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Thermodynamics 1

Exam No. 3
Conservation of Mass, Energy and Non – Flow Systems

Name: Dante, Christian Joie C.

Student No. 2011148244

Problem No. 1:

Water is poured into a cylindrical tank at a rate of 3 m3 per min and being drained
through a hole at the bottom of a tank at a velocity of 8 m/s. For a tank diameter of 1.25
m and a hole of 5 cm, find the rate of change of the water level in the tank in m/min.
Problem No. 2:

A 5 kg body starting from rest at point 1 (Fig. 1) slides down a curved track which is one
quadrant of a circle of radius 2.5 m. It reaches point 2 with a certain velocity. The work
against friction from point 1 to 2 is 47 J. From point 2, it slides on a horizontal surface a
distance x before coming to rest at point 3. Determine the distance x if the coefficient of
sliding friction on the horizontal surface is 0.2.
Problem No. 3:

A gas undergoes a non-flow process from 690 kPaa and 85 liters to 138 kPaa and 208
liters in accordance with pVn = C. Determine the change of internal energy if the heat
from the gas is 12.5 kJ.

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