of layer
● Easy to clean,
Concept 4 food, polyurethane
easy to use for
convenient to plastic,
many customers
clean meeting
who are in the
 Very process of dental
standards to
convenient treatment.
ensure safety
 Meet the needs of for health.
customers  Ensure the
safety of users

Table 6: Comparision of our concepts to main competitors

Product Convenience Novelty Dental- Safety



Bamboo 4,42 1,23 4,37 1,25


Phillip 2,15 3,36 3,57 3,57

Oral B 3,1 3,42 2,57 4,13

Listerine 3,23 1,68 3,84 3,5

Concept 1 4 4,21 4,72 4.64

Concept 2 3,25 3,55 4 4,64

Concept 3 4,52 3,58 4,28 4,64

Concept 4 4,44 4,23 4,55 3,63

Table 7: Note for perceptual map

Symbol Note

Bamboo toothpicks


Oral B


Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3


Concept 4

Picture 2: Perceptual map [Convenience and Novelty]

Picture 3: Perceptual map [Convenience - Dental hygience]


Picture 4: Perceptual map [Convenience - Safety]

Picture 5: Perceptual map [Novelty - Dental hygience]

Picture 6: Perceptual map [Novelty - Safety]


Picture 7: Perceptual map [Dental hygience - Safety]

III.2.4. Judgment

After performing a series of steps to research the market and the factors that affect
consumers' purchasing decisions. Along with comparing and analyzing competitors'
products. Based on the representation on the "cognitive map", our team concludes as

● The advantages of Oral Hygiene and Safety are two factors that make our
products superior to the rest of our competitors. So we decided to choose these
two factors to continue to promote development and increase competitiveness
compared to similar products in the market.

● Eliminate concept 2 because it has a lower score than the other 3 concepts.

III.3. Phase 3: Concept Evaluation

III.3.1. A.T.A.R model

The A.T.A.R model allows us to assess the impact of a product during its first year on
the market. Use the A.T.A.R model by multiplying the percentage of market share by
the number of target customers. From there, it is possible to predict the number of
products sold in the first year.

Go through the following steps in turn:

Step 1: Calculate the number of target customers


As of July 2021, according to the World Population Review website, the population of
Ho Chi Minh City reached 8.8 (million people).

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, more than 90% of the Vietnamese
population suffers from dental diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis,

The percentage of people who have a need for dental health care and have frequent
visits to dental clinics is 38.8 % [CESTI - Center for Science and Technology
Information and Statistics.]

In which the percentage of customers who are interested in oral health living in urban
areas looking for dental treatment services (such as braces, porcelain crowns,
whitening,...) is 50%.

So, the number of target customers falls into the range of:

8.8 x 38.8% =3.4 (million people)

Step 2: Determine the percentage of market share (through the A.T.A.R model)

After calculating and estimating the number of target customers.

● We continue to use the A.T.A.R model to calculate the percentage of market

share through a random survey of friends and relatives (50 respondents) about
the level of Awareness; Trial (Trial); Availability and Repeatability. The
following results:
Table 8: Result of the survey 50 respondents

Level Hypothetical Question .../50

Awareness Can you imagine the Case For Teeth product from the 30

Trial Are you ready to try our products? 20

Availability Would you be willing to buy our product if we launched 10


Case For Teeth in the market?

Repeat Would you buy the product again and recommend Case For 5
Teeth to your family and friends?

● We predict the impact of the product through the A.T.A.R model as follows:

○ About 60% of customers will know about Case For Teeth products
through product descriptions

○ About 50% of customers will be willing to try and experience the


○ About 30% of customers spend money to buy and use the product.

○ About 20% of customers will continue to buy again to use and are ready
to recommend the product to their relatives and friends.

● Market share = A% x T% x A% x R%

= 60% x 40% x 20% x 10%

= 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.2 x 0.1


~ 0.48%

Step 3: Number of products to be sold in the first year

Number of products to be sold in the first year = Target customer volume x Market

= 3.4 x 0.48%

=16.320 (the number of products)


III.3.2. Total cost to produce a unit

III.3.2.1. Cost-plus pricing

Table 9: Cost-plus pricing

Components Quantity Cost

Form (2 case) 1 60.000

Case box 1 20.000

Specialized cleaning solution 1 30.000

Total 110.000 VNĐ

III.3.2.2. Value-based pricing

After calculating the product value of each unit based on production costs, we will
conduct pricing based on the value received by the customer. With the desire to bring
customers the values that their psychology is looking for, we rely on these factors

● Quality products

● Simple disign

● Convenient, easy to carry, easy to clean

● Good price

● Environmental protection, long-term use

 Through these two valuation methods, we conclude that the preferential price of
our product is: 350,000 VND.

III.3.3. NPV (Concept 1): Patronus I with two “Smart”.

Note: r = 8,3%/năm = 0,00692/tháng (VIB 2021)

The product with good materials that meets safety standards, is sold at the official
price after being priced. We believe this concept 1 will be suitable for the target
customer that we want to target.


With concept 1, sales volume will increase in the 2nd year since customers know, use,
and feel the benefits of this product, and spread it similarly over the remaining years.
We expect variable costs to change as the following table (for all concepts).

 Year 0: None.

 Year 1: Risk complement

 Year 2: Risk complement +warranty cost

 Year 3: Risk complement + Update product

 Year 4: Risk complement

 Year 5: Risk complement

We expect product sales volume to change as follows:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: Keep the same

 Year 2: Increase 1,5 units

 Year 3: Decrease 0,75 units

 Year 4: Keep the same

 Year 5: Decrease 0,5 units

Therefore, our customer data will increase and decrease in proportion to the number of
products sold:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: 3,4 (mil people)

 Year 2: 5,1 (mil people)

 Year 3: 2,55 (mil people)

 Year 4: 3,4 (mil people)

 Year 5: 1,7 (mil people)


Table 10: Data for NPV - Concept 1 (milion VNĐ)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fixed cost
200 500 500 500 500 500
(per year)

Variable cost (per unit) 0 12 15 10 12 7

Sales volume 0 0,01632 0,02448 0,01224 0,01632 0,00816

Price 0 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35

Revenue 0 5712 8568 4284 5712 2856

Cost 200 512 515 510 512 507

Profit (Pt) -200 5200 8053 3774 5200 2349

NVP (Concept 1)
NVP = ∑ [¿ t
t =0 (1+ r)

−200 5200 8053 3774 5200

= 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + +
(1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692)4

≈ 23.932 (million VND) > 0

III.3.4. NPV (Concept 3): Case for comfort in movement.

Note: r = 8.3%/year = 0.00692/month (VIB 2021)


After calculating the NPV of concept 1, we continue to calculate the NPV of concept
3 to compare and choose the best concept. With concept 3, sales volume and price will
be high compared to concept 1 because Case will be improved to increase durability
and elasticity, making movement more flexible.

We expect sales volume data and will be changed as follows:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: Stay the same

 Year 2: Decrease 0.8 units

 Year 3: Increase 1.2 units

 Year 4: Increase 1.7 units

 Year 5: Decrease 0.7 units

Customer data will therefore increase and decrease with sales data:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: 3.4 (million people)

 Year 2 : 2.72 (million people)

 Year 3: 4.08 (million people)

 Year 4: 5.78 (million people)

 Year 5: 2.38 (million people)

Table 11: Data for NPV - Concept 3 (milion VNĐ)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fixed costs (per year) 200 500 500 500 500 500

Variable costs (per unit) 0 12 15 10 12 7


Sales Volume 0 0,01632 0,013056 0,019584 0,027744 0,011424

Price 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Revenue 0 6528 5222.4 7833.6 11097.6 4569.6

Cost 200 512 515 510 512 507

Profit (Pt) -200 6016 4707.4 7323.6 10585.6 4062.6

NPV (Concept 3)
NPV= ∑ [¿ ]¿
t =0 (1+ r)t

−200 6016 4707.4 7323.6 10585.6

= 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
(1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692)

≈ 31,814 (million) > 0

III.3.5. NPV (Concept 4):Case can be used many times and has compact

Note: r = 8.3%/year = 0.00692/month (VIB 2021)

After calculating the NPV of concept 3, we continue to calculate the NPV of concept
4 to compare and choose the best option. With concept 4, sales volume will increase
sharply in year 2, 3 and decrease gradually until year 4.

We expect sales data and will be changed as follows:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: Stay the same

 Year 2: Increase 1.4 units


 Year 3: Increase 1.2 units

 Year 4: Decrease 0.8 units

 Year 5: Decrease 0.7 units

Customer data will increase and decrease with sales data:

 Year 0: None

 Year 1: 3.4 (million people)

 Year 2: 4.76 (million people)

 Year 3: 4.08 (million people)

 Year 4: 2.72 (million people)

 Year 5: 2.38 (million people)

Table 12: Data for NPV - Concept 4 (milion VNĐ)

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fixed Costs (per year) 200 500 500 500 500 500

Variable Costs (per unit) 0 12 15 10 12 7

Sales volume 0 0,01632 0,022848 0,019584 0,013056 0,011424

Price 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3

Revenue 0 4896 6854.4 5875.2 3916.8 3427.2

Cost 200 512 515 510 512 507

Profit (Pt) -200 4384 6339.4 5365.2 3404.8 2920.2


NPV (Concept 4)
NPV= ∑ [¿ ]¿
t =0 (1+ r)t

−200 4384 6339.4 5365.2 3404.8

= 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
(1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692) (1+0,00692)

≈ 21.795 (million) > 0

 Concept choosing:

After calculating the 3 concepts, we found that the NPV of concept 3 is the highest
(Case creates comfort in movement). The specific figures have been calculated above:
31,814 (million VND) (Concept 3) > 23,932 (Million VND) (Concept 1 ) > 21,795
(Million VND) (Concept 4).

So our decision was to choose concept 3 to develop our new product.

III.3.6. House of quality

Table 13: Note for House of quality

Table 14: House of quality


III.4. Phase 4: Development

III.4.1. Benefit

These days, everyone tends to eat outside more. Many dental repair products have
been developed and launched into the market such as a series of toothpaste, electric


tables, water machines, etc. However, these products do not have a high operating
mechanism. could not use at all the case. The case for teeth becomes a savior with the
following benefits:

 Convenience: Can be carried at any time, easy to clean, bringing a feeling to


 Environmental protection: high-grade, medical-grade multi-layer

polyurethane resin to ensure safety for health and extremely safe for the

 Design: Simple, trendy, suitable for everyone.

III.4.2. Chunks and functions

Each component has its own function. To show the functions and features of
individual components, see the table below for better understanding:
Table 15: Chunks and funtions of Patronus I

Chunk Function Image

Transparent tray 2 removable transparent trays

compatible with each customer's tooth
mold, dental mold

Buffer button Power generation feature based on

attrachment system, creating grip points
for the case


Top Easier food handling

III.4.3. The detail of Case For Teeth

Table 16: Details of Patronus I

Items Image Material Unit Size

Transparent tray High-quality 1 There is no

multilayer specific size,
polyurethane the size
resin depends on
the customer's
teeth mold

Buffer button High-quality 1 There is no

multilayer specific size,
polyurethane the size
resin depends on
the customer's
teeth mold

Top High-quality 1 There is no

multilayer specific size,
polyurethane the size
resin depends on
the customer's
teeth mold


III.4.4. Components
Table 17: Components of Patronus I

Components Designs/Packages Material Unit

Transparent tray high quality multilayer 1

polyurethane resin

Buffer button high quality multilayer 1

polyurethane resin

Top high quality multilayer 1

polyurethane resin


III.4.5. Packaging form

Picture 8: Pakaging of Patronus I

III.4.6. Logo of Case For Teeth

Picture 9: Logo of Patronus I

III.5. Phase 5: Launching


(for the first six months of launching the product)



1. Industry background

According to the Asian market research report published in September by Ken

Research, in 2018 Vietnam had 1,846 dental clinics, providing a variety of cosmetic
dental services at very competitive prices.

Previously, about 100,000 foreigners came to Vietnam each year as dental tourists,
bringing in up to 160 million USD in revenue. It is expected that in 2019 - 2023, the
dental cosmetic market will continue to increase by nearly 7% per year.

2. Company background

v Company history

Currently, the demand for beauty, especially the cosmetic dentistry industry, is
attracting more and more people's attention. Besides beauty, there will be difficulties,
although on the market there are many products that can overcome these difficult
problems, but there are still limitations and not really satisfying the desires of
customers. Understanding that, our team decided to launch the product "Case for
teeth", which is both aesthetic and environmentally friendly because it can be reused
many times - this is also a problem for many people. interested and supportive people.

v Mission statement

We are committed to bringing customers satisfaction and quality of products. In the

future, we will always make positive changes, overcome weaknesses, update new
trends and bring customers the best experience.

3. SWOT analysis
Table 18: SWOT analysis of Patronus I


Using "Smarttrack" material, it is New product launch on the market →

convenient to clean your teeth after low awareness
eating, compact and easy to carry, and


can be reused many times. Consumers do not have much experience


When the standard of living is high, the Can be competed by existing products on
more people have a sense of beauty. the market (Bamboo toothpicks; Phillip;

New products, bringing new trends in the Oral B; Listerine,...)

future. Imitation products by unofficial


Increase market share to 10% after 1 year.

By the end of 2022, increase brand awareness in the market by 50% through media


1. General marketing strategy

1.1. Segmentation and targeting

v Target marketing strategy

The product is selected and optimized in the market. The target customers that are
focused on are those who have a need to care about oral health. This is the market
segment of the strategy. We want to focus on finding a solution for the convenience of
oral hygiene of customers through the "case for teeth".

v Target market selection

 Geographic segmentation

To products that are distributed widely, we aim to attract potential customers who live
and work in Ho Chi Minh City. Specifically, customers need to pre-order based on


their tooth parameters and they can order products directly through our website or
indirectly through the medical facilities that cooperate with us.

 Demographic segmentation

o Age and gender: "Case for teeth" suitable for all genders and in
particular for customers aged 15 or older and have replaced whole
portion milk - tooth, perfect portion teeth permanently. The product’s
suitable for customers who treat problems related to their teeth.

o Income: Product suitable for all social class, customers average

incomes because of the reasonable price of the product

 Psychological segmentation

o Lifestyle: otential customers are people who are interested in

improving the appearance. In addition, the product has a simple design,
easy to use, it is made of premium SmartTrack material. "Case for
teeth" is the first product in the market. The product is suitable for the
demand of customers.

o Personality: Most people have a habit of using convenience products,

so “Case for teeth '' can completely support customers. Besides, people
often use products that are not fussy, have high durability and ensure
aesthetics and safety.

 Buying behavior

Customers’ decisions are based on what they want and what they need. Customers
choose to use products which are suitable for their demand, so novelty and easy to use
are strong points of "Case for teeth" and supply what customers need

1.2. Brand differentiation strategy

In the Vietnam market today, there are many transparent orthodontics products, teeth
protection products used in sports. However, their main purpose is for orthodontics,
high cost and made of hard plastic material, causing inconvenience to consumers.
Some products about oral hygiene usually have certain disadvantages 


The product "Case for teeth" is compact in size, easy to disassemble for cleaning and
carry with you, both protecting teeth and cleaning teeth every time you eat and drink
and bring safe results for users. In addition, "Case for teeth" has a simple design that
exactly matches the shape of consumers' teeth, which helps them to operate their teeth
more comfortably and use it in many different eating situations. . Therefore, new
performances like “Case for teeth” are completely new and unprecedented in the
Vietnam market. This is the perfect combination product that gives customers an
enjoyable experience. Not only has the unique and different performance, the product
also attracts potential customers with its advanced features. In the future, “Case for
teeth” will be the best choice for customers.

1.3. Brand positioning strategy

“Case for teeth” is a new product on the market with the desire to achieve customer
satisfaction, and at the same time become a necessary product for dental hygiene and
care. The product "Case for teeth" includes special factors: convenience - easy to use -
reasonable price - safety - difference, which are factors that help customers receive
and use the product more. than. This is an exclusive brand product and has great
growth potential in the future. In order to help products and brands become more
popular, a number of advertising campaigns on social media channels are
indispensable (Facebook, Website, ...) to bring "Case for teeth" closer to customers.

2. Specific target market strategies

2.1. The product strategy

v Core value

“Case for teeth” - tooth protection tray, includes 2 transparent trays with compact size,
compact design, convenient to carry anywhere, easy to disassemble to Hygiene,
suitable for each person's dental mold and support for oral hygiene needs.

v Actual product


Material: Smart Track is made of multi-layer polyurethane, safe for health, good
durability, stoppers are made of Smart Force plastic to help fix teeth without moving
during use.

Design, packaging: includes 2 cases (upper and lower), compact, transparent,


Price: reasonable and stable prices in line with the market and consumer's needs

v Augmented product

The product has a comfortable fit, with elasticity to create comfort for the movements
of the teeth. Products are designed for each customer's tooth parameters. Helping
customers change their awareness and habits about oral hygiene.

2.2. The pricing strategy

Along with the value of the product, the issue of price becomes an important factor. In
the first launch in the market, we will sell the product at a reasonable price to attract
customers to know more about the product. In the next periods, we will sell prices
according to market conditions and prices will be changed to match the purchasing
consumers' demand.

2.3. Distribution strategy

Because consumers' shopping habits are changing day by day, we use our company's
official website to promote products and confirm orders based on each customer's
tooth size. In addition, we will take advantage of the social development of
technology and the internet, promoting products on media such as websites,...
Customers can go directly to dental clinics to choose. Customers can order online to
experience the product.

2.4. Communication strategies

To increase customer awareness about the “Case for teeth” product, we will focus on
advertising with social media such as Facebook, Youtube, and websites. In addition,
we will set up booths displaying sample products at locations with potential customers


(clinics, pharmacies). As a result, customers can directly feel the product, evaluate its
quality, convenience, novelty, and stimulate customers' purchasing potential.


1. Communication plan (IMC plan)

The product is scheduled for release in December 2022: at the end of the year, there
are many meetings and meals => The need for oral hygiene after each meal also
increases rapidly, stimulating the desire to experience the product. Because of the
limited time to complete this project, we only recommend the product, pricing, and
distribution strategies (in part C, part 2). During the implementation process, we will
evaluate and consider retaining appropriate strategies and proposals to accomplish
marketing goals.

We will do our best to implement the detailed IMC plan for the first 6 months of the
new product launch. If we have the opportunity to continue running the project in the
future, detailed plans for the product, pricing, and delivery must be in place.

1.1. Media Objectives

● Increase brand awareness for products through the message: "Improving

convenience to accompany oral health"

● Promote our company's USP: smart materials, novel forms, changing familiar

● The market leader in changing and creating new behavioral habits of consumers'
oral hygiene.

● Create conversions, reach the right target customer groups, to increase sales and
bring in high revenue.

1.2. Tools
Table 19: Media tools

Traditional Mass Media


Newspaper  Booking articles based on target customer groups

E-magazine  Newspaper: Thanh Niên

 E-magazine: Sức khỏe & Đời sống

POSM  Brochure: put it at the reception desks in pharmacies or

dental clinics.
 Poster: put it on elevator doors, commercial centers,
hospitals, dental clinics.

Digital Media

Poster frame  Create videos promoting Case For Teeth products

running on LCD screens in elevators (hospitals,
shopping malls, dental clinic)

Social media  Create content about products for websites, fanpage

 Video marketing: share videos on Youtube, Facebook
Watch, Reel of Instagram

o Video introduction and user manual product

o Video comparing the difference between Case for

Teeth and other teeth cleaning products

o Video on how to properly care for oral health

Publicity– PR

Influencers  Contact for working together with YouTube channel


Publicity  Organize a Talk Show to share oral health issues in


combination with product introduction and product sales

Corporate advertising  Cooperation with dental clinics or hospitals

1.3. Media plan from December 2022 to May 2023.

Phase 1: Pre-launching: Catch Attention

● Duration: early December to the end of December, 2022.

● Key message: “Convenience life goes hand in hand with dental health”
(Vietnamese: Cuộc sống tiện ích đi đôi cùng sức khỏe răng miệng)

● Main activities:
Table 20: Marketing activities for Pre-launching

Digital Marketing

Owner Media Set up and complete the content on social media channels
such as fanpage, website to post information about product
descriptions, prices, uses, buying way,...

Facebook, youtube:

● Video about product introduction

● Video on how to use the product

Poster frame Create videos promoting Case For Teeth products running
on LCD screens in elevators (hospitals, shopping malls,
dental clinic)

Paid Media Google Ads/Search to increase traffic website


Youtube Ads/Nonskipable in Stream to increase brand


Sales promotion

Pre-order Allows customers to pre-order products and receive a 10%



Editorial Create convenient and novel oral hygiene habits, raise

articles awareness about oral health protection behaviors.

Transmitted information through newspapers, and e-

Earned  Get a certain number of orders from Pre-order activity.

 Capture customers' attention
 Recognizing the value and benefits that Case For Teeth
 Create expectations and excitement in customers who
want to experience the product
 Increase brand awareness
 Increase traffic on website and social media platforms

Phase 2: Launching: Inspising through Case For Teeth

● Duration: early of January 2023 to end of February 2023.

● Key message: “Take care of oral health, Improve the quality of life” (Vietnamese:
Chăm sóc sức khỏe răng miệng, Nâng cao chất lượng cuộc sống)

● Main activities:


Table 21: Marketing activities for Launching

Interactive Media - Digital Media

Owner Media Plan regular posts on Fanpage, blog, vlog,...

Post various content: posts, images, videos, minigames,...

Facebook, Website:

- Posts about calls to action or inspires about the

protection of oral health

- Product review posts

- Short clip, customer’s feedback image

- Minigames or giveaway

Youtube: upload videos with in-depth content, longer


- Comparison video between Case For Teeth and

other products

- Video tutorial for effective oral care

Paid Media Youtube ads, Google ads to increase conversions.


Influencer Contact to promote products on “Cuoi” youtube channel.

The minimum time for the product to appear on the video

is 5 minutes.

Video content is consistent with the product's message:

convenient, modern, oral health protection.


The video needs to introduce the product, clearly its uses

and benefits.

Sales promotion

POSM Brochure: put it at the reception desks in pharmacies or

dental clinics.

Poster: put it on elevator doors, commercial centers,

hospitals, dental clinics.

Sales promotion Website or medical facilities: officially open for sale with
special offers for the first 50 customers.

Earned  Building trust and bring value to customers => get

interaction from them
 Increase brand awareness.
 Expand the target customer

Phase 3: Campaign: “Patronus for convenient and modern lifestyle” (Vietnamese:

Patronus cho lối sống tiện ích và hiện đại)

Duration: early of March to end of May 2023

Y Stage 1: [Raise awareness]: Improve oral health, Improve quality of life.

● Main idea: Help customers realize the importance of proper oral care. Using
the right and safe products will have a big impact on oral care. Take care of
your oral health and help improve your quality of life.

● Main activities: Organize a seminar/Talk Show to share the status and

problems of Vietnamese oral health along with introducing and getting product



1. Speakers:

● Master - Doctor Nguyễn Văn Đẩu: Head of Oral Maxillofacial and Plastic
Surgery. Nhi Dong 1’s Hospital

● Master - Doctor Lê Tấn Hùng: Head of plastic surgery. Ho Chi Minh City
Dental Hospital

2. Organization form: due to the impact of Covid-19, the talk show will be held
online through the Google Meet platform and will be live streaming through
the following media channels: Facebook and Youtube.
3. Contents of the talk show:

● Share the current realities of people's oral health status and the status of
dental treatment cases reported in 2020.

● Share the harmful effects of common dental hygiene tools

● Share ways to take care of your teeth and maintain proper hygiene.

● At the end of the talkshow, Case For Teeth products will be mentioned:
information, usage, benefits,... and making offers when ordering products
in the talk show.

4. The main sponsor of the Talk Show: our company

Table 22: Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 1

Digital Media

Owner media Website, Facebook, Youtube:

● Live broadcast of Talk Show on fanpage and youtube


● Record and re-upload conference video with main

content, necessary and relevant segments. Then
update to the media channels.


Sales promotion

Sales Popularizing the offer purchase program - 5% discount for

customers who order right in the talkshow

Advice and guidance on how to order products.

PR Activities

Editorial articles Push articles on popular and reputable newspapers about

seminars and products ( Sức khỏe & Đời sống)

Earned  Customers have an awareness of oral health and

 Increasing demand for Case For Teeth.
 Promote the product widely and sell a certain amount of

Y Stage 2: [Change behavior]: Generation looking for convenience (Vietnamese: Thế

hệ tìm kiếm sự tiện ích)

● Main idea:

o Giving customers a new look at oral hygiene products, not only toothpicks,
brushes, .... but also Case for teeth.

o Help customers realize the value of convenience, safety, and uniqueness that
products bring to create demand for products. Change habits in daily life.

 Main activities: Focus on interactive media activitie

Table 23:Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 2

Digital Media


Owner Media Website, Facebook, Youtube:

● Post contents about the utility of the product

● Upload videos about product utilities on platforms

● Create activities for customers to interact with us

Paid Media Google Ads, Youtube Ads

PR Activities

Editorial articles Book articles conveying the above message through the e-
magazine Sức Khoẻ & Đời Sống

Earned  Customers feel the utility of the product. Change daily

habits, regularly use the product

Y Stage 3: Call to action

 Main idea: Promote products - stimulate demand, push sales conversions.

 Main activities: Donate to Operation Smile Fund with the commitment that
each product sold will be deducted 2% of each product sold. The activity starts
from the time of debut in December 2022 to the end of the campaign (3/2023).
The number of donations will be statistically and continuously updated on our
Table 24: Detail marketing tools and main media activities for Stage 3

Digital Media

Owner Media Website, Facebook, Youtube:

● Posting about fund-building activities on social media



● Share videos and content of activities

Paid media Pay for advertising fees

PR Activities

Editorial articles Book articles conveying the meaning of the campaign

through the e-magazine Suc Khoe & Doi Song

Earned ● Promote sales

● Build a support fund

● Add value to the brand

2. Timeline

2.1. Overview of media plan from December to May 2023

Picture 10: Overview of media plan


2.2. Overview of campain

Picture 11: Timeline of campain


 Attracted about 30,000 followers on Facebook in 6 months.

 Reach 5,000 subscribers to youtube channel
 Reach 50,000 visits to the website
 Reaching a total of 500,000 views for youtube videos and facebook watch
 Reached 10 million to contribute to “Operation Smile” smile surgery fund.


(for the first six months of launching the product)

Table 25: Estimated marketing budget for 6 months

Sections Cost Note

Video media 35.000.000  Video introduction and user manual product

 Video comparing the difference between Case

for Teeth and other teeth cleaning products


 Video on how to properly care for oral health

Advertising 25.000.000 Total cost

Digital 40.000.000 Google ads; youtube ads, SEO

Booking 50.000.000 E-magazine: Sức khoẻ & Đời sống

arcticles Newspaper: Thanh Niên

Influencer 30.000.000 Youtuber

PR 50.000.000 Talkshow

Total ~230.000.000 (VNĐ)


Intellectual property (or intellectual property) is a concept that refers to the creation of
thinking in a broad sense: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names,
images and settings succession is used in commerce ... Intellectual property involves
forms of information and knowledge, which can be expressed in tangible objects
while being duplicated into countless copies anywhere on the world. 

Slight Intellectual property kind: According to Luat-So-huu-tri-tue-2005-50-2005-


Patents are protected under the following conditions: 

 New: product is the first new in the market. 

 Creative: Solve problems with the different way. 

 Practicality in life: Product can help people solve normal problem in life.



1. Nhiên Thị Nguyễn (2019) “Việt Nam có hơn 90% người có bệnh về răng miệng”,
Ministry of health portain (MOH), <>, access 23/11/2021.
2. Lam Vân (2020) “Sức khoẻ răng miệng của cư dân TP.HCM và các yếu tố liên
quan”, CESTI, <>, access 23/11/2021.
3. Top10hcm (2021) “Dân số TPHCM năm 2021 là bao nhiêu?”, Top10hcm, <>, access 23/11/2021.
4. (2021) “So Sánh Lãi Suất Vay Ngân Hàng Cập Nhật Mới Nhất 08/2021”,
Timovn, <
nhat/amp/>, access 30/11/2021.




Full Name Student ID Work Discribtion Evaluation

Assigment …/100%

1 Khưu Hoàng Thanh 2196137 Part 1 Content; powerpoint & 100%

Giàu present
Part 2
Synthesize and edit

2 Nguyễn Hoàng Hiệp 2190086 Part 3 (phase 1; Content; powerpoint & 100%
phase 2) present

3 Huỳnh Thiên Kim 2196607 Part 3 (phase 3; Content; powerpoint & 100%
phase 4) present

4 Lê Kiều Duyên 2191273 Part 3 (phase 5: Content; powerpoint & 100%

A+B+C) present

5 Đặng Yến Như 2197317 Part 3 (Phase 5: Content; powerpoint & 100%
D+E+F) present

Chapter 6

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