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Having General Math as part of my subjects in this school year makes me want to study

even harder. It pushes me to be the best as I could because I know for the fact that I am not good
in solving and understanding a problem. 2 moths had passed and I can proudly say that I am
well with my studies especially in General Mathematics. There are times that I felt like I won’t
any progress and that made everything worse. But I realized that this is just a phase. So, I moved
on from that and started answering my asynchronous activities. On our next class for General
Math, Mr. Sison introduced Concepts of Exponential Functions to us. Also, Solving
Equation and Inequality and Finding Domain and Range of Exponential Functions. I expected
that our next lesson will be harder but I was wrong. We have been introduced in these types
of function and how to get the domain ang range. It was a bit long discussion but luckily, I get
to understand the lesson easily. After that, Mr. Sison gave us our asynchronous activity and
exam. I reviewed first and watched our recorded google meet class that Mr. Sison have gave
us. I have watched the recorded class for about three times so that I can be sure on answering
my exam. After that. I started preparing the things I will be needing in answering. I prepared
my study table, pen, and scratch paper with me. Then, I started answering my exam and I
monitored that it took me 15 minutes to finish the exam. It’s not that easy because I got
in some parts but I survived it anyway. After that, I just took a rest because I had long day. I
finished many tasks that day and feel drained the moment I successfully submitted my

After having a rough day. I realized that we should still take a rest from time to time or
every time we feel tired. We need to do everything on our own pace and to not rush things.
result will not be that good if your push yourself to finish everything in an instant without
a rest. In that way, we can think and express our ideas properly because our mind and body
a rest. A little reminder that you don’t need to be great at everything. Having an educated and
simple perspective is already enough.

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